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Extremely vivid.. way more than usual. I woke up a few times and as soon as i fell back to sleep I was somewhere new!

playing off the remnants of a dream I had about a week or so ago involving a hidden chamber in an Egyptian temple that was accessible through some kind of pit. I didn't feel like I fell down this pit but more like I slid on my belly toward a square opening that sand was falling into, There wasn't a transition of any kind I was just at the top of this chamber. Flying/floating I Was not really sure. But there was a huge triangular dome enclosure overhead with a flat center about 50 feet up, and we are clearly underground now... below were 4 staircases marking north south east west and 4 square pillars about 30 feet tall, about 4 feet wide. One of them appeared to be made of an aqueous mixture of sand that held itself in place with some mystic force. Another was solid stone, another was black as obsidian and also made of this sandy quagmire, and the last pillar was bone white. There was power in here. Radiating. I don't remember who was wielding it or channeling it I do not know. It seemed to emanate from the walls. As I descended there were ancient beings ignoring me, going about whatever it is they have done in this chamber for thousands of years. A female deity seemed to notice me as I landed atop one of the pillars, but paid no mind as she continued this never-ending ritual of whatever. I must have disrupted something, because i was leaping around, dodging blades as I landed on one side of the chamber, and I ventured into a hidden back hallway that contained weapons... blades and spears of various sizes and eccentricities. A club, various armor. There was a shelf with Jewels and gold in here, I grabbed this huge double-sided blade with two handles. Very Klingon, and for a moment I felt like I was back in the house I grew up in my room. With crazy lights all over the place but then I was back in the temple... I don't know what happened next but I charged out of the weapon's chamber ready to kick some ass...
fast forward to a completely different dream, I'm very caught up in these events that seem to be a wedding for my brother, and im involved in it somehow. I slowly come aware of my body a little at a time. At first I notice I'm wearing a glass visor of some sort, that attaches/screws into my head like the bulb enclosure on a house ceiling fan, but it's crystal clear, and doesnt hurt or anything. My movements of my body feel tight and restricted and something is wrong with my voice. Like, in my head I hear my deep voice but it's coming out of my mouth higher pitched? WTF? I look down at myself and somehow I'm in the body of a woman. A really HOT woman. Im confused at first, but im led away to prepare for this wedding i am realizing I was in someone else's body, and no one knew it was me. I thought i was going to have to marry my brother, but it was Janessa he is marrying and now I'm in a vehicle of some sort and I'm trying my best to pretend I'm this girl, and talk all high pitched and ladylike.... but I get sick of it, and to everyone's astonishment I tell them who I really am, trapped in this body. I must have transferred my consciousness into this vessel somehow after I killed "The Blood God" perhaps this is the immortal body of one of the ancient beings that was in that temple. I recall my battle with them, and I was seriously determined and ended up killing anyone who attacked me. For a second, I even thought that the body I was posessing was My Ex wife's, which makes no sense. She doesnt fit in anywhere in this scenario. As dreams do, shit just randomly changes and makes sense even though it doesn't really. im in a bathroom and it's totally fucked up. its so gross and nasty. The toilet is stuffed out over the rim, there's not just nastiness like piss and shit, there's huge rigatoni noodles in there, lots of paper, it's beyond gross.... so i leave this sick ass bathroom. I think My brothers GF clogged it up.
next dream, i suddenly come aware and i am driving with someone, to these really huge abandoned department stores, I wanna say Hills/Kmart/Ames or something, but there arent any traces of the logo left, or any color anywhere on these superstores. and when i say huge you need to understand that this is a dream and shit that makes no sense, makes sense here. The stores were HUGE. Like 5 times their regular size, and the parking lot has a labyrinth of fence running through it. I meander down the hallway of this fence place. it feels old. abandoned. dangerous. this leads to somewhere in a shitty run down japanese mall. Now I think im actually IN japan. and I'm eating this horrible, disgusting meat that is flat and pink and hard and covered in patches of white fur and pustules. It smells and tastes so gross why am i eating it? Ill never know..... I See an abandoned arcade, the usual strange arcade games that arent real that I dream about are there. Some strange bathroom chamber is in the side of this one wall, and it has this strange vending machine inside. I dont know if it vends trinkets or food, but it doesnt work. It appears the restroom area is disgusting as usual in my dreams. Shit, I dont think I've ever come upon a decent, clean place to go ever in a dream.
different dream, can't think how it starts, I'm in some strange land with people I don't recognize but im apparently friends with. It's grassy, relatively flat. SOme moderate rolling hills here and there. I find myself in what i assume is a house. There is an old, dusty bedroom that seems relatively unkempt. Is it a pirate's house? There is pirate stuff laying around. Im aware of these 2 liquor bottles. One is made into a wonky shape of a boat. I turn this object over in my hands and there is this pointy, metal thing that unfolds from the bottom, like it's a spike that protrudes from the boat shape. The more i look at the bottle the more it seems shitty, and not very boat shaped. But I do remember very clearly that metal thing. I felt it, as I unfolded it from it's home position. It was very vivid. There was a map, where the countries were liquor-filled glass pockets. This thing was a large bottle. A big, flat, map-shaped bottle. This thing was also extremely vivid. I could probably have read the text on the map if I had tried. I found myself examining it up close, and then i must have left this place but I don't recall. So there is what seemed to be a brothel, with only these really young, completely nude girls with tatoos and no makeup. Like, hippy-ish chicks. Really cute and really nice. This brothel-dwelling was suspended way up in the air, hanging by vines, or rope, and partially standing on really tall legs/stilts. It was almost like a long cocoon looking trailer thing. It wasn't totally level either. The floor sloped in parts, it was weird. So I'm witnessing two girls mess around with this guy who has an ENORMOUS dick, Like, waaay too big and unnatural. THey had these metal tools, like the metal tongs they use to pick up blocks of ice, only smaller and the claw thingy is reversed. They inserted it in the tip of his penis, and used it to extend his shaft to full length. It was odd. Did not appear to be painful. so now Im naked, and one of them is trying to do it to my dick, and Im like WOAH hey stop, mine isnt super huge you dont need to use that on me... so they had it inserted but they took it out. SO I was getting blown by this one girl, and she may have hopped on me and rode for a bit, but im not sure. but we were definitely naked for a bit and screwed around. So now im out of the raised brothel and in the audience of a medieval-times-like restaurant, only themed like polynesian/easter island/hawiian. And they were finishing up some kind if musical number. I didnt order food or anything. It's like I just passed through this place and left.
I end up in this old house that has SOO many rooms. And like, I'm familiar with the layout but im not at the same time. It's like the house reconfigures itself day to day and shit isnt in the same place where it was before. And it's most definitely haunted. The ghost entities are usually hard to see, hiding up in the corner of the room, waiting for a human to pass through so it can attack... and by attack I mean swoop down at you and, what.. possess? Touch? Piss off? whoever it happens to be. I used to get "killed" by these things and wake up, but now im better at avoiding them, and it seems that there's like, one room on the way up the steps that is super haunted because some kid died in there... but if i can get up to the upper weird floors, where the doors are up high and some are just square windows that lead to other rooms..... then there's the ductwork secret passage. I dont know how I access it, or where it usually is, but once you get up so far in this endless house i can crawl through this dark passage, and it is like a see through ductwork, its super small and cramped, and so old and dirty, but i plop out adjacent to some old enclosed balcony where it appears the dried up corpse of an old lady is always there sitting in a rocking chair, sometimes standing. She's dead, and always facing out, so i never see her face, but sometimes there is a presence... A REAL BAD ONE, and I gotta gtfo or im gonna get killed by it..... but other times theres nothing
Now I am in a circular casino. not a very big one, and it was run by these super scary drug guys... and for whatever reason I had this knapsack thing, that was kinda like a big ziplock, but not, and there was this room FULL of cocaine. And alot of the cocaine was in big chunks or clumps, maybe crack? but i dont think so, ... anyway someone fills my knapsack with the coke and im on my way down the street and one of the big scary bodyguards tells me I owe $3500 at the end of the week. I have to sell all this coke and thats what i owe the big boss... im randomly reaching in the pouch and pulling out chunks and breaking them up and snorting them, then im aware that now i got to sell it. In mid-highway some famous new personality busts down my car door to get a "dime" so I dunno what that quantity is so i break him off what i think a dime is worth and he gives me cash. Weird right here in the middle of the freeway. but i dont know who else to sell to so now im scared im gonna get killed.....
