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Some suggestions to contribute to the development of this outstanding game

Hey all, thought I'd add my two cents in the discussion. Feel free to agree or disagree, but most importantly discuss. There are a few key points I'd like to address but I want to kick this off with some praise. Devs, I love this game so far, and I'm really excited to see where it goes from here. The basics are done and the sky is the limit.
Dwarf fortress, factorio, Rimworld, FTL, Kerbal Space program, Space Haven. I think you should be incredibly honoured to be on that list, and I truly think this game will be there in the coming years. After playing for only a few hours I had that beautiful epiphany moment I had with each of those other games when I realised exactly what was possible here. Obviously all the features aren't there yet, but that oh so important moment is, and I love it. Great job so far, you've gained a fan for the long haul.
A lot of the stuff I want to discuss here deals with the fundamental direction in which the game will go in the future. I'm not the developer, this isn't my art, it's not my decision to make, and these are only my opinions.
The edge of death
At the moment, Space Haven feels very tense. Everything that the player does is important because the wrong choice can quickly lead to failure and death. The only problem with this is that if every decision is important, none of them are. It quickly becomes a game about making the right decision. This means that more often than not, there is a correct option that leads to success and an incorrect option that leads to failure. Don't get me wrong, there should always be choices that lead to failure. In KSP if you set your stages in the wrong order your rocket will never make it to orbit. But you still see new players building millions of different types of rockets that lead to success. For example, in my first game I was playing through the tutorial and got sick of having to run away from pirates. So I ignored the next objective and built two guns and a shield instead. This lead to me spending a lot more time and resources in the tutorial area, which leads to starving out really quickly. I noticed the spiral to failure and it was pretty easy to identify exactly when it happened, but it felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it once it started. I think this can be addressed using the term "degrees of failure"
Degrees of failure
If Indiana Jones failed his dexterity save when jumping across a chasm and fell to his death it would have been a short and unenjoyable movie. Same issue if he succeeded and skipped across like it wasn't even there. The generation of tension and excitement in this situation can be achieved by degrees of failure (and similarly degrees of success). He doesn't make it, but jumps just far enough to grab the ledge, he needs to use his strength to pull himself up! Exciting stuff! Let's draw a parallel to a similar game in a very different setting - Rimworld. In Rimworld, if you don't produce any food, your pawns will all starve and you'll lose the game. Total failure. And also very unlikely. What's much more likely is not producing enough food to make it through winter. In this situation, your pawns might be hungry and weak, one of them might even die, generating a story event and increasing the difficulty of the game until the colony can recover. Memorable and interactive. The game is harder, but some tough choices or a bit of luck will put you back on track. Space Haven is currently lacking this. Skipping a water mining opportunity half an hour before can lead to the end of a run (total failure) and once the issue becomes apparent, there are sometimes no possible solutions that can save the ship. While this might be realistic, it does not make for fun and interactive gameplay. Realistically, Dr Jones would probably fall to his death. But we all want to believe that with a bit of skill and determination, he can succeed.
The checklist
Building a ship feels a bit like going through a really long checklist. Yes, there are limitless cool designs at our fingertips, but the ship is still forced to go down the list of pretty much all the things in the build menus and plop them down somewhere. This is rather choice limiting and removes the creative freedom I know a large slice of the pie crave when they play games like this. All management games have a checklist. Space Haven's checklist is a bit too long at the moment. I'd like the option to just trade for the hull blocks I need instead of setting up the production line necessary or scavenging wreckages for them. The trading system in its current iteration doesn't really support that, because it's mostly geared towards ships that are going down the checklist who just need one or two things - as opposed to a system that allows you to mass produced drive fuel and sell it high enough to buy the rest.
The thing about water
The thing about water in space is that there isn't really anywhere for it to go. Yes, a minute amount of it will escape into the big empty every time an airlock cycles and a bit of air escapes, but more the most part, the ship is a closed system when it comes to life supporting water. This excludes any water that might be used in reactions or industrial processes of course. But water used for crops ends up in the air mostly and the rest is eaten and absorbed by the space dudes. The toilet currently recycles a tiny amount of water. But what's happening to the rest of it? Are we venting it into space? Is there a leaky panel somewhere we need to investigate? From a gameplay perspective, I completely understand the need for shortages. I don't think abundance gameplay is all that enjoyable for the majority of players, although there is a place for it. What tends to happen in this game, however, is everything becomes limited by water. Every objective set by the player becomes a "but first I need to get some ice" situation, which gets really tedious really fast. It's like a permanent ticking clock behind the player's head that only gets worse the bigger your ship gets. For sure though, there are people who love that gameplay and would miss the feature if it went, but how to remove the pressure from the clock without making the game too easy?
An eventful universe
Quests and catastrophes, boons and debuffs, events are a really cool solution here. Whether they come from a pre-written script of rich storytelling like in stardew valley, or they're randomly generated from a bank of possibilities like Rimworld, or somewhere in between like FTL or other roguelite games like slay the spire, or sunless sea. We could spend hours coming up with random events as many people in this sub already have, but disease, pirate persuit, and fetch quests can only go so far to add depth. I'd like to rip a page out of the Rimworld book again, because it's a very similar game in a lot of ways. I don't by any means want this game to become Rimworld. Space Haven is its own thing with its own rules and its own feel. I digress. The Rimworld Royalty expansion seemed to some like a way of just adding new optional content (and it definitely did that), but the real secret is what it did to the game under the surface. Rimworld, even with a modlist longer than this post, always felt like Rimworld. It was the same addictive gameplay loop and great story generation but with a new skin on it or something new and fun to do. Royalty is different. It added a new layer to the story. There's this whole new feel, and an underlying established storyline underneath the one you're generating by playing the game. Excellent game design. Maybe Space Haven should find a way to add that underlying layer if people want to engage with it. I don't know. The game is still so new, and I'm sure the devs still have a long pipeline of plans for it.
Self-endulgent suggestions
Here's the part of this write up where I rattle off a list of possibilities I'd like to see in the game. I don't think they should all be implemented. If I did then I'd just go make my own game with blackjack and hookers. Anyway I'm done explaining myself, here's the list, don't take it seriously:
Thanks for listening to my feedback so far, looking forward to where this game will go in the future. High hopes.
submitted by Flux7777 to SpaceHaven [link] [comments]

The 100% Completionist Guide To Stardew Valley

Bored with the mundane activities on your farm? Looking to get the most out Stardew Valley? I'm trying to create a definitive Completionist Guide for the most updated version of the game. Other ones I've found online are either incomplete or from earlier versions. Please comment anything you think belongs on this list. I will update it accordingly, even if you find this list months from now please let me know if I missed anything.

Main Game:
Get all skills up to Level 10
Get Max Points for Grandpa’s Evaluation
Complete Community Center
Complete Museum
Obtain all Stardrops
Catch every Fish including the Legendaries
Craft every Item
Ship every Item
Cook every Recipe
Find all Lost Books
Find every Secret Note
Complete all Story Quests
Complete all Achievements

Friendship, NPCs, & Events:
Dance with someone at the Spring Flower Dance
Win the Egg Festival, the Ice Fishing Contest, the Grange Display, and collect the Golden Pumpkin
Get Max Hearts with every NPC
Get Max Hearts with your Pet
Get Married with 2 kids
Get Divorced
Build Pam’s new House
Interrupt Marnie & Lewis (Secret Note #21)
Obtain the Tea Sapling from Caroline
Complete every Heart Event
Trigger the 2 Group 10-Heart Events
Find Penny’s, Abigail’s, and Alex’s lockers at the Spa
Visit everyone during their checkups at Harvey’s Clinic
Obtain all Heart-Event specific Items (Leah’s Sculpture, Flute Block, Drum Block, Mini-Jukebox, Sam’s Boombox, My First Painting, the various Penny ones)

Farm & Tool Completion:
Have each Animal on the Farm
Have every Fruit Tree
Upgrade all Tools to Iridium level
Obtain the Golden Scythe
Pickle every Vegetable
Jelly every Fruit
Make Wine from every Fruit
Make Juice from every Vegetable
Make each type of Honey
Make each type of Aged Roe & Caviar
Build every Building from the Carpenter’s Shop
Build the 3 Obelisks, a Jumino Hut and Gold Clock
Have all 3 Giant Crops (Cauliflower, Melon, and Pumpkin)
Obtain all types of Slimes in the Slime Hutch
Have each type of Fish in a Fish Pond

Other Quests:
Reach Floor 120 in the Mines
Complete the Wizard quest
Unlock the Casino
Buy everything at the Casino
Get a Statue of Endless Fortune
Reach Level 100 in Skull Cavern (Secret Note #10)
Give all items to the Trash Bear
Beat Jumino Kart
Beat Journey of The Prairie King in Normal & Hard Mode without Dying

Other Collections/Items:
Find and return Robin’s Lost Axe
Find and return Linus’ Blackberry Basket
Find and return Mayor Lewis’ shorts
Find and return the Ornate Necklace to Caroline or Abigail (Secret Note #25)
Obtain the Pearl from Willie for having a Fish Pond with 10 Crabs
Obtain a Pearl from the Mermaid Show (Secret Note #15)
Get the Jumino Plush (Secret Note #13)
Get the Solid Gold Lewis Statue (Secret Note #19)
Obtain the Stone Junimo Statue (Secret Note #14)
Obtain the Treasure Chest near the Railroad (Secret Note #16)
Obtain the Green Strange Doll north of Joja Mart/Movie Theater (Secret Note #17)
Obtain the Yellow Strange Doll in Calico Desert (Secret Note #18)
Obtain the 3 Strange Statues (??Foroguemon??, ??HMTGF??, ??Pinky Lemon??)
Obtain all Galaxy Weapons
Get all 8 Rarecrows
See all 8 Movies and obtain all Movie Posters
Get every Item from the Crane Game
Obtain the Butterfly Hatch, Green Turban, Magic Turban, and Magic Cowboy Hat from the Desert Trader
Get all the Paintings from Painter Lupini at the Night Market
Obtain all Weapons, Armor, and Rings from the Adventure’s Guild
Complete all Adventure Guide monster slay goals
Buy the Return Scepter
Complete the Wallet (Dwavish Translation Guide, Rusty Key, Club Card, Special Charm, Skull Key, Magnifying Glass, Dark Talisman, Magic Ink, Bear’s Knowledge, Spring Onion Mastery)
Obtain all Decorations, Furniture, and Paintings
Buy every Hat at the Abandoned House
Craft every Clothing item

Luck Based:
Have a Meteorite crash-land on your Farm
Obtain a Tea Set from the Feast of the Winter Star
Get a Strange Capsule
Get the Stone Owl Statue (From the Owl Event)

If you’re a heartless freak and you ignore the Community Center and sell your soul to Jojo:
Complete Joja Mart
Obtain a Soda Machine
submitted by 42ndRedBalloonFromUp to StardewValley [link] [comments]

Everything you need to know about PSN Name changes and the Lists of games tested!

**Info taken directly from Official Playstation Blog. Every game tested Masterpost! Prepare to scroll! Descriptions of said issues listed below as well :)

Online Name Changes will rollout Starting at 5pm PST

First name change is free for all users. Unless you were part of the beta testing program as other beta testers have started to confirm on reddit.

Below are the lists of games containing:

Games with No Known Issues - Games which have been tested for the online ID change feature and no known issues were found.

Games with Issues Identified\* - Games which have been tested and were found to have one or more of the following known issues which we did not consider critical to the game play experience but which you should review to consider how important they are to you:

Games with Critical Issues*\* - Games which have been tested and one or more of the following known issues which we considered fundamental to the game play experience:

submitted by LecstasySuicide to playstation [link] [comments]

