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top 3 best websites for downloading ANDROID games free of cost new 2017(no internet no wifi)

top 3 best websites for downloading ANDROID games free of cost new 2017(no internet no wifi) submitted by Raj3436 to popular_ [link] [comments]

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top 10 best free offline android mix games 2017 | no WiFi internet required submitted by fungames23 to PromoteGamingVideos [link] [comments]

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top 10 best free offline android mix games 2017 | no WiFi internet required submitted by fungames23 to YouTubeLounge [link] [comments]

top 10 best free offline android mix games 2017 | no WiFi internet required

top 10 best free offline android mix games 2017 | no WiFi internet required submitted by fungames23 to gamingvids [link] [comments]

My Dad and I live in a really weird hospital. My body doesn't look normal on the inside.

Hey, it's Maggie again. You guys were really nice to me last time! But I'm doing a lot worse than yesterday. Something happened and I don't know how to say this but I guess I'll just start at the beginning.
First off though, some of you asked me a few things that I wanna answer real quick. I wanted to talk about them anyways so it's good you brought those up.
Yes, there are mirrors here but only in the bathrooms. My room doesn't have one so I have to use the one accessible to everyone from the hallway. Dad says never to look at my reflection too long though. He says girls worry too much about their looks and that I shouldn't be like that, and I always do what Dad tells me.
As for my age, I don't want to say how old I am exactly because it's the internet and it scares me. Also, I've always been living here at the hospital. I don't know if we've ever lived anywhere else, but I can't remember. I also don't know anything about my mother and I've never wondered about her. Dad's here for me, I'm not missing anything.
So anyways, I had to talk to Dr Ellie for two entire hours this morning. She was being really nice about the whole picture thing but I kind of hated telling her about it. It made me think of that person again and I just wanted to forget about them. At the end of our session, Dr Ellie asked me something very strange though.
"Have you ever heard of something called Operation Magpie?"
I frowned. Something about these two words resonated with me but I had no idea what they meant.
"It sounds familiar but I don't know what it is."
"Alright. Well, I just thought… maybe." She sighed and buried her face in her hands for a split second.
"What is Operation Magpie then?"
"Please, forget I ever said anything," she muttered. With that, she sent me off.
Dad wasn't outside the office where he had dropped me off. I felt incredibly lonely after last night so I went to look for the next best person to keep me company I could think of. Jonah was in his room, sitting on his bed and staring up at the TV. His room is very much like mine, the same bed, closet, small table and television. I came in without knocking, a bad habit of mine, but he didn't tell me off for it. Even though he usually does.
"Hey, Maggie," he said quietly. "A buddy of mine told me what happened. How are you?"
"Better," I said, climbing up to sit next to him on top of his pillow.
"I'm sorry I didn't come to see you. I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk to anybody."
"I do, just not about the picture."
"Oh. Alright then." He fell silent and we watched TV for a little while. There was a rugby match on. I didn't really care for it.
"Jonah, what's Operation Magpie mean?"
My friend flinched. He flinched so hard he dropped the remote onto the floor beside the bed. "You remember Operation Magpie?" he stammered, in his eyes a mix of joy and disbelief I couldn't place.
"No, but Dr Ellie mentioned it earlier."
Jonah deflated. "Oh… well, um. I'm not supposed to say." He sounded disappointed.
"Why not, who's keeping you?"
"That would be your Dad."
Jonah shrugged. "This is not easy to explain. I could try to talk around it now but… okay. Let's say Operation Magpie had to do with my job. And by extension your Dad's. But that's all I can tell you."
"You're not making any sense. At all."
"I'm sorry but how am I supposed to say this? I want to tell you, I do, but I can't." Jonah's voice was low and empty. I still had no idea what he was saying but there was a feeling of dread rising within me that I simply couldn't shake.
"Maggs, your father is a genius. My leg is his doing and he's made so much more like it, so much more complicated stuff. You should know that this kind of technology, the way we can replace parts of the body here, hardly anybody outside these walls has access to that sort of thing. And we have your Dad to thank for it. I mean, not only him of course, there's the other doctors and nurses and they're all doing amazing work here but the prosthetics… they're mostly Jack's thing."
My jaw must have dropped. Jonah went on. "He drafts them, he oversees their development, he does a lot of the engineering that goes into it and he made it possible to cover them up with realistic-looking skin. He's the most intelligent man I've ever met."
"Then why do you hate him?"
"Because he's also the craziest. He's messed up in the head."
"And why does he hate you?"
Jonah sighed. "Look, Jack and I have something of an ongoing feud. He's done something I don't agree with, something really bad. There's hardly anyone who confronts him about it but I do. He knows that he's wrong but he keeps trying to justify it. I give him the truth but he doesn't want to hear it and… that's why."
"Yeah, but what did he do?"
"I said I can't tell you, okay?" Jonah groaned, wiping his forehead. "I'm sorry. You're gonna have to leave me alone about this."
I hated giving in like that but I didn't want to argue with him either. I stayed in my friend's room for another hour, trying to make small talk and watching the game with him. Eventually I fell asleep and Jonah had to poke me in the arm until I woke up again.
"You should go to your room if you want to sleep," he told me. "It's bad enough you come in here without knocking, I'm not gonna let you take over my entire room."
I told him I was sorry and he just laughed and said I was acting a little bit like a cat. I made my way out into the hallway and back to my room. I wasn't sleepy anymore though for some reason. I hadn't seen Dad all day and I couldn't stop wondering why he hadn't showed up to look after me at least once. I was starting to get a little worried. After further futile attempts to try and occupy myself, I gave up and got on my way to start looking for Dad in his office.
Walking down the corridor, I noticed it was oddly quiet that day. That was why I jumped when I heard a door slam and the loud clacking of heels approaching. I saw Dr Ellie walk towards me from the very back of the hallway–where Dad's office was located. As she came closer, I realized she was sobbing quietly. Her shoulders were trembling and she was wiping her eyes. I stopped in my tracks.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Maggie!" She sounded like she hadn't noticed me standing there until I'd spoken up.
"What were you going to my Dad for?"
"I… we had a pretty big fight, your Dad and I. You won't be seeing me around here anymore."
"Why not? Did Daddy make you cry?"
She sniffed, stifling a chuckle. "A little bit."
"What did you fight about?" I took a step towards her and searched my pockets for a handkerchief for her but couldn't find anything. "I don't get it, everyone's got some kinda problem with Dad."
"Your Dad does a lot of stuff that makes a lot of people very upset. Me too. I've tried to talk sense into him but… well. He's finally made good on his threat. He always told me he'll have my job if I don't stop pestering him and now, now he's actually having me fired."
"No way I'm telling anyone about my nightmares but you! I'm gonna talk to him."
"That's sweet but… I doubt it'll help."
I shrugged. "I'm just gonna try, okay? No harm in trying." I went past her and into Dad's office. I came in without knocking again. He was sitting at his desk and at first, he didn't seem to notice me at all. He was staring at something that was lying in front of him. I couldn't see it since it was obscured behind all the other stuff cluttering the workspace, but he was moving one of his arms over the thing, almost like he was petting a kitten. His eyes were so fixated on the object that it felt like he wasn't present at all–his mind was miles away. It almost looked a bit creepy.
"What do you have there?" I asked.
Dad flinched as his head jerked up and he let out a tiny gasp. In a matter of seconds, he'd torn open the upper drawer of his desk and dropped whatever he'd been stroking inside. He slammed it shut. I was confused; why was he in such a hurry to hide this thing from me?
"Nothing," he said. "You really need to learn to knock at a door before coming in. It's rude and you know, one day you might see something you don't like."
"Like what?"
He threw his head back and sighed. "You're killing me. So what is it?"
"You didn't come to see me all day. Were you busy?"
"Yes. Sorry. You didn't get lonely, did you?" He waved me over to him and patted his leg. I'm a little big for sitting on his lap but he says that's okay. He says he dreads the day I outgrow him. So I sat down and hugged him and he asked how I was feeling and all that. We talked but I was staring at the drawer the whole time. Dad noticed. "We should go. Let's grab a snack or something."
Just as we were getting up, one of the nurses came rushing in. He looked panicked and seemed to be in a hurry. "Jack, you've got to come over to the B-station, there's been an emergency and we need an extra hand."
The B-station is another wing of the hospital, one where I'm not allowed to go on my own. Dad immediately followed the nurse out the door, dragging me along with him and apologizing over and over for having to leave me to myself again. He dropped me off in the mess hall and told me to get something to eat myself. All I could think of though was that he hadn't locked his office door on the way out. Once he was out of sight, I turned around and walked all the way back into the section with the researchers' workplaces.
I was all alone in the hallway, but knowing I wasn't supposed to be there still made me feel watched somehow. I quietly pressed down the handle of my father's office door and slipped inside. Without Dad in it, the room was kind of oppressive. The walls seemed high yet way too close at the same time. I sneaked over to the desk and opened the top drawer. When I laid eyes on what was inside, my heart sank.
It was a bone. It was smooth and white and almost slender in its shape, one end broken off and splintered. I slammed the drawer shut and stormed outside, closing the door behind me–and colliding full force with someone right behind me. I whimpered and spun around to find myself face to face with Jonah.
His jaw dropped when he saw the look on my face and he immediately rested his hand on my shoulder, awkwardly trying to comfort me. "What's wrong?" he asked softly. "What happened?"
I took deep breaths, but they came too fast. It was hard squeezing words out in between. "There's… a bone. In Dad's office. It can't be from any kind of food, it's too big and too clean."
Jonah's face fell but he said nothing.
"Why is it in there?" I panted. "Jonah, what's going on?"
"How'd you find it?"
"I saw him… like, play with it earlier but when I came in he put it away."
"Okay, calm down. We should leave here." He reached for my hand and I let him pull me along back into the section of the station intended for us patients. "I don't really wanna be seen running around back there. Jack's always looking for an excuse to give me hell, I don't wanna serve it to him myself. I just saw you walk back there and thought I should check on you."
My breathing slowed and I nodded at him. "Thanks. Hey, you don't have your crutches anymore," I remarked but he ignored it.
"Look, there's something I need to talk to you about. I can't really keep it in any longer and I don't want to, so… I can't just bust out a whole story here but I'm not the only one who tried to give your memory a little shove in the right direction."
"My memory?" I was puzzled.
Jonah groaned. "Nevermind. But there's one thing I want you to think about. You've seen my leg, yes? Notice how I didn't have a single hair there?"
I nodded wordlessly.
"Apart from your eyebrows and lashes and that on your head, do you have hair anywhere on your body?"
"Rude," I said.
Jonah let out a forced laugh. "You don't get it, do you?" He grabbed me by the arm and without even giving me the chance to protest, he dragged me down the hallway and into one of the bathrooms. It was the ladies' room, but there was no one else around who saw us so it didn't matter. Inside, Jonah ushered me over to one of the sinks. "Give me your hand," he ordered. I hesitantly reached out and let him position my arm over the edge of the sink. Then, he pulled something small and shiny out of his pocket. It was one of those tiny knives surgeons cut you up with. My stomach sank and I immediately tried to turn around and make for the door, but Jonah's other hand was wrapped around my wrist before I knew it and he pulled me back.
I opened my mouth to scream, but Jonah shushed me. "Quiet! This isn't gonna hurt, I promise. I really need to show you something."
I was trembling and already feeling tears in my eyes, but I obeyed. I didn't want to risk him taking that scalpel to my throat. Jonah slowly brought the tip of the tiny blade down on my lower arm. He'd been wrong, it did hurt, but oddly enough not nearly as much as I'd expected it would. It was almost unnoticeable. Still, I squirmed in his grip and whimpered like a crying puppy, but it was more due to fear than actual pain. I turned to look away, I couldn't bear to watch. Finally, he sat the knife aside and I risked a quick glance–there was no blood on it. Frowning in confusion, I looked down at my injured arm. Jonah had cut out an unfinished square. I could see the three lines the scalpel had left, but without the anticipated red drops protruding from them.
Jonah carefully shoved the tip of his finger underneath my skin. I gagged when I watched him lift it up, press his thumb against it on the other side and then cautiously peel it back.
I thought I had been horrified when I'd seen the picture of that mangled body in my room, but when I laid eyes on what was underneath my skin, a new kind of shock took a hold of me. The inside of my arm wasn't red, veiny and meaty as I'd always thought. It was black, smeared with some sort of slimy, transparent glue, but still shiny. Almost exactly like Jonah's leg before it had gotten its coating.
I had never questioned the workings of my body. This was me, this was my shell, these were the legs that carried me and the arms I used to carry food to my mouth. I had always felt like myself, unrestricted by any bodily ailments, free to move however I wanted. How would I have known there was metal inside me, or plastic or whatever this was?
I think I fainted because I can't remember anything after that sight. I woke up in my bedroom though. Jonah had probably brought me back. My head was reeling and I only got up to grab my trash can because I needed to hurl a little. When I was starting to feel better, I sneaked off into the computer room and that's where I am now. I don't know what to make of this yet. Dad has to have known about my arm. But I keep wondering if my arm's where it stops. What if I'm all plastic underneath this? What Jonah said really made me think. I actually don't have hair, like... anywhere?
I searched the web and as it turns out, kids my age normally have body hair, even if it's still really thin and almost invisible. I don't have any of that. Nowhere. It's just smooth, hairless skin. What scares me even more is that I searched my face for it as well and apart from my brows and eyelashes, there was absolutely nothing.
But that's not even all. Something else doesn't add up here. Dr Ellie found me in the computer room a little while ago. Our exchange was short but it weirded me out nonetheless.
"There you are. I've been looking for you. Is everything alright?"
I didn't want to tell her about my arm at first but she knew already, seeing as she went on with, "Jonah and I talked. I know what he… showed you. I have to be frank with you, I've known for a long time." She took a few steps towards me and then leaned in close to speak into my ear. "Don't tell your Daddy what you found out just yet, okay?" I felt her slide something cold and smooth into my hand. "This is the key to my office. They won't clean it out until tomorrow night but I won't be in ever again. So tomorrow, it's all yours; there's a lot for you to see in there. Be careful though. Jonah will help you if he can, you can trust him."
"Where are you going?" I asked quietly.
Dr Ellie drew back. "I'm gonna look for somewhere else to work, I guess."
"But I can still try and talk to my Dad! I'll get him to–"
"Sweetie, it's okay. I'll be fine. Now, you're about to find out some stuff if you go in there tomorrow, and you may not like it. But please, don't resist. Just let it come back to you." She gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry for what you're about to see and I'm sorry for the role I've played in it. I hope you'll forgive me."
I hugged her. I'm not supposed to hug her but I didn't care. Now that she was leaving, it wouldn't matter anyways. I don't know what she has waiting in her room for me or what her conspiring with Jonah means but I'll find out. Tomorrow, I'm going in.
Update—Part 3
Update–Part 4
submitted by girl_from_the_crypt to nosleep [link] [comments]

