Dog Friendly Restaurants in Cocoa Beach, FL - BringFido

cocoa beach restaurants near me

cocoa beach restaurants near me - win

Moving Here Megathread

Hey, welcome to 321 and Brevard! We're glad you're moving here, so here's some general questions/comments that you may find useful.
Locals, if there's edits you'd like me to make feel free to comment and I'll make changes.
Living Areas (from north to south)
Mims/Scottsmoor: No clue, lived here for 16 years and have never been to either of these areas. There's a berry farm in Mims, that's all I've got.
Titusville: Older city that is pretty quiet and not much going on. Most of the people who work at the Cape live in Merritt Island nowadays. Titusville is starting to pick up a tiny bit, but not much. u/scalz1 provides his extensive experience with Tville
Port St John: Rural Titusville. Not much going on here other than housing and some nice parks. Close to 528 and 95 for commuters though.
Merritt Island: This is a popular place to live, especially if you're working at or near the Cape. Not really seeing much new growth, but has chain shopping spots and restaurants mixed in with good local spots. People who live here frequently joke about the number of times they leave "the island" usually being able to be counted on one hand.
Cocoa: Older, lower income area. Cocoa Village is a nice area with plenty of shops, restaurants/breweries, and walking areas, but beyond that Cocoa isn't much. As u/hyperrnovva emphasizes, Cocoa and Cocoa Beach are different areas entirely, with the bulk of Merritt Island separating them completely.
Cape Canaveral/Cocoa Beach: Beach side living in a high tourist area. Plenty of local places, but usually always packed with tourists. If you wanna live beach side, there's probably better options unless you like to hang out with strangers a lot.
Rockledge: Popular place to move to for people looking to commute to Orlando. Has access to the necessities easily and is close to chain things in Viera. Barton area is starting to be rebuilt into a downtown-like area with bars and night life.
Viera/Suntree: This is where a lot of Brevard's growth is happening. It's "sterile" and nice, with retirees and younger families galore. Has chain shopping and restaurants and lots of clean looking, mass developments. HOA Heaven. Pretty sure you're required to buy a golf cart to live here (not really, but you'll certainly feel like it).
Melbourne/West Melbourne: The "main" part of the county. It's older, but everything you need is here. There are areas you might consider avoiding, as in any city, but in general if you live in central or south Brevard, this is the area you'll find yourself coming to a lot.
Eau Gallie/Downtown Melbourne: These are considered the "younger" parts of town where "the scene" is. These two areas have the nightlife, the bars, and the walking lifestyles for the most part. Both are starting to see a lot of new growth around this identity.
Satellite Beach/Indian Harbor Beach/Indiatlantic: This is where most people who want a beach side lifestyle will find what they're looking for. Condos are there for certain, but considerably less touristy than Cocoa Beach and Cape Canaveral.
Palm Bay: Suburban sprawl till your heart is content. Palm Bay has 4 main arteries: Palm Bay Rd and Malabar Rd running east/west with Babcock St and Minton Rd running north/south. If you're looking for something in Palm Bay, this is it. Everywhere else is pretty much just housing.
Bayside Lakes: A relatively newer, "upper-scale" version of Palm Bay, also to be considered Viera-lite. There's a lot of new development planned in the area with the completion of the new 95 interchange that allows Bayside Lakes to not be 20 minutes from 95 which was most of what kept people from wanting to live there.
Melbourne Beach: Moreso than the other beach side communities, this is the "local" area. There's plenty of money in Mel Beach, but it's secluded and, especially the southern parts, very hard to get in and out of easily if you wanna go somewhere.
Grant-Valkaria: The last part of our journey, a rural community. Beyond grocery stores and gas stations, you won't find much unless you head back north into Palm Bay. They have bitchin' seafood/BBQ festivals though, which is the main reason people find their way there.
Micco: Very rural community that will eventually get connected to the St John's Heritage Parkway that's being built along the western part of the county and would allow easier access to 95. This could open up growth to the area, but for now the extension is just in the planning phase.
Regarding Hurricanes
Hurricanes are part of living in Florida. Some years nothing happens, some years it's a wild ride. Brevard being a coastal county has unique considerations when moving here. While Brevard does not regularly recieve direct landfalls (part of the reason Kennedy Space Center was built where it was), we do face our fair share of hurricanes.
If you're going to live beach side, then you need to take hurricanes seriously. Wind conditions leading up to them can and will cause the bridges to the mainland to close, meaning you can be cut off for extended periods from everything, including emergency services. Flooding/Storm Surge are real dangers to life and property. Make sure you have a plan way in advance for the high likelihood that you will lose both electricity and running water.
The further you get away from the coast and intracoastal zone, the lower the risks you have from severe damage from hurricanes, even major ones. But still have a plan, because anything can happen. Look for houses that have hurricane shutters or look into getting your home fit with them. Consider areas with buried power lines, as they're less likely to lose power. You can have a storm like Faye sit off the coast for days and flood almost everything. You can have tornadoes spawn from them. Fences are regular casualties of almost any named storm. Trees should be trimmed well in advance, paying close attention to when final collections occur before the storm hits so you don't have piles of potential wind debris laying in your yard.
That said, I'm obligated to add as a 6th gen Floridian: hurricanes are typically overblown by the media and should not be a major deterrent to moving to Brevard. As long as you have a plan and make sure that you're ready for the worst that could happen, you should almost always come out of the other side of hurricanes fine. Our local government knows how to handle them and a lot of infastructure is built to withstand them. Most of us who have been through many of them don't consider anything Cat 3 or less to be anything more than a couple hour inconvenience. But always have a plan, no matter what.
Night life
Breweries: Playalinda (Titusville), Intracoastal (Eau Gallie) and Hell 'n Blazes (DT Mel) are the big dogs around, but definite shout outs to Bugnutty and Dirty Oar (Cocoa Village), and BeachFly (Rockledge). Florida Beer Co in Cape Canaveral is great also, but they're more of a big time distributor player and don't often try new things.
Restaurants: Too many great ones to mention. Check the comments, I'm sure people will have input. (Cryderman's (Cocoa Village/DT Mel), if you're into BBQ, is absolutely amazing)
Bars: Hell if I know. I'll need input on this. Eau Gallie, Downtown Melbourne, and Cocoa Village are where you'll find most.
Clubs: If I know nothing about bars here, I know less about clubs here.
Parks: They're everywhere. Literally, we love our parks here. Wickham Park is great and big, Max K Rhodes has most everything you could want, Palm Bay Regional is sprawling and has a lot, and Turkey Creek is top notch nature walks. Brevard Zoo gets an honorable mention as a great place to walk and is usually one of the top rated zoos in the country, and also has a long walking trail (Linear Park) that's free to access.
While Brevard is solidly red, it's pretty socially tolerant. There's a distinctly growing liberal movement starting up in Brevard, centered mostly around Eau Gallie and DT Melbourne. It's not got a lot of footholds, but it's slowly carving out new ones as time passes. In general though, Brevard's pretty live-and-let-live so the likelihood that you'll be harassed anywhere in public when out and about with your partner seems pretty low. Disclaimer: am CIS male, but from what the LGBTQ+ people I know say, the above should be true.
Space Coast Pride is a large and active community here, with both a Facebook page and a website.
Toll Roads and You
Welcome to Central Florida, home of what seems like every toll road on the planet. You can certainly get from Brevard to Orlando without tolls, but it's significantly more efficient to use tolls. 528, 417, and 408 will likely become regular parts of your life if you're heading west for any reason.
u/Im_Not_Nick_Fisher provides a nice summary of the different quick toll methods available:
E-pass Vs Sunpass... most likely want one or the other for all the tolls around Florida. Both are accepted across Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. E-PASS has less issues. Plus the advantage of their Uni, which is accepted across 18 states. I’m not certain about sunpass, but E-PASS gives you discounts on most tolls in central Florida
As a note, SunPass (ran by Florida Dept of Transportation) has recently converted their systems to allow Ez-Pass from northern states this maintenance definitely happened but since I can't find any news sources confirming it works, I'm crossing it out for now. E-PASS is ran by Central Florida Expressway Authority and is a separate system, although most tolls nowadays accept both SunPass (by extension, Ez-Pass) and E-PASS.
Orlando Sentinel article for more info
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32 days in Costa : Trip Summary (Nov-Dec14)

Putting down my quick summary of my experience to Costa, to help others. This was my second trip to the country, the first was a 'dine & dash' for a wedding so hardly the experience.
We spent most of our time in Santa Teressa, primarily to stay away from crowds. We did do a few road trips and overnighters, our favorite was La Fortuna
Situation: With COVID, and us living in the states where it appeared we'd be one of the few states allowed to fly out in November we decided in August to play it by ear and hold a flight and AirBnB. Both had great cancellation policies and both were crazy cheap due to the situation, flights have gone up nearly 500% and the stay has gone 200% as of today. I felt it was some Karma for dealing with being full remote for now 9 months that we got such a screaming deal and my pre-teens kids could do everything remote. My rental car was $3 dollars a day for a 4x4 Toyota
Getting ready for the trip (Testing, prep and insurance)
Day of Travel (month ago so things might change)
Rental Car (Lesson Learned)
We arrived at ToyotaRentaCar, which takes all of 2 min to get to in the shuttle. All the rental cars are near the same spot. 48 hours before the flight, I found out how fucked you could get on insurance and I did my best to print out how my Saphire and Amex should cover insurance.
This was a massive fail, they didn't accept any of it, even with print outs and I had a 5 hour drive. I tried another place but the rate was higher now and there was no chance to take a shuttle (safety and cost). I got fucked, ended up paying 1,300 USD to walk out the rental with the car. I drove the shit out of this car primarily due to spite. Hindsight, I would have rented a shuttle and just rented (car or quad) in the city. Lessons learned, but I also now know you can drive crazy fast through pot holes when you don't care about the car...
Santa Terressa:
Really fell in love with this town, 2/3 of our trip was spent here and we spent a good chunk of our time on the cusp of rainy/dry season. Some night we were the only peeps in restaurants and there was one day where we were the only people on Playa Hermosa...
All over Costa, people were following protocols about 80% better than in the US. Every store had alcohol and washing stations, you couldn't go in stores without doing both with only a few exceptions. No 'Karen's' causing fits or disrespecting the people working there. Overall pretty solid.
There were a few exceptions, one Argentine steakhouse opened and was trying to do a grand opening with a DJ and patio bar. We were there really early (kids), but by the time we got our check we wanted to get out of there. Shit you not, some of the long term gringos/transplants were cheek to cheek embracing each other.
We took several surf lessons and then surfed on our own via 8-12 buck rentals per day, openly as a swimmer 'has been', there was no way you could hang for more than a few hours, so don't sweat the rental it's pretty easy.
Cash is king, but credit is accepted almost everywhere in ST. There are about 4 ATM machines in town, most of the time they work, some times they don't and it sucks. You should really plan 3-4 days in advance on a cash needed situation (fishing) so you can pull out the cash early. My bank had limits per day, which meant if you were having to pay for something like the ATV rental for the week, you had to pull cash over a few days. If someone says it's more money to use credit realize; yes that is illegal and yes they're doing it to not pay taxes or not pay the credit fee. But what are you going to do about...If you feel good about bringing in a heap of cash from the US they will gladly take it, but I don't like carrying cash.
I could go on forever here, but overall great beach, surf, yoga and food town for sure. If you don't like driving on beat up dirt roads with LA or MassAss drivers. Even though people don't drive angry, they drive like a swarm you may not be used to. Bringing goggles (motor x) would be really nice on dusty days, bring a cheap pair for everyone and a mask for the dusty dusty days would have everyone cheering your name.
La Fortuna, really really cool: We stayed three nights, one in a house the other in Tabacon. Openly we lucked out on Tabacon, that place feels and behaves like a honeymoon hotel and I'm sure you'd have to pay for it outside COVID. We were there during US Thanksgiving but we went to a soda or another joint instead of their $70USD a plate.
First night we stayed in a neighborhood within La Fortuna, quite an experience. Had I no kids and had I had 5 beers, I would have probably been fine. But the house, like most houses in the hood was just cinder blocks a roof and sprinkler pipe plumbing with no hot water. It started to get pretty comical at 4AM when a dog just sat there looking at our house barking at god knows what. At about 4:45 the dog was still barking and the rooster was up, so that was about all the sleep one was going to get. The next day we went to to Tabacon thanks to my wife calling and asking for a better deal than Expedia.
We went to the majority of the main attractions in La Fortuna and spent most nights in the city vs. hotel food. We all had fallen in love with Soda's and getting the 'rice/bean/protein' dish.
The Mistico bridge was really cool, it rained about 50% of the time on the hike which made the whole experience even better. They do offer guides for a fee, but with COVID we were taking everything chill, at the time we saw only three other groups and didn't see them the whole hike. If you walk slow, pause and look around you can usually see some pretty cool stuff. We spotted spiders, hovering no sting bees, many butterflies, white face monkeys (act like chill raccoons), tons of leaf cutter ants and some amazing bridge crossings.
La Fortuna falls was amazing and more less empty, you walked down right from the ticket booth to the falls which is a big drop in temp due to the mist and shade. Wear a pair of chaco sandals or something similar and brave up for a dip, 'when in Rome'. The waterfall is crazy powerful, you aren't suppose to swim into the waterfall but I'd be surprised if you're able with the current pushing you away.
We took a coffee tour, 2nd customer of the season; there are about 10-20 in town so you can't probably go wrong picking something from Google Maps and giving them a call. I love coffee and I would say this was really fun and informative, coffee growing is actually bad in this area but the places give great tours and explain the whole process for both coffee and cocoa. They're also very good at showing you the natural wildlife living in the farm.
Tabacon, if you have the cash and you want to feel like a king while seeing the most amazing river hot springs this place has to be one of the top. I travel (prior to COVID) about 50-60 nights a year for work, so I've stayed in a lot of hotels, I would say Tabacon is the Venice, Hawaii, Vail, Whistler resort Hyatt/Marriott/Hilton. So at face value, there's nothing great if you're going to Costa for the culture. If you've slept in humid rooms for 2.5 weeks and got no sleep due to a f*cking dog barking all night (see above) it was a god send of hotel bliss.
The river hot springs and the overall pool setup is, something unique, beautiful and I will never forget it. If you can imagine Jurassic Park with a naturally heated river you can soak in with swim up bars and food 20 steps away this is it. I can see why people check the place for Honeymoons.
Lessons Learned:
Sorry this went longer than expected, hopefully this helps out with your plans. Ask away if you're going to a locale I've been and I'll give you my opinion.
submitted by diyosc4life to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

Going Ultralight on the Cape to Cape Track in Western Australia: A Trip Report

Going Ultralight on the Cape to Cape Track in Western Australia: A Trip Report
For non-Australian readers: most units are SI, e.g. weight is kilograms, distances are kilometres. Temperature units are in Celsius, and the currency is AUD.
This is a really long post, so here's a table of contents.
  • Introduction to the Cape to Cape Track
    • Weather
    • My Walk
      • What I Packed
      • Day 1
      • Day 2
      • Day 3
      • Day 4
      • Day 5
      • Day 6
      • Epilogue
      • Post-Epilogue
  • Trail Conditions
    • Sleeping Sites
    • Water
    • Sightings
  • Things I Learned About Going UL on this Walk
  • Gear Talk

Introduction to the Cape to Cape Track

From 23-28 October 2020, I walked the Cape to Cape Track (125km) in Australia's Southwest for 6 days and 5 nights from north to south. It's a coastal trail that goes from one lighthouse to another, winding through coastal heath, lots of beaches, and rocky coastlines. The track passes through quite a number of tiny holiday towns at the northern half. Town and camping stops become more sparse as you venture further south.