How to Level 0 Stardew Valley: A Guide

No one asked. But here it is: First lets establish what is and isn't possible. Farming exp is granted when you harvest a grown crop, so you could technicaly grow crops and stay level 0. The only benefit of this is that you can create giant crops. Mining exp is granted when braing any rock, except the giant boulders on farm and regulae rocks in the mine that didnt drop coal. This means progressing in the mines is possible but very painstaking, however we use a clever work around for this so dont worry. Fishing just can't be done in any way. There are a couple things you can forage that give no exp being: snow yam, winter root, salmonberries, and blackberries. If you choose the mushroom cave you can also harvest those without gaining exp. Combat levels when you kill aything, so mines become virtualy imposible by conventional means. With all thay being said, lets get into the todo list.
The routine for almost every day will be the following: Check garbage cans, Talk to all adult non-romanceable friendable villagers except marnie willy dwarf krobus, but including wizard as soon as unlocked Use hoe to dig up clay around town.
Every friday and sunday check the traveling cart for bundle items. Although completeing the centre isn't possible due to the quality crops bundle, the rewards grant us some otherwise unattainable items.
On spring 15th-18th collect all of the salmonberries, then gift them to pam, linus, demitrius whenever possible.
At the stardew valley fair try and get the stardrop however it is not nescisary At spirits eve of course get and sell the golden pumpkin. During night market, get the free pearl, check the traveling cart then spend the rest of the night collecting free coffee to sell At feast of winter star try to get a liked gift to try and get one npc to nearly 10 hearts.
Save the first jade you recive from the wizard once friends with him.
Attempt to get all npcs we talk to to 10 hearts by regifting them things they send you, as this will stop decay which will reduce alot of work on our part, if not, just finnish this offin spring year 2.
ASAP after that you want to be getting enough money to buy all the vault bundles so that you can get to calico desert. This will also award you with the crystalarium which is vital for this not taking 200 years to complete. Take the jade you saved from wizard gifts and let the crystalarium grow hundreds and hundreds of them. Jade is important because on one day of the week you can trade it for staircases at the desert trader. We can then use these to descend in the mines, as attempting this without them would be feasibly impossible. Once at the bottom of the mines, we can now go to skull cavern. Use the same staircase method, and preferably some luck boosting food, to descend skull cavern until you find a treasure room. There are 64 different items you can find in here but pretty much most of them are useless, and all but one have any use but to be sold. The one item that is usefull is another crystalarium. By repeating this alot of times you can farm crystalariums and use them to grow diamonds (which since getting to the bottom of the caves can now sometimes spawn in trash cans) for a pretty decent weekly income. By this point your field will be getting pretty full as you can't remove the rocks or trees, so we really ought to get to getting a gold clock. Well first we will need to forget about the community centre and sell our souls to joja. Once that is done you can go ahed and complete the required quests to unlock the wizards special buildings, and thus the gold clock for 10 million gold. You can use the crystalariums to get there, or if you would like, you can use a totaly legit but kinda cheaty feeling method to get the gold to do so. The method in question requires you to get a rainbow shell from demitrius' mail, a battery pack from pam's mail, and a solar essence and 10 beets from the traveling cart. You can then of course use these items to unlock the casino. An interesting and overlooked feature of 1.4 is that the patterns generated in the slot machine were removed and instead it was programmed to slightly favor the player, WITH LUCK HAVING AN IMPACT. This means you can buy a couple thousend qi coins, eat some luck food, set an auto clicker over the bet 100 button and run it iver night for great profits. I tried this with luck 3 and it generated about 70k in gold worth every hour, however at this point due to all your skull cavern dives you should have pleanty enough prismaric shards to trade in at the desert trader to get a magic rock candy, at which point you win more than you loose. The way you convert these into coins is by buying hardwood fences at the qi coin trader and selling all of them which nets a 10th of your qi coins in gold. After this we can go ahed and buy our gold clock, and our farm is saved.
There are a couple other things you can still do such as get married, fully upgrade your house ect, but this is where i feel the game is about as "completed" as it can be at level 0.
I hope you enjoyed this guide, and ive been thinking abiut making this into video form, if you have made it this far in the pist you are clearly interested in the concept so maybe let me know what you think? Unless one of you is also crazy enough to actualy attempt this yourself that is.
submitted by explodingpineapple64 to StardewValley [link] [comments]

Free Steam Digital Download Codes Giveaway MEGATHREAD #2 CD Key

Get digital download codes for any of these game for free at
If you have requests for any items not on the list, feel free to send me a DM.
Enjoy, and subscribe to the sub for latest game releases.

