What is the meaning of its name? :: LOVE 2: kuso General

kuso means

kuso means - win

KUSO MEANS FUCK!!🤣 because I’m Learning Japanese 😂

submitted by Yaradely_wolf to u/Yaradely_wolf [link] [comments]

Weird translation in Xenoblade 2

Xenoblade 2 is my favorite switch game, and I'm only around 15 hours in. There are some weird translations. I study Japanese and know a bit of Japanese myself (nowhere near fluent or ever advanced though), and having the Japanese Voices on leaves me thinking "what's up with these translations?"
First of all is Homura to Pyra. I can kinda see where they're going with this one, homura is a word related to fire in Japanese and so is Pyra in English. Still feels weird hearing "homura" amd seeing "pyra"
Probably the one that bothers me the most is how they translate "kuso", meaning fuck/shit/crap Remember at the start when Malos points the ship's guns at Rex and he goes "oh sh-". In the Japanese version, he says the whole word "kuso", so why did they cut it off? Its not like they're censoring it, this game has curses anyways. Another weird kuso translation is when they translate it to a "titan's foot", like, what?
One other weird translation is during chapter three, when you encounter Ophion, they call it "Saapanto" or like, serphant in Japanese. Why change it to some ancient greek shit?
Just some pet peeves that bothered me during this amazing game.
submitted by n4rk to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

The Basic Hololive JP dictionary for newcomers!

INTRODUCTION (can be skipped)
So a over a week ago i started thinking about how many Japanese expressions i was learning from wasting months spending so much time here watching streams despite not having learnt formally a bit of Japanese. I ended up gathering all the terms, inside jokes i read and heard a lot in the streams to make idk some starter pack meme or test to post lol. But then i thought that maybe it would be more useful to make it a more in deep dictionary. We have many new people coming from the EN side or translated clips and some of them are understandably thrown off or scared on watching something which is 99% in a language you don't know. This isn't the first time someone has tried to do this, there was a very complete post 3 months ago (https://www.reddit.com/Hololive/comments/icgxaq/a_guide_to_basic_written_hololive_japanese/) but from that time till now we have 3x more subscribers and this was more focused on written posts. Mine is different.
The focus of this one is mostly two things: That you learn enough things to get a tiny tiny grasp on what's going on streams if there isn't enough translation and than you can get and join in in most inside jokes even if you aren't into the weaboo culture stuff.
Trying to study this is a pointless endeavour. Just look it over with CTRL+F (too lazy to order it alphabetically now) when you hear some term you want an explanation on or some inside term that you don't get fully. The first word is how the word is in romanji (latin alphabet) and then how is written in Japanese (normally hiragana) in case you want to use it. The dictionary divided into 3 sections for ease of use. This isn't a complete rundown of all the Hololive lingo because it would be waay too long and or a Japanese language course because it goes over my knowledge and as a language is way too nuanced and contextual to teach in one post. But i'm open for submissions and corrections from japanese speakers, i only did the work to research every term from others!
If you need a more complex translation althrough it's far from perfect, it's always recommended that you use DeepL (https://www.deepl.com/en/translator)
Basic Japanese expressions:
Japanese Internet and popular culture expressions:
Hololive-related expressions and inside jokes:
---- For example: Houshou Marine is the Senchou (船長) or "Ship Captain", Shirogane Noel is the Danchou (団長) or ----"[Military] Party Leader", Kiryu Coco is the Kaichou (会長) or "Chairman of a Company/association [in this instance ----it's implied the association is a criminal one]", Takanashi Kiara is the Tenchou (店長) or "Store Manager" [of her ----made-up business KFP], some others claim to be the Sachou (社長) or "CEO/President of a company"...
submitted by deoxix to Hololive [link] [comments]

I dare you😁

My Japanese step-brother and I were a handful growing up. We were constantly daring each other to do crazy things - we would say “yatte miro” (which kind of means ‘go ahead and try it and see what happens’), or “kakatte koi,” which is like, ummmm - in America I think we would say ‘bring it on’? It usually ended up with our baachan, or grandmother, dragging us away by our ears while calling us ‘kuso gaki’😁
I just saw my anichan last week, and now we are no longer allowed into a certain toy store in Mesa, Arizona, because of our pranks! We are both wondering - how would we say “I dare you” in Ukrainian?
submitted by Affectionate-Bad-327 to ukraine [link] [comments]

[Slow Holidays Series] The limit of 6* Ruby abilities transmutable from the Royal Crucible will be raise to two...


As per KusoGame's comment not all abilities can be duplicate. There is the list in his comment and I agree with what he is saying btw.
As promised to ilovedagonfive. I have seen little (or none) discussion about it. It may be due to having HAs now, 6 stars arent that great anymore! Yet we probably should do some small chit chat about it, what abilities are worth doing a second copy of and which ones arent.
Im also creating this post to give visibility to those who still havent realized this is gonna happen. This also means we probably wont see 7 star abilities nor 7 star orbs for a long while, if ever.
Im not sure if Im in the best position to provide a "unbiased" opinion, not sure how many keepers are being affected the the MES (MegaElixir Syndrome). I will confess I have started feeling addicted to HA, the are hit more times, harder and cost less crystals; not to mention DeNA is not too stingy with AL+ (Already crafted 20, can still do 14 more). Yeah sure, they can be equipped only for one hero, but that leaves the 6 star that I created ages ago free for my second DPS in case its the same school. which doesnt happen often, and if it does, that 2nd DPS probably already has a HA (Like TGC/Lightning, Squall/Bartz/Noctis, Cloud/Bartz, Edge/Totto, etc.)
So my opinion will be: "I dont think there will be an ability worth crafting twice for the time being, and even less in 6 months." The only one I really wish I could get is not included... Omega Drive :(

What do you guys think about this update? Will this change anything for you at all?

Forgot to include the source, thanks for the remidner coin. JP Fest thread
submitted by _Higo_ to FFRecordKeeper [link] [comments]

I might be the only brainless troglodyte out of the loop here but I have finally realised what "kusotori" means

I had always wondered what kusotori meant and why only Calli called kiara that.
After learning basic hiragana and watching a decent amount of anime and clips of the girls, I put twos and twos today
Kuso roughly means "shit"
Tori means "bird"
Calli calls kiara "Shitbird"
This is also evidenced by the fact that in calli's debute stream, in the section about her thoughts on her genmates, "shit bird lol die" was written for kiara.
Thanks for your valuable time
submitted by sid_9000 to Hololive [link] [comments]

Degrees of comparison in Pazmat (and how to use them to curse)

This isn't going to be a super detailed post, but I thought it'd be fun to go over a quick overview. It also is not going to go into super specific grammar details for things not related to the topic at hand. For instance, while ablauting is a part of the processes described below, I am not going to give you a detailed explanation on it: it's just not important. I hope I have provided enough that this is legible even with no knowledge of Pazmat.
Pazmat's adjectives are highly inflected, like its nouns. Adjective-noun agreement isn't important for this post (in fact most of it deals with adjectives not explicitly agreeing with a noun). Pazmat distinguishes five degrees of comparison, all of which are directly suffixed to the adjective. Before this is done, the final vowel in the adjective is lengthened one grade, unless it is already overlong (the longest grade). This forms the "comparative stem"; E.g the stems for the adjectives kor- "sharp", vṛkī- "bold", ayam- "impatient", and murey- "stupid/dumb" are kār- vṛkay- ayēm- murey-. The comparative suffixes are identical for all adjectives (I plan on a system similar to Greek, Latin, or Sanskrit, wherein small group of irregular adjectives use an entirely different comparative stem, but the suffixes remain the same):
Positive: no suffix, obviously Comparative: -īt- Superlative: -allīt- Inferiorative (denotes "less X/not as X as"): -as- Sublative (denotes "least X"): -allas- Equative (denotes "equally as X as"): -ath-
The -all- element in the Superlative and Sublative is related to the generic intensifier word allu (borderline untranslateable)
Taking this into account, the degrees of the adjective rēstī- "skilled" would be:
rēstayīt- "more skilled" rēstayallīt- "most skilled" rēstayas- "less skilled" rēstayallas- "least skilled" rēstayath- "equally skilled"
Comparison uses the instrumental: jhā cṛsūrēna rēstayītā "I am more skilled than that girl". The copula is not needed (Pazmat rarely uses a copula for anything outside of passive sentences). The adjective agrees with the noun as usual, so "that girl is more skilled than me" would be cṛsūrē jhāni rēstayītū.
However, this is actually only one of the main uses of the degrees of comparison. In Pazmat, they often are used as intensifiers (and their opposites). That is, while rēstayīt- literally does mean "more skilled", it's used just as much to simply mean "really skilled". Any exact translation is impossible--you could use "really skilled", "very skilled", "highly skilled", etc. This does have a slightly casual connotation, so stuff like "damn good" or "pretty skilled" also work. If you encounter a Pazmat sentence with a comparative adjective but no explicit thing being compared, this is probably the intended meaning: Kārrā mureyītā for instance, almost always means "Karra is really stupid", not "Karra's more stupid".
The superlative is even stronger than this, and a bit coarse. You'd hear it being used like this in a kid's show, or in school, but you'd get side-eyed by teachers if you said something like Kārrā mureyallītā! "Karra's incredibly dumb!". If combined with the word idda, which means "how" in the sense "how do you like it" or "how are you okay?", then you can get something like idda Kārrā mureyallītā!? "how the hell is Karra so goddamn dumb!?".
This brings me to -arr-. This is a slurred and extremely vulgar version of -allīt-. And when I say "vulgar", I mean it is effectively Pazmat's way of saying "fucking X": idda Kārrā mureyarrā!? "How is Karra so fucking dumb!?"; nōvṛtāyīm kā rēstayarrā... "you're so fucking good at this game...". Throw in kaśśit (a generic swear word, think like kuso in Japanese) and the aforementioned allu if you want to be as coarse as possible: karā idda dēmarrāyos kaśś'allu?! "how the fuck can you be so goddamn annoying?!"
These comparative suffixes can go on any adjective: this includes participles. Like normal adjectives, this has two broad meanings. For instance, from vust- "walk" we can derive the present active participle (Pazmat distinguishes 6 total, along past/present/future and active/passive axes) vustor- "walking". Adding the comparative suffix would give us vustārīt- which either means "walking more (often) (than)" or "walking a lot". Likewise the superlative vustārallīt- would mean either "walking the most often" or just "walking a LOT". You can add -arr- to participles too: drag- "complain" > dragor- "complaining" > dragārarr- "complaining way too fucking much", etc. (past participle example: boj- "fly into a rage, flip out" > bājṛt- "having flipped out" > bājratarr- "having flipped the fuck out/gone fucking crazy")
Combined with past participles you can create some rather compact sentences: drēgratallītā... "You used to complain way more often...". Future participles work for this too; the Pazmat way of saying "he's going to be a pain in the ass" is literally "he's going to be the most annoying", using a future participle: damaśēmallītā..., usually shortened to damaśē.... This is getting a bit off topic though: that involves a future participle derived from an adjective (yes, Pazmat allows that, in this case the adjective was dam- "annoying, tiring").
I hope this was mildly interesting. Or at least legible!
submitted by Frostav to conlangs [link] [comments]