In late October, we're usually well into the drier Nyoongar season of kambarang (or second spring), but there were still plenty of wildflowers on the track, and even strong winds, cloudy skies, and a smattering of drizzle in the last couple of days. Being decent weather for hiking, there were plenty of walkers doing partial sections or going end to end, and I was only truly alone at a campsite on the last day. Daytime weather was warm and windy, up to about 30°C at the most, while the coolest time of the day in the early mornings never seemed to go below 10°C.
During the period I was walking, the sun set at 6:45pm and rose around 5:30am, providing plenty of daylight to walk in.

My Walk

Preview pic for the reddit post
A short Instagram Story Highlight of my hike is available for your pleasure. A few photos from my hike will be trickling out on my Instagram. I might edit the post to add pics as I process them.
What I Packed
Because of the moderate night-time temperatures, I decided to leave the puffy at home and only bring active top insulation (fleece and wind jacket) for sleeping and early morning hiking. Together with my 0°C-rated Terra Rosa Gear SynQuilt 3-Season and thermal bottoms, it provided more than enough warmth for a good night's sleep, and I didn't even have to strap down the quilt.
All my gear and food fit about just right on Day 1 in the maiden hike of the Aussie-made Wilderness Threadworks Sonder 36L backpack I had acquired secondhand.
Altogether, a pleasantly lightweight loadout below 4kg base weight. With about 2L of water and maybe 3kg of food, I don't think I ever carried more than 9kg in total, excluding worn weight.
I went no-cook, like I did on the Bibbulmun Track. What I brought, off the top of my head: Couscous, tuna packets, parmesan cheese, peanut butter, seaweed, wraps, spices and instant noodle seasoning packets, wasabi packets, vegan bacon powder, oats, nuts, milk powder, cocoa powder, matcha powder sachets, bran sticks, chia seeds, sugar.
Day 1
With only a short 11km from Cape Naturaliste to Duckworth campsite, I spent the morning driving a few hours from Perth, stopping at the Maccas in Busselton for lunch. Parked my car at Cape Naturaliste, got my pack out, and began my walk. The first few kilometres were on wheelchair accessible surfaces and already pretty and scenic.

Sugarloaf Rock
At Duckworth campsite, the ultralight, ultra-free yogurt spoon I thought I'll try out started to crack as I prepared my dinner. I also noticed that the reusable squeeze tube I was trying out as a supposedly mess-free way to bring out peanut butter for camping had already proven unreliable as the sealing clip had broken. This early kitchen nightmare was quelled, when I managed to get a disposable wooden spoon at a cafe in Yallingup the next day, and I McGyvered a temporary seal for the peanut butter tube with another spoon and a rubber band.
Day 2
A 23km walk from Duckworth, with an early stop at Yallingup for coffee and to pick up disposable spoons, ending at Moses Rock. It took longer than I expected to walk this stretch; a 7am start at a 3pm end meant I was walking less than 3km/h. Varied environments of beach, some rock formations, and a waterfall made the day's walk more interesting and probably helped to slow me down.

Quinninup Falls
I passed a few walkers wearing day packs, which is to be expected as it is easy to do car drop offs and pick ups along this section. I spotted a whale far out at sea, which was really cool.
There was a little side trip to Quinninup Falls further upstream from a brook. It was modest, but still pretty. I long-jumped over the stream to get nearer to the waterfall to refill my water. The falls splashed me well as the water in my bottle filled slowly. On the jump back, one foot plunged into the mossy pool, providing mirth to the day visitors who happened to be there.
Day 3
It was supposed to be a reasonable 19km walk to the next campsite at Ellensbrook, but when I arrived at Ellensbrook at 1pm after a speedy pace through the easy trail terrain in coastal heath, I decided to walk a further 11km to the Prevelly caravan park after a short half-hour lunch.
Between Moses Rock and Ellensbrook is Gracetown, which I arrived at just in time for a warm pie from the cafe for breakfast.
Just before I reached Prevelly, I had to cross the Margaret River at the mouth. The depth depends on the season, and when it's too deep, there is a diverted route. However, it was only knee deep for me, and other than getting my shoes wet, an easy crossing.

Margaret River Mouth
I stopped at Prevelly and paid $15 for a tent site. I also ended up spending a hefty $32 for a pub-priced beef and bacon burger with fries and a craft beer at the neighbouring restaurant for my dinner. Was it worth it though? Arguably yes.
I also got a shower at the caravan park, which was welcome. Being UL and not expecting to shower, I hadn't brought a towel. My neck gaiter managed to dry me off enough to let the cold dry evening air do the rest of the work.
Day 4
Walking the longer distance to Prevelly the day before shortened the walk to Conto's campground considerably, from an original 28km to a very short 16km. The next campground, Point Road, was only 1.6km ahead, after which the next possible accommodation was the Hamelin Bay Caravan Park at 19km. So it wasn't really physically possible for me to walk past Point Road to Hamelin Bay.
I woke up in the morning to find my shelter wet with condensation, as well as the bits of my quilt that had contacted the moisture. Since I didn't have a lot to walk today, I decided to have a later start to let the sun rise and dry out my gear. After a pecan pie for breakfast at the general store and a sausage roll to go that ended up getting scoffed impatiently due to the stomach overruling the mind, I left Prevelly just after 8am.
There were some awesome bits of the day. The trail brought me near some caves, named Bob's Hollow, and on the edge of some rocky cliffs.
Bob's Hollow
Getting to Conto's about 6 hours later at 2pm, I still had plenty of daylight. I rested here for a couple of hours, and also decided to have dinner here and to get well-hydrated before moving on to Point Road, where water would be unavailable. I utilised the free-to-use barbecue pit to make a grilled cheese panini. Cheers for the Aussie barbie!
Around 5pm, I left with a couple of other walkers I had met to Point Road, where we set up camp for the night. By coincidence, they met a couple of car camping friends there, and invited me along for a chat. The car campers offered me wine and a couple of snags, which was lovely to have!
Day 5
I got up early, packed up, and left at 6:15am for what I expected to be a long 28km walk past Hamelin Bay, all the way to the last campsite on the track at Deepdene.
On the way, I saw the biggest black snake of my entire life. Before I could brandish my phone for a picture, it slithered swiftly into the undergrowth. I have no doubt that if it felt like attacking me, it would reach me at lightning speed.
At noon, I arrived at the caravan park in Hamelin Bay. They're known for having some tame stingray denizens, but unfortunately the choppy waves meant they weren't around. I also happened to arrive on a day that a coffee kiosk there was closed. So I contented myself with a cold-soaked couscous lunch. The wind started to pick up and drops of drizzle came down as well. I suited up in my wind jacket and continued walking after lunch.
It might have simply been an unremarkable trudge on the beach today if not for the strong coastal winds, tremendous waves pounding the shoreline, and foreboding dark clouds that made it feel more exciting. The clouds also helped to reduce the radiative heat from the sun one normally experiences while beach walking.
Later on, the trail took me right on a rocky coast with blowholes through which the sea would sometimes churn from underneath and once in a while, erupt through.
I arrived at Deepdene, and found two northbound walkers who were there for a break and left soon after. No one else arrived after that, and I had the whole site to myself for the first time. Someone had lit an illegal campfire before, the remnants of it a fine grey ash that became part of the sandy dust that coated my shelter as I was pitching it, to my annoyance.
Day 6
With a TransWA bus from Augusta back to Dunsborough to catch at 3pm, and only 15km to the symbolic trailhead at the Cape Leeuwin lighthouse, I didn't have to rush. The rest of the walk was mostly a long trudge on the beach, with the tall lighthouse always teasingly far away in the visible distance. Eventually the track left the beach into the forest, which meant I was heading inland and close to the tip of the cape.
It was an awesome feeling, reaching the end. I also remember having been here, long ago, as a child with my family on a holiday to the Southwest. I took my time learning about the history of the lighthouse in the museum there, before heading to the lighthouse itself for a victory photo.
What a great walk!
Little did I realise, it wasn't really the end of the long walking I had to do today...
I figured it would be cheaper to hitchhike to Augusta, which was about 7km away from the lighthouse. So I set off on Leeuwin Road. I held my thumb out as cars passed by. Unfortunately, I was on a road that cars weren't supposed to stop on. I was new to this, you see. Eventually, I put my hand down, resigned to walking all the way.
A kind soul saw me, turned around, and asked if I was headed to Augusta. I replied in the affirmative, and he offered a ride, which I took gladly. Getting into Augusta without walking more was a relief. I had a lunch of fish and chips, a slice of cheesecake, and a coffee while waiting for the bus.
Then it was a pleasant bus ride back to Dunsborough, where I had a good rest.
But little did I know, I was going to be walking a whole lot more...
My car with all my stuff was still parked at Cape Naturaliste. In hindsight, I should've dropped a bag at the hostel in Dunsborough prior to my hike with a change in clothes, my toiletries, and my phone charger, so I could have a good night's rest before travelling to Cape Naturaliste the next day. But since I didn't think of that at the beginning, if I wanted to get my stuff, I had to travel there after my bus ride.
The cheapskate that I am, I thought, I'll just walk there after my bus ride. According to the Trails WA website, the Meelup Trail leads from Dunsborough to Cape Naturaliste, and is only a 7.8km walk? I just had a short 15km morning; surely 7.8km is no big deal.
However, I neglected to realise till it was too late, that 7.8km was the distance from the trail head, which was still a distance from Dunsborough. The actual distance was probably upwards of 12km. Walking from about 5pm, I would probably end up walking into the dusk. But I had already committed to this plan.
I offloaded my camping gear at the hostel, and strode with purpose out of town, towards Cape Naturaliste.
At the brisk hiking pace I was doing, with the urgency to get there not just before dark, but before Cole's supermarket closed at 8pm so I could grab a cheap dinner off the shelf, I began to feel the strain in my ankles. The setting sun revealed that the surrounds of the Meelup Trail were actually very beautiful, comparable to the scenery of the Cape to Cape Track itself.
I was still walking when the sun fully set. With a bit of trail left to the end, I decided to just take another route that the map showed on the phone that goes straight on the road, for an easier walk. I was elated when I finally saw my car. I drove to Coles with fifteen minutes to spare, got a rotisserie chicken with salad vegetables and bread, and headed to the hostel. More than half a chicken was demolished that night.
So it turns out, the most challenging day of walking I had on this hike, wasn't even really on the Cape to Cape Track at all.
And that, my friends, is the true conclusion of my Cape to Cape Track walk.

Trail Conditions

Sleeping Sites
The campsites are generally decent. The soft ground at pretty much all the sites I was at lets stakes in easily, while holding fast, and was comfortable for me even on a 6-piece ZLite CCF pad. Rainwater tanks, picnic tables, and dunnies with toilet paper are present at all the campsites along the track (with the exception of no water at Point Road). Conto's also had free barbecue pits, which is no surprise in Australia.
Most of the campsites are free with the exception of those you share with car campers, i.e. Conto's and Point Road. Conto's ($15) is booked online (there is supposedly wi-fi on site solely meant for last-minute bookings), while Point Road is $11 which you drop into a box there.
There aren't any shelters at all though, which was good for me as I got to practise pitching my Gatewood Cape every night.
There is also the option of sleeping in nicer cabins or pitching your tent in unpowered sites at caravan parks in the small towns I mentioned, e.g. Yallingup, Gracetown, Prevelly, Hamelin Bay.
As mentioned, there are rainwater tanks at almost every campsite, and you can also refill untreated water at the towns you pass along the way. You could ostensibly refill your water at some of the streams you pass by if Guthook is any indication, but because you are usually near the sea when you pass them, it is likely they are quite brackish or saline, especially in the drier period I was hiking in.
I brought 2L of capacity in water bottles, and found it was close to being inadequate for my hydration needs between water points, especially because I was walking a lot in exposed environments, i.e. coastal heath and beaches. If you usually drink a lot of water, I'll recommend having at least a 3L water capacity for this hike.
You can expect to see a snake or two in this season. There were also a few goannas/monitor lizards skulking about, blue-tongued lizards, bobtails, shorebirds on the beach, and my favourite: the surfers! Also, if you hike during the whale migratory season, they can be spotted off the coast.
Surprisingly, not a single kangaroo was seen.

Things I Learned About Going UL on this Walk

A 10000 mAh power bank was not enough for six days, for me.
Maybe it's because it's a second hand power bank I got off a friend for a cheap 5 bucks, so its capacity is diminished. Maybe it's because it's a Xiaomi power bank, which is no match for the industry standard Nitecore NB10000.
But also it's because as a phone-dependent millennial who is relying on my ageing Samsung Galaxy S8 critically for navigation and also non-essentially for entertainment, I really needed more juice than I had expected. I also realised that I used to save phone power and kill time as a solo hiker by reading log books on the Bibbulmun, something the Cape to Cape Track doesn't have.
I did get a top-up at Prevelly, so it all worked out. But that Grandma Gatewood audiobook I had downloaded remains unlistened.
Plastic yogurt spoons are ultralight, ultra-free, but unreliable for long hikes.
As I learned on day 1. I guess it's back to my Ti spoon for now.
No more refillable squeeze tubes.
They ended up more messy than jars. I don't even think there was a big weight saving.
A cold soak container can hold extra water, you know.
I can't believe this didn't occur to me earlier.
I'm finally getting a bit sick of couscous.
Oh no.

Gear Talk

Once again, LighterPack:
SMD Gatewood Cape & Serenity Net Tent
Because there are no shelters and you have to pitch your tent every night, it really got me practising how to set up this mid-style poncho tarp, which is seeing its first proper trip. I'm still learning how to get a taut pitch (I might have to go reread the instructions), and I found myself readjusting the stakes post-pitch every evening. I also have to learn how to pitch it well enough so the net tent inner does not touch the tarp; on the night in Prevelly, a lot of condensation got into my quilt and the net tent because the walls were touching.
I do take a bit more time to set this up than my previous tent, the Nemo Hornet 2P, which is expected. Also, after being in storage after more than a year without use, it might have become a bit looser than when it was new. But I guess that's what some of the pullout loops are for. I used them in conjunction with my second trekking pole and guyline to get a bit more headroom.
Some of the sites were a bit dusty, so I actually splashed water on it to get the dust off, and there was significant drizzle on the last night. But its waterproofing works well as expected.
The net tent was necessary for this hike, with flies, mosquitoes, and other bugs flitting around in the evenings.
I appreciated the sitting room of the net tent, as sitting is a position I find myself in the tent a lot. I always thought that I'll eventually develop the UL cojones to embrace a bivy. But I think I won't, not for a while.
I brought a couple of extra Ti shepherd's hook stakes just to try, and used them for non-critical stake points. I found them really great in the soft dirt at the campsites. I also learned that the Gatewood Cape and Serenity Net Tent, while designed to require a minimum of six stakes, could actually use up to nine stakes if you happen to have them. I did find a couple of stakes left behind -- trail magic!
Wilderness Threadworks Sonder 36L
Like a smaller version of my ULA Ohm, i.e. awesome! It was nice to have a smaller backpack for an appropriately shorter walk. On day one, it was definitely filled to the brim. But it was able to compress more compactly as the hike went on. I was a also a bit careless putting it down on rough surfaces sometimes. But 'tis without a scratch.
I also appreciated the minimalist hip belt on this model. It kept my backpack from swinging about.
Terra Rosa Gear SynQuilt 3-Season
Finally seeing some extended use in the outdoors instead of just when I sleep in my car. Great quilt.
It does appear a bit less bulky after repeated compressions in my pack. I guess that is to be expected; It is a synthetic quilt after all, and won't bounce back as well as down from compression.
Sun Gloves
A welcome addition to my sun protection attire, especially in Australia.
I bought a pair from the Cancer Council Australia shop here. They're fingerless gloves made of polyester that come with a large hole in the palms. They didn't feel stuffy to wear, and also incidentally reduced abrasion around the areas where I would grip my trekking poles.
That took a while to write. Hope y'all find it a good read!
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Travel Diary - I am 35 years old, live in the UK and this week am on holiday in Scotland driving the North Coast 500 with my dog

