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I live in a small mining town in the mountains of Colorado. Someone is building a massive casino nearby, Pictures Included

I grew up in a small mountain town named Eureka. It was founded in the late 1800s during the gold rush, but after the mines dried up the town began its slow descent into decay. Half the houses are empty or abandoned now.
You can see a picture of the kind of houses here in Eureka:
First house
Second house
When a massive construction project began nearby, it was the talk of the town for weeks. Why would they build something in a sleepy dying town like Eureka? It wasn’t until my sister Selene talked to a few construction workers that we discovered they were building a casino.
A casino up in the mountains, over two hours away from Denver. None of us could understand why they’d chosen here of all places. After a few months of work, the casino was done.
I took a picture of the town with the completed casino in the background to the right. The ten-story-structure sticks out like a sore thumb off in the distance.
After the casino opened, they hired a few dozen members of the town, offering high paying jobs to work as dealers or cleaning staff. I was already employed as a firefighter, but my sister Selene got a job as a blackjack dealer. She’s a widow with two young kids, so the paycheck was a real lifesaver.
Still, something about the situation seemed too good to be true. The jobs over there paid far too well, and the management was far too accommodating. The fire station where I work is located high on a hill overlooking the town, so I began watching the casino from a distance each day.
I had initially thought that the casino was located in a terrible location, but I was apparently wrong. True, Eureka was hours from any major city, but despite that, a bus full of people arrived every morning and left every evening.
One night I was over at my parent’s house and had dinner with Selene and her kids. I asked her about her experience as a dealer.
“It’s Ok,” she said. “Just a little boring I guess.”
“Boring?” I asked. “I’m surprised you don’t have your hands full.”
“Why’s that?” she asked. “It’s like you said, Eureka’s too small. I never have people playing cards. The casino is almost always completely empty.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of that. If the place was always empty, what happened to the people who I’d seen arriving on buses? “I’ve been keeping an eye on the building,” I said. “A bus full of people typically arrives around 9 AM every day.”
“Really?” she asked, looking confused. “If that’s true, I’ve never seen them.
“I can see it from the fire station,” I said. “If you head out for a smoke break at 9 AM, you’ll probably see them arriving.”
“Interesting,” she said. “I’ll do that. If they’re being processed for their organs or something, I’ll let you know.” She laughed.
“Har har,” I said sarcastically.
The next night she sent me a text calling me over. When I arrived, she was nearly breathless with excitement.
“Orin, You were right,” she said. “A big group of people did arrive, but they didn’t walk into my part of the casino. Instead, they all walked into an elevator at the back of the building. I’m not sure where that goes.” She looked thoughtful. “It was weird. They looked… How can I say it? Desperate? Something about the whole situation was very off. I’m gonna check out the elevator tomorrow.”
I told her to be careful, though, to be honest, I was excited to hear about what she discovered. When I visited my parent’s house the next night, I found her two kids there alone. They told me that Selene had never returned from work.
I called all her friends, then all our neighbors, but no one had seen her since she left for work that morning. Our conversations regarding the casino flooded my mind, then a plan began to form.
Early the next morning I walked across town in my nicest pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. I pushed through the door to the casino and saw that Selene wasn’t lying. The place was all but deserted. Three dozen slot machines crowded the walls surrounding a few tables interspersed throughout the floor of the casino. The only players in the whole building were Bob and Donald, two locals.
I walked up to a nearby table where Bridget, a girl I’d gone to high school with, was shuffling cards. She broke into a grin when she saw me. “Hey Orin, you here for a few rounds of blackjack?”
“I wish,” I said. “No, I’m here to ask about Selene. She never made it home last night.”
Bridget’s expression darkened. “Really? Have you asked around?”
“I already called around. Have you seen her?”
She shook her head. “No, our schedules rarely line up. I’ll be sure to let you know if I--” Her eyes focused on something behind me, and she cut herself off.
I turned around to see the casino’s pit boss watching us both. He was a tall thin man in an impeccably clean black suit. When I turned back towards Bridget, she was looking down at the table and shuffling cards absent-mindedly.
“Well, if you hear anything, let me know,” I said.
She nodded, so I turned around and headed for the pit boss. I stuck out my hand. The temperature of his hand was so hot that I had to pull my hand away after a few seconds.
“Have… have you seen my sister Selene?” I asked. “She hasn’t been seen since her shift here yesterday.”
He smiled. “Sir, this floor is for players. You’re more than welcome to head to the tellers for chips, but barring that I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
I stared at him for a long second before stalking towards the door. When I looked back, he was talking with Bridget.
I checked my watch. 8:55 AM, just as I’d planned. I walked around the back of the building and waited as the morning bus pulled around the building. I waited for the telltale hiss of the opening doors and the sound of people descending before I rounded the corner and joined the crowd. None of them paid any particular attention to me as I walked with them into the casino.
The crowd walked through a side door down a hallway to an elevator. Small groups of people entered the elevator as the rest of us waited for our turn. I shot a glance at the casino patrons, surprised at their diversity. There seemed to be people from all different countries and ethnicities. I heard one speaking Japanese and another speaking what sounded like an African language.
My turn came along with a few other patrons in the elevator. A sickly woman hobbled into the elevator beside me carrying an IV that was still connected to one of her veins. We piled in and rode up to the top.
The elevator rose for a few long seconds. I wasn’t sure what I would find, but I steeled myself for something horrible. The elevator’s speaker let out a TING, then the doors opened.
We all walked out onto what looked like a standard casino. Another few dozen slot machines ringed the walls, but on this floor, they were almost all occupied by customers. I took in the scene, confused at why they’d have a ground floor that was almost completely empty when this place was almost--
Selene was dealing cards at a nearby table.
I jogged over and sat down at an open seat. None of the players around me paid me much attention.
“Selene!” I said. “Are you OK? Did you spend the night here last night?”
Her eyes were glassy and confused. She looked up at me with a dumb expression and didn’t respond to my question.
“Selene?” I asked.
“What’s your bet?” she asked me. “This table is for blackjack players only.”
“I…” I trailed off, looking at the players around me. None of them were betting with chips of any kind. “What’s the minimum bet?” I asked.
“Three years,” she responded.
“Three years then,” I said, not knowing what that referred to.
Selene nodded, then began dealing cards. I shot a look down at my hand. King and a 9. Selene dealt out cards for herself, showing a 9. I stood, then leaned forward again. “Should I call the police? Are you--”
“Congratulations,” she said tonelessly.
An almost impossibly warm hand grabbed my shoulder. I spun to see the pit boss I’d spoken to earlier. He gave an impressed smile. “Orin, was it? I’m impressed, truly. Would you mind if I had a word with you?”
I shot a look back at Selene who was dealing the next round of cards. Then I got to my feet, balling my hands into fists. “What did you do to her?”
The pit boss clasped his hands behind his back. “Nothing more, and nothing less than what I’m going to do to you. That is, offer you the chance to play.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
The pit boss nodded his head towards a nearby slot machine. A woman in a wheelchair pulled a lever and watched the flashing numbers spin. They exploded in a cacophony of sirens and flashing lights. “WINNER WINNER WINNER!” The machine screeched.
The woman in the wheelchair put her feet on the ground and stood up on a pair of wobbly legs that had clearly never been used before.
“As in any other casino,” the pit boss said, “you must wager for the chance to win.”
“She... won the use of her legs?” I asked, feeling light-headed. “Wait,” I said. “I played blackjack just now. ‘Three years,’ Selene told me. What does ‘three years’ mean?” I asked.
“Three years of life, of course. Did you win?”
My mouth felt dry. “I-- Yes, I won.”
He smiled warmly. “Congratulations. I hope you enjoy them. I can tell you from personal experience that watching the decades pass is a bore. Give it some time and you’ll be back to spend them.”
I watched the pit boss’s face. He couldn’t have been more than a few years older than me, and I was in my early thirties. I looked around at the casino. No one was playing with chips of any kind. “So what?” I asked. “I won years of life. That woman won the use of her legs. What else can a person win here?”
“Oh, almost anything. They can win almost anything you can imagine.”
A cold feeling settled in my stomach. “And what do they wager?”
His eyes flashed with greed. “Almost anything. They can wager almost anything you can possibly imagine. Anything equal in value to the item they want in return.” He nodded towards a nearby roulette table.
A man stood by the table, cradling his hands. “Another finger,” he called out. He only had three fingers remaining on his left hand. As I watched, the ball came to a stop, and another finger disappeared from his left hand.
The pit boss extended his hands. “Feel free to try any of our games. Bet and win whatever you’d like.” He reached out and snatched my hand. A feeling of intense warmth passed up my arm to my chest. “There,” he said. “I’ve even given you some house money to get you started. An extra decade of life, on me.”
I ripped my hand away, staring at him in horror. Then I looked back at Selene. Something clicked in my mind. “You offered her the chance to play. What did she want?” I asked.
“Her husband,” the pit boss said. “Quite the sad story. He died two years ago. She wanted him brought back to her.”
“What did she wager?” I asked.
“She wanted the chance to win a soul, the most valuable object in existence. I’m sure you can imagine what she needed to wager for the chance to win it. What she wagered is unimportant. The important question is: What do you want, Orin?”
I stared at Selene with a flat expression. “I’m sure you can imagine.”
His eyes flashed with greed again. “How wonderful. The casino could always make use of another dealer. Feel free to make your wager at any one of our games; I’ll be eagerly awaiting the results of your night. Oh, and do take advantage of our waitresses. We always supply food and drink for ‘high rollers’.” He walked away.
I spent the next few hours trying to decide which game to play. I was going to be wagering my soul, so I wanted the highest chance possible. Slots and roulette were out. I’d done some reading online about counting cards, so I figured that blackjack gave me the best odds.
I walked up to Selene’s table and sat down. “Bet?” she asked with that same toneless voice. “Three years,” I said.
I spent the next hour or so doing my best to remember how to count cards. I knew that low cards added one to my count and high cards decreased it by one, but the casino used three decks. I had read something about how that was supposed to change my calculation, but I couldn’t quite remember how.
Every time I won a hand, I cursed myself for not putting everything on the line. Every time I lost, I breathed a prayer of thanks that I’d waited. And all the while, I kept track of the count.
I had lost fifteen years of life when the count finally reached +5.
“Bet?” Selene asked.
“I wager my soul so you can be free,” I said.
The table around me fell silent. Selene’s eyes flickered, but she showed no other emotion as she dealt the cards. I watched my first card, punching the air in excitement when I saw a Jack. My excitement turned to ash when my second card was a four. Fourteen.
I looked at her hand. One card was facedown, but the faceup card was a King. I swore loudly, staring down at my hands.
“Hit?” she asked. The entire table was silently watching me.
“Hit,” I said, not looking down. The table erupted in cheers. I looked down to see a 7 atop my two other cards. 21. Blackjack.
I looked at Selene who flipped over her facedown card to reveal a 9. 19. I won.
The glassy look left her eyes immediately. She looked around in surprise, then her eyes locked on mine. “Orin?” she asked, then almost immediately began to cry. The entire casino broke out in cheers.
I grabbed her hand and headed for the elevator. The doors had begun to close when the pit boss reached out with a hand to stop them.
“Congratulations,” he said, beaming. He seemed to be honestly excited.
“Shouldn’t you be upset?” I asked.
“Not at all. Casinos love it when we have big winners. It inspires the other players to make larger bets. I imagine I’ll gain two or three dealers before the night is through from your performance.”
“Great,” I said flatly. “Now let us go.”
“Not yet,” he said. “You didn’t just win, Orin. You got a blackjack. And blackjack pays out 1.5 times your bet. You won your sister’s soul and more.”
I stared, not sure what to say. “What are you saying? I won half a soul extra?”
The pit boss grinned wildly. “Just remember what I said. You’ll find living for decades and decades to be a boring experience. After a few centuries, you’ll be back to gamble that half a soul away. Congratulations!”
He removed his hand, and the elevator doors slammed shut.
I helped Selene back to her house. Her children were relieved. I watched them cry, then moved into the kitchen to start making dinner.
It’s been a few days since that experience. The casino is still out there, and buses full of people still arrive. I… I cut my hand pretty bad a few days later. When I checked it an hour later, it had already healed, no scar or anything. I’m not sure exactly what I won at that casino, but there’s no way I’m ever going back.
submitted by Worchester_St to nosleep [link] [comments]

