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The Call from the Deep

I held up my boarding pass and walked through the gate. My wife, Harper, was right ahead of me, and we both were so loaded with bags and suitcases that we could barely fit between the doorways. Our 10th anniversary was in a couple of days. We both had come into agreement that there was no better way to celebrate than to go on an all-expense-paid cruise to Hawaii.
As we made it up to the deck, we marveled at all the entertainment. There was a band playing to greet us. Pools, water slides, mini-golf, a drive-in sized screen that was displaying boarding information, bars, and restaurants, and that was just what we could see while walking in! This was definitely the right choice for our anniversary vacation. I couldn’t wait to get these bags unloaded and start to enjoy ourselves.
We went into the doors that led to the cabins. There was another beautiful bar down below us. There was a sports bar to the left showing the games on different screens and a small library to our right. Before we made it to the cabins, there was a coffee bar that served specialty coffees and desserts. If religion has it right, I hope that heaven is something like this. You couldn’t walk through a door anywhere without finding something exciting.
Once we made it to our cabin, we dropped all our bags and looked at each other with stars in our eyes. I pulled my wife close for a kiss and then kept my arms around her. I asked eagerly about how we should begin.
“Well, what should we do first? The casino? The arcade?”
She smirked before replying.
“Such a man, don’t forget about the fine dining at 6, followed by the show at the Theatre.”
I drew back and acted faux offended.
“Are you insinuating that I have no culture? I made our reservations before we even boarded, don’t worry. Dinner isn’t for a long time though, how about we go get some of those tacos and a coffee to get ourselves going.”
“Now you’re speaking my language.” She replied with a grin.
“Let’s unpack later. I am starving, and I think that coffee bar right there makes caramel macchiatos.”
Her eyes lit up yet again as I grabbed her hand, and we rushed towards the door. The coffee bar did have macchiatos, which I got with an extra shot of espresso. She ordered a frozen drink that was more sweetness than coffee, and we made our way back onto the deck where the tacos awaited.
The weather was beautiful. It was Fall time, and the sun was just warm enough to be inviting, accompanied by the blissful breeze that blew along the top of the deck. As we drew near to Tito’s Taco Shop, we heard the captain coming through the loudspeakers announcing takeoff. He reminded us about the mandatory safety meeting in a couple of hours and then wished us to have a great time aboard the ship.
It was still strange to be in large groups of people without wearing a mask. The pandemic was finally eradicated once the vaccines were distributed. The cruise and tourism industries were hit hard, as were many others. It seemed that people were at last willing to come back out again, and there was no shortage of cruise-goers ready for a trip to the islands.
I had my phone out and was looking up things to do in Honolulu for the days that we were in port. Scuba diving was a must. I had heard that sometimes you could see sharks or even hold an octopus on your hand if you got lucky enough. I wanted to do some hiking near the volcanoes if we had time. All the spam was going to be strange, but as much as they cook with it, I bet they were able to make it taste like a delicacy.
They were in the process of building a new aquarium. It looked like it was going to be a huge one. Sadly, it did not look like it would be done in time for us to check it out. The black sands beach looked incredible, though. Instead of sand, it said that the whole beach was covered in smooth black lava rocks. We would definitely have to make a stop there.
“Ethan! Do you want salsa on your tacos? Chicken or steak?”
I put my phone away and looked at the meats before responding and did so to the guy who was making them as he finished up my wife’s two glorious looking tacos.
“I’ll take one of both with some of that green salsa. Thank you!”
All the free tacos that you could eat, why couldn’t life always be like that?
“Let’s sit over there by the side, so we can watch the takeoff,” Harper said, before taking a big sip of her frozen coffee.
We took a seat and took in the last sight of land that we would see for about 4 days. Once we arrived, we would tour the different islands, stopping at each port and having a day to explore. There were some people on land waving towards the ship. We joined many others who were near the side waving back. I couldn’t help but feel bad for all of those poor people stuck on the land.
“Bon Voyage to us, I guess.”
I held up my coffee for a cheers, and Harper returned the gesture. Her face was glowing. I couldn’t remember seeing her so happy since the day of our wedding.
“This is really going to be a nice break from reality.” She said as she picked up her taco to take her first bite.
“Yeah, it will. Nothing like this in the world.”
We took our time, enjoying each bite as our view of the coastline became a thing of the past. When we were finished, we looked into each other’s eyes. I reached across the table to hold her hand. She sounded a bit anxious as she spoke.
“It is a lot to take in, isn’t it? There is so much to do that I’m afraid of missing out on something. Where should we go first?”
I squeezed her hand and spoke in a reassuring tone.
“We have plenty of time to take it all in. Let’s just make sure to relax and do whatever makes us happy. It will all work itself out.”
Once we had our fill of gazing into the ocean, we decided that we would head back to the room and get unpacked, while we waited for the safety orientation. The time flew by, and before we knew it, they were calling our section over the loudspeaker.
We arrived with all the other passengers and waited for a moment until the crew member made it so we could begin. They gave us the spiel about the life jackets. They explained how the evacuation process works in case of a problem and let us hear a sample of the siren that would be played if there was an emergency.
I was zoning out and staring out of the window. We were near the bottom of the ship, and you could see the water moving beside us. It put me in a bit of a trance, and I kind of lost myself in it for a moment. I was snapped out of it when I saw something I couldn’t quite comprehend.
It happened pretty fast, and most of the people were looking at the crew member as he spoke. I could have been mistaking, but It looked like a giant tentacle had moved by the window and curled out of sight.
I looked around to see if anyone else had seen what I thought I just saw. There was a teenaged boy who looked excited and shocked. He was tugging at his father’s sleeve and explaining something to him. He seemed to brush him off and looked frustrated at the interruption. Everyone else was paying attention to the speech and had apparently not seen a thing.
Harper noticed how shaken I was and asked me quietly if everything was alright. I shook it off and said I would tell her about it later. We sat through the rest of the orientation. Nothing else went by the window, other than the waves being made by the ship.
As we arrived back on the deck, we were grabbing a drink from the tiki-themed bar. Harper chose one of those blue drinks with the little umbrella on top. After what I had seen, I opted for a straight glass of their best scotch. I had explained my story to her, and she was busy trying to figure out what it could have been that I saw.
“So, you’re sure it was all the way up by the window? Even at that lower level, that must be pretty high up from the water. Maybe it was something that crawled up the side, and it just seemed like it was larger because of forced-perspective?”
I took a big sip of my scotch and shook my head in confusion.
“Yeah, I mean, maybe. I really don’t know.”
She looked as if a light bulb went off in her head, and she shot back a smart remark.
“You’ve been reading a bunch of that H. P. Lovecraft stuff again, haven’t you? I’m sure it wasn’t Cthulhu if that’s what you are thinking.”
I laughed and felt my tension release.
“No, it’s not that. I just thought it was weird, that’s all. Enough about that, let’s figure out what we’re going to do until the formal dinner and play tonight.”
She responded with a grin.
“I seem to remember someone mentioning the arcade and the casino.”
I must have looked like a kid on Christmas morning because she burst out laughing. We finished our drinks and made our way past the large screen that was now cycling through reminders of all the different events that you could attend. Night club, comedy club, it seemed like there was no end to the number of things you could do on this ship.