submitted by ZALGAZ to Dreams [link] [comments]

Epic in scale- mighty strange

There are many segments to this dream.. this all happened in one night, however, I have had each of these different segments as an individual dream in the past. Begin-
Playing off the remnants of a dream I had about a week or so ago involving a hidden chamber in an Egyptian temple that was accessible through some kind of pit. I didn't feel like I fell down this pit but more like I slid on my belly toward a square opening that sand was falling into, There wasn't a transition of any kind I was just at the top of this chamber. Flying/floating I Was not really sure. But there was a huge triangular dome enclosure overhead with a flat center about 50 feet up, and we are clearly underground now... below were 4 staircases marking north south east west and 4 square pillars about 30 feet tall, about 4 feet wide. One of them appeared to be made of an aqueous mixture of sand that held itself in place with some mystic force. Another was solid stone, another was black as obsidian and also made of this sandy quagmire, and the last pillar was bone white. There was power in here. Radiating. I don't remember who was wielding it or channeling it I do not know. It seemed to emanate from the walls. As I descended there were ancient beings ignoring me, going about whatever it is they have done in this chamber for thousands of years. A female deity seemed to notice me as I landed atop one of the pillars, but paid no mind as she continued this never-ending ritual of whatever. I must have disrupted something, because i was leaping around, dodging blades as I landed on one side of the chamber, and I ventured into a hidden back hallway that contained weapons... blades and spears of various sizes and eccentricities. A club, various armor. There was a shelf with Jewels and gold in here, I grabbed this huge double-sided blade with two handles. Very Klingon, and for a moment I felt like I was back in the house I grew up in my room. With crazy lights all over the place but then I was back in the temple... I don't know what happened next but I charged out of the weapon's chamber ready to kick some ass...
fast forward to a completely different dream, I'm very caught up in these events that seem to be a wedding for my brother, and im involved in it somehow. I slowly come aware of my body a little at a time. At first I notice I'm wearing a glass visor of some sort, that attaches/screws into my head like the bulb enclosure on a house ceiling fan, but it's crystal clear, and doesnt hurt or anything. My movements of my body feel tight and restricted and something is wrong with my voice. Like, in my head I hear my deep voice but it's coming out of my mouth higher pitched? WTF? I look down at myself and somehow I'm in the body of a woman. A really HOT woman. Im confused at first, but im led away to prepare for this wedding i am realizing I was in someone else's body, and no one knew it was me. I thought i was going to have to marry my brother, but it was Janessa he is marrying and now I'm in a vehicle of some sort and I'm trying my best to pretend I'm this girl, and talk all high pitched and ladylike.... but I get sick of it, and to everyone's astonishment I tell them who I really am, trapped in this body. I must have transferred my consciousness into this vessel somehow after I killed "The Blood God" perhaps this is the immortal body of one of the ancient beings that was in that temple. I recall my battle with them, and I was seriously determined and ended up killing anyone who attacked me. For a second, I even thought that the body I was posessing was My Ex wife's, which makes no sense. She doesnt fit in anywhere in this scenario. As dreams do, shit just randomly changes and makes sense even though it doesn't really. im in a bathroom and it's totally fucked up. its so gross and nasty. The toilet is stuffed out over the rim, there's not just nastiness like piss and shit, there's huge rigatoni noodles in there, lots of paper, it's beyond gross.... so i leave this sick ass bathroom. I think My brothers GF clogged it up.
next dream, i suddenly come aware and i am driving with someone, to these really huge abandoned department stores, I wanna say Hills/Kmart/Ames or something, but there arent any traces of the logo left, or any color anywhere on these superstores. and when i say huge you need to understand that this is a dream and shit that makes no sense, makes sense here. The stores were HUGE. Like 5 times their regular size, and the parking lot has a labyrinth of fence running through it. I meander down the hallway of this fence place. it feels old. abandoned. dangerous. this leads to somewhere in a shitty run down japanese mall. Now I think im actually IN japan. and I'm eating this horrible, disgusting meat that is flat and pink and hard and covered in patches of white fur and pustules. It smells and tastes so gross why am i eating it? Ill never know..... I See an abandoned arcade, the usual strange arcade games that arent real that I dream about are there. Some strange bathroom chamber is in the side of this one wall, and it has this strange vending machine inside. I dont know if it vends trinkets or food, but it doesnt work. It appears the restroom area is disgusting as usual in my dreams. Shit, I dont think I've ever come upon a decent, clean place to go ever in a dream.
different dream, can't think how it starts, I'm in some strange land with people I don't recognize but im apparently friends with. It's grassy, relatively flat. SOme moderate rolling hills here and there. I find myself in what i assume is a house. There is an old, dusty bedroom that seems relatively unkempt. Is it a pirate's house? There is pirate stuff laying around. Im aware of these 2 liquor bottles. One is made into a wonky shape of a boat. I turn this object over in my hands and there is this pointy, metal thing that unfolds from the bottom, like it's a spike that protrudes from the boat shape. The more i look at the bottle the more it seems shitty, and not very boat shaped. But I do remember very clearly that metal thing. I felt it, as I unfolded it from it's home position. It was very vivid. There was a map, where the countries were liquor-filled glass pockets. This thing was a large bottle. A big, flat, map-shaped bottle. This thing was also extremely vivid. I could probably have read the text on the map if I had tried. I found myself examining it up close, and then i must have left this place but I don't recall. So there is what seemed to be a brothel, with only these really young, completely nude girls with tatoos and no makeup. Like, hippy-ish chicks. Really cute and really nice. This brothel-dwelling was suspended way up in the air, hanging by vines, or rope, and partially standing on really tall legs/stilts. It was almost like a long cocoon looking trailer thing. It wasn't totally level either. The floor sloped in parts, it was weird. So I'm witnessing two girls mess around with this guy who has an ENORMOUS dick, Like, waaay too big and unnatural. THey had these metal tools, like the metal tongs they use to pick up blocks of ice, only smaller and the claw thingy is reversed. They inserted it in the tip of his penis, and used it to extend his shaft to full length. It was odd. Did not appear to be painful. so now Im naked, and one of them is trying to do it to my dick, and Im like WOAH hey stop, mine isnt super huge you dont need to use that on me... so they had it inserted but they took it out. SO I was getting blown by this one girl, and she may have hopped on me and rode for a bit, but im not sure. but we were definitely naked for a bit and screwed around. So now im out of the raised brothel and in the audience of a medieval-times-like restaurant, only themed like polynesian/easter island/hawiian. And they were finishing up some kind if musical number. I didnt order food or anything. It's like I just passed through this place and left.