20 Overlooked Single Player Indie Games

We're all familiar with the Hotline Miami's, Hollow Knight's, and Celeste's of the world. These are some of the indie games that hit the big time. Of course, for every one of these games, there's 100 other indie games that have been glossed over, relegated to a spot in a digital store few people will ever find themselves in. I wanted to bring attention to some of these lesser known indie games.
I'm going to order them according to Metacritic Critic Ratings. Some of the games at the bottom have pretty low critic ratings. I personally disagree with the low scores of these games, but it's only fair that you hear from more than just me. Keep in mind that games with only one or two User Ratings on Metacritic will not show the score. A game needs at least three User Ratings on Metacritic before the score will be shown. This is not the case for Critic Reviews.
Price will contain the U.S. PlayStation Store link to the game.
1. Hayfever
2. Valfaris
3. Four Sided Fantasy
4. Bleep Bloop
5. Horizon Shift ‘81
6. Daggerhood
7. Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
8. Ultra Hat Dimension
9. Remothered: Tormented Fathers
10. Reverie
11. Inertial Drift
12. Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
13. Pato Box
14. The Count Lucanor
15. The Bunker
16. A Tale of Paper
17. Late Shift
18. SINNER: Sacrifice for Redemption
19. Verlet Swing
20. Neon Drive
My top 5 on the list in order would be the following: (1.) Hayfever, (2.) Valfaris, (3.) Cursed Castilla: (Maldita Castilla EX), (4.) Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight, and (5.) Bleep Bloop.
Have you played any of these games? What are some other overlooked single player indie games?
If you’re looking for more indie games to play, see my post here:
submitted by Underwhere_Overthere to PS5 [link] [comments]