Lockdown 3.0 Things to do, plus help and support.

Disclaimer I want to thank everyone for the gilds, replies and suggestions. I just do not have time to reply to everyone, but I am reading everything. I am not sure how much bigger the thread can be, I already typed this but it vanished so I think I'm at the limit. I will try to keep updating, but I don't expect the thread to be up top for much longer and will likely vanish soon, so if you need anything save it.
Yes, it's hard, it sucks, it's depressing. It is something we all have to do if you want to see this virus go. Everyone knows the deal, too many think they're the exception but no one is. However, staying home is hard so maybe I can help at least one or two people with some incentives. I'll try to give links to some things that can help cure the boredom, and some support if you need it.
Most of this might be obvious to some, some might not even have internet and of course, money is a big issue, so I'll try to give some suggestions:
For streaming and on demand things such as Netflix et al, don't forget you can subscribe for free for your first month. This goes for most things in the list. If you are worried about putting in your payment details and forgetting to cancel a month later, don't worry! You can sign up and immediately cancel and you still get your free month!
For people who don't have a smart TV, you can buy a cheap Amazon Fire TV stick or a Roku box. The Fire stick can go as low as £20 often for 1080p. It will drop to £30 for 4k.
I picked up a 4k Roku device for £18 on Amazon once. It's fast and snappy. currently it's going for £33 for the 4k version. Having both, there is little difference between the devices. NowTV also do their own roku powered device.
Subscription based streaming sites that all offer 2-4 weeks free for first timers
  • Netflix *According to comments the second month is free.
  • Amazon Prime You can either get Amazon video on its own, or take prime with other benefits. I strongly urge those who use Amazon for buying off their store front to use [https://smile.amazon.co.uk/] as there is literally no difference except everything you buy amazon donates to a charity of your choice.
  • Now TV (I believe it's 7 days)
  • Disney+
  • Britbox
  • Amazon channels. I believe you can get all these individually but Amazon offers them as channels bound to your prime account, and they are again either free for a couple weeks (again, take them, cancel instantly) or very cheap. I recently subscribed to Starzplay for £1 for 3 months. It has some good shows on it like Fringe, doom patrol. It also has channels like Curiosity stream and shudder
If you have not subscribed to the any of the above, you can get a few months of free TV by signing up and cancelling instantly. I suggest waiting at least 5 minutes just to let it go through the system.
Some tips for Now TV. IF you already have a subscription, I've noticed you can get it cheaper by cancelling. When you cancel they will beg you to stay. Select "I can not afford it this month" and they should beg again, telling you what shows they have. If you say you still want to cancel, they'll beg one last time and offer you the subscription for cheaper. This won't work every month, but I've noticed they'll always offer it the first time, then again after a couple months. If you're subscribed to both films and entertainment do the most expensive one as it may not work both times (but it might!). You can also pick up passes from storefronts a lot cheaper sometimes, before I could pick one up on Amazon for £3 but, they seem to have cracked down on it. If you shop around (or if anyone knows of a legitimate store please let me know) you might be able to pick it up cheaper. Lastly, check their website and under your account they should have an "offers for you" section.
Completely free TV
If you do have a smart TV and/or device, there are some good free streaming apps. One I really love is called PlutoTV. I know this is on both Roku and the fire stick, as well as Ps4/Ps5 and xbox.
Pluto offers a bunch of live channels and now an on demand section, all for free. It has adverts but they are actually short (shorter than regular TV and fewer of them). Some of the channels are just streaming certain shows like Mythbusters 24/7 or Dog the bounty hunter, but it has a lot of old movie channels as well as 24/7 kickboxing and MMA. It also has a 24/7 poker channel I quite like.
Another one I like is Rakuten Viki however, I haven't watched it for a while as my fire stick is only 1080p and I have too many other devices attached. I believe it is on Roku but you have to jump through some hoops and have an account. The last I checked on the fire stick you did not. Viki offers a metric ton of Asian shows, mainly from Japan and South Korea but it does have chinese, Malaysian etc. It has subtitles. Some Japanese shows are hysterical, albeit weird.
Roku also do their own channels with free shows if you own a device.
For those who don't have a smart TV or a Streaming device, you can set up your own computer as a dedicated streaming device with Plex. It's been a while since I used it but I believe it now also offers free movies and TV.
If you are into Anime there is
The first 2 are free to watch, or offer premium without ads which you can have a trial with. Crunchyroll is the better of the two with more original choice for Japanese voice and subs, while Funimation has more Dubs. I don't believe HiDive is free to watch but you do get a 2 week trial. These are more exclusives than the previous two.
PC Centric software
If you are a gamer or like Audiobooks or anything that uses computers for things like music making, programming or graphic design
Humble Bundle offers, as per the name, bundles. A long running site that got bought out by IGN. It offers both single items and bundles you can buy individually/as a pack while also offering a separate monthly subscription for around £8-9. The subscription gives you 12 games on average per month. That's the simplest explanation but it changes somewhat as sometimes you get to pick 10 out of 14 games, or get all 12.
Humble bundle offers more than just games though. Every Tuesday they bring a new bundle of games, while Thursday (I "think) a new bundle of books. They very often have books from the Black Library giving you a ton of Warhammer books. Sometimes it's standard E-books, other times it's audiobooks. A few times a year they do bundles for graphic design, a typical bundle would include programs like Paintshop Pro Corel Painter etc, They usually go for £0.76 for tier 1 up to around £18 for tier 3, which would include 4-6 full titles with 10+ addons. They also often have Music making bundles or video editing software as well as Programming or video game development.
The bundles change often, they usually have around 11 bundles at a time that last for 20 days. Sometimes it's trash but they do often have some very good deals.
Fanatical offers the same as humble bundle except usually not as high quality, but sometimes they do have some incredible deals, and they are very very cheap.
Both humble and fanatical are safe, trusted and been around a long time, and they are NOT grey market key sites. They work with the publishers and developers. You can buy games both old and new for a lot cheaper than you would most other places. Unless it states otherwise, keys are usually for steam.
**BOTH HB and Fanatical (HB much more common) offer free games fairly often. The catch is linking your steam account to them (at least HB). It is safe however.
IndieGala is another site like above. Except, these are much much lower quality. However, they offer a metric ton of free games. Quality is low but it is legitimate, and a lot of free stuff.
Game Store Fronts
  • Steam This one is so obvious I didn't add it, but apparently many want me to. It is the best out there, and you can find almost everything, with fantastic deals.
  • Greenmangaming offers games cheaply. Again, not a grey market site (which are legal but unethical) and they sometimes do bundles.
  • GoG (Good old games) is a DRM free site run by CDPR, the makers of the Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk. They offer you games quite cheap and not needing DRM (such as Steam, Uplay etc which is less invasive versions of dodgy DRM from the olden days).
  • Epic Games Despite the controversy whether you care about their rivalry with valve, they offer free games ever week. Without ever having bought anything I have gained over 170 games. literally. Good games for the most part. They often give you £10 coupons as well.
  • Twitch Everyone knows twitch, but if you don't, it's a streaming service for watching gamers and girls with low cut tops accidentally bending over in front of the game. However, if you're signed up to prime, you get free games each month (and randomly between the set bunch).
  • Playstation Store Currently has January sales. Currently the free games for PS+ are for PS4: Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Greedfall. For the Ps5 it is Maneater
  • Games with Gold Bleed 2 and the King of Fighters XIII is available until Janurary 15th whilst little Nightmares is available until January 31st.
Gaming Subscriptions
Like the TV versions, you can sign up to these for a free trial (or very cheap). If you do sign up to only one at a time, it should keep you busy for a few months
  • Xbox Game Pass You can do this on both/either an Xbox or PC. If you sign up to the regular one, you can get a month (maybe three!) for £1. After you have done that, you can sign up to the premium version for 3 months at £1 a month. Most people know game pass, but you can download a large selection of games for free. The premium version gives you games with gold, allowing you to keep the games forever (but can only play with a subscription)