I am 35 years old make £50,000 live in NW UK and work as an accountant. This week i’m on holiday with just my dog, driving round the North Coast 500, Scotland’s answer to Route 66.
Day 1 - Saturday
6.30am -Eeek it’s here... I wake up and bring coffee upstairs to bed with the dog M for a last cuddle. I’m going to really miss my husband D but I do understand him not wanting to close his business again so soon after being closed for 3 months due to Covid. It might seem odd me holidaying on my own but we are very happily married - honest.
8am - I start getting my stuff together. I’m not a big fan of breakfast early on after waking up, but I have a long way to go today so I grab a muffin.I get myself ready, then get D to walk with me to the park, so that M can be thoroughly emptied and he gets a good run around. He’s not over pleased with his new car harness (he usually travels in D’s car with a dog guard) but I strap him in and off we set. 334 miles to go...
9am - I blast some tunes and M goes straight to sleep, and I push through until Gretna Green which takes just under 2 hours. I’ve often driven past here, but never stopped, but I need a wee and think it’s time to let M out too. We have a quick walk through around the visitor centre complex.
11.30am - I then hop back in the car, and my next stop is the Starbucks at the services. I had made myself a packed lunch but I annoyingly left it in the fridge and so I pick up a tuna melt and an iced coffee from some credit on my app. I’m breezing along at this point, the scenery looks stunning and I can’t understand why the sat nav is saying it’s going to take so long to arrive. I make a quick stop at a lay-by just to see if M wants a wee or a drink. Then I hit the outskirts of Perth... What should be the last hour takes 2, in fact it takes 30 minutes to drive a mile. I’m absolutely exhausted by this point and M is telling me he’s understandably fed up. We start moving again and I’m so tired it’s getting dangerous, and I notice that some of the lay-bys have access to a lovely riverside path, so I stop. I put M on his lead and we just do a 10 minute walk, which makes both of us feel better. Then the last 30 minutes through the most stunning scenery, and we’re here. Kingussie in the Cairngorms. I check in, this was one of the cheapest hotels and it’s great, they upgraded me to en-suite which was super kind, and the room is great albeit very hot.
4.30pm - I dump my bags and head straight out with M. I find a couple of places to let him off, then a lovely river for him to cool off as he’s super warm. Then to the hotel bar for a well deserved cold pint £4. The staff and (fairly well lubricated for 5pm) locals are so unbelievably friendly, couldn’t have picked a better place to stay. I shower as I’m dripping, get changed into something cooler, which I sweat in immediately as the room is boiling, then we walk out to where I have booked for dinner - the tipsy laird. The staff again are super friendly, and I order a cider, and the Tipsy burger with cheese. Everyone loved M and he was brought water straight away, but the only problem was that the table I was given was on the through flow to the toilets/kitchen so he was up and down like a yo yo saying hi to everyone, and I didn’t get the most relaxed meal. The burger comes though and it’s massive! Big feed for £12. I decide to leave after this, we’re parked in the middle of the through flow really, and it’s not super restful for either of us, so I pay the bill £15.65 and walk back the same way as earlier Max can have a run around and I phone D for a quick chat.
8.00pm - I head back to my hotel and buy a bottle of wine. £15.50 that I drink a glass of in the bar, a glass in bed, and pack the rest for another night. I watch a bit of tv on my iPad, and have an early night as we have an adventure tomorrow...
Miles travelled - 334 Hotel - £55 Amount spent - £55.64 including a half tank of petrol the night before
Day 2 - Sunday
7.00am- I had set an alarm this morning, as I have a bit to do, and I want to pre-empt any wee needs as we are 2 floors up in the hotel. He’s also had loads of water as it’s boiling. I didn’t get the best night sleep unfortunately which is a shame as the bed is amazingly comfortable. The room was unfortunately just super hot, nothing they could do as it’s been a heat wave. I’ve also never stayed away with M before except with family and he was hot and unsettled. So I had the window open, but all the young lads from Kingussie unfortunately decided to congregate under our window, playing their music from the car speakers making him quite understandably stressed. So I throw on last nights clothes and we go for a quick walk, then I come back up and shower, make coffee and pack the million things I seem to have brought up to the room. Not easy to travel light with a dog. I would have liked to have had breakfast here, but the hotel and both coffee shops in the village don’t open until 9, and I need to be on the road. So I just eat a muesli bar from the car and we head off towards Aviemore. Unfortunately my car sat nav gets me hugely lost, and keeps trying to send me down down gravel tracks to get on the A9 which surprise surprise don’t lead me onto a massive dual carriageway... I end up back tracking all the way I came as I had no phone signal to double check. Turns out I should have just carried on a few more miles. Puts me a bit behind schedule.
9.30am - I park the car at the air bnb that I booked, quickly pack a day rucksack and we frog-march down to the train station, as today, we’re going on a steam train. M’s first time on a train. I collect the tickets (£16.25 + £1 for M) and find our table. They have sold only half of the tables for social distancing and it’s really well organised. We choo choo off. It’s very picturesque, but mostly fields etc but still a worthwhile little outing. M isn’t quite as interested and goes to sleep. We get out at the first stop as I want to split my ticket, so I get a reservation for the later train back. They sort this for me (again everyone is super friendly) so I jump back on again. At the terminus I get out again for some photos and a leg stretch.
12.00pm - Back at the Boat Of Garten stop we gather our things and get off, as we have a reservation at the Boat inn for lunch. I order a pint of cider, and a sandwich and chips. We just hang out here for a while, well ages really as our train back isn’t until 3.30pm, unfortunately the middle train of the day got cancelled with Covid. About half way through I get a bit peckish again and order a sticky toffee pud and a glass of rose. I pay the bill which comes to £36.25. It’s coming up for our return train time so we wander back to the station, and not long after the train arrives.
3.30pm - We board and chug our noisy way back to Aviemore station, where I have a quick wee and then we walk the 30 mins back up to our air bnb to check in. I booked a tiny house just outside of Aviemore, and it’s ideal.. The lady who owns and runs it (it’s in her garden) has broken her elbow, but her Mum is there looking after her and they both show me around and make a fuss of M. I have a quick shower, and we both just chill out for a bit as we are exhausted. I decide not to go out tonight. It’s been a long couple of days, so I think fish and chips, a glass of wine and Netflix is on the cards. As I’m just about to head out the owner lets her dog in the garden and they have a fab 20 min play whilst I chat to Karen who is truly lovely.
7pm - I nip to the Co-op where I pick up a bottle of wine, and a pack of hot cross buns and some utterly butterly for the next 2 mornings breakfasts which costs £9.30, and then I order Haddock and chips for me, and a sausage for Max, £11.05. I head back to the cabin, get in my PJ’s, and just have a lovely chill. The cabin is amazing as night time wee’s can be achieved by just opening the door into the garden, shame I’m only here 2 nights. Write my trippie, and sleep like the dead.
Miles travelled in a car - should have been 15 but was actually more like 30 Miles travelled on a train - 20 Accommodation - £75 Amount spent - £73.95
Day 3 - Monday
6.00am - I wake up early so I nip to the toilet and then am just able to open the cabin door to the garden, and M can sort himself out which is just so easy. I take my medication then we both get back into (our separate) beds for a bit and fall back asleep. I wake up at about 8.30am to a snoring dog. I pop the kettle on, make myself a coffee then toast 2 hot cross buns for breakfast, setting off the smoke alarm in the process. Both fully breakfasted I pack a bag, load the car and we’re off to Loch Morlich.
10am - I find the right car park after a couple of bodged attempts, and scrape together the £1.50 car parking charge. I get a leaflet with a map (just worth pointing out I’m fair terrible with maps) and set off towards the beach. Well Mr water baby practically drags me in when he sees the loch. After a couple of false starts, me going the wrong way, then me following the wrong colour signs, and a brief occasion where M may have decided to join some kayakers, we get on the right trail, we are going to walk all the way round the Loch, about 6km. It’s quite warm, and very midgey but stunningly beautiful and we don’t see anyone for the first half until we start to come across people who are doing shorter walks from the other way. Towards the end we cross a bridge and I lose my path altogether, I know I’m not right but I am right next to the loch and can see where I need to go, so I just clip him on the lead and we follow the road. Later on I see where I need to be; the path is elevated on the other side of the road, but I decide scrambling up verges next to busy roads isn’t overly sensible. We make it back to the beach, let the boy have one last swim, then head back to the car where much towelling is done, as well as a bit of pre lunch damage control with wet wipes and a clean t-shirt for me.
12.30pm -Our lunch stop is the Old Bridge Inn, and so I park up and we wander in. It’s a beautiful old pub, and it’s Monday today and the UK govt eat out to help out scheme and so it’s 50% off. I order a cheese board which comes and is absolutely fab (but why do they never give you enough crackers) and a pint of cider. I have a little nose popping up to see if there is any cheese going spare. I eventually catch someone’s eye and ordered a piece of cheesecake. This comes with sorbet which makes me really happy as I love sorbet (and can’t eat ice cream). I get the bill which comes to a mere £11.90. This Eat out to help out is really going to help me stay within budget.
2.00pm - Back in the car, we drive back up the road to the home of the Cairngorm reindeer herd. The hill walk is one of the things I would have loved to do (I did it in 2008 though) but obviously no dogs are allowed, and due to Covid the little paddocks with a few to pat and snap are closed. I drive up regardless though just to see if I can spot one from a distance. Unfortunately no luck, so I head all the way back through Aviemore where I stop at the Cairngorm Brewery to choose some beers for DH as a gift. I debate dropping the car and going out for a drink, but M can barely keep his eyes open, and so I nip to the Co-op for a cold bottle of Prosecco. I still do have a couple of half bottles of wine, but neither are cold, so I’ll drink them later in the trip when I get a fridge or a bar with ice I can pinch.
4.00pm I just have a shower, get in bed for a bit, have a glass of Prosecco, message D and write my notes.
6.00pm - After a bit of a chill out, I get dressed, sort a few bits out then we wander out and into the village. On the way past we stop at a stone circle I spotted on google maps, pretty funky and right in the middle of a residential area. We get to our dinner reservation half an hour early, but they kindly seat me anyway, but just say I can’t order food until my reservation time which is no problem. It is super busy and it takes a while to get a drink, but I just read my book. I decide on a smokey chilli chicken pizza and skin on fries, and it comes and it’s massive! Also very spicy but really tasty, can’t complain at all. Total including 2 glasses of wine was £20.75, an absolute bargain. I love this eat out to help out business!
8.00pm - We wander back to our little cabin. Pj’s and a chill out in bed, we’re moving on tomorrow and it’s an early start so to sleep for both of us.. a lovely day and I’m so glad to have seen Aviemore again, but I’m excited to move on and see some more new places.
Miles travelled in a car - 15 Accommodation - £75 Amount spent - £51.35
Day 4 - Tuesday
7.00am - When the alarm goes off I snooze a couple of times, then start the process of showering and getting dressed whilst trying to make coffee and breakfast, pack and sort Mout all at once. I wash the dishes, then load the car, and off we go. Our first stop today is Dochgarroch lock, as we are going on a Loch Ness cruise.
9.00am - We make cracking time which is good as it did take me a little longer than expected to get everything in the car. We pass road signs highlighting a yellow weather warning for heavy rain (hello Britain) so I pack both our rain coats just in case. The boat is ready for us, so we wander on and sit outside at the back so I don’t have to wear a mask for 2 hours.
9.30am - We set off, chugging slowly down the canal, past the smallest lighthouse in Britain, and then when we enter Loch Ness we really pick up speed, charging right down the centre. No rain yet, in actual fact it’s very sunny so I keep swapping seats to try and get shade for us both, as stupid Mummy remembered his water bottle, but not his bowl to drink from. Yesterday when I went to the brewery, I completely forgot to pick up a beer or two for my best friends birthday, so when I see the Loch Ness lagers on the bar onboard, I buy 2. £9.20 which serves me right for not being smarter yesterday as they are double the cost. We pootle past Urquhart castle which I have visited myself back in the day, and I get some photos as they turn the boat round for us all to see. A lady is on board who is a single Mum with 2 kids (at least one special needs) and 3 chocolate Labradors. She managed to remember a water bowl though (what a human being) and she sends her little girl over to offer M water. I feel like my dog is quite rightly judging my parenting skills at this point as he pointedly drinks up like he’s not been offered water in days. We start to head back up the canal, and I must say I’ve really enjoyed it. Well worth it.
11.00am - Get back to the car and the first stop is filling the car up with Diesel. This comes to £45.47 but I buy a meal deal for £4.95 too as I’m getting hungry. Quick wee stop then I’m on the road,this is my first actual section of the NC500. First stop is Dornoch Beach. I park up for free and give M a real treat, a swim in the sea. I’m a bit nervous as it’s busier than expected but he’s completely excellent and charges around like a loon, but comes back to me with no issue at all. Much towelling and cold drinks for both of us, then back in the car. I’m looking for the stone remembering the last witch execution in 1727, it’s now in someone’s garden, but I find it.
1pm - On the road again we go, this time just to the outside of Dunrobin castle. I would definitely have paid to enter here and see the falconry display, but it’s not dog friendly. So I just take a photo and have a nosy, then it’s north again. This time it’s a quick stop at Cairn Liath, an old stone Broch. This is fabulous, we have to cross the A9 on foot which is a little hairy, but so worth it. I can let M off and we both have a good nosy around.
3.00pm - My last stop is a museum called the Timespan museum which I have read you can take dogs into. Unfortunately it’s closed though, so we decide just to push onto Wick where we are staying tonight. The roads get incredibly hilly, and I see my first Highland coo... you just wouldn’t imagine here you are anywhere near a big town, but then all of a sudden, a lidl, a retail park, and a town, with a wetherspoons
4.30pm -Find the hotel and check in, super friendly again. And I have a massive room on the ground floor near an exit to the car park, so incredibly thoughtful. The bed is huge too. I decide to go for a walk through town, I snap a photo of the world’s shortest street. And then I hunt down the Wetherspoons. I sit outside with M and order a pint of strongbow on the app. Absolutely ideal because I don’t even need to go inside to order and therefore leave him. I then realise I can order bar snacks from the app too, I even get 50% off my peanuts. If I’m honest, if i had known i could eat outside, and that it would be dry I would have eaten here tonight, but it is undoubtedly better to give the money to the independents after all. I stay here rather longer than expected, mostly because I realise my watch has not quite stopped but gone very slow. I spend under a tenner here including buying a bag of crisps for the car tomorrow. 7pm - Back to the room and I shower and get changed, feed M then wander to the hotel dining room. I’m eating in the residents lounge so I can keep M with me. To be honest with you, I think he’d prefer to be in the room in bed, but the hotel is packed with people coming past, and I’m worried he’ll bark if he gets startled so I keep him with me and he goes to sleep on the carpet. Then starts flirting with the Scottish ladies visiting. I order a wine, mozzarella sticks and chicken jalfrezi which are quite nice. This costs £20.50. I ring D, write my notes, then head to bed. It’s been a busy day, but a really good one..
Mikes travelled in a car - 149 Accommodation - £86.95 Amount spent -£91.48 but I have plenty of budget left from prior days to chip into the petrol
Day 5 - Wednesday
8am- Waking up I take the boss out for a quick wee, then head back to the room. Breakfast for him and shower for me. This hotel has been absolutely ideal, the only negative for me is that the walls and ceilings were paper thin, and I think the other guests of the hotel found the Wetherspoons too. This made M a bit unsettled as it was pitch black by this time and quite noisy, so I had to sleep the first part of the night with my foot in his bed to keep him calm. But then all went quiet and we had a lovely night sleep. The bed was amazing. We have breakfast in the residents lounge, which was great, and they even bring M a sausage.
9.30am - Then it’s time to check out, we’ve been very leisurely this morning because a couple of the first suggested stops are here in Wick, but don’t open until 10. I first head in the car to the Old Pulteney whisky distillery to look at souvenirs for D. The weather this morning is overcast to say the least, and I drive through some very industrial type areas. The town has a very different look and feel to it than yesterday strangely. I arrive and the smell of the whisky greets me, but unfortunately also does a sign saying they were closed. I snap a photo then off we go. Next is the Wick Heritage museum. I arrive at 10.04am to a big closed sign on the door. I decide to sit it out for a minute, and a lady does arrive and go through the door about 10.10am, but despite sitting it out for a while, the door remains shut with the big closed sign on the door. I know these places are small, but I wish they had updated their website/social media as I had got the impression they would be open. I won’t be deterred at my next stop though, Tesco petrol station, I only need just over a tenner, but it’s really cheap so decide to top the tank up and it’s on to John O’Groats. I’m glad we didn’t stay here the night, but it was a great little stop. Thankfully most things are open, so I head into the little Brewery and get D 3 local beers from the brewery in the village £10.50, then grab myself a coffee for the car, £2.90.