I end up in this old house that has SOO many rooms. And like, I'm familiar with the layout but im not at the same time. It's like the house reconfigures itself day to day and shit isnt in the same place where it was before. And it's most definitely haunted. The ghost entities are usually hard to see, hiding up in the corner of the room, waiting for a human to pass through so it can attack... and by attack I mean swoop down at you and, what.. possess? Touch? Piss off? whoever it happens to be. I used to get "killed" by these things and wake up, but now im better at avoiding them, and it seems that there's like, one room on the way up the steps that is super haunted because some kid died in there... but if i can get up to the upper weird floors, where the doors are up high and some are just square windows that lead to other rooms..... then there's the ductwork secret passage. I dont know how I access it, or where it usually is, but once you get up so far in this endless house i can crawl through this dark passage, and it is like a see through ductwork, its super small and cramped, and so old and dirty, but i plop out adjacent to some old enclosed balcony where it appears the dried up corpse of an old lady is always there sitting in a rocking chair, sometimes standing. She's dead, and always facing out, so i never see her face, but sometimes there is a presence... A REAL BAD ONE, and I gotta gtfo or im gonna get killed by it..... but other times theres nothing
Now I am in a circular casino. not a very big one, and it was run by these super scary drug guys... and for whatever reason I had this knapsack thing, that was kinda like a big ziplock, but not, and there was this room FULL of cocaine. And alot of the cocaine was in big chunks or clumps, maybe crack? but i dont think so, ... anyway someone fills my knapsack with the coke and im on my way down the street and one of the big scary bodyguards tells me I owe $3500 at the end of the week. I have to sell all this coke and thats what i owe the big boss... im randomly reaching in the pouch and pulling out chunks and breaking them up and snorting them, then im aware that now i got to sell it. In mid-highway some famous new personality busts down my car door to get a "dime" so I dunno what that quantity is so i break him off what i think a dime is worth and he gives me cash. Weird right here in the middle of the freeway. but i dont know who else to sell to so now im scared im gonna get killed.....
submitted by ZALGAZ to DreamInterpretation [link] [comments]

Persona 5 Royal: July 18th Famitsu Article Summary/ Analysis Part 2 (Scans)

Part 1 of the Famitsu Analysis.
Link to the scans (via Persona Central).
Part 1 has the meat of this analysis, but now that we have the scans we can draw further conclusions from the official renders and screenshots. So, let's get started!
New Personas:
The first two pages of the scans give us the official renders for William, Celestine and Gorokichi; the new Ultimate Personas for Ryuji, Ann and Ryuji respectively. As was the case with William, the other two are based on the user's base Persona and appear as modern versions of them too:
I don't know if this is intentional, but all three of these Personas wear eyewear (William a visor, Celestine glasses and Gorokichi shades). Will all third tier Personas also have "masks" of their own, or is it just a coincidence that the three we got here just happened to have eyewear in their designs?
Anyway, as stated in Part 1, this confirms that the new Ultimate Personas will be based on each character's original Persona and will have a name to match. This means we can make some predictions about the names of the remaining Personas (thank you u/DeusAxeMachina and u/KuroShiroTaka for almost all of these!):
I've bolded the ones I 'm personally betting on out of the ones here (besides, William showed that Atlus isn't afraid to use "mundane" names if they fit their themes). Also, it's interesting that these Personas have "regressed" from being mythological tricksters. Is this part of the "you can change yourself through your own efforts" message the original game ended with (and even Ren mentions in the reveal trailer)?
The first two slides also give us new renders of the first four Thieves in their uniforms too, in addition to the new Thief renders we've been seeing since the reveal. While most of the "real world" screenshots are taken from the Thieves' Confidants, the picture with Joker seems to be taken from the cutscene from the reveal trailer where Kasumi dances in front of a crowd - and given the spotlight behind him this seems to be quite the event. Could this be what Kasumi's class brings to the school festival? Since this takes place before the Casino Palace, it would make sense for Joker to be alone here too (after all, we can only say for sure that Kasumi appears before him there and know nothing about whether the other Thieves - save Morgana - even know she exists before then).
The final two spreads recap what we learned from Morgana Report 3. There are two things worth noting about the second half of the third spread though (Page 6 of 8 overall and Page 167 of the magazine). First off is the explanation in the top right of the old temple that raises max SP. In the trailer Joker simply meditated for a while and got 3 SP for his trouble, whereas in this screenshot he goes full galaxy brain glows gold! We speculated before that 3 SP was far too low a gain for a full activity gain, so perhaps there is indeed a SP-boost boosting item...or more likely, perhaps you need to meditate a few times before you get the full benefits of it? Just like working out!
The second thing of note here is directly below, where Joker is talking to a man in shades. His bright shirt makes him look like a tourist and he could simply be an NPC (the text is too small to make out, but if anyone good with Japanese can take a look I'd be very grateful!) but could he instead be related to the person Joker spoke to at the liquor store in the Morgana Report footage and/ or the suspicious person mentioned a few times in the reveal trailer (assuming that wasn't Kasumi)?
At the bottom of the spread (Page 5) is a shot of Futaba at the jazz club and we can see that she also gains affinity points (three, given the one we see is blue) - so this tells us that on top of granting bonus EXP, the club also has the benefits of an ordinary hangout spot too! Maybe this'll be a good place to go whenever we're hit with an "I don't think our relationship will develop further" roadblock when advancing Confidants? If so, will the affinity bonuses ever drop off after a while?
Also, not having any reason to hang out with someone after maxing their Confidant was a complaint levied at the original game; is the jazz club (and everything else in Kichijoji for that matter) a way to fix that since it seems the club will always be relevant (and if so, will we get additional scenes if we go there after reaching Rank 10 with and/ or romancing the person we go there with)?
The left side of the spread is mostly a recap of the new Baton Pass, but look at the image of Ann passing to Yusuke halfway through. You may have thought that this was Madarame's Palace and the white backdrop was a picture of a tree's roots as I did, but if you look closely at the top right corner (which is cut off by the picture showcasing Baton Pass 0) you can see Futaba's neck - and Futaba doesn't join for another two Palaces! If you zoom in on the picture, you'll also see that the last member of the team is Kasumi! I initially thought the right side of the screenshot was black from the aura of one of the new "devil" enemies, but that isn't the case either: the colour looks far too solid (and may even be a giant TV screen as seen in Ryuji's trailer). You can see Ann and Yusuke's shadows on the floor and the angle of the other lines suggest they're shadows too even though they don't match the lines of the wall/ door behind them. It's clear this is a new Palace, but is there an illusion in play here too (maybe as a mechanic to break through like the painting and spot-the-difference puzzles in Madarame's Palace)?
(As an aside, since he's only gaining 2 SP we can tell this is only the first Baton Pass of the turn since that's roughly 1% of his max.)
The picture directly below it also confirms yet another newcomer to the Persona series - Cait Sith (thank you for identifying it, u/Savixeon)! I thought the one to its right was already in Persona 5 but I can't find it on the wiki, so if anyone can identify it too I'd be very grateful! u/Savixeon comes through again! The second Persona is Atavaka, who was planned for the original game (and was in Persona 4) but removed during development. Looks like he's back on the menu!
In any case, the top of the last page gives us another look at Characteristics. The Persona being fused is Koppa Tengu and the Characteristic chosen is "Individually focused gaze," which boosts the accuracy of single-target skills by 20%. The other options are "Chain of [hands?]" (the highlighted, top option) and "Contagious envy" (the third option). We don't know what these do yet but the article tells us that all Characteristics are positive, so the "Envy" trait will likely also be positive in some way. (After all, P4 stresses the importance of accepting yourself, warts and all, and P5 also has the cast fighting and later embracing different sins.)
Also worth noting is Koppa Tengu's Skills have been changed. While it always started with Garu and learns Growth 1 at Level 12 (both of which are true here) its second innate Skill used to be the Gun Skill Snap, but this has been changed to a status ability I can't read (again, help would be greatly appreciated)! It seems that on top of some skills having their elements changed, Personas' movelists are also open to being changed!
The bottom right of the spread is dedicated to Showtimes. Here we see an extra frame of the Ann/ Morgana attack which also shows their "unified logo" which takes the form of a pink pawprint, while the shot of Makoto and Haru in a wrestling ring also has a fan holding a sign that says "Q&N". Since Haru and Morgana's "logo" used their real names ("h&m," to be precise) maybe in the context of the attack these two are wrestling with their Thief names as pseudonyms? And while Ryuji and Yusuke don't have a logo like the others, the store they're in belongs to Yusuke, so maybe its logo is considered theirs.