How to swear in Japanese: a guide

There has been... a certain poster... who is very enthusiastic this month about teaching this sub the secret swear words your teachers conspire to hide from you. The posts have generated a lot of upvotes, but they have also propagated some misconceptions about swearing in Japanese. I hope to set some things straight, and I hope native speakers and advanced speakers will also join in the conversation to correct me where I'm wrong.
I quote:
I've seen some false claims made before that very rude Japanese is only used in fiction, which is of course not the case.
Well, I've never heard anyone claim that rude Japanese is only used in fiction. But there are some things you should be aware of about learning Japanese from fiction, especially rude Japanese.
1) Yakuwarigo is a thing.
If you don't know what it is, it's styles of speaking that in the modern age are literally pretty much only used seriously in anime or fiction. Even in fiction with modern settings. It's hard to relate to English, but think about how the "nyah see" mob bosses talk, or the "well I do declare" southern belles talk and how you immediately know what kind of archetype you're dealing with... except it's much more common and not just in shows aimed at little children. A lot of it is taken from outdated speaking styles.
For "swear words" specifically, I'll quote a native speaker:
Words like この野郎, 死ね, ボケ are pretty common IRL but nowhere near Fuck or Shit. Words like 貴様 or 失せろ are used exclusively in fiction. Its difficult for non natives to tell which is which.
So be careful, many things played straight in anime should not be imitated. Another native speaker in an earlier post similarly cautioned against やがる (yagaru). Another thing I'll add is that it's not normal in Japanese to use sexual metaphor to insult people most of the time. The concept of a "your mom joke" would be really difficult to translate for example.
Japanese has many colorful insults but be careful translating directly from English, and the ones you see in fiction are not necessarily used seriously in real life, you spoony bard.
2) A word can be translated many ways depending on context.
Just like a nezumi can be a rat or mouse, you could translate この野郎 (kono yarou) to "jerk" if a five year old says it to another in a kids' show, or "asshole" between adults fighting. This leads us to our next point
3) Japanese doesn't really have "swear words" in the sense that English does.
Besides obvious sexual / body part words, none of these words that these recent posts have called "cursing" or "swears" are hidden and kept secret from children, nor are they censored on TV, or considered to be "curses" that bring evil from merely saying them, like many religious people believe with the word "damn".
For example, most beginners learn that kuso is shit. So it must be a swear word right? Then why is it said in children's shows? Why is it okay to say to your teacher すみません、絵を描くのが下手くそです ? Why is there a Wikipedia article with this title?? Because these words are not bad in and of themselves, bringing a curse from the sky just for saying them, they are bad because of the meaning and the way you use them.
4) So if your teacher says there are no curse words in Japanese, they're not necessarily lying.
They likely mean that while there are many rude words in Japanese, there's no equivalent to the English system.
5) Japanese don't usually "swear" positively.
They do sometimes (kuso + adjective comes to mind), but it's nothing like in English where we can say "fuck yeah, this is the shit". You can find some hilarious Japanese attempts to translate the phrase "hell yeah" if you wanted to, showing how Japanese struggle with the reverse when learning English.
So how do you swear in Japanese???
Well think about what we use swear words to convey. The above we talk about insults, but point 5 really gives a hint for the majority of swearing we use in English:
We use swearing to convey comfort with the listener, to show that we are at ease, and that there isn't really a social distance (like you would have with your teacher, or older people). Well, good news. Japanese has many many ways to show these feelings.
The most important way is the casual style of speaking. Like saying "He's pretty damn good" would be normal with your friends, but maybe get a scowl from old people or a raised eyebrow from your teacher or a look from your co-worker in front of customers, consistently using the casual register of speaking can either show comfort / non-chalance with peers, or annoy / upset people with some social distance from you.
Here you can see professional translators hilariously using swear words to convey an abrupt change of register for a character. This is also a great illustration of how you can translate words many different ways depending on the context. Here you can see Dogen (at the 16m mark) talk about how he was accidentally rude to his teacher using the wrong register the first time he took a Japanese class. This is another good example of how casual Japanese can have a similar affect to peppering in a light swear or two in English. What he said would be totally okay among friends, maybe even feel friendly, but in class to the teacher was rude.
It's not exactly the same, a whole book could be written on the differences between English and Japanese registers, but keeping this in mind will make you sound much more natural than directly trying to translate your English sentences full of swear words into Japanese.
I'm also aware this isn't the "cool" answer with a post promising to teach you the secret curses that all the professors in the world work together to deny and suppress... but well sometimes all the PhDs and native speakers have reasons for why they make their curriculums the way they do or why they caution you that "people don't talk that way". It's generally wise to listen to your teachers and native speakers.
This post I'm sure also contains some mistakes and misconceptions, and I look forward to learning in the comments.
submitted by Moon_Atomizer to LearnJapanese [link] [comments]


As many of you may know, Japanese 101 is a series by Papa Franku where he teaches all the words you shouldn’t use in Japanese. But due to reasons you most likely know as well, he had to stop this series, so with my shitty knowledge of Japanese, I decided to teach a few other inappropriate words in Japanese.
Now, I bet a few of you motherfuckers are degenerate weeaboos (like me), so you probably know most of these words on this lesson. Now, let’s begin.
くそ/Kuso = Fuck, shit, dang it ect. Pretty much just a generic cuss word
くそくらえ/Kuso kurae = Eat shit Fall off your horse!
バカ/Baka = Idiot, fool, asshole ect. Generic insult to someone, depending on the context it can be pretty mild
うるさい/Urusai = Shut up What I really fucking need to
おっぱい/Oppai = Tits You can say "Anata no oppai wa dekai da" if you want to tell someone their tits are big
ぱいずり/Paizuri = Tittyfuck Also a genre for specifically hentai titty fucking
なかだし/Nakadashi = Creampie Also used in the song セックス大好き (Sekkusu Daisuki, meaning "I love sex")
せいえき/Seieki = Semen Like I expected, some of you weeaboo fucks might already have known this from a very specific "anime", ifyouknowwhatamsayin'
Anyway, that's all, hope I dropped a fat load of shit into your brain, and by shit I mean great knowledge. Sayonara motherfuckers.
submitted by goat_on_the_boat420 to FilthyFrank [link] [comments]

I am curious about the fate of one character in the ending.

Takemura appears in the credit sequence, if you attacked Arasaka (doesn't matter who helped you). He mentions that samurai wrote death poems before killing themselves. And he ends the message with "rot in hell, kuso-onna (kinda means fucking bitch)!" So I am wondering whether he actually committed seppuku after that. Seeing that he sticks to Japanese values strongly, I have strong reason to believe he did. Although he did say that he isn't a samurai. What do you think?
To be honest, he's one of my favourite characters in the game. He's rather stoic, but that's why he's such a funny and interesting character. I cracked up when he sent V his selfie! 🤣 It's just a shame that V and Takemura are situated on opposite ends of the spectrum.
submitted by derrickrecca to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

Edited and fully translate Alfia, Zard and Bell IF Story

I post my translation of the what if story here as I couldn't post it on the danmachi reddit.
I retranslate the What IF story as there was still some part that was confusing
Thank you to u/somerandom995 (Original Reddit post) who did a good job before me!
Link to Omori Post : Click here

I had a dream.
A calm, gentle twilight dream from somewhere far away and not from here.


On the way back during twilight.
A sea of wheat was spreading all around us.
The fruits' stalk and cool breeze made a small sound while being swayed by it. The scene of a golden glowing light from the setting sun was like the heavenly realm described in a fairy tale.
Bell, who had been looking around leisuredly, suddenly looked up at the person next to him.

A beautiful woman who seemed like she had just woken up.
Her hair was gray and, long.
She didn't like them because it looks dirty but Bell liked it.
Her eyelids were always closed.I always wondered how she could live without ever opening her eyes but she says that "Even just opening my eyelids is exhausing".
Her jet-black dress she wears is very different from what one wears in the middle of the mountains.

The more I looked at her, the more beautiful she was.
Just the two of us, I was holding hands and walking together with such a woman.
Bell, while looking at her profile and opened his mouth.

"Nee, Oba-san."

Dogonn!! Then.
A dangerous sound came from Bell's head.

"I will hit you?"
"You already hit me!!"

Bell held the top of his head and cried out.
It isn't in a blink of an eye or something like that, the fist divine speed only left with the result as 『I have been hit』!
Parry, dodge or perceiving it is impossible!
This is how far apart her and Bell (Children) existence are from each other!!
An impact that penetrates the top of your head and roared through your entire being! The pain! The suffering!
This is the Gospel Fist, Gospel Punch!
Can you believe it? It is even faster than an ultra short chant!

Several stars turned in front of Bell's eyes while tears accumulated in the corner of his eyes, his agony was like a rabbit which had slipped and fell on top of the snow and crashed into a rock.
In the middle of all this, she looked down at me stoutly.

"What did I tell you to say when you call me? Hmm?"
"............ Alfia Oka-san." (TLN: Red as Step/Foster Mother)

She ―― Alfia regrasped Bell’s small hand.

“And so? What were you trying to say?”
“...... You won’t hit me?”
“How can I understand without hearing it first. But if it is unpleasant then I will hit you.”
“Then I will knock you.”
“This will probably hurt too!!”

Bell was shouting from experience.
After all, in the three years since he met Alfia and the big man, Zard, not a single day had passed without a fresh wound until today.
Alfia was an sensitive 『Queen』 who loved silence.
It isn’t no surprise that a chop will fly at you instead of talking.
When she says that it is white, then even if it is black it will become white.
A rule in our house has already been established since three year ago, to not irritate Alfia, and last time, when Bell and his grandfather was fussing around, she was sitting on her chair, reading in silence when she closed her book with a slam,

『Too noisy.』

Is what she said and sent out a dekopin as if it was the end of the world. (TLN: Dekopin is a finger flick on the forehead)
Bell vision went dark and everything became silent.
And when I woke up on her lap, my grandfather pierced the wall and all I could see was from his waist down. Zard pretended to not see anything and stirred the pot to make the soup for the diner. Zard’s cooking, while being peculiar about food, was excellent, but on the table, the food he had cooked was full like a last supper in our quiet table but I don’t feel alive so I couldn’t taste anything at all. By the way, my grandfather was left stuck on the wall. All Bell could do was to keep his hand from shaking.
“Don’t make too much noise. Or I will deco-pin you again.”
“I hate noise. Only report what needs to be reported.”
“Yes Mam!! I’m sry!!!” (TLN: Yes mam was in english and I’m sry was something like Sorry mam)
“...... What was, that? Who taught you that?”
“O, Oji-chan, told me to say this……”
“That damn Jiji (TLN: Kuso jiji). He is only a cancer that has a bad effect on Bell’s education. I knew I had to use my magic to blow him away over the three mountains top.”
“Stop! Oji-chan will die, please stop!!”

Among everyone, Alfia’s chemistry with Bell’s grandfather, who had been taking care of him his entire life, was the worst.
When Alfia was dragging a rampaging Bell to take a bath, 『I will also go with you☆』 was what grandfather said while jumping in and a second later he was forcibly remove from the house. She was thorough enough to bury him from the neck down in the middle of the field to prohibit his entry.
In other times, when Alfia tried to sleep with Bell, 『I will also sleep with Bell.』 and tried to slip inside the bed but,


With that one word, everything was over.
The wall and the roof was gone. Or rather the whole house disappeared. Only Bell’s room, floor and bed was what was left and a beautiful starry sky was visible. Bell who had become Alfia dakimakura (TLN: Bodypillow bell!) was lying straight, rattling and shivering, unable to sleep at all.
The next morning, in the sea of debris, my grandfather and Zard were lying on the ground in tatters.
After this, there was no one who dared to oppose Alfia.
By the way, the house has been rebuilt about ten times already.

“I won’t raise my hand, so tell me.”

Alfia pulls me back to reality and resumes our walk.
Scrutinizing the evening light, Bell boldly but hesitantly asked.

“My, real Okaa-san, what kind of person was she?”

Bell doesn’t know anything about her mother.
From the time I was conscious, my grandfather was the only one who was at my side.
I don’t know if I had felt, sad. But I had thought that I was lonely.
However, it is all good now.
As Bell had Alfia and the others.

So it was just genuinely just a question.
Bell wanted to hear and ask her, she who knows her mother the best.
Alfia didn’t stop walking and took a moment to look in front of her.
Then she slowly opened her lips.

“She was someone kind.”
“Aaah. She always had a smile on her face, and made people feel at ease just by being there. She was sickly but not fragile, even though all she did was saying normal things, it will make you realize your mistake, like, Ah I see. Strangely, she was loved by everyone, a very white (TLN: White/Pure) woman.”
“However, her grudge against food was terrifying.”
“Once I sneakily ate her sweet she was looking forward to eat. At that time, her mood was as if she was spitting a dragon breath. For the first time, I was prepared to die.”
“For the same reason…… Hera, a certain goddess was also made to sit seiza directly on the stone floor. That was really a sight to see. That arrogant woman was humiliated, trembling and holding back her tears.”

While Bell’s eyes darted everywhere at the sentence that shouldn’t be heard, the sound of Alfia’s voice was calm.
She was unusually talkative and there was even a hint of a smile around her mouth.
There was definitively love inside it.

“Because she couldn’t live without the help of someone else, your mother never forgot the preciousness of 『Living』. She never despite herself, she never forgot to be grateful, she never gave in to hellish pain…… While smiling on her face, she bit harder than anyone the meaning to live in the moment.”

This is why your mother was kinder than anyone else, she said.
Alfia told me that it was because of my mother, that Bell, unlike any other, didn’t know of any illness and had grown up to now with good health.

“...... The truth is. I had no intention to see you.”
“―― Eh?”

Her words were cut off and a moment of silence passed.
As the shadow of the two which was lit by the setting sun was growing, as if Alfia was lost in a memory, she revealed what was deep in her heart.

“I didn’t want to show up in front of you, that was what I thought.”

It took Bell a moment to understand the meaning of her words, he almost started to cry.
It was a somber feeling that outweighed the loneliness of not having a mother.
It is just my grandfather and me in the house in the outskirts of the village, and red heroic story and used the resident of the story to heal my loneliness. (TLN: Damn that was why you red so much heroic story to heal your lonely heart TT.TT)
Maybe, there was such a future.

But now that I know of her warmth, it is impossible.

With her eyes closed, she didn’t smile at all but with an awkward gesture, she gently stroked Bell.
Never raising her voice, sometimes punishing me and yet she always holds Bell’s little hand to protect him.
The woman who taught Bell the meaning of 『Mother』, was sensitive, selfish, violent, and very clumsy, the women in front of him.
So please, don’t say something so sad.

Bell looked up at Alfia as she walked next to him, tears pooling in the corners of his eyes.
――So then, why did she appear in front of me.
Just as my snot was about to leak out, I tried to ask her those words that got stuck in my throat but Alfia gave me my answer.

“The devil whispers got in between. I was curious about the children my sister left behind, so I went to this mountain with Zard. From far away, I really wanted to just take one look at you and then leave.”

She uttered this and she unusually curved her lips.
It was a smile in the form of self-mockery.

“However, when I saw that White hair of yours, I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t bear to rush next to you and the next thing I knew I was standing in front of you.”