  • Ubisoft+ I'm not 100% sure if you get a trial or not. This allows a large collection of Ubisoft titles to play for £12.99 a month. Quite expensive but good if you like Ubisoft titles I guess.
  • EA Play EA's version. Goes by a ton of names I think, EA Access, EA Play, Origin Access etc etc. There's a couple of versions of this, and it is across all platforms (PS4/5, Xbox, PC) but not sure about the switch. I "think" the premium allows you to play on all platforms, while the cheaper one on a single platform, but I may be mistaken.
  • PS Now a once terrible service that is now actually very good. Allows you to download some Ps4 games to your PS4/5 and lets you stream a massive amount of Ps2/3/4 to your PC or playstation.
There's more like nvidia's service but you need the Shield device which is quite expensive. I'll leave it at that.
Audiobooks & Ebooks
  • Audible Not sure what the current deal is but if you are a prime member you can sign up for a trial and get a free Audiobook each month for 3 months. Some warhammer books are 48 hours long, 3 of those gives you a good 100+ hours of listening!
  • Comixology Another Amazon company, but lets you download some free comics I believe.
  • Marvel Unlimited No experience with this. ItFuckingWont wanted me to add it. A subscription service for Marvel.
  • Sign Language BSL here No experience myself, suggested by n21brown and asked for a few times. Didn't know SL was so popular! Listed as "Pay what you can"
  • BBC's Bitesize here is apparently good for home learning. Again, no personal experience.
If you need some spare change
Okay, I don't generally bother with it, but maybe some of this could be useful to you. These are NOT a quick way to make a fortune. These are small things you can do over time for a bit of pocket change
  • If you have prime you can get a FREE FIVE POUND GIFT CARD by literally just streaming a song from Amazon music (which is included in prime) here is the details According to the comments it's only for select people, but it's worth trying If the link doesn't work for you just google "Amazon £5 coupon music"
  • Now, these sorts of sites have been around for years, I haven't used any other than talkInsights which I must have signed up to 10-15 years ago. Basically they send you surveys and you answer them. They are confidential and don't ask for personal details in the survey. You need 2000 points and you get £20. During the pandemic they've slowed down but I probably get around £40 a year. Not much I know, but it's an email followed by a quick survey ticking boxes. Depending on your answer sometimes you get screened out, I'm not telling you to lie but just be consistent with your answers and you should be able to work out how to not get screened. Some emails are only worth 20 points, others 200. It's slow to get to the 2000 but very quick to just answer a few questions.
  • Apparently beermoneyuk is a good sub to make some pocket change with.
  • There is also matched betting. I have never done this, I don't have the patience but from what I've read, it's legitimate, it works and you can make a fair amount of cash from it so long as you do it correctly, and there's a ton of guides. I mention this because people stuck at home could get into it and as long as you're careful (I.E not entering in the wrong numbers) it's risk free AND it pisses off the betting shops. It seems people in comments have had success with it. Disclaimer A couple have complained about gambling. This arguably is not gambling. If you are susceptible to addiction do not do it. However, it's argued that there is no fun or buzz in this, and it's a very tedious and time consuming thing. Others argue you can't make the same money anymore (People were making thousands, now only hundreds if that). It's risk free providing you know what you're doing, the risks are user error, such as entering the wrong numbers. Someone pointed out that due to the lockdown, bets could potentially be cancelled due to sport stopping. So use on a side of caution. We're (mainly) adults so I'll leave it up just because this doesn't have the excitement of regular gambling.
  • Microsoft Rewards This is an easy way to make pocket change doing very little. Most people have a MS account. The rewards program offers you numerous ways to grab points, by playing free to play games, answering small questions (you don't even need to answer most of the time, just open the link and shut it) and by using bing and searching on it. I've gotten 20k points JUST by answering questions over a couple months. There are many rewards but you can grab a £5 gift card for 6k for example, or a month of game pass (and AFAIK you can make points playing the games)
  • Google rewards Someone mentioned this in the comments. I have not used it, so can not give any input on it. Sounds similar to TalkInsights which I linked. Google states "Complete short surveys while standing in line, or waiting for a subway. Get rewarded with Google Play or PayPal credit for each one you complete. Topics include everything from opinion polls, to hotel reviews, to merchant satisfaction surveys. We’ll notify you when a survey is waiting."
That's it for now. I will try to update as I go along. A long post but I hope that it can help some of you with finding something good to do that's free, cheap or a bargain. I do suggest getting prime, especially since you get free music, free delivery, free TV and music and free video games each month. In fact, there's a ton of perks and I feel I've gotten way over the cost investment.
Hope it helps someone at least
PartTimeCrazy said if you bought an Apple product you get 3 free months of Apple Arcade and Apple TV free for a year
fakehunted is upset I didn't mention wanking. Tesco have 225 sheets of Tissue for £0.75!
tale_lost suggested Project Gutenberg for a collection of free E-Books
Learning Language
Unfortunately, I don't have time to check every link listed so I will link the comments:
Togtogtog Gives a lot of links for Spanish
Board & Tabletop games
Corporal_Anaesthetic has made a list of Board games
ilyemco suggested these
I'm not a doctor! But if you're a smoker, something I strongly suggest is to quit. I struggled for years but in the first lockdown I quit, technically. I haven't had a cigarette since, however, I do that silly thing millennials do. I vape, but, it made quitting extremely easy. I would not have been able to do it if it wasn't for 88Vape They sell extremely cheap liquids at £1 each. You can find these in B&M but you can pick up 25 for £20 or buy your own mix.
Vitamin D deficiency has been said to be a big problem for the virus. I'd suggest (again, not a doctor!) that you pick some up. Tesco do a 3 for 2 deal. So you can pick up 270 tablets for £7.
If you are vulnerable you MIGHT be able to phone tesco and get put on their delivery saver list (currently it's paused but phoning may help. At the very least they might give you a priority slot. I did this for my mum, we didn't shop at Tesco but I phoned for her, and they put her on with no hassle, so she can always get a delivery.
The lockdown Rules.
Reasons to leave home include:
  • Work or volunteering where it is "unreasonable" to work from home. This includes work in someone else's home, such as that carried out by social workers, nannies, cleaners and tradespeople
  • Education, training, childcare and medical appointments and emergencies
  • Exercise outdoors (limited to once a day). This includes meeting one other person from another household in an open public space to exercise
  • Shopping for essentials such as food and medicine
  • Communal religious worship
  • Meeting your support or childcare bubble. Children can also move between separated parents Activities related to moving house
I want to add, if you are in danger you are also allowed (and must!) to get away from the situation for some reason, BBC seems to have missed this very important thing (or I am blind)
FOR THOSE SHIELDING YOU CAN CONTACT THE ROYAL VOLUNTARY SERVICE. These people helped my mother with picking up her medicine from the chemist. They were very helpful and went out their way to keep in touch and do it immediately. (It's the only experience I have with them though)
_riotingpacifist wanted these links added, but I simply just don't have the time to vet and check all the suggestions here, so I will link as is:
Digital Art
These are Free
  • Krita Arguably the best in my opinion. It has a load of options, brushes and a decent UI. It works fantastic with a tablet.
  • Gimp This is a decent program but last I used, the UI was a pain, and it isn't so user friendly while misses features, but it works, and it is possible to do some incredible creations on it.
  • Medibang Paint This is slightly geared towards Comics and Manga. I really enjoy using this with my drawing Tablet. As far as I know, it also for regular tablets for Android/Ipad and is free.
You can pick up a drawing tablet on Amazon quite cheap these days! Small ones that are just a black slate such as the wacom ones are good but takes some practice to get use to, but very worth it if you can't afford a dedicated drawing tablet with a screen.
Office suit software
A couple of free applications for word processing, spreadsheets etc.
  • LibreOffice This has most the average user would need to write their own books or to work from home. There's not a huge amount of difference between the two I'm linking (since I last used anyway) so it's more for preference.
  • Open Office You can pick this up here and again, like above it's just preference.
Music Making
I'm going to direct to matthewharris806 for some links as all the programs I've used like Reason are expensive, or cheaper stuff in bundles such as Magix software.
Games development
D_Dad_Default gives some links for that here
submitted by MrSoapbox to unitedkingdom [link] [comments]