This is something I forgot to mention before: Famitsu released some screenshots before the leak that they didn't have space for in the magazine itself. One of them was a screenshot of January 16th which showed Yusuke asking Joker:
Aren't you [protagonist's name]? You're not as chill as usual...
We've speculated before that Joker is the only one aware of the illusions in January, but this seems to confirm that he will indeed be the odd one out among the Thieves and shaken by the things going on around him. Maybe this part of the game will give him some character development as well as everyone else; maybe he gets his Ultimate Persona by being brave enough to tell his friends that their dreams are all lies?
And that brings us to the end of another analysis! I didn't expect this to have much worth discussing but it's always crazy how much detail is hidden away in these screenshots! As always, please let me know what I should add or fix!
Also, because linking to your own website is treated as self-promotion, I will be saving link posts for "big" news releases like Morgana Reports if we ever get more than one batch of information released per week. But please let me know if you even like going to Wordpress as with my previous analysis! Also, please check out this master post containing all the information we've gotten until now.
And yet again, thank you so much for your time. I hope you enjoyed reading this!
submitted by Theroonco to Persona5 [link] [comments]

I will attempt to name every Ready Player One Easter Egg Reference Cameo and details. Will be updated and feel free to help out in the comments.

Disclaimer:I am getting these time stamps off ITunes -At 0:00:48-Van Halen’s 1984 song Jump begins to play in the introduction to The “Stacks”.
At 0:01:44 one of the residents of “The Stacks” is receiving a delivery from a Pizza Hut drone.
At 0:02:13-Mrs. Gilmore is wearing a shirt featuring The Police album Synchronicity
At 0:02:45 Two Garbage Pail Kids stickers are visible on the wall one I can make out one which is Bony Tony
Also 0:02:45-A Garfield sticker is also on the van’s wall
At 0:02:46-Hanging from the wall is a damaged IPod Classic
At 0:02:47-Wade retrieves his OASIS retinal scanner off a a Commodore 64 joystick.
Also at 0:02:46-A 1980’s Batman sticker is stuck to the wall where Wade’s retinal scanner is.
At 0:02:47-a Nintendo NES Zapper is taped to the wall of the van.
Also at 0:02:47- a 1972-Doritos packet is tucked behind a drawer in the van.
Also at 0:02:47-a sticker of the pyramid from Q*Bert is stuck to a shelf in Wade’s Van.
At 0:02:57-Wade sets his glasses on a 1982 Masters Of The Universe lunchbox. A Masters Of The Universe Thermos is further along the drawer.
Also at 0:02:57-A POP ROCKS! Blue Razz packet is also lying upon the MOTU lunchbox.
At 0:02:57-beside the lunchbox is a 1980’s Coke can
Also at 0:02:57 A Carl’s Jr. fries packet is lying beside the lunchbox
At 0:03:16-Wade pulls his OASIS visor out of a 1981 Defenders T-Shirt.
At 0:03:18-A 1982 JOUST sticker is placed on the visor
Also at 0:03:18-A Space Invaders logo decal is on the visor
Also at 0:03:18-A Mattel Scratch N’ Sniff sticker is next to the Space Invaders sticker
At 0:03:24-A 1980’s Batman Symbol sticker is visible on the visor
At 0:03:40-we enter the OASIS to visit Minecraft World nice attention to detail with the blocks forming and creeper-face logo.
At 0:03:42-In Minecraft World a village below features Steve Alex and Minecraft pigs and sheep avatars (maybe NPCs?)
At 0:03:47-on the sports world a golf player does the Gilmore swing from Adam Sandler’s Happy Gilmore.
At 0:03:55-In a Sports World mini-game named Hurricane Hang-Gliding a small house flies through the wreckage referencing the Gale House from The Wizard Of Oz (well in the 1939 movie it was a Tornado but still a reference)
At 0:04:04-a group of OASIS sector portals are seen-some of these include Minecraft World and LUDUS school districts from the book.
At 0:04:17-get ready for some Batman references While in the Vacation Planet Wade explains that you could do multiple activities including climbing MT. Everest with Batman
The variation of the Batman show here is Micheal Keaton’s portrayal from the 1989 Tim Burton film.
Batman climbing MT. Everest is a reference to him and Robin climbing tall buildings in the 1966 Adam West tv series.
Also at 0:04:17-what’s interesting here is the climber below Batman. He definitely looks like Link from Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda series but I’ve heard Warner Bros. Couldn’t get the license so maybe a Robin Hood Avatar?
At 0:04:21-Wade says you can go to a planet-size space Casino this is taken directly from one of the episodes from the Anime Cowboy Bepbop.
At 0:04:30-we can hear a School bell ring as ships pass the planet Ludus which is of course the school Wade attends in the novel.
At 0:04:40-As Wade introduces the types of Avatars users can choose in the OASIS the Cyclops from the 1958 fantasy film The 7th Voyage Of Sinbad stomps out of the entry point.
At 0:04:41-Frankenstein (1931) and The Wolf-Man (1941) from their classic Universal horror movies emerge from the OASIS entry point as Thr Wolf-Man howls and Frankenstein’s Monster swings his arms around wrapped in chains.
0:04:42-A female Avatar switches her avatar to Injustice 2’s version of The Flash.
At 0:04:43-Zitz and Rash from the 1991 NES game Battletoads emerge from the entry point.
At 0:04:43-Alex Murphy A.K.A Robocop from Paul Verhoven’s 1987 original Robocop film emerges from the entry point.
At 0:04:46-Wade says your avatar can be a Cartoon character as Marvin the Martin from the Looney Tunes cartoon series runs out of the entry point (he looks so cute and cool)
At 0:04:47-a group of OASIS users using Orrendi from the 2016 video game BattleBorn emerge from the entry point.
At 0:04:48-behind Wade Shayne and Auroxx (might’ve misspelled the character’s name) from Battleborn emerge from the entry point.
At 0:04:49-An Orc from World of Warcraft walks besides Wade when Wade is introducing his Avatar Parzival.
At 0:04:56-above on a walkway a younger version of Beetlejuice from Tim Burton’s 1988 movie is visible.
Also at 0:4:56-it appears Raiden from the Mortal Kombat video game series is interacting with another player.
At 0:04:56-Tracer from the video game Overwatch cuts in line for an OASIS portal.
At 0:04:57-Sonic from Sega’s video game series Sonic The Hedgehog taps his foot impatiently waiting for a line.
Also at 0:04:57-Catwoman is also in the line (it appears it is Michelle Pfeiffer’s Batman Returns variation.
At 0:04:58-John Bender from John Hughe’s 1985 teen film The Breakfast Club is seen entering a portal.
At 0:04:58-Night-Wing is seen entering a portal alongside John Bender (it appears it is the Arkham variation.
At 0:04:58-now take this with a grain of salt but I think can make out Sektor and cyborg from Mortal Kombat in one of the portal lines.
At 0:05:00 (under the walkway Wade is one is Commander John Shepard from the EA video game Mass Effect.
At 0:05:02-on the walkway is Attikus from Battleborn stomping past Wade.
At 0:05:04-while Wade is explaining the possibilities of the OASIS Hello Kitty Badtz-Maru and Keroppi from Sanrio skips beside him.
At 0:05:05-A Protoss Zealot from Starcraft II is on the walkway behind Wade.
At 0:05:05-Wade’s avatar Parzival wears a belt and holster worn by Han Solo in Star Wars:Episode IV-A New Hope
Also at 0:05:05-The Buckle on Parzival’s belt is the Tiger emblem from Thundercats (1985 cartoon series)
Also at 0:05:05-Parzival wears Converse’s Chuck-Taylor All stars (golden-winged(
At 0:05:07-Wade pulls up a holographic OASIS sector map that is in the same shape as a Rubik’s Cube
At 0:05:11-Wade finds out Aech is currently participating in a PVP match on Planet Doom a location in the 1984 anime Voltron.