Team Fortress 2 50,191,347 440
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 46,305,966 730
Unturned 27,381,399 304930
Left 4 Dead 2 23,143,723 550
PAYDAY 2 18,643,807 218620
Garry's Mod 18,576,379 4000
Warframe 16,332,217 230410
Counter-Strike: Source 15,001,876 240
Paladins 14,371,946 444090
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 13,235,488 72850
Terraria 13,132,545 105600
Portal 2 13,062,700 620
Sid Meier's Civilization V 12,701,498 8930
Grand Theft Auto V 12,604,123 271590
Borderlands 2 11,218,936 49520
Robocraft 10,145,493 301520
Rocket League 10,110,342 252950
Portal 9,971,481 400
War Thunder 9,536,732 236390
Rust 9,147,240 252490
ARK: Survival Evolved 9,103,947 346110
Half-Life 2 8,877,286 220
Brawlhalla 8,646,824 291550
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare 8,260,157 219640
Trove 7,700,319 304050
Path of Exile 7,634,137 238960
Killing Floor 7,395,545 1250
The Binding of Isaac 7,172,818 113200
No More Room in Hell 7,144,320 224260
Alien Swarm 6,667,813 630
Warface 6,656,284 291480
Fallout 4 6,601,188 377160
Arma 3 6,404,450 107410
Cities: Skylines 6,132,366 255710
Insurgency 6,007,744 222880
Euro Truck Simulator 2 5,982,548 227300
APB Reloaded 5,874,946 113400
Age of Empires II HD 5,824,316 221380
Dirty Bomb 5,760,753 333930
Dead by Daylight 5,757,369 381210
SMITE 5,751,466 386360
Castle Crashers 5,555,066 204360
The Forest 5,552,274 242760
Tomb Raider 5,495,033 203160
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 5,479,626 292030
Wallpaper Engine 5,279,723 431960
Saints Row IV 5,275,914 206420
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 5,267,226 10180
Spiral Knights 5,226,655 99900
Loadout 5,224,448 208090
Black Squad 5,223,468 550650
Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies 5,222,958 273110
Fallout: New Vegas 5,222,533 22380
Saints Row: The Third 5,143,189 55230
Magicka 4,976,290 42910
Torchlight II 4,963,949 200710
PAYDAY The Heist 4,944,712 24240
Stardew Valley 4,913,541 413150
Evolve Stage 2 4,826,928 273350
Company of Heroes 2 4,654,955 231430
Left 4 Dead 4,604,963 500
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition 4,585,616 20920
BioShock Infinite 4,563,627 8870
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead 4,514,397 33930
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 4,468,234 241930
ORION: Prelude 4,419,554 104900
Day of Defeat: Source 4,419,447 300
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition 4,398,897 489830
Clicker Heroes 4,338,397 363970
Starbound 4,309,358 211820
Blacklight: Retribution 4,268,464 209870
Mount & Blade: Warband 4,219,791 48700
Space Engineers 4,204,751 244850
7 Days to Die 4,184,553 251570
Dead Island 4,182,465 91310
Just Cause 2 4,161,156 8190
Magic Duels 4,109,602 316010
Borderlands 4,079,485 8980
Goat Simulator 4,065,978 265930
Life is Strange - Episode 1 4,017,852 319630
Killing Floor 2 3,980,635 232090
theHunter Classic 3,979,429 253710
Half-Life 2: Episode One 3,917,529 380
Infestation: The New Z 3,888,922 555570
AdVenture Capitalist 3,759,378 346900
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3,759,377 42700
Realm of the Mad God 3,757,613 200210
Dishonored 3,700,352 205100
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI 3,680,328 289070
BattleBlock Theater 3,605,148 238460
Undertale 3,581,310 391540
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm 3,501,161 35450
Just Survive 3,491,666 295110
Empire: Total War 3,491,439 10500
Dying Light 3,467,531 239140
Fallout Shelter 3,371,793 588430
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition 3,350,407 214950
DARK SOULS III 3,294,533 374320
DARK SOULS: Prepare To Die Edition 3,289,250 211420
Half-Life 2: Episode Two 3,281,382 420
LIMBO 3,207,480 48000
DOOM 3,197,626 379720
Crusader Kings II 3,170,312 203770
Human: Fall Flat 3,097,845 477160
Call of Duty: Black Ops III 3,021,623 311210
America's Army 3 3,014,457 13140
Call of Duty: Black Ops II 2,998,561 202970
Gotham City Impostors Free to Play 2,982,059 206210
Fistful of Frags 2,973,385 265630
Super Meat Boy 2,970,487 40800
Sniper Elite V2 2,946,959 63380
A.V.A. Alliance of Valiant Arms 2,876,701 102700
Subnautica 2,866,791 264710
DC Universe Online 2,863,993 24200
Prison Architect 2,856,218 233450
The Walking Dead 2,846,244 207610
This War of Mine 2,817,954 282070
Outlast 2,813,619 238320
Hitman: Absolution 2,805,822 203140
Trine 2: Complete Story 2,791,654 35720
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth 2,756,509 250900
SpeedRunners 2,753,552 207140
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder 2,699,933 224540
Dungeon Defenders II 2,642,504 236110
Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod 2,625,503 259080
Amnesia: The Dark Descent 2,609,222 57300
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth 2,606,575 65980
Deceit 2,604,178 466240
Sanctum 2 2,602,292 210770
Hotline Miami 2,584,720 219150
Bastion 2,577,876 107100
Zombie Panic! Source 2,573,292 17500
South Park: The Stick of Truth 2,533,584 213670
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II 2,492,053 15620
Rise of the Tomb Raider 2,491,210 391220
Dustforce DX 2,490,746 65300
Dungeon Defenders 2,483,252 65800
Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition 2,467,996 200260
Block N Load 2,434,754 299360
Guns of Icarus Online 2,424,726 209080
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior 2,418,851 255520
Toribash 2,371,160 248570
World of Guns: Gun Disassembly 2,367,076 262410
Dino D-Day 2,364,083 70000
Just Cause 3 2,345,094 225540
Survarium 2,337,644 355840
Mafia II 2,312,872 50130
Papers, Please 2,306,775 239030
Dead Island Riptide 2,299,047 216250
Tabletop Simulator 2,297,649 286160
ARK: Survival Of The Fittest 2,284,297 407530
Golf With Your Friends 2,271,522 431240
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition 2,240,464 35140
XCOM 2 2,222,475 268500
Darkest Dungeon 2,214,527 262060
Napoleon: Total War 2,178,916 34030
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 2,176,285 261640
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine 2,153,213 113020
How to Survive 2 2,150,505 360170
Banished 2,147,445 242920
Fallen Earth Free2Play 2,139,999 113420
Sanctum 2,088,528 91600
Total War: WARHAMMER 2,085,605 364360
Transformice 2,070,157 335240
Codename CURE 2,044,268 355180
Serious Sam 3: BFE 2,029,621 41070
Metro 2033 Redux 2,025,648 286690
Stick Fight: The Game 2,007,237 674940
Plague Inc: Evolved 2,002,770 246620
Tropico 4 2,000,449 57690
Natural Selection 2 1,993,899 4920
Europa Universalis IV 1,983,657 236850
Stellaris 1,967,015 281990
Star Conflict 1,960,641 212070
Gear Up 1,922,501 214420
POSTAL 2 1,911,217 223470
GunZ 2: The Second Duel 1,895,812 242720
ArcheBlade 1,886,025 207230
Surgeon Simulator 1,879,150 233720
The Long Dark 1,875,963 305620
Broforce 1,863,667 274190
Depth 1,853,782 274940
Line of Sight 1,853,533 436520
Source Filmmaker 1,852,569 1840
Batman: Arkham Origins 1,851,868 209000
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 1,843,514 235540
Risk of Rain 1,825,993 248820
AirMech Strike 1,823,483 206500
America's Army: Proving Grounds 1,823,295 203290
Wolfenstein: The New Order 1,819,928 201810
Sniper Elite 3 1,810,081 238090
Alan Wake 1,804,210 108710
Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop 1,788,990 563560
Mad Max 1,775,140 234140
Max Payne 3 1,740,909 204100
Cuphead 1,735,419 268910
Worms Revolution 1,730,275 200170
Crossout 1,727,005 386180
Tropico 5 1,718,552 245620
Factorio 1,706,659 427520
BRINK 1,700,604 22350
Game Dev Tycoon 1,696,896 239820
Champions Online 1,691,316 9880
Gang Beasts 1,689,567 285900
Emily is Away 1,689,541 417860
Divinity: Original Sin 2 1,688,895 435150
Darksiders 1,683,431 50620
Planet Coaster 1,682,734 493340
Shadow Warrior 1,648,323 233130
Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition 1,647,028 3590
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 1,631,855 320300
Skullgirls 1,621,794 245170
Contagion 1,616,994 238430
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag 1,616,095 242050
Trine Enchanted Edition 1,604,101 35700
Squad 1,602,466 393380
L.A. Noire 1,596,369 110800
AudioSurf 1,561,882 12900
Mark of the Ninja 1,559,947 214560
BioShock 2 1,558,279 8850
Endless Space - Collection 1,549,005 208140
HITMAN 1,534,824 236870
ShellShock Live 1,529,238 326460
STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords 1,529,038 208580
Endless Legend 1,516,227 289130
SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics 1,514,485 34270
How to Survive 1,514,177 250400
Hero Siege 1,502,327 269210
Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition 1,501,547 373420
GRID 2 1,498,449 44350
Metro: Last Light Redux 1,492,907 287390
Fractured Space 1,489,602 310380
SNOW 1,487,372 244930
Rogue Legacy 1,479,581 241600
Grim Dawn 1,464,229 219990
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links 1,461,356 601510
Business Tour - Online Multiplayer Board Game 1,457,596 397900
Mortal Kombat X 1,455,905 307780
DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin 1,453,157 335300
Quake Live 1,444,119 282440
Sleeping Dogs 1,432,733 202170
Call of Duty: Ghosts 1,424,741 209160
Black Desert Online 1,413,060 582660
Bloons TD Battles 1,410,438 444640
Batman: Arkham Knight 1,396,715 208650
No Man's Sky 1,396,577 275850
SPINTIRES 1,392,564 263280
Age of Mythology: Extended Edition 1,369,504 266840
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut 1,358,070 238010
Hearts of Iron IV 1,352,834 394360
Total War: ATTILA 1,331,963 325610
Transistor 1,329,184 237930
Altitude 1,321,782 41300
Geometry Dash 1,317,156 322170
Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6 1,317,100 221040
Thief 1,313,521 239160
Ultra Street Fighter IV 1,306,698 45760
Who's Your Daddy 1,305,248 427730
The Escapists 1,296,849 298630
Scribblenauts Unlimited 1,296,525 218680
Double Action: Boogaloo 1,293,392 317360
BioShock Remastered 1,289,273 409710
Worms Reloaded 1,289,109 22600
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II Chaos Rising 1,285,276 20570
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition 1,279,176 242700
FEZ 1,276,275 224760
Pillars of Eternity 1,275,530 291650
DARK SOULS II 1,266,678 236430
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 1,252,257 552500
Brutal Legend 1,235,714 225260
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed Collection 1,232,451 212480
Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword 1,231,509 48720
Aliens vs. Predator 1,231,126 10680
Slime Rancher 1,216,760 433340
Yet Another Zombie Defense 1,208,380 270550
Divinity: Original Sin (Classic) 1,208,170 230230
Psychonauts 1,207,186 3830
Layers of Fear 1,203,631 391720
Hand Simulator 1,199,631 657200
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition 1,186,829 237110
Duck Game 1,183,631 312530
Homefront 1,182,312 55100
NieR:Automata 1,175,123 524220
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 1,155,405 337000
Iron Snout 1,154,435 424280
Stranded Deep 1,154,025 313120
Verdun 1,149,077 242860
Quake Champions 1,146,284 611500
The Darkness II 1,145,131 67370
Enter the Gungeon 1,144,928 311690
Conan Exiles 1,140,205 440900
Interstellar Marines 1,140,120 236370
FINAL FANTASY VII 1,136,100 39140
Dishonored 2 1,127,089 403640
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Gold Edition 1,123,642 209650
Miscreated 1,123,426 299740
Crypt of the NecroDancer 1,122,748 247080
Slay the Spire 1,122,489 646570
Kingdom: Classic 1,120,501 368230
Orcs Must Die! Unchained 1,115,355 427270
Planetary Annihilation 1,108,262 233250
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West 1,107,457 42120
Orcs Must Die! 1,105,153 102600
PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+ 1,102,937 236450
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 1,099,682 55150
Everlasting Summer 1,097,391 331470
F.E.A.R. 3 1,096,875 21100
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion 1,092,043 204880
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 1,089,080 34870
To the Moon 1,086,773 206440
State of Decay 1,083,514 241540
Dungeon of the Endless 1,080,885 249050
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II 1,077,057 17570
DiRT Rally 1,073,123 310560
Frozen Synapse 1,065,406 98200
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons 1,056,557 225080
The Walking Dead: Season 2 1,054,661 261030
Day of Infamy 1,052,510 447820
Supreme Commander 2 1,048,307 40100
Super Hexagon 1,045,138 221640
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition 1,041,965 475150
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number 1,037,686 274170
WAKFU 1,036,289 215080
Assassin's Creed Origins 1,030,581 582160
Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter 1,025,064 41000
F1 2015 1,022,816 286570
Jotun: Valhalla Edition 1,022,556 323580
Men of War: Assault Squad 2 1,019,383 244450
World of Warships 1,015,572 552990
Braid 1,012,406 26800
The Wolf Among Us 1,011,210 250320
Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition 1,010,775 20500
Resident Evil 5/ Biohazard 5 1,005,089 21690
Gauntlet Slayer Edition 999,905 258970
Hollow Knight 999,648 367520
Ori and the Blind Forest 997,767 261570
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 991,243 249130
DmC: Devil May Cry 987,543 220440
World of Goo 986,510 22000
Ryse: Son of Rome 984,278 302510
Project CARS 974,136 234630
SCP: Secret Laboratory 973,512 700330
HELLDIVERS 972,013 394510
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen 970,603 367500
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 965,482 349040
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 963,308 102500
Firewatch 959,053 383870
Hammerwatch 957,659 239070
Total War: WARHAMMER II 955,731 594570
Football Manager 2018 955,508 624090
Move or Die 952,680 323850
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam 952,431 418460
Poker Night at the Inventory 952,378 31280
Middle-earth: Shadow of War 952,284 356190
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy 948,332 240720
Magic 2014 â€" Duels of the Planeswalkers 945,492 213850
Dust: An Elysian Tail 943,681 236090
Mount Your Friends 942,809 296470
Zombie Army Trilogy 939,676 301640
8BitMMO 934,749 250420
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 934,745 34830
Zula Europe 931,624 513650
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition 930,591 307690
The Talos Principle 927,932 257510
Farming Simulator 15 916,206 313160
Portal Knights 914,016 374040
Spelunky 906,689 239350
Unreal Tournament 3 Black 902,895 13210
Reus 897,320 222730
Call of Duty: WWII 891,381 476600
Duke Nukem Forever 886,514 57900
Strife 884,685 339280
Relic Hunters Zero 884,002 382490
Nation Red 877,968 39800
Hacknet 877,129 365450
Dragons and Titans 870,310 263500
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 869,560 292730
Lost Castle 864,412 434650
BRAIN / OUT 860,262 578310
Rise of Nations: Extended Edition 859,562 287450
Magicka 2 857,543 238370
WildStar 857,109 376570
HuniePop 855,769 339800
Mafia III 855,604 360430
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 849,053 1200
Town of Salem 847,565 334230
The Culling 843,301 437220
SUPERHOT 842,122 322500
Blood and Bacon 842,105 434570
Cortex Command 841,552 209670
Worms Clan Wars 840,770 233840
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes 836,026 341800
Dead Cells 834,231 588650
Stronghold Crusader 2 828,019 232890
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 827,988 379430
Time Clickers 826,505 385770
Assetto Corsa 826,288 244210
theHunter: Call of the Wild 815,169 518790
Raft 810,826 648800
We Were Here 810,432 582500
Poly Bridge 806,360 367450 804,022 284160
Farming Simulator 17 796,543 447020
Deadlight 795,749 211400
Zero Gear 795,021 18820
Nidhogg 787,983 94400
Northgard 787,294 466560
MechWarrior Online Solaris 7 787,170 342200
Red Faction: Armageddon 785,298 55110
School of Dragons 781,378 332070
CS2D 780,433 666220
BrainBread 2 774,021 346330
Ultimate Chicken Horse 770,483 386940
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy 768,052 91700
Valkyria Chronicles 767,675 294860
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition 764,826 387290
Age of Wonders III 764,290 226840
VVVVVV 763,558 70300
Legend of Grimrock 762,137 207170
They Are Billions 755,147 644930
Defy Gravity Extended 754,043 96100
Space Pirates and Zombies 753,148 107200
LEGO Worlds 752,946 332310
Universe Sandbox 752,402 72200
Endless Space 2 750,761 392110
The Banner Saga 747,734 237990
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition 745,407 228280
Deponia 743,347 214340
Lords Of The Fallen 742,534 265300
SUNLESS SEA 740,790 304650
The Evil Within 740,543 268050
Primal Carnage 731,052 215470
EVGA Precision XOC 730,012 268850
Homeworld Remastered Collection 728,091 244160
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 726,646 215530
Bendy and the Ink Machine 721,168 622650
Dwarfs - F2P 720,104 213650
Sniper Elite 4 715,583 312660
Youtubers Life 714,623 428690
Lethal League 714,007 261180
Risen 2: Dark Waters 713,807 40390
DEFCON 708,655 1520
Monday Night Combat 708,500 63200
Atlas Reactor 707,718 402570
FINAL FANTASY XIII 707,712 292120
resident evil 4 / biohazard 4 704,953 254700
Prey 704,179 480490
Two Worlds II HD 703,263 7520
Gunpoint 702,654 206190
Viscera Cleanup Detail 701,439 246900
Fallout: New Vegas 690,496 22490
Democracy 3 688,243 245470
Card Hunter 688,214 293260
SpaceChem 682,706 92800
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III 680,572 285190
Frostpunk 679,334 323190
LawBreakers 674,335 350280
One Finger Death Punch 673,342 264200
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst HD 671,888 234670
Poker Night 2 671,540 234710
Boring Man - Online Tactical Stickman Combat 670,347 346120
INSIDE 669,904 304430
The Red Solstice 668,962 265590
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard / BIOHAZARD 7 resident evil 668,829 418370
Steel Ocean 661,286 390670
Stories: The Path of Destinies 660,285 439190
Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2 658,030 287290
Minion Masters 656,913 489520
METAL SLUG 3 651,482 250180
Sonic Generations Collection 647,871 71340
BIT.TRIP RUNNER 647,721 63710
Outland 646,962 305050
Nuclear Dawn 640,448 17710
Dungeon Siege III 638,566 39160
Rock of Ages 636,120 22230
The Descendant 633,209 351940
Friday the 13th: The Game 629,644 438740
Dead Rising 2 627,795 45740
Wasteland 2: Director's Cut 626,811 240760
Painkiller Hell & Damnation 625,428 214870
Transmissions: Element 120 625,220 365300
Hand of Fate 624,982 266510
Wargame: European Escalation 621,393 58610
Pixel Piracy 618,061 264140
Race The Sun 615,654 253030
Only If 614,140 298260
Blade Symphony 610,347 225600
Machinarium 609,675 40700
Doom 3: BFG Edition 604,250 208200
FORCED: Slightly Better Edition 603,718 249990
Woodle Tree Adventures 603,408 299460
Beat Hazard 601,573 49600
Talisman: Digital Edition 601,352 247000
Homefront: The Revolution 600,976 223100
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood 600,610 350080
Overcooked 600,140 448510
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series 598,965 330840
Lucius 596,725 218640
Darksiders Warmastered Edition 596,551 462780
Black Mesa 595,780 362890
Eador. Masters of the Broken World 595,663 232050
Hyper Light Drifter 595,090 257850
Modern Combat Versus 594,344 723780
Satellite Reign 592,993 268870
Tales from the Borderlands 592,856 330830
Heroes of Might & Magic III - HD Edition 591,573 297000
Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition 590,518 220260
Cave Story+ 590,104 200900
FaceRig 589,693 274920
Viridi 587,504 375950
Remember Me 587,213 228300
Guns and Robots 587,059 293540
Starpoint Gemini 2 586,707 236150
Dungeons 2 584,679 262280
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove 583,872 250760
GRID Autosport 583,602 255220
Fable Anniversary 582,271 288470
LEGO The Lord of the Rings 582,228 214510
Thomas Was Alone 581,719 220780
FINAL FANTASY VIII 581,505 39150
Octodad: Dadliest Catch 581,181 224480
I am Bread 579,156 327890
60 Seconds! 578,493 368360
NEKOPARA Vol. 1 578,066 333600
ABZU 577,340 384190
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 577,105 227100
TOXIKK 575,390 324810
Planetary Annihilation: TITANS 569,681 386070
FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster 568,989 359870
Fortified 568,944 334210
Anomaly: Warzone Earth 567,765 91200
Armello 565,864 290340
NEKOPARA Vol. 0 565,127 385800
Kingdoms and Castles 563,737 569480
Tyranny 562,631 362960
The Flame in the Flood 561,716 318600
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition 560,050 388410
Defense Grid: The Awakening 558,114 18500
Pinball Arcade 555,716 238260
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage 555,426 265210
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs 554,955 239200
Dungeons of Dredmor 554,550 98800
BlackShot: Mercenary Warfare FPS 553,384 433350
Soldier Front 2 552,866 239660
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light 550,882 35130
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus 549,457 612880
Door Kickers 549,148 248610
Mini Metro 547,876 287980
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition 546,981 261110
Blackwake 546,456 420290
TEKKEN 7 541,238 389730
Punch Club 541,121 394310
Duelyst 538,747 291410
Gone Home 538,219 232430
Guacamelee! Gold Edition 538,061 214770
NBA 2K18 537,845 577800
Golf It! 537,751 571740
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell 536,513 301910
Crush Crush 535,661 459820
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 535,273 454650
Turbo Pug DX 534,698 513780
Life is Feudal: Your Own 534,443 290080
Jet Set Radio 533,153 205950
Dungeon Fighter Online 531,876 495910
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut 530,607 300550
You Have to Win the Game 530,340 286100
Ace Combat Assault Horizon - Enhanced Edition 527,228 228400
Out There Somewhere 521,927 263980
Alan Wake's American Nightmare 521,355 202750
Grim Fandango Remastered 516,584 316790
3DMark 515,275 223850
Murdered: Soul Suspect 514,458 233290
Craft The World 509,631 248390
Kingdom: New Lands 509,466 496300
Bold New World 505,953 581620
Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations 503,330 222480
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade 502,562 375230
NBA 2K17 501,303 385760
Offworld Trading Company 499,550 271240
Blockstorm 499,027 263060
100% Orange Juice 498,987 282800
Soda Dungeon 497,334 564710
Learn to Fly 3 496,965 589870
Reigns 496,869 474750
The Witness 494,237 210970
Nuclear Throne 492,848 242680
Battleborn 492,052 394230
Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 491,057 645630
SOMA 490,677 282140
TerraTech 489,971 285920
The Escapists 2 489,056 641990
Of Guards And Thieves 488,098 302590
Worms Ultimate Mayhem 486,841 70600
Realm Grinder 486,185 610080
Styx: Master of Shadows 485,922 242640
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 2 485,909 247910
The Swapper 484,015 231160
Forts 483,174 410900
X3: Terran Conflict 482,728 2820
Jurassic World Evolution 481,240 648350
Governor of Poker 3 479,096 436150
Bad Rats: the Rats' Revenge 476,787 34900
Galactic Civilizations III 476,035 226860
NBA 2K16 469,791 370240
Puzzle Pirates 469,196 99910
RUNNING WITH RIFLES 468,632 270150
Life is Strange: Before the Storm 467,572 554620
Pixel Puzzles Ultimate 461,488 351030
Mirror 456,954 644560
Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection 456,851 49540
GUNS UP! 455,442 446150
Victor Vran ARPG 453,908 345180
Teleglitch: Die More Edition 453,247 234390
Turmoil 452,658 361280
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 452,484 97330
CastleMiner Z 451,422 253430
Cities in Motion 2 451,407 225420
Prismata 451,302 490220
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days 448,371 28000
UnEpic 446,738 233980
ibb & obb 446,523 95400
Batla 445,267 338180
DRAGON BALL FighterZ 444,795 678950
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP 439,828 204060
ICEY 437,615 553640
Call to Arms 436,655 302670
Ball 3D: Soccer Online 434,225 485610
A Story About My Uncle 433,874 278360
Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant 433,639 347560
Written in the Sky 433,025 416130
Evoland 431,669 233470
Piercing Blow 428,413 382850
DLC Quest 425,947 230050
Bayonetta 424,901 460790
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 422,733 414340
Murder Miners 421,780 274900
Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle 420,843 795100
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition 420,031 257350
Broken Age 419,666 232790
My Summer Car 416,575 516750
Construction Simulator 2015 416,518 289950
Sonic Adventure 2 416,375 213610
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit 415,904 205230
Resident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTER 415,885 304240
Heaven Island - VR MMO 413,860 400250
Osmos 413,551 29180
Jamestown 413,206 94200
Loading Screen Simulator 412,731 652980
Freebie 411,391 487220
Dystopia 410,346 17580
Tales of Zestiria 410,109 351970
Men of War: Assault Squad 409,681 64000
Turn Around 407,501 595340
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun 405,980 418240
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 / è¶...次次å...ƒã‚²ã‚¤ãƒ ネプテューヌRe;Birth1 / è¶...次次å...ƒéŠæˆ²æˆ°æ©Ÿå°'女重ç"Ÿ1 405,416 282900
Sol Survivor 405,082 45000
Nexuiz 404,730 96800
Skyforge 404,721 414530
State of Decay: YOSE 403,911 329430
Time of Dragons 402,752 353130
Turbo Dismount 402,549 263760
Shower With Your Dad Simulator 2015: Do You Still Shower With Your Dad 401,903 359050
Salt and Sanctuary 400,674 283640
LEGO The Hobbit 400,545 285160
Savage Lands 399,316 307880
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball 396,373 270450
The Culling Of The Cows 396,159 297020
Back to Bed 394,370 308040
Tower Wars 393,962 214360
Invisible, Inc. 393,703 243970
Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power 392,900 319910
Polarity 392,114 315430
SAMOLIOTIK 388,554 449680
Outlast 2 387,821 414700
Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist 387,663 409160
RWBY: Grimm Eclipse 387,405 418340
F1 2017 386,242 515220
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 384,598 247020
DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round: Core Fighters 383,476 311730
Hide and Shriek 382,313 480430
Bloody Trapland 380,476 257750
Crusaders of the Lost Idols 379,611 402840
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter 379,237 258520
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow â€" Ultimate Edition 379,043 234080
Rebel Galaxy 378,307 290300
Cogs 377,806 26500
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 377,401 49470
This Is the Police 376,582 443810
Genital Jousting 375,882 469820
Mountain 375,718 313340
Nomad 371,579 378370
Revolution Ace 371,346 274560
AI War: Fleet Command 371,287 40400
Streets of Rogue 371,171 512900
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) 370,263 295790
Death Rally 370,163 108700
Long Live The Queen 369,384 251990
Planet Explorers 369,351 237870
Clustertruck 368,787 397950
RPG MO 368,618 372800
Party Hard 367,745 356570
SteamWorld Dig 367,286 252410
Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again 365,728 414290
Grey Goo 364,090 290790
DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition / 真・三國無双7 with 猛将伝 363,817 278080
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution 363,459 272510
F1 2012 363,358 208500
War for the Overworld 363,113 230190
Galactic Junk League 362,859 562590
Planetbase 361,192 403190
Cossacks 3 360,956 333420
No Time To Explain Remastered 360,564 368730
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers 360,126 205910
Organ Trail: Director's Cut 359,935 233740
Kingdom Wars 359,640 227180
The Last Hope 359,502 522570
VEGA Conflict 359,362 339600
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien 358,624 218060
Windward 355,878 326410
Really Big Sky 355,611 201570
Anarchy Arcade 355,332 266430
Slender: The Arrival 354,224 252330
Bloons TD 5 354,027 306020
Halo: Spartan Assault 352,861 277430
Timberman 352,371 398710
Toki Tori 352,195 38700
House Flipper 351,645 613100
Sniper Fury 351,470 591740
Titan Souls 350,359 297130
Morphopolis 349,778 314020
Catch a Falling Star 349,290 451880
King Arthur's Gold 348,064 219830
Nioh: Complete Edition / 仁王 Complete Edition 347,803 485510
Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series 346,763 376870
Guild Quest 346,627 547680
The Banner Saga: Factions 346,032 219340
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 345,720 331600
LEGO Jurassic World 343,167 352400
X Rebirth 343,046 2870
Risen 3 - Titan Lords 342,772 249230
The Tower Of Elements 342,253 377310
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition 342,008 231740
Costume Quest 341,308 115100
DETOUR 341,194 92100
Revenge of the Titans 340,794 93200
State of Anarchy 340,127 463210
Solar 2 339,780 97000
Battle Islands 338,532 305260
Transport Fever 337,931 446800
SAS: Zombie Assault 4 337,896 678800
Damned 337,285 251170
Space Beret 337,145 547960
The LEGO Movie - Videogame 336,631 267530
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams 335,909 223220
Dead Island Definitive Edition 335,791 383150
Hard Reset Extended Edition 335,265 98400
Pony Island 334,799 405640
FINAL FANTASY IX 333,922 377840
Mordheim: City of the Damned 332,983 276810
AX:EL - Air XenoDawn 332,904 319830
Epigenesis 332,826 244590
Dead Realm 331,065 352460
Botanicula 330,330 207690
Grow Home 330,240 323320
Motorsport Manager 330,158 415200
LEGO Batman3: Beyond Gotham 330,037 313690
Squishy the Suicidal Pig 328,982 318430
Data Hacker: Reboot 328,357 331790
The Room 327,417 288160
Simply Chess 327,332 312280
MANDAGON 326,618 461560
Escape This 326,346 467370
Planets Under Attack 325,744 218510
Supraball 325,150 321400
Eternal Card Game 324,938 531640
Dead Maze 324,662 667890
Audiosurf 2 324,405 235800
Ratz Instagib 324,272 338170
And Yet It Moves 324,236 18700
Trashville 323,864 589390
Invasion: Brain Craving 323,181 423710
God Mode 322,132 227480
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 321,637 363680
The Bridge 320,817 204240
The Hat Man: Shadow Ward 320,602 291010
Zeno Clash 320,458 22200
South Park: The Fractured But Whole 320,160 488790
HunieCam Studio 320,028 426000
The Jackbox Party Pack 3 319,411 434170
Gems of War - Puzzle RPG 319,394 329110
Spintires: MudRunner 319,213 675010
F1 2016 318,467 391040
NEKOPARA Vol. 2 318,426 420110
Elements: Soul of Fire 318,054 340650
Mortal Online 316,391 287920
Atom Zombie Smasher 316,352 55040
Rec Room 316,036 471710
One Way Heroics 315,869 266210
SimplePlanes 314,932 397340
LUFTRAUSERS 314,885 233150
Pool Nation FX Lite 314,286 314000
Tricky Towers 314,191 437920
Shank 312,665 6120
Star Chronicles: Delta Quadrant 311,967 383330
Atonement: Scourge of Time 310,592 385070
Yellow: The Yellow Artifact 310,339 486820
Project Starship 310,160 454890
Insanity Clicker 310,042 393530
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy 309,617 214830
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes 309,591 61700
Abyss Odyssey 308,646 255070
Dungeon of Zolthan 307,976 463220
MX vs. ATV Reflex 307,610 55140
Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition 307,315 218820
The Jackbox Party Pack 307,175 331670
Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator 306,906 654880
Make it indie! 306,739 357900
Binary Domain 306,463 203750
Blackguards 305,941 249650
Her Story 305,686 368370
Magic 2015 - Duels of the Planeswalkers 303,768 255420
Viking: Battle for Asgard 300,593 211160
Tooth and Tail 300,539 286000
City of Chains 300,130 412170
Stronghold 2: Steam Edition 300,020 40960
Kingdom Rush 299,922 246420
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 299,913 397460
Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition 299,184 329050
Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta) 298,645 564310
LYNE 298,463 266010
LISA 297,947 335670
Renegade Ops 297,463 99300
The District 296,190 357770
Star Saviors 295,982 314450
Pit People 295,630 291860
Dark and Light 295,606 529180
Bejeweled 3 295,211 78000
Ticket to Ride 295,151 108200
There's Poop In My Soup 294,984 449540
Blood Bowl 2 294,476 236690
Elements II: Hearts of Light 293,115 448640
STRIDER / ストライダー飛竜 292,888 235210
Sonic Adventure DX 291,205 71250
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action 290,658 447530
EVERSPACE 290,326 396750
Street Warriors Online 290,227 417910
BATTLETECH 289,619 637090
Tricolour Lovestory 289,264 668630
Montaro 288,782 495890
Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge 288,297 32460
Aragami 287,729 280160
Downwell 287,413 360740
Outrage 287,010 457820
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken 286,849 215510
Worms W.M.D 286,591 327030
Drayt Empire 286,567 502140
Rivals of Aether 286,514 383980
For The King 285,696 527230
Space Farmers 285,436 271570
Turbo Pug 3D 285,208 528510
Tales of Berseria 284,444 429660
Missing Translation 284,121 395520
Fall of Civilization 283,367 467010
Hatoful Boyfriend 283,021 310080
Half Dead 282,077 434730
Dungetris 281,912 462200
Incitement 3 281,562 391660
Madballs in Babo:Invasion 281,079 25700
Oxenfree 280,771 388880
Retro City Rampage DX 280,667 204630
Little Nightmares 280,612 424840
HellAngel 280,536 524340
Stigmat 280,103 403570
LOST PLANET 3 279,675 226720
PIGMENTUM 279,593 582280
Pid 278,689 218740
Shadow Warrior Classic Redux 278,226 225160
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier 278,042 536220
Atonement 2: Ruptured by Despair 277,061 533820
Domina 276,003 535230
Guardians of Orion 275,847 407840
Omerta - City of Gangsters 275,454 208520
Castle Story 275,014 227860
Trouble In The Manor 274,955 338530
Nuclear Contingency 274,316 540900
Rise of the Triad 272,986 217140
CPUCores :: Maximize Your FPS 272,887 384300
Batman - The Telltale Series 272,720 498240
Cat Goes Platform 272,633 567250
Game of Thrones 272,599 208730
The Cave 271,663 221810
DiRT 4 270,550 421020
Trolley Gold 270,525 498320
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder 270,427 434460
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition 268,438 346940
Orbital Gear 267,763 298520
Desolate Wastes: Vendor Chronicles 267,723 563120
Germ Wars 267,647 557680
hack_me 267,561 526740
BIT.TRIP BEAT 267,116 63700
Home Behind 267,054 467960
METAL SLUG DEFENSE 266,981 356310
Divinity: Dragon Commander 265,816 243950
Fluffy Creatures VS The World 265,237 619400
Day of the Tentacle Remastered 265,169 388210
Project CARS 2 264,945 378860
Camera Obscura 264,412 341500
Take Thy Throne 264,026 491260
Road Madness 263,944 457710
Tabletopia 263,899 402560
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record 263,656 45770
Bit Blaster XL 263,361 433950
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones 261,792 329380
Unalive 261,546 574640
Wizard of Legend 261,463 445980
Next Day: Survival 260,661 519190
Legend of Grimrock 2 260,443 251730
Deep Space Dash 260,100 493650
OLDTV 259,813 643270
Grind Zones 259,441 327680
Labyronia RPG 259,225 391260
POSTAL 258,861 232770
Hyper color ball 258,593 515470
Age of Conquest IV 257,484 314970
Rampage Knights 257,372 314410
Battle Royale Trainer 257,046 772540
Final Quest II 256,959 540020
Greyfox RPG 256,746 341310
The Four Kings Casino and Slots 256,424 260430
PixARK 256,179 593600
DuckTales: Remastered 255,766 237630
Pool Nation 255,171 254440
Shatter 255,073 20820
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II 254,601 272470
ELEX 254,457 411300
Legend of Mysteria RPG 254,231 407230
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 254,152 251150
Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition 253,538 216890
Grand Pigeon's Duty 253,400 449530
Deadfall Adventures 252,514 231330
Owlboy 251,798 115800
Pixel Puzzles: Japan 250,430 284950
Streamline 249,845 252850
Chaos on Deponia 249,600 220740
My Time At Portia 249,441 666140
Spikit 248,909 509110
Run Away 248,496 629280
Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition 248,308 40980
SOS 248,224 619080
RUSH 248,133 38720
Stacking 248,039 115110
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Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight 246,833 428550
The Basement Collection 246,622 214790
Project Highrise 246,461 423580
Drop Alive 246,280 513450
Capsized 246,235 95300
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Detention 244,747 555220
RADical ROACH Remastered 244,616 301750
The Land of Dasthir 244,539 545700
Reset 1-1 244,440 491650
The Typing of The Dead: Overkill 244,364 246580
Under Zero 243,413 454930
Master of Orion 243,222 298050
GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst 243,065 438490
Sleeping Valley 243,018 538590
Warriors of Vilvatikta 242,938 515690
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition 242,618 245280
Ziggurat 242,342 308420
Minimum 242,221 214190
Iron Sky: Invasion 241,819 224900
Gunscape 241,759 342480
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Sonic CD 241,011 200940
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Hatred 240,088 341940
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Shake Your Money Simulator 2016 239,823 448660
Data Hacker: Initiation 239,817 311860
HOARD 239,813 63000
Jazzpunk: Director's Cut 239,119 250260
Energy Cycle 238,706 415960
Mad Hunter 238,654 558610
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Cities in Motion 237,970 73010
SolForge 237,212 232450
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Pokémon-likes: A hearty list of Pokémon substitutes that people can enjoy in lieu of Sword and Shield