[Balck Berry] A Morningstar Anal-ysts' report from the Morningstar Advisor workstation for Apes looking for more BB background.

Read (if you can), before you downvote. TL;DR at the bottom if you drool, move your lips, or need to sound out words while you read....
"BlackBerry Shares Showing Signs of Irrational Exuberance; Maintain $6.40 FVE; Shares Overvalued" William Kerwin Analyst
Analyst Note | by William Kerwin | Updated Jan 25, 2021
No-moat BlackBerry’s shares have more than doubled this month, but we have seen no material fundamental changes in the business. While small pieces of news concerning the firm’s licensing business have come out, these have been part of normal business operations, and we don’t expect them to be material to the firm’s cash flows. We think the recent price appreciation has been a result of a change in market sentiment rather than improved firm fundamentals. We maintain our $6.40 fair value estimate for BlackBerry and view shares as significantly overvalued.
BlackBerry’s recent price movements have been concurrent with two pieces of news in January: a sale of 90 patents to Huawei and a patent dispute settlement with Facebook, both of which we think are immaterial to the stock. The patent sale was a small portion of BlackBerry’s 38,000 patents, related to its discontinued legacy handset business. While terms of the Facebook settlement have yet to come out publicly, we estimate it will have a negligible impact on the firm’s financials. BlackBerry earns a robust revenue stream from its patent portfolio—$349 million in revenue in fiscal 2020 (34% of sales)—due in large part to aggressively defending its patents in court.
BlackBerry did report material news in December, when it announced a multiyear partnership with Amazon Web Services to co-develop BlackBerry Ivy, a connected cloud software platform for vehicles. The stock’s rise could also be a delayed reaction to this partnership. However, shares already rose sharply upon the announcement, and there hasn’t been more news since. We didn’t see this news as an immediate game changer (at least not as far as 100%-plus stock price appreciation) and we did not raise our fair value estimate based on this partnership announcement.
Finally, management has said that there are no material, undisclosed developments it can attribute to the recent activity.
Business Strategy and Outlook | by William Kerwin Updated Nov 02, 2020 BlackBerry is a software provider selling primarily into enterprise applications of the Internet of Things. Its flagship product is the Spark suite launched in 2020, which combines unified endpoint management with endpoint protection. The firm is also a leading embedded software provider, focused on the automotive industry. Its QNX software powers infotainment systems, where it leads the market, as well as electronic control units and advanced driver-assistance systems. We think BlackBerry has positioned itself in rapidly growing markets that benefit from secular trends, which should fuel top-line growth.
BlackBerry’s forte is security, with an explicit goal of providing end-to-end secure enterprise communication--just about the only constant between its current business model and the now-retired handset model that made it a household name. The firm performs best in regulated industries such as government, financial services, and healthcare, where security and privacy are more mission-critical. Since John Chen took over as CEO in 2014, he has successfully pivoted BlackBerry to a software model, and the company experienced its first year of revenue growth in nine years in fiscal 2020. The Canadian company’s pivot was fueled by acquisitions, namely the $425 million deal for Good Technology in 2015 that catapulted BlackBerry to the number-two market share in unified endpoint management, and the $1.4 billion Cylance acquisition in 2018 that gave BlackBerry a foothold in the endpoint protection market.
While we don’t think BlackBerry has a moat, as some of its larger competitors in the endpoint management and security spaces do, we think the marriage of endpoint management with Cylance’s proactive threat detection and response will forge a stickier product in Spark. In the short term, we think BlackBerry will focus on its go-to-market strategy as a means to generate organic growth for endpoint software, and seek out further opportunities in autonomous vehicles with its QNX software, as the space presents greater safety/security needs on the part of OEMs, as well as greater content per vehicle for QNX.
Economic Moat | by William Kerwin Updated Nov 02, 2020 We do not believe BlackBerry has an economic moat. Its endpoint management, endpoint security, and embedded systems software solutions compete in highly fragmented markets with relatively low switching costs. While these markets offer moats to larger competitors, we don’t believe BlackBerry’s solutions boast adequately competitive stickiness, and we view its negative historical returns on invested capital as evidence to our opinion. Thus, we do not have confidence it will earn returns in excess of its cost of capital over the next 10 years.
BlackBerry’s software and services segment comprises its flagship Spark suite and its embedded operating system, QNX. Spark combines unified endpoint management, or UEM, software with endpoint protection--what BlackBerry calls unified endpoint security.
UEM provides enterprises with a central interface to monitor and control network access from all endpoints, whether it be employees checking work email on their phones or editing secure documents on a company laptop. BlackBerry’s UEM capabilities originated from the software the company provided enterprises to manage the prevalent BlackBerry handheld devices used by employees, most notably in the mid-2000s. Although BlackBerry devices faded from relevance, the core of the company’s software remained. BlackBerry solidified its presence in the UEM space in 2015 with its $425 million acquisition of Good Technology and held the number-three market share in 2018 with 11.2%, per IDC.
BlackBerry also provides endpoint protection through the Spark suite, gained through its acquisition of Cylance for $1.4 billion in 2018. While UEM provides a firm with the ability to monitor and control access across its network, endpoint protection is about external threat prevention, detection, and response across those endpoints.
While it is our view that switching costs occur frequently in enterprise software, given the time, cost, and effort involved in adopting a new solution and running two concurrent solutions simultaneously during the transition, we don’t think the Spark suite bears moatworthy switching costs. UEM’s selling point of a centralized solution for all devices presents low switching costs relative to other software that have longer implementation times and intertwine with more companywide operating procedures. UEM implementation is restricted primarily to a customer’s IT department, while the greater employee base simply needs to download a new app or become accustomed to two-factor authentication. Several of BlackBerry’s largest competitors in endpoint management have moats, but we think these result from comprehensive portfolios of endpoint solutions and that the fragmented $3 billion UEM market is not enough on its own to bestow a moat on BlackBerry, despite an impressive market share. BlackBerry’s Cylance acquisition gives it more ammo to compete with larger, more comprehensive incumbents, but it will face an uphill battle winning business from the likes of Microsoft or Symantec. We think Spark (with integrated endpoint protection) is a stickier product than BlackBerry’s stand-alone UEM software was, but at every competitor these had already been integrated. Furthermore, the stand-alone endpoint security market is even more fragmented than the endpoint management market, featuring experienced, entrenched giants like Microsoft, Symantec, and CrowdStrike. Competing with unique and best-of-breed services like CrowdStrike and the unmatchable breadth of Microsoft, BlackBerry is likely to struggle to keep old clients and win new ones, even with Cylance’s machine learning and AI detection abilities. Nevertheless, the UEM market is rapidly growing (with estimates ranging from 23% to 36% CAGR through 2024) and BlackBerry remains a leading player. While we anticipate healthy growth from BlackBerry’s enterprise software business, we think a relatively nascent, quickly growing market will attract many new entrants. In a fragmented and rapidly evolving marketplace, we have greater confidence in larger, moat-endowed competitors like Microsoft and VMware to gain an outsize share of new business in the face of new competition, due to their ability to offer established and trusted endpoint protection software alongside endpoint management.
In the same segment, BlackBerry also sells its proprietary embedded software, QNX. Embedded software is the code that allows specific machines to do their jobs, and BlackBerry’s QNX software is sold primarily into the automotive market, as well as medical devices and industrial systems. BlackBerry partners with nearly every major automotive OEM and Tier 1 supplier for instrument clusters, driver-assistance systems, and infotainment, where it boasts market share a hair under 50%.
We see some moatworthy characteristics of the QNX automotive business but don’t think the switching costs are steep enough to award a moat. We liken QNX to moaty auto-parts suppliers in our coverage, with five- to seven-year model lifecycles ensuring a long contractual revenue stream, as BlackBerry incurs about 70% of contract value from car production volume throughout a model’s life. However, compared with the auto suppliers, most of QNX’s functions in the vehicle (primarily infotainment) are not mission-critical, though a proliferation of ADAS and autonomous vehicles may change this. Thus, BlackBerry must compete for every design win, even if it had sold into the prior model version. In infotainment specifically, as Apple CarPlay and Android Auto rise in popularity, automakers may find less reason to pay up for QNX in a new model over a free Linux alternative just to put the Apple or Android interface on top of it.
Finally, BlackBerry has a robust licensing segment where it monetizes its wealth of intellectual property. We think this business has moaty characteristics, given its contractual nature and the long average-weighted life of its patent portfolio. However, we believe the threat of value destruction here is too strong to give this category a narrow moat rating. BlackBerry doesn’t disclose the length or terminal dates of these contracts, and we don’t think the BlackBerry name is strong enough to elicit high retention rates for these licensing agreements. The business can also be mercurial, highlighted by the last BlackBerry-licensed smartphones by TCL ending sales in 2020.
Fair Value and Profit Drivers | by William Kerwin Updated Nov 02, 2020 Our fair value estimate of $6.40 per share implies a 2021 enterprise value/sales ratio of 3 times and a free cash flow yield of 5%.
We forecast compound annual revenue growth of 7% through fiscal 2030. We expect rapid growth for the firm’s Spark solution as it provides a stickier option to customers looking for comprehensive endpoint capabilities. We also expect strong growth for QNX as content gains with AVs of all levels offset market share losses to Android Automotive.
We think as BlackBerry becomes more seasoned as a software company, its gross margins will approach 80%. We expect operating margins to expand significantly over our 10-year explicit forecast, due in part to near-term synergies attained from a positive Cylance integration. Longer term, we expect revenue to rise at a faster pace than marketing spending, but for R&D expenses to stay elevated as the firm continually reinvests in innovation. We anticipate that BlackBerry will reach GAAP profitability by fiscal 2024 and reach operating margins in the 14% range by fiscal 2030.
Risk and Uncertainty | by William Kerwin Updated Nov 02, 2020 Given its tumultuous past and relative lack of operating history as a software company, we assign BlackBerry a very high fair value uncertainty rating. Since 2014, the firm has relied on M&A to pivot its business toward software. It encountered nine straight years of revenue decline, ending in 2020. BlackBerry’s ability to generate meaningful organic growth going forward will be paramount to its success.
BlackBerry’s future will also depend on its ability to integrate and expand upon prior acquisitions, specifically Cylance. As an endpoint protection platform, Cylance could bolster every other BlackBerry product by layering on advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities. However, we have yet to see management drive organic growth out of this addition in its early days.
BlackBerry competes in highly fragmented and competitive markets, against some of the largest companies out there. It may be difficult for BlackBerry to maintain or steal market share from companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and VMware with 10 or more times the revenue and R&D budget that it has. BlackBerry encounters the opposite problem with its QNX software, where it must compete with freely available Android and Linux operating systems. In these markets, it will need to continually innovate ahead of the competition to maintain pricing power, and thus market share, over these alternatives.
BlackBerry faces risk from being a relatively small and unproven new entrant into its key markets. Customers that are highly risk averse might opt to go with a more established competitor for an end-to-end solution, especially when money is tight. While in periods of economic growth, its name recognition might help to attract customers, in downturns, customers might steer clear of a name they associate with a sharp drop-off from a leadership position in the smartphone market in the early 2010s.
Capital Allocation | by William Kerwin Updated Nov 02, 2020 We assign BlackBerry a Standard stewardship rating. BlackBerry doesn’t pay a dividend or conduct share repurchases, choosing instead to allocate any excess capital to further inorganic growth.
CEO John Chen came into his role in 2014 in the middle of the company’s fall from the top of the smartphone world and led the firm’s pivot into software. As the firm’s handset sales experienced steep declines, he executed key acquisitions to help gain footholds in what are now BlackBerry’s primary markets. The $425 million acquisition of Good Technology in 2015 helped make BlackBerry’s existing mobile device management software platform-agnostic and catapulted the firm to a top-three share in the unified endpoint management market. In the years following, Chen tacked on a secure communication platform, Secusmart, and a secure crisis notification service, AtHoc. Most recently and significantly, BlackBerry acquired Cylance, planting one foot squarely into the endpoint protection market. We think the acquisitions under Chen’s tenure have expanded the firm’s product portfolio into high-growth markets and bode well for the future. While the firm’s revenue has been declining since 2011, its software and services revenue has been growing nicely, due primarily to the aforementioned acquisitions.
We think Chen identified good M&A targets, but it is now time for him to prove he can generate organic growth out of them under the BlackBerry umbrella. Being known as a bit of a turnaround aficionado, Chen’s last charge was as chief executive of Sybase, a software and database company that he brought back into the black and sold at a 50% premium to SAP for $5.8 billion in 2010. We remain skeptical of BlackBerry’s luster as an M&A target, but at the very least the return to profitability appears to be underway.
Close Full Analysis View Report Archive
TL;DR. Probably overvalued at the moment. But, they are very uncertain about their own valuation of the company. If BB fails, no one would be surprised. But, if they can pull through there is serious $$$$ to be made. So be patient fucktards. I don't know when, but if things work out, you'll be deep in the Green.
Long 1,000 Shares
submitted by Brian_SD to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Getting Hacked in 2010, Vyve, ExpressVPN, the Auction House, and being BANNED

Getting Hacked in 2010, Vyve, ExpressVPN, the Auction House, and being BANNED

UPDATED: 2/9/2021

I have been checking my email pretty regularly since this all started. At 6:15AM EST I received this:

We are $7.50 sorry.
I am excited that the ban was overturned, and I understand that giving a reason that it was banned originally might help some future hacker or bot runner improve their practices.
I hope that anyone experiencing this issue, who feels hopeless or is simply looking for how long the experience will take, will find this post.
A quick recap for those just finding this post:
  • I was banned on 2/2/2021 for Hacking/Botting.
  • I appealed the ban through Blizzard's ticketing system. Make sure you go directly to the Ban Appeal, and not the normal World of Warcraft ticket.
  • After 24 hours, I was asked to provide a picture or scan of my driver's license on top of a local paper with the current date. If you are trying to prepare for this, I'd advise waiting until the ticket comes back before buying a paper. Make sure it's a local town/city paper, and not something like the New York Times.
  • After submitting the images, I was unable to verify that the images were uploaded. Don't panic. If a new page loads indicating that the ticket was updated, the images were sent.
    • Side note: Several times during the process, the ticket was marked as RESOLVED. You will need to reopen the ticket to address any issues. There are buttons at the bottom of the ticket that will let you indicate you "still have a problem". This is what I had to do to reopen the ticket and submit my ID images. Don't open a new ticket with your ID picture.
  • After another 24 hours, I was told that the images had been successfully uploaded and they were being escalated to another team (Hacks Team) for review. If your ticket is still being reviewed on a Thursday or Friday, be prepared to wait over the weekend. It is clear that the hacks team does not work weekends.
  • After the weekend I waited an additional day, in total the response time as 3.5 days on the last portion of the ticket.
  • On Tuesday, 2/9/2021 I was emailed directly indicating that my ban was made in error and I was compensated game time for my troubles.
In closing, I want to make sure people experiencing this who are truly banned in error do not get discouraged or worried that their account is 100% gone. I was convinced for a while that I would never play my Hunter again.
The original ban email, as well as many forum and Blizzard posts are written to address legitimate bans. They want to ensure that hackers and botters know that guilty people will remain banned. If you are caught up in this process, don't feel like you're guilty with no options.
If you are innocent, just wait out the process. It is a far from perfect system, but it did eventually work out for me.
Also, for those of you who read the entire original post, and wonder what I finally decided to do:

thugshirt life
I'll be wearing this shirt as a reminder of my experience.
See you in Oribos, Maw Walkers.