At 0:05:20-On Planet Doom Mechanised scorpions from the 1993 computer game Ultrabots swarm the battlefield.
Also at 0:05:20-The scorpions go up against Knights and Ostriches from the 1982 arcade game Joust (in a deleted scene in the SDCC trailer Napoleon rides on a scorpion as he kills ostriches which lay green eggs like in the game.
At 0:05:22-Aech kills a beserker from Gears of War.
At 0:05:28-Aech eliminates a PVP tournament player taking the form of Robert England’s Freddy Kruger
Also at 0:05:28-Aech uses an MA5B assault rifle from Halo 3 to eliminate players.
At 0:05:29-When Freddy gets killed Kreig’s Buzz-Axe from Borderlands comes bursting out of his inventory
At 0:05:31-Aech kills Kitana from Mortal Kombat as a fan comes out of her inventory
At 0:05:31-Man-Bat from Batman:Arkham Knight swoops down at Aech only to be eliminated
At 0:05:37-Despite being an Assault rifle from Halo the SFX of the rifle is the Pulse Rifle from Terminator 2:Judgement Day
At 0:05:41-Duke Nukem from the video game series of the same name fires multiple rockets at Aech only to be eliminated by him.
At 0:05:44-(this is the weirdest thing in the movie) A player taking the form of an Emoji person attempts to kill Aech.
At 0:05:46-A Zerg from Starcraft is shot by Aech.
At 0:05:47-Aech picks up a EM1-Railgun from the 1996 Arnold Schwarzenegger film Eraser.
At 0:05:53-Daito’s Avatar is actually based of legendary Japanese film actor Toshiro Mifune (specially from his 1953 film Throne of Blood)
At 0:05:56-Aech kills Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat.
At 0:05:57-Scorpion from Mortal Kombat is fighting Daito and Sho before being shot by Aech.
Also at 0:05:57-The weapon Scorpion is using is a buzz-Axe from Borderlands.
At 0:05:58-Aech shoots Deadshot (it is his Injustice 2 variation)
At 0:06:14-E. Honda from Street fighter is on the mountain pushing other people off with his belly.
At 0:06:18-Chun-Li from Street fighter can be seen dodging traps before being burned by a fire trap.
At 0:06:26-we all saw this cameo. Jim Raynor from Starcraft II and shooting every player in sight.
At 0:06:27-yet another 1972-packaged Doritos Tortilla Chips behind Rick on the coffee table (I believe you see it in the film four times)
0:06:36-When we cut to a mother playing the PVP tournament the Guitar from Guitar Hero is sitting On the armchair.
At 0:06:48-when Daito slays a PVP player and his loot bursts out an O.G 1986 W.O.W Laser Tag pistol can be seen in the pile.
At 0:06:50-we cut to a girl screaming since losing in the PVP match. A poster for The Bangle’s 1984 album All Over The Place is on the girl’s bedroom wall.
Also at 0:06:50 - A Bedtime Bear plush toy from Care Bears is on the girl’s bed.
At 0:06:51-A Donkey Kong Jr. poster is on the bedroom wall.
Also at 0:06:51-On a shelf in the girl’s bedroom Care Bear figurines are visible.
At 0:06:54-Daito and Sho fight and shortly kills Jason Vorhees from the Friday the 13th horror series.
Also at 0:06:54-When Jason is slain various things comes out of his inventory (lots of guns) I could only make out another 1986 W.O.W Laser Tag pistol.
At 0:07:06-Tear For Fear’s song Everybody Wants To Rule The World plays.
At 0:07:06-Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014 Michael Bay film) passes Wade when Wade is talking to Aech.
Also at 0:07:06-Blue Beetle from Injustice 2 passes Wade.
At 0:07:07-behind Wade you can see Benedict from Battleborn
At 0:07:08-Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (again 2014) passes wade while wade is talking to Aech.
At 0:07:12-Doc Brown from Back To The Future in his Part II outfit passes Wade on the walkway.
At 0:07:42-A framed poster of the video game Gradius appears on the wall in the Gregarious Games showcase room.
Also at 0:07:42-A Framed poster of Castlevaynia appears on the opposite wall in the GG showcase room.
At 0:08:01-Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor shortly plays over the start of Halliday’s last message video.
Also at 0:08:01-The quarters over Halliday’s eyes read:God We Trust 1972. 1972 was the year Ernest cline was born AND when Atari was founded.
At 0:08:05-At the funeral parlour there are various flower arrangements of the Starfleet logo and the U.S.S Enterprise ship along with a glass painting of the Starfleet logo from the sci-fi franchise Star Trek.
Also at 0:08:05-The coffin Halliday is lying in is Spock’s Mark VI torpedo in Star Trek II:The Wrath Of Khan.
At 0:08:10-Halliday rises out of the coffin of how Count Dracula would in various Dracula horror movies.
At 0:08:16-Halliday places a TOMY hand-held Pac-Man game on the coffin.
At 0:08:17-Halliday is wearing a Joust shirt.
At 0:08:21-On Halliday’s lapel he is wearing a SIMON pin.
Also at 0:08:21-A little harder to see but Halliday is also wearing a D20 pin from Dungeons and Dragons.
At 0:08:48-On the right side of the screen A High School student watching Halliday’s last message is wearing a Marvin The Martian shirt from The Looney Tunes.
At 0:08:51-Another High school student pulling out a screen is wearing a Pac-Man shirt.
At 0:10:04: Joan Jets and the Blackheart’s 1988 song I Hate myself For Loving you plays.
At 0:10:15-El Dragon from Battleborn passes Wade on the walkway.
At 0:10:27-On the copper key starting line Wade walks through aisles of IOI cars to pass The V8 Interceptor from Mad Max.
At 0:10:34-The Batmobile from the 1966 Adam West tv series Batman is visible throughout the race (love the safety siren flashing)
At 0:10:34-however the driver is not Adam West’s Batman and instead is the Batman from the Arkham games(you can see him moving around in the cockipit)
At 0:10:34:Ryu from Street Fighter is passing down the aisle of cars.
At 0:10:34-A modernised version of the Mach 5 from Speed Racer appears at the starting line next to Ryu.
At 0:10:59-Wade passes a red F1 racing car from the 1982 Atari game Pole Position.
Also at 0:10:59-Mr. T.’s GMC Van from the A-team appears at the starting line.
Also at 0:10:59-the 1968 possessed Plymouth Fury from Christine appears at the starting line of the copper key race.
Also at 0:10:59-Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider game series is having a conversation with Dizzy Wallin from Gears of War II before the race starts.
At 0:11:04-In the Oology department a Scholar is watching the Twin Pines Mall scene from Back to the future on a monitor.
At 0:11:06-A Halliday scholar is holding a sealed copy of DC Comics Presents:Superman and Superboy
At 0:11:09-A Halliday scholar is watching the Goodbye scene in E.T. The Extra Terrestrial on a monitor.
Also at 0:11:09-A Wonder Woman comic panel poster is being studied by scholars.
At 0:11:10-It looks as if on a whiteboard scholars are studying The Glaive from Krull.
At 0:11:13-A group of Ooligists are studying Fruit Loops on a IOI monitor.
Also at 0:11:13-A Cap N’ Crunch cereal box appears on a scholar’s monitor.
Also at 0:11:13-in the Oology department a liberty island version of the map from Escape From New York appears on the TV screen.
At 0:11:28-while walking up to Aech at the racetrack Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat walks past him.
At 0:11:29-Aech’s form of vehicle for the race is the Bigfoot Monster Truck which started the monster truck business and has appeared in multiple Hot Wheels sets.