11.30am - It’s then onto Duncansby head lighthouse. And a bit of a walk over the field to the sea stacks. I really enjoyed it here too. The Castle of Mey is my next stop, this once used to be owned by the Queen mother and apparently has lovely gardens. I was hoping to be able to nip in like Dunrobin yesterday for a quick mooch and a photo, but they are only letting people in with pre-booked gardens tickets. They are super friendly though and point out where on the road I can get a quick photo. Then it’s onwards and upwards again. I follow the signs then for Dunnet Head. This is the most furtherly north place in the UK (not actually John O’Groats). This was a longish single track road to get there, and again there is a lighthouse, and viewpoints over to the Orkney islands. Again very worth the trip up and Max enjoys the walk around. Good practice for the single track roads too.
1.30pm -Back down the long winding track and it’s the Dunnet Bay gin distillery next. I don’t drink gin either, but my husband and best friend do, so I nip in and buy them some souvenirs £19.50. I’m desperate for a wee at this point, and the lady from the gin shop points me next door to hotel where they have outdoor toilets they don’t mind people using. I notice a really busy eating area, and a quick google later and they are doing eat out to help out. It’s nearly 2pm by this point, and I’m hungry, so I grab Max and sit outside. I order a lime and soda and some mac and cheese. This turns out to be a great idea, as I don’t really see anywhere else to stop on the way, it’s also delicious and costs me a whole £6.48. I spy a sign for a beach, and the boy has been so good, we go for a walk on Dunnet Bay Beach. This is absolutely stunning, and we both absolutely love it. Well I do until he brings me a present of half a dead fish.
3.30pm - Onto our destination for the evening, the village of Tongue. It doesn’t look that far, but the roads quickly become single track, very hilly and winding, and this time there are HGV’s rumbling past. I have to be honest I find it fairly traumatic, and don’t really get to take in the very stunning scenery for trying to avoid sheep who are napping in the passing places! I really wish I had stopped to photograph the roads. Truly beautiful but I didn’t half wish D was here. But I make it in one piece, with a rather big sigh of relief. I unclench my hands, and check into my room, it’s a single which is no problem, in fact the bathroom is bigger than the bedroom strangely. They have left me a complementary bottle of wine though which is a nice touch (I pack this for another night) I have a cool shower and just chill out for an hour or so with my book. It’s very warm, and incredibly midgey, I must have about 50 bites on me, but the bed is comfy. We go down and I order dinner, onion bhaji’s followed by lamb shank. The food is a little expensive, but absolutely lovely. I’m quite tired, so I take M out for a very quick walk round the village, then we head back upstairs. I think I have a lot of single track driving to do in the morning, so I have an early night watching MAFS Australia in bed. I think the older I get the earlier my bedtimes do 😂 It’s been a really good day despite a couple of closure early on.
Miles travelled in a car - 95 Accommodation - £60 Amount spent £79.50
Day 6 - Thursday
7.30am - I wake up to my alarm. Both of us slept really well. Think M is getting used to hotels now. It’s fairly wet, wild and windy this morning, but my weather app tells me it should be fairly short lived. For today anyway. Usual dog wee, shower, and packing up of our worldly possessions.
8.30am - I go down for breakfast, having packed the dog bed in the car, to find that I can’t have him with me for breakfast. I decide as it’s cool the car is the safer option, but I rush through breakfast as quickly as I can. I sneak a couple of bits out in a napkin to the car for him, then I pack up and check out.
9am - We drive for the first hour on single track roads, stunningly beautiful again but thankfully quieter so I build confidence a bit. I soon figure out the best way for me to slot in behind someone at a safe distance and almost take a tow. That way they make the call to go or stop, and I just follow. It takes me an hour to do 28 miles, but I’m happy enough pootling along. In fact my first tow is a campervan doing 30, but then I progress later to a VW Sirvocco doing 40, go me...
10am - Our first stop today was Smoo Cave, well what a fab stop, and I’m even able to let the little monster have a swim. It’s stunningly beautiful, and well worth the 10 minute walk back up and down. It has got very very warm, completely different to how it looked this morning when I got up.
11am - Only a few miles away was the Balnakeil craft village. I make a pit stop first at the famous Cocoa Mountain, where I get a coffee which comes with 4 chocolates for £5.95. I was going to buy D some chocolates to take home from here, but they are £1 a chocolate, and I’m worried they’ll end up in a soggy mess by the time I get home as it’s warmer than expected. So I just sit in the sun with my coffee for a bit have a quick nosy in one of the shops, but I’m no good in a mask, so I head back to the car and get on my way.
12pm- I snap some photos of the famous Kylesku bridge, then carry on, I miss the sign for the Rock shop which is recommended, this is possibly because it may be closed, and decide to do the optional detour to Lochinver. This wasn’t the best call. It’s 11 miles which does take about 20 minutes each way, and I head to the pottery shop. Well it’s all stunning, but at over £35 for a mug, it isn’t the souvenir shop for me. I haven’t had any lunch, so I stop at the Lochinver larder, a famous pie shop. Well all I want to do is buy a takeaway pie for lunch, but after 10 minutes in the queue which is just to pay, and seeing that no one who has ordered since I’ve arrived has got their lunch, I give up, I don’t want to leave M in the car for any longer. Luckily I have a spare pack of crisps and some haribo in the car.
2pm - Continuing on towards Ullapool which is my stop for the night, I spy the sign for the ruins of Ardvreck castle. Well this is a great stop and cheers us both up. He gets to swim, and I walk and clear my head. It is so beautiful, and we both really enjoy it. Not long after another sign for the Knockan Crag geological reserve. We enjoyed this too and walk the loop above the car park reading the signs and looking at the exhibits.
4pm - Not far from here to Ullapool, so we bundle back in the car and check in. It’s motel style, and can park straight outside the door, much easier for lugging our stuff in and out. Accommodation options in Ullapool weren’t cheap, this cost £95 for the room, and is 20 mins walk from the village, but it serves food and they are very nice, if a little Covid stressed.
4.30pm - We decide to follow their route to the village to give M a good walk. Ullapool is smaller than expected, but it’s very rugged and picturesque. We have a quick drink in the Seaforth inn £7, but then the bad weather is clearly coming in, and it starts raining, I’ve come out in flip flops, and a t-shirt, so not the most sensible, but it was sunny when I left half an hour ago. We nip into the Ferry Boat inn who kindly offer us a 30 min rain respite before their table bookings, and that’s all it takes. It’s sunny again. £5.50 for a glass of wine.
7pm - We wander back up the hill and order some food, goats cheese to start which is really tasty, and pepperoni pizza which is lovely but could do with 5 more mins in the oven. The owners are lovely, and we have a good chat; then it’s time for bed. Chat to D, tv, book and bed.
Miles travelled in a car - 104 Accommodation - £95 Amount spent - £61
Day 7 - Friday
7.30am - I wake up just before my alarm. Didn’t hear a peep out of the hound last night. He’s definitely now a hotel kinda dog. Pack everything up which is so much easier with the car parked right outside. Then I drive round for breakfast. I’m not really hungry but I do my best.
9.00am - I nip to Tesco to get some car snacks and a birthday card for my niece, £8.80, then join the queue for the petrol station on the way out of the village. I decide to fill up just in case which comes to £21.23. We set off, and our first stop is the Corrieshalloch gorge which has an incredible suspension bridge. We have a wander about and snap some photos, then back to the car for us.
11am - It’s then a detour to Mellon Udringle beach, this is up a single track road, I start to wonder if I have gone wrong, but I get there and it’s beautiful. M charges around and swims for ages. I had noticed a field of sheep when we arrived, but what I stupidly hadn’t noticed was the field had no fences. I turned round and M was nose to nose with a rather large ram with horns bigger than me. They were just looking at each other. I screeched and grabbed him quick and we toddle back off to the car and back on the road. There are some famous gardens at Inverewe which sound fab, but we can’t take dogs in so we didn’t stop.
1pm - About a mile or two before the village of Gairloch I hear some funny noises (followed by a funny smell) from the back seat. I quickly turn round and see a sea of vomit. Now anyone who knows me knows that I can deal with all the poo in the world, but I’m terrible with vomit. I think it’s a belly full of sea water as normally he has a gut of iron. I quickly find a petrol station and pull in, finding somewhere to tie poor M up I try to deal with the back seat. I throw the towel straight in the bin which caught most of it, but it’s everywhere and he clearly is feeling really poorly and I can’t set off yet. Leaving him tied up in the shade with some water I take the opportunity to jet wash the car as it’s covered in bird poo and he eats his body weight in grass, then throws it all back up again. Feeling safe enough to set off, we literally make it to the next parking stop, and we limp on like this for some time. We get to the Victoria falls car park, and a short walk seems to do him a bit of good. The falls are lovely, but it’s very very midgey.
3pm - A little further on we reach the shores of Loch Maree. It’s a lot less midgey here, so I sit on a rock next to the car, and he just potters about eating grass and paddling his feet in the water, and he seems to be a bit better. So we set off properly again. We reach Torridon and decide not to stop for a drink, but plod on. The roads get very narrow but it’s incredibly beautiful.
4.30pm -Arriving at our destination for the night, Lochcarron, I have a drive through the village, then head off to a tartan shop called Lochcarron weavers. I was looking for cushions or maybe a rug, but I end up buying DH a lovely woollen jumper that’s on sale at £40, guessed the sizes so fingers crossed. I decide to leave the ruins of Strome castle for the morning, so we drive back to the Loch, and I spot a fish and chip van. I’ve had no lunch with vomit gate, so I just get a portion of chips, and I eat them on a bench looking out over the Loch, but then the rain starts so we go check in. Now I must say the reviews of this place were terrible. But it was cheap, dog friendly and right where we needed to be, so I decided to take it with a pinch of salt. I’m glad I did, the room does look a little dated, but it’s clean, very friendly and I’m on the ground floor. My room in Ullapool last night was dated too but cost £95, today was £55. I give him some water and a nap (but no tea as yet which causes some consternation) then we wander next door to the barestaurant when he has had a good rest.
6pm - The food looks fab. An older lady with her son orders the special of ribs, and I’m sold. I order a leek and goats cheese tart followed by the ribs, the food is a little dear, the starter alone is £9, but we are very remote and it is very tasty. I would normally have had a helper with the ribs, but I didn’t dare, so I got a lot of incredulous puppy stares. Instead a tiny portion of dry dog biscuits for him, and a glass of wine for me from the car, and an early night again.
Miles travelled in a car - 130 Accommodation - £55 Amount spent - £73.93
Day 8 - Saturday
5am - I wake up in the pitch black to the unmistakeable sound of retching. Jump up, put the lights on and there are 3 piles to deal with.. thankfully just undigested grass really, and I have my handy wet wipes so we have it cleaned up in no time, and I decide to take him out to see if he needs a wee or anything whilst I’m awake. We just have a quick walk along the water front, being careful not to get locked out of the hotel, then back in and it’s back to bed for both of us.
8am - Getting up again and the monster seems to be feeling much better. We go next door for breakfast, but I just have a yoghurt and a croissant. It was lovely though. I really enjoyed this hotel, it was friendly, laid back and right on the route. I pack up the room, and give M a third of his normal breakfast (which he wolfs down) and we get in the car.
9.30am - We head just up the road for now to the ruins of Strome castle. I can’t let him off the lead here because there are lots of sheep, but it’s a great little stop for a walk around. It starts to rain but only quite lightly at this stage.
10am - He seems ok so we get on the road towards Inverness and eventually home (tomorrow). I must admit I had very serious thoughts of trying to just head home, both yesterday and at 5am, but I’m very far from home, nearly a 9 hour drive, and as such I think it would be better to stop regularly to offer him water and fresh air, rather than trying to push through. I have a quick call with D who reminds me that dogs eat things they shouldn’t all the time and to stop worrying, he’s eating, drinking and toileting normally and so to carry on but just not over feed him and offer him regular breaks. So our next stop is the Glen Dougherty look out, which is apparently stunning on a clear day but it wasn’t a clear day. So just a quick look about and off we go again. Nice for a photo and a leg stretch though.
11am - Last stop for us on the NC500 route is Rogie Falls. This is a great stop and walk down to the waterfalls. Apparently at the right time of year you can see salmon jumping up the falls, but it wasn’t to be today, this stop was incredibly busy, the car park was completely full and I had to wait a while to get parked, but it was a lovely walk and we both really enjoyed it.
12pm -Not long after this we reach Inverness and leave the NC500 route, we’re a little early to head to Pitlochry which is our stop for the night, so I do a couple of things, firstly grab a quick drive through McDonald’s for lunch £8.80, then fill up the car at the Tesco petrol station which comes to £19.87.
1.30pm - It’s only 90 mins to Pitlochry from here. And so I think I’ll be a little early really, so I head to Culloden battlefield for a walk around. Well unfortunately the heavens just open, and we are both completely drowned. Rather rudely I felt M wasn’t over interested in the Jacobites. But we have a very quick walk round, and then a towel off and on the road. I tell him I’ll put Outlander on for him when we get home. I’m actually very interested in history but I have been to the visitor centre before (and read and the watched the Outlander series which I’m sure is super accurate ).
4pm - We hit Pitlochry. I can’t get into the hotel car park, but I find street parking and check in nearby. This place is quite fancy, it’s in the same chain as the lunch I had on the steam train right at the beginning. Here it’s sort of a fancy gastro pub with rooms upstairs. This was the costliest of my accommodation at £99 but also the nicest. My heart does sink a bit though when I see where my room is. Sort of up two flights of stairs and round a lot of corridors and through several fire doors. I really hope we don’t need 5am dashes tonight. It’s nice to have a bit of luxury though too, most of my accommodation has been fairly basic, not even offering toiletries or tea/coffee in all cases. So this room with it’s very fancy toiletries and biscuits is very welcome.
5pm - We chill out for a bit, and I even nod off for 15 mins which is incredibly unlike me. Then we have a quick walk through the town, which looks lovely, and then head into our hotel/pub for dinner. I order the spaghetti carbonara with garlic bread. It’s lovely but very big, and I only manage half, but I did have lunch today.
8pm -We go for a last walk through the town, I contemplate an outdoor drink at a different pub, but I can’t find a table, so I have a glass of car wine, call DH, and watch Indian Matchmaking on Netflix.
Miles travelled in a car - 147 Accommodation - £99 Amount spent - £78
Day 9 - Sunday
8am - I wake up, and the boy has slept like a log. It really was a lovely room. I get up and he seems in no rush to leave his bed, so I quickly shower and pack and we head down the maze together. I take him for a wee and load the car. And then we pop in through the front door for breakfast. They kindly serve me brekkie in the bar so I can keep M with me. I order a couple of hot items, and they bring Lorne sausage which I’m not sure about so I risk sneaking a bit to M who thankfully seems back to normal.
9am - We jump in the car, and get on the road. We are going home today, but stopping at Glasgow to see my little brother. I stop at a Starbucks just outside Perth for a coffee (£10 loaded on my app), then arrive just before 11 to Pollok country park. Unfortunately it’s really very rainy, but I find my brother (A) who is 21 and just finishing up his time at uni, loan him my brolly, and put rain coats on both M and myself. We walk for over 2 hours, just chatting and getting lost. Most of the walk is spent trying to find the Highland Cows I drove past on the way in, and we do finally succeed. M absolutely loves it, and doesn’t stop running around and sniffing everything in sight. Eventually we decide to call it a day as I’m a way away from home. I drop A off at the Asda, pick up a quick Maccy’s for the car £8.40 and we head home. We end up doing it in one go (about 3.5 hours) as M was completely zonked out on the back seat. DH phones and we chat for ages, then with about 45 mins to go, we hang up and he says he’ll see me at home. I get in, to no DH. I unpack his gifts and finally give him a ring. Turns out there has been a terrible shock as his Dad had a heart attack whilst out shopping. Thankfully all is ok, but DH gets home a bit ashen, and we go round to his Mum’s to await seeing how his surgery goes, which thankfully is all fine. D picks up an Indian takeaway on the way back from his Mum’s, he opens a beer from his gift pile, and we breathe a big sigh of relief. It’s super lovely to see him.
Miles driven - 300 Amount spent - £18.40
submitted by Mitchlou84 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