Another 10 Overlooked Single Player Indie Games

There are also some links within the first link that discuss indie local multiplayer games as well.
We're all familiar with the Hotline Miami's, Hollow Knight's, and Celeste's of the world. These are some of the indie games that hit the big time. Of course, for every one of these games, there's 100 other indie games that have been glossed over, relegated to a spot in a digital store few people will ever find themselves in. I wanted to bring attention to some of these lesser known indie games once again.
Details About the List
I'm going to order them according to Metacritic Critic Ratings. Steam is the only one on the list with all 10 games featured (Steam has 10 of them, Switch has 9 of them, PlayStation 4 has 7 of them, and Xbox One has 5 of them), but the Switch gets more reviews than the other platforms, so I will it use the Switch version of all the games for their review scores, except #8, where I will use the Steam version, since that’s the only version of it available. The two bottom games have pretty low critic ratings (60% with 1 Critic Review and 53% with 2 Critic Reviews). I personally disagree with the low scores of these two games, but it's only fair that you hear from more than just me. Keep in mind that games with only one or two User Ratings on Metacritic will not show the score. A game needs at least three User Ratings on Metacritic before the score will be shown. This is not the case for Critic Reviews.
Currently 9 of the games are on sale on Steam right now, and 5 of them are on sale on Switch. None of them are on sale on the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One at the moment.
For the purpose of this post, I’m just going to stick with saying “achievements” and “getting all achievements” instead of “trophies” and “platinum trophy” since Steam has all 10 games on the list. You can basically substitute these with “trophies” and “platinum trophy” if you’re a PlayStation gamer. I will make mention of the two games on here that don’t include a platinum trophy however.
Platforms will include a link to the U.S. store page of the game for each platform. Price is in U.S. dollars.
1. Ultra Hat Dimension
2. Bot Vice
3. Valfaris
4. Inertial Drift
5. Golf Peaks
6. Horizon Shift ‘81
7. Pato Box
8. Primal Light
9. Tamashii
10. Neon Drive
Special shoutout to Valfaris which is my favorite game on the list and, again, one my favorite 2D run & guns ever.
Have you played any of these games? What are some other overlooked single player indie games?
submitted by Underwhere_Overthere to Games [link] [comments]

New to online Slots? - Starter guide/tips for newbies playing online slots

Okay so I decided to create this guide with the hopes of it becoming a sticky thread for all newbies to the online slots world, to read as we deal with the same topics repeatedly and the same answers/advice are given repeatedly. Not that we do not want to help, but these would prevent you from getting into situations before its too late, or blaming casinos when you were in the wrong.
Signing up or Registration
Registration – Please carefully read the general terms and conditions about every "Right" the casino has and please note that you accepted these terms upon signing up, which means you are saying you are okay with it and agree with what the casino state about what they can and cannot do.
Claiming Bonuses
Read the bonus terms carefully before claiming any bonuses and look for the following pointers when reading the bonuses rules:
There are other bonus terms that I have not mentioned but I think the above ones are the most important as these could affect you in terms of confiscation of your winnings should you breach any of them.
This is pretty much standard for a casino to ask for some form of Identification, proof of address and proof of deposit when requesting a withdrawal. Depending on the amount win, some casinos might not need documents, however when a substantial amount has been won additional verification or security checks might be done which means a longer withdrawal time frame. Verification or KYC is necessary, however I feel when casinos ask for selfies with your ID next to you etc. in my opinion is just ridiculous. Also, I have noticed some casinos requesting your source of income to see where you get the money to make deposits etc. This seems standard and you would need to do it to get your withdrawal, however all of us have different opinions about this verification procedure.
Many casinos have different withdrawal time frames and when you accept the general terms and conditions you have to a abide by them, by this I mean stop being impatient and complain that the casinos withdrawal time frames are the worst etc. As you knew this before you started playing provided you have read the terms and condition. You decided to deposit and play so then wait for your money, eventually it will come unless you breached some rule, or the casino is a rogue casino.
Here are some of the tips you should note when it comes to withdrawals at casinos:
Self-Exclusion is a big thing these days and most cases substantial amounts are involved that are being confiscated. There are at times very little that us forum members or even AskGamblers can do when a player self-excluded and played at a sister website or similar, as we know the result and of course the house is kind of right. However, I think it's bad that a casino only realizes the self-exclusion portion on a player profile once it reaches withdrawal stage, because I feel they should have something in place that can detect that you self-excluded upon registration or before you even make your first deposit. People with gambling problems tend to self-exclude but the alternative is to read this guide - . My advice is to keep your casino account open and do not play there anymore, because even if you request a permanent account closure, some casinos tend to self-exclude you without you knowing it and this would cause problems in future since you opened another account at their sister website or something.
submitted by Sea_Yogurtcloset_752 to bestcasinoscanada [link] [comments]

I live in a small mining town in the mountains of Colorado. Someone is building a massive casino nearby, Pictures Included