Original Post Begins Here:

(If you've found this post and want information on the ban and appeal process, skip to the bottom)

My Experience Being Hacked/Banned in 2010

In May of 2010 my World of Warcraft account was hacked. The hacker attached an authenticator, cleaned out all of my characters, and then (I assumed) advertised gold selling websites until the account was banned. I received an email regarding the ban, and then went through the arduous process of getting my account restored.
This was not an uncommon occurrence at the time. As I recall, authenticators had only been out for a little while. I was devastated, as this was during a time when I was a very dedicated raider and missing a week of raiding was a huge bummer.
However, nothing was worse than logging back in for the first time. My hunter stood in front of a mailbox in Dalaran totally naked. In my mailbox, a list of items that had been sold to a vendor. The gold sent off to be sold. Seeing each item pop into my bag, I was reminded of the time and effort spent raid, and how easily all of that could be taken away.
I'll never forget what happened while I stood at the mailbox, equipping each item, trying to remember what set I was wearing, and if I was missing anything. A stranger sent me a /tell, asking if I just got hacked and of course closing out the message "LOL".
How fucking embarrassing it was to be watched like that, shamed because I got hacked, and trying to recover months of work naked at a mailbox.
To write here that I think hacking an MMORPG is something scum does is an understatement. I used to watch the orcs in Orgrimmar dance in front of the auction house, spelling gold selling sites in the air, fuming because they were actively working to ruin the game.
I preface my story with this anecdote because I want you, the reader, to understand that hacking (and botting) are issues in World of Warcraft that bother me. They actively work to ruin an experience that I have enjoyed since 2006. I have been personally affected by these practices, and understand the impact they can have.

Vyve ISP and ExpressVPN

So now it's 2021. I have been playing and enjoying Shadowlands. I don't have the same time to dedicate to raiding, but I've found a lot of joy playing through the Mythic+ experience. For the first time in many expansions, I am spending time outside of the game on forums, discord, and researching my class and spec on websites like icy veins.
Summer of 2020, my ISP Northland Cable was bought by Vyve. It seemed like out-of-nowhere my town was swarming with Vyve trucks. My house experienced some outages during this time, but I chalked it up to Vyve setting up it's equipment. There were several bucket trucks combing neighborhoods at the time, fiddling with lines.
After these short outages, things seemed to go back to normal. I was able to level and play Shadowlands without issue. It was really enjoyable, and going from Beast Mastery Hunter (which I had played consistently for years) to Marksman was really a great experience. It was almost like rediscovering how much fun Hunter was for the first time.
Months passed and one weekend in December, during my only dedicated time to play, I began to experience consistent disconnects. Of course this was during a few Mythic+ dungeons. It made the game unplayable. It even impacted Overwatch, which I decided to play out of frustration that the game mode I most enjoyed wasn't working.
I ended up spending the afternoon looking over forum posts. Eventually I found a few WoW forum posts where others were dealing with the same issue. It's a little technical to get into, but essentially an internet hop routing WoW traffic was hitting 100% packet loss. The worst part is that (at the time) there was no easy fix. The only viable option was using a VPN to reroute traffic.
I support some creators on YouTube, and so I decided to invest in ExpressVPN. It seemed like the other benefits made it worth the price. I got everything set up and it immediately fixed the problem and improved my performance. I was psyched, if not a little miffed that I had to spend some additional money to play.

The Auction House

That brings us to February 2, 2021. After scheduled maintenance I decided to get my Renown levels and get the World Boss out of the way. I typically try to knock out everything I can prior to the weekend so I can focus on trying to do m+ chest unlocks.
After completing this fairly quickly (I was really surprised how fast I was able to get everything done), I decided to log into some of my alts. I recently cleared out my main character's bank, and was surprised how much I was making off of items that have been sitting unused for a few years. I knew my alt banks were a hoarding nightmare, so I decided to AH as much as I could.
After clearing a few alts I logged into my rogue, who is my oldest character. His bank was very small, and only had a few materials. He did have some BoE greens, and I was surprised to see that the first two each went for around 200g. As I moused over the remaining items in my bank, I landed on a green shirt the add-on listed for:
Wait what? No no. That can't be right. There's no way. This is a bug. I'm being trolled.
I was so thrown off guard that I ran to the Auction House. No mount, no Sprint, just running barefoot fueled by anxiety. 800k? What would I even buy? How much does property in Orgrimmar cost anyway? That's where the real wealth is. Land!
I've never clicked the Auction House NPC to hard in my life.
I searched for it. "T-H-U-K". No, that's not right. "T-H-U-G S-H-I-R-T"
There's no way.
Oh, holy shirt. It is real.
I posted everything I had. For a moment contemplating equipping the shirt on my Hunter. Finally feel like one of the 1%.
But no, we have to see if someone will buy this.
I spent the rest of my play time that day going through around seven characters. I think I posted around 200 items. Years of work hoarding things. Thinking "I will definitely use this one day. I shouldn't sell this. I might need it."
After that I logged off for the day. I was excited to see what would sell. It also felt good to finally get in the good habit of selling things instead of condemning them to the reagent bank for all eternity.

Being Banned

It's around 10AM on February 3. I had taken care of my morning real life obligations, and I was ready to be rich. Filthy rich.
I noticed a new icon next to the "Play" button on the Blizzard app. A large blue "no symbol" glared at me. Maybe Blizzard is using this to communicate something important to players.
Nope. Not that. Something much worse:
Oh, look. It's the worst thing.
My first thought, absolutely, was that I had been hacked again. Flash backs to being naked at the Dalaran mailbox. Oh god, the shame. The cyberbullying and the shame.
But I can still click "Play". Maybe it's a bug. A horrible horrible bug.
The exact opposite of \"cool\"
I went to the email associated with my account. After clicking all of Gmail's wonderful tabs I finally found something:
Game Account Name:
Account Action: Account Closure
Offense: Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks)
This account was closed for use of unauthorized cheat programs, also known as hacks or bots. These programs provide character benefits not normally achievable in the game and detract from the integrity of the World of Warcraft game environment.
The account holder is responsible for all activity on the account. We issue suspensions and closures to protect our players and our service in accordance with our Blizzard EULA: https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html and WoW Terms of Use: https://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/legal/termsofuse.html
We don't take this decision lightly. Our team issued this closure only after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals. For information, see our article: https://battle.net/support/article/2639
In some cases, these actions happen when a third party compromises an account to sell gold or other in-game property. If you believe your account was compromised, please follow these important instructions: https://battle.net/support/article/14319
Thank you for your time and for understanding.
Customer Service
Blizzard Entertainment
This wasn't like my experience in 2010. This wasn't a temporary ban to stop a gold seller. This was a legitimate account closure. What really struck me about this email was how confident it was about my guilt. I was immediately struck with a sense of hopelessness.
I mean:
We don't take this decision lightly. Our team issued this closure only after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals. For information, see our article: https://battle.net/support/article/2639
So, that's it? I'm banned and that's it? I want to highlight exactly what made my heart sink again, because I will come back to it later:
"Our team issued this closure only after a careful review of relevant evidence. Our support staff will not overturn these closures and may not respond to appeals."
Now, I've been broken up with a few times in my life. It hurts, and it really hurts in writing. I've learned as an adult (by being a real bitch as a kid) that you have to let people go when they want to go. Pleading and begging don't solve relationship problems. Believe me.
So when I read this, it felt like a clean break. One of those "It's not me, it's you because you hacked the video game" situations.
I sat for a while, staring blankly at the screen. My account is about to turn 15 years old. I've been playing this game my whole adult life (on and off, even some of the much maligned Panda Expansion).
Nope. Not giving up. I didn't do the thing I'm banned for. I actively report bots. I tell people "Thanks" after Mythic dungeons and tip rogues for opening lockboxes. I'm one of the good guys.

Appealing a Ban, WoW Forums and The Waiting Game

I followed the link of my ban email and was greeted with this:
TFW You want to click \"No\" out of spite.
To say that navigating Blizzard's support website is confusing is an understatement. Look at how many games and apps are supported by this website. I spent a few minutes clicking around.
I have to make this disclaimer: At the point I was navigating the site, I was still convinced that I was hacked. I was in a state of shock and a little panic clicking. So take my critique of their support site with a grain of salt.
Here's my appeal. Not my finest work:

I know, and if you play World of Warcraft, you know, that tickets take time. Typically you can spend this time playing the game, waiting for an item to be restored, or waiting for feedback on a bug or issue you've encountered.
Not with this, though. Being banned and waiting on an appeal is rough.
So of course I anxiety spiraled. What could I have done? Why would Blizzard think I'm hacking or botting. Do I have any software on my computer that might falsely trigger my ban.
Oh, god. The VPN. No way, that suggestion was posted on the forums. I'll just search some key terms. That can't be it.

Where's that \"Did you find this article helpful?\" button?
This forum response and the replies on the thread did not give me a sense of relief. What I gathered is that, for the most part, player's experience being banned for VPN use, and Orlyia's statement did not match.
What also stuck me was another example of what I'll call "guilt reinforcement". While I understand that players who cheat will inevitably also lie, for those of us looking for information on appealing a ban, making me feel like I'm a suspect doesn't help. In fact, it definitely discourages honest players caught up in a ban.
Additionally, before I move on I wanted to highlight the following post and response:

Let's just close this one. I feel like we've made ourselves abundantly clear, you cheaters.
This thread of Janury 2019 is one of the few "official" Blizzard results when searching "VPN Ban". It is a little shocking to see an honest response from someone who liked your game enough to get another account after being banned, play it to max level, go on the forum, and post a story related to the topic, just to get the thread locked.
Yes, I do understand that this is an anecdotal story, and yes, we don't know all the details, but for someone looking for some insight to assist their appeal, this just looks threatening and dismissive.
There were some positive replies to the thread, and it was enough to get me worried. Maybe I wasn't hacked. Maybe it was the VPN.
So I updated the appeal. If you've read this far you probably know it won't be the last time.
I related the story of Vyve, and how at the time I couldn't play without using ExpressVPN. Use discount code "Bannedforhacking69" at checkout.
No, don't do that.
I won't bore you (if I haven't already) with the other anxiety driven forum reading I did that day. I ended up amending my appeal several time. I found a few posts talking about bans, and saw a lot of discouraging community feedback. A lot of people dismissing posters, or outright accusing them of being guilty and using the forums or reddit as a way to get out of a legitimate ban.
I understand. Like I said, cheaters lie. I get it.
I asked around on a few of the WoW discord channels I use. A lot of the same. No real firm responses, no real experience, and a lot of being accused of guilt.
Totally discouraged, I came here. I found some interesting stories about being swept up in a ban wave. Very similar email after the ban, but not exactly related. Stories of Druids spending hours legitimately farming herbs banned along with all bot Druids doing the same.
Nah, that's not me. I didn't do anything that a hacker would do. I didn't do anything a bot would do. I didn't post 200 auctions including a shirt worth 830k gold.
Fuck. I did do that.
So yeah, I did this:
What about this? Does this get me unbanned?
The next morning I was still banned with no response. I read online that the typical response time was between 24-72 hours, so I wasn't in a total panic. I tried to keep my mind off of it, but during my normal morning WoW time I could resist refreshing my email, refreshing my ticket, going on the forum, and bothering people on Discord.
After lunch I saw an alert on my phone:
Just send me a scanned picture of your town's Mayor holding up a picture of your butthole.
I try not to exaggerate my circumstances, but this did feel a little "prove the hostage is real". But ok, fine. I'll do it. I'll show you what you want, I just want to be free.
It dawned on me shortly after that moment that I do not, in fact, know where you get a newspaper "of the day". Are Newsies still a thing? Do they still sing about dreams of moving to Santa Fe?
I ended up calling the local newspaper office. And, even though telling you that is a little embarrassing, what's more embarrassing is that I was put on holding after asking "Where can I get a print copy of today's paper?" for about 5 minutes. It took a team of people to tell me where to buy the paper.
So I did it. I felt like a fool, but I did it. I sat in my car and took a picture of my ID on top of the paper:

Artist's Rendering
I tried submitting on my phone in the car. I thought maybe if I did it quickly, I could get unbanned before the weekend.
Unfortunately, this is where my issues with the ticketing system begin. On an android phone (Hello, fellow kids), trying to log into Blizzard's website with the phone authenticator doesn't work. I tried desperately a few times to no avail.
So inevitable I had to upload the pictures back on my computer.
FYI When you upload images or other files on an open ticket, there is no indication on the ticket that images have successfully uploaded.
So far, this is my biggest complaint about the whole process. After added images to my ticket and hitting submit, I could see no indication that they were sent. During a normal Customer Service call, the tech could verify that it worked, but without speaking directly to a person, and essentially having a GM as a pen pal, I had no idea if I did it correctly.
I just had to wait.
That felt especially bad when you consider what appears on the email and not on the ticket on the website:

And that final update will be \"lol still banned\"
I have general feeling about this experience, and how a normal player trying to solve an issue is treated as if they are guilty, but this is probably my only technical process complaint. The time spent waiting, especially when innocent is tough, but not being able to see if your images are uploaded is pretty unacceptable.
It would be as simple as adding it to the messages on ticket. This would have made the next 24 wait a little easier.
The next morning I received a response. I am, in fact, not a smart man, but I did successfully show a GM my weird face on top of my local newspaper.
I should have expected this, but I did not:
Hi there
It's GM Verdaniih here, I hope you're doing well today!
Thanks a lot for getting back on this with the ID requested.
I have now escalated your case up for the ban to be reviewed. This can take a couple of days to be done though especially with it being almost the weekend.
As soon as I hear back on this though I will update you on the situation.
I really hope that this has cleared things up for you and that the rest of your day is awesome! :)
Best wishes
I thought, well, that this was the review. Guess not. This piece was a let down, honestly. It was Friday and I knew in my heart of hearts that I wasn't going to hear anything all weekend. That sucks.
Also, oddly, the ticket was marked as "Resolved" again. I think one thing that would really help the appeal process would be a bit more insight into what a "resolved" ticket means, and what each step of the process will look like. If the GMs are going to give an authentic response, I think that's great, but I'd like to know more specifically that this will change the status of the ticket, and that my next update will be via email.
Which did eventually happen because of course I reopened the ticket to say thank you. Yes, I am that kind of person. I do reply to "thank you" emails with "no problem". That's just who I am.
I'm glad I did though because I got this response on Saturday.
Good day,
Thank you for reaching out today with your concerns. We truly appreciate your patience as we've investigated and addressed your ticket.
I definitely understand the concerns regarding the recent action on your account. I want to share with you that the details regarding your account and the action applied to it have been escalated up to our Hacks Review team to look into. As soon as we hear back from them pending their investigation, we will contact you via email with their verdict. Please note that a response may take a few days.
Thank you for your time and patience.
Ok, number one. I have never shown patience in my whole life, but I appreciate it. Two, this email hits a little closer to the information I wanted. It would have been nice to read the following:
  1. We got your ugly picture.
  2. After I laughed at it, showed it to four other people who also laughed and one person who legitimately feels bad for you, I sent it to the "Hacks Team" which is probably just one person, and he doesn't work weekends or really on Friday so LOL go play Hearthstone.
  3. I "Resolved" the ticket which didn't actually resolve the issue. if you reopen the ticket some other guy is going to see your ugly picture and laugh, tell you the same thing, and "resolve" it again. So stop please.
  4. Once Ricky "Hacks Team" McGillicuddy takes a look at it, he'll shoot you an email.
I am going to post this without a resolution. As of Monday, February 8 I have not yet received any response.


(See update at top for TL;DR of the ticket process)
submitted by NaClx to wow [link] [comments]

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submitted by Ixxol to copypasta [link] [comments]

Unifi Talk Personal Review 2

Good Morning All!
One month ago, I submitted a post regarding Unifi Talk Here showing my personal review of the product as a whole after a couple days of testing. I would like to expand on that post showing to what I am seeing after about of a month of testing and using the products!
Again as of before, these opinions and reviews are purely my own, and are used to perhaps provide some insight on this upcoming product!
Unifi Talk is currently in Beta and is expected to have bugs that they are working out, and this should be kept in mind if you are looking to purchase the products for yourself.
Here are the current versions I am running:
UDM Pro: 1.8.6
Talk Controller: 1.9.1
Unifi Talk: 1.2.342
Starting off, I would like to thank the Ubiquiti team! They do seem to be working on a consistent basis on the products, and Talk has received a couple of major updates that have drastically improved the product each time.
Protect: PROTECT WORKS NOW! The stream on the Protect App, has the live view accompanied by the timeline. There also is no timeout on the screen, so it will stay up whenever protect is running. Whenever you get a call though, it automatically switches to the Talk app, though the process of switching takes 2-3 seconds to do, while the phone is still ringing in the mean time. This still provides an ample opportunity to answer the call, but may be an inconvenience to some.
I ran into a couple of annoying talk issues that I didn't notice before.
Phone Call Quality: When answering a call there appears to be what I can best describe as an audio syncing delay for a few seconds. This is actually a massive issue for those using the phones for business use, and if a call representative answers the phone with a script. The person on the other end may only hear the latter half of the script, which offers very poor customer experience. I found that I ended up waiting a few seconds after answering the phone before I said "hello".
I would suggest that the Unifi team looks into that issue as a major fault, especially this being a business product, expected to be used in offices and call centers.
Another issue that everyone wanting to experiment with Talk should keep in mind is to make sure that the phone has enough bandwidth. It takes very little considering it is only voice, however if you are downloading a game from Steam for example without throttling (depending on your internet speed), whoever you are talking to will hear you breaking up on their end. Though this should be fixable though the UDM Network settings to give the phone priority, I would recommend that voice be given priority over most other traffic as a default setting.
Moving on to the Talk Controller interface, I found that there was an issue that I constantly ran into when reviewing my calls.
Call Log: You are able to create contacts on both the talk device and the controller which are synced instantly. Creating and mass importing contacts is incredibly easy to do, and they work well EXCEPT for the call log.... The call log on the controller only shows phone numbers, not the contacts.
For example, if you had 555-555-1234 assigned to Bob as a contact, in the call log you would still only see the number 555-555-1234, not Bob's name. There is no way to associate the phone number with the contact in the call log. The log recognizes Talk users as contacts, and will use their names, but not regular contacts. This makes it extremely difficult if you make a lot of calls and need to see the last time you spoke with Bob, especially if you do not have his number memorized. You would have to go to Contacts, find Bob, copy his number, go back to the call log, and past the number in the search field. If the number is in your contacts, it needs to show the name of the contact, not their number. I think the information still needs to be shown once you open the entry for the call, but not on the main view.
Another (perhaps bug) that I found with the call log was the consistency to how the numbers are presented. A part of the issue is user-based, but odd nonetheless. All incoming calls (us-based) would start with +1 555 555 1234, however the outgoing calls would be different. If the person was in your contacts that you called, it would show as the same (+1 555 555 1234), but if you called the number directly, it would appear how you dialed it, without the spaces. (5555551234). This is mainly a consistency issue, not necessarily a major bug.
Talk Dashboard: On the main Talk dashboard, I found that the system status message would occasionally go from "System Performance is Great!" to "Needs Attention" with no rhyme or reason. The message usually goes away quickly or with a refresh, but if you are comparing to my Call Experience Log, its hasn't gotten below 99%. There has been no issue with the call experience when it tells me that it needs attention either. I believe that, at least the error I am getting, is a false negative.
Voicemail: There is currently no way (that is obvious to me at least) to change the voicemail greeting. Currently the greeting you get is "The person at extension 0001 is not available. Record your message at the tone. Press any key, or stop talking to end the recording." You are able to access the voicemail in the call log as a call recording, however for some reason it shows as a different entry than the actual call. One entry will show as a missed call, and a new entry would show all the same information, but with a different icon.
I admittedly haven't looked too deeply into it, but there does not still seem to be a way to customize.
No Dark Mode: There is a personal preference that I would like to see implemented as well: Dark Mode. Currently dark mode only works in Settings on Talk, all the other tabs are light.
Now for the good stuff that I want to praise them for, and a couple of questions I have received from the last posting.
This is to be included over my last posting, so this post focuses more on new issues I found rather than features.
Unifi Protect: The biggest improvement that I have seen is that Unifi Protect is now working on the phone. From the previous post, you had to log in and then it would be asking for a few Android-based permissions, just to end up not working at all. It would force you into the Android settings and would not let you move on. Now, its turn key, and functions in nearly the exact same way as it does on my Iphone. The resolution on the Unifi Touch Phone is significantly lower, but you are still definitely able to tell what is in the video stream. Although it does work, It goes off the same interface as a smart phone, so certain features such as Alerts do not work, but the main functionality is there! Whoop Whoop!
Call Recording: The Call recording feature continues to impress me. Not only has it been amazing for going back and reviewing calls and reviewed information, they have sped up the experience dramatically. The longer the call, the longer it takes to load, but most load fast. The ability to download the call (.wav) for archiving/sharing/backup is also an amazing feature that has been very useful, especially to hear how you sound to the person on the other end of the call.
SIP: I have gotten a lot of questions concerning SIP and everyone's own SIP information. Unfortunately I can't provide a whole lot of information on the process except for starting out the process. For my testing, I am using Unifi everything, so I have not set this up with an external provider.
Here are the initial setup attention statements, and here are
I can provide a bit of additional information however. I added the screenshot here for Advanced SIP settings. The resource link that they mention can be found here and leads you to Freeswtich.org.
Exact phone number selection: HUGE. Midway through writing this, I found a new feature that allows you to select your specific phone number before purchasing! Under the numbers tab, when going to purchase new numbers you are able to search the number registry. You are able to select the country area code, then local area code. Based on that it will give you a drop down showing all available numbers! Huge update and thank you to Ubiquiti!
Updating the Phone: I have received a question regarding to how the phone is updated. Its managed in nearly the same way as the Unifi Cameras. Using the devices tab inside of Talk, you can select your device -> Configure > Update. This is also the same way you can reboot the device if it is acting weird.
Payments: If you go through Unifi for the phone number, I have went through a couple cycles now for paying them. You have 3000 minutes in the cycle that is included in the $9.99 subscription per number. They refill on the date that is shown on the dashboard. The payment breakdown they provide is here.
Phone Numbers VS. Extensions: I've had a few questions regarding how Talk handles both phone numbers and extensions. There was one instance only I have not checked for, and that is what happens when you don't pay the bill. Theoretically since the setup has already been completed, you may still be able to call extensions from the phone, however you would not be able to call outside of the immediate network. You must have a phone number to get initially set up and into the dashboard. You may be able to bypass paying anything by using the free 24 hour trial.
The way I view it is that extensions would work one of two ways; if Unifi is making all calls, to the extensions or not, go outside of the UDM pro, then they would fail when you don't pay the bill. However, if the UDM handles all internal calls, regardless of having a phone number or not, you should still be able to make internal calls. This is not something I am able to test at this time.
It appears that as long as you have the SIP addresses or are willing to pay, you can have as many phone numbers as you'd like, and you would be able to "tie" them together using the switchboard. Each phone number is able to handle up to 10,000 extensions (x0000 - x9999) per phone number.
Example: 2 phone numbers can handle a total of 20,000 total phones) More than enough for any organization. Each phone has to have its own unique extension, however you can create Talk groups, so you can tie in several extensions as a ring group if a certain selection is made.
I also noticed from their Early Access site for Unifi Touch phones (currently available as of writing this), they have added a white and gold phone in addition to the standard black and silver.
Next are the features that are not implemented, that I would like to see added in which I havn't already mentioned in this or my last post.
Dark Mode, transcribe call recordings, ability to change voicemail, ability to use your own audio file for the switchboard options, more fields for contacts, such as multiple numbers (work, office, cell) for each contact and things such as addresses, anti-fingerprint screens.
If you have any questions, or would like to see me look into something, please let me know! As always, have an amazing day!
submitted by C_Turtle23 to Ubiquiti [link] [comments]

Lockdown, things to do, help & advice.