We walked through the casino that was already bustling with cruise-goers. It looked like a good time. They even had versions of those toy cranes that were set up to pick up huge wads of cash. That might be the next stop, but I had my eyes set on the zombie shooter game with two green guns. The arcade was right past the casino and was full of all kinds of games to keep us entertained.
Not as many people were eager to jump straight for the arcade apparently. Harper and I had the whole place to ourselves. I went to the coin machine to get out some tokens. There was a door that read “Staff Only” right by the machine. I heard a loud slamming noise that caught my attention, even over the music that was playing in the arcade. I leaned in a little and heard a heated conversation on the other side.
“This is so fucked up. I can’t believe that they got loose. They need to tell all of the people!”
“Can you imagine the chaos that would cause? I get where you are coming from, trust me. It’s better this way, though.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right… People would be going crazy.”
The door opened, and I jumped as I was still leaning in to eavesdrop. This must have been apparent to the two kids who walked out because they looked a bit frightened and then hurried right past me. I grabbed the tokens out of the machine and walked over to the machine where my wife was waiting.
“You look like you just saw a ghost or something. Don’t tell me some fish people are walking around on board now.”
I couldn’t even fake a laugh or smile. I explained what I had just heard as I put the coins into the machine and started up the game. She did not seem concerned about the new development.
“They could have been talking about a mechanical issue or something. Try not to worry too much. We deserve to have the time of our lives on this trip. I don’t want you to start to obsess on this and lose sight of why we are here.”
I shrugged at this and answered in a resigned tone.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Worrying isn’t going to fix anything anyway. Could you please start taking out some of these zombies, though? I’m carrying the whole game over here. You have a power-up to use, hit the red button.”
She smacked me with the gun for talking trash, but the mood felt much lighter after that. Before long, we grew tired of the arcade and decided to play a few games at the casino. I have never been the best card player, and she was no better than me. This being the case, we opted for the giant money claw machine.
I swear that both of us grabbed a stack a handful of times each. The claw would never hold its grip, though. Feeling more than a little bit scammed, we decided to blow a bit of time at the slots until we had to go get ready for dinner. As soon as we sat down, the person who went on the money claw right behind us exclaimed loudly as the machine lit up and started to make a loud ringing noise. I looked over to Harper and gestured towards him.
“That seems about right, huh? We pump fifty dollars into that thing, and he walks away with a jackpot after one.”
“Such is life.” She responded as she pumped some tokens into the slot machine.
I couldn’t help but hear two guys on some machines behind us, as they were beginning to get a bit rowdy with each other.
“You tryin’ to say I don’t know what I saw man?”
His friend responded quickly.
“No, no, no, man. I’m not trying to say you’re seeing things or whatever else. I’m just saying that it’s crazy. There is no way it can be right!”
After this, the first man shot up out of his seat, knocking over his stool as he did. This caused quite the scene, and many people were starting to gaze in the direction now.
“Yeah, that’s alright. You think whatever the hell you want. I’m gonna go find someone to talk to about it right now!”
He stormed off, leaving his friend looking a bit shell-shocked and embarrassed. Harper looked toward me, and as if reading her mind, I pushed my seat back away from the machine.
“Yeah, let’s get out of here. We need to get ready for dinner.”
She raised her eyebrows in surprise at what we had just witnessed and responded.
“Sounds good to me. I haven’t won anything anyway. Let’s go.”
I looked back towards the guy’s friend, who he left standing there. After considering it for a moment, I leaned in towards my wife.
“You go ahead, I’ll catch up with you in just a second.”
She looked a bit frustrated but did not fight it.
“Hurry up, I want to make sure we get a good seat. It’s going to take us a while to get ready.”
She kissed me on the cheek and took off towards the deck, which led over towards the cabins. I walked up towards the man who was about to walk off before I caught his attention.
“Excuse me, sir? I overheard you and your friend. What was it that he thinks he saw?”
He looked at me warily. It was clear that he really didn’t want to discuss the matter.
“Look, he’s usually not like that, you know? I don’t know what’s gotten into him, honestly.”
I shook my head. He obviously didn’t understand why I was asking.
“No, I saw something strange as well. I’m not trying to say your friend is going crazy at all. I was just wondering what it is that he was saying he saw.”
This seemed to unnerve him more than help calm his nerves. He looked around to make sure nobody was listening in.
“Man, he was saying that he saw a giant fucking octopus, bro. Like, 30 feet long or so is how he was describing it. It’s ridiculous, there is no way they would allow something like that on one of these ships.”
My heart dropped all the way to my feet. I covered my mouth, and I think he could tell by my reaction that what he said had rocked me to the core. I stammered and managed a weak reply as horror rushed through my body.
“I..I… On the boat??”
He nodded and looked at me with the same type of concern he had been showing to his friend. My face must have been as white as a sheet at this point.
I took off out of the door, in a huge rush to catch up with Harper. I was looking around in a panic, my heart racing and ready to beat right out of my chest. I was about to just take off to the room when I heard Harper’s voice.
“Ethan! Over here, I grabbed some hot tea.”
I saw her over by the edge of the deck, waving me over. I ran up to her and could hardly focus.
“I thought you needed something to help you relax, and it looks like I was right. What are you freaking out about right now?”
I tried to collect my thoughts and was going to respond when she pointed behind me and cut me off.
“Hey, isn’t that the guy that was just going nuts in the casino?”
I turned around, and the man was being dragged towards a door that was marked “Employees Only”. Two larger deckhands were pulling him that way, each with a tight grip on one of his arms. He was fighting hard to try and break their hold and calling out for help. As they made it through the door with the man, I grabbed Harper by the shoulders and looked into her eyes.
“We have to go. Let’s get to the room, I don’t want to explain out here.”
She nodded, and we made our way towards the cabins. Once we were in our own cabin, she put down the hot teas on our dresser and walked right up to me with an exasperated look on her face.
“Babe, what in the heck is going on right now? This isn’t about the freaking tentacle that you saw out the window, is it?”
I looked shiftily around the room and towards our view of the ocean.
“Yes… I mean, no… Well, not really, anyway.”
“You have got to calm down. Just take a deep breath and explain.”
I did as she suggested and took a long deep breath to collect my thoughts. I told her about what the guy’s friend had said back at the casino. She made the connection between this and the man being dragged off the deck against his will. I also explained what I heard from the crew members when we were at the arcade. I could tell she was beginning to take what I was saying seriously.
I looked off into a corner as I made a connection. It seemed like a bit of a stretch to me, but it was the only thing I could think of. I know that she wouldn’t judge me at this point if it sounded a bit outlandish. After thinking it over for a moment, I decided to tell her what I was thinking.
“When I was looking for things to do in Honolulu earlier, there was an advertisement for a new aquarium that was coming soon. One of the main attractions was that they were going to have a bunch of Giant Pacific Octopi.
I didn’t think about it until now, but what if that is what is on this ship? Let me google it really quick, I had never heard of that type of octopus, so I didn’t think much of it.”
I got the search pulled up and nodded in a cold understanding before continuing.
“This is exactly what that guy was describing. I don’t know why they would use a cruise ship to deliver something like that. It’s the only thing that makes any sense right now, though.”
Harper was looking at the google search thoughtfully and responded.
“I mean, I guess that these were two of the hardest-hit economies during the pandemic, tourism, and cruise ships. It makes some kind of twisted sense that they would come together to try and help each other out. Octopi are known to be very mischievous, even when they aren’t the size of a freaking semi-trailer.”