At 0:11:48-Aech teases wade about not having enough money for fuel but can get a Something About Mary hairdo referencing the 1998 comedy There’s something about Mary.
At 0:12:09-Wade spawns in The DeLorean Time Machine from Back to the future.
Alright so Ernest Cline said during the New York race you can find Ghostbusters HQ and the apartment building from Batteries Not Included I haven’t found them yet.
At 0:12:29-When the horn for the start of the race blows out of Liberty’s torch the Domino Sugar factory appears behind the statue.
At 0:12:49-A blue F1 racing car from Pole Position gets rammed by an IOI vehicle.
At 0:12:52-Art3mis drives by on Shotaro Kaneda’s bike from Akira.
At 0:13:31-A sticker for the skateboarding brand Thraser appears on Artemis’s bike.
Also at 0:13:31-Two Scratch N’ Sniff stickers appear on Art3mis’s bike specifically a pear and Tomato great job stickers.
At 0:13:37- the K.I.T.T bar from Knight Rider is under the grill of Wade’s DeLorean.
At 0:13:45-When speaking about Art3mis to Aech Wade mentions he has seen all of her Twitch Streams.
At 0:13:53-when going over a ramp wade makes the DeLorean do the Corkscrew Junp from the 1967 James Bond movie The Man With The golden Gun.
At 0:14:03-The Pork Chop Express from the 1986 Kurt Russell film Big Trouble In Little China blocks the road for players.
At 0:14:05-Art3mis’s bike has an Atari decal on it.
At 0:14:08-on the street beside the pork chop express a diner appears named Ratners it was an old dinedeli that opened in New York in 1902.
At 0:14:14-Wade switches the DeLorean to Hover mode from Back To The Future:Part II when he gets a collision warning during the race.
0:14:16-when an IOI racer crashes and wade picks up has coins he’s using an Arcade coin slot machine to do so.
At 0:14:35-An IOI racer crashes in front of the national video centre (it is a place in New York basically a museum for technology like televisions and computers)
At 0:14:40-A Ms. Pac-Man decal appears on Art3mis’s bike.
Also at 0:14:40-The superhero logo from The Greatest American Hero appears on Art3mis’s bike.
At 0:14:41-very hard to see but at the bottom of Art3mis’s bike is a decal for skateboarding brand JFA.
Also at 0:14:41-Art3mis and an IOI racer pass a Movie theatre marquee that reads:Schwarzenegger Jack Slater III referencing the 1993 film-in a film Last Action Hero.
At 0:14:51 Rexy The T-Rex from the Jurassic Park/Jurassic World movies munches on vehicles in Chinatown (for those saying it’s just a random T-Rex it does the same roar as in the movies and has the same scars and marks on it’s face)
At 0:14:58-The final and hardest obstacle of all:King Kong. Like in all of the Kong movies he’s hanging off the Empire State Building circled by 1930’s bi-planes.
At 0:15:12-we get a shot of King Kong destroying rail roads in front of the Silvercups Studios building where the final battle in Highlander took place as well as an actual movie studio.
0:15:16-as Aech skids to a halt in Bigfoot the Batmobile gets knocked off the road right after skidding to the sound of the 1966 Batman tv series theme.
At 0:15:20-A 1975 Wonder Woman decal appears on Art3mis’s bike.
At 0:15:25-behind Aech in the scene where Art3mis jumps over the gap with her bike a Delta City billboard from Robocop appears.
At 0:16:29-When Art3mis brushes herself off from Wade’s rescue The Ace Chemical’s building from Batman appears behind her.
0:16:23-when Art3mis insepects her damaged bike an old advertising billboard called Come to the Caribbean appears behind her.
At 0:16:57-when Wade Aech and Art3mis enter Aech’s workshop Prince’s song I wanna be your lover plays.
Also at 0:16:57-leaning against the wall near the entry is Pee-wee Herman’s bike from Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.
0:17:08-We all know this one:Aech is working on building an Iron Giant from the animated 1999 film of the same name.
At 0:17:13-A Cylon Raider ship from Battlestar Galactia is hanging on the wall.
At 0:17:22-Aech owns a Fraggle Rock-themed lunchbox to store all his miniature sci-fi ships.
0:17:23-When Wade opens the lunchbox we see various sci-fi ships these conclude of:The Galactia from Battlestar Galactia The Valley Forge From the 1972 sci-fi film Silent Running a colonial Viper from Battlestar Galactia and the Sulaco from Aliens.
At 0:17:24-a miniature model of the Swordfish II from Cowboy Bepbop is on the Aech’s worktable.
At 0:17:31-Wade mentions Aech owning a miniature Harkonnen Drop-ship from Dune and says it could get to Arrakis in seconds (while Arrakis was in the 1965 novel the drop-ship was created for the 1985 movie).
At 0:17:46-A faded mini-poster of Pole Position appears on the pole behind Aech.
At 0:17:47-on another pole below Aech is a poster for the Colecovision video game Gorf.
At 0:17:51-The TARDIS police box from Doctor Who appears behind Aech Wade and Art3mis when talking about repairing the Akira bike.
Also at 0:17:51-hanging from the roof is The Eagle 5 from the 1987 Star Wars parody film Spaceballs.
At 0:17:52-a life-size Swordfish II from Cowboy Bepbop appears in Aech’s workshop waiting for repair.
At 0:17:53-parked in Aech’s workshop is the 1969 250 GT California Ferrari from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
Also at 0:17:53-hanging off the roof of Aech’s workshop is The EVA Pod from the 1968 Kubrick sci-fi classic 2001:A Space Odyssey.
Also at 0:17:53-a life-size Colonial Viper from Battlestar Galactia is hanging off the roof of the workshop.
Also at 0:17:53-The Thunderfighter from Buck Rogers in the 25th century is hanging off the roof of the workshop.
Also at 0:17:53-in the corner of the workshop is the enforcement droid ED-209 from Robocop.
At 0:18:18-Art3mis asks Wade what was Halliday’s favourite first-person shooter game. Wade replies by saying 007 Goldeneye based of the James Bond movie of the same name. His favourite character was Oddjob the villain. And his favourite player mode was slappers only where players could only slap to kill.
At 0:18:30-Art3mis asks what Halliday’s favourite racer game which was the 1981 SEGA game Turbo.
O:18:32-Wade says Halliday’s favourite food was Hot Pockets a microwaveable pizza snack.
Also at 0:18:32-while Wade and Art3mis are talking playing softly in the background is Just my imagination (running away with me) by The Temptation.
At 0:13:33-Wade says Halliday’s favourite restaurant was Chuck E. Cheese which is an Arcade and pizza restaurant. The restaurant’s founder Nolan Bushnell also happened to founded Atari.
At 0:18:35-Wade says Halliday’s favourite song was Video Killed The Radio Star by The Buggles which happens to be the first song to air on MTV in 1980.
At 0:18:37–Wade says Halliday’s favourite music video was A-Ha’s 1985 hit song Take On Me.
At 0:18:42-Wade and Art3mis complete a quote together which was Halliday’s favourite of Gene Hackman’s portrayal of Lex Luthor in Superman:The Movie:Some people can read war and peace and come away thinking it’s a simple adventure story. Others can read the back of a chewing gum paper and unlock the secrets of the universe.
At 0:19:06-before Art3mis and Wade walk away a Castlevaynia poster is on the wall.
At 0:19:98- A Robotron 2084 poster appears on the wall of Aech’s workshop.
Also at 0:19:08-A Joust banner appears on the wall of Aech’s Workshop.
Also at 0:19:08-A GORF banner appears on the wall of Aech’s Workshop.
Also at 0:19:08-A poster for the 1985 Tengen arcade game Gauntlet appears on the wall of Aech’s workshop.
Also at 0:19:08-a poster for Galaga (1983 version) appears on the wall of Aech’s workshop.