As we're all aware, Sword and Shield are just a short while away from being released worldwide. Of course, while we were all expecting a Pokemon title worthy of a home console, it's clear that just isn't the case at the moment. A combination of a National Dex cut, underwhelming animations, various features cut while few are actually improved, and the endless parade of Kanto Pokemon have soured people's expectations, especially for a title which is being marked up 50% more than its predecessors.
Some people have decided that enough is enough, and pledged to not support Game Freak this time - at least until they learn the error of their ways and make a Pokemon title that is worth their time and money. While I'm not sure if those people will keep their promise (remember that old picture where everyone was going to boycott Modern Warfare 2 and they just bought it anyway? Or how people hated how the new Disney live action remakes looked but they still went anyway?), it still is important to realize that Pokemon isn't the only game out there where you can catch, battle, and trade creatures.
With that in mind, I've compiled a list of some notable games which scratch that Pokemon itch. Keep in mind that obviously, there are some things that only Pokemon can replicate (nostalgia, for one thing), but I'll do my best to provide some alternate options. Oh, and I'm focusing on Switch games at the moment because I'm assuming that you already bought one in preparation for the next Pokemon - if you have a 3DS or PC, there are plenty of options available for you.
Obviously, this is only a small sampling of Pokemon-like titles out there, and that some of you are just too attached to your Pikachus and Charizards and Wooloos to care about some pale imitation of the real deal. However, I hope that at the very least, you can realize that there are other titles to jump onto if Pokemon continues to fall into a spiral of mediocrity. For those of you who do not have a Switch at the moment, you can use this list partially taken from 4chan's Pokemon board as a guide.
submitted by Torque-A to pokemon [link] [comments]