She made a good point. Nothing had really made sense for a few years now with how crazy the world had been. This made as much sense as anything else when it was put into perspective. I just shook my head in amazement and looked towards her.
“Well, what do we do from here?”
“I know this is crazy, but I’m sure they will have a handle on those things. They would not have arranged to have them on board and not prepared for the possibility that they could escape.
I say we get ready and go to dinner as we had planned. We don’t want to spend our whole 10th-anniversary cruise holed-up in the cabin. Even if all this crazy guesswork is correct, and that is what the guy from the casino saw, I’m sure that they have everything under control.”
I pressed my fingers against my eyes and tried to wrap my mind around everything. I may have been scared out of my mind, but she was right. Our best bet was to hope that it was all under control and at least try to enjoy our time on the ship. This was not going to happen again anytime soon, if ever.
“Yeah. Let’s do that, I agree. Let’s just get dressed and try to have a good time. I’m sure if it was too bad, everyone would be on lockdown or something.”
She brightened up a bit with my saying this. We both went into our luggage and began to start the process of getting changed into our formal dining attire. Before long, I was tying the knot in my tie, and she was putting the final touches on her hair. I walked up behind her in the mirror and held her by the shoulders.
“You look incredible. Let’s go and have the time of our lives.”
She gave me a big smile, and I pulled her in for a kiss. I backed up and held out my arm towards her. As she grabbed onto it, we made our way for the door.
The formal dining room was the most luxurious area on the ship by far. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling. There were large wine racks along many of the walls, and the entire dining room was walled in by the most beautiful windows that I had ever seen. There was an ornate window on the ceiling as well. It was just beginning to get dark, and I was sure that soon we would be able to see the stars all across the sky.
The waiter walked up and asked what we would like to drink. He was dressed in a black vest with a bow tie and a white shirt. I told him that we would take a bottle of wine that he recommended. I also asked him to give me a recommendation for my meal. Once Harper heard his suggestion of parmesan encrusted lamb with asparagus, she decided that she would follow suit.
He brought out some bread with olive oil as a complimentary appetizer to go with our wine. As he poured our first glasses and set the bottle down, I grabbed my glass of wine and held it up toward my beautiful wife. She looked every bit as lovely as the day of our wedding, and I was flooded with a flurry of emotions as I said my toast.
“Here is to 10 amazing years. Every one of them has been an adventure, and I look forward to every year that I’ll be lucky enough to spend with you as we continue that adventure.”
She smiled and blushed ever so slightly as she reached her glass to clink off of mine. We both took a sip, and she responded in a relieved manner.
“That’s the spirit, it is starting to actually feel like a relaxing vacation.”
“Hey, that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? It’s so nice to have a break from work, housework, and all the monotony of the day-to-day. We make a pretty good team through all of that drudgery, though. Don’t you think?”
Suddenly, I saw the smile get wiped from her face. The look that crept onto her face was one of sheer terror. Her glass of wine had been in her hand. When her face went from delight to horror, she tossed it on the ground with a crash. A scream came from deep within her, which was blood-curdling and intimated that absolute ruin was imminent.
I turned toward the spot that she was staring at. I understood all at once the doom that awaited all of us in the dining room. A giant octopus came crashing through the windows near the entrance where we all had arrived, knocking over the many racks of wine as it came and turning the floor as red as blood. Seemingly at the same time, another came from the side closest to the ocean and blocked the only other way out of the dining room into the kitchen.
I grabbed Harper’s arm, and we ran toward the corner as far from the beasts as we could manage. It was pandemonium as the whole dining room erupted into turmoil. I flipped a circle table up against the corner so that Harper and I could try to hide behind it for protection.
I saw one man who ran as fast as he could towards a small opening next to the octopus, who was blocking the main entrance. The creature reached a giant tentacle out for him and pulled him into his beak. There were shrieking howls of pain, unlike anything I have ever heard as blood sprayed out from underneath.
A couple of people were able to dart around as the octopus was distracted. Another unfortunate lady was grabbed by one of the spare tentacles, though. He squeezed her around the throat, and we had to watch as her face turned purple. Eventually, the life was squeezed right from her body.
I held Harper tight as she was sobbing like mad and unable to stop her body from shaking. We saw an opening. The one by the front entrance went toward a group of people on the opposite side of the room. As soon as it did, we bolted for the door. As we drew near, another octopus came crashing through the window on the ceiling, crushing a few unfortunate souls as it joined in the massacre. We kept running until we were well onto the deck.
The chaos did not stop in the dining room. People were running like mad all over the deck. I didn’t know where we would be safe, but I thought that maybe we could lock ourselves in our cabin until we could be rescued from this madness. It was a nice thought, but as we went for the doors, another one of those damn things came down to block our way.
We ran for the area in front of the drive-in style screen where Re-Animator was playing. A man was gibbering to himself in a wild manner and hiding behind a chair. As we drew near, I noticed a tear in the screen as another one came through and snatched the man up as he yelled out for help.
Our options for safety were becoming extremely limited. We ran for the bar where we jumped over the top and hid with a large group of people, peaking over to watch it all unfold. That was when we saw what I knew would be the end of us all. There was an army of them descending upon us. I held Harper tight as we waited on the inevitable.
I watched as a family of three were huddling together in the middle of the deck. They were almost surrounded, but the father pushed the mother and child toward an opening so that they could make it to safety with the rest of us. He let out a guttural cry as they ripped him to shreds. His little girl cried in a high-pitched squeal reaching for him until the mother grabbed her and ran towards us.
The mother was getting close when one of the monstrous creatures came hurtling behind her. As she noticed, she reached out with her daughter. I leaned out over the bar and grabbed onto her as the octopus reached the mother and held her tightly. I was pulling my hardest as the mother was holding on tight, and I hoped that they both might be saved.
I was punching and pulling at the tentacles and doing my best to cause him to let the mother go. She released her daughter, and the others brought her down behind the bar. I wouldn’t let go of her mother’s arms as she cried out in distress.
That was when I heard it. It was the deepest and most powerful sound that I have ever heard. It shook the ship violently. The bottles of liquor and glasses were falling all around us. It was hard to describe the immense strength and power that the sound exhibited all around us. When the sound came, though, something strange began to happen.
The octopus that held the child’s mother released her, and we pulled her behind the bar with us quickly. She fell to her daughter and clutched her tightly as they wept in each other’s arms. All of the creatures began to release the people that they were attacking. They were moving in unison towards the edges of the ship. They crawled over the side, and one by one, they made their way into the ocean.
Once all the monsters had left the ship, the people made their way slowly to the side to see what was happening. For some reason, they were all leaving. As quickly as they had descended upon us, they left us. It appeared to be almost in a synchronized manner. They all were swimming in the same direction, and we watched in disbelief. Nobody aboard this ship would ever be the same if they made it out alive, but many of us were saved by what could only be described as a call. A call that came from something massive, much larger than the creatures that had plagued us. It was a call that came from deep within the ocean and was more monstrous than anything that we could have ever imagined.
submitted by MadnessMultiplier to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