At 0:19:54-The PO-024 repair E-Frame from the 90’s cartoon series Exosqaud appears in Aech’s workshop.
At 0:20:01:Art3mis nicknames Wade McFly referencing Marty McFly Back To The Future series.
At 0:20:39-You’ll need to turn the brightness up but when Rick holds up one of Wade’s gloves a Batman and SEGA sticker are on it.
At 0:21:54-Wade explains that his name Wade Watts was supposed to sound like a superhero’s alter-ego and examples Bruce Banner A.K.A The Hulk and Peter Parker A.K.A Spider-Man from Marvel Comics.
At 0:22:39-When Wade grabs out his OASIS visor a Street Fighter decal is on the side of it.
Also at 0:22:39A Midway games decal (a company who manufactured mainly all 80’s and 90’s arcade games) is on the top of Wade’s visor.
At 0:22:41-George Michael’s 1985 song Faith plays when Wade enters the Halliday Journals.
At 0:22:48-The interior design of the Halliday Journals is taking directly from the Shermer High library from The Breakfast Club.
At 0:22:50-Hello Kitty is sitting down at one of the journal’s tables interacting with another player.
At 0:22:52-A Ms. Pac-Man arcade cabinet is behind The Curator’s desk.
Also at 0:22:52:-A Dig Dug arcade cabinet is behind The Curator’s desk.
Also at 0:22:52-A Tempest arcade cabinet is behind The Curator’s desk.
At 0:22:56-The Curator’s design is based off Jeeves from the 1990 search engine Ask Jeeves.com
At 0:23:06-an Asteroids arcade cabinet is behind The Curator’s desk.
At 0:23:06-A Pong arcade cabinet is behind The Curator’s desk.
At 0:23:06-A Pole Position arcade cabinet is behind The Curator’s desk.
At 0:23:19-In one of Halliday’s recreated memories Halliday is playing in an Arcade with games like Joust Asteroids and Tempest.
At 0:23:20-A Revenge Of The Nerds poster is up on the wall in the recreated memory Wade and The Curator walk by.
At 0:23:23-Alright buckle up becuase there are a lot of stuff to cover: In Halliday’s cluttered room there are things such as an Astro Boy mask a vintage packet of Lays Potato Chips a Ladyhawke poster a speak and spell some Madballs a copy of Schindler’s Ark and a Raiders Of The Lost Ark poster.
At 0:23:39-Wade and The Curator walk past a memory labelled:Halliday playing his Atari 2600 with a carving of an Atari 2600 at the bottom.
Also at 0:23:39-The game Halliday is playing on his Atari 2600 is Defender.
Also at 0:23:39-Various toys and collectibles are scattered throughout Halliday’s room concluding of:A Marvin The Martian toy A Gizmo plush from Gremlins a toy model of The A-Team Van A Batman statue posters for Wargames and Rush 2112 Connect Four A SIMON toy an Etch-E-Sketch and a Castle Greyskrull play-set from Masters Of The Universe with He-Man and Skeletor action figures
At 0:23:41-A Framed poster for Black Tiger appears on the wall of The Gregarious Games breakroom.
Also at 0:23:41:In The Gregarious Games breakroom a framed poster for Legend Of Zelda:A Link To The Past is on the wall.
Also at 0:23:41-Further down the hall of the breakroom is a framed poster for Mortal Kombat.
At 0:23:51-Halliday and Ogden Morrow have a conversation about living in an Asteroids Arcade cabinet.
At 0:23:56-Halliday in the memory is wearing a Space Invaders shirt.
At 0:24:16-A framed poster for Galaga (1986 version) appears behind Morrow in the breakroom.
At 0:25:25-Halliday references Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure when talking about going backwards.
At 0:26:01-A Hello Kitty decal appears on Art3mis’s bike.
At 0:26:22-While it’s never said in the movie the Suxors is graffitied on the pedestal of Liberty (it was a nickname for the Sixers in the novel)
At 0:26:59-When Wade gets to King Kong’s stage Max Steiner’s 1933 original theme for King Kong plays.
At 0:27:44-Anorak says to Wade nice racing Padawan referencing the Jedi Apprentices in the Star Wars franchise
At 0:29:12-Ripley’s cargo-Holder from Alien appears on Planet Doom in Nolan Sorrento’s presentation.
At 0:29:23-In Sorrento’s OASIS IOI ad presentation Man-Bat from Batman:Arkham Knight appears on planet doom getting shot at.
At 0:29:24-In Nolan Sorrento’s presentation a pop-up ad for the EM-1 railgun from Eraser appears.
At 0:29:38-Bruce Springsteen’s song Stand On It begins to play.
At 0:29:40-Wade and Aech go to a mall called Avatar Outfitters referencing the store Urban Outfitters.
Also at 0:29:40-The Logo for Avatar Outfitters has the same calligraphic A as in the title for James Cameron’s film Avatar.
At 0:29:43-A Street Fighter booth at Avatar outfitters are selling combat moves as a holographic RYU does an uppercut move.
At 0:29:54-Blue Beetle from Injustice 2 is walking around the store.
At 0:29:54-An Overwatch booth at Avatar Outfitters is selling Pulse Pistols as a holographic Tracer does her spin.
Also at 0:29:54-A Dungeons And Dragons booth is selling magic spells.
At 0:29:59- booth in Avatar outfitters is selling weapons with a holographic Claptrap (a character in the game)
A4 0:29:59-Halo booth is selling assault rifles with holographic images of Master Chief.
At 0:29:59-in the far back left of the booths A Looney Tunes booth with a holographic Marvin The Martian appears.
At 0:29:59-In the far back right an Injustice booth appears (I can’t identify the hologram though). (Zoom In required).
At 0:29:59-A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles booth appears in the far back with a hologram of Raphael (zoom-in required)
At 0:30:02-One of the items available for purchase in the iconic items booth is The Holy Hand Grenade from the 1975 Monty python film Monty Python and The Holy Grail.
At 0:30:07-while I can’t identify the actual item because it goes too fast but Wade runs past an item in the iconic item section with the Blizzard Entertainment logo printed underneath it.
At 0:30:07-Wade Runs past Dust-Brain from the Madballs toy line in the iconic items section.
At 0:30:08-Wade runs past The Peltzer Peeler Juicer from Gremlins in the iconic times section.
Also at 0:30:08-Wade runs by A Chucky doll from Child’s Play (which is where Aech presumably got the one used on Planet Doom) in the iconic times section.
At 0:30:09-Wade runs past a Plasma Pistol from Halo in the iconic items section.
At 0:30:11-Wade walks up and buys a magical item The Zemeckis Cube which is of course a Rubik’s Cube named after Back To The Future Director Robert Zemeckis that has the ability to slow and turn back time.
At 0:30:13-A hologram of The Wolf-Man appears next to The Zemeckis Cube booth.
At 0:31:05:When Nolan Sorrento enters the OASIS he is transported to the wreckage of a Tripod fighting machine from War Of The Worlds (1953 George Pal version)
At 0:31:29-Sorrento’s avatar Bossman59 features a Clark Kent hair curl from Superman.
At 0:31:52-I-ROK flicks away Perseus’s Shield from the 1981 version of Clash Of The Titans (sigh)(I-ROK has no respect for classics)
Also at 0:31:52-Indiana Jone’s whip from the Indiana Jones franchise is laying besides the shield.
At 0:31:58-I-ROK picks up the head of an eliminated player The Steampunk Pirate King and does a misquoted reference to William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. I-ROK says I knew him well Sorrento parodying the line to Yorick:Alas Yorrick!! I knew him Horatio.
At 0:32:18-In the pile of weapons are tow Boomshot guns from Gears of Wars.
Also at 0:32:18-The Colonial Blaster from Battlestar Galactia appears in the pile of weapons.
Also at 0:23:18-Two Batarangs from Batman are scatted around the weapons pile.