Stardew Valley Mayoral Fitness Exam, Week 1

For those who missed it (which is most of you) I posted a few days ago about wanting to work on myself, and using Stardew as a tool. My ultimate goal is to walk a few miles on the treadmill every day until I have a full farm, full of Large Sheds, each pumping out diamonds in crystalariums.
I received a lot of support in PMs, and I'm VERY grateful for it. Many of you wanted to try something similar, and I love that so much. Even if I fail to follow through, it's touching to know that maybe I at least helped someone do what I couldn't. I plan to talk with as many of you as possible during this, to motivate me to keep going and to help you on your journey as well. But I also think growing the reach would be cool, for the same reason. I'll start with my Stardew updates first, since I think those are the most fun for everyone.

Stardew Updates

So WOWZA at the amount of reading I've done. I actually only learned about the Casino yesterday, and now I'm working on getting there as I gradually work toward my Crystalarium nightmare. It's my understanding that the casino has statues which give you iridium and gold bars--both necessary for a crystalarium. I'm working on this by trying to mine as much stone as I can, in order to very easily reach floor 100 for the "Cryptic Note" quest. I know you can use other methods, but... I'll be real, longevity of the challenge is sort of key to my success.
This will hopefully reduce my overall need for mining, but lawdy is it expensive. At 1 million per statue, and needing several dozen to fill up a shed, I think I can safely say that this will be no easy task, and that I'm going to need to farm pretty efficiently. That said... I don't wanna. I'm gonna grow goofy crops and have fun while I do this, because FUN is the most important part of any workout routine (at least, after basic safety). This is going to take several in game years, so if you have any suggestions for how to spend a season in Stardew for big lulz, let me know.
As of right now, it's fall of year 3, I'm working on making an Autumn's bounty with my own crops for the trash bear, growing corn and catching sea cucumbers to make Lucky Lunches (I grew Jazz all season and kept it all) and all of my tools are iridium. Life is prettttttty prettttttyyyyy pretty good.

Fitness Updates

As far as fitness... well, it's been like 3 days, so obviously nothing has really changed in terms of me personally. I have lost about a few pounds, but being that I was already overweight and I've also changed some eating habits, that's not surprising. It will stop within the next couple of weeks, and then the REAL grind begins.
Anyway, thanks for the support. Love you guys!
submitted by YaNortABoy to StardewValley [link] [comments]

Casino help

My girlfriend and I are playing multiplayer stardew valley, we both completed all of QI’s quest line to enter the casino and got the club card. I can enter the casino fine however my girlfriends club card has disappeared and she can’t enter the casino or get the club card back? Has anyone else had this problem?
submitted by Jigglemyskittles to StardewValley [link] [comments]

List of Pro Tips & Non-Obvious Mechanics

Hey StardewValley! Given the influx of new players here, I thought I'd share a list of the tips & tricks I've discovered myself or gathered over time to help players both old & new. This sub's been great for inspiration, & I wanted to give back to you guys. Even experienced players can play dozens of hours without ever discovering the things here. It's not a guide on how-to basics (e.g. watch TV); that's beyond the scope of this list. For that, I recommend checking out the FAQ & Wiki.
If you're looking for a way to take full screenshots of your farm (& any other area), check out my guide here. Also, check out this site by u/kihashi for a great way to track bundles (sub), and this site for fish (link is dead - if this tool was moved rather than closed, please let me know if you have any info about it!)
Last Updated: 15 October 2020. Total number of tips so far: 133!
Added/revised in latest update: updated formatting for spoilers (thanks u/Blixtmen).
Check back from time to time to see what's new!

Farm & Buildings

  1. Place scarecrows, sprinklers or lights on flooring/paths to prevent the hoe from digging them up.
  2. Left-click to drop a sellable item you're holding into the shipping box directly without opening the inventory.
  3. Retrieve the last shipped item from the box by right-clicking on the shipping box & clicking on the shipped item.
  4. With upgraded tools, hold down the button to increase the area of effect. This seems obvious, but a surprising number of people miss it (e.g. watering cans not only have better capacity, but water more tiles & in different patterns if held down). Bonus: tool sparkle colour corresponds to the upgrade level.
  5. The pickaxe can undo tilled soil.
  6. All tiles above tilled dirt that uncovered an item (always clay except winter) will also contain that item. Video. (Patched, thanks u/greymeta).
  7. Shake trees for seeds. Edit: during the last 2 weeks of fall, maple trees drop hazelnuts instead of maple seeds (thanks u/rabidcow).
  8. If you don't get giant crops on harvest day, leave mature crops unharvested for a few days (ensure continued watering) & they'll form. The number of days needed varies; personal experience has been 4-12 days for fusion.
  9. You can plant fruit trees inside the greenhouse, both in the plot & on the floor outside the plot border. Planting behaviour differs slightly normal; you can plant trees in tilled & untilled soil here (unlike only untilled on farmland). The most efficient is my layout. You can plant more trees along the bottom edge, I chose not to as they obscure the view of the plot.
  10. There's a 0.5% chance that you can get ancient seeds from the seed maker instead of the same variety as the input crop. Blueberries & cranberries are great choices for farming ancient seeds.
  11. It's faster & easier to hold right-click while harvesting crops rather than clicking individually on every tile. Hold seed bags to replant the tiles simultaneously, saving time.
  12. Junimos can phase through trellis crops to harvest, so you can plant them without gaps. Remember they don't harvest when it's raining.
  13. The star quality of crops that you put into machines such as kegs has no effect on the end-product quality. To maximise profits, process the lowest star goods & sell the leftover higher star goods (unless you can afford to wait & process everything). However, note that cheese in casks is an exception. Cheese ages from base quality to silver (3d), to gold (4d), to iridium (7d). Putting in cheese that already has a star quality begins its processing at that stage, cutting down the days taken to reach the next higher quality, giving you quicker turnaround/profit. Therefore, star quality does have an impact on the end product here.
  14. You can place torches on fences, the floor, & behind objects/furniture.
  15. You can make oil from sunflower seeds, sunflowers, & corn in the oil maker (corn's usually overlooked).
  16. You can make wider fence gates by having a different kind of fence on either side of the gate. For instance, (HW) = hardwood fence, (W) = wood fence, & (G) = gate. Normally, you'd make (HW)(HW)(G)(HW)(HW). Instead, make (HW)(W)(G)(W)(HW). The stumps to which the gate is attached must be a different material than the main fence (it doesn't matter which), so another example: (W)(HW)(G)(HW)(W). Screenshot. This makes it easier for a horse to go through. Source. Edit: it doesn't necessarily need to be fences, as long as you disconnect the gate's stumps. The rest is cosmetic: other path blocking items (such as tub o' flowers) also work (thanks u/greymeta).
  17. Self-sustaining grass feeders can regenerate grass to keep fields green & animals fed. Grass spreads on its own (including from under fences), provided it isn't eaten first. Animals will only eat grass they can stand on; a feeder's a patch that we prevent them from eating. Lay down grass starters & put fences on top of it (suggested: 2x2, but any config's okay). After a few days, you get new grass around it that animals eat, while the grass underneath remains unharmed, making new grass around it. Screenshots w/ spread. Source. Guide w/ math. Edit: lightning rods work too (thanks u/Raichu7).
  18. To get flower honey, it doesn't matter if there are flowers around a bee house when the honey starts forming. They only need to be there when you collect it. Similarly, if you harvest a flower around a bee house that had flower honey ready for collection, it will become wild honey. Bonus: to get just "honey" (not wild honey), use the pickaxe on a bee house that's ready for collection to pick both up. This unlabelled honey doesn't serve any different purpose & sells for the same amount as wild honey. Just a little quirk.
  19. Use "indicator kegs" outside barns/sheds to signal when the kegs inside are ready for collection. Load all the kegs inside with fruit & load one outside (e.g. next to the door) just after. You don't need to go inside the barn to check whether the wine's ready - once you see the indicator keg's ready, the rest are too. Edit: currently, a known issue (as of 1.11) causes indoor & outdoor keg timers to go out of sync during festival days. Time elapsed when you come back to your farm (after the event) is only applied to the indicator, making them finish processing faster, yielding a false positive. Source (thanks u/GlassDeviant).
  20. If you're not carrying an axe/bomb, don't get boxed inside fencing/trellis crops. You won't be able to chop your way out. You'll have to sit there until you pass out. That is your life now. If you're carrying/able to craft a gate though, you can "overwrite" the fence with it and let yourself out (thanks u/idonteven93).
  21. Underrated side effect of the botanist perk: all foraged items use less inventory space (the same quality will stack). Very useful when collecting truffles.
  22. Farming in winter is not only possible, but potentially lucrative.
  23. You can axe away unwanted bushes in the forest farm, but note they won't grow back.
  24. Remember that Sandy sells unique seeds that you can't buy anywhere else.
  25. Plant grass starters on the 28th for batshit growth the next day. It's a good way to keep animals happy in a small space (thanks u/owlrecluse). Remember that grass dies in winter, so cut everything by fall 28 into hay; new grass will spawn in spring (thanks u/aznanywayz).
  26. A pickaxe isn't strictly necessary to pick up an object that usually needs it. Click on it repeatedly with an empty hand, & it will eventually pop up for collection (thanks u/owlrecluse). Edit: I tested it with sprinklers, kegs, oil makers, seed makers, recycling machines & cheese presses (gates too, thanks u/MuphynManOG).
  27. You don't need to remove broken fences before mending them. Just place a replacement on top of it even if the tile is red (thanks u/AlfLives).
  28. In the forest farm, tall grass can be planted on short grass, but will not spread there (thanks u/EndlessArgument).
  29. Remember that you can process coconuts & cacti in machines (e.g. preserves jar) (thanks u/blasek0). Buying coconuts from Sandy just to process them isn't worth it (math here), but if you have idle jars, throw in coconuts you find in (spoiler, unlockable area:) the desert for profit (thanks u/Psylisa).
  30. Fences decay over time unless you get the golden clock. Instead of making traditional fences you have to fix, you can make indestructible, functional fences by using objects such as preserves jars instead. See my farm for an example. Others include tub o' flowers, lightning rods, kegs, etc.
  31. Giant crops can survive indefinitely through the seasons (they don't die out like normal crops if they're not in season). If you just want some giants for aesthetics, don't harvest them & they'll live on even through winter. Example.
  32. As of 1.07, lightning is more likely to strike trees & crops, but lightning rods have a very good chance of intercepting them if they aren't already processing a battery (thanks u/Avarice0107).
  33. If you like having Junimos hang around your farm, fence in a harvestable crop/flower in the vicinity (single tile will do). Junimos will come out to harvest it, but the fence will prevent them from reaching it. This way, you can have them about all the time, not just on harvest days.
  34. Follow-up to #33: Junimo huts have a toggle harvest button. If you don't want Junimos to harvest but still like them hanging around, you can stop them by toggling it off. You still need ripe crops to lure them out (or else they stay in), but you can toggle it on/off midday, so you can have them harvest most crops & then just stay out until you want (thanks u/some_internet_rando). Update: use this to grow giant crops in range of the Junimo huts. Junimos don't harvest giants if they're already there, but this lets you leave ripe crops on the field for some time to fuse (see #8).
  35. To save time tilling the field for planting in a new season, leave crops planted that will die out on next season's day 1. You can then quickly clear away the dry plants with a scythe & be ready to plant new ones, so that you have more time to do other things on that day. Useful in the transition from winter to spring where you can use cheap winter seeds that you don't mind losing.
  36. If you blow up your Statue of Perfection with a bomb it is destroyed & does not drop as an item. However, you can just get another one by interacting with the shrine again. Source (thanks u/reverendsteveii).
  37. If you want to redesign your farm, the quickest way is to have Robin/Wizard move your buildings & use bombs to clear the rest. Note that explosives are destructive on certain items, so if you want to reuse something, remove it manually. For e.g. if you use the pickaxe to remove 1 tile stone fencing, you'll get 1 unit of stone fencing intact to reuse elsewhere. Bombing it turns it into 1 stone (2 units stone = 1 tile stone fencing, so you get back half the ingredients).
  38. Debris around the farm (e.g. wood) can spread, destroying placeable objects/crops when it does. Pathways prevent debris from spreading onto (& across) them. If you have a valuable crop such as starfruit or a rarecrow (some of them are irreplaceable) ensure you protect them by placing the scarecrow on a path & have paths around the crops (thanks u/ghoulavenger). Source.
  39. If you're lacking farm space to tap trees or need lots of resin to make kegs, use empty spaces outside the farm to plant trees there. See The Valley, Shops & Gifts #27 on how to plant trees outside the farm. Example.
  40. You can use a crystalarium trick to change any gem/mineral into another. Video & source.
  41. If you are dissatisfied with your choice of farm cave & want to change it, you can use the What FarmCave mod or edit your save file. Neither choice is the end of the world. They're not moneymakers; they just give you a nudge towards completing a relevant community center bundle.
  42. There's a secret passage in the forest farm (picture) (thanks u/ImTheBoo512). You can check all hidden walkable areas when placing buildings at Robin's (thanks u/pqkluan).
  43. You can put hats on the alien rarecrow!
  44. Make sure to have inventory space when you pick up the parsnip gift in your house on day 1. If it's full, it'll be discarded (thanks u/GreenPlazma).