[S] Marooned: Marquesas (Complete)

Down below a fishing boat are 16 Americans who are about to be marooned in the middle of the Marquesas, part of Tahiti’s mystical islands. Thousands of miles from the nearest continent this will be their home for the next 39 days. But this time the game is different, these survivors will be given no food, absolutely no rations. Each tribe will leave this ship with only the barest of essentials, two machetes, two cooking pots, two empty water containers, one frying pan, one filet knife, and one magnifying glass. They’ll be left to fend for themselves using the resources of the land and their own survival skills. It is the ultimate challenge! 16 strangers forced to work together to create a new society while battling the elements and each other. They must learn to adapt of they’ll be voted out of the tribe. In the end only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize. 39 days, 16 people, one survivor! This is Marooned: Marquesas.
The Cast
Maraamu Tribe:
Rotu Tribe:
Episode 1: After the marooning the two tribes arrive at their beaches and instantly the game starts being played. At the Maraamu tribe Savvy wants nothing more than for there to be an all girls alliance that dominates the game so she approaches Jay, Kelsey, and Lela and asks them if they would like to form an all girls alliance. Every single one of them is fully on board with an all girls alliance and so it is officially formed. Meanwhile on the Rotu tribe Juliette wants to make an alliance. She is a therapist and knows how to get along with all different types of people so she decides to make an alliance with a group very different people. This alliance ends up being made up of her, Don, Ida, James, and Moz. They all agree to stick together until the end. At the immunity challenge Maraamu blows Rotu out of the water and wins immunity sending Rotu to the first tribal council of the season. Back at camp a majority of the people in Juliette’s alliance want to vote out Zina because they don’t think that she’s a particularly valuable member of the tribe but Juliette has formed a bond with Zina and doesn’t want her to go so she convinces her alliance to vote for Gregory instead and at tribal council in a 5-3 vote Gregory becomes the first person voted out of Marooned: Marquesas.
Episode 2: After the last tribal council Rotu starts becoming a bit concerned about how much control Juliette has over the tribe. At the immunity challenge Maraamu once again wins, sending Rotu back to tribal council. After the challenge Don is hungry and so he decides to climb up a coconut tree to get some coconuts. Right when he’s about to reach the top of the tree he slips and falls all the way down. He lands in a terrible position breaking both of his legs. The instant that the medics get there they know that there’s no way Don is going to be able to continue in the game so they put him in a stretcher and put that on a boat and take him away. Don has officially been medically evacuated.
Episode 3:>! After the medical evacuation everyone on the Rotu tribe is sad. Don was a great presence around camp and was always willing to put in work. Everyone is devastated to see him leave the game the way he did. At the immunity challenge Rotu is finally able to claim victory, sending Maraamu to their first tribal council. Back at camp everyone is annoyed by Savvy. She spends most of the day laying in the shelter and complaining about the elements and has hardly lifted a finger the entire time that she’s been here. For the guys on the Maraamu tribe the decision is easy, Savvy needs to go but for the girls on the Maraamu tribe the decision isn’t nearly that simple. They all want to vote out Savvy but if they vote out Savvy the girls on the tribe will be down in numbers ruining their shot at having an all girls alliance run the game. In the end the girls decide to go with the guys and vote out Savvy so at tribal council Savvy is blindsided in a 7-1 vote.!<
Episode 4: On day 10 everyone is shocked when they are told to drop their buffs because there’s a tribe swap. At the first immunity challenge as new tribes the new Maraamu tribe manages to win immunity. Back at the Rotu tribe there is an equal number of both original Rotu people and original Maraamu people but Imaan does not like Juliette at all and after having to take orders from her for the first 9 days on the original Rotu tribe where Juliette was in power Imaan is fed up with her so she decides to flip and work with the original Maraamu people to blindside Juliette but Lela is still wanting there to be an all girls alliance and knows that if Juliette gets voted out then there will be an equal number of guys and girls in the game and the guys will most likely be able to take control. In order to avoid that happening she decides to flip and just minutes before tribal council she whispers in Juliette and James’s ears telling them to vote for Shawn. At tribal council this causes a 3-3 tie between Juliette and Shawn. On the revote nobody changes their vote causing a rock draw. Luk ends up drawing the purple rock and is out of the game.
Episode 5: At the start of episode 5 we get a confessional from Juliette where she talks about how she doesn’t like the fact that she had to be saved by Lela in the last episode. She is worried that Lela is going to start telling people that Juliette is only in the game because of her and if that happens then it could hurt Juliette’s odds of getting jury votes. Because of this Juliette wants to take out Lela as soon as possible. At the immunity challenge Maraamu wins immunity. Back at camp Julliette decides to attempt to reunite the 3 original Rotu people on the tribe by pulling Imaan back into the alliance. Imaan ends up agreeing to stick with original Rotu giving Juliette the numbers once again. Lela realizes that Juliette no longer has any interest in working with her so she goes back to Shawn and the two of them decide to vote for James. Meanwhile the original Rotu people struggle to decide who to vote out. Juliette wants to vote out Lela for reasons mentioned at the start of the episode but Imann wants to vote out Shawn because she knows that they are about to merge and thinks that he will be more threatening after the merge. They are never able to reach an agreement and at tribal council this causes a 2-2-1 vote with Shawn getting one vote and James and Lela both getting 2. On the revote Imaan gives in and votes for Lela causing Lela to be voted out in a 2-1 vote.
Episode 6: At the immunity challenge Maraamu wins for the third time in a row. Back at camp it seems clear that the 3 original Rotu people are going to stick together and vote out Shawn but Shawn doesn’t give up and works to form a bond with Imaan. This causes Imaan to consider voting with Shawn and forcing a tie but at the end of the day Imaan is too scared of drawing rocks again to force a tie and at tribal council Shawn is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
Episode 7: After 19 days of competing against each other the two tribes come together and merge. After the merge all 6 of the original Rotu tribe members decide to stick together and pick off the original Maraamu tribe members. At the very first individual immunity challenge Imaan wins individual immunity. After the challenge the 6 original Rotu tribe members decide to vote out Vito because they think that he is sneaky and could be very difficult to vote out down the road if he manages to get a grip on the tribe. Kelsey and Jay see the writing on the wall and in an attempt to get in with the Rotu people they too write down VIto’s name at tribal council causing Vito to be voted out in a 8-2 vote.
Episode 8: After the last tribal council Kelsey knows that she will most likely be one of the next 3 to be voted out and starts brainstorming ideas for how she can stay in the game. At the immunity challenge Jay wins immunity. Back at camp Kelsey decides that her best shot at staying in the game is starting a rumor so she begins telling people that Imaan has been talking about flipping on the Rotu people. This causes Ida to get angry so she confronts Imaan. This confrontation quickly escalates into a fight and soon the two have decided to target each other. Ida is quickly able to get all the Rotu people (Aside from Imaan) on her side and they all agree to vote for Imaan. Imaan on the other hand knows that she won’t be able to convince anyone to vote for Ida because Ida has strong relationships with everyone on the tribe so she instead decides to target James at this pivotal tribal council and hopefully take out Ida at the next tribal council. She is easily able to convince all of the original Maraamu people to vote for James but needs to convince at least one more person to vote for James in order to stay in the game. She views Zina as the person most likely to flip on the Rotu people and tries to convince her to vote for James but at tribal council Zina decides to stick with Ida and the Rotu people causing Imaan to be voted out in a 5-4 vote.
Episode 9: After the last tribal council people once again start viewing Juliette as a big threat. R2 realizes that this is something he might be able to use to his advantage in order to save himself and the other Maraamu people. At the immunity challenge Kelsey wins immunity. After the immunity challenge the 6 people from the new Maraamu tribe (Ida, Jay, Kelsey, Moz, R2, and Zina) come together and decide to form a new alliance and take out Juliette and James but the plan is very messy and most people aren’t sure whether they are voting for Juliette or James which allows Juliette to step in and save herself by telling Kelsey, James, Jay, and Ida to vote for Moz about 20 minutes before tribal council. Because Kelsey, Jay, and Ida are still not sure if the new Maraamu people are voting for Juliette or James they decide that this is the safer plan to go with and at tribal council Moz is blindsided in a 5-2-1 vote.
Episode 10: After the last tribal council R2 realizes that if he really wants the new Maraamu people to work together he’s going to have to step into more of a leadership role and reveal more of his cards otherwise they will never be able to put together a coherent plan and work together. At the immunity challenge Ida wins immunity. Back at camp R2 meets will all of the new Maraamu people and tells them to vote for James at tonight’s tribal council. Every single one of the new Maraamu people are fully on board with this plan and at tribal council James is voted out.
Episode 11: After the last tribal council Juliette is clearly on the outs and her only shot at staying in the game seems to be winning immunity but at the immunity challenge Ida wins immunity again. The odds seem completely stacked against Juliette but she doesn’t want to give up so she has a talk with Kelsey during which she explains how she feels like R2 is running the game and will probably get to the end and win. The fact that people think that R2 is running the game doesn’t sit right with Kelsey because she thinks that she is running the game so she decides she wants to blindside R2. About half an hour before tribal council she goes to Ida and Jay and tells them to vote for R2 but neither Ida or Jay want to vote out R2 so they warn him. When R2 hears that he’s being targeted by Kelsey he decides that the best option for him is to blindside her so he gets Jay, Ida, and Zina on board with this plan and at tribal council Kelsey is blindsided in a 4-2 vote.
Episode 12: Another tribal council comes and goes and Juliette is still on the bottom but now she knows that there are ways for her to break the alliance so she is more confident that she will be able to survive than she was in the last episode. At the immunity challenge Zina wins immunity. Back at camp the clear target is Juliette. Juliette tries to warn the girls that R2 is a big threat to win the game but this time the girls don’t fall for it and at tribal council Juliette is unanimously voted out.
Finale Part 1: After listening to Juliette talk about what a big threat R2 is, the girls realize that he really is the biggest threat in the game and they all decide to work together to vote him out next. At the immunity challenge Ida wins her third individual immunity sealing R2’s fate and at tribal council R2 is voted out in a 3-1 vote.
Final Part 2: At the final immunity challenge Jay wins immunity securing herself a spot in the final 2. At tribal council Jay votes out Ida because Ida is a major threat to win the game.
Final Tribal council:>! At the final tribal council Jay reveals that her strategy the entire game was to fly under the radar so that she wasn’t a target. This strategy worked flawlessly and is the reason that she received 0 votes against her the entire game. The jury really respects this so in a 6-1 vote Jay becomes the winner of Marooned: Marquesas.!<
My Thoughts: I thought this was a good season. The cast was mostly good with the female side of the cast being especially fun to watch. There were a few good blindsides with the best one probably being the Kelsey blindside at the final 6. My favorite part of the season was when Lela risked her life in the game to save Juliette and Juliette turned right around and voted Lela out on the very next episode. Juliette is truly the ice queen of Marooned. Jay was not the most exciting winner of all time but she played a good game and came just one jury vote short of playing a perfect game. Ultimately I don’t think that this was the best season of Marooned so far but it was still a lot of fun to watch.
Potential All Stars:>! Juliette, R2, Kelsey, Jay, Moz, Vito!<
Potential Second Chancers: Savvy, Lela, Don, Ida, Imaan, Luk
Previous Seasons:
The Australian Outback
Stay tuned for our next season Marooned: Thailand
I’d love to hear what you guys thought about the season in the comments
submitted by Survivor31fan to BrantSteele [link] [comments]