I grew up in a small mountain town named Eureka. It was founded in the late 1800s during the gold rush, but after the mines dried up the town began its slow descent into decay. Half the houses are empty or abandoned now.
You can see a picture of the kind of houses here in Eureka:
Abandoned House
Non-abandoned House
When a massive construction project began nearby, it was the talk of the town for weeks. Why would they build something in a sleepy dying town like Eureka? It wasn’t until my sister Selene talked to a few construction workers that we discovered they were building a casino.
A casino up in the mountains, over two hours away from Denver. None of us could understand why they’d chosen here of all places. After a few months of work, the casino was done.
I took a picture of the town with the completed casino in the background to the right. The ten-story-structure sticks out like a sore thumb off in the distance.
After the casino opened, they hired a few dozen members of the town, offering high paying jobs to work as dealers or cleaning staff. I was already employed as a firefighter, but my sister Selene got a job as a blackjack dealer. She’s a widow with two young kids, so the paycheck was a real lifesaver.
Still, something about the situation seemed too good to be true. The jobs over there paid far too well, and the management was far too accommodating. The fire station where I work is located high on a hill overlooking the town, so I began watching the casino from a distance each day.
I had initially thought that the casino was located in a terrible location, but I was apparently wrong. True, Eureka was hours from any major city, but despite that, a bus full of people arrived every morning and left every evening.
One night I was over at my parent’s house and had dinner with Selene and her kids. I asked her about her experience as a dealer.
“It’s Ok,” she said. “Just a little boring I guess.”
“Boring?” I asked. “I’m surprised you don’t have your hands full.”
“Why’s that?” she asked. “It’s like you said, Eureka’s too small. I never have people playing cards. The casino is almost always completely empty.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of that. If the place was always empty, what happened to the people who I’d seen arriving on buses? “I’ve been keeping an eye on the building,” I said. “A bus full of people typically arrives around 9 AM every day.”
“Really?” she asked, looking confused. “If that’s true, I’ve never seen them.
“I can see it from the fire station,” I said. “If you head out for a smoke break at 9 AM, you’ll probably see them arriving.”
“Interesting,” she said. “I’ll do that. If they’re being processed for their organs or something, I’ll let you know.” She laughed.
“Har har,” I said sarcastically.
The next night she sent me a text calling me over. When I arrived, she was nearly breathless with excitement.
“Orin, You were right,” she said. “A big group of people did arrive, but they didn’t walk into my part of the casino. Instead, they all walked into an elevator at the back of the building. I’m not sure where that goes.” She looked thoughtful. “It was weird. They looked… How can I say it? Desperate? Something about the whole situation was very off. I’m gonna check out the elevator tomorrow.”
I told her to be careful, though, to be honest, I was excited to hear about what she discovered. When I visited my parent’s house the next night, I found her two kids there alone. They told me that Selene had never returned from work.
I called all her friends, then all our neighbors, but no one had seen her since she left for work that morning. Our conversations regarding the casino flooded my mind, then a plan began to form.
Early the next morning I walked across town in my nicest pair of jeans and a button-up shirt. I pushed through the door to the casino and saw that Selene wasn’t lying. The place was all but deserted. Three dozen slot machines crowded the walls surrounding a few tables interspersed throughout the floor of the casino. The only players in the whole building were Bob and Donald, two locals.
I walked up to a nearby table where Bridget, a girl I’d gone to high school with, was shuffling cards. She broke into a grin when she saw me. “Hey Orin, you here for a few rounds of blackjack?”
“I wish,” I said. “No, I’m here to ask about Selene. She never made it home last night.”
Bridget’s expression darkened. “Really? Have you asked around?”
“I already called around. Have you seen her?”
She shook her head. “No, our schedules rarely line up. I’ll be sure to let you know if I--” Her eyes focused on something behind me, and she cut herself off.
I turned around to see the casino’s pit boss watching us both. He was a tall thin man in an impeccably clean black suit. When I turned back towards Bridget, she was looking down at the table and shuffling cards absent-mindedly.
“Well, if you hear anything, let me know,” I said.
She nodded, so I turned around and headed for the pit boss. I stuck out my hand. The temperature of his hand was so hot that I had to pull my hand away after a few seconds.
“Have… have you seen my sister Selene?” I asked. “She hasn’t been seen since her shift here yesterday.”
He smiled. “Sir, this floor is for players. You’re more than welcome to head to the tellers for chips, but barring that I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
I stared at him for a long second before stalking towards the door. When I looked back, he was talking with Bridget.
I checked my watch. 8:55 AM, just as I’d planned. I walked around the back of the building and waited as the morning bus pulled around the building. I waited for the telltale hiss of the opening doors and the sound of people descending before I rounded the corner and joined the crowd. None of them paid any particular attention to me as I walked with them into the casino.
The crowd walked through a side door down a hallway to an elevator. Small groups of people entered the elevator as the rest of us waited for our turn. I shot a glance at the casino patrons, surprised at their diversity. There seemed to be people from all different countries and ethnicities. I heard one speaking Japanese and another speaking what sounded like an African language.
My turn came along with a few other patrons in the elevator. A sickly woman hobbled into the elevator beside me carrying an IV that was still connected to one of her veins. We piled in and rode up to the top.
The elevator rose for a few long seconds. I wasn’t sure what I would find, but I steeled myself for something horrible. The elevator’s speaker let out a TING, then the doors opened.
We all walked out onto what looked like a standard casino. Another few dozen slot machines ringed the walls, but on this floor, they were almost all occupied by customers. I took in the scene, confused at why they’d have a ground floor that was almost completely empty when this place was almost--
Selene was dealing cards at a nearby table.
I jogged over and sat down at an open seat. None of the players around me paid me much attention.
“Selene!” I said. “Are you OK? Did you spend the night here last night?”
Her eyes were glassy and confused. She looked up at me with a dumb expression and didn’t respond to my question.
“Selene?” I asked.
“What’s your bet?” she asked me. “This table is for blackjack players only.”
“I…” I trailed off, looking at the players around me. None of them were betting with chips of any kind. “What’s the minimum bet?” I asked.
“Three years,” she responded.
“Three years then,” I said, not knowing what that referred to.
Selene nodded, then began dealing cards. I shot a look down at my hand. King and a 9. Selene dealt out cards for herself, showing a 9. I stood, then leaned forward again. “Should I call the police? Are you--”
“Congratulations,” she said tonelessly.
An almost impossibly warm hand grabbed my shoulder. I spun to see the pit boss I’d spoken to earlier. He gave an impressed smile. “Orin, was it? I’m impressed, truly. Would you mind if I had a word with you?”
I shot a look back at Selene who was dealing the next round of cards. Then I got to my feet, balling my hands into fists. “What did you do to her?”
The pit boss clasped his hands behind his back. “Nothing more, and nothing less than what I’m going to do to you. That is, offer you the chance to play.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
The pit boss nodded his head towards a nearby slot machine. A woman in a wheelchair pulled a lever and watched the flashing numbers spin. They exploded in a cacophony of sirens and flashing lights. “WINNER WINNER WINNER!” The machine screeched.
The woman in the wheelchair put her feet on the ground and stood up on a pair of wobbly legs that had clearly never been used before.
“As in any other casino,” the pit boss said, “you must wager for the chance to win.”
“She... won the use of her legs?” I asked, feeling light-headed. “Wait,” I said. “I played blackjack just now. ‘Three years,’ Selene told me. What does ‘three years’ mean?” I asked.
“Three years of life, of course. Did you win?”
My mouth felt dry. “I-- Yes, I won.”
He smiled warmly. “Congratulations. I hope you enjoy them. I can tell you from personal experience that watching the decades pass is a bore. Give it some time and you’ll be back to spend them.”
I watched the pit boss’s face. He couldn’t have been more than a few years older than me, and I was in my early thirties. I looked around at the casino. No one was playing with chips of any kind. “So what?” I asked. “I won years of life. That woman won the use of her legs. What else can a person win here?”
“Oh, almost anything. They can win almost anything you can imagine.”
A cold feeling settled in my stomach. “And what do they wager?”
His eyes flashed with greed. “Almost anything. They can wager almost anything you can possibly imagine. Anything equal in value to the item they want in return.” He nodded towards a nearby roulette table.
A man stood by the table, cradling his hands. “Another finger,” he called out. He only had three fingers remaining on his left hand. As I watched, the ball came to a stop, and another finger disappeared from his left hand.
The pit boss extended his hands. “Feel free to try any of our games. Bet and win whatever you’d like.” He reached out and snatched my hand. A feeling of intense warmth passed up my arm to my chest. “There,” he said. “I’ve even given you some house money to get you started. An extra decade of life, on me.”
I ripped my hand away, staring at him in horror. Then I looked back at Selene. Something clicked in my mind. “You offered her the chance to play. What did she want?” I asked.
“Her husband,” the pit boss said. “Quite the sad story. He died two years ago. She wanted him brought back to her.”
“What did she wager?” I asked.
“She wanted the chance to win a soul, the most valuable object in existence. I’m sure you can imagine what she needed to wager for the chance to win it. What she wagered is unimportant. The important question is: What do you want, Orin?”
I stared at Selene with a flat expression. “I’m sure you can imagine.”
His eyes flashed with greed again. “How wonderful. The casino could always make use of another dealer. Feel free to make your wager at any one of our games; I’ll be eagerly awaiting the results of your night. Oh, and do take advantage of our waitresses. We always supply food and drink for ‘high rollers’.” He walked away.
I spent the next few hours trying to decide which game to play. I was going to be wagering my soul, so I wanted the highest chance possible. Slots and roulette were out. I’d done some reading online about counting cards, so I figured that blackjack gave me the best odds.
I walked up to Selene’s table and sat down. “Bet?” she asked with that same toneless voice. “Three years,” I said.
I spent the next hour or so doing my best to remember how to count cards. I knew that low cards added one to my count and high cards decreased it by one, but the casino used three decks. I had read something about how that was supposed to change my calculation, but I couldn’t quite remember how.
Every time I won a hand, I cursed myself for not putting everything on the line. Every time I lost, I breathed a prayer of thanks that I’d waited. And all the while, I kept track of the count.
I had lost fifteen years of life when the count finally reached +5.
“Bet?” Selene asked.
“I wager my soul so you can be free,” I said.
The table around me fell silent. Selene’s eyes flickered, but she showed no other emotion as she dealt the cards. I watched my first card, punching the air in excitement when I saw a Jack. My excitement turned to ash when my second card was a four. Fourteen.
I looked at her hand. One card was facedown, but the faceup card was a King. I swore loudly, staring down at my hands.
“Hit?” she asked. The entire table was silently watching me.
“Hit,” I said, not looking down. The table erupted in cheers. I looked down to see a 7 atop my two other cards. 21. Blackjack.
I looked at Selene who flipped over her facedown card to reveal a 9. 19. I won.
The glassy look left her eyes immediately. She looked around in surprise, then her eyes locked on mine. “Orin?” she asked, then almost immediately began to cry. The entire casino broke out in cheers.
I grabbed her hand and headed for the elevator. The doors had begun to close when the pit boss reached out with a hand to stop them.
“Congratulations,” he said, beaming. He seemed to be honestly excited.
“Shouldn’t you be upset?” I asked.
“Not at all. Casinos love it when we have big winners. It inspires the other players to make larger bets. I imagine I’ll gain two or three dealers before the night is through from your performance.”
“Great,” I said flatly. “Now let us go.”
“Not yet,” he said. “You didn’t just win, Orin. You got a blackjack. And blackjack pays out 1.5 times your bet. You won your sister’s soul and more.”
I stared, not sure what to say. “What are you saying? I won half a soul extra?”
The pit boss grinned wildly. “Just remember what I said. You’ll find living for decades and decades to be a boring experience. After a few centuries, you’ll be back to gamble that half a soul away. Congratulations!”
He removed his hand, and the elevator doors slammed shut.
I helped Selene back to her house. Her children were relieved. I watched them cry, then moved into the kitchen to start making dinner.
It’s been a few days since that experience. The casino is still out there, and buses full of people still arrive. I… I cut my hand pretty bad a few days later. When I checked it an hour later, it had already healed, no scar or anything. I’m not sure exactly what I won at that casino, but there’s no way I’m ever going back.
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Rush Casino 500% free bonus, gratis spins, no deposit code