  1. Hold bait while harvesting from crab pots to prevent accidentally picking them up & reload them in one go.
  2. Cast the fishing line at bubbles in the water for quicker bites.
  3. Fishing's not limited to water (you can fish in lava/swamps).
  4. You can pause time while fishing by clicking the on-screen journal button (not shortcut key). Fishing continues with the journal open. Once you hear a bite, close the journal to start reeling in the fish. This allows you to catch nearly 4x the fish in the same time, & hit a high fishing level early on. Edit: you need to have a quest in the journal for the button to show up; complete any quest & not collect the reward to keep it there (thanks u/greymeta) patched in 1.4 (thanks u/LandoChronus).
  5. It's possible to reach reach unreachable fishing spots like this by casting your line at an angle. Press the WASD keys once you start casting & it will move the hook slightly in that direction (thanks u/teibbes). Screenshots (thanks u/Kairuni).

Animals & Ranch

  1. Silos can be reloaded not just by cutting grass, but manually from outside & from within a coop/barn. Hold hay & right-click the silo/indoor dispenser to add it to the silo. This allows you to have less silos on your farm. Put a chest down nearby to hold multiple stacks of hay (much larger capacity than a silo) & just reload it when it gets low. Full tip here.
  2. Hold a piece of hay while petting animals to prevent the mood dialog from coming up & pet all quickly.
  3. You can place machines (e.g. mayo) inside barns/coops.
  4. If an animal is blocking your path inside or sleeping in an inconvenient spot, exit the barn/coop & come back to randomise their positions. Also works with pets in your house.
  5. The hitbox for cows is centered on the bottom of their sprite (makes sense: udders). It's fairly large, but does not cover the top of their sprite. To milk them, aim low, below their hooves. There's no specific order between animals, so if there's one you want to hit, aim away from overlaps (thanks u/rabidcow). On PC, get the Better Ranching mod to make this a lot better.
  6. Hold a tool that doesn't have a right-click action (such as the scythe or copper pan) while picking up eggs to prevent the dialog asking you to eat it from coming up (thanks u/KwinAlexander).
  7. You can use symbols when you name your animals. Use the = key to get a star in the name & + for a smiley face (not sure about the console equivalent).
  8. Further to #4, if a really stubborn animal is in your way, you can move them by clicking on their change/barn coop button & cancelling it out. When the screen closes, they will be in a different location (thanks u/aznanywayz).
  9. As of 1.2.x, you can now choose the colour of the animal you buy from Marnie, mentioned on the "choose a new for your " screen. If you don't get the one you want, cancel & re-roll until you do. Source. Relevant Shane's 8-heart event spoiler: this also applies to blue chickens, so you no longer need to depend on the 25% RNG which converts a regular chicken into a blue one.
  10. You can put hats on your horse (thanks u/fishfeathers).

Mining & Adventuring

  1. A floor in the mines containing tons of mushrooms (see video) spawns on a regular, predictable basis. It's very useful for money, completing bundles, & cooking.
  2. You can reset mine levels by re-entering the mine. I farmed iridium fairly quickly by repeatedly reloading skull cavern level 1.
  3. Get the slime charmer ring faster by killing big slimes in the skull cavern (they split into many tiny slimes, each count as 1 kill).
  4. You can till soil in the mines to find artifacts, cave carrots, clay, & geodes.
  5. You can tell the difference between regular rocks & rock crabs in the mines by glancing at their shadow. No shadow = it's a crab. (note: may not work any more). Bonus: hitting a rock crab with a pick will wake it up & it will attack you, but hitting it with a weapon does not (you get the PING & a 0 damage indicator. A bomb or explosive slingshot ammo will shatter the shell, & it'll run away from you instead. Using the pickaxe from above hits them down, so they don't come at you & do damage right away (thanks u/Caillielf). You can use the pickaxe to pop the shell too, though it takes a few swings (thanks u/Isalan).
  6. You can use eggs as slingshot ammo. Hide behind the bushes & egg people (you know you want to). Edit: you can also load it with ore for combat, & explosive ammo makes a decent combat/mining tool (thanks u/pimhazeveld).
  7. Holding C will allow you to spam weapon swings faster than you can manually click. This can make weapons such as daggers much more effective in combat. Also works with any swing-able tool (e.g. scythe).
  8. You can eat something while a bomb explodes to deny the damage & stop time for a bit (if you time it right). It still causes damage & knocks mobs back (thanks u/Joey0312).
  9. You can till dirt at mines, get items, un-till it using the pickaxe, & repeat to get more items (random each time, may include artifacts). Source (thanks u/Alkaizen). Note: this tip's for educational purposes only; even though this is possible, it's not the most efficient way to mine for artifacts. It's much easier to go to floor 15/55/95 (the layout is the same every 40th floor), till the dirt right by the elevator, leave, & come back. The dirt resets every time you go to the floor. This is much less of a drain on energy & time & is the recommended method (thanks u/Zolge).
  10. You can pick up coal from minecarts.

The Valley, Shops & Gifts

  1. You can buy ice cream in non-summer seasons even when no one's manning the stand! Park your horse behind the counter & instead of getting the message that says no one's working there, you can now buy as much as cream as you like, whenever you like. From your horse. This is one of my favourite tips because it's just so random. Source.
  2. You can plant fruit trees outside the farm. (Patched, thanks u/OldManInternetz). If you planted some before the patch, those will remain.
  3. When a villager's heart meter is full, it will no longer decay over time even if you never talk to them.
  4. Buy items from shops in multiples of 5 by holding Shift while right-clicking. Edit: on console, hold ▢/X (thanks u/wohlstand). On Switch, hold A+Y (thanks u/maniolink).
  5. You can put chests & machines almost anywhere in town (chests at the mine entrance/people's houses, kegs in the tunnel, furnaces/kegs at the quarry, worm bins outside Willy's etc.). Remember to store them away from NPC paths (they trample & destroy anything in their way).
  6. Villagers appreciate the star quality of gifts if they are liked/loved.
  7. Due to the internal re-use of some item IDs, you can use certain wallpapers as stand-ins for some items in the game, including the prismatic shard (e.g. giving Haley a specific wallpaper is equivalent to giving her a coconut). If you have a catalogue, you have an unlimited free supply of some neat items & gifts. See video. Note: video contains an animal & quest spoiler! Edit: patched (thanks u/Chenjiringu & u/chalo1227).
  8. You can forage in the trash bins around town for some decent loot. If someone (except Linus) is within 7 tiles when you do it, they'll disapprove & lose some friendship points (line of sight doesn't matter, forage freely).
  9. Clint's ore quests can't be instantly completed with ore you already held or took out of a chest in a stack straight away. Put the stack in a chest & take it out one by one for it to count (video) Edit: dropping the exact amount & picking it back up works too - if you drop & pick up more than what's required at once, it won't register (source). You'll hear a "ding" (journal says "Talk to Clint."). It doesn't matter what you do with the ore now. You don't need to hold it while talking to him or even have it in your inventory (don't risk gifting it to him & making him depressed). Source (thanks u/justintnelson, u/grand_cheesemonger, u/FutureCode, u/diakked, & u/Raichu7).
  10. When you hear a whistle & get a notification saying "a train is passing through Stardew Valley", head up ASAP to the tracks & catch it go by. You might get lucky as it drops some resources. In winter, the train carries presents (just cosmetic but cute).
  11. If you want cash instantly, you can sell directly to Willy & Pierre instead of waiting for the shipping box overnight. Useful in early game if you want money for same-day planted seeds. Edit: you can also sell mine loot, weapons, & shoes at the Adventurer's Guild (thanks u/Caillielf & u/Lykanth), wood/stone to Robin, & ores/minerals/bars to Clint (thanks u/Fiametta37).
  12. Birthday gifts can be given to a villager at any time, regardless of whether you've already given a villager their 2 gifts for the week. Useful to boost friendship quickly, especially for the spring dance.
  13. You can give everyone a bouquet & see all their heart events without penalties before choosing one to give a pendant to.
  14. Remember that the travelling cart comes on Fridays & Sundays & can be very useful in completing community center bundles (especially for off-season goods).
  15. You can access the lower portion of the (mild spoiler, unlockable area after upgrading axe:) secret forest for some more hardwood. If you ever wondered why the wiki claimed you could get 12, this is why.
  16. Make Pam reach the bus stop faster by blocking her path when she's on the way there. She'll run past you. You can also plant a tree in her path to block her to make it more permanent (see #27).
  17. At the Stardew Valley fair, always bet on green at the wheel. Here's the math from decompiled code.
  18. You can complete the crab pot bundle without ever building a crab pot. Cockles can be foraged at the beach & crabs drop from the rock crabs in the mines.
  19. Once a bachelor or bachelorette is at 8 hearts, you can repeatedly give them more bouquets to quickly raise their hearts to ten in the same day. You don't have to wait another potential 2 weeks to see their 10 heart event. It takes approximately 20 bouquets (thanks u/Cocowife).
  20. When trying to complete a community center bundle, check how many blank squares it has. Some bundles show a large list of items needed, but you only need as many items as there are empty squares; you often don't need everything (thanks u/bagelpizzaman).
  21. You don't need to go to the community center (& each room separately) to check on bundle progress. See it at any time by clicking on the bundles button (thanks u/Trayoos).
  22. If you plan to process geodes & upgrade tools on the same day, process the geodes first as Clint will work on your tool only until it's done (thanks u/Lemerney2).
  23. In your co-op partner's house, you'll find a chest inside with level 1 tools to use. This is helpful early in the game your tool is being upgraded at Clint's. Note that you can't upgrade these tools if you've already upgraded the others. For example, if you take a regular watering can to Clint's to get it upgraded to copper, and you already have a copper watering can, steel is the only available option (thanks u/vegankilljoy).
  24. Unlockable area spoiler: if you can't enter the casino, zoom all the way out to be able to interact with the bouncer & the vendor (thanks u/moonlawliet).
  25. Unlockable area spoiler: you can buy deluxe speed-gro at the Oasis on Thursdays for cheaper than at Pierre's (thanks u/FutureCode & u/eyemahdin).
  26. During fairs & events, always remember to check for interactions everywhere. For e.g. the fall fair has a top area that is easily overlooked, near the water fountain. If you ever wondered why Gus, Elliot, Maru, George, & Evelyn were, that's where they went. You can click the grill to get burgers there!
  27. 1.1 building spoiler: you can bring your horse with you when you use a warp obelisk, so you're not stuck with having to walk. Park your horse right in front of the obelisk. Dismount (be careful where you click, otherwise you'll warp without your horse). Start walking into it until it shakes & you phase into it, so you occupy the same space as the horse. Click the area that covers both the horse & the obelisk, & as you warp, you will jump on to it. As long as your cursor covers both the obelisk & the horse, you'll be transported with it. Source.
  28. You can plant non-fruit trees outside the farm. Pick a spot, use the hoe to dig there, & plant your maple seed/acorn/pine cone there (thanks u/gridbuster).
  29. Unlockable area spoiler: pay back the cost of the 500 g bus ticket to Calico desert easily by foraging. Even the lowest quality coconut goes for 100 g, so pick up a few coconuts/cacti along your way to the skull cavern (better still process those in preserves jars/kegs), & you can make back the money without much effort, besides any good loot you'll pick up in the skull cavern as well.
  30. To rearrange the museum exhibit, you'll need to have something to donate (to access that screen). If you give your last item to complete the collection & have nothing left to donate, you'll get stuck with that layout, so make sure you set up everything beforehand. PC players can get around this by using the museum rearranger mod which allows you to change the layout at any time.
  31. Unlockable area spoiler: Calico spin at the Casino is the best/only way to make the Qi coins you need to buy everything, & it follows a pattern which can be exploited. Video tutorial (thanks u/KippDynamite). Illustrated tutorial (thanks u/Joey0312). pattern exploit patched in 1.5, but now the game favours the player and is greatly affected by luck (thanks u/Piececrafter).
  32. 1.1 quest spoiler: in the witch quest, you have to get past the goblin henchman by giving him void mayonnaise, which is easily obtained by fishing in the swamp right there. The first item you'll catch is void mayo. If you put a chest there & stash it, you can fish another one, stash it & repeat ad infinitum (you get it about 25% of the time). Source (thanks u/Myrandall & u/Nuderval).
  33. Remember that you can regenerate health & energy at the spa by standing still in the pool. While you're there, you can enter the opposite gender's locker room, even though it says you're not allowed in. At the pool, push up at the stairs continuously while spamming the button to dismiss the notification & you'll get through (thanks u/Skinn_Bones). Source.
  34. On the 28th of any season, go to the bush in the little alcove north of the swings/slide in town & click on it at exactly 12:00 pm to get a secret gift! Furniture item: Junimo plush..
  35. Standing at the edge of the map & swinging your tool will allow you to creep forward & escape the map, to do some cool things. Video & source.
  36. The map-escape trick in #34 can also be exploited to get infinite health & energy at the spa. Video & source.
  37. You can force the quality of spring onions to be gold only (especially helpful in early game). Fill up your backpack completely, with a gold quality spring onion in 1 slot (no other type of spring onion in your pack). When you click on a spring onion to pick it up, it will spawn as one of the 3 or 4 qualities. Since different qualities occupy different slots, any time a non-gold quality is spawned, it won't let you pick it up since there's no space. Keep clicking until a gold is spawned, whereupon it will be added to the stack in your pack. The quality also affects how much people like them as gifts. Video & source.
  38. Don't waste resources making chests for community center quest items. You can lock them into the slot as you get them (note multiples need the exact number). That way you don't have to keep track of what you have (thanks u/lolcrunchy).
  39. You can get Mayor Lewis' shorts without befriending Marnie (thanks u/Ryandw2).
  40. Unlockable area spoiler: buy Qi coins easily by holding right-click on the coin machine & spamming Y on the keyboard (thanks u/deadline_wooshing_by).