Casino Universe 100 free spins and €800 free bonus codes

Casino Universe 100 free spins and €800 free bonus codes

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Get 100% Bonus up to €150 + 20 Free Spins on first deposit at Casino Universe. Next, enjoy 2nd Deposit Bonus – 50% Bonus up to €250 + 30 Free Spins, 3rd Deposit Bonus – 25% Bonus Up to €400 + 50 Free Spins, and Friday Reload Bonus – 25% Bonus up to €250.
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Casino Univers Review

Welcome to Casino Universe, a unique gaming destination that is on a mission to become the best and largest online casino in the iGaming universe. A very bold statement but the experienced team working behind the scenes has vowed to never stop until they achieve their goal. For their endeavour, they created a sleek, mobile-friendly site and filled it with 1,000+ slots and table games from top providers, big bonuses, weekly promotions and a state-of-the-art VIP club, all complemented with professional support and fast payments.
Launched in August 2020, Casino Universe is owned by Junic Limited and operated as a white-label brand by N1 Interactive Limited under a licence from the MGA Malta, giving it the legal framework to offer its services in most regulated markets while also adhering to strict regulations for Responsible Gambling and Anti-Money Laundering. Currently, the casino does not have nor pursues to acquire Swedish or UK licences.
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Glam or Scam?

No doubt, making a statement like the founders of Casino Universe is bold and ambitious. Creating the largest online casino will be quite the challenge for any gaming company as some brands offer meanwhile 4,000+ slots and games to their players. Well, the owners of Casino Universe have surely cut the work out for themselves, reason enough to go on a tour to see what’s on offer.
By choosing the platform from N1 Interactive for its gaming destination, the founders of Casino Universe got themselves the needed base to built up a large game choice. The platform offers in excess of 4,000 titles and further growing by the week, allowing white label casinos to pick and choose what they want to add to their lobbies. Casino Universe went for 1,000+ slots, table games and live dealer tables in a first phase with the number set to further increase in the coming months. Represented are some of the big providers such as Playtech, Novomatic (Greentube) and Red Tiger as well as a good range of up and coming developers including 4ThePlayer, Booming Games, Endorphina and Thunderkick. A special shoutout must go to their Live Casino section as it is one of the largest I have ever seen at online casinos. Over 150 tables from industry leader Evolution Gaming are available for eager live players.
Registration has been streamlined to a few simple steps where you will need to enter your personal details before hitting submit. We recommend to everyone to complete the KYC verification at the earliest convenience as it will avoid delays when it comes to potential withdrawals. In the current regulatory environment, the process can take a few days to get it done, hence, the earlier it’s done the better.
All new players at Casino Universe are greeted with a very generous welcome package that stretches over multiple deposits and includes deposit bonuses as well as a good number of bonus spins (subject to change). No code is needed to claim your welcome bonus. Simply head to the banking lobby and choose from the extensive list of payment methods to fund your casino account. In addition to the usual credit/debit cards and e-wallets, you can deposit via prepaid vouchers such as Paysafe Card or Neosurf or use instant banking options including Giropay, Rapid Transfer, Interac e-Transfer, Interac Online and iDebit.
Casino Universe enrols all players into their VIP program where they will progress through 12 different rounds/levels similar to a boxing match with the aim to advance to Champion status. Each level comes with rewards, better bonuses and extra goodies. To progress through the rounds, players will earn Punch and Status points for playing on any slot games. The more you play, the higher you will climb in the VIP club.
No good casino is complete without competent multi-lingual customer support that is available 24/7, including weekends and public holidays. Casino Universe offers just that via email and live chat. Plus, the website can be loaded in a variety of languages including English, Finnish, German and Norwegian.
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Our Verdict