At 0:32:22-The M1911 Colt pistol from Duke Nukem is also in the weapons pile.
Also at 0:32:22-The box containing The Orb Of Osuvox is the Mogwai box that Gizmo was kept in at the start of Gremlins
At 0:32:29-The inside of the orb is a polyhedral D20 dice used in Dungeons and Dragons.
At 0:33:11-When talking about the price of Parzival’s elimination from The Scoreboard I-ROK references a Tootsie Pop commercial with Mr. Owl biting to the chocolaty centre.
At 0:33:51-The vehicle Daito uses to get to the finish line is The Mach 5 from Speed Racer.
At 0:33:54-Sho pulls up to the finish line in a Smokey (literally) 1977 Trans Am Pontiac used in Smokey and The Bandit.
At 0:34:22-When Wade is reciting the Jade Key clue excerpt in his notebook he has linked the last two words in the clue: At Last” could be a possible reference to the song of the same now (doesn’t specify which one though)
At 0:34:29- On a piece of paper taped to the wall Wade has written down locations you can visit in the OASIS these conclude off-
The Star Wars Galaxy The Star Trek Universe Middle-Earth from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord Of The Rings/Hobbit. Vulcan from Star Trek Pern from Dragonriders of Pern Arrakis from Dune Magrathea from The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy Discworld from the book series of the same name Ring-world from the book series of the same name River-world from the book series of the same name.
From 0:34:30 to 0:34:31-taped to the wall is a list of John Hughes movies these conclude of-
National Lampoon’s Vacation Sixteen Candles Weird Science Breakfast Club Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Pretty In Pink Some Kind Of Wonderful Planes Trains and Automobiles Uncle Buck Home Alone Home Alone 2:Lost In New York
At 0:34:32-Taped to the wall is Wade’s analysis of the funeral scene in Halliday’s Last Message video. It is a breakdown of all the Star Trek Easter eggs in the scene including the Starfleet logo U.S.S. Enterprise and the photo torpedo
At 0:34:33-At the bottom of a Newspaper article taped to the wall of Wade’s Van it reads:OASIS Coin the next Dollar? A sly reference to Bit-Coin video game currency.
At 0:34:40-On a piece of paper taped to the wall Wade has written down the rules of The OASIS just like the book and it mentions Everquest the MMORPG Game.
At 0:35:30-On the right besides Kira and Morrow’s picture is a list of movies labelled: Set In New York
These conclude of-Ghostbusters. Big (1988 Tom Hanks) has been crossed out on the list. Mad Max (it was in Australia though?) The cannonball Run. King Kong . Escape From New York is highlighted on the list. See No Evil (1971 horror movie). And another misplaced title Back To The Future despite being set in California
At 0:35:19-Wade has written down instructions of how to get to the secret room in Adventure foreshadowing the climax.
At 0:35:21-When Wade goes back to the Halliday Journals Blondie’s song One Way Or Another plays.
At 0:35:27-The Arkham Knight passes Wade when he is exiting The Halliday Journals (he later returns inside)
At 0:35:28-A younger version of Beetlejuice spots Wade when Wade enters The Journals.
At 0:35:29-Supergirl from Injustice 2 jumps out of her seat to greet Wade.
At 0:35:31-Raiden from Mortal Kombat is sitting down at one of the Journal’s tables.
At 0:35:34-Dizzy Wallin from Gears Of Wars 2 runs up to the crowd that mobs Wade.
At 0:35:37-Blue Beetle from Injustice 2 is one of the fans in the crowd.
Also at 0:35:37-Ambra from Battleborn is one of the fans in the crowd.
At 0:35:38-Batgirl from Batman is one of the fans in the crowd.
At 0:35:47-Goro from Mortal Kombat pulls Wade away from his fans.
At 0:35:48-Lara Croft from Tomb Raider is one of the fans in the crowd.
At 0:36:02-When being led into a secret room Wade gets pranked by a Chestburster from Alien popping out of Goro’s chest revealed to be a puppet by Art3mis.
At 0:36:36-Art3mis pulls out Clark Kent Glasses from Superman and puts them on Wade for a disguise while roaming The Journals.
At 0:35:46-While Wade with his Clark Kent disguise goes into the archives Miko from Battleborn is behind him.
At 0:36:49-Benedict from Battleborn is behind Wade when Wade enters The Archives.
At 0:36:51-When Wade and Art3mis are entering The Archives an avatar behind them is wearing a pink Michael Jackson jacket.
At 0:37:00-In the memory outside of Halliday and Morrow’s office is a framed Metroid Japanese printed poster (original 1986 game)
At 0:37:03-Behind Art3mis Wade and The Curator is another memory which is set in The Happytime pizzeria from the novel.
At 0:37:17-There are some action figures on Morrow’s desk. One I can make out his Triceraton from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990).
At 0:37:32-When Halliday is talking to Sorrento you can see he is designing the Room 237 Bathroom from The Shining on his computer.
Also at 0:37:32-The Billy Idol album Don’t Stop is on Halliday’s desk.
At 0:37:44-A copy of Dungeon Magazine is lying on Halliday’s desk (I could not identify which issue though)
At 0:37:49-In a blink and you miss it moment when The Curator is fast-forwarding the Memory a framed Pole Position poster is outside the office.
At 0:37:53-On the shelf behind the desk is Def Leppard’s 1983 album Pyromania (zoom-in required)
At 0:38:02-While having a conversation with Morrow about the date with Karen Halliday says she prefers to be called Kira after the character in Jim Henson’s 1982 film The Dark Crystal.
At 0:38:39-As mentioned above the memory behind the three is of Halliday hanging out at The Happytime Pizzeria but in this frame you can see he is playing Joust.
At 0:39:48-Wade figures out that Kira is the centre of the 2nd clue and calls her Halliday’s Rosebud referencing the lost sled Rosebud in Citizen Kane.
At 0:40:02-When Art3mis flips the quarter The Curator gives to Wade it makes the sound effect of a 1-up from the Super Mario Bros. Games.
At 0:40:17-Earth Wind and Fire’s 1975 song Can’t find love plays when Art3mis asks Wade on a date.
Alright in Aech’s 80’s basement recreation there is soo much Easter eggs and memorabilia so forgive me if I miss any.
At 0:40:46-posted on the wall is a Save Ferris poster from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off another Metroid poster and white Space Invader decals.
At 0:40:46-hanging from the wall is the neon sign for the dream bar Cocktails and Dreams in the 1988 Tom cruise film Cocktail.
At 0:40:46-below the sign is a Dark Crystal poster.
At 0:40:46-Ripping through the floor is the nuclear rocket from Weird Science.
At 0:40:46-A Pac-Man bin lies besides a Pac-Man arcade cocktail cabinet.
At 0:40:46-an Airplane! VHS tape is on top of boxes.
At 0:40:46-multiple VHS tapes for the 1986 Jim Henson film Labyrinth are scattered around the floor of the hangout.
At 0:40:06-Retro packets for Potato Chips brands Lays and Ruffles lay against the coffee table.
At 0:40:06-Incredibly hard to see but under a pile of VHS tapes is a VHS tape of Caddyshack (zoom-in required)
At 0:40:46-Marty Mcfly Jr.’s rainbow cap from Back To The Future:Part II lies besides an vinyl record player.
At 0:40:06-Lying against the wall is an Emulator II keyboard used in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
At 0:40:46-on the wall besides the couch are three mini-posters stuck on it:A Donkey Kong arcade poster A Pole Position II poster and a 1983 Galaga poster.
At 0:40:06-A Kermit The Frog plush from The Muppets is lying against a shelf besides a Hot Wheels play-set.
At 0:40:06-An ALF plush from the 1986 sitcom ALF is sitting on top of the television
At 0:40:06-A Speak &Spell used in E.T. The Extra Terrestrial is lying on the shelf.
At 