13 breweries, 76 new beers: 1 week in San Diego

Just back from an epic week-long beer trip to San Diego for New Year's. Aside from perhaps Portland, San Diego has to be the most craft beer-obsessed and concentrated place I've ever been to. So I wanted to share some of my best discoveries.
During the trip, my SO and I visited 13 breweries/taprooms, and also had some scattered other beers at restaurants and brewpubs. Literally everyone had craft beer on tap. Heck, we even got a tasting flight at the San Diego zoo!
For context, I'm a Canadian from Montreal, and we can't get most of these beers on our side of the border. So we may have gone a little taster-crazy. Hey, you only live once, right?
The taprooms/breweries we visited are mostly grouped by neighbourhood, 'cause we explored a new neighbourhood each day of our trip. In chronological order, we went to:
  1. Bolt Brewery -- Little Italy -- this was the first place we visited, because it was down the street from our Little Italy-based hotel. We were tired from flying all day, and the time difference made it feel later than it was, but we still popped in for a taster flight on our first night in the city. Just because. Overall, I liked this place -- very chill, laid-back vibe (though TBF it was a Monday night). The beer was just average, though the Tropic Thunder IPA was nicely tropical, and the Dan Stouts was on nitro and VERY coffee.
  2. Stone Brewing -- Liberty Station (for New Year's Eve) -- this was the granddaddy of craft breweries, and sort of our main motivation for the trip. I consider Stone to be the brewery that introduced me to craft beer, way back when I had my first sip of Arrogant Bastard Ale and realized beer could have actual flavour. It's been years since then, but I still consider them to be consistently one of the best, and had always wanted to visit their main brewery. Since we didn't have a car (and seriously, who drives to a brewery?), we didn't make it to the Escondido location. But we bought tickets to the Craft Beer NYE party at Liberty Station, which was fairly easily accessible by trolley and bus. I must say, I LOVED this location and all its beers. Sprawling expansive gardens, multiple rooms, a live band that really found its stride towards midnight, and amazing food and drink stations. As an added bonus, the party was 80s-themed, making for some people wearing awesome costumes. The beer highlights of my night were the Smoked Porter with Vanilla Bean, and the Spiced Unicorn Milk. It was a VERY good start to 2020 indeed.
  3. Fall Brewing -- North Park -- Thursday, we took the day to explore North Park and its many breweries. There was no way we could possibly tackle them all, so we decided to focus on what we believed would be the Top 4. Fall Brewing was the first one we visited, just as the tasting room opened, so it was pretty quiet there. Nice vibe at the bar, friendly bar staff. Their flights are served on a thumbs-up tasting board. The highlights were the Goo Goo Muck IPA, which was hazy, orange and bitter, and the Loud, Dumb & Mean, a 13% imperial stout with brown sugar and coconut notes that was just plain dangerous.
  4. North Park Beer Co. -- North Park -- felt more like a restaurant than a pure bar, though the kitchen hadn't opened yet by the time we arrived. The beer here was good, with some fun collaborations and some really chocolatey awesome concoctions. As a chocolate lover, this suited me fine. The highlight was Fudging the Numbers, a 12.3% imperial brownie stout with Tanzanian chocolate nibs and Madagascar vanilla. Sooooo good.
  5. Original 40 -- North Park -- probably my favourite brewery in San Diego. Nice big space, plenty of board games, a friendly locals crowd who seemed to be happy to chat. All the beers we tried here were delicious. I particularly liked the Peaches for Free, a peach milkshake IPA. This is also where I had hands down the best beer of the week, the Zazu's Tutelage, a 12.8% pastry stout brewed in collaboration with Horus. Heaps of Madagascar and Uganda vanilla, aged cocoa nibs from Ghana and Ecuador, and -- oddly -- Cadbury Lions bars. ZOMG so good! This got an extremely rare 5/5 on Untapped from me. We actually chanced upon meeting the brewer, who was super nice and chatted with us for a while about the beer scene in San Diego. We wanted to find a way to take some of it home, but alas, it was a limited quantity beer and not available in any takeout format. Oh well, I'll have my memories. I'll definitely hightail it back to Original 40 next time I'm in SD.
  6. Modern Times -- North Park (Flavordome) -- I'd had high hopes for Modern Times, but it probably suffered a bit coming at the end of a busy tasting day, and also right after the awesomeness of Original 40. Their beers almost seemed a bit like a letdown, though, to be fair, we only tried a few. They also brew coffee, and it seems pretty clear that their coffee beers are where they excel; the one I liked best was the City of the Dead coffee stout. But again, honestly, just average. We did have fun making friends with a couple of cute dogs who were hanging out in the brewery. I also liked their VHS videocassette bar decor.
  7. Karl Strauss -- La Jolla -- The next day we took the bus up to La Jolla to see the cliffs, caves, sea lions, and so forth. The town itself felt very sleepy on a Friday afternoon, full of overpriced expensive boutiques catering to the type of tourists we are clearly not. But Karl Strauss was awesome. I know it's not their main location, but the La Jolla restaurant (we got there soon after it opened) was not crowded and very friendly and had a good vibe to it. The bartender was really generous with the splash pours. The beers were probably only average, by SD standards, but we both enjoyed the Wreck Alley Imperial Stout quite a bit. And oh, I realize this may be sacrilege with all the awesome authentic Mexican food in San Diego, but we had what were probably the best tacos of our trip here, too.
  8. Stone Brewing -- Kettner -- Okay, so I'm counting Stone twice. But to be fair, we did visit two different locations. The Kettner location near Little Italy was much smaller than Liberty Station, but still had a nice taproom and garden, and was conveniently walking distance from where we were staying. Here, I finally got to try the Double Bastard, a beer I'd been wanting to get my hands on for a LONG time. It was everything I'd hoped for and more.
  9. Half Door Brewing -- Gaslamp -- The only brewery we visited in the super-touristy Gaslamp district, after being advised that a few of the others were skippable. We stopped in here for lunch and a tasting flight. I enjoyed the location, a bit east of the Gaslamp's main hubbub. The food was also excellent. The beer was just okay, though I quite liked their blond stout called Gimmick Ale. They also had a very nice Belgian Tripel, which was a welcome break from all the hazy IPAs we'd been drinking all week.
  10. Mikkeller -- Little Italy -- Just a quick preview here before our upcoming trip to Denmark next spring. The tasting room was small and very low-key, which we appreciated immensely. The tap list was dangerous, with most beers in the double digit ABV range. I had a couple of the top beers of my trip here, a side-by-side pour of the Beer Geek Vanilla Shake, and the BBA version of the same. They were creamy and awesome and the BBA version added some complexity and holy WOW. We brought a couple of cans of the Vanilla Shake home with us. They won't last long.
  11. Pizza Port -- Ocean Beach -- on our final day, we made it up to Ocean Beach for some sun, sand, sushi, and, of course, beer. Pizza Port was our first stop, and it was good fun. They're a huge pizza restaurant with a surfer vibe and long communal tables with benches. We got a big pizza to share, and tried some beers. Actually, my favourites here weren't anything brewed by Pizza Port, but some of their guest tap pours. The Cinnamon Toast Crunch by Fat Head Brewery is a doppelbock that really tastes like cinnamon french toast. I immediately went for a second pour of this. And I got to taste the Tiger Millionaire by Modern Times, which is a Triple IPA that was on tap here (though, oddly, not at Modern Times). Sweet and dangerously awesome.
  12. Belching Beaver -- Ocean Beach -- we decided we had to pay this one a visit just for the name. It was fun and quirky and filled with fun characters, like a guy carrying a parrot on his shoulder. They had perhaps the BEST Mexican chocolate peanut butter stout I have ever tasted in my life, the Super Viva. I also really enjoyed their Peche a la Mode, a very fruity peach sour ale that wen down smooth. Overall, Belching Beaver's beers were some of my favourites of the trip. Unfortunately, California's laws allowing babies and small children in tap rooms ultimately dampened the experience a bit -- a screaming baby ruined our vibe and we got up to leave (but not before buying a bottle of the Viva la Beavers stout to take home).
  13. Two Roots -- Ocean Beach -- a relatively new (or rebranded) brewery and tasting room in Ocean Beach, where we headed after leaving Belching Beaver. The beers here were actually nothing all that special, but the atmosphere was calmer and more pleasant. Their Triple IPA, Scared Stupid, was pretty decent.
Top discoveries
Yes, you may be noticing a theme. Even with the Haze Craze and all the IPAs and hoppy ales we had all week, the standouts to me were the chocolate stouts, porters, and barrel-aged beers. My liver may need some time to recover.
Thanks again to the members of this subreddit, who were so awesome at giving us recommendations for where to see and what to drink.
submitted by segacs2 to CraftBeer [link] [comments]