Well, that concludes my tour of the Casino Universe. It all looks very polished and sleek with a decent games portfolio that is bound to grow much larger in the near future. A few popular game providers are currently missing but should be added at some point. The VIP club is a positive as it is open to all players, ensuring that everyone can earn some extra rewards for their loyalty. Race fans will like the full catalogue of Pragmatic Play slots and the associated tournaments with big cash prizes.
submitted by freespinsgaming to u/freespinsgaming [link] [comments]

Online Casino Bonuses

You've probably visible that most online casino commercials commonly offer a few sort of bonus or FREE money to get you to begin gambling there. Like most things inside the global, not anything certainly comes free, so earlier than you start claiming this free money and then getting dissatisfied which you've been scammed, I suggest you hold analyzing and spot how this all works.
First of all, you can ask; why do online casinos even offer this "loose" money?
It's part of their advertising and differentiation approach. In a nutshell, online casinos are usually "skins" of a particular software company, so without a doubt in the back of the exceptional proprietor, photographs, licensing and so on below the bonnet there is now not a great deal difference between let's say all Playtech powered casinos, or all Microgaming powered ones.
So, if they're typically the same beneath the hood, there needs to be a few sort of difference with a view to persuade you to play at "X" online casino and no longer "Y". Besides the images, licensing, help and reputation, another way to pitch to capacity gamers is by giving them something, in this example, a bonus.
Having put that out of the manner, the next question you would possibly ask yourself is: OK, so Casino X is supplying $five,000 free, maybe I'll sign on, take my $5,000, play them out and go directly to Casino Y.
The answer here is pretty easy as properly. In order to assert bonuses at an online casino, you'll usually want to make a deposit, unless it is particularly said which you do not, however, we will get to that later.
Before we sink into the red meat of the extraordinary varieties of bonuses provided at online casinos, here are some more terms and factors you have to be aware of, so you can clarify them with an aid consultant before claiming an advantage, just so you realize in which you stand and what you're claiming.
  1. Wagering necessities: Most bonuses have wagering or playthrough necessities, which means which you want to play a sure quantity before you could withdraw prevailing out of your account. On average wagering requirements are usually among 15 to 40 times, but be aware of what you're required to wager. In a few cases it will likely be just the bonus times X and in others you will want to guess the bonus + your deposit amount X times. The latter by using the manner is more commonplace.
Another tidbit you should pay attention to on the subject of wagering requirements is, that at maximum on-line casinos, in case you request a withdrawal earlier than you have got finished the wagering requirements, all your winnings up to now might be void. Not definitely honest, however, this is reality.
  1. Games played: Make certain you read the T&Cs in this example. Because slots video games are generally the maximum profitable video games for online casinos, many bonuses tend to be legitimate only for slots games. Usually scratch playing cards and keno will comply with this rule.
In other instances, you'll be allowed to play your bonus on all games; however no longer all games will depend one hundred% in the direction of the playthrough necessities. For example play on slots will rely one hundred% however roulette will handiest count 30%, meaning that you'll actually need to wager over 3 times greater with a purpose to clear the wagering requirements and withdraw your winnings.
Three. Minimum deposit requirement: In most instances, with the intention to declare a bonus you may be required to make a minimum deposit, which again can range. It's commonly a small quantity which you'll probably deposit anyway. It's generally no longer over $50.
Now that we are all at the identical page and speak the identical language, it is time we went via the main types of bonuses available at maximum online casinos.
  1. A Match bonus is the maximum common form of bonus. For every $ you deposit, you may be credited X% of what you deposited by means of the casino. So, if, for instance, casino Z is presenting a hundred% suit bonus, deposit $a hundred and the online casino will give you a further $a hundred in bonus money. This way that sincerely starts playing at the casino with $2 hundred. Match bonuses are nearly constantly restricted to a certain maximum bonus amount you can claim. A suit bonus may be a standalone bonus as a part of a promoting (more not unusual at US-friendly online casinos) and/or as part of the welcome bonus
  2. A welcome bonus is generally presented via most, if no longer all, online casinos to new gamers who join up and make their first deposit at the online casino. The welcome bonus is the sum of all of the possible suit bonuses you may accumulate as a brand new participant on the casino over a particular time period, or within your first X deposits, or a mixture of the two; so if an online casino advertises a $3000 welcome bonus, it's clearly the maximum you may get with the first deposit bonus, 2d deposit bonus, monthly bonus, and many others, where if you deposit the most amount of each fit bonus, you may attain the marketed welcome bonus. If you deposit much less than needed for the maximum bonus in every level, you might not reach the amount advertised within the welcome bonus. So, in truth, the welcome bonus marketed is the MAXIMUM amount you can declare in bonus cash throughout your first duration of gambling at the casino.
  3. A No deposit bonus is quite self-explanatory. It's a bonus you get hold of from an online casino that allows you to allow you to play real cash video games while not having to make a deposit. This is a first-rate device for online casinos to accumulate new gamers as it permits them to strive out the casino without having to make a deposit. In a few nations it facilitates solve the "trust" issue online casino players have with online casinos. Many players who experience comfortable depositing and gambling at one on-line casino may be cautious while trying out another one they have got never performed at. Other gamers don't want to make a deposit without trying out the software program and video games so a no deposit bonus can truly help right here. Some online casinos provide no deposit bonuses as a part of their widespread imparting and others steer properly far from such bonuses as they claim that they generally tend to draw the wrong form of players, i.E. Gamers who have no goal of playing for actual cash inside the first place and that it just puts a pressure at the assist crew without a real outcome. I assume that the truth is probably somewhere in the middle and that people claim no deposit bonuses for extraordinary motives.
No deposit bonuses are typically for a pretty small amount, typically $10-$15 and they may be both offered to potential clients at once by using the online casino or by websites affiliated with them. No deposit bonuses also have wagering necessities you need to complete earlier than you're capable of withdrawing your winnings if you've been fortunate.
  1. Sticky/Play simplest bonuses are bonuses that you cannot withdraw out of your account. If you get fortunate and win and request a withdrawal, the bonus amount you received can be deducted from your winnings. Let's say you claimed a $50 sticky bonus and got lucky bringing your account stability to $500. Now you would love to withdraw your winnings and pass have fun with friends. The online casino will only let you withdraw $550 from your player's account and $50, which is the sticky bonus quantity, may be void. Play simplest bonuses are commonly large than healthy bonuses and the wagering requirements decrease.
Five. Payment method bonus: This is something that was initially not unusual at Playtech powered casinos and has unfolded to many others as well over time. Besides depositing at a web casino along with your credit score or debit card, there are numerous digital alternatives most of which offer immediate fund transfers without the associated trouble and excessive fees. Many of these opportunity charge methods, as they're broadly called, provide their services to humans without a credit test and you could transfer cash out of your bank account discreetly. Some are even pre-paid cards you can buy at a kiosk. Just for the use of these alternative fee methods you can acquire an additional 10-15% bonus on each deposit you are making similar to some other bonus you declare. Be certain to check the cashier phase before you join up to an internet casino you've got never played at as this could truly be on your gain.
  1. Most online casinos have a Loyalty/VIP Club scheme where you could redeem bonuses in return for factors you amassed while playing. The more you play, the greater points you earn and the higher the point-bonus conversion price will become.
It is constantly crucial to test the particular T&Cs at the online online casino you're playing or plan to play at because often you will not be allowed to withdraw the bonus amount or the bonus quantity can be docked off your winnings.
OK, so I'm quite certain you are now wondering the way to take gain of all this accurate, so here's the turn aspect of the cardboard. Online casinos are extremely touchy to bonus abuse, also called bonus whoring, by way of players. Just like you could get expelled from a land-based online casino for counting cards as an example, you can also get your gamers account locked at a web casino at the first suspicion they have got of bonus abuse. You want to remember that on the cease of the day gambling is entertainment and is supposed to be amusing and exciting. It's not a day job and also you can not simply earn cash on the casino. Bonuses add to the fun and excitements and at the give up of the day, are only an advertising and marketing tool. Claim them, have a laugh with them, boom your excitement however don't expect log out richer.
Ron M. Faulkner is the chief of the organization of online casino experts that are behind CasinoPromoGuide. The organization targets to provide up to date data about bonuses and going for walks promotions to online casino gamers from everywhere in the international. The name of the game is to assist gamers to stretch their online gambling price range simply that tiny bit more in nowadays of relative recession.
submitted by pdfseoservice to u/pdfseoservice [link] [comments]