Disclaimer I am posting this here because I got a message from the mods asking me to. I'm not from London so links aren't London centric (but hopefully still of help) and the main post is here so any updates will likely be there (I will try here but it's hard to keep up with the amount of suggestions)
Yes, it's hard, it sucks, it's depressing. It is something we all have to do if you want to see this virus go. Everyone knows the deal, too many think they're the exception but no one is. However, staying home is hard so maybe I can help at least one or two people with some incentives. I'll try to give links to some things that can help cure the boredom, and some support if you need it.
Most of this might be obvious to some, some might not even have internet and of course, money is a big issue, so I'll try to give some suggestions:
For streaming and on demand things such as Netflix et al, don't forget you can subscribe for free for your first month. This goes for most things in the list. If you are worried about putting in your payment details and forgetting to cancel a month later, don't worry! You can sign up and immediately cancel and you still get your free month!
For people who don't have a smart TV, you can buy a cheap Amazon Fire TV stick or a Roku box. The Fire stick can go as low as £20 often for 1080p. It will drop to £30 for 4k.
I picked up a 4k Roku device for £18 on Amazon once. It's fast and snappy. currently it's going for £33 for the 4k version. Having both, there is little difference between the devices. NowTV also do their own roku powered device.
Subscription based streaming sites that all offer 2-4 weeks free for first timers
  • Netflix *According to comments the second month is free.
  • Amazon Prime You can either get Amazon video on its own, or take prime with other benefits. I strongly urge those who use Amazon for buying off their store front to use [https://smile.amazon.co.uk/] as there is literally no difference except everything you buy amazon donates to a charity of your choice.
  • Now TV (I believe it's 7 days)
  • Disney+
  • Britbox
  • Amazon channels. I believe you can get all these individually but Amazon offers them as channels bound to your prime account, and they are again either free for a couple weeks (again, take them, cancel instantly) or very cheap. I recently subscribed to Starzplay for £1 for 3 months. It has some good shows on it like Fringe, doom patrol. It also has channels like Curiosity stream and shudder
If you have not subscribed to the any of the above, you can get a few months of free TV by signing up and cancelling instantly. I suggest waiting at least 5 minutes just to let it go through the system.
Some tips for Now TV. IF you already have a subscription, I've noticed you can get it cheaper by cancelling. When you cancel they will beg you to stay. Select "I can not afford it this month" and they should beg again, telling you what shows they have. If you say you still want to cancel, they'll beg one last time and offer you the subscription for cheaper. This won't work every month, but I've noticed they'll always offer it the first time, then again after a couple months. If you're subscribed to both films and entertainment do the most expensive one as it may not work both times (but it might!). You can also pick up passes from storefronts a lot cheaper sometimes, before I could pick one up on Amazon for £3 but, they seem to have cracked down on it. If you shop around (or if anyone knows of a legitimate store please let me know) you might be able to pick it up cheaper. Lastly, check their website and under your account they should have an "offers for you" section.
Completely free TV
If you do have a smart TV and/or device, there are some good free streaming apps. One I really love is called PlutoTV. I know this is on both Roku and the fire stick, as well as Ps4/Ps5 and xbox.
Pluto offers a bunch of live channels and now an on demand section, all for free. It has adverts but they are actually short (shorter than regular TV and fewer of them). Some of the channels are just streaming certain shows like Mythbusters 24/7 or Dog the bounty hunter, but it has a lot of old movie channels as well as 24/7 kickboxing and MMA. It also has a 24/7 poker channel I quite like.
Another one I like is Rakuten Viki however, I haven't watched it for a while as my fire stick is only 1080p and I have too many other devices attached. I believe it is on Roku but you have to jump through some hoops and have an account. The last I checked on the fire stick you did not. Viki offers a metric ton of Asian shows, mainly from Japan and South Korea but it does have chinese, Malaysian etc. It has subtitles. Some Japanese shows are hysterical, albeit weird.
Roku also do their own channels with free shows if you own a device.
For those who don't have a smart TV or a Streaming device, you can set up your own computer as a dedicated streaming device with Plex. It's been a while since I used it but I believe it now also offers free movies and TV.
If you are into Anime there is
The first 2 are free to watch, or offer premium without ads which you can have a trial with. Crunchyroll is the better of the two with more original choice for Japanese voice and subs, while Funimation has more Dubs. I don't believe HiDive is free to watch but you do get a 2 week trial. These are more exclusives than the previous two.
PC Centric software
If you are a gamer or like Audiobooks or anything that uses computers for things like music making, programming or graphic design
Humble Bundle offers, as per the name, bundles. A long running site that got bought out by IGN. It offers both single items and bundles you can buy individually/as a pack while also offering a separate monthly subscription for around £8-9. The subscription gives you 12 games on average per month. That's the simplest explanation but it changes somewhat as sometimes you get to pick 10 out of 14 games, or get all 12.
Humble bundle offers more than just games though. Every Tuesday they bring a new bundle of games, while Thursday (I "think) a new bundle of books. They very often have books from the Black Library giving you a ton of Warhammer books. Sometimes it's standard E-books, other times it's audiobooks. A few times a year they do bundles for graphic design, a typical bundle would include programs like Paintshop Pro Corel Painter etc, They usually go for £0.76 for tier 1 up to around £18 for tier 3, which would include 4-6 full titles with 10+ addons. They also often have Music making bundles or video editing software as well as Programming or video game development.
The bundles change often, they usually have around 11 bundles at a time that last for 20 days. Sometimes it's trash but they do often have some very good deals.
Fanatical offers the same as humble bundle except usually not as high quality, but sometimes they do have some incredible deals, and they are very very cheap.
Both humble and fanatical are safe, trusted and been around a long time, and they are NOT grey market key sites. They work with the publishers and developers. You can buy games both old and new for a lot cheaper than you would most other places. Unless it states otherwise, keys are usually for steam.
**BOTH HB and Fanatical (HB much more common) offer free games fairly often. The catch is linking your steam account to them (at least HB). It is safe however.
IndieGala is another site like above. Except, these are much much lower quality. However, they offer a metric ton of free games. Quality is low but it is legitimate, and a lot of free stuff.
Game Store Fronts
  • Steam This one is so obvious I didn't add it, but apparently many want me to. It is the best out there, and you can find almost everything, with fantastic deals.
  • Greenmangaming offers games cheaply. Again, not a grey market site (which are legal but unethical) and they sometimes do bundles.
  • GoG (Good old games) is a DRM free site run by CDPR, the makers of the Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk. They offer you games quite cheap and not needing DRM (such as Steam, Uplay etc which is less invasive versions of dodgy DRM from the olden days).
  • Epic Games Despite the controversy whether you care about their rivalry with valve, they offer free games ever week. Without ever having bought anything I have gained over 170 games. literally. Good games for the most part. They often give you £10 coupons as well.
  • Twitch Everyone knows twitch, but if you don't, it's a streaming service for watching gamers and girls with low cut tops accidentally bending over in front of the game. However, if you're signed up to prime, you get free games each month (and randomly between the set bunch).
  • Playstation Store Currently has January sales. Currently the free games for PS+ are for PS4: Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Greedfall. For the Ps5 it is Maneater
  • Games with Gold Bleed 2 and the King of Fighters XIII is available until Janurary 15th whilst little Nightmares is available until January 31st.
Gaming Subscriptions
Like the TV versions, you can sign up to these for a free trial (or very cheap). If you do sign up to only one at a time, it should keep you busy for a few months
  • Xbox Game Pass You can do this on both/either an Xbox or PC. If you sign up to the regular one, you can get a month (maybe three!) for £1. After you have done that, you can sign up to the premium version for 3 months at £1 a month. Most people know game pass, but you can download a large selection of games for free. The premium version gives you games with gold, allowing you to keep the games forever (but can only play with a subscription)
  • Ubisoft+ I'm not 100% sure if you get a trial or not. This allows a large collection of Ubisoft titles to play for £12.99 a month. Quite expensive but good if you like Ubisoft titles I guess.
  • EA Play EA's version. Goes by a ton of names I think, EA Access, EA Play, Origin Access etc etc. There's a couple of versions of this, and it is across all platforms (PS4/5, Xbox, PC) but not sure about the switch. I "think" the premium allows you to play on all platforms, while the cheaper one on a single platform, but I may be mistaken.
  • PS Now a once terrible service that is now actually very good. Allows you to download some Ps4 games to your PS4/5 and lets you stream a massive amount of Ps2/3/4 to your PC or playstation.
There's more like nvidia's service but you need the Shield device which is quite expensive. I'll leave it at that.
Audiobooks & Ebooks
  • Audible Not sure what the current deal is but if you are a prime member you can sign up for a trial and get a free Audiobook each month for 3 months. Some warhammer books are 48 hours long, 3 of those gives you a good 100+ hours of listening!
  • Comixology Another Amazon company, but lets you download some free comics I believe.
  • Marvel Unlimited No experience with this. ItFuckingWont wanted me to add it. A subscription service for Marvel.
  • Sign Language BSL here No experience myself, suggested by n21brown and asked for a few times. Didn't know SL was so popular! Listed as "Pay what you can"
  • BBC's Bitesize here is apparently good for home learning. Again, no personal experience.
If you need some spare change
Okay, I don't generally bother with it, but maybe some of this could be useful to you. These are NOT a quick way to make a fortune. These are small things you can do over time for a bit of pocket change
  • If you have prime you can get a FREE FIVE POUND GIFT CARD by literally just streaming a song from Amazon music (which is included in prime) here is the details According to the comments it's only for select people, but it's worth trying If the link doesn't work for you just google "Amazon £5 coupon music"
  • Now, these sorts of sites have been around for years, I haven't used any other than talkInsights which I must have signed up to 10-15 years ago. Basically they send you surveys and you answer them. They are confidential and don't ask for personal details in the survey. You need 2000 points and you get £20. During the pandemic they've slowed down but I probably get around £40 a year. Not much I know, but it's an email followed by a quick survey ticking boxes. Depending on your answer sometimes you get screened out, I'm not telling you to lie but just be consistent with your answers and you should be able to work out how to not get screened. Some emails are only worth 20 points, others 200. It's slow to get to the 2000 but very quick to just answer a few questions.
  • Apparently beermoneyuk is a good sub to make some pocket change with.
  • There is also matched betting. I have never done this, I don't have the patience but from what I've read, it's legitimate, it works and you can make a fair amount of cash from it so long as you do it correctly, and there's a ton of guides. I mention this because people stuck at home could get into it and as long as you're careful (I.E not entering in the wrong numbers) it's risk free AND it pisses off the betting shops. It seems people in comments have had success with it. Disclaimer A couple have complained about gambling. This arguably is not gambling. If you are susceptible to addiction do not do it. However, it's argued that there is no fun or buzz in this, and it's a very tedious and time consuming thing. Others argue you can't make the same money anymore (People were making thousands, now only hundreds if that). It's risk free providing you know what you're doing, the risks are user error, such as entering the wrong numbers. Someone pointed out that due to the lockdown, bets could potentially be cancelled due to sport stopping. So use on a side of caution. We're (mainly) adults so I'll leave it up just because this doesn't have the excitement of regular gambling.
  • Microsoft Rewards This is an easy way to make pocket change doing very little. Most people have a MS account. The rewards program offers you numerous ways to grab points, by playing free to play games, answering small questions (you don't even need to answer most of the time, just open the link and shut it) and by using bing and searching on it. I've gotten 20k points JUST by answering questions over a couple months. There are many rewards but you can grab a £5 gift card for 6k for example, or a month of game pass (and AFAIK you can make points playing the games)
  • Google rewards Someone mentioned this in the comments. I have not used it, so can not give any input on it. Sounds similar to TalkInsights which I linked. Google states "Complete short surveys while standing in line, or waiting for a subway. Get rewarded with Google Play or PayPal credit for each one you complete. Topics include everything from opinion polls, to hotel reviews, to merchant satisfaction surveys. We’ll notify you when a survey is waiting."
That's it for now. I will try to update as I go along. A long post but I hope that it can help some of you with finding something good to do that's free, cheap or a bargain. I do suggest getting prime, especially since you get free music, free delivery, free TV and music and free video games each month. In fact, there's a ton of perks and I feel I've gotten way over the cost investment.
Hope it helps someone at least
PartTimeCrazy said if you bought an Apple product you get 3 free months of Apple Arcade and Apple TV free for a year
fakehunted is upset I didn't mention wanking. Tesco have 225 sheets of Tissue for £0.75!
tale_lost suggested Project Gutenberg for a collection of free E-Books
Learning Language
Unfortunately, I don't have time to check every link listed so I will link the comments:
Togtogtog Gives a lot of links for Spanish
Board & Tabletop games
Corporal_Anaesthetic has made a list of Board games
ilyemco suggested these
I'm not a doctor! But if you're a smoker, something I strongly suggest is to quit. I struggled for years but in the first lockdown I quit, technically. I haven't had a cigarette since, however, I do that silly thing millennials do. I vape, but, it made quitting extremely easy. I would not have been able to do it if it wasn't for 88Vape They sell extremely cheap liquids at £1 each. You can find these in B&M but you can pick up 25 for £20 or buy your own mix.
Vitamin D deficiency has been said to be a big problem for the virus. I'd suggest (again, not a doctor!) that you pick some up. Tesco do a 3 for 2 deal. So you can pick up 270 tablets for £7.
If you are vulnerable you MIGHT be able to phone tesco and get put on their delivery saver list (currently it's paused but phoning may help. At the very least they might give you a priority slot. I did this for my mum, we didn't shop at Tesco but I phoned for her, and they put her on with no hassle, so she can always get a delivery.
The lockdown Rules.
Reasons to leave home include:
  • Work or volunteering where it is "unreasonable" to work from home. This includes work in someone else's home, such as that carried out by social workers, nannies, cleaners and tradespeople
  • Education, training, childcare and medical appointments and emergencies
  • Exercise outdoors (limited to once a day). This includes meeting one other person from another household in an open public space to exercise
  • Shopping for essentials such as food and medicine
  • Communal religious worship
  • Meeting your support or childcare bubble. Children can also move between separated parents Activities related to moving house
I want to add, if you are in danger you are also allowed (and must!) to get away from the situation for some reason, BBC seems to have missed this very important thing (or I am blind)
FOR THOSE SHIELDING YOU CAN CONTACT THE ROYAL VOLUNTARY SERVICE. These people helped my mother with picking up her medicine from the chemist. They were very helpful and went out their way to keep in touch and do it immediately. (It's the only experience I have with them though)
_riotingpacifist wanted this links added, but I simply just don't have the time to vet and check all the suggestions here, so I will link as is:
Digital Art
These are Free
  • Krita Arguably the best in my opinion. It has a load of options, brushes and a decent UI. It works fantastic with a tablet.
  • Gimp This is a decent program but last I used, the UI was a pain, and it isn't so user friendly while misses features, but it works, and it is possible to do some incredible creations on it.
  • Medibang Paint This is slightly geared towards Comics and Manga. I really enjoy using this with my drawing Tablet. As far as I know, it also for regular tablets for Android/Ipad and is free.
You can pick up a drawing tablet on Amazon quite cheap these days! Small ones that are just a black slate such as the wacom ones are good but takes some practice to get use to, but very worth it if you can't afford a dedicated drawing tablet with a screen.
Office suit software
A couple of free applications for word processing, spreadsheets etc.
  • LibreOffice This has most the average user would need to write their own books or to work from home. There's not a huge amount of difference between the two I'm linking (since I last used anyway) so it's more for preference.
  • Open Office You can pick this up here and again, like above it's just preference.
Music Making
I'm going to direct to matthewharris806 for some links as all the programs I've used like Reason are expensive, or cheaper stuff in bundles such as Magix software.
Games development
D_Dad_Default gives some links for that here
submitted by MrSoapbox to london [link] [comments]