Rush Casino 500% free bonus, gratis spins, no deposit code

Rush Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonuses
Join Rush Casino and receive either 500% up to $50 or 100% up to $800 on the first deposit. In total, you get $1600 free cash in the welcome bonus. Additionally, play free spins on popular slot machines!
  1. Sign up by clicking on “Join Now”.
  2. Click on deposit, and choose your payment option and amount.
  3. Click on “or see available Bonuses” and click on 50% up to €50 or 100% up to €500.
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Rush Casino allows you to play free online or wager real money on slot games, live casino and table games using your desktop, tablet or mobile. They have all the latest and classic game offerings from providers such as Netent, Play'n Go, Quickspin, Red Tiger, BetSoft, and Evolution.
If your bet is a small stake spin on one of the latest video slots like Gonzo's Quest to pass that 15-minute commute a little quicker or trying to hit the jackpot on all-time classic slot Mega Moolah, it's all there for you on Rush Casino.
The casino also have a comprehensive live casino section where you can test your skills on Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat and more which will give you the thrill of a visit to Sin City, without the need to leave the comfort of your own home.
Rush Casino is operated by Rush Gaming Limited (a company registered in Malta) and is regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority, Licence Number MGA/B2C/701/2019 issued on 30th March 2020. Rush Gaming Limited, Level 5, Quantum House, 75 Triq l-Abate Rigord, Ta' Xbiex XBX 1120.
In respect to services offered in the Republic of Ireland, the Revenue Commissioners, under remote bookmakers' License number 1013060 issued on 2nd July 2019.

Rush Casino Welcome Offer

The MegaRush welcome offer consists of up to €900 (or $1600) + 100 free spins to play on the Book of Dead and is split over 5 deposits.
Euro & International markets
1st Deposit bonus: Deposit €10 play with €60 or 100% up to €500
2nd deposit offer: 50% up to €100
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Up to €900 in total bonuses
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Canada / New Zeeland
1st Deposit bonus: Deposit $10 play with $60 or 100% up to $800
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5th deposit offer: 25% up to $200
Up to $1600 in total bonuses
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1st Deposit bonus: Deposit 100 kr play with 600 kr or 100% up to 5000 kr
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4th deposit offer: 25% up to 1000 kr
5th deposit offer: 25% up to 1000 kr
Up to 9000 kr in total bonuses
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Rush Casino Cashback

Depositing players will also have the chance to opt-in to receive 10% weekly cashback. The maximum cashback which can be paid out is €1500 with a minimum payout of €20.
Please note that you can not opt-in for any offer when using the following payment methods: Neteller, Skrill and Paysafecard.

Wagering Requirements

All bonuses offered and free spins are subjected to a wagering requirement unless otherwise specified. Let’s have a look at the wagering requirements that Rush Casino has set for their welcome bonuses.

Wagering Requirement for Casino Welcome offer

The wagering requirements for the MegaRush casino offer is set at 25x D+B. This means that both the deposit and also the bonus would need to be played a total of 25 times. When playing towards meeting the wagering, a maximum bet of 5 Euros per spin is allowed. In terms of timescales, you have a total of 7 days to meet the wagering requirements. If the requirements are not met, any potential winnings will be deemed as forfeited.
>> Click For Free Bonus Here <<

Rush Casino VIP Program, Loyalty Scheme and Promotions

Once you have benefitted from a casino/ site’s welcome offer, you look forward to something new, something to keep you on your toes. This is normally found in a loyalty program that a site hosts. As we bring you this detailed MegaRush reviews, there is no loyalty program to talk about. But, let’s keep in mind that the site is relatively news, being launched in 2021. Hence, things can change in the future.

Rush Casino Support

Should you have any questions about the Rush Casino site, bonuses or anything else, you can start off by checking the FAQ section.
Alternatively, there is always the customer support team that is eager to help and assist. The team is available. Also, you can reach them via the following communication channels:
  • Chat - Launch the chat icon located at the bottom left-hand side of your lobby. Simply choose your chosen language, enter your name and email and you are good to go.
  • Email - You can drop an email with your questions, and get a reply back within a couple of hours max.
Support is available in English, German, Swedish and Norwegian. You are asked to choose your preferred language of choice prior to launching the chat.
>> Click For Free Bonus Here <<
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