My groups experience with Everyone Is John

So, with a few players away with the rest of the group we decided to have a couple of one-offs. The first of these was Everyone is John.
As GM I figured I'd give them someplace interesting to start off, not just a gutter or bed, and then I abandoned my original idea of having a semi-structured story (Owing people money who owe people money who owe the mob money) and let them roam the streets of Sydney.
Biggest. Cluster-fuck. Ever.
Don't get me wrong, it was amazingly fun but I've discovered we should limit the amount of time one of our friends is a healer. I'll give you a run down of the obessions:
Number 1 (currently a monk in PF): Start fires. Number 2 (currently GMing PF): Scam free things, especially drinks Number 3 (Currently the party cleric): Death....As much as possible.
So John wakes up in an apartment (not his), naked and with his wallet taped to the inside of his thigh. In a world of brilliant descisions he puts a pair of jeans on over the wallet, takes a beer from the fridge, nearly cuts his hand open after fucking up using the bench as a bottle opener and proceeds to kick down the door and leave.
He trips down the stairs and an old lady looks at this strange man, now upside down, with an irregular bulge on his thigh. (Change of voice) He promptly stands back up, goes to get another beer and then checks out the chemicals, specifically the flammable ones... Then sets the apartment on fire, leaving via the elevator ("So...obviously you're ignoring the warning of using an elevator during a fire?" "God yes.")
He then heads down stairs and jacks a car (One of his skills), then drives up on to the sidewalk (Also one of his skills) and proceeds to mow down pedestrians, then he parks, goes in to a supermarket to get more of those same chemicals and makes an improvised bomb in the bathroom. Setting a rudimentary fuse he jogs a block or so away as the bathroom, and part of the supermarket, explodes.
(Change of voice) He then decides it's time to wet his whistle... again. Buys one beer (with some of the $300 in his wallet) and finds a young couple discussing Feminist Literature and interjects with "Want to earn a free drink?".
The player then proceeded to show me a trick (using actual coins) whereby you need to move the coins in such a way that they end up touching two others, but they need to form a line. Sure enough I'm dumbfounded and he gets a free drink and another change of Voice.
John downs the rest of his (now third and fourth) beers and takes the half bottle of red from the table, heading out in to the street. He buys some petrol (in a 5 litre can) and takes a taxi to a strip club who's matchbook they had seen in the apartment. After being asked to pay, John decides that the passenger seat would look better on fire (After I pointed out that an attempted punch would be stopped by the bulletproof glass between them) and he heads inside for another change of voice. Back to the scammer who approaches an executive enjoying the show and his accountant vainly trying to gain his attention to discuss issues in the books. Another trick, this time with cards. with a little organisation.
You have four aces and four kings. You can arrange them however you want BUT when dealt you need to take the first one, lay it face up, take the second one and put it at the bottom of the pile and continue on, the goal being making the cards go Ace, King, Ace, King and so on. The player could do it with matching suits too.
5 minutes later I was stumped and he had one his free drink. Smacked the executive across the back of the head and lost the bidding for voice in control. John stands up, leaves through the back door, jacks another car and back up on to the sidewalk, resulting in a crash straight in to a sidewalk kiosk. The ambulances arrive and John feigns ignorance with another voice change, citing a man in a suit (giving the description of the accountant) must have drugged him. (Resulting in the revelation of fraud and insider trading on the part of the accountant)
John gets taken to the hospital and freaks out a few times, with voice changes until he finally leaps off the bed, taking his IV drip with him and then promptly trips and breaks his nose.
He gets strapped to the bed but eventually works his way free, going outside and scamming a biker out of his clothes with another card trick. Takes a cab to The Star, Sydney's fabulous rennovated harbour-side casino and proceeds to scam a roulette table. Another change of voice and he buys a shot of the highest proof drink he can order. Goes outside and finds a businessman smoking. He asks for a smoke and a light, spills the drink on him and sets his chest on fire. The man rushes inside and dies from serious burns.
It's at this point in time the police finally track John down, ask him to come quietly, tase him when that fails and take him to prison. Another change of voice and he distracts the guard with yet another card trick (That particular player has had whole nights where he only buys the first drink and the rest of the night gets freebies) and takes his keys. He escapes in to the courtroom with another cellmate and proceeds to get back on the street. Only to jack a car and fall asleep at the wheel.
I think I'm missing a few fires in there but regardless, it was a fun night. TL;DR John wakes up, mass murder, mass arson, scamming left right and center and doesn't die (miraculously)
10/10 will play again.
submitted by JrMaynard to rpg [link] [comments]