[OC] Wine Pairings for each NBA team and fanbase

Hi y'all! Just for fun, I've been trying to find ways to combine my two favorite pass-times: wine and NBA basketball. Last year, I started a twitter account (@nba_sommelier) that recommends wines for individual games. I post sporadically, but I try to write something for most nationally televised games.   This summer, I wanted to do a slightly deeper dive. I know most people don't go out and buy wine for every NBA game, so I came up with one wine recommendation for each fanbase. Maybe there will be a Saturday night game that you want to watch from home, or maybe you're going to that BYOB restaurant with a flat screen. If it’s a wine you’ve never had, give it a try! But I also realize that not everybody has such a broad appreciation for wine as I do, so I won’t be hurt if you want to drink something else. Hell, I’m sure many of you would prefer a beer, or a smoke. Feel free to make fun of me for my descriptions, either way is fine by me. I’ll take it as “constructive criticism”.         NBA-Sommelier (in-training)  
Completely Subjective Power Rankings with Completely Objective Wine Pairings for each NBA team.    
Bottom of the Barrel - Barkeep, what’s the strongest you’ve got?  
30) Atlanta Hawks - Port This team is the furthest away from contention, and this wine is the furthest away from its prime drinking years. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy either of them today. Who cares if Trey Young and John Collins are still 5-6 years away from winning basketball? They’ll go on hot streaks and show glimpses of their future while they’re losing by 20. Who cares if this ruby port would taste like heaven on earth in 185 years? It tastes like candied plums and cocoa nibs now. But don’t be afraid to drink up, it’s going to be a longgggg season of early shot clock 30 footers and botched defensive assignments. This fortified wine will keep you warm during those long cold streaks.  
29) Sacramento Kings - Grappa I’m going to cut to the chase here, I don’t know where this team is going. The Kings are in the most competitive conference in recent history and they’ve got no stars and no talents with much chance of becoming a star. Harry Giles, if both of his rebuilt knees hold up, could provide some hope. But take a shot of grappa, feel the burn, and let it smooth out the rough edges of all these prospects. You’ll be saying “Get em next time” when De’Aaron Fox goes 1-9fg with 4pts once a week. Let the strong spirit help you believe that Bagley wasn’t a worse pick than the next 5 picks.  
28) Chicago Bulls - Sherry I’ve got a little bit of a hometown bias on this one. I’ve got a foot in both ends of the pool here. On one hand, I still like the plan of just gambling on young players. We have five 19-24yo lottery picks that will be starters, they all continue to grow their games. Even so, this team will not be good this year unless one or two of them take massive leaps in their development. Don’t count on Hoiberg to be the one to pull them out of the lottery. But having some sherry is a good litmus test for the team. If it seems to taste like hazelnuts, lemon curd, and sea breeze, then Lavine must be making his turnaround threes and Parker must be trying on defense. If the sherry seems to smell like rusted copper pennies and dirty socks, then Wendell Carter Jr has turned into as much of a bust as Cristiano Felicio. Let’s go Bulls!!  
27) Orlando Magic - Cognac It burns a little bit, but damn it if I don’t love it. This team is a testament to John Hammond’s vision. Between Jonathan Isaac, Mo Bamba, and Aaron Gordon, this team has a (theoretical) frontcourt perfect for the modern game. That cognac has such a delightfully woody aroma, especially wafted from a distance. But then you’re hit with the harsh, throat burning reality and take a closer look, this team is still just an amalgamation of spindly limbs and mediocre talent. Evan Fournier is your best ball handler and go-to scorer… On second thought, let me have another swig straight from the bottle. Young, rough around the edges, this is a combo for the diehard fans of woody wine and hardwood. Wait at least 10 years for both to properly mature, but even that might not be long enough.  
26) Charlotte Hornets - Vin Doux Naturel (specifically Rivesaltes) VDN is the French iteration of a sweet fortified wine in the style of port. Charlotte will be hoping to recreate the French connection between Batum and newly-acquired Tony Parker. Beyond that, this dense wine (which comes in either red, white, or orange, and always in equal parts fruit and earth) is a good metaphor for the Hornets’ play this year. You will alternate between smelling the sweet stylings of Kemba’s jab steps or taking much needed heavy swigs following every one of MKG’s midrange clunkers. And just like how owner Michael Jordan is intent on keeping this team under the salary cap for all seemingly his lifetime, you can find bottles of this wine that are older than Jordan for less than $100. A bargain to sip alongside this bargain-basement team.  
25) New York Knickerbockers - Rakija Welcome to the illustrious New York Knicks, Mario Hezonja! The home crowd will quickly grow weary of Super Mario’s errant dribbles and highlight reel missed opportunities. He will make you wish that the Knicks had paid Tim Hardaway Jr more than they already do. Say hello to this Balkan fruit brandy! While typically made from sour grapes (much like James Dolan from what I can tell), rakija can be made from any of the local fruit, often including plums, peaches, or other berries. Take a shot for every one of these scrubs takes a contested fallaway jumper. Pour one out for Porzingis, the one true unicorn, while he’s using his ACL back to health. And hey, maybe, just maybe, when you wake up from the hangover in 2019, you’ll have Kyrie, KD, and/or Jimmy Butler on your team. You can sleep on the city that never sleeps for this year though.      
It’s nowhere near ready to drink, but let’s give it a taste  
24) Phoenix Suns- New Mexico sparkling Whoa, where do I even begin? The Suns drafted Deandre Ayton and Mikal Bridges before they signed Ariza and traded for Anderson. Booker looks like a true prodigy on offense, but if we’re being honest he’s still miles away on defense. Team brass is hoping for a massive turnaround, including a playoff push. The problem, to me, is that these are win-now moves for a team that will be right back in the lottery in 10 months. But today, I will let Phoenix live in denial. Start celebrating with some local sparkling wine from just one state over! The high elevation of the Rockies allows excellent champagne-method sparkling wine to be made. Look for Gruet winery near Albuquerque, they are the standard-bearers for this new-age bubbly. If rookie head coach Igor Kokoskov can get the young Suns to limit their turnovers and make the right defensive rotations, could this team could possibly make a push for the 8th seed? This pessimistic drinker isn’t going to hold his breath, but I will gladly raise a toast for new HOF-inductee Steve Nash instead. The glory days weren’t so long ago in Phoenix, but they’re still a long way away.  
23) Los Angeles Clippers - Chateauneuf-du-Pape Over the span of two years, the Clippers have completely dismantled Lob City. Redick, Paul, Griffin, and Jordan are all gone, replaced by a large cadre of above-average rotation players. As a result, the Clippers have excellent depth across the board, but they don’t have any star power. This reminds me of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, the wine region in southeastern France that is famous for eschewing varietal wines in favor of blending the thirteen different grapes allowed in CdP wines (I’m not going to write them all here, google it!). That’s an entire roster worth of grapes. Don’t be surprised when Doc Rivers plays the entire roster on some nights. But the main positive here is that if some players have injuries (such as perennially injured Gallinari or Avery Bradley), or if some of the grape varieties have down years, you can still construct a good balance from the remaining players/grapes. Plus, on those nights when the Clippers look like one of the worst teams in the West, Chateauneuf-du-Pape can pack a serious wallop to keep your spirits high.  
22) Brooklyn Nets - Amarone della Valpolicella Ever since the failure of their Prokhorovian spending orgy, Brooklyn has been dead-set on drying out its’ books and building a culture. Now, with their own draft pick in the upcoming draft, they’re poised to… contend for the playoffs? It all kinda reminds me of Amarone della Valpolicella. Winemakers in this region let Corvina and Rondinelle grapes dry out after they’ve been harvested on big bamboo racks. Then the concentrated grapes are used to make a dense and earthy wine. Some wines will even be refermented on the pressed skins (repassimento), after it’s already at 15+% alcohol! These hefty wines can be nearly bitter, but have rigid structure and offer a massive mouthful of flavor. If players like Caris Levert or Rondae Hollis-Jefferson can show marked improvements in their games, dry out the excess turnovers, the Nets will be suddenly sitting on a strong foundation for their team going forward  
21) Dallas Mavericks - Slovenian orange wine Luka Doncic!!!!! Dallas fans, just start the party now. You got a generational talent who continues to get better and put on muscle. So why not pair the next big thing in the NBA with the next big thing in wine: orange wine! While already well-known and -appreciated in the Balkans, the trend of macerating the skins of white grapes in the juice during fermentation is slowly starting to catch on in the international community. Grab a Ribolla Gialla from Slovenia (or the neighboring Fruili in Italy, the cultures are inseparable). Look for one with that deep golden or amber color. Enjoy the smooth texture, notes of zesty orange peel, and not-so-subtle herbal spiciness. Then watch Doncic make defenders look silly with his smooth hesitations and crossovers in the pick-and-roll. Each year Doncic will add to his game, and each year new orange wines are being made all over the world.      
Good to the last drop? Or bad to the Beaune?  
20) Cleveland Cavaliers - Zinfandel Aging stars meet young guns. Raisins meet green grapes. Zinfandel is notorious; its detractors decry the full and overly jammy character, while its supporters love the not-so-subtle sweetness and accompanying green herbaceous notes. I’m not sure what to think yet, and I like to judge each wine only once I’ve tasted it. Same goes for the 2018-19 Cavaliers. They signed Love to a mega extension that will keep him in Cleveland for 4 more years. They drafted Colin Sexton to be their 20 year old starting point guard. Now, I love me some of those sweet, old man post game of Love. He’s had to dry out his game, like a raisin, to accompany Lebron James, but I don’t know if we can just rehydrate Love with more touches to bring back the sweet, sweet grape that he was in Minnesota. And I definitely don’t know if Sexton’s green, rookie mistakes will make the old vets on this team taste bitter herbs. Or maybe they’ll appreciate Sexton’s high motor and hotness. Well then you can enjoy a Cali Zinfandel for the high alcohol and the spicy clove flavors. And if you need to boycott California (because Lebron) then grab an Italian primitivo; primitivo is the same grape as zinfandel, but the cool Mediterrnean winds keep it tart, spicy, and bitter, just like you.  
19) Detroit Pistons - Madeira We can’t prevent Griffin or Jackson to stay healthy, but we can count on Madeira to always stay good. I want to be as optimistic as possible here, but my cynicism is at a fever pitch. Detroit can likely be a playoff team given one minor thing: Blake Griffin and Reggie Jackson need to stay healthy. I can’t guarantee their health. If they play 60+ games together, they’ll be Lob City Lite with a still-improving Andre Drummond. If one of those trio goes down, they’ll have to rely on (gulp) Stanley Johnson and Luke Kennard? Here’s something strong to drink. Madeira. Legend has it that sailors were trying to bring a sweet, fortified port-style wine on voyages across the Atlantic and back. The hot sun and turbulent voyage dramatically changed the wine into something else entirely, and it tastes like stewed plums with a heavy dose of copper pennies and butterscotch. The best part? Madeira will never go bad. It will stay the same no matter what. So even if Griffin punches another equipment manager and breaks his hand, or Jackson’s explosiveness never fully returns, your Madeira will still taste the same to comfort you. And hey, if everything works out, this wine will still be good for the first round of the playoffs. And well into Detroit’s (cough cough gulp) future.  
18) Memphis Grizzlies - Australian / Barossa Shiraz Slightly out of style for the modern age, but quality always wins in the end. I might not be optimistic enough about this team. Mike Conley is still one of the most underrated players in the league. Marc Gasol had a down year amidst poor team play and a coaching change. They made a couple sneaky good acquisitions in Kyle Anderson and Garrett Temple. Jaren Jackson Jr looks like the real deal: a switchy, 3pt shooting big for the modern NBA. But they were soooooo bad last year and they’re in the western conference. So grab a shiraz. Yes, I’m sure you’ve had a terrible critter wine, one of those mass produced, tasteless, cheap wines with an animal on the label from Australia. If Conley gets injured again, maybe just buy a magnum of Yellowtail. But if Gasol and Jackson Jr can spread the floor and bomb threes while Conley controls the tempo of the game, go get a juicy and bold Barossa Shiraz. These wines are dense, meaty, and layered with flavors of fruit leather and bloody, iron-rich, red clay minerality. Something tough and gritty for the return of Grit & Grind. Playoffs are not out of the realm of possibilities. Treat yo’ self.  
17) Miami Heat - Pinot Grigio / Gris A two-sided scenario: If Wade returns to the team, drink pinot Grigio, Light, ethereal, and mildly crisp, this wine won’t distract from your attention while you savor the subtle old man game of D Wade. But if he retires or goes elsewhere, Or you can drink pinot gris. It’s exactly the same grape but grown anywhere other than Italy. Try an Alsatian Pinot Gris for a touch of sweetness to balance the heat while you watch Ellington curl around a screen and launch a sweet three. Have a New Zealand Pinot Gris to really soak in the exotic mango and peach aromas as you take in Dragic’s herky-jerky drives. Either way, they’ll be more alcoholic and you can also enjoy them on the beach, far away from Riley and Spoelstra’s ruminating stares.  
16) Washington Wizards - Pinotage Dwight Howard basically has “buyer beware” stamped across his face like his massive toothy grin. But the Wizards are familiar with locker room characters, you say? Ha. Yes there’s a good chance that Otto Porter and Kelly Oubre Jr make more small improvements to their game. Hopefully Wall and Beal can stay healthy for the year. But I’m wary that things might get a stinky as soon as Dwight starts making fart jokes in the locker room. This wine is a gambling proposition too. Some producers make it clean and fresh, often with rich and jammy fruitiness. But many producers also let it become earthy and dirty, meaning it could smell like wet leather or even barnyard manure. You won’t know until you open the bottle and taste it. Let’s see how this team plays out on opening night.      
New vintage, who dis?  
15) Indiana Pacers - Provence / Bandol Oladipo won me my fantasy league last year. His transformation was absolutely stunning, even for me. But was it just a one year fluke, or will his improvements stand the test of time? Let’s compare it to these two styles of wines from Southeastern France. Last year, Oladipo was like a Provence rosé. He spent the entire summer getting in shape, just like Provence rosé has become synonymous with summer. He was electric and energetic on the floor, with crisp finishing. He may have been a little salty from the way OKC and Orlando tossed him to the wind. While it’s still summer, go find a Provence rosé that has that ocean breeze influence, something with a saline minerality on the finish. But rosé isn’t always as good the next year. Other teams might figure out Oladipo’s speed and penchant for the midrange. Hopefully not, in which case maybe Dipo is more like a Bandol, a tiny, rarer, appellation within Provence. This region produces dark and powerful reds, made entirely from the thick-skinned Mourvedre. As a direct result, Bandol reds have gnarly, grippy tannins and massive acidity that need 5-10 years to develop before the wine is truly drinkable. But damn it is delicious once it’s ready; it is often full of dark berry fruit and plums, with notes of brambly dry foliage, tar, and leather. Bandol reds can be as much of a game-changer as Oladipo, especially with some meat and potatoes on the side (Domantas Sabonis or Thaddeus Young will do in a pinch). Don’t be afraid to double decant as necessary.  