Bell could still remember the day she met Alfia.
It was at dusk like today, when Bell turned around, she stood there in front of him, stunned.
She asked my name, put her hand on my round cheek and quietly hugged me.
The Alfia of that time didn’t break into tears or sobbed but Bell felt like she was crying.
So I put my short arms around her and returned her embrace.
Her body had a somewhat nostalgic scent.
Before he knew it, Bell was the one who was crying.

This was surely the 『Crossroad』.
If “there wasn’t for the devil whisper”, then surely Alfia wouldn’t have appeared in front of Bell.
Their fates wouldn’t have intersected and the story would have followed its course without any change.

“You look a lot like Meteria. Your white hair, your face, your smile, all are inherited from your mother.”
“Only one thing, only your eyes are inherited from your father. …… Everytime I look at those red eyes, I want to hollow them out inexorably.”

For a moment, Bell was frightened by Alfia who was covered in a disturbing atmosphere. (TLN: Yandere aura!)
It doesn’t seem like I would be able to talk about my father.

“...... I don’t want to be separated from Alfia Okaa-san (TLN: Still red as Step/Foster mother), and Zard Oji-san.”
“Even if you wish for it for eternity, we who aren’t god can’t fulfill it for you. For we aren’t immutable. We can’t be together forever.”

When Bell, who had been listening carefully at Alfia’s every words said that with a stern feeling, Alfia as expected responded nonchalantly.

“Even if you don’t like it, goodbyes are sure to come. Do not forget about that.”

Then 『That time』 is near. (TLN: Damn ninja cutting onions in front of me. TT.TT)
Bell thought so to himself.

Because Alfia’s coughing fit was increasing.
Bell knew that she was coughing a lot in places where no one could see.
He also knew that there was red blood mixed among it.

Bell will be seven years old this year.
It has been three years since he met Alfia and the others.
The time to say goodbye was approaching.
With a heartbreaking feeling, Bell realized this.

Conversation ceased. Everything around his vision was turning to a color of twilight. The sunset over the mountain ridge was so bright that it made the crybaby Bell eyes watery again.
While squeezing the hand that wasn’t squeezing back, we continued to walk on our way home which wasn’t that far anymore. (TLN: Isn’t this a metaphor to say that the road to her death is close? TT.TT)
Hating the silence when Alfia wasn’t talking anymore, Bell desperately searched for words to say.
So I asked one last thing.

“The god that came yesterday…… Was it good that he went back…...?”

It was something that happened yesterday.
A certain male god, visited Bell’s house.
His hair was jet-black with some ashen one (TLN: Couldn’t resist) on it. His clothes were fully black as if he were a dweller of the darkness.
His face was so well-featured, even Bell who was the same gender was taken aback by it, but the fact that his eyes didn't smile at all made him look somewhat scary.
The male god who was looking for Alfia and Zard, was having some difficult conversation with them.
Even my grandfather, who was alway making noise around, was quiet at that time.
And then after they finished listening to his story, Alfia and Zard were silent,


Is what they said.
He looked a little disappointed but with a look of relief, he quickly went back.

“...... Aaah. That was fine.”

When asked, Alfia nodded quietly.

“I have already chosen you. I can no longer choose Evil and leave you behind.”

Villains who appear many times in Heroic tales. Even Bell understands this.
However, I felt something different from the 『Evil』 she was talking about.
So Bell asked a series of questions about what it was.

“A being who destroys everything, paints order into chaos, and questioned 『Justice』. And finally, a being who would kill many.”
“...... Kill?”
“Aaah. A springboard for the 『Next generation of heroes』. Taking away what is precious to many, making them resent you, making them hate you and finally spuring them to transcend themself, entrusting them the future. To save the world."

Bell, who was a young child, didn’t quite understand Alfia.
That is why I thought about it with my own words.

There is 『Evil』, and it would have deprived Alfia and the others from Bell.
Alfia and the others will die.
I will never see Alfia and the others again.

I can’t forgive something like this.
Even if it was to save the world, Bell Cranel would never forgive that 『Evil』. No matter how noble and tragic their resolve was, Bell would ―― Never acknowledge those sinners who robbed people of their lives.

That is why, it was a good thing that Alfia and the others didn’t take on such a role.
Bell was relieved that they chose the path where no one had a grudge against them.
And yet ――.

“However…… By not choosing 『Evil』, the world might end because of us.”

Her profile showed that there was regret.
Despite the fact that no one could hate her and brand her as a sinner, it was as if she was ashamed of herself for being untainted.
Alfia was lamenting.

“『The Last Hero』 …... May never be born.”

More ashamed than Bell had ever heard her, more fragile than Bell had ever seen her.
Bell doesn’t know why Alfia is so sad.
There was no way he could understand.
But it was certain that he didn’t want her to be trapped in grief.
That’s why.
That’s why.
Bell said it.

“In that case I will be a 『Hero』”

Alfia’s legs stopped.

“I will be the last 『Hero』.

Bell also stopped his feet and appealed to her.

“That is why………… Okaa-san.” (TLN: Here he doesn’t say Step/Foster mother but mother mother. TT.TT I’m not crying!)

Saddened by their impending separation and holding his tears back, he gazed at his only mother in the world with his crimson eyes.
Her arms slackened and lost their strength and her slender fingers slipped out from Bell’s hand.
The wind saking the golden wheat made a quiet sound.
The twilight sky was listening to the 『Promise』 that the boy had made to himself, which would never leave him.

Bell Cranel may one day curse the choice he made on this day.
There may come a day when he realizes the magnitude of the things he had to carry but he would be in a place where he cannot turn back.

Even so, for now ――.
No, even if that happens ――.

“...... You cheeky little kid.”

―― This moment, the smile on her face is burned in his eyes and be proud of it.

Like a 『Hero』, bring smiles to the ones he loved.
Indicate the 『Hope』 with his finger and show them the 『Future』.
And remember this day, where his journey towards his 『Ideals』 began. (TLN: Damn Omori-sensei you are still so good to make me have chills!!)

Not longing for it, nor desiring it, just an oath in his heart,
The young man had, from this point on, become a 『Hero』.

“Now that you have called yourself Hero in front of me, you should prepare yourself. Now I won’t let you back out.”
“Then, starting from tonight, Zard and I are going to thoroughly work your ass off.”
“First of all, should I throw you into a monster’s den and let them assault your body or should I tie your body to a rock and sink you at the bottom of the river and teach you the sensation of death first…… I have never trained anyone in this kind of thing so I don’t know what to do.”
“I don’t think that this is training!!”
“You baka. If you don’t know the boundaries between life and death then you won’t know your limits. In order for you to become a hero, you have to exceed three hundred meter more than this limit.”
“What would be the point of your limit then!!!”

Alfia seemed somewhat happy as she began to talk vehemently.
Bell was quickly beginning to regret it.
Suddenly, as he was sweating and becoming pale, an outstretched hand combed through his white hair.
A little bit more,

“So, let’s stay together a little bit longer.”
“...... Un.”

Her eyelids opened and her beautiful pair of eyes stared at Bell.
With a smile, Bell put his hands on the hand she offered.
We held hands once again and walked back home with the color of twilight basking us.
At the top of the small hillI, I walked towards my grandfather and the man who were still waiting, looking at us.

Bell didn’t cry anymore.
He could not cry anymore.
To show the 『Hope』 to the former 『Hero』, he smiled.
Quietly and calmly, I went onward down the twilight road leading to the 『Future』.


I saw a dream.
I dreamed of a woman I don’t know and never met, and a Bell Cranel who was like me but not me, walking together in the twilight light.
It was a peaceful, happy, beautiful, lonely dream.
I realized now that my deep crimson eyes were crying quietly.

――――I will be a 『Hero』

The boy in my dream had decided.
He decided to carry many things and was determined to become a 『Hero』.

――――I want to be a 『Hero』.

To me that was still a 『Desire』.
Will this heroic desire, this feeling, one day turn into a conviction.
Or will it change into something different.
I do not know.
But, let’s go forward.
Let’s start running so as to not lose against that scenery which is already blurry and hard to remember.

I get up, leave my room and run out of the mansion.
Today too, the young man runs through the City of Heroes dyed in the morning sun.

TL Notes:Daaaamn we need this what if story fanfiction with this Bell in Orario! Most of the story would be the same but Bell mentality won’t! And maybe the whole relationship why Aiz would be different!
submitted by gegotaz to DanmachiMemoriaFreese [link] [comments]

Looking for "pure" 2d platforming games

What i mean by pure is no fighting, mario style fighting is fine, and no puzzle. Just pure platforming level to test your skill. THe only puzzle should be figuring out what to do in the room. Here are a lots of example; Celeste, The end is nigh, super meat boy, n++, Slime san, electronic super joys, rite, izbot, kuso/love, mos speedrun 2, shu, vvvvvv, swordbounce (borderline puzzle), horace (underrated masterpiece), never give up, sockventure (coming out "soon").
Or any getting over it like, golfing oi, bouncing oi, pogostuck, bowling oi, just arm, mighty fling, jump king, boxman struggle
Here are some bad example (i had fun playing these games, but these arent what i'm looking for right now) : trine (too much puzzle) Hollow knight (too much combat), shantae (too much backtracking and fighting), limbo (too much puzzle).
submitted by Cuttyflame123 to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

Civia, Politics, And You – Why People Are Mad At A Cute Otaku Girl, and Why You Should Care About It