[40i] Casino skills

27 February 2017
The blackjack dealer eyed the man in the first position with enough interest that he misshuffled and dropped a card face up on the table.
"Sorry about that everyone." There were only three people at the table, but he apologized to each individually as he restarted his shuffle. It was a three deck table only available to high limit players in Macau. The minimum $200 per hand kept away the average gambler, most of whom wanted to play penny slots anyway, but attracted the casino whales that the casinos relied on. It also attracted the occasional scam artist. Next to the blackjack table was one other blackjack table, baccarat, and a craps table, plus some strange variation on pai gao.
The pit boss had pulled the dealer aside during his last break and warned him about the man in the first position, a rare event. Usually the casino bosses simply took care of the conmen or not. They didn't wait for evidence. That had the dealer nervous, which is why he had misshuffled.
Additionally, the gambler, who the dealer assumed was Thai or Philippino or Indonesian, was not the stereotypical conman. Five hours of betting and drinking, he was too drunk to pull off a con, almost falling asleep at the table. He was wearing cheap knockoff jeans and a black hoodie. His cell phone had a cracked screen and looked a few years old. The hooker hanging over his shoulder and rubbing his arms and legs was not the usual higher class escort that hung out at the casino. He wasn't counting cards, based on how he was betting. The dealer figured he was down at least ten to fifteen thousand dollars on the night. Why was the pit boss so concerned?
Half an hour later, it became more of a concern. One hand into a new shoot, the man said, "you know what? I'm done here. I'll just put everything I have left on for one bet." He pushed all his chips on the circle.
The dealer eyed the bet. It looked to be about $15,000. Table max was $20k but it was still unusual for someone who hadn't bet more than $1,000 in any other hand all night. He dealt the cards, then said the words he absolutely dreaded, "Blackjack." At 3:2, it paid the man well.
"You know what? One more." The drunk man said, dropping an even $20,000 on to the betting circle.
"I'm going to have to get my boss to approve that." The dealer said, keeping his voice even. THe pit boss could order a reshuffle at this point.
"You do that," the drunk gambler shouted, standing up from his chair. "Have him come over, approve my bet and comp me a drink on the house." He almost fell over as he said that, but his hooker friend behind him caught him and kept him upright.
The pit manager, with all the customer eyes on him, gave a thumbs up from his position near the table, glancing up at the cameras above the table. The glance didn't go unnoticed by the gambler.
"That's right, get every camera in the house on me too, I'd hate for them to miss this." The drunk man shouted. The other nearby tables had stopped. Everyone was watching.
The man was dealt a jack and a three. The dealer had a king face up.
The drunk man stared the dealer in the eye long enough that the dealer had to look away. Finally, he slurred out, "you know what, I like to live life dangerously. I'll double down on that." He pushed the rest of his chips forward. He then reached into his pocked to grab a gold clip with folded $100s. "This will cover whatever I'm missing."
The dealer swallowed hard. He glanced at the pit boss, who was staring like lasers in his direction, but not giving him any indication as to what to do. Finally, the dealer said, "I wouldn't recommend that sir. I..."
"It's a terribly dangerous bet. But..." the gambler said loudly, with his voice more sober than it had been in hours "absolutely allowed at this high limit table according to the casino's own rules."
The dealer glanced at his pit boss one more time, and other than an angry stare not getting any indication of what he should do, simply nodded in acceptance. He dealt the man his card. It was an eight of diamonds, giving him 21. A small cheer erupted at nearby tables. The dealer then flipped his own card to reveal a nine, giving him 19. The crowd burst into cheers, people high fiving their neighbors to celebrate the winning of this random gambler.
"COLOR ME!!!" The drunk man shouted, reveling in the cheers and pushing his chips to the center of the table, then more meekly adding, "please," as if belatedly remembering his manners.
The dealer took a deep breath and then professionally counted up all the chips, just short of $100,000. Pushing all the chips over to the man, he grabbed a couple thousand dollar chips off the pile, tossed them at the dealer, and said, "make sure you share will your friends” waving his arms drunkly at the other dealers around the casino, who were smiling profusely. "Imma gonna cash out."
He grabbed his chips and started to walk venle from the table when a large suited man appeared next to him. "Let me help you sir," he said as he grabbed the man's arm.
"Thank you sir.” the gambler replied.
The drunk gambler found himself walked into a back room, alone.
At that point, a club hit him in the stomach, doubling him over. Two men grabbed the gambler and threw him down into a metal chair. The room was empty and dark.
“How are you feeling, Lucky?" A small Chinese casino boss in an expensive suit asked. Two large men wearing much cheaper suits stood with clubs held high, ready to clock the man again if he made any moves.
"Why did you hit me." The gambler sputtered out. "I can't help being lucky."
"You're not fooling anyone here," the casino manager continued. "Fortunato Paz, aka ‘Lucky’ aka ‘the Philippine Great White', according to our casino partners here in Macau and in Las Vegas, among other places. They say you’re from Manila, but I asked my police friends there and they can’t find any records of you there." The manager walked around the small Philippine man.
"No tricks. I'm just lucky.” The gambler laughed at his own joke, even as he coughed, as if trying to catch his breath from the hit to the stomach. Then he looked around. “Where’s my friend?” he asked, obviously referring to the prostitute who had been with him all night.
“She’s been paid well to make a quiet exit,” the manager offered. He seemed even a little impressed the conman actually cared. He then moved on. “Fortunato,” the Chinese casino manager continued. “That’s a hell of a name for a man who makes his living conning casinos.”
Lucky just sat in his seat. He looked like he was going to vomit on the floor.
The casino manager reached over to the side of the room, grabbed a small briefcase, and popped it open. It was filled with money.
“Like that hooker, I can pay you to make a quiet exit too.” he offered. “ I will give you everything we owe you, plus a small bonus,” the manager waved his hands over the suitcase, “and I only require two things of you. One, you don’t return here. Two, you tell me how you did it.”
“I’m just lucky” the drunk gambler spit out, seeming less drunk and more desperate.
The casino manager lifted his chin at one of his bouncers and the man gave a semi-light tap with the club onto Fortunato’s knee, causing him to scream in pain.
“Come on Lucky. We both know that’s not true.” the manager provided a fake laugh. "Tell me how you did it. You bribed the dealer. You saw a hole card and counted cards. You have a microcamera analyzing the shuffle.” He paused, pointed down at the suit case, then said, “You tell me, all this money is yours.”
The Philippino gambler appeared to consider the offer for a moment, then looked at the manager, and said, “I’m Lucky and you’re not.” He smiled and added, "Local regulation says you have to pay me. You’d hate for me to call the authorities.”
The manager lifted two fingers and the two bouncers began pummeling the man with their clubs, knocking him out of the chair and even lightly bloodying the floor. When they had finished, and Lucky lay there groaning, the manager took half the cash out of the suitcase and said, “You don’t talk to the authorities and you don’t return, ever. Do you understand?”
Lucky looked at the cash and said with a straight face, “It’s about ten thousand short.”
The manager walked over and kicked him in the head. “Call it a tip to me and my staff for our excellent service.” he chuckled a bit. "When you’re done being sarcastic and in pain, pick yourself up and walk out the back door. Never come back.”
The man and his two thugs walked back into the casino. As soon as they were gone, Lucky picked himself up, brushed himself off, and counted the cash. He hurt a little, but much less than a mortal would have after that beating. He might even try his luck here again. At the very least, the money he had won was enough for the plane ticket he needed to Paris.
The gambler picked up the cash and walked out the fire exit to the alley.
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A adeptness abeyance at night will could could cause abomination to accelerate in that area.
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Unlike the accepted bartering zones, which crave accomplished workers in adjustment to thrive, the tourism and leisure districts reside or die on the backbone or your busline links. If you're architectonics a anniversary seafront, it's a adequate abstraction to abode a commuter harbour nearby, and threading your leisure districts with bus routes and busline stations will ensure a advantageous accumulation of association searching to activity and alcohol themselves silly.
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