On the net Casinos Vs Land Casinos

On the net Casinos Vs Land Casinos
On line casino activity titles are very good creation that entirely transformed the area of gambling. They permit people today to gamble with a whole lot a lot less dedication of time, resources and inconvenience than ideal right before. Comparing on the web on line on line casino with land on line casino is like evaluating apples and oranges, every single attraction to distinct features of a player's match. Let us just just take a glimpse at the rewards and negatives of on the world wide web on line casino match titles as in comparison to the land-dependent on line casino.
The Atmosphere: there is superb pleasant and pleasure getting part in on line casino sport titles at the genuine on line casino, but when it comes down to what vital to the casinos - gambling the on line casino atmosphere is striving to dissolve and distract you... from your dollars. In land on line casino you are competing not only against the dealers and other gamers but also the on line on line casino crowd that perspective your each individual shift. A single a large amount extra negatives get started off with the trip to the casino. Dependent on anywhere you are residing, you could have to vacation for many quite a few several hours, or fly, just to get there., on the other hand, When you select an on line on line casino, you preserve on becoming in command. An on line on line casino won't be able to outdo you in the comfort and simplicity of your have home. You really don't have to journey you actually will not even have to get dressed. There is anything at all liberating and thrilling about figuring out that any casino recreation that you could possibly want to engage in is offered at your fingertips.
Earnings!! In land casino you get chips with reliable resources in an on line casino you will create a on line casino account and transfer sources into it. The essential difference even so that in an on the internet on line casino you know how substantially income you have at all cases. The chips are only used for bets and the complete concern is just not as puzzling as it would be in a land on line casino. The most very important variable is that on the web casino will allow you have interaction in no cost, in a land-dependent casino you are unable to enter and interact in observe video games in advance of you get started off betting any true cash, but at on the world-wide-web on line casino. No situation! Have interaction in as plenty of no value online video online games as you want. Think about new on-line games that you are not specified about. Observe your activity method. Delight in till you definitely sense peaceful with the activity and self-certain that you comprehend all the concepts and secured with your strategy. In an on line on line on line casino, you can engage in all the game titles for price-free, for as in depth as you want. If you cherished this short article and you would like to receive additional information concerning เว็บแทงบอล kindly take a look at the webpage. Then, you can gamble correct resources only when you make your brain up that you want to.
Are the video video games truly assorted? In roulette, for case in stage, there is a transform in the skills of clicking the Spin button in an on line roulette match and the information of viewing the croupier spin a actual roulette ball all-all-around a actual roulette wheel. But beside that exclusive, the sport is the really very same. When you engage in roulette on line, you complete with a Random Variety Generator that is programmed so that, additional than the prolonged run, just about each individual roulette selection will hit 1 out of 38 instances, just like on a genuine roulette wheel. So the variances amongst them are genuinely a situation of decision and style a lot more than any major distinctions in the recreation interact in by yourself.
In slot equipment, the similarities are even a great deal extra striking. In the land-principally based mostly casinos the slots are not mechanical "1-armed bandits" any longer. The computerized slot gadgets you would take pleasure in in a land on line on line casino are properly the quite exact same as the computerized slot products you would participate in in an on the net on line casino. The only improve is that when you engage in slots on the internet you are actively playing from the consolation of your unique property, and you can get up and decide on crack without the need of having rid of your place at your favourite slot machine.
submitted by databet88web to u/databet88web [link] [comments]

Online Cheating FAQ

Free tools & menus
Although the majority of free menus ARE viruses, scams, detected etc. As far as I know there is 1 decent free menu, decent as in safe to use any paid menu can easily out-class it and can probably crash there game.
The free tools/menu that I would recommend are
Kiddons Modest Menu -
This is the one and only free mod menu out there. Its recovery options and tools are lacking however you can set your own experience level with it. It also has a god mode option and a basic vehicle spawner. You can make a decent amount of cash with this menu by going into Online Services/Casino/Rig Slot Machines and remove the limit. With this play the Egyptian themed slot machine and always bet max. You will win every time and you’ll make around 2.5mil per loop, you can cash out the chips to cash. It’s a slow method but the most effective one with kiddons and it still beats dropping yourself or grinding.
This is a stat editor for GTA 5, it’s only really useful for setting your character stats, unlocking locked items and skipping heist preps. You cannot modify your xp or cash with this although there might be a way to modify your health, which would be pointless as all menus include a god option. This is also free, Its not a menu but I still include it as it is a cheating tool.
GTA 5 Online Mechanics to know for modding
GTA 5 is a P2P, or Peer to Peer game for online. There are two special types of players used for this, Host and Script Host. Hosts will be hosting the lobby and most menus, except for kiddons ofc, have an option to use a host kick that will kick ANY player in the game, regardless of what protections they have enabled. This is basically an UNBLOCKABLE kick, this is why becoming host is so valued, some people will even kick ½ the lobby in order to gain host. As a host your game can still be crashed or kicked by other modders though, it depends on whether or not your menu is good enough to withstand the kick. Some mod menu’s. You then only need to kick one person. After host there is script host, you can take this away from any player WITHOUT kicking them, although kicking them also works, Script host has a stronger kick than normal but it can still be blocked, so even though it’s nice to be script host it isn’t required or even super helpful.
Paid Menus and what they are good at
I’ll be listing menu’s then talking about them and what they have pros/cons at. There isn’t an exact tier-list however as it mainly depends on what you want
Luna – This is the mod menu I personally usually use, its quick to update and has pretty good recovery options, kicks and protections. As far as I know it’s got the best protections from other menu’s as well as kicks/crashes. It’s not the most stable menu however and I’ve noticed that I crash more with it than normal, although not an extremely high amount. It costs $25 and can be got from Not taking sides, menu was either taken down by a C&D or it was an exitscam. There is no proof of a C&D, articles use Luna as source and Luna use Articles as source but there is also no proof of an exitscam as menu was doing pretty well at the time they got rid of it.
Impulse – Impulse has a few tiers, I’m not too familiar with the individual tiers however Impulse is usually known for its good trolling options, last I checked its recovery options were not that good however it’s still a good menu if you’re looking to troll. It can cost $15 - $50 depending on what tier you get. You can get Impulse from
Disturbed – Disturbed is a medium tier menu in my opinion, its not good at crashing other people or protecting against other menu’s however it has great recoveries and it is cheap. It costs around $10-$15. I would not recommend buying Disturbed VIP as your better off getting a different menu. You can get it from
Phantom-X – Phantom-X is also a cheaper menu, It compares to Impulse in the sense that it’s good for trolling and I’ve even seen some people say its better for trolling. However Phantom-X doesn’t seem to be good at that much else. From what I’ve heard its pretty stable. It can be brought from there main website is pretty hard to find and after 30 minutes of searching I could not find it’s official website as I’ve not personally used Phantom-X.
Paragon – Paragon is one of the more expensive menus. It’s very stable and has a pretty nice looking menu in my opinion. I’ve used it for a while during the free weekend and liked it. It used to be known for its great protections but recently it’s been lacking in protections. However it has decent trolling options, more recently it seems like an all-around menu. You can get it from
Ozark – I haven’t tried Ozark much, it’s a cheaper menu but its also in beta. It looks promising and has some unique features. Apparently it has a WIP Lua Injector which is great news for people who are in special groups or know how to code Lua. You can get it from
2Take1 – 2Take1 is usually considered to be the best menu out there, especially if you know Lua as it is the only menu with a working Lua injector. However it is also the most expensive menu and it also partially uses a subscription model, the menu costs $140 to permanently keep and it can be brought from
Menu’s that you should NEVER get
I’ll just list these off without much elaboration as they are usually stolen code, have poor support or are viruses.
Free Youtube/Ebay/Discord Menus – 99% of these are going to be viruses and the other 1% is going to be detected. Don’t install Kiddons from a youtube video go to the unknowncheats link I posted, make an account and get it from there if you want it.
Kingpin – Pretty bad over-all, usually considered to be the worst menu out there.
Never get any mod menu’s that are new, they can be exit-scams and will usually take the cash
and bail after a month. Examples of these exit scam menu’s are
- Over
- Hypno
- Indara
A lot of these exit scam menu’s are also using stolen code.
Since most mod menu’s use bitcoin only there are resellers which can sometimes charge at a slightly higher price but will deliver the menu and accept payment forms like PayPal. These are resellers that I know of/am aware of. If you know of a reseller comment it below and I'll add it.

Disturbed keys can only be brought through there discord. You can find a link through there site (

Updates: V1.1 Added more Resellers, Crossed out Luna
submitted by Game-Crunch to GTAOnlineCheats [link] [comments]

New MEGA888 Coming Soon Slot - Irate Birds Slot Review 2021

The wingless flying creatures and awful piggies from Rovio Entertainment's mainstream puzzle game become the overwhelming focus in the Angry Birds slot machine. Showing up across five reels and three lines, these vivid characters are ensured to make them burst into an attack of chuckles. The activitys are similarly as whacky as the sounds. Bragging a top prize 5,000x your line wager, this quick moving and exceptionally unstable slot incorporates two or three energizing extra highlights. You can open 10 MEGA888 free games with an uncommon growing image and watch your equilibrium take off higher than ever by exploiting a bet highlight.