(Note to mods: since this is very relevant to ongoing events related to a virtual Youtuber as well as the entire industry in general, I hope that this post will be allowed to stay up for the benefit of our community. Although this is an emotionally charged topic, I have attempted to present an objective point of view as to why things are like as they are now, and be nice to all involved as by rule 1. I understand if the mods aren’t comfortable with having a post upon modern politics and decide to remove this post, though I urge them not to in reasons that will be described below.)
So maybe you’ve heard the news: Civia, a Chinese Hololive member, has opened a Youtube account. (You can’t really not know at this point, it’s at the top of the subreddit.) She’s got a cute voice, she’s quite fluent in English, she says she’s everybody’s wife, all is well with the world. But if you’ve seen the rather low up/downvote ratio for a debut stream and have dug far enough into the comments, or was watching the chat when she was streaming, you may have realised that she’s got herself a decent number of haters, spamming all sorts of random anti-Chinese keywords and references. They’re all banned now, and it seems like everything’s blown over due to stringent moderation – it seems like her comment section is all English at this point, with not much Chinese in sight: odd given that she’s a Chinese Vtuber. This article is aimed at people who are curious about what happened, as well as people who want an explanation.
The single sentence answer is that “she got raided by people who hate Chinese censorship”. Now at first glance it seems like a ridiculous idea to do that to a virtual Youtuber of all people: she hasn’t been anywhere near vocal about Chinese nationalism at all, and indeed she wasn’t even on most people’s radars before the announcement of her Youtube channel happened. What you may not have known is that the prevailing atmosphere on forums like Bahamut (one of the most prominent Taiwanese weeb-related forums that the raid came from) is that Civia herself isn’t at fault; she simply happens to be the first one making the jump from Bilibili over to Youtube. Everyone’s OK with her staying in Bilibili; I’ve watched her a bit on Bilibili before her debut and to give my personal perspective, she’s a perfectly fine Hololive member, always chatting in other videos’ comment sections like your usual Hololive fan and simping on Aqua in nigh-unhealthy volumes – in fact she’s quite relatable IMHO. She’s fine on her own: what people don’t want are the things she might bring with her.
There’s an overall atmosphere of 河水不犯井水: “the water of the river should not interfere with the water of the well”, and that although people might be unhappy that such a thing as Hololive CN exists at all, most are content to let them do as they please “inside the wall”, so to speak, while the rest (JP, ID or otherwise) operate outside of it. In a way, the CN division existed separately from the rest of the group (perhaps excluding Artia being a Reddit mod with Coco etc.), a separation which some people do not want to see removed. Civia’s debut on Youtube obviously precludes this separation.
Now you may have seen this image linked in places if you’ve come across some negative comments on Twitter or somesuch: https://na.cx/i/nRbTvmL.png and it’s really pretty innocuous when you read the literal meaning of the post; she’s paying her respects to the heroes of the past who defended themselves against the Japanese military invasion during WW2. Every country and region’s got a variation of this, and normally this wouldn’t be a problem. The main problem with this isn’t the content of what she typed, it’s the account she’s reposting this from: tacking on to comments made by Artia and Spade Echo, the OP of the propaganda-tastic image you can see below is the Communist Youth League of China’s official account. For those not in the know, this is a wing of the Communist Party that effectively is the main face of national propaganda aimed at youngsters, and it wields considerable influence in the Party proper as well. It’s actually the biggest presence spreading propaganda in Bilibili. You might start to see why people might not want her over on “this side” of the Internet, so to speak.
The main argument against the angry people that you can see under Civia’s first stream’s comment section right now is that “nobody wants to see politics when simping to Vtubers”, and that is a very reasonable argument to make: I believe most of us here are to some degree trying to escape something in the real world when watching anime figures doing interesting things. But a little lesson about Bilibili that most people here may not have known about: the prominence of national politics. Once upon a time, Bilibili was a place for people in the Greater Chinese social sphere to discuss and meme about anime, a place where people from Taiwan and Hong Kong were seen as people who typed weirdly but were welcome all the same; to make a comparison it was like a Chinese version of Niconico, 音MADs and AMVs and all the good and the bad of the internet. (Side note- Bilibili was actually how I got into Vtubers in the first place.) Then the Fire Nation attacked, and now you can’t go three videos without getting nationalist propaganda in your recommended, and much of the good old stuff has been nuked to the ground, taking shelter in Github repositories and Onedrive sharepoints. Apart from very discreet and insular pockets of resistance, it’s literally impossible to find a comment not praising everything that the Chinese government does when it’s but tangentially mentioned. One of the most controversial examples of this is I can think of off the top of my head is when the Communist Youth League teamed up with the biggest anime reviewer on Bilibili (we’re talking “millions of views per video on average” big) to produce a review of an anime that quite literally took the opportunity to shit on the ongoing Hong Kong protests in a way that fit the party line of “dumb teenagers being controlled by foreign powers” that said anime just so happened to provide the lampshade for. More recent actions include the blacklisting of reposting a Youtuber not for blatant sex jokes or for (arguably) defamation, but get this: collaborating with a Taiwanese person who may or may not have used phrasing indicating her acceptance of Taiwanese independence once. He didn’t say anything about the topic himself, but the act of collaborating with somebody else who was was enough to end the team of people who reposted his videos. Another case involves buying one of the most prominent anime culture wikis (the one you’ve probably seen being used when Vtubers egosearch for themselves in Chinese), moving it back inside the Great Firewall, and then promptly deleting anything they thought was too suggestive.
This is to the point where I personally know several very nationalistic Chinese people who wish for nothing more that the site to be destroyed: it’s a common joke that it’s one of the only things people on all sides of the Greater Chinese political spectrum can agree upon. All in all Bilibili is a steaming pile of shit, more so than Youtube’s censorship and AI gimmicks can ever imagine reaching, because with Youtube if you raise enough of a shitstorm you actually have a chance of winning: just see what happened with Hololive’s ASMR streams a while back. And Hololive, through Bilibili’s equivalent of memberships and superchats, is one of the largest companies who keep the site alive. Bilibili subscriber counts can overtake Youtuber subscriber counts for some Vtubers, so we’re talking that amount of Superchats. It’s not a huge leap of imagination to think that Civia’s entrance to Youtube may represent the infiltration of Chinese political correctness outside of Chinese websites into the Vtuber industry: and this isn’t even the beginning either.
People who follow Hololive closely, especially Choco-sensei’s fans may have heard of or read about Tibet in relation to Choco. This is due to an incident that happened around three months ago. Japanese-fluent readers can view a short summary of the incident here. The nuance of this incident is a bit hard to explain in English, but in short Choco-sensei ran a quiz question that utilized the descriptor “国” (kuni) to refer to Tibet. Now going by all the online resources that I can get my hands upon, “kuni” can refer to either a “country” or a “region”, with a prominent example of the second one being “kita no kuni” as a metaphor for Hokkaido. Now as Tibet and Hokkaido are both mostly frozen parts of China and Japan respectively which have local populations distinct from the ethnic majority, one would think that this use of “kuni” would be apt; however, users on Bilbili took 国 to mean “nation-state” – and by the way, legally speaking it is illegal by national law for anybody anywhere to advocate for the secession of a part of China, which Tibet is included under. Yes, that law applies to you as well, whoever you are. Even seeming to hint at the possibility of being an advocate for Tibetan independence was enough of a legal faux pas that Cover posted an apology on the same day to save their and Hololive CN’s skins: compare that to things like the Mel harassment scandal, which took months for Cover to even address. Now it’s absolutely reasonable for Vtubers to not want to get involved in politics, especially international politics: even the kuso panda won’t touch it, and that speaks volumes. Things might get heavily censored in China, but at least we get the “full version”, so to speak, so we won’t have to worry about politics at all. But do you want this level of censorship to appear on Youtube, itself bad enough already with censorship, where even something tangentially related or seeming to hint at legally enforced political no-nos will be scoured off Youtube at speed without anybody getting a chance to explain themselves? This is why people are angry, and this is why there are a vocal group of people of people against Civia’s entry to Youtube. Civia didn’t do anything wrong on her own; the intended message of the raid was directed at Cover for permitting this to happen, for fully breaking the separation from Bilibili to Youtube and endangering the community over here.
One major running theme I’ve seen with controversies that happen in Vtuber circles (especially with Hololive fans in particular) is to forgive everything they do and defend them automatically whether they are worthy of defense or not – or being a “全肯定bot” in Japanese. Sometimes this works out fine, and as we’ve heard from Miko among others it works out to the Vtuber’s and everybody else’s benefit while the rumour-mongering antis are left in the dust; but sometimes this overzealousness in defending one’s waifus against threats real or perceived ends up being eerily close to political groupthink: people rush to defend the innocent girl against antis who are angry for no good reason instead of critically analyzing what is going on and why people are angry before doing so. Every time Something Bad Happens, places like the Hololive discord instantly jump to their defense, ban everyone from discussing the reasons behind the Something Bad too much, and instantly rush to Youtube and Twitter to fight against antis with pitifully little knowledge of the ongoing situation.
To give a little bit of perspective, the take-home opinion here is that one side thinks that they’re protesting against increased Chinese political interference in their favourite form of entertainment, and the other side thinks that they’re fighting against unbidden online violence directed at their idols: the disconnect here between communities is so large it needs a wall of text like this to attempt to explain. This too was true for the Aloe incident: people who said that they wanted her gone for slander against a former Vtuber and contract violation were fighting against people who thought they were slaying virginity-obsessed idol fans left and right.
Vtubers, as much as we all want to think are isolated from society at large, are but human creations, prone to fault, and the companies behind some of them out for profit, as capitalism does – and I am sure that this will not be the last controversy to come. I am not asking you to flame a girl who really doesn’t personally deserve it – but I do ask that before you grab the pitchforks, read carefully between the lines and look at the bigger picture, and most importantly understand why people are getting angry, before going to defend the people who need to be defended, because as we all know some of them do, bless their hearts. We all love virtual youtubers here – we simply differ on what needs to be done to protect the industry. Please keep that in mind.
TL;DR: If you thought Youtube censorship was bad you haven’t seen nothing like Bilibili censorship. And nobody wants that on Youtube: that’s why Civia got raided.
submitted by qwerty9149 to VirtualYoutubers [link] [comments]

First half of Coco's stream about reddit translated

I left out the english bits since you guys probably can understand
if you're going to use the translations don't monetize it unless it's going straight to Hololive.
Translations aren't Direct Direct translations because it loses nuance and context if directly translated into english but this is from the first minute mark up until 30:49 point in the youtube video
all dialogues are coco talking unless otherwise stated. Spelling errors are present, I'll get through some of them, second part is in comments
Oi oi oi oi oi oi Hey guys,
Since everyone's awake in Japan, good day. and for our foreign watchers, good evening
What are we doing today? We're going to do a report on at how our overseas fans are horsing around* (she says mori agaru which directly translates getting excited)
I'm don't know if a lot of you know about reddit, a large community site, do you?
I'm sure a lot of foreigners know about it but I'm not sure that it's as popular in Japan.
talks about how reddit doesn't really have a equivalent in Japan explains it that is different from 2ch
On Reddit, there's actually a section dedicated to Hololive. You know how on facebook, there's an official page for something? Hololive has something similar to an official page on Reddit
we're going to be checking up on how our overseas fans are messing around in the subreddit.
Since we have a lot of overseas listeners today, lets take a look at this first.
"This stream would mostly be in Japanese, but shut the fuck up and watch it" - Kiryuu Coco 2020
breaks down the english for Japanese fans
There's a lot of overseas fans shitposting on the subreddit so I just wanted to share some of the pictures that are shown on the subreddit
first we have this picture:
*meme of placing Hololive members from "pure girl to EROI" on x axis and "harvard to onion" on Y axis"
Oi oi oi what is this?
stop judging us! although I've seen something like this before...
translates pure girl and eroi
and this is an onion, pfft, this is just what aqua paisen head looks like from behind
and this is? oh, this is the havard graduate symbol.
Oi oi oi oi, don't you go ranking us! hololive
lets take a look.
so the person that's furthest away from "pure girl" is... looks at matsuri
sss... mmmm... acknowledged. since the opposite of pure is eroi
but the thing that I'm most shocked about would Noel being placed where she is.
What do you think Japanese fans, are the overseas fans right?
Sora's at the apex of pure girl and harvard grad so that's pretty much right,
chat says:top grade analysis Coco: Top grade analysis? You sure that's correct?
So the most pure and the most onion shaped is Pekora paisen?! Oi oi oi oi
Pekora paisen, this wasn't made by me, the overseas fans just made it by themselves by the way.
So, the person who's the most EROI and harvard grad is... SENCHOU?! Oi... what's going on here.
And there's some people missing from the chart like Towasama. There's only some of the members.
and I cant agree with Flare paisen being EROI and onion. And subaru paisen isn't here.
Oh, Kanata is... yeah Kanata is pure girl, ant we cant put her into the EROI catagory,
but to put her one step below Sora in pure girl / havard grad is... HMMM... I don't know about that.
I cant really get too mad at this meme, it's reasonably fair, but there's some parts that just don't make sense
(chat: fuu-tan is unexpectedly eroi) Coco: oi, oi, I didn't know about that, she can be EROI
mmm... this part where Noel / Flare are in the same section...
What about me... I'm not pure? true, I'm not really EROI either though.
I don't think people really look at me with EROI intentions, I think people that watch me are more like doting parents.
Miko paisen plays ero games all the time so she shoul be around here points to place past graph at EROI
Don't go around shitposting like this! (please do) サナヴァビーチ、ピュアシート、we're acknowledging this as a shitpost
(TL note: Shion says that she's Harvard grad on stream sometimes, but she's put at the bottom of the graph near onion)
Lets move to see what other shit these guys are making
*meme of break down of wint's financial situation:

wint @dril

Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 Donating to vtubers $3600 Utility $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying

craig @craigus12

@dril spend less on vtubers

wint @dril

@craigus12 no
Coco breaking down the picture
hahaha... well... I pretty similar to the people I know, fufufu. I've seen some people do unspeakable things with microtransations
It's scary how much you can lose track of money when you're donating.
this lol... BAKAYARO, you can spend 90% less on this and you're still donating a lot of money per month.
(chat: You can probably get away with spending less money) coco: stop analyzing this! Don't use your food expenses to donate!
Is this you?
(chat donating money saying "no") Coco: what do you mean "no"?!
家賃? 家賃は削ってもいいんじゃない? 車に住めばいいんじゃない? you can probably get away with living in your car, what do you think?
Hmmm... I guess there's some weird people overseas as well. You can feel this guy's unwaivering determination by his "no"
huh? This guy is in the chat?! ウィントさんいますか?この辺はどうですか?wink wink このへんを減らせばvtuberにスーパーチャットもっと投げられます (TL note: yeah I'm just going to stop translating english to japanese because I'm cringing at myself)
this is perfect
coco reading through chat
welp we've found the perfect solution: "just sleep outside"
so we'll call this a true shitpost for now and move on to the next post
we're seeing a lot of shit on these shit posts, they're kuso!
picture of amazon frequently bought together set with white / blue braid shower loofa, carrot plushie, white bunny mufflescarf
Oh this, is the recommendations that you see on Amazon where they show you items that are frequently bought together.
breaks down the english for japanese viewers
I think I've seen this before-peko. mmm... $29.15 that's about 3000 yen
Can we really be pekora-paisen with 3000yen
(chat: we need a pair for the loofas) Coco: oh, we need 2 of these loofas
Frequently bought together... so people are buying these as a set frequently?
there's 40 year old guys (ossan, not necessarily 40 year old but similar nuance) trying to become pekora? I'm really wondering what they were trying to do
(chat: does that mean pekora is 3000 yen?) Coco: No! that's not what I'm trying to say.
(chat: you can save money by using real carrot) Coco: shut up lol, stop trying to sell this lol
(chat: 1 pekora cosplay please) Coco: lol don't cheapen Pekora cosplay
stop donating $29.15 to me, stop trying to make me cosplay with this.
(chat: always has been) Coco: no it hasn't!
(chat: where can I buy this?) Coco: Apparently you can buy it on amazon
(chat: you need 2 carrots though)
(chat: pekora's 3d budget) Coco: The budget to make Pekora's 3d is not 3000 yen, don't look down on Hololive's technology
but, I guess the budget for a 40 year old guy to become Pekora is $29.15
(chat: please tell me the url after this) Coco: who is trying to actually do this?! lol
man these oversea fans, I don't know if this picture is edited but they shitpost like this everyday.
Don't you want to check out the subreddit where they shitpost like this everyday? You guys should check it out
well then, lets move on to the next one
(chat: You see people like this sometimes in comiket) Coco: I know right? you do see some 40 year old guys wearing these kind of 3000yen low budget costumes in comiket, I actually like them.
(still talking about comiket costumes) the one I liked the most was the one for Hanma Baki. (fighting manga) There was one of cosplay of Hanma Baki where they wrapped rubber bands around their head to make it look like a scar
I forgot the name of the character, but I love seeing these kinds of low budget cosplays.
what was his name... what was... oh, Hanayama lol
(guy donates $29.15 with message: 1 pekora set please) Coco: don't donate this to me, buy it on amazon
but yeah, those low budget cosplays are genius, and stuff like this falls into that realm too,
but even if I'm introducing you to this cosplay set right now, and 40 year old guys with neckbeards start cosplaying Pekora,
it might... be good if you guys can just sign a waiver of responsibility before you do this because I take no responsibility for this
(chat: refering to low budge cosplay of Hanma Baki that was a comedian who did that) Coco: oh, he was a comedian? That's genius!
well lets move on to the next one, it's probably another shitpost.
Oh, this is a comic, lets read it
Breaks down english for Japanese viewers
So they dropped them into the swamp, what a shitpost lol.
I mean... this is a shitpost but there's some truth behind it.
Your life does spiral out of control while watching Hololive. Maa Maa verbal filler
(chat: probably responding to Coco saying maa maa My mom is also watching) Coco: Oh no!
I guess the fans overseas also understand that your live gets ruined the more your watch hololive.
They understand that once you introduce them to Hololive, they're going to be cursed with insomnia because they're watching Hololive instead of sleeping
You understand. I'll give you brownie points for that.
"LAAIVU DESTROY" I guess you DO keep watching until your lives are ruined, there's nothing you can about it.
What do you guys think? top grade analysis?
(chat: I feel so called out) coco: lol
(chat: people saying that their lives are saved are in denial) Coco: Oh, overseas people are denying that their lives are destroy, they're saying that they're being saved
(TL note: Coco-sama?!?!)
Well I guess you can call this a swamp, but you can also call it salvation. Hololive is salvation.
lets move on to the next one, this one's a video.
We're currently planning on making a hololive house, and me, Kanata and Suisei are going to live together.
But this is supposedly a video of me waking Kanata up once we start living together.
Watches kiryuu wrap Kanata into a blanket and yeet her into a wall
Like I would do something like this lol
(chat: BRUH) Coco: don't BRUH me
I would never do something so violent to Kanata... lets watch it again, it's pretty addicting.
(chat: top tier analysis) Coco: no it's not!
(TL note: cant hear her that well at this part) Coco: Kanata is literally floating at that part lol
I would definitely wake her up gently, I'd would whisper gently into her ear: "Wakey wakey, lets wake up!"
this is too funny
(chat: I spit my onto my monitor) Coco: stop putting tea on your monitor bakayaro
I would never do something like this lol
(chat: bad analysis) Coco: definitely bad analysis of Kiryuu Coco
(chat: this is fine) Coco: no it's not fine!
You can feel the difference between Japanese and Western humor in this. If you post this on Japanese twitter, they'll get angry lol
(chat: they won't get angry) Coco: I guess they wont get angry, people do have a sense of humor lol
But there will be some people who overthink the joke and be like: "oi oi oi oi, is person inside the blanket alright?"
and then they'll try to get other people to agree with them on it. There really isn't too much of that on reddit, so it's pretty fun (TL note: oh my sweet summer child)
I'm going to watch it again, one last time lol
definitely wouldn't do something like this! lol. This is a bad analysis. Don't BRUH me lol.
Next meme!
virgin PPTenshi vs Chad Haachama meme - eat grass eat self made food - 2d 3d - Slowly loses sanity Already lost her sanity - Stuck for hours Finished in less than 30 min
coco breaks down english for Japanese If I remember correctly, angel took about 18 hours to clear potman (getting over it with BF), I guess this was posted around that time.
2D... circles mouse around Kanata's chest I guess you can say that Kanata is 2d compared to Haachama circle mouse around Haachama's chest
Kanata did recently get a 3d model, but the analysis spot on regard kanata's "2d assets" compared to Haachama's "3d assets."
"already lost her sanity" great analysis, I guess overseas people do understand that Haachama already lost her sanity
compares the PPT's small hammer vs. Haachama's big hammer
oh, this is pretty sad. hold on, let me check this out, look at how sad her face is
zooms in on ppt's face
lol, looks how sad her face is, this tragic lol, grrrrrrraaaaaaaaaassssssss
This version of this meme is really well done, they did a really good job touching up the format.
This is pretty accurate, the part about the 2d / 3d and also good analysis.
She's looks really worn out, she's so worn out she's starting to look like an old man. you guys overseas are having too much fun with pictures of Kanata.
but, it's good analysis though
lets move on to the next meme
We already spent 30 minutes doing this, I really like this one, it's pretty funny. Shall we look at the next one?
(chat: kusa) Coco: Kusa~ everyone's spamming Kusa
Again? lol ahhhhhhh
breaks down english for Japanese viewers
picture of Kanata pointing to a rag saying "I made new merch"
It's a picture of a rag! Oi! Oi!
I guess people from overseas also think that Kanata's merch look like rags. Good Analysis. This is literally a worn out rag that turn brown after use.
I really feel the love for Kanata
(chat: literal worn out rags is NG, You cant even use that anymore since it's so worn out) Coco: Poor Kanata
Stop trying throwing money at me trying to buy Kanata's rag.
lol, reddit's is full of shitposters like this, it's great.
submitted by Risdit to Hololive [link] [comments]

[Discussion] Lambda Annual Survey Results

Lamba Annual Survey Summary

What is the Lambda Annual Survey?

Lambda holds what probably is the most representative KC Survey once a year and publishes the results. With over 8000 entries this time, it should give a nice overview of the Japanese KC Community (and the foreigners that took part in it as well) at large. Both the survey and the results were published in Japanese, and after asking permission from Lambda I will summarize the most important points in the following. The untranslated results can be found here. I recommend having it open while reading along.

Pages 1+2: Server Population and Join Dates

The most popolous Server is Hashi, followed by Kure. The eldest 5 Servers have a significant portion of Players who got into them via Server-Transfer. A total of 24,5% of the Survey Participants were successfull in changing Servers in their Playtime. The newer Servers don't seem to be a desirable target for switching to.
The Second half of 2013 notes the half-year in which most Players joined the game, followed by a steady decline of new Players in the following years. The only exception to that is the first half of 2015, marking the release of the Kancolle Anime (hopes for Season 2 Player influx is not entirely unjustified then). Most of the Anime Newfaces seemed to have landed on the Servers Hashi and Saiki. 50% of the Survey Participants already joined before the end of 2014, the 90%th Percentile was reached just before the end of 2017.

Page 2: Demographics

90% of the Admirals are male, 10% female.
The age distribution peaks at 25 years old (making them 18-20 when the game launched and got the majority of the players), with a long and mostly linear trail down to 56 years old, putting the average age of the survey participants in the high 20s to early 30s. Sadly Lambda doesn't actually provide a number at that point.

Page 3: Foreigners and understanding of the Japanese Language

81% of the Survey participants were claiming to be japanese, 18% to be foreigners. The Rest are either foreigners living in Japan or Japanese living abroad.
The gross majority of foreign players stems from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Lambda doesn't provide a percentage here either, but here is an approximate breakdown of the most important foreign playerbase:
Interesting note at that point: To my knowledge the Vietnamese community is pretty large, but only 2 of them seemed to have managed to fill out this survey. So take these numbers with a grain of salt since the survey spread might not have been ideal among the foreign playerbase in addition to the language barrier posed by the survey itself.
Which brings us to the next point: Understanding of Japanese in Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing: Almost 40% of foreigners attest to a decent proficiency to reading Japanese, another 45% attest to understanding a bit and the remaining 15% can't read Japanese at all. Listening gives a 35/52/13, Speaking a 20/50/30 and Writing a 20/35/45 split for the same proficiencies.
Lambda notes that a decent amount of people can play without understanding a single bit of japanese and puts it to the expansive wikis that exist. Yay, EN Community, I guess.

Page 4: Shipgirl Popularity

There were a lot of Categories to fill out and I won't translate all 240 rows of that table. Instead, i will give you the Top 10 (descending) and Flop 10 (with the least popular one at the top) of each category. The second column is a result of a cumulative vote on up to 30 Shipgirls for each participant of the survey.
Favourite I like them Favourite+Like Married Don't own Deserves a K2
#1 Haruna Saratoga Saratoga Abukuma Hirato Kaga
#2 Kongou Prinz Eugen Prinz Eugen Zuikaku Fletcher Yamato
#3 Shigure Suzuya Zuikaku Shoukaku I-14 Shimakaze
#4 Can't decide Zuikaku Suzuya Kitakami Akishimo Takao
#5 Kaga Yuudachi Haruna Kongou I-504 Atago
#6 Verniy Shigure Yuudachi Nagato Tashkent Aoba
#7 Zuikaku Haruna Shigure Musashi I-400 Yukikaze
#8 Yamato Kongou Kongou Haruna Johnston Inazuma
#9 Inazuma Shoukaku Yamato Kaga Jervis Taihou
#10 Taihou Yamato Shoukaku Akagi De Ruyter Prinz Eugen
#239 Asakaze Nenohi Nenohi Hirato Akagi n/A
#238 Garibaldi Uranami Uranami Mikura Kitakami
#237 Shinyou Miyuki Mikura Nenohi Shigure
#236 Kunashiri Mikura Miyuki Akishimo Hibiki
#235 I-504 Kikuzuki Kikuzuki Miyuki Yuudachi
#234 Akishimo Shirayuki Shirayuki Uranami Chiyoda
#233 Mikura Wakaba Daitou Wakaba Sendai
#232 Hiburi Daitou Wakaba Hatsuyuki Maya
#231 Daitou Hatsuharu Hatsuharu Isonami Haguro
#230 Amagiri Nagatsuki Hiburi Shirayuki Haruna
No Major upsets here. New ships or those fogotten by the devs or the playerbase are not popular, while, well, the popular girls are the most liked. The only interesting tidbit is that Abukuma makes it to #1 married ship and Kitakami, Nagato and Musashi also being high up there despite not being very high in the other two categories. I personally would put that to the statistical aspects of the ships making a bigger influence here.

Page 5: Kanmusu wishes

Lambda left the survey participants some space to write a personal message to their favourite, won't be summarizing that. The other Part of that page was a space for the participants to voice a desire for an upcoming Shipgirl Archetype. The most popular ones were "elder sister", "loli battleship" and "glasses". Makes me wonder why Hirato and Amagiri scored so low in the previous section, but what do I know. Both Sado and Maso of the options that were predetermined by Lambda were the least popular suggestions. There is also a whole plethora of user-made suggestions, but I won't make a summary on those.

Page 6: Starter Ships & Kuso

The most common startership chosen is Inazuma (38%), followed by Fubuki (25%), Murakumo (17%), Samidare (13%) and then Sazanami (7%). Looking at the starter ships chosen by joined year of the survey Participants, it is noticeable that Fubuki got a decent popularity boost in 2015 with the anime release, but the distribution stayed mostly stable since then (2020 has bit low sample size, so rather ignore that one).
About 38% of Admirals have to admit that their highest level Shipgirl is not neccesarily their favourite one.
71% of Admirals admit to having sunk a Shipgirl on accident. 26% admit to intentionally sinking Shipgirls, which marks a 3% increase from last years survey, Lambda notes.

Page 7: Highest Levels/Married Ships

The most common answer to the question "what is your highest level shipgirl" was the levelcap, 175, followed by the first cap, 99. The Median and Average of the highest level shipgirl don't deviate much and are 150 and 147 respectivly.
There is a not insignificant proportion of survey participants who have not married at all, but most commonly they seem to be marrying around 1-25. Monagamy almost was the most common choice, only beaten by the choice of being married with about 10 girls. Afterwards the amount of total girls married decreases steadily.

Page 8+9: Resources and Materials

The stock of the primary resources Fuel/Ammo/Steel/Bauxite have two peaks: At Softcap and Hardcap, with a rather even distribution inbetween them. The major takeaway here is that steel seems to be most easily capped, followed by bauxite.
Buckets don't have a softcap, but a similiar pattern emerges: Either being capped or being broke are the most common result, with everything inbetween being rather evenly distributed.
Both Screws and Medals are not hoarded by the majority of the survey participants and are either being used ASAP or not acquired at all. The average Screw count might seem high with 100, but the Median is at 29, meaning that number gets grossly inflated by the hoarders. Similarly, Medals are averaged at 36.5, while the Median is 14.
Most Admirals didn't choose to expand their Fleet Presets (40%), about 23% each expanded to 5 and 10 Presets and 15% makes use of up to 15 Fleet Presets.
Despite there "only" being about 240 Shipgirls, most survey participants expanded their total slot number way beyond that (most commonly the MAX being 430), with a second peak centered around 300-340 slots. Most likely to retain dupes and more equipment slots. Only a very small minority (3%) is still operating on 100 slots.
Most Survey Participants (46%) measure their yearly Kancolle expense in the thousands of Yen (1k Yen ~9.2$ or ~8.5€), while 40% measure it in tens of thousands of Yen. About 7% spent more than 100.000 Yen in the passing year, while 6% were free2play.