I am getting free unlimited internet access without paying for it.

I am a guy who lives in a small country. I'm 23 years old and currently an undergraduate of one of the best universities in our country. I know a lot about computers and Android.
I have never had an wifi connection or any other broadband connection in our home. I have a addition android device solely act as a wifi hotspot. I can get 1 GB of data for around $0.25.
My university offers free internet, 1 gbps ethernet. With this my data usage increased. I've used over 1 TB in some months I downloaded games, movies, etc. They have blocked some websites and torrent downloads but I could managed to bypass it after sometime.
Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit us. I had to come back home March last year. Since then the university was only opened for just 2 months and then was closed again.
After coming back home there was no free internet anymore. And my family cannot afford another bill. So I started looking for anyway to get this free internet.
Our service providers offer some unlimited packages. For example, one provider offers a YouTube unlimited plan for around $1.25. I had used it but the speed was really bad. You can watch YouTube at 1mbps speed for a month. That's it. And it was really bad. Then one competitor introduced a similar plan but it was quite interesting. It was also a YouTube plan. It gives you 25GB YouTube data at unlimited speed. And after it reaches the limit the speed is around 1mbps.
I just didn't wanted to watch YouTube. Therefore I learned about networking. Specifically SSH tunneling. After some hours working on it I found that I can easily tunnel my network over an specific SNI (server name identification) with a simple android app so the ISP thinks I'm going to that SNI. This way I could managed to tunnel my data through YouTube. And I successfully use that 25GB data to do anything.
But it wasn't enough. I wanted more data. But that plan could only be activated once a month. Yeah, bad luck. Then I activated a whatsapp package. It gave me 5GB unlimited speed data. I could tunnel it the same way. And you can guess what happened next. That 5GB of data vanished after a few days. Yeah. Then again, the speed was horrible.
Then I unintentionally tunneled through YouTube SNI again. An unexpected thing happened. When I test the speed it was around 15mbps. I wondered. And tried downloading 1 GB file to test the speed. And it worked.
Later I figured out that things was that when someone activated more than one these packages in the same validity period, and the speed limit of one of the activated packages gets unlocked. Yeah at least that's how I figured it out.
It was 15 th July when I tunneled for the first time. Since then I have been using this trick. I'd used 336 GB in one month.
And later I discovered this works with any unlimited package provided by that ISP. Since then I've been using a Facebook package and a WhatsApp package. With $0.75 I have access to unlimited internet for a whole month. (The 4G connection is around 25 mbps at my home , and it is fair enough for my usage). I do everything with it.
Yeah, that's basically it. I am not proud or shame of it or anything like that. But is it a bad thing I'm doing? Is it illegal? Or not fair? Thank you for listening.
submitted by silnt_listner to confession [link] [comments]

Google Stadia is legit

I hadn't heard much about it, but I recently learned about Google Stadia. Today I opted into the free trial. It's basically Netflix for video games. Google's servers process the game, and you just play in your web browser, through the app, or on chromecast.
Sounds too good to be true, honestly, but it freaking works.
I was just playing Hitman (2016) on an old, $150 android tablet with an xbox controller. It looked great, there was 0 input delay, and the framerate was perfectly smooth. Its apparently more dependent on your internet service. I have cable internet, but it's the cheapest one offered by my provider, and I experienced no issues.
Comes with a number of games with your subscription, but you can also purchase games as well, and it's not just cheap indie stuff. There are AAA games like Red Dead Redemption 2.
Sure, a $2000 desktop is the best way to play these, but I'm thrilled to be able to enjoy these on my $300 laptop.
Anyone else have any experience with it?
P.S. I don't really know what flair to use for this...
submitted by SP_57 to lowendgaming [link] [comments]

Dear CDPR.

i was born in the year 1989, The same year the world wide web was released to the public. I grew up during the hard transition from the analog to the digital, Physical to the virtual, micro tech to nano tech and beyond.
I developed a heavy interest in science, technology and similar fields of study... found myself dreaming about the science fiction and tech i read about as a child and as i grew. Cyberpunk media and literature were my main interest, Everything about it.. the tech, society.. the troubles, everything in between and even some of the subgenres it influenced and spawned. It's like science fiction stories inspire future generations to manifest those fantasies into fact.
It amazes me that what i once read about as a child, grew up reading and getting lost in... that the science fiction i fantasize about has become science fact, Cyberpunk is now.. as they say.
AI, Drones, Neural nets, Augmentations both external and internal, Androids, Quantum everything, VR, AR, The internet... And some of the troubles that people wrote about now becoming a part of our reality and every day lives..
When i first heard of CP2077... I was not just excited about the game or gameplay.. rather the world that was being built around the genre, The stories, people and events. i have a chance to emulate and simulate in a virtual environment of all things... those fantasies i had as a child about what a cyberpunk world would be like. That said, You have given me the best cyberpunk experience to get lost in so far.. for that i thank you, Deeply.
It amuses me that the game has faced the type of situations a company within a cyberpunk reality would face, Everything about the game is cyberpunk, even it's release.. fact that that you have the high tech to push out a amazing game and end up releasing with broken promises, half assed or unfinished and short of expectations, because money and corporate bullshit. CFAP. Masses of whining gamers who spent a few bucks and expected the best game in the world, nitpicking and throwing fits like children when most of them don't even know what they actually want or did not even know what cyberpunk is... who would rather see CDPR destroyed than contribute to helping and making things better. Yeah cyberpunk as f**k. Yeah yeah.. i get it, people want it NOW waaa!! but would you sell an unfinished car or push an untested medication? Hell no it wont work.. Or people die, regardless bad things happen and potential risks are too high. " When it's done" Is the best course, no matter how much people whine and complain. If investors don't understand what quality is and the time it takes to push quality out.. well you made a bad call letting them invest, listening to them... they don't care about your product, they care about money. They don't deserve to be a part of what you are building.
Let's face it.. these days... almost EVERY major title or even indy game is released unfinished, Open alpha/beta.. You get 25% of a game and potentially unlimited DLC's that can generate unlimited cashflow. It's rare you get a "full" game... or a company that gives you a full game with actual worth the money expansions that ADD to gameplay and story.. not "complete" it. No, Those days are over and only a few companies shine ( community mod support/Free upgrades and DLC's/ Fair priced and nearly a whole other game expansions etc ) when they put out titles.
I'm ranting, anyway... CDPR, I will not refund, i will not complain or demand you cater to me and my needs like a child.. threaten you with lawsuits because a video game did not meet my expectations or you fell short under pressure. No man, Like with star citizen, DayZ and other games that started out rough, faced a lot of hate and took a long time to get where they are at... I can see the bigger picture, The scope of things...Thing's i know i will enjoy if we get there... not what it is now but what it can be.. and it will never become that if people lack patience or dedication and turn their backs.
I don't have thousands to invest what you may have lost but you can be certain that i'll be purchasing any content you push out for CP2077, I'm already satisfied and believed you still delivered.. I'm not giving up on it.
I may just be one guy, And my post is unrefined all over the place and shitty ( at work and wanted to say this, it was now or never ) but i hope the message is clear..
I got your back.
submitted by Xecmai to CDProjektRed [link] [comments]

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