14) Milwaukee Bucks - Aghiorgitiko / Xinomavro This one was too easy: Greek wines for the Greek Freak! But who are we going to get, Giannis, or dark Giannis? Giannis Antetokounmpo is already a monster in his own right, with smooth ball handling and massive euro steps that blow defenders away. Just like agiorgitiko (which translates to St George), which as a red wine is typically big, powerful, with deceptive minerality and a long finish. You may as well call it St Giannis. But what about when Dark Giannis comes out to tussle? Grab the other main Greek red, xinomavro (which translates to acid black), although the wine can sometimes be difficult to find. You might notice the great complexity in this red, with delicate aromas of olives, rose petals, and truffles. But just like with Dark Giannis, you’ll immediately feel he rough edges of its massive grippy tannins and strong acidity. Don’t worry though, xinomavro mellows beautifully with age.  
13) Minnesota Timberwolves - Super Tuscan / Chianti Will it be a new, international style that the whole world covets? Or will it be an antiquated and traditional style that can’t compete with modern tastes? It’s all up to the last remaining GM/Head coach in the league. Tom Thibideau can choose to bring Luol Deng (done!) and Joakim Noah to Minnesota so that he can relive the glory days of those Derrick Rose-led Bulls teams. If he does, you should grab a bottle of Chianti. Give me a moment to explain: the age-old wine laws in Tuscany require that chianti makers blend their Sangiovese grapes with at least 30% Colorino and Canaiolo to make what is agreed to be the “classic” blend. But the modern wine community, possessing an undying love for all things Sangiovese and Sangiovese alone, don’t see the blending grapes as really adding anything important to the wine. Yeah sure, colorino helps provide a deeper red to the pale-skinned Sangiovese. Yeah sure, Deng, Noah, Taj Gibson, and Rose help provide veteran leadership for the younger Wolves. But let’s be honest, Tuscany will prosper or perish based on Sangiovese, just like the wolves’ fortunes are directly tied to Karl-Anthony Towns and Andrew Wiggins. So on the other hand, if these young wolves finally prosper, grab a “Super Tuscan”. You’ll never see those two words on a wine label, but the term refers to any blend of Sangiovese with high-quality international grapes (such as cabernet, merlot, and syrah) made on the Tuscan coast. It can even refer to a 100% Sangiovese wine (which is not allowed to be called Chianti). These wines are powerful, long-lived, layered, and yet show incredible finesse. Let them remind you of KAT’s massively skilled moves in the low post (even when Teague isn’t setting KAT up with any entry passes). Hell, a nice Bolgheri might even help soothe Thibideau’s throat after another long night of yelling at Wiggins to get back on defense.  
12) New Orleans Pelicans - Cahors / Mendoza Malbec Anthony Davis is stuck in New Orleans for a couple more years. When has the NBA ever seen a super star of AD’s caliber, a legitimate MVP candidate, mired for so long on non-competitive teams? Let’s skip to a quick wine history lesson: everybody nowadays associates Malbec with Argentinian wine, but Malbec is originally a French grape. In fact, it’s still legally allowed in Bordeaux reds. But where it still sees some attention is just south of Bordeaux in the appellation of Cahors. In Cahors, Malbec is leaner and lighter, with a heavy emphasis on spicy herbal notes and grippy tannin. In Mendoza, Malbec transforms into an even riper, full and densely fruity wine with subtle notes of pine needles and cloves. Think of AD as Malbec; in New Orleans he’s been able to develop his face-up game and defensive instincts, but it’s only once he’s traded will he be fully utilized and unleashed as a high-scoring, do-it-all defensive wreckingball. Either way, AD is objectively an incredible player and Malbec is objectively a valuable varietal. But a better location will most likely lead to an even greater display.  
11) Los Angeles Lakers - Vinho Verde / Santa Barbara sparkling Congrats to the Lakers for acquiring the best player in the world, LeBron James himself!. Your championship window has officially opened, but you might not be able to see that bright, golden sunlight spill through until 2020 at the earliest. Even after all those other zany acquisitions, this team is just too young. For the likes of Brandon Ingram, Kyle Kuzma, and Lonzo Ball, drink Vinho Verde. This Portuguese speciality uses the youngest vines possible to create an quaffable, refreshing, and crisp wine with a little bit of effervescence. You’ll be able to taste the electric acidity while Kuzma and Ingram make a line drive for the basket. But we all know this is not the final team. Either before the trade deadline or next year, this team will soon morph dramatically into a true contender. When that happens, drink Santa Barbara sparkling wine. In the style of Champagne and made with the same Chardonnay and Pinot Noir grapes, these wines are luxurious and full of bright lemon and fresh baked sourdough aromas. Plus you can take a day trip to the SB Funk zone to visit over two dozen tasting rooms in the city. But feel free to celebrate with bubbles now, signing Lebron was the biggest step.  
10) San Antonio - Barolo / Barbaresco First of all, I want to raise a glass for the classiest dynasty the greater sports world has ever seen. From Timmy, to Tony, to Manu, to Pop, these teams were an absolute delight to watch. The way they played was ageless and full of guile. So as an homage to them, drink a Barolo. Made from Nebbiolo grapes and sometimes aged for 5-10 years in massive casks before bottling, these wines are some of the most long-lived table wines in existence. Some take as long as 20 years (after bottling!) to even begin to show their true potential. Just like how the 2013 Spurs opened my eyes to the beautiful symphony of team-first basketball, a Barolo opened my palate to the greatness of aged wines. Barolo is the greatest appellation, and arguably the finest wine, in all of Italy. But lo and behold, these Spurs are not the same Spurs of legend. DeMar DeRozan and LeMarcus Aldridge will rain pretty midrange fadeaways, but the team is lacking in star power otherwise. It could get rough. Grab a bottle of Barbaresco for whenever Pop benches the entire starting five for ‘rest’. Made from Nebbiolo a mere 30 minutes from Barolo, Barbaresco DOCG wines are just as long-lived, show similarly haunting complexity, yet are noticeably edgier and younger than their neighboring region’s wines. Have it with some carnitas tacos to diminish the massive tannins, then sniff deeply for notes of tar, dried rose petals, and truffles. If I know Popovich, his Spurs will pass the smell test with flying colors this year once again.      
Wait another year or two for it to really mature  
9) Portland Trailblazers - Willamette Valley Pinot Noir Another easy one: drink some local wine to celebrate your homegrown team! Both of Portland’s stars, Dame Lillard and CJ McCollum were drafted by the Blazers. Moreover, team brass seems content with continuing to mine for gold in the draft instead of pursuing big name free agents or mega trades. With Dame, CJ, and Terry Stotts’ free-flowing system, Blazers fans know what they’re going to get this year. So have a familiar Willamette Valley Pinot Noir. Enjoy the flavors of sweet strawberries and raspberries while CJ drops another sweet midrange J. Dig into those heavy, red clay earthy tones every time Jusuf Nurkic swipes down for a steal in the low post. And don’t be afraid to spend $30+ for one of the nicer bottles from Ribbon Ridge or Dundee Hills whenever Dame splashes home a game-winner from 30+ feet. But don’t worry, these wines can be strong enough to keep your spirits up if Portland stumbles into another first-round exit.  
8) Denver Nuggets - Torrontes Denver has one of the greatest home court advantages of the modern era: high-altitude. Opposing teams struggling for air have been run off the court for decades. Here’s a wine grown in some of the highest-altitude vineyards in the world: Argentinian Torrontes. Torrontes is a quirky grape that exists in a duality. It features an opulent, over-the-top aroma of flower bouquets, ripe stonefruits, and candied orange zest, but the palate is completely dry with impressive minerality (albeit sometimes bitter). Imagine a wine that smells like Moscato but tastes like Sauvignon Blanc. This duality could be just as severe as Denver’s offensive greatness juxtaposed to its defensive limitations. While Nikola Jokic is throwing no-look passes and Will Barton is careening in transition, smell deeply the luscious mango and peach jam aromas. When Jamal Murray gets blown by and Jokic is too flat footed to provide rim protection, take a gulp and savor the high-alcohol and easy finish.  
7) Oklahoma City Thunder - Etna In spite of his recent meniscus surgery, Russell Westbrook is the closest thing we have to an active volcano in the NBA. As such, I’m suggesting that OKC fans try a wine grown on the ashen slopes of an active volcano. Meet Mt Etna of Sicily. White, red, or rose, wines from Etna DOC typically feature a note of volcanic ash in their crisp minerality; they are even crisper than Westbrook’s game night fashion. On night’s when Westbrook and Paul George play like the dominant tandem they promise to be, grab an Etna Rosso. These smoky reds are a blend of two grapes, Nerello Mascalese and Nerello Capuccio, the latter of which garners frequent comparisons to Pinot Noir for its ability to convey terroir into minerality. But if you’re a Steven Adams fan, have an Etna Bianco, and let the Carricante’s savory saline finish transport you to the big Kiwi’s island home. I won’t be surprised if we’re all drinking the Etna rose like it’s Kool-Aid when summer 2019 brings the NBA finals back around. Look for Tenuta Delle Terre whenever Westbrook is scorching the earth. (Sidenote: I recently came across a Champagne producer named Paul Goerg. Now I’m just looking forward to tasting Russell Eastbrook next.)  
6) Utah Jazz - Beaujolais This team is so much fun, and I wanted an equally fun wine to go with it. As an NBA nerd, I am delighted to watch Rubio and Ingles school dudes with deceptively quick bursts. But moreover, Donovan Mitchell and Rudy Robert are downright dominant. Gobert’s defense reminds me of the structured appellation wines of northern Beaujolais, such as Morgon or Moulin-a-Vent. These medium body reds show finesse and structure from their higher altitude upbringing, which I’m sure Utah’s seven-footer can appreciate. Plus, these wines can be the best value you’ll ever find for the quality (much like how Rudy is ranked too low in literally every player ranking ever). But when I take a look at Donovan Mitchell’s beaming smile, I immediately think of Beaujolais Nouveau. These reds, made of grapes from southern Beaujolais, are fermented and bottled as quickly as possible. You’ll be able to drink 2018 Beaujolais Nouveau by the third Thursday of this November. Grab this young, light, and refreshing wine so that you’re not too distracted as you watch your young superstar mature before your eyes. Scoop it up like Mitchell scooping up a layup, and serve it with a slight chill (like that cold shoulder Mitchell got in the ROTY voting).      
Sparkling resumes have me feeling bubbly  
5) Philadelphia 76ers - Lambrusco Can Markelle Fultz even drink yet? Who cares! Let’s give Embiid something that tastes like a Shirley Temple! I’m exaggerating, but Lambrusco is not so far off. Made from an entirely different species of grapes than 99% of wine, Lambrusco is traditionally deeply colored, lightly sparkling, and semi-sweet. It boasts flavors of cherry cola, sweet licorice, and strawberry jam. I can’t even imagine what Jojo would be tweeting after downing a bottle of ‘brusco. And since international tastes have gotten drier and drier, you can find Brut versions of Lambrusco in most wine stores. These slightly lighter wines can taste like tart cranberries with a generous sprinkling of loose, loamy earthiness. I’m personally not quite sure what’s in the cards for Philly. Yes, while I believe they have the top-tier talent required to wine big, I don’t think their games have quite matured to that point yet. Ben Simmons still needs to develop a jumper, and Fultz needs to play more (massive Markelle supporter FWIW). But until then, the only bubbles you should be drinking shouldn’t resemble Champagne at all.  
4) Toronto Raptors - Prosecco Kawhi Leonard to the Raptors shocked the entire NBA community this summer. It was even more shocking than the decision to can Dwayne Casey in the same year that he won Coach of the Year. Leonard gives the Raps a legitimate MVP and DPOY candidate who can potentially lead them into title contention. Kyle Lowry is ready to work like a growling bulldog. Role players like Paskal Siakam and OG Anunoby look ready for breakout seasons. Plus they have cagey vets like Green, Ibaka, and Valanciunas. But until I see the product on the floor, I’m going to assume the Raptors will have the same problems as before: great in the regular season, but lacking any success in the postseason. In this way Toronto reminds me of prosecco: great as an everyday sparkling wine, perfect for making mimosas on a sunny Sunday midday, but lacking in complexity when you try to take them to a higher level. Prosecco is made with a different method from metodo classico wines like Champagne, which makes it approachable yet relatively lacking in aging potential. I’m sure Toronto fans will gripe about my media bias (and Prosecco fans will whine that I need to give it a fresh look), but I’ll just wait for you to prove me wrong. I’ll certainly be tuning in, drink in hand.  
3) Houston - Franciacorta This pairing is a only maybe 100% a tribute to Mike D’Antoni’s time spent in Italy honing his coaching craft. Franciacorta is the Italian rebuttal to Cava and Champagne. And since Houston is the team I see with the third best championship odds, let’s have some off-brand bubbly! Franciacorta is a region in northwestern Lombardy, decently close to Clint Capela’s home country of Switzerland. Just like in Champagne, growers of Franciacorta sparkling use Chardonnay and Pinot Nero (perfectly suited to the higher-altitude climate) to make metodo classico wines that can rival champagne. Just like how James Harden and Chris Paul can rival the production of Golden State’s backcourt. But whereas Champagne and Golden State have had long years to mature and perfect their process, Franciacorta has only been around since the 70s. Houston only found anything close to real success last year. Pour a glass of Franciacorta and let’s see how far our favorite State Farm commercial actors can get this year. (Bonus drinking game: Let your wine go flat every time Carmelo holds the ball too long and stifles ball movement!)  
2) Boston Celtics - Cava The Boston Celtics took LeBron James to Game 7, without Kyrie Irving or Gordon Hayward. Now they’re healthy and they have championship aspirations. This drunk writer sees them as the second best team in the league. Last year for the Celtics was the equivalent of a harvest, ruined by hail and accident, that somehow turns into the 4th best wine in the world. So why not, when it all goes according to plan this year, drink the second best sparkling wine in the world? Enter Cava, the cost-affordable alternative to Champagne. Made from Macabeu, Xarel-lo, and Penedes grapes in Catalunya, Cava uses the traditional champagne method to create wines with searing acidity encapsulated by lush, frolicking bubbles for the most textural alcohol experience on the planet. And much like Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum, cava is a tremendous value. In the end, pitting Cava against Champagne is a tale reminiscent of David and Goliath, but I think you should take what I’m offering. I’m pretty sure the Champagne is already spoken for…      
On a campaign for more Champagne  
1) Golden State Warriors - Champagne The reigning NBA champions. In 9 months, they will be in similar position. Drink champagne. The best deserves the best. Revel in the luxury of the soft bubbles, delicate aroma of fresh brioche rolls, creme fraiche, and bright tart lemon apple. Savor the texture of the bubbles as they dance across the tongue, and drink in excess.        
Bonus: Sour Grapes
submitted by hey_yourself to nba [link] [comments]