Page 10: HQ and playing the game

The majority of survey participants is HQ Level 120 (55%), and additional 39% are in the HQ110-119 Range. Lambda points out that there is an 11% increase of HQ Level 120 since the last time the survey has been held. The average amount of Sorties done by players is around 100.000, only very few pass the 200.000 mark.
Around 48% of survey participants have ranked at least once in their carreer, most of them in T500 only. Around 35% ranked in the second half of 2019 and 16% in december 2019. It is noteworthy that Lambda points out that out of the ~10000 Rankers (500x20 Servers + Comments) in December 1302, or about 13% of all of them, took part in this survey. Considering there are about 10.000 active accounts per Server[1] and only 500 (5%) would get rewards it is a strong indicator that this survey was filled out by a way more dedicated audience than the average player.
Most survey participants only complete the daily missions up to and including "10 Daily Battles" (58%) and if they are doing Daily W2 Bosses, they usually pull through and Complete Daily 6 subs as well (18%). 10% choose not to do Daily Missions.
The weekly mission completion rates are as follows:
  • Weekly Sorties 1: 75%
  • Weekly CV: 75%
  • Weekly Transports 1: 68%
  • Weekly Transports 2: 46%
  • Weekly Submarines: 67%
  • Weekly World 4: 28%
  • Weekly World 3: 43%
  • Further Weeklies: 18%
The game is most commonly played on Mobile and PC (multiple answers possible here though). A little less than 4% said that they were only playing with mobile devices.
Google Chrome was by far the most used Browser; the most common viewer used is the T74 Electronic Observer, followed by kcv, poi and then KC3.

Page 11: Events and A-Class Medals

A pattern similiar to the Resources emerge once again: There are two peaks at 0 and 18 A-Class Medals acquired by the admirals participating in this survey. Out of those Admirals who have gotten the full set, only a very small minority (2%) decided to convert them to fuel/screws. Overall, 6% of the survey participants scrap these Medals on average. The average survey participant has claimed 6.75 Hard Medals to their name.
The next Figure concerns itself with Event Participation and perceived difficulty. The 5 most difficult Events were:
  • Fall 2013
  • Summer 2015
  • Summer 2014
  • Summer 2017
  • Spring 2016
The 5 Events perceived to be the most easy ones were:
  • Fall 2015
  • Winter 2013
  • Spring 2017
  • Winter 2016
  • Spring 2015
It is interesting to see that the last couple of Events were neither perceived as particulary easy nor particulary hard.
The Events of 2019 were completed on Hard by a majority of Survey Participants (43-52%).

Page 12: Gameplay Mechanics Test

4 Gameplay related statements were made and had to be identified as "wrong" or "correct" by the survey participants. The majority of participants got the questions right, but only at about a 60% rate.

Page 13: Offline-Events

The most popular KC Offline Event among Survey Participants seemed to be the Zuiun Festival 2019, which 1200 (or about 15%) of them attended. Other contestants are the Deep Sea Circus and New Year 2020 in Yokohoma. The Curry in Tokio didn't seem to be quite as popular.
When going to an Offline-Event, most (57%) are going alone, 23% with an IRL friend, 10% with an Online Friend and the remainder with their GF/Family.
The following places have been visited by the survey participants:
  • Yokosuka: 29%
  • Kure: 25%
  • Sasebo: 14%
  • Maizuri: 12%
  • Ominato: 2%
  • Ship Shrines of no further description: 8%
  • Other Shrines: 11%
  • Other pilgrimage site in foreign countries: 4%
When it comes to buying official collaboration goods in 2019, close to 70% of Survey Participants got something from Lawson, 19% from Mikutoshi, 15% from HIROTA and 2% from JAL.
Most Participants (63%) never played the Arcade version of KanColle, 32% have played at least once and 4% are currently active players.

Page 13: Secondary Creation

A Quarter of Admirals are proud to admit that they have drawn a shipgirl themselves at least once. 82% never cosplayed a Kancolle character, 13% would like to give it a try and only 5% actually did it.
About 40% of survey Participants don't own any Doujinshis for KanColle, 30% 1-10, 21% between 10 and 100 and 10% own more than 100 thin booklets. 3% of the Survey Participants answered that they took part in creation of this kind of Secondary Media.

Page 14: Secondary/Supplementary Information Sources

For general KanColle-Related content, the following sites are frequented:
  • Summary Sites/Blogs: 77%
  • Video Sites (niconico/youtube): 57%
  • Illustration sites (pixiv etc.): 44%
  • Livestreams: 39%
  • Anonymous Image Boards: 28%
  • "I don't usually look at KanColle sites": 4%
For the purposes of gathering information during Events, the following sources are used for help:
  • Kancolle Wiki: 89%
  • Blogs/Articles: 74%
  • SNS (Social Networks): 52%
  • Calculation tools/pages: 46%
  • Databases: 41%
  • Frontline/Livesteam Summary etc.: 33%
  • Overseas Kancolle Wiki: 25%
  • Anonymous Image Boards: 20%
  • "I don't look for secondary Information during Events": 0,8%

Page 15: Wishes for KanColle

This Page contains a lot user-input, the only easily quantifyable part is where Lambda provided a couple of options for future developments in KanColle a survey participant might want to see:
  • Help for Newcomers: 49%
  • Better leveling spots: 48%
  • Event Reruns: 43%
  • No more Hardcap: 41%
  • Equipment Presets: 41%
  • UI Improvements: 40%
  • Live2D: 29%
  • Friend Fleet Implementation (for reals this time): 25%
  • iPhone App: 21%
  • Develop 10 items at a time: 20%
  • Collabs with other games and anime: 19%
  • 3D/VR Support: 13%

Page 16: Other Games and KanColle Retention

About 40% of Survey Participants do not play other Games in the same space as Kancolle, the rest plays a selection of the following (multiple answers possible, only listing the most popular ones):
  • FGO: 20%
  • Azur Lane: 13%
  • Princess Connect!: 10%
  • Idolmaster: 9%
  • GBF: 8%
  • Flower Knight Girl(s?): 7%
  • BanG Dream!: 6%
  • Puzzle (and Dragons?): 5%
  • Touken Ranbu: 4%
The Majority of survey participants (57%) will stick to KanColle till the end, 37% will go on as long as they can, 2.6% are considering retirement, 1.4% want to stop rather soon and 1.6% of the participants already quit the game

Page 17+18: R-18, the lood stuff

80% of Survey Participants decided to take it to that stage. All further Questions will be filtered after them.
Out of those, 83% did the deed with a Shipgirl, but only 70% to a shipgirl they married. 25% admit to making a gun inspection with official art as reference.
On a scale from 1-7, the favourite chest-armour-sizes were asked (but no points of reference given): 5%/10%/17%/20%/26%/11%/10%. The median size desired is 4, the average 4.26
On a related note, survey participants were asked their opinion on Minegumos assets (relating to a comment made by conishi when she released). 33% disagree on that kind of armour on an Asashio class DD, 45% are okay with it. The remaining 21% chose the meme answer "むしろ興奮する", along the lines of "ngl, it's kinda hot".
The IRL sexual activity of those who took part in this part of the survey are: 45% male virgins, 15% virgin males who only lost it to a prostitute, 3% female virgins, 26% regular non-virgins and 10% married admirals.
In the next section, admirals were asked to pick their 30 favourite Kanmusu for night battles as well as those who they already did it with. Here, the top and bottom 15 for each category will be picked:
Favourites Been there, done that
1 Suzuya Suzuya
2 Kashima Haruna
3 Prinz Eugen Kashima
4 Saratoga Kongou
5 Haruna Prinz Eugen
6 Hamakaze Shigure
7 Shigure Kaga
8 Murasame Shoukaku
9 Colorado Hamakaze
10 Urakaze Yuudachi
11 Shoukaku Yamato
12 Teruzuki Zuikaku
13 Atago Saratoga
14 Kaga Atago
15 Yamato Urakaze
239 Nenohi Mikura
238 Wakaba Houston
237 Kikuzuki Hirato
236 Mikura Akishimo
235 Hatsukaze Nenohi
234 Hatsuharu De Ruyter
233 Nagatsuki Daitou
232 Miyuki Hiburi
231 Asagumo Amagiri
230 Daito Wakaba
229 Yamagumo Maruyu
228 Fujinami Fukae
227 Mikazuki Kikuzuki
226 Maruyu Fujinami
225 Uranami Perth

Page 19: Hardmode Admirals

The last page of the survey analysis concerns itself with a comparison of those admirals who completed the last 4 Events on Hard (38%) as opposed to those who didn't on a couple of cornerstones:
  • The older a player is, the more likely he was to complete the Events in hardmode. It seems that joining about the second half of 2017 is the point at which last years Events in hard were possible for a decent amount of player.
  • Hard mode admirals are more likely to have more ships married.
  • The number of Buckets for Hardmode-clearers is more evenly distributed, there is no peak at the lower end and the non-hard-clearers have a significantly higher peak at the cap as well.
  • Those who clear hard are more likely to spend excessive amount of money (>100.000 Yen), but are proportionally less than in the other spending categories.
  • Likewise, those who cleared the past Events on hard are also playing more daily.
  • The Questions asked on Page 12 were answered correctly by a higher portion of hard players than the others. The Delta is about 15%.
  • IRL Event attendence is a bit higher for hard mode admirals than it is for the others.
  • Hard Mode cleares are more likely to diversify their information sources for events.
    1: This is just an estimate, with Hashi being the biggest Server and depending on how much you stretch the definition of "active player" this number could be higher than 10.000 per Server even.
submitted by DoktorKaputt to kancolle [link] [comments]