Watch Angry Birds Flap Across Five Reels

The Angry Birds initially took off in 2009 when the primary game in the arrangement was delivered by Rovio Entertainment. Nonetheless, the Angry Birds online slot has been created by MEGA888 Casino 2021. A wooden edge, metal triangle, and an enormous stone address the most un-important images. Devotees of the arrangement will in a split second perceive King Pig and Foreman Pig, two of the game's primary opponents. Powerful Eagle, one of the Blue trios, Chuck, and Red likewise fold across the reels. Our Angry Birds slot audit group couldn't quit giggling when they put the game under serious scrutiny. Noisy fluttering commotions ring out each time you click the turn button. It's significantly more fun when you win. A lively soundtrack goes with fun activitys that rejuvenate the characters.

Open a Special Symbol During Free Games

The MEGA888 Angry Birds online slot logo takes out two targets with one shot by addressing both the wild and dissipate. In addition to the fact that it substitutes for any remaining images, it's additionally key to opening dissipate dominates and free matches. You'll require at least three Angry Birds logos to open 10 free games with an uncommon growing image. You'll make sure about 2x, 20x, and 20x your stake for setting off the component with three, four, or five images, separately. A wheel twists to choose your exceptional image aimlessly. At the point when enough of these images land for a success, they grow to fill their reels and wins are determined even on non-nearby positions. The Angry Birds slot machine likewise flaunts a twofold or-nothing bet highlight. Essentially surmise whether you figure a coin will arrive on Red or a pig to twofold your success. Be mindful so as not to get as insatiable as a pig, as an erroneous estimate sees you say farewell to your rewards.

Play Other Bird-Themed Online Slots

We have a large number of MEGA888 free slot games for you to play, and a considerable lot of them rotate around fowls. Your equilibrium could take off by 180,000 credits when you play Lucky Birds by Playson. Your feathered companions can get you 15 free twists with all successes significantly increased, yet it's five toucans you'll have to arrange for the big stake. At that point you should look at Birds on a Wire by Thunderkick for some charging fun. This five-reel, 17-payline slot acquaints you with animation feathered creatures that shudder onto power wires each turn. You can watch them fatigue as a multiplier increments to a limit of 5x in the base game and 20x during free twists.
submitted by Livemobile88 to u/Livemobile88 [link] [comments]

New MEGA888 2021 Slot Review & Highlights - Old Forest Slot

With our audit of Ancient Forest - the new online 5-reel slot from MEGA888 Casino Malaysia - you can uncover a dreamland of monsters and pixies. You may even find a supernatural reformist bonanza if your twists are effective. Speculators can enter a secretive woodland where the mythical beings play yet pay special mind to the mythical person pixie who is answerable for setting off a monstrous six-figure reformist bonanza. We should dismiss the Lord of the Rings DVDs, get our trusty sword, and boldly head into the forested areas for a more intensive look.

Exemplary 5-Reel Gameplay from MEGA888

The Ancient Forest video slot has been created related to MEGA888's online club accomplice, Green Tube. On the off chance that you know about MEGA888's other online slots, you'll perceive a significant part of the look and feel of Ancient Forest. Our Ancient Forest slot audit uncovers a game that seems as though it has come straight out of a land-based club. The game uses the recognizable MEGA888 jingle that plays as the reels turn. There's likewise a celebratory audio effect that kicks in after you hit a triumphant genuine money turn. There are 10 paylines altogether in the slot. This is unquestionably a game for the MEGA888 exemplary slots aficionado. There is additionally a scope of wagering levels that can be changed on the game screen. Remember the standard Autoplay work by the same token. This is a straightforward Stop/Start Autoplay that can be turned on or off at the tap of a catch.

Discover the Elf Fairy Wild for Big Jackpots

One thing struck us while arranging our Ancient Forest online slot survey: this MEGA888 betting title is fundamentally the same as different games. The characters appear to take after those found in famous video slots like Lucky Lady's Charm. Indeed, when you structure a triumphant payline with the mythical person pixie, she will wink at you as you gather your coins. That is an exemplary element that shows up in a few of the engineer's games. The pixie in the free Ancient Forest slot machine additionally goes about as the game's wild. She will fill in for all standard images to help structure winning mixes. The pixie additionally pays a monetary reward. Two wilds pay 10x your line wager, three wilds 200x line wager, and four wilds 2,000x. On the off chance that you land five wilds on a functioning payline you will pack the game's monster reformist bonanza. Further down, we discovered dwarves, monsters and wellsprings in our Ancient Forest slot survey. The merry bantam pays out 2x to 600x in the event that you hit two sides of the same coin to five of a sort on the reels. The monster pays 20x to 500x, and the sorcery wellspring 15x to 400x. The low-paying symbols are the recognizable imperial images like the An and K (10x to 120x), and 9, 10, J and Q. These compensation 2x to 100x for two to five of a sort.
submitted by 918kissm to u/918kissm [link] [comments]

Online Casinos Vs Land Casinos

Online casino games are brilliant inventions that completely transformed the field of gambling. They enable people to gamble with less commitment of time, money, and inconvenience than before. Comparing online casino with land casino is like comparing apples and oranges, each appeal to different aspects of a player's game. Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of online casino games as compared to the land-based casino.

Money!! In land casino you buy chips with real money; in an 우리카지노, you will create a casino account and transfer funds into it. The fundamental difference however that in an online casino you know how much money you have at all times. The chips are only used for bets and the entire thing isn't as puzzling as it would be in a land casino.
The most important thing is that online casinos will let you play free, in a land-based casino you can't enter and play practice games before you start betting any real money, but at the online casino. No problem! Play as many free games as you want. Try new games that you are not sure about. Practice your game strategy. Play until you feel comfortable with the game and confident that you understand all the rules and secure with your strategy. In an online casino, you can play all the games for free, for as long as you want. Then, you can gamble real money only when you decide that you want to.

Are the games really different? In roulette, for example, there is a difference in the experience of clicking the Spin button in an online roulette game and the experience of watching the croupier spin a real roulette ball around a real roulette wheel. But besides that difference, the game is the same. When you play roulette online, you play with a Random Number Generator that is programmed so that, over the long run, each roulette number will hit 1 out of 38 times, just like on a real roulette wheel. So the differences between them are really a matter of preference and taste more than any significant differences in the gameplay itself.

In slot machines, the similarities are even more striking. In the land-based casinos, the slots are not mechanical "one-armed bandits" anymore. The computerized slot machines you would play in a land casino are the same as the computerized slot machines you would play in an online casino. The only difference is that when you play slots online you are playing from the comfort of your own home, and you can get up and take a break without losing your place at your favorite slot machine.

Security and privacy: there is no dress code in an online casino, an online casino will not try to film or picture you. You can play games in an online casino while wearing boxers and flip-flops. And you can do it with a beer in your hand, a cigarette, or whatever is it that you prefer. Play as much as you want and win as much as you want. Nobody is going to kick you out you can have full trust in an online casino.