Player, House & Skills

  1. Stay up past 2 am by clicking on the on-screen journal icon (not shortcut key, as with Fishing #4) once you see the pass-out animation begin. You get a short time to get to bed safely before the animation is triggered again (this is repeatable). You still get an energy penalty the next day, but it's better than losing money early in the game. (patched, thanks u/vegankilljoy).
  2. If a pet/villager is blocking your path, keep walking into them. They vibrate at first, & after a moment, allow you to phase through.
  3. Cooking ingredients are pulled from both your inventory & the fridge. I used to put cooked food in the fridge before I realised this. Edit: inventory items are pulled before the fridge (thanks u/Pellantana).
  4. Don't store your legendary fish in the fridge. You might make legendary sashimi by accident. It tastes of regret, & a reloaded day.
  5. Sashimi recipe + crab pots = easy energy. If you have fish that isn't very valuable, make it more profitable by turning it into sashimi. Useful if you have a lot of crab pots.
  6. Foods that give you speed buffs stack with coffee, & the horse. Wiki.
  7. You can place objects on top of & under furniture, even furniture on furniture (e.g. artifacts & decorations on tables, torches underneath tables, & chairs on top of tables). Place a torch behind the Tree of the Winter Star to give it a nice glow.
  8. Rotate furniture with right-click before placing it.
  9. You can hide chests behind bookcases & under tables. Place the chest in the same spot & you can make functional furniture while saving space in the house. To move a hidden chest, pick up the furniture first to get to it. Source.
  10. You can place paths inside the house.
  11. Turn on "always show tool hit location" in settings to better see where tools will hit.
  12. Controller players: do you often find actions taking place outside the spot you're facing? Are you watering a random tile behind/around you instead of the one in front? This happens because your cursor location interferes with where you're facing. The quickest correction is to hit Y/equivalent to bring up your menu/backpack & dismiss it again. This resets your tool hit to the spot you're facing. I made a gif to demo this.
  13. If you randomly/accidentally click things, you might use a tool which costs energy even if it doesn't accomplish anything. Equip a weapon or the scythe instead, which costs nothing to swing.
  14. Hover the cursor over the energy & health bars to see the exact numbers of how much you have & use.
  15. If you lose your scythe (e.g. after passing out in the mines), & can't find it anywhere, you will likely find it in the fridge.
  16. You can change the pitch of flute & drum blocks by right-clicking them. Here's a creative example!
  17. When selecting items from the inventory/chest, you can Shift-click a stack to halve it. Useful if you want to redistribute resources, split stacks, or to get to a certain number quickly (e.g. if you want ~300 wood, halve a 400 stack, drop it in your inventory, & halve the source again for another 100) (thanks u/Ihateleeks).
  18. Some objects, such as campfires, can be placed both inside & outside the house/sheds.
  19. As of 1.2.x, you can use the Del key to trash items in your inventory. You no longer need to drag them into the trash can. Just select the item & press Del.
  20. As of 1.2.x, you can use LB/RB (Xbox controller, tested on PC) to scroll through your three inventory rows, so you have a full new hotbar accessible with the controller without needing to open up the inventory screen (thanks u/fearofthesky). Source. If you are on PC, Rotate Toolbar does the same for KB/M.
  21. Just as you can use Shift to buy items in batches of 5, you can hold Shift while clicking on an item to craft it in batches of 5 instead of 1. Useful for items you usually want to craft a lot of at once, such as fencing (thanks u/spambreakfast).
  22. Remember to have free space in your inventory while picking up presents in the mail from your neighbours. If you don't (or otherwise ESC the screen before collecting it) you'll lose the mail (thanks u/pikaababe).
  23. Jack-O-Lanterns on display will turn to mush on the night the season changes from fall to winter. Protect them by keeping them in a chest/inventory (thanks u/Blu-Cup64).
  24. By using item numbers instead of names you can spawn any item in the game, no mods required.
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Gold Edition = 18 refined Gunpoint = 30 refined Guns of Icarus Online = 10 refined Hack 'n' Slash = 22 refined Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming = 30 refined Half-Life 1 = 2 keys Half-Life 2 = 2 keys Half-Life 2: Episode One = 2 keys Half-Life 2: Episode Two = 1 key, 30 refined Half-Life: Opposing Force = 18 refined Hammerwatch = 10 refined Heavy Bullets = 10 refined Hero Academy = 10 refined Hero Siege = 5 refined Hitman 2: Silent Assassin = 1 key Hitman: Absolution™ = 2 keys Hitman: Blood Money = 1 key Hitman: Codename 47 = 30 refined Hitman: Contracts = 35 refined Homefront = 6 refined Hotline Miami = 2 keys Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number = 3 keys How to Survive = 22 refined How to Survive - Storm Warning Edition = 22 refined How to Survive 2 = 4 keys Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 = 3 keys Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2: Sisters Generation = 3 keys Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth3 V Generation = 3 keys Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed = 3 keys ibb & obb = 0.22 refined Insurgency = 25 refined Interplanetary = 35 refined Invisible, Inc. = 3 keys It came from space, and ate our brains = 3 refined JAGGED ALLIANCE COLLECTOR'S BUNDLE = 4 keys Jurassic Park: The Game = 18 refined Just Cause = 15 refined Just Cause 2 = 1 key Just Cause™ 3 = 7 keys Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes = 4 keys Kerbal Space Program = 9 keys Kill The Bad Guy = 18 refined Killing Floor = 1 key, 20 refined Killing Floor 2 = 7 keys King Arthur's Gold = 3 refined Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ = 3 keys Kingdoms Rise = 30 refined Krater = 18 refined L.A. Noire = 3 keys L.A. Noire Complete Edition = 3 keys, 10 refined La-Mulana = 30 refined Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light = 30 refined LARA CROFT AND THE TEMPLE OF OSIRIS™ = 30 refined Left 4 Dead = 1 key Left 4 Dead 2 = 3 keys Legend of Grimrock = 30 refined Legend of Grimrock 2 = 30 refined LEGO Batman = 2 keys LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 = 3 keys LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 = 2 keys LEGO Jurassic World = 1 key, 20 refined LEGO® Batman 2 DC Super Heroes™ = 2 keys LEGO® Batman™3: Beyond Gotham = 3 key LEGO® MARVEL Super Heroes = 3 keys LEGO® Star Wars™ - The Complete Saga = 4 keys LEGO® The Hobbit™ = 3 keys LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™ = 4 keys LEGO® Worlds = 3 keys Lethal League = 30 refined Lichdom: Battlemage = 1 key Life is Strange Complete Season = 2 keys LIGHTNING RETURNS™: FINAL FANTASY® XIII = 3 keys LIMBO = 30 refined LISA = 1 key, 30 refined LISA the Joyful = 18 refined Little Racers STREET = 1 refined Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut = 30 refined Lost Planet® 2 = 3 keys LOST PLANET® 3 = 30 refined Lost Planet™: Extreme Condition = 1 key, 30 refined Mad Max = 3 keys Mafia II = 4 keys Mafia III = 7 keys Magicite = 1 key, 30 refined Magicka = 22 refined Magicka 2 = 1 key Majesty 2 = 18 refined Mark of the Ninja = 2 keys Mars: War Logs = 30 refined Mass Effect = 3 keys Mass Effect 2 = 3 keys Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe Edition = 4 keys Mass Effect Collection = 5 keys Max Payne 3 = 3 keys Max Payne 3 Complete = 4 keys Max Payne Complete = 4 keys Medal of Honor: Airborne = 2 keys Medal of Honor™ = 1 key Meltdown = 18 refined Memoria = 24 refined Mercenary Kings = 18 refined METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE = 7 keys METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES = 1 key, 20 refined METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN = 3 keys METAL SLUG = 24 refined METAL SLUG 3 = 45 refined Metal Slug X = 18 refined Metro 2033 Redux = 2 key, 30 refined Metro: Last Light Redux = 3 keys Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition = 7 keys Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition = 2 key, 30 refined Minimum = 6 refined Minion Masters = 0.66 refined Mirror's Edge™ = 1 key Miscreated = 1 key, 30 refined Monaco = 30 refined Monday Night Combat = 6 refined Monkey Island: Special Edition Bundle = 1 key Monkey Island™ 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge™ = 24 refined Monster Loves You! = 6 refined Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition = 1 key, 30 refined Mortal Kombat X = 7 keys Mother Russia Bleeds = 30 refined Mount & Blade = 30 refined Mount & Blade Full Collection = 6 keys Mount & Blade: Warband = 1 key, 30 refined Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword = 1 key, 30 refined Mount Your Friends = 30 refined Move or Die = 2 keys Murder Miners = 2 refined Murdered: Soul Suspect = 1 key, 30 refined Napoleon: Total War™ = 3 keys Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst = 3 keys Nation Red = 5 refined Natural Selection 2 = 30 refined Need for Speed Undercover = 4 keys Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit = 3 keys Need for Speed: Shift = 3 keys Nether = 40 refined Nidhogg = 2 keys Nuclear Dawn = 3 refined Nuclear Throne = 2 keys OBEY = 1 keys Octodad: Dadliest Catch = 1 keys Omerta - City of Gangsters = 18 refined Orcs Must Die 2 - Complete Pack = 4 keys Orcs Must Die! 2 = 1 key, 30 refined Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition = 3 keys, 25 refined ORION: Prelude = 1 refined Osmos = 18 refined Out of Reach = 24 refined Outland = 30 refined Outlast = 1 key 20 refined Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf = 3 refined Overlord II = 18 refined Overlord™ = 18 refined PAINKILLER COMPLETE PACK = 2 keys Painkiller Hell and Damnation = 30 refined PAYDAY 2 (not Ultimate!) = 3 keys PAYDAY 2: Armored Transport = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Biker Character Pack = 22 refined PAYDAY 2: Clover Character Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Dragan Character Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Gage Assault Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Gage Chivalry Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Gage Historical Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Gage Mod Courier = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Gage Ninja Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Gage Shotgun Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Gage Sniper Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #01 = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Gage Weapon Pack #02 = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Hotline Miami = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Sokol Character Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Sydney Character Pack = 22 refined PAYDAY 2: The Alesso Heist = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: The Big Bank Heist = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: The Bomb Heists = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: The Butcher's BBQ Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: The Butcher's Western Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: The Diamond Heist = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: The Goat Simulator Heist = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: The Golden Grin Casino Heist = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: The OVERKILL Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY 2: Yakuza Character Pack = 18 refined PAYDAY The Heist = 1 key Penumbra Collectors Pack = 30 refined Pixel Piracy = 1 key, 25 refined Plague Inc: Evolved = 3 keys Plants vs. Zombies GOTY Edition = 30 refined Poker Night 2 = 2 keys Poker Night at the Inventory = 1 key Polarity = 3 refined Port Royale 3 = 30 refined Portal = 1 key, 30 refined Portal 2 = 4 keys Postal 2 = 22 refined Primal Carnage: Extinction = 30 refined Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands™ = 1 key, 25 refined Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones™ = 1 key Prince of Persia: Warrior Within™ = 1 key Prince of Persia® = 1 key Prince of Persia®: The Sands of Time = 1 key Prison Architect = 5 keys Project Zomboid = 4 keys Prototype 2 = 5 keys Prototype™ = 4 keys Psychonauts = 1 key QUAKE = 18 refined Quake 4 = 30 refined Quake Collection = 3 keys QUAKE II = 18 refined Quake III Arena = 2 keys QUAKE III Arena + Team Arena = 3 keys Quake Live = 1 key, 20 refined RAGE = 2 keys, 20 refined Rampage Knights = 30 refined Ratz Instagib = 10 refined Rayman® Legends = 5 keys Rayman® Origins = 3 keys Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale = 4 keys Red Faction = 18 refined Red Faction Complete Collection = 1 key, 20 refined Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition = 24 refined Red Faction®: Armageddon™ = 18 refined Reign Of Kings = 30 refined Remember Me = 1 key, 20 refined Resident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTER = 3 keys Resident Evil 0 / biohazard 0 HD REMASTER = 4 keys Resident Evil 4 = 2 keys Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6 = 3 keys Resident Evil Revelations / Biohazard Revelations = 1 key Resident Evil Revelations 2 / Biohazard Revelations 2 = 24 refined Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City = 2 keys Resident Evil™ 5/ Biohazard 5® = 2 keys Reus = 18 refined Rise of Nations: Extended Edition = 30 refined Rise of the Tomb Raider™ = 8 keys Risen 3 - Complete Edition = 2 keys Risen 3 - Titan Lords = 1 key Rising Storm Game of the Year Edition = 3 keys Risk of Rain = 2 keys Risk of Rain 2 = 1 key, 30 refined Rocket League = 5 keys Rogue Stormers = 30 refined RollerCoaster Tycoon® 3: Platinum = 6 keys Rome: Total War™ - Collection = 1 key, 25 refined Rooks Keep = 18 refined RUNNING WITH RIFLES = 2 keys RUSH = 6 refined Rust = 7 keys Ryse: Son of Rome = 1 key, 25 refined S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat = 4 keys S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky = 2 keys S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl = 3 keys Saints Row 2 = 2 keys, Saints Row IV = 2 keys Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition = 3 key Saints Row: Gat out of Hell = 1 key Saints Row: The Third = 30 refined Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package = 3 keys Sanctum = 6 refined Sanctum 2 = 24 refined Savage Lands = 10 refined Screencheat = 18 refined Scribblenauts Unlimited = 4 keys Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure = 3 keys Secret Ponchos = 1 key See No Evil = 3 refined Serious Sam 3 BFE Gold = 5 keys Serious Sam 3: BFE = 2 keys Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter = 2 keys Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter = 2 keys Shadow Warrior = 1 key Shadowrun Returns = 18 refined Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut = 24 refined Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition = 22 refined Shark Attack Deathmatch 2 = 3 refined ShellShock Live = 30 refined ShootMania Storm = 30 refined Shovel Knight = 5 keys Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition = 2 keys Sid Meier's Civilization V = 3 keys Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World = 3 keys Sid Meier's Civilization V: Gods and Kings = 1 key Sid Meier's Civilization®: Beyond Earth™ = 4 keys Sid Meier's Starships and Civilization: Beyond Earth = 6 keys Silent Hill: Homecoming = 1 key, 20 refined SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition = 1 key, 20 refined Singularity™ = 2 keys Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion = 1 key Sir, You Are Being Hunted = 30 refined Skullgirls = 40 refined Skulls of the Shogun = 18 refined Sleeping Dogs™ = 3 keys Sneaky Sneaky = 3 refined Sniper Elite 3 = 7 keys Sniper Elite: Zombie Army = 1 key Sniper Elite: Zombie Army 2 = 1 key SOMA = 4 keys Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed = 30 refined South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ = 4 keys Space Hulk = 24 refined Spacebase DF-9 = 18 refined Spec Ops: The Line = 1 key, 10 refined SpeedRunners = 1 key, 10 refined Spelunky = 2 key, 10 refined SPORE = 4 keys Squishy the Suicidal Pig = 6 refined Star Saviors = 1 refined Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast = 2 keys STAR WARS™ - Knights of the Old Republic™ = 2 keys STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II = 2 keys STAR WARS™ Empire at War - Gold Pack = 3 keys STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™ = 2 keys Starbound = 5 keys Stardew Valley = 6 keys StarMade = 30 refined State of Decay = 7 keys Street Fighter V = 2 keys Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition = 2 keys Street Fighter X Tekken = 1 key, 20 refined Strike Vector = 6 refined Stronghold 3 - Gold = 30 refined Stronghold Crusader 2 = 35 refined Styx: Master of Shadows = 2 keys, 35 refined Subnautica = 5 keys Super Hexagon = 6 refined Super Meat Boy = 1 key SUPERHOT = 6 keys Surgeon Simulator 2013 = 2 keys Surgeon Simulator: Anniversary Edition = 2 keys System Shock 2 = 24 refined Tabletop Simulator = 3 keys Tales from the Borderlands = 4 keys Tales of Maj'Eyal = 15 refined Terraria = 2 keys TerraTech = 3 keys The Banner Saga = 2 keys The Binding of Isaac = 2 keys The Binding of Isaac Collection = 1 key The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth = 4 keys The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth = 5 keys The Book of Unwritten Tales = 24 refined The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles = 30 refined The Cave = 1 key The Daedalic Armageddon Bundle = 2 keys The Darkness II = 30 refined The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition = 3 keys The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Editio = 3 keys The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe = 5 keys The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim = 5 keys The Elder Scrolls® Online: Tamriel Unlimited™ = 5 keys The Escapists = 3 keys The Escapists + The Escapists: The Walking Dead Deluxe = 4 keys The Evil Within = 4 keys The First Templar - Steam Special Edition = 10 refined The Forest = 4 keys The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing = 30 refined The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II = 20 refined The Isle = 4 keys The King Of Fighters XIII = 1 key, 20 refined The Last Remnant™ = 2 keys, 15 refined The LEGO® Movie - Videogame = 3 keys The Long Dark = 6 keys The Night of the Rabbit = 18 refined The Orange Box = 4 keys The Red Solstice = 30 refined The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition = 24 refined The Sims 3 - Into the Future = 3 keys The Sims 3 - Movie Stuff = 1 key The Sims 3 70's, 80's and 90's = 1 key The Sims 3: Diesel Stuff = 1 key The Sims 3: Island Paradise = 6 keys The Sims 3: Seasons = 3 keys The Sims 3: Supernatural = 6 keys The Sims 3: University Life = 6 keys The Sims™ 3 = 6 keys The Sims™ 3 Ambitions = 6 keys The Sims™ 3 Fast Lane Stuff = 1 key The Sims™ 3 Generations = 5 keys The Sims™ 3 High-End Loft Stuff = 1 key The Sims™ 3 Late Night = 6 keys The Sims™ 3 Master Suite Stuff = 1 key The Sims™ 3 Outdoor Living Stuff = 1 key The Sims™ 3 Pets = 6 keys The Sims™ 3 Showtime = 6 keys The Sims™ 3 Town Life Stuff = 1 key The Sims™ 3 World Adventures = 6 keys The Solus Project = 4 keys The Stanley Parable = 3 keys The Talos Principle = 4 keys The Vanishing of Ethan Carter = 1 key The Walking Dead = 3 keys The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries = 4 keys The Walking Dead: Season 2 = 6 keys The Whispered World Special Edition = 10 refined The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition = 1 key The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt = 11 keys The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut = 2 keys They Bleed Pixels = 15 refined Thief = 3 keys Thief: Deadly Shadows = 30 refined Thief™ Gold = 30 refined Thief™ II: The Metal Age = 30 refined This War of Mine = 1 key Tiny Brains = 18 refined Titan Souls = 30 refined Toki Tori = 1 refined Toki Tori 2+ = 22 refined Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege = 8 keys Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas = 30 refined Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 = 2 keys Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist Standard Edition = 6 keys Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory® = 1 key Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction = 3 keys Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent® = 1 key Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Elite Echelon Edition = 6 keys Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® = 30 refined Tomb Raider = 1 key Tomb Raider: Anniversary = 6 refined Tomb Raider: Legend = 1 key Tomb Raider: Underworld = 1 key Torchlight = 30 refined Torchlight II = 2 keys Total War: ATTILA = 7 keys Total War: EMPIRE - Definitive Edition = 4 keys Total War: NAPOLEON - Definitive Edition = 2 keys Total War: SHOGUN 2 = 4 keys Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai = 3 keys Total War™: ROME II - Emperor Edition = 10 keys Tower Wars = 18 refined TrackMania² Canyon = 2 keys TrackMania² Stadium = 1 key TrackMania² Valley = 2 keys Transistor = 3 keys Trapped Dead: Lockdown = 6 refined Tree of Life = 30 refined Trine 2 = 1 key, 25 refined TRISTOY = 15 refined Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle = 18 refined Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition = 6 refined Tropico 5 = 1 key, 10 refined Tropico Reloaded = 18 refined Ultimate Chicken Horse = 2 keys Undertale = 3 keys Unreal Deal Pack = 3 keys Unreal Tournament 2004 = 30 refined Unreal Tournament 3 Black = 1 key, 30 refined Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition = 30 refined Unturned - Permanent Gold Upgrade = 1 key, 30 refined Upgrade Red Orchestra 2 Standard to Deluxe = 30 refined Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines = 4 keys Verdun = 1 key, 20 refined Vertiginous Golf = 10 refined Victor Vran ARPG = 1 key, 15 refined Victoria II = 18 refined Viking: Battle for Asgard = 18 refined Vikings - Wolves of Midgard = 30 refined Viscera Cleanup Detail = 4 keys Vlad the Impaler = 3 refined VVVVVV = 30 refined Wanderlust: Rebirth = 3 refined Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Grand Master Collection = 9 keys Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Master Collection = 3 keys Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution = 3 keys Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine = 3 keys Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Collection = 6 keys Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® II Chaos Rising = 2 keys Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® II = 1 key Warlock - Master of the Arcane = 32 refined Watch_Dogs Complete = 5 keys Watch_Dogs® 2 = 4 keys Watch_Dogs™ = 3 keys White Noise Online = 3 refined Wickland = 3 refined World Of Diving = 1 key, 15 refined World of Goo = 6 refined Worms Armageddon = 1 key, 20 refined Worms Clan Wars = 30 refined Worms Reloaded = 30 refined Worms Revolution = 30 refined Worms Ultimate Mayhem = 1 key Wyv and Keep: The Temple of the Lost Idol = 18 refined XCOM: Enemy Unknown = 1 key XCOM: ENEMY UNKNOWN + THE BUREAU: XCOM DECLASSIFIED = 2 keys XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack = 3 keys Ys I & II Chronicles+ = 30 refined Ys Origin = 1 key Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim = 30 refined Ys: The Oath in Felghana = 30 refined Zeno Clash 2 = 18 refined Zigguratn = 30 refined Zombie Army Trilogy = 3 keys
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The Mysterious Qi - Secret Quest & Casino  Stardew Valley ... CASINO-QUEST! 🌲 Stardew Valley CO-OP #21 - YouTube Stardew Valley: Mysterious Mr Qi Quest Walkthrough - YouTube Stardew Valley - Unlocking the Casino - YouTube UNLOCKING THE CASINO - STARDEW VALLEY - YouTube Qi Coins Trick! Cheating The Casino! - Stardew Valley ...