Smite Stories - Command of the Rising Sun Chapter 11: Trigger

The siblings continued eastward, eager to complete their quest. Susano's arm was soon back to normal, with only his stormy disposition to show for it. The time was approaching high noon as they crossed the Nipponese countryside.
In the distance, the two kami saw their destination, Mount Fuji. The tallest mountain in Nippon, it was also the only one that poked through into Takamagahara. It was one of the holiest places in Nippon, shown the greatest of respect by its inhabitants.
Appreciating the sight of the mountain, Amaterasu's thoughts were disturbed by a rumbling in the earth. She sensed a surge of divine power accompanying it. Pausing, she looked around at the ground, trying to discover the cause of the shaking.
"There! Mount Fuji!"
Susano's shout drew her attention once more to the serene mountain. Except, it no longer held its serenity. Pitch-Black smoke was rising from the mountaintop, spreading across the sky. Panic began to fill Amaterasu's heart. Mt. Fuji hadn't erupted in centuries. For it to erupt now, of all times...
"Something's wrong. Hurry!"
The siblings ran as fast as they could toward the mountain. From its base, countless animals were fleeing its earth-shaking fury.
Ascending the mountain proved difficult for Amaterasu, though Susano's agility allowed him to traverse the shaking ground more easily. Lava had begun to dribble over the top of the mountain as the kami neared the shrine. It was most of the way up the mountain, and stood out from the scenery, being a fiery red, with a cherry tree growing in front of it. It was dedicated to Konohanasakuya-hime, the goddess of Mt. Fuji.
Reaching the shrine and rushing inside, the siblings heard the sound of a woman's wailing. Entering the inner rooms, Amaterasu was met with a sight that tore at her heart.
In the middle of the room, a bedroom of sorts, knelt a woman in a bright pink kimono. The sun goddess recognized her as Konohanasakuya-hime. But lying in her arms was her husband Ninigi. Blood poured from his chest and pooled on the floor, staining his royal tunic.
"Ninigi, please don't die! I couldn't keep going on without you! Tell me, is there anything I can do to save you!? Ninigi!", Konohanasakuya-hime cried desperately.
The kami rarely fought, so they did not all know that they would return if they died. However, the way things were now, even that was uncertain. Not willing to take the risk, Amaterasu rushed over with blinding speed. Ninigi appeared to be barely conscious. His eyes wouldn't quite focus. His mouth quivered, but could barely form words. Amaterasu could not stop the tears from flowing.
"Ninigi... Who did this to you...?"
"It came... from... behind..."
Her tearful eyes darting around the room, she soon saw what she was needed. Hanging on a wall on display was the Yata no Kagami and Yasakani Magatama. Quickly grabbing the jewel, Amaterasu rushed back to Ninigi and pressed it into his hand. In moments, his breathing became shallower, and the blood stopped flowing from his chest. His eyes closed, and the women were overjoyed to see his chest rise and fall with steady breathing. Remembering that Susano was there, Amaterasu gave him instructions;
"Search the area! Whoever did this may still be nearby. If you discover their identity, return and notify me. Do not fight them alone."
He nodded and dashed out the door. The mountain had stopped its shaking, and the smoke billowing from its crater had ceased.
Susano returned to the shrine. His search had turned up nothing. There wasn't even a sign that anyone else had been near the mountain in days. Ninigi had been moved to his bed, and the blood was cleaned up. Both women were sitting at his bedside, talking;
"He was like that when I found him. I didn't see it happen. Whoever did it was already gone when I arrived."
"I hope Ninigi saw something that will lead us to the attacker." Noticing Susano's presence and lack of enthusiasm, Amaterasu continued, "Susano hasn't found any signs of them."
They all sighed. This helpless feeling was foreign to them. As kami, they had eyes and ears all over Nippon. But their observation did not extend beyond its borders. Some deity or other powerful being from another land had committed this offense. But... there was one way to find out...
Ninigi stirred, and opened his eyes. His wife embraced him strongly, and he looked up at Amaterasu;
"Grandmother? To what do I owe the honor of this visit?"
Amaterasu frowned;
"You fool, you almost died, and that's the first thing you have to say? Haa... Just like you, the Greeks' god Zeus was attacked, but he was not so lucky to survive. He has yet to return, though it has been several days. I have travelled across Nippon to rally the Earthly Kami, mortals, and Yokai, to prepare for a possible invasion. I see now, that even with all our preparation, we are not safe. Is there anything you can remember about your attacker?"
Ninigi lowered his gaze, deep in thought. After several moments, he spoke;
"I remember... a voice. A woman's voice. She... said something about... The Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi!"
His eyes lit up, and sitting up, he quickly scanned the room, panicked.
"Where did it go!? It should have been with the mirror and jewel. She must have taken it... Argh!"
With a groan of pain, he fell back down, panting. Konohanasakuya-hime did her best to comfort him and calm him down. He soon passed out again.
Amaterasu retreated into her mind, trying to piece together an answer. The assailant was most likely not from Nippon. Not only did they rarely get involved with other pantheons, but she or one of the other kami would have sensed them. They took the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, a legendary blade with impressive power. It seemed that was their intention in attacking Ninigi. But then why attack the others. Zeus's thunderbolts were a powerful weapon, moreso than most sky deities' lightning. But Ao Kuang did not have a weapon like that. Hmm... He used to have Sun Wukong's As-You-Will Cudgel. But he had not possessed it for more than half a millennia.
There just wasn't enough information to piece it all together. That left only one course of action...
Amaterasu was seated in a dark, candlelit room in front of a large bowl filled with water. It had been a very long time since she had done this. But it seemed now was a time for rare occurences.
Taking a deep breath, she began making signs with her hands, and chanting. She slowly picked up speed.
Outside the room, Susano was speaking to Konohanasakuya-hime;
"This divination stuff was always beyond me. We kami never really have need of it. It's usually the mortals who want help figuring everything out."
Konohanasakuya-hime replied;
"Can she really find an answer this way?"
"It's usually pretty vague. She should at least get a general idea. Hopefully it'll be enough to go on."
"I think I see why we kami don't use it much. When we see and hear as much as we do, vague premonitions don't provide much assistance. By the way, how long is it going to take?"
"I don't know. Usually, when the humans do it, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. I've never seen a kami perform it, so I'm not sure how long it takes them."
"How does it work? I mean, how does chanting and moving your hands let you know more?"
"It's... not entirely clear how it works, but I'll try to explain what it does. By making the hand signs, more of your divine energy builds up, increasing your power and focusing it toward a specific purpose. In this case that's discovering who or where the assassin is. The chanting is mainly just to help you keep rhythm and remember what the next sign is, kind of like a song. Eventually, your divine power reaches a level where the universe itself answers you or something. Like I said, I've never seen it done before, so I'm not an expert. They say it originated in China, but it was so long ago that no one really remembers."
"If it can increase your divine power, why don't more kami do it? Why don't we use it in battle?"
"It just takes too long. What's the point of powering up in a fight if you have to sit still for an hour to do it? And the increase lasts only a very short time. That's just not a good use for the technique. Though I have heard of mortals using derivatives of the idea in battle. I think they call it Ki, or Chi, or Chakra, or something. It's more dramatic for mortals, because they have so little power to begin with."
"Then, if Nippon's soldiers knew these techniques, they'd have an advantage over any invaders. Shouldn't the kami teach them?"
"We could teach them. But power corrupts mortals. If we gave them more power over each other, it would just cause more problems. That's why it's best that only disciplined individuals learn it. Kuso, that really is taking her a long time. How long has it been?"
Meanwhile, inside the room, Amaterasu had worked up a sweat. She could feel that her energy was reaching the threshold. The water in the bowl had begun to faintly glow. Still increasing in speed, she continued the ritual, until finally she stopped, clapping her hands together. The water in the bowl glowed brightly, before dimming. Looking down, the goddess saw an image in the water. A place of ice and stone. Corpses moved here and there in the picture. There was a throne, made of stone. Someone sat upon it. A dark woman.
Then the image was gone. Amaterasu believed she knew who the assailant was, and where they were. But she needed to confer with her brother first.
Rising to her feet, the goddess exited the room. Susano and Konohanasakuya-hime were eagerly awaiting news. The storm god was the first to speak;
"Well, what did you see?"
"I saw... a dark and cold place, with corpses. A woman sat on a throne of stone. She seemed shrouded in darkness. From these images, I believe I know who the assassin is, and where we must go. Have you any thoughts, brother?"
"Hmm... the presence of corpses suggests an Underworld, which fits our previous thoughts about the assassin. It was a cold place, and a woman sat on the throne. It could only be Hel, and her great hall of the dead. She must be witholding the souls of the gods who've been killed."
"Such were my thoughts as well. It's settled then. We will depart for Hel as soon as possible."
Finally, Konohanasakuya-hime spoke. Kneeling before Amaterasu, she said;
"Honorable grandmother, I have a request. When you find this Hel, make her suffer for what she has done to my husband."
The sun goddess smiled. Girding herself with her sword and armor, she replied;
"I intend nothing less. Justice will be done, by my blade or my brother's."
Prepared to leave, Amaterasu and Susano walked to the entrance of the shrine.
"Wait, grandmother!"
Ninigi stumbled to the doorway. He was barely able to stand on his feet, but his determination guided him to where the goddess stood. He extended his arms, which held the Yata no Kagami and Yasakani Magatama.
"Please, take the treasures with you. You'll need all the help you can get. Your powers will be weakened in the sunless underworld. Besides, I no longer deserve to carry them. The Earthly Kami are scattered and disordered. I am not the true leader of Nippon you wished me to be."
Amaterasu's face became sad. Though Ninigi was not a successful leader, he was still a good man. To take back the gifts she had given him felt wrong, but she could not say no to his earnest sincerity. Taking them from his hands, she bowed to him;
"Grandson, you give yourself too little credit. The Earthly Kami are as numerous as the sands on the shore. To organize them is not possible for one person. It was wrong of me to place that burden on you."
After that, neither of them spoke. Konohanasakuya-hime was the one who next raised her voice;
"Honorable grandmother, please allow me to escort you to the edge of Nippon. I wish to see the state of the country. It has been long since I have ventured away from Mt. Fuji."
"I welcome your company, granddaughter. Let us be on our way."
And so, the three kami departed Mt. Fuji, heading West. It was well past midnight. The Yata no Kagami floated beside the sun goddess, and the Yasakani Magatama hung from her neck. The siblings discussed their plans, Amaterasu speaking first;
"By what means will we travel to Hel? Will we take a ship, or cross the continent? Both of these means will take weeks. I don't like leaving Nippon for that long."
Susano paused, causing the goddesses to stop with him. After thinking for a bit and grunting, he said;
"There is... another way that would be faster. If we travel through Yomi, we could reach Hel in a matter of hours. All the Underworlds are connected, and can connect to most parts of the Overworld. This is most likely how Hel could get in and out without being seen."
"But, that would mean..."
"Yeah, we might encounter mother there. We'll have to make sure she doesn't escape."
"...That's a risk I'm willing to take. Let's go. We still need to get to the entrance in Izumo."
Running as fast as they could, it was still the better part of a day before they reached the entrance to Yomi, the land of the dead. As they stood before the great boulder that blocked the cave, the shadows of twilight were gathering around them.
To Be Continued
submitted by SimpleGamerGuy to Smite [link] [comments]

Edited and fully translate Alfia, Zard and Bell IF Story

I retranslate the What IF story as there was still some part that was confusing
Thank you to u/Theosarius and u/potter_weak and u/somerandom995 (Original Reddit post) who did a good job before me!
Link to Omori Post : Click here

I had a dream.
A calm, gentle twilight dream from somewhere far away and not from here.


On the way back during twilight.
A sea of wheat was spreading all around us.
The fruits' stalk and cool breeze made a small sound while being swayed by it. The scene of a golden glowing light from the setting sun was like the heavenly realm described in a fairy tale.
Bell, who had been looking around leisuredly, suddenly looked up at the person next to him.

A beautiful woman who seemed like she had just woken up.
Her hair was gray and, long.
She didn't like them because it looks dirty but Bell liked it.
Her eyelids were always closed.I always wondered how she could live without ever opening her eyes but she says that "Even just opening my eyelids is exhausing".
Her jet-black dress she wears is very different from what one wears in the middle of the mountains.

The more I looked at her, the more beautiful she was.
Just the two of us, I was holding hands and walking together with such a woman.
Bell, while looking at her profile and opened his mouth.

"Nee, Oba-san."

Dogonn!! Then.
A dangerous sound came from Bell's head.

"I will hit you?"
"You already hit me!!"

Bell held the top of his head and cried out.
It isn't in a blink of an eye or something like that, the fist divine speed only left with the result as 『I have been hit』!
Parry, dodge or perceiving it is impossible!
This is how far apart her and Bell (Children) existence are from each other!!
An impact that penetrates the top of your head and roared through your entire being! The pain! The suffering!
This is the Gospel Fist, Gospel Punch!
Can you believe it? It is even faster than an ultra short chant!

Several stars turned in front of Bell's eyes while tears accumulated in the corner of his eyes, his agony was like a rabbit which had slipped and fell on top of the snow and crashed into a rock.
In the middle of all this, she looked down at me stoutly.

"What did I tell you to say when you call me? Hmm?"
"............ Alfia Oka-san." (TLN: Red as Step/Foster Mother)

She ―― Alfia regrasped Bell’s small hand.

“And so? What were you trying to say?”
“...... You won’t hit me?”
“How can I understand without hearing it first. But if it is unpleasant then I will hit you.”
“Then I will knock you.”
“This will probably hurt too!!”

Bell was shouting from experience.
After all, in the three years since he met Alfia and the big man, Zard, not a single day had passed without a fresh wound until today.
Alfia was an sensitive 『Queen』 who loved silence.
It isn’t no surprise that a chop will fly at you instead of talking.
When she says that it is white, then even if it is black it will become white.
A rule in our house has already been established since three year ago, to not irritate Alfia, and last time, when Bell and his grandfather was fussing around, she was sitting on her chair, reading in silence when she closed her book with a slam,

『Too noisy.』

Is what she said and sent out a deko-pin as if it was the end of the world.
Bell vision went dark and everything became silent.
And when I woke up on her lap, my grandfather pierced the wall and all I could see was from his waist down. Zard pretended to not see anything and stirred the pot to make the soup for the diner. Zard’s cooking, while being peculiar about food, was excellent, but on the table, the food he had cooked was full like a last supper in our quiet table but I don’t feel alive so I couldn’t taste anything at all. By the way, my grandfather was left stuck on the wall. All Bell could do was to keep his hand from shaking by itself.

“Don’t make too much noise. Or I will deco-pin you again.”
“I hate noise. Only report what needs to be reported.”
“Yes Mam!! I’m sry!!!” (TLN: Yes mam was in english and I’m sry was something like Sorry mam)
“...... What was, that? Who taught you that?”
“O, Oji-chan, told me to say this……”
“That damn Jiji (TLN: Kuso jiji). He is only a cancer that has a bad effect on Bell’s education. I knew I had to use my magic to blow him away over the three mountains top.”
“Stop! Oji-chan will die, please stop!!”

Among everyone, Alfia’s chemistry with Bell’s grandfather, who had been taking care of him his entire life, was the worst.
When Alfia was dragging a rampaging Bell to take a bath, 『I will also go with you☆』 was what grandfather said while jumping in and a second later he was forcibly remove from the house. She was thorough enough to bury him from the neck down in the middle of the field to prohibit his entry.
In other times, when Alfia tried to sleep with Bell, 『I will also sleep with Bell.』 and tried to slip inside the bed but,


With that one word, everything was over.
The wall and the roof was gone. Or rather the whole house disappeared. Only Bell’s room, floor and bed was what was left and a beautiful starry sky was visible. Bell who had become Alfia dakimakura (TLN: Bodypillow bell!) was lying straight, rattling and shivering, unable to sleep at all.
The next morning, in the sea of debris, my grandfather and Zard were lying on the ground in tatters.
After this, there was no one who dared to oppose Alfia.
By the way, the house has been rebuilt about ten times already.

“I won’t raise my hand, so tell me.”

Alfia pulls me back to reality and resumes our walk.
Scrutinizing the evening light, Bell boldly but hesitantly asked.

“My, real Okaa-san, what kind of person was she?”

Bell doesn’t know anything about her mother.
From the time I was conscious, my grandfather was the only one who was at my side.
I don’t know if I had felt, sad. But I had thought that I was lonely.
However, it is all good now.
As Bell had Alfia and the others.

So it was just genuinely just a question.
Bell wanted to hear and ask her, she who knows her mother the best.
Alfia didn’t stop walking and took a moment to look in front of her.
Then she slowly opened her lips.

“She was someone kind.”
“Aaah. She always had a smile on her face, and made people feel at ease just by being there. She was sickly but not fragile, even though all she did was saying normal things, it will make you realize your mistake, like, Ah I see. Strangely, she was loved by everyone, a very white (TLN: White/Pure) woman.”
“However, her grudge against food was terrifying.”
“Once I sneakily ate her sweet she was looking forward to eat. At that time, her mood was as if she was spitting a dragon breath. For the first time, I was prepared to die.”
“For the same reason…… Hera, a certain goddess was also made to sit seiza directly on the stone floor. That was really a sight to see. That arrogant woman was humiliated, trembling and holding back her tears.”

While Bell’s eyes darted everywhere at the sentence that shouldn’t be heard, the sound of Alfia’s voice was calm.
She was unusually talkative and there was even a hint of a smile around her mouth.
There was definitively love inside it.