Part 44.

Here I am again.
6988.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember rainbow contrails not being a thing?
6989.(New species.)Have you heard of the pelican eel?(Comet moth, sea angel, Spanish dance fish, albino pink bellies side neck, vulturine guineafowl, fish hook ant, unnamed "troll" animal, more weird blue and green and black colored reptiles, marine iguanas, more weird colored parrot fish, lots of weird bat fish, lumpsucker, Latvia blue cows, Amazon milk frog, saddleback caterpillar, alligator lizard, blue mushrooms, horseshoe crabs looking really different, pink elephants and hippos, piranhas in lakes and rivers in UK, more safaris in the US, flying dragon lizard, ghost trees can now have color, pink sharks now exist, white-throated rail comes back from extinction, tiny dinosaur with bat-like wings found in China, Dephinus Delphis Dolphin.)
6990.(New species.)Have you heard of the floating feather star?(Giant Buddha statue carved into stone mountain in China, Ushiku Daibutsu in Ibaraki, Japan, Statue of Jesus Christ in Lisbon, giant Genghis Khan statue in Mongolia, bears that have snouts for sucking up insects, basket weave trees, cheetah lizard, Mandarin duck, mammoth donkey, common moths and caterpillars looking more and more detailed, giant Aboriginal statues in northern Australia, bees trained to sniff out bombs, daisies with pink or purple on the back, and 4, 2, 5, 6, 10, 21 and many other weirdly numbered leaf clovers now existing.)(Anything else off with clovers?)
6991.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the N in Netflix not being cut ever?
6992.(Shoe name change.)Lugs/Lugz
6993.(Water Logo change.)Do you remember Évian being blue instead of red?Évian
6994.(Fictional Character name change.)General Khala/General Kala
6995.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember rhodium not being a thing?
6996.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Geese tongues and more birds with teeth, mollified man, human genes put into monkeys, sea lions have manes and other weird appearance changes, more reverse head humans, elephantiasis, cheetah face markings, NASA tethering similar to ballooning spider, more ice on the moon, pig brains brought back to life through experiments, more weird skinks, crescent shaped Venus and moon in daytime.)(Video below.)
6997.(Famous Singer name change.)Bonnie TayloBonnie Tyler(Do any of her logos look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Jimi Hendrix never having any children?
6998.(Real Life appearance change.)Do you remember Charlie Chaplin not looking as clean and not appearing as fit?(Does his whole face look cleaner?)(Were his clothes less professional?)(Did he always have the signature mustache?)
6999.(Fictional Character name change.)Barbara Cole/Barbra Cole
7000.(T.V. Show Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Frasier not being connected?
7001.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Homer Simpson having 3 strands of hair instead of 2?(Anything else off?)
7002.(Movie Scene change.)Do you remember the shower scene in Psycho never showing the knife or the contact between the knife and the woman
7003.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Cadillac Escalade not being connected?
7004.(Vacuum Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Oreck not being connected?(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember the R in Rite Aid not being cut?
7005.(Shampoo Logo change.)Do you remember the Xs in Nexxus not being connected?
7006.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Grainger being different?
7007.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the T and P in STP being normal?
7008.(Gas Station name change.)Mobile Oil/Mobiloil(Mobile Gas/Mobilgas)(Anything else about any of the logos look off?)
7009.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Ford Escape being normal?(Anything else off?)
7010.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the R and A not being connected?
7011.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Dodge Dakota being normal?(Anything else off about any of the logos having to do with Dodge?)
7012.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Toyota Yaris being normal?(Anything else off?)
7013.(Delivery Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in DHL not being cut?(Is the D off?)(Did the company not exist?)(Did Jimmy John's not exist?)(Choclate/Chocolate)(Vanila/Vanilla)(Epics/Epix and is the logo off?)(Books no longer say Fiction or Non-Fiction on the spine?)(Kirk Cobain/Kurt Cobain)(Every Time You Go/Every Time You Go Away)(Anything else off?)("I don't want any damn peas!"/"I don't want any damn vegetables!")(Trix Rabbit's nose is a different shape.)(Tootsie Pop Owl is white or yellowish instead of brown or tan.)(Evander Hollyfield/Evander Holyfield and is the pronunciation off?)(Lenoox Lewis/Lennox Lewis)(Nellie Furtafo/Nelly Furtado)(Trivigo/Trivago)(Dillon's/Dhillons)(Other spellings?)(Didn't Kim Kercheval die already?)(SugeSugar)(Arcticat/Artic Cat)(Anything else off?)(Spider that resembles sushi.)(Zach Galifanakis/Zach Galifianakis and is the pronunciation off?)(Other spellings?)(Super giant pineapples exist.)(Numerous "Hear what you want to hear" videos.)(Mary Janes candy changed to Mary Jane, not the shoes.)(Bonnie Taylor didn't actually change according to the original finder.)(Sherman Hemsley died in 2012, then 2019, then 2012.)(Crazy Bone/Krayzie Bone)(Lazy Bone/Layzie Bone)(Flesh And Bone/Flesh-n-Bone)(Sherwood Forrest/Sherwood Forest)(More Razzle Dazzle stuff.)(George Reaves/George Reeves)(Trestella, California/Trestelle, California)(Hill Valley Town Square in Back To The Future now has memorial in it when some remember nothing and others remember a gazebo.)(HomeGoids Os are now cut a little.)(The Thing movie logo letters are connected.)(World's first sci-fi stiry was written in the 2nd century.)(Singing instructors tell people to sing from their stomach and liver.)(Elle Goulding/Ellie Goulding)(More tech ahead of its time.)(White ravens now exist.)(Cassowaries now exist.)(Very young serial killers.)(Documentary on Amazon Prime released already?)(Turkish black carrots now exist.)(Rubber duck isopods.)(Jimmy Vaughn/Jimmy Vaughan/Jimmie Vaughan))(Lexis/Lexus)(Quentan Tarantino/Quentin Tarantino)(Other spellings?)(Bill Keane/Bil Keane)(Orgin/Origin)(Bill Baird/Bil Baird)(Bill DwyeBil Dwyer)(Bill Donovan/Bil Donovan)(Maleficent's face is now a blueish color instead of green.)(Roddy McDowell/Roddy McDowall)(Dolly Pardon/Dolly Parton)(Joe Poesci/Joe Pesci)(Other spellings?)(Hart/Heart)(Chameleons can copy more patterns and colors now.)(Zone Of Silence in Mexico.)(Did 4-leaf and other types of clovers not exist for you at all?)(Weird new planet related Mandela Effects.)(Alison's Restaurant/Alice's Restaurant)(Astronomer buried on moon in 1999.)(8 deadly sins?)(Meghan Markle having a boy instead of girl.)(Frank L. Baum/L. Frank Baum)(Devilled Eggs/Deviled Eggs)(Anything else off with the word Deviled?)(Heads-up Display/Head-up Display)(Does The Sign by Ace Of Base sound off?)(RoboCop KFC commercials.)(Established connection in Britain's Got Talent episode.)(Both The Doors and Doors exist.)(Both The Beatles and Beatles exist.)(Both The Beach Boys and Beach Boys exist.)(So many high quality photos of the Titanic and onboard it and during the sinking of it and during the rescues.)(Truely/Truly)(Droped/Dropped)Annie's dress design has changed.)(Annie now has the tagline The Movie Of Tomorrow.)(Boston album logo is merged.)(Is it Oliver or Oliver Twist cause it may be both now?)(Old and new Geek Squad logos have changed.)(Alice's Restaurant logo has merged.)(AC Delco is now merged.)(Heart album logo and logo in general letters are off.)(All Paramount letters are way off from what they once were.)(Dakine logo has off letters.)(PB Max letters are off.)(Clark candy bar letters are off.)(West Coast Video letters are off.)(Western Express letters are off.)(Drakkar Noir letters are connected and off.)(The Covergirls/Covergirls and their logos are all off.)(Cartier letters are off.)(Regular text on online search and newspapers and in certain fonts is starting to merge and in handwriting too.)(RachefelleRochefelleRockefeller)(Other spellings?)(Mosanto/Monsanto)(The ending of ER has changed in a lot of ways.)(Do you remember any other singers singing certain songs?)(Octapus/Octopus)(Orphan trains now used to exist.)(Street Sharks was now a thing.)(Eagles never sang Margaritaville or Cheeseburger In Paradise. Jimmy Buffett did.)(Eddie Rabbitt never sang The Wanderer. Dion DiMucci did.)(Twisted Sister never sang Cum On Feel The Noize. Slade did.)(Janis Joplin never sang Son Of A Preacher Man. Dusty Springfield did.)(The Cure never sang I Melt With You. Modern English did.)(Didn't Freddie Starr die 10-15 years ago instead of May 9, 2019?)(Carl Benz/Karl Benz)(Winona Ryder now wears a monocle in Heathers.)(Horses now never wore blinders.)(Baby x-rays are way different.)(Evie Noel/Evie Noall)(Mark Ferwings/Mark Fewings)(Brian Stavely/Brian Staveley)(Don Skool/Don Scool)(Cantelope/Cantaloupe)(Butterfingers/Butterfinger)(Spiders that can imitate ladybugs.)(The way some people from certain places can balance so well on steep mountainsides which may not be a change but could be.)(Teddy from Stand By Me now has a mole in some scenes and it's more obvious in certain scenes.)(1872 Lone Pine Earthquake which was largest earthquake that ever hit California in recorded history.)(Cussing in Little House On The Prairie?)(Was Todd Bridges never in the show at all and did the episode with him in it not exist?)(Type-O/Typo)(Jerry McGuire/Jerry Maguire)(Character and movie.)(David Williams/David Walliams)(Zebra Bullhead Shark.)(Man wants to legally change birth year from 1949 to 1969.)(Wayne's World 2 now came out in 1993 instead of 1994.)(Top Gun now came out in 1986 instead of 1987.)(Highlander 3: The Final Dimension now came out in 1995 instead of 1993.)(Scott F. Fritzgerald/F. Scott Fitzgerald)(Robert Fritzgerald/Robert Fitzgerald)(Richard Fritzpatrick/Richard Fitzpatrick)(Ben Effleck/Ben Affleck)(Savannah house cats now exist.)(Marshmallow plants now exist and marshmallows are no longer completely artificial.)(Shaun Wallace/Wallace Shawn and now there is another celebrity named Shaun Wallace.)(Didn't Doris Day earlier than May 13, 2019?)(Sauerkraut is now from China and not Germany.)(Didn't Tim Conway die before May 14, 2019?)(Everybody Get Up/Get Up Everybody)("Sad story."/"Sad soul."/"Sad songs.")(Do any of his logos look off?)(Is the video off?)(Moser Hotel/Mosser Hotel)(Wasn't there a butterfly on the movie cover for The Butterfly Effect?)("Lived a man who sailed the seas."/"Lived a man who sailed to sea.")(Mark Chestnut/Mark Chesnutt)(Do any of his logos look off?)(She's a maniac. Maniac at your door."/"She's a maniac. Maniac at your love."/"She's a maniac. Maniac I sure know.")(Was it something else?)(Do any of his logos look off?)(Did Hall & Oates sing this song and not Michael Sembello?)(Anything else off?)("Are the voices in your head?"/"Or the voices in your head."/"All the voices in your head.")(Do any of her logos look off?)("Give me your answer true."/"Give me your answer do.")("I'm half crazy over the love the love of you."/"I'm half crazy all for the love of you.")("Bicycle made for two."/"Bicycle built for two.")(Do any of his logos look off?)(Is the title off?)("The ending is just the beginning."/"The ending is just a beginner.")(Do any of their logos look off?)(Tangueray/Tanqueray)(Charles Dickerson/Charles Dickens)(Ernest Hemmingway/Ernest Hemingway)("Once upon a midnight dreary."/"Once upon a midnight dearie.")(Do any of their logos look off?)("Can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?"/"Can you see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?")(Poinsetta/Poinsettia)(Exhalt/Exalt)(Bippity Boppity Boop/Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo)(Kanga from Winnie The Pooh almost never wears an apron.)(Eeyore's patches are missing.)(Piglet and Winnie The Pooh no longer have tails.)(Winnie The Pooh/Winnie-The-Pooh)(Hundred Acre Woods/Hundred Acre Wood)(Quails are poisonous.)(Polly In My Pocket/Polly Pocket)(Was it something else?)("Have yourself a Merry little Christmas time."/"Have yourself a merry little Christmas night."/"Have yourself a merry little Christmas now.")(US missionary killed by tribe happened years ago and has now only just happened.)("Thunderbolts and lightning."/"Thunderbolt and lightning.")(Monica Lewinski/Monica Lewinsky)("In the winter we can build a snowman."/"In the meadow we can build a snowman.")("Later on we'll perspire."/"Later on we'll conspire.")("No pleasure here on Earth I find."/"No pleasure here on Earth I found.")(Do any of their logos look off?)(Did the Beedrill and Ponyta Pokémon not exist?)(Arianna Grande/Ariana Grande)(Zapados/Zapdos)(Electrabuzz/Electabuzz)(Epseon/Espeon)("You want to go where everybody knows your name."/"You want to be where everybody knows your name.")(Octopuses don't have tentacles now. They have arms.)(Dainty Kane/Danity Kane)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Schitzophrenia/Schizophrenia)(Other spellings?)("You looking at me?"/"You talking to me?")(Gnocci/Gnocchi)(Macaroons are now the coconut deserts and macarons are the colorful cookies.)(Billy Banks/Billy Blanks)(Roobios/Rooibos)("If I could change the world."/"And I can change the world.")(Do any of his logos look off?)("Who could it be now?"/"Who can it be now.")("Christmas time is here."/"Christmas time is near.")("Time for joy."/"Time for toys.")("Do you really feel the way I feel?"/"Do I really feel the way I feel?")(Do any of his logos look off?)
7014.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Zumiez not being connected?(Is the WorldPants logo off?)
7015.(Cereal Logo change.)Do you remember the Rs in Cap'n Crunch cereal being normal?(Were the letters never connected in any of the names?)
7016.(T.V. Show name change.)The Twilight Zone/Twilight Zone/The Twilight Zone
7017.(Movie name change.)Spider-Man: Enter The Multiverse/Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse(Other names?)
Add-On: Do you remember the Easter Island statues not having eyes and not having hieroglyphics on them?(Anything else off?)(Do you remember Easter being earlier or later in the year?)(More celebrities brought back to life.)(Cochella/Coachella and is the pronunciation off?)(Jimi Hendrix dies at 27 now instead of 28.)(Marilyn Monroe now has a brother and sister.)(Reese Whithherspoon/Reese Witherspoon)(Did Reese Witherspoon play in Clueless?)(Did Alicia Silverstone not exist?)(Tree that has its own waterfall-like spout.)(Gavin McGraw/Gavin DeGraw)(More weird bridges.)
7018.(Famous Singer name change.)Lou Vega/Lou Bega(Other spellings?)
7019.(Song name change.)Winds Of Change/Wind Of Change
7020.(Shoe name change.)Mary Janes/Mary Jane(Other names?)
7021.(Cocoa Logo change.)Do you remember the Swiss Miss girl looking different or being dressed different or holding something or not?(Did she not exist?)(Did Swiss Miss pudding bars not exist?)(Did Swiss Miss only sell cocoa before?)
7022.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Pop not having a white hat?,_Crackle_and_Pop
7023.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember the Trix Rabbit having a black nose?(Was the TV Tropes logo normal?)(Marylin Monroe/Marilyn Monroe)
7024.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Marlboro Beer not existing?
Add-On: Do you remember Tom Cruise's shirt in Risky Business not having stripes?
Add-On: Do you remember Waldo having an all red hat and was his shirt inverted?'s_Wally%3F
7025.(Slogan change.)"The taste that refreshes."/"The pause that refreshes."
7026.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Inflammable and Flammable not meaning the same thing?(Was Inflammable not a word?)
7027.(Date change.)Do you remember 420 not going as far back as the 1970's or not existing?
7028.(Spelling change.)Hippy/Hippie(Was the former the only acceptable spelling?)
7029.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Lorraine Warren dying way before April 18, 2019?
7030.(Movie Series name change.)BladerunneBlade Runner(Do any of the logos look off?)
7031.(Famous Actor name change.)Bob Sagot/Bob Saget
7032.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember sailing stones not being a thing?
7033.(History change.)Do you remember Bonnie And Clyde being shot at by numerous cops as they exited a building instead of them being shot by less cops while in a car?
7034.(Music Lyrics change.)"You had my heart and soul in your hand."/"You had my heart inside of your hand."
7035.(Amusement Park name change.)Hershey Park/Hersheypark
Add-On: Do you remember Charlie Brown's hair being different in any way?
7036.(Famous Rapper name change.)Nate Dog/Nate Dogg
7037.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Snoop Dogg inventing terms and words like My Nizzle instead of stuff like appearing on Double Dutch Bus?
7038.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Stingrays that look like gargoyles, Elvis never sang Crazy Little Thing Called Love and Queen actually did, more swastikas in our past, eyes being less or more sensitive or being better or not, Harris hawks hunt in packs, protruberance/protuberance, fabella bone, more anatomy changes, women have bigger anterior cortex, insects that can change color, more Statue Of Liberty changes, squid and octopus tentacles now have teeth in them and the suction cups can swivel up to 720 degrees, CERN Symmetry movie, more new and big sea animals, more geography changes, more statue changes and new statues, more weird new gorilla related changes, celestrial/celestial, more DNA changes.)(Video below.)
7039.(New fruits.)Have you heard of the Cucamelon?
7040.(Song name change.)Saying Goodbye To Hollywood/Say Goodbye Hollywood(Are the lyrics off?)(Anything else off?)
7041.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Robinson Crusoe stories being completely fiction?
Add-On: Do you remember Billy Joel having his newer look in the We Didn't Start The Fire music video?
7042.(New fruits.)Have you heard of the chocolate pudding fruit?
7043.(Company name change.)J.P. Morgan Chase/JPMorgan Chase(Was the name officially J.P. Morgan Chase?)(Were the letters not connected?)
7044.(Music Lyrics change.)"Love Stinks."/"Love Stink."(Do any of their logos look off?)
7045.(Famous Actor name change.)Chiwetel OkafoChiwetal Ejiofor(Other spellings?)
7046.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember John Singleton dying earlier than April 29, 2019?
7047.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Saturn's rings again, tribes with genetics of a 3rd human species, Malenesian people, Australian spider season, hypnotized chickens, camels are metal now, square starfish, planetary nebulas aren't planetary, sun is now blue-green, polar overdominance, genomic imprinting, mountains can be seen from further away now, new bone growth mechanism, more Amelia Earhart related changes, lots of earthquake changes surrounding how buildings used to be and how mud and water act now, more geography changes, women look more like men in the body and men look more like women in the body, hearts can continue to beat after death, moonfish, more anatomy changes, whipworms, more weird sea animals, clouds that rain in only one spot, sheep with huge butts, villages and places where all people only walk on all fours, smog in certain places, you can injure your shoulder if a doctor doesn't properly inject something into it.)(Video below.)
7048.(Movie Quote change.)"Long ago in a galaxy far away."/"A long time ago in a galaxy far far away."
7049.(Movie Quote change.)"May the force be with you."/"The force is with you always."(Was it the always the former and never anything else?)
7050.(Cereal name change.)Wheatos/Weetos(Wheatabix/Weetabix)
7051.(Restaurant name change.)Foodrockers/Fuddruckers
7052.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being so many high quality photos of Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi?édéric_Auguste_Bartholdi
7053.(Movie Quote change.)"I've been a rich man and I've been a poor man and I'd take rich any fucking day of the week."/"I've been a rich man and I've been a poor man and I choose rich every fucking time."
7054.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Dayton Miller not existing?
7055.(Company name change.)Sthl/Stihl
7056.(New species.)Have you heard of the fiery-throated hummingbird?
7057.(New plants.)Have you heard of giant dandelions?
7058.(New fruits.)Have you heard of indoor dwarf fruit trees?
7059.(Spelling change.)Novacaine/Novocaine(Was it only ever spelled Novacaine or something else?)(Was it never known as Procaine?)(Oralgel/Oragel/Orajel)(Lanacaine/Lanacane)(Dermaplast/Dermoplast)
7060.(Famous Singer name change.)Taylor Dane/Taylor Dayne(Other spellings?)
7061.(Product name change.)Swimmer's Ear Drops/Swim-Ear
7062.(Company name change.)Funk & Wagners/Funk & Wagnalls
7063.(Music Lyrics change.)"Hello my baby. Hello my darling."/"Hello my baby. Hello my honey."(Was it something else?)
7064.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Coppertone baby's butt not completely showing?
7065.(Store name change.)Pet Value/Pet Valu(Were the logos never connected?)
7066.(Comic Strip name change.)Family Circus/The Family Circus
7067.(Music Lyrics change.)"Below his knees."/"Below his knee."(Other lyrics?)
7068.(Rock Band name change.)Steeley Dan/Steely Dan(Do any of their logos look off?)
7069.(Music Lyrics change.)"We can take it to the edge of the night."/"We can take it to the end of the line."(Do any of her logos look off?)(Other lyrics?)
7070.(Music Lyrics change.)"Hands touching hands."/"Hand touching hands."("To believe they ever wood."/"To believe they never wood.")("Good times never felt so good."/"Good times never seemed so good.")(Was there people singing a "Bomp, bomp, bomp" in the song?)
7071.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Shark spiral egg case, Easter egg plant, Ginko/Gingko tree(Other spellings?),Opthalmologist/Ophthalmologist, silverback gorilla coloration abd other gorilla changes, shark nostrils and other shark changes, RH- is not 61 different antigens, human tongue can smell, white strawberries are natural and other strawberry changes, tarahumera tribe can run hundreds of miles without practicing, bat used pitcher plant as a toilet.)(Video below.)
7072.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Christmas tree worms, pinhole cameras, Ground Zero photos look extremely fake now, more weird plants, person's finger grew over wedding ring, magnetic dunes, Russia and China almost went to nuclear war, more weird clouds, dish faced Arabian horses, 2 different types of nuclear bombs dropped on Japan, Earth's Star Trek shield, Bombay blood and more new weird blood types, water is number one greenhouse gas, pollen turns sky green, super corals, reindeer eyes change colors, water bullets from the sun, alcohol in space and the smell of space.)(Video below.)
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