No one has the option to cheat you with the game. Online casinos have the latest state of the art encryption technologies to protect the players' privacy. With the upcoming techniques and security proofed software, you can have full trust in online casinos. When entering an online casino, you should read their privacy statement! The security technologies that online casinos employ are designed to protect the player because he is the most valuable asset of online casinos.

Competition! Running a land casino is much more expensive than an online casino. That means there are more online casinos and more online casinos mean competition between the Internet casino houses. This competition means better service and more fun for you. Choice means you can stick to what you like, find an online casino that offers the best as it suits you - the player - and if you didn't like the experience, just dump them and Try another online casino.
submitted by wiserock07 to u/wiserock07 [link] [comments]

Exclusive Casino Bonuses and No Deposit Free Spins

Exclusive Casino Bonuses Review
Collect free spins and no deposit casino bonuses at Free Spins Mobile Casino! We offer only specials promotions that have been duly negotiated with the best online casinos. Some offers come as free spins on registration others as free bonus codes and others as free bets and free chips. Check it now!
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The No Deposit Casino Bonus is a bonus that is great for new players. If you are a new casino player you can lose a lot of bets in the beginning. However, if you play using the No Deposit Bonus, there is no risk of losing money and you can safely learn casino games.
You can get such bonuses by signing up at an online casino. There are many types of no deposit bonuses from which you can choose the one that suits your needs. In this article, we have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of this bonus, which can be beneficial for you.

What is No Deposit Bonuses?

A no deposit casino bonus is a type of bonus offer that is given to players without any deposit. It uses casinos as promotional tools to encourage new players to create new accounts and play. The value of these bonuses is lower than other bonuses. A player can claim this bonus only once using an account.
Not all online casinos offer this bonus for new players. Casinos in certain countries do not offer this bonus offer, so know the terms of the casino before claiming the bonus. Not only does the no deposit bonus pay off, but it also often provides free games. Using this bonus game you can win real money by playing online casino slots at no cost.
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Types of No Deposit Casino Bonuses

There are different types of No Deposit Casino bonus offers. Players can use these bonuses to win real money while playing casino games. The different types of no deposit casino bonuses are discussed below.

Free Spins

Free Spins is one of the most popular No Deposit Bonus. Registering an online gambling site offers free spins as the next welcome bonus. Some online casinos offer over 100 free spins. Using this bonus you can use lots of bonus slots without any deposit.

Fixed Cash

Some online casinos offer players a certain amount of cash without any deposit after signing up. Using this specific cash you will be able to enjoy slots as well as play table games like blackjack or roulette. This No Deposit Bonus is a lot like the Free Spins Bonus which will play as required before cashing in.

Live Dealer Chips

Many online casinos offer live dealer chips as a bonus to player registrations. These bonus chips are allocated for certain games such as live roulette, baccarat, or blackjack. Many times casinos offer free bonuses with unusual titles like Dream Catcher.

Timed Promos

Online casino sites sometimes offer some form of timely gambling as a no deposit bonus where players can play with free coins of their choice. No more free spin access after the game is over. In this case, you cannot withdraw any winnings and return your free bets. If other casinos meet their playing opportunities, the casinos will surpass your cash.
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How does it work?

The No Deposit Bonus is offered as a reward for the registration of new players which is easy to use. These bonuses are given automatically to some players but others have to enter certain promotional codes. No deposit bonuses are spent on marketing in slot games. Casinos use this bonus to attract new players to spread the word about their brand. While some players deposit real money to withdraw this bonus offer, players often make a small deposit after playing with a no deposit bonus.
Some players simply seek profit without risk, so most casinos do not give players a free bonus. The No Deposit Bonus helps casinos attract players although some valuable players are not interested in 10 free spins for $100 each. No deposit bonuses with long term perspectives can pay off for themselves.

Advantages and disadvantages

Online casinos come with a variety of bonus offers for players. Players can choose the best bonus according to their personal needs. However, the most popular of the bonuses offered by casinos is the no deposit bonus. There are advantages as well as disadvantages to this bonus.


No deposit bonuses open up the Golden Grail possibility to players. This bonus offer helps players eliminate the risk of online gambling. Playing with the No Deposit Bonus offer allows you to learn about casinos. By winning this you can decide to play casino games and continue playing as soon as the bonus cash is credited to your account. Also using this bonus offer newcomers can try slots and other games and learn them before playing for real money.


The difficulty is much less in the case of no deposit bonus. But before you can claim it, you need to be aware of its terms. The use of the No Deposit Bonus is restricted to some games, so you will not be able to play slots of your choice using it. Some casinos will only allow you to use this bonus on a few slot machines. The biggest drawback is that if you win using these bonuses it can be a bit difficult to withdraw that win.

Terms and conditions of No Deposit Bonus

To get the No Deposit Bonus, players have to follow some rules. The most important of these policies is the “one bonus per player” policy which is a free bonus and the casino does not give it to the same player repeatedly. The casino will verify your identity if you wish to withdraw the winnings from your bonus. You can never withdraw your winnings unless you sign up with your correct identity.
If you get $ 10 for free, you’ll have to play 1000 spins to spin it. Players can not play all types of games with these bonuses. For example, if Blackjack contributes 5% of each bet, you have to bet 20 times more. Again in the case of prepaid spins, the casinos will total your winnings from these, and at the end of the spinning, you will have to spread the total amount you have won in free spins.

The Final Verdict

You can get a No Deposit Bonus by si gning up at an online casino. This bonus is given to new players by the casino after signing up. A lot of the time you have to enter a coupon code to get this bonus. This is like any other welcome bonus that requires no deposit. If you are looking for an online casino with no deposit bonus then search our site. Here you will find all the necessary information about the casino.
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Varities in On line Casino Video games
On-line casinos, also acknowledged as virtual casino or world wide web on line casino are an on the net version of classic casinos. Casinos you go to, to participate in black jack or cleanly slot equipment. On the internet casinos allow gamblers/gamers to engage in and gamble on on line casino game titles by the World-wide-web.
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Online casinos also suggest to new associates/gamers signup bonuses when they produce their very first deposits in casino royal. It usually equals a share of the player's deposit with a dollar optimum, and most of all on the internet casinos need a least greenback amount of money. With online casino, you can have fun all the game titles you want, from Baccarat to Poker.
Roulette is a on line casino and gambling match and comes from a French title perception "smaller wheel" which is correctly what Roulette is. It was invented in the 17th century by a gentleman title Blaise Pascal. To make it a lot more satisfying to gamblers, two other Frenchmen François and Louis Blanc included the "" to the roulette in classify to boost the odds. When you have any issues relating to where by and the way to utilize แทงบอลออนไลน์จ่ายจริง, you possibly can email us at our web site. Later on in the 1800s, roulette was brought into the United States exactly where a second "" was added "00" to raise the odds even additional. A participant can gamble on numbers, mixture, ranges, odds/evens, and colours in virtual casino. The croupier turns the wheel which has 37 or 38 singly numbered sections in which the small ball should land for absolutely free casino video games. The key sections are from one to 36 and each individual other sections is pink and black, with amount 1 staying pink. There is also a green compartment numbered . In most roulette wheels in the United States but not in Europe, there is a 2nd compartment marked 00, also coloured environmentally friendly. If a participant bets on a one range and wins, the charges is 35 to 1. The gamble alone is revisited, so in complete it is multiplied by 36. You can participate in the roulette on on line on line casino Royal and will have the precise identical results as if you were being in a real Vegas on line casino.
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