“Because she couldn’t live without the help of someone else, your mother never forgot the preciousness of 『Living』. She never despite herself, she never forgot to be grateful, she never gave in to hellish pain…… While smiling on her face, she bit harder than anyone the meaning to live in the moment.”

This is why your mother was kinder than anyone else, she said.
Alfia told me that it was because of my mother, that Bell, unlike any other, didn’t know of any illness and had grown up to now with good health.

“...... The truth is. I had no intention to see you.”
“―― Eh?”

Her words were cut off and a moment of silence passed.
As the shadow of the two which was lit by the setting sun was growing, as if Alfia was lost in a memory, she revealed what was deep in her heart.

“I didn’t want to show up in front of you, that was what I thought.”

It took Bell a moment to understand the meaning of her words, he almost started to cry.
It was a somber feeling that outweighed the loneliness of not having a mother.
It is just my grandfather and me in the house in the outskirts of the village, and red heroic story and used the resident of the story to heal my loneliness. (TLN: Damn that was why you red so much heroic story to heal your lonely heart TT.TT)
Maybe, there was such a future.

But now that I know of her warmth, it is impossible.

With her eyes closed, she didn’t smile at all but with an awkward gesture, she gently stroked Bell.
Never raising her voice, sometimes punishing me and yet she always holds Bell’s little hand to protect him.
The woman who taught Bell the meaning of 『Mother』, was sensitive, selfish, violent, and very clumsy, the women in front of him.
So please, don’t say something so sad.

Bell looked up at Alfia as she walked next to him, tears pooling in the corners of his eyes.
――So then, why did she appear in front of me.
Just as my snot was about to leak out, I tried to ask her those words that got stuck in my throat but Alfia gave me my answer.

“The devil whispers got in between. I was curious about the children my sister left behind, so I went to this mountain with Zard. From far away, I really wanted to just take one look at you and then leave.”

She uttered this and she unusually curved her lips.
It was a smile in the form of self-mockery.

“However, when I saw that White hair of yours, I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t bear to rush next to you and the next thing I knew I was standing in front of you.”

Bell could still remember the day she met Alfia.
It was at dusk like today, when Bell turned around, she stood there in front of him, stunned.
She asked my name, put her hand on my round cheek and quietly hugged me.
The Alfia of that time didn’t break into tears or sobbed but Bell felt like she was crying.
So I put my short arms around her and returned her embrace.
Her body had a somewhat nostalgic scent.
Before he knew it, Bell was the one who was crying.

This was surely the 『Crossroad』.
If “there wasn’t for the devil whisper”, then surely Alfia wouldn’t have appeared in front of Bell.
Their fates wouldn’t have intersected and the story would have followed its course without any change.

“You look a lot like Meteria. Your white hair, your face, your smile, all are inherited from your mother.”
“Only one thing, only your eyes are inherited from your father. …… Everytime I look at those red eyes, I want to hollow them out inexorably.”

For a moment, Bell was frightened by Alfia who was covered in a disturbing atmosphere. (TLN: Yandere aura!)
It doesn’t seem like I would be able to talk about my father.

“...... I don’t want to be separated from Alfia Okaa-san (TLN: Still red as Step/Foster mother), and Zard Oji-san.”
“Even if you wish for it for eternity, we who aren’t god can’t fulfill it for you. For we aren’t immutable. We can’t be together forever.”

When Bell, who had been listening carefully at Alfia’s every words said that with a stern feeling, Alfia as expected responded nonchalantly.

“Even if you don’t like it, goodbyes are sure to come. Do not forget about that.”

Then 『That time』 is near. (TLN: Damn ninja cutting onions in front of me. TT.TT)
Bell thought so to himself.

Because Alfia’s coughing fit was increasing.
Bell knew that she was coughing a lot in places where no one could see.
He also knew that there was red blood mixed among it.

Bell will be seven years old this year.
It has been three years since he met Alfia and the others.
The time to say goodbye was approaching.
With a heartbreaking feeling, Bell realized this.

Conversation ceased. Everything around his vision was turning to a color of twilight. The sunset over the mountain ridge was so bright that it made the crybaby Bell eyes watery again.
While squeezing the hand that wasn’t squeezing back, we continued to walk on our way home which wasn’t that far anymore. (TLN: Isn’t this a metaphor to say that the road to her death is close? TT.TT)
Hating the silence when Alfia wasn’t talking anymore, Bell desperately searched for words to say.
So I asked one last thing.

“The god that came yesterday…… Was it good that he went back…...?”

It was something that happened yesterday.
A certain male god, visited Bell’s house.
His hair was jet-black with some ashen one (TLN: Couldn’t resist) on it. His clothes were fully black as if he were a dweller of the darkness.
His face was so well-featured, even Bell who was the same gender was taken aback by it, but the fact that his eyes didn't smile at all made him look somewhat scary.
The male god who was looking for Alfia and Zard, was having some difficult conversation with them.
Even my grandfather, who was alway making noise around, was quiet at that time.
And then after they finished listening to his story, Alfia and Zard were silent,


Is what they said.
He looked a little disappointed but with a look of relief, he quickly went back.

“...... Aaah. That was fine.”

When asked, Alfia nodded quietly.

“I have already chosen you. I can no longer choose Evil and leave you behind.”

Villains who appear many times in Heroic tales. Even Bell understands this.
However, I felt something different from the 『Evil』 she was talking about.
So Bell asked a series of questions about what it was.

“A being who destroys everything, paints order into chaos, and questioned 『Justice』. And finally, a being who would kill many.”
“...... Kill?”
“Aaah. A springboard for the 『Next generation of heroes』. Taking away what is precious to many, making them resent you, making them hate you and finally spuring them to transcend themself, entrusting them the future. To save the world."

Bell, who was a young child, didn’t quite understand Alfia.
That is why I thought about it with my own words.

There is 『Evil』, and it would have deprived Alfia and the others from Bell.
Alfia and the others will die.
I will never see Alfia and the others again.

I can’t forgive something like this.
Even if it was to save the world, Bell Cranel would never forgive that 『Evil』. No matter how noble and tragic their resolve was, Bell would ―― Never acknowledge those sinners who robbed people of their lives.

That is why, it was a good thing that Alfia and the others didn’t take on such a role.
Bell was relieved that they chose the path where no one had a grudge against them.
And yet ――.

“However…… By not choosing 『Evil』, the world might end because of us.”

Her profile showed that there was regret.
Despite the fact that no one could hate her and brand her as a sinner, it was as if she was ashamed of herself for being untainted.
Alfia was lamenting.

“『The Last Hero』 …... May never be born.”

More ashamed than Bell had ever heard her, more fragile than Bell had ever seen her.
Bell doesn’t know why Alfia is so sad.
There was no way he could understand.
But it was certain that he didn’t want her to be trapped in grief.
That’s why.
That’s why.
Bell said it.

“In that case I will be a 『Hero』”

Alfia’s legs stopped.

“I will be the last 『Hero』.

Bell also stopped his feet and appealed to her.

“That is why………… Okaa-san.” (TLN: Here he doesn’t say Step/Foster mother but mother mother. TT.TT I’m not crying!)

Saddened by their impending separation and holding his tears back, he gazed at his only mother in the world with his crimson eyes.
Her arms slackened and lost their strength and her slender fingers slipped out from Bell’s hand.
The wind saking the golden wheat made a quiet sound.
The twilight sky was listening to the 『Promise』 that the boy had made to himself, which would never leave him.

Bell Cranel may one day curse the choice he made on this day.
There may come a day when he realizes the magnitude of the things he had to carry but he would be in a place where he cannot turn back.

Even so, for now ――.
No, even if that happens ――.

“...... You cheeky little kid.”

―― This moment, the smile on her face is burned in his eyes and be proud of it.

Like a 『Hero』, bring smiles to the ones he loved.
Indicate the 『Hope』 with his finger and show them the 『Future』.
And remember this day, where his journey towards his 『Ideals』 began. (TLN: Damn Omori-sensei you are still so good to make me have chills!!)

Not longing for it, nor desiring it, just an oath in his heart,
The young man had, from this point on, become a 『Hero』.

“Now that you have called yourself Hero in front of me, you should prepare yourself. Now I won’t let you back out.”
“Then, starting from tonight, Zard and I are going to thoroughly work your ass off.”
“First of all, should I throw you into a monster’s den and let them assault your body or should I tie your body to a rock and sink you at the bottom of the river and teach you the sensation of death first…… I have never trained anyone in this kind of thing so I don’t know what to do.”
“I don’t think that this is training!!”
“You baka. If you don’t know the boundaries between life and death then you won’t know your limits. In order for you to become a hero, you have to exceed three hundred meter more than this limit.”
“What would be the point of your limit then!!!”

Alfia seemed somewhat happy as she began to talk vehemently.
Bell was quickly beginning to regret it.
Suddenly, as he was sweating and becoming pale, an outstretched hand combed through his white hair.
A little bit more,

“So, let’s stay together a little bit longer.”
“...... Un.”

Her eyelids opened and her beautiful pair of eyes stared at Bell.
With a smile, Bell put his hands on the hand she offered.
We held hands once again and walked back home with the color of twilight basking us.
At the top of the small hillI, I walked towards my grandfather and the man who were still waiting, looking at us.

Bell didn’t cry anymore.
He could not cry anymore.
To show the 『Hope』 to the former 『Hero』, he smiled.
Quietly and calmly, I went onward down the twilight road leading to the 『Future』.


I saw a dream.
I dreamed of a woman I don’t know and never met, and a Bell Cranel who was like me but not me, walking together in the twilight light.
It was a peaceful, happy, beautiful, lonely dream.
I realized now that my deep crimson eyes were crying quietly.

――――I will be a 『Hero』

The boy in my dream had decided.
He decided to carry many things and was determined to become a 『Hero』.

――――I want to be a 『Hero』.

To me that was still a 『Desire』.
Will this heroic desire, this feeling, one day turn into a conviction.
Or will it change into something different.
I do not know.
But, let’s go forward.
Let’s start running so as to not lose against that scenery which is already blurry and hard to remember.

I get up, leave my room and run out of the mansion.
Today too, the young man runs through the City of Heroes dyed in the morning sun.

TL Notes:Daaaamn we need this what if story fanfiction with this Bell in Orario! Most of the story would be the same but Bell mentality won’t! And maybe the whole relationship why Aiz would be different!
submitted by gegotaz to DanMachi [link] [comments]

kuso means video

Ikaw Ang Kusog - YouTube KUSOTTARE GAAAAAAAAA - YouTube Nico Nico N--I mean, Kuso bicchi  Yumeutsutsu Re:After ... YAKAMASHI - YouTube For those who don’t know what Kuso means. -warning: cuss ... Kuso really means... (According to Google translate) last one on a bed gets banned from minecraft - YouTube - YouTube

"kuso" (糞) in japanese means 'poop'. Is this intended, or coincidence? Last edited by Shogal; Nov 20, 2018 @ 11:45am < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments . MPO. Nov 21, 2018 @ 5:34pm Hi Shogal, here's an answer I got a while ago, because I was curious about the same thing! Originally posted by Jepp: As Looking for online definition of KUSO or what KUSO stands for? KUSO is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary Kuso is the term used in east asia for the internet culture that generally includes all types of camp and parodyin japanese kuso means crap or shit and bullshit and is often uttered as an interjectionit is also used to describe outrageous matters and objects of poor quality. Shinos dream of discovering new insect breeds. Need to translate "くそくらえ" (Kuso kurae) from Japanese? Here's what it means. Kuso is the term used in East Asia for the internet culture that generally includes all types of camp and parody. In Japanese, kuso means "crap" or "shit", and is often uttered as an interjection. It is also used to describe outrageous matters and objects of poor quality. Kuso; Kuso is quite versatile. You can use it when you drop a plate. When you hit your funny bone. When coffee spills on your white shirt. The list goes on. Literally, it means shit but it can be used and interpreted as any of the word above. One of my favorite bad Japanese words by far. 2. kuso. A japanese expression turns into internet chat slang. An expression for witnessing something ridiculous and unusual that is happening. Nicole cursed Marsman to 'Eat shit and die!' but Marsman replied with, 'Hmm, I don't want that, mine tastes like milk.'. 'KUSO!!!' she said. English words for くそ include crap, cud, quirt, veve, veves, thud, snit, hoot, sough and wormwood. Find more Japanese words at wordhippo.com! With Mr Kuso Cafe, this was the case as we had it 6x in 8 days!! Efficient system means that your food is ready in about 15 minutes. I detest places where it takes 40+ min to get food. They have orders on different tables according to if you ordered to pick up or get a delivery service to drop it off. Kuso is the curse word, similar to “shit” in English. I’ve never heard it used to mean feces, but I suppose it could. (- edit: Just checked with the wife, she says that men can use “kuso” to refer to feces, but it’s not for polite company.

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Press 5 to shut up. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue MERCH: http://quackity.shopminecraft server IP: quackity.up.lolstreamed on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/quackityhqDISCORD: https://discord.gg/quackitylike i... Send a tip here to help me get them URs: https://streamlabs.com/naototainaka/tipBecome a Patron to help this weeb: https://www.patreon.com/NaotoTainakaFIND M... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. "IKaw Ang Kuosg"Words & Music by 4 GIG BandPerformed and Popularized by 4 GIG BandCover By Nikka AbatayoIf you feel the need to support the ministry of Music...

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