After you complete all your tasks for the Mysterious Qi quest-line, you should have gotten a “club card.” This is used to unlock the other part of the Oasis building. This new area is called the casino, and has a few unique rewards, including one of the rarecrows. The way the casino works is similar to the Stardew valley fair, but more risky. Casino Quest Stardew Valley wait until you see the confirmation page, and do not click back or refresh on your browser. $25 No Deposit + 225% Welcome BonusT&C's apply Red Dog Casino accepts Aussies and features many Slots/Pokies, Live Dealer Games, Good Bonuses and Quick Payouts 98%. After you complete all your tasks for the Mysterious Qi quest-line, you should have gotten a "club card." This is used to unlock the other part of the Oasis building. This new area is called the casino, and has a few unique rewards, including one of the rarecrows. The way the casino works is similar to the Stardew valley fair, but more risky. There you have it. A simple guide to accessing the Casino in Stardew Valley. Optional: Completing Qi’s Challenge. As pointed out in the comments, a few steps here were included that are not necessary. I have included them below if you want to complete the side mission Qi’s Challenge. 1.Clear All 120 Levels of the Stardew Mine. New Stardew Casino Quest and regular casino players might have noticed how there’s been an increase in the number of online casino websites. All these websites have different services and games, but have one thing in common – they all offer players with different types of casino bonuses. Maximum Cap on Withdrawals. All no deposit bonuses come with a maximum cap on the Casino Quest Stardew Valley withdrawable amount from your total winnings; the rest is forfeited. Casinos incorporate this clause to ensure they do not end up paying out huge wins for a bonus that they didn’t take a deposit on. Stardew Valley Casino Quest requirements when determining if a brand is worthy of inclusion in our guide. While our vetting process is very in-depth, the following summarized elements Stardew Valley Casino Quest make up the foundation of what we – and Stardew Valley Casino Quest you! – Stardew Valley Casino Quest should always insist upon in a reputable USA online casino site: The Casino is located in the Calico Desert accessed through the back door of the Oasis.Access is initially blocked by the Bouncer until "The Mysterious Qi" quest is completed.. Mr. Qi is constantly present in the room. To his right is a machine to exchange gold for Qi coins, at a rate of 1,000g per 100, or 10g:1q value.Qi coins are used for both gambling and purchasing items inside the Casino Quests are set objectives that provide rewards when completed. They're kept track of in the quest journal, which can be brought up by clicking the exclamation point icon at the bottom of the date/time display in the upper right of the screen, or by using the hotkey F. Quests are listed in the journal by title, and each quest can be expanded to read the text and requirements for completion. Stardew valley Casino quest Hoher Bonus [1/2021] Mr. Qi - Quest stardew - Stardew Valley StardewValley - Reddit. blocked by the Bouncer bouncer will move Stardew This Club Card will Calico Desert and "give" To access it, you coffee was level 90 Games and Play Online the Qi quest requires located in the Calico take a Solar Essence · "Give the Sand ash crew Stardew valley Sandy's The Casino is

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The Mysterious Qi - Secret Quest & Casino Stardew Valley ...

Simply, bet 10 coins until you win, bet 10 again, then 100. Do this repeatedly until you're rich! You will likely need an initial investment of 20-30k gold t... Glitchiee takes viewers through the steps needed to complete the Mysterious Mr. Qi questline in Stardew Valley. The Casino is located in Calico Desert accessed through the back door of Oasis. Access is initially blocked by the Bouncer until the quest "The Mysterious Qi... Aufnehmer: Lena- WinterCrew ist eine junge Newbie-LetsPlay-Crew, welche sich nach und nach in die LetsPlay-Welt verirrt Mitglieder dieser Crew findet ihr al... 🐧 SUBSCRIBE! - A quick guide on how to get access to the Casino in Stardew Valley--- The Mysterious Qi---0:31 - To begin the Qi story... ENGLISH TRANSLATET VIDEO: 1: Get a Battery and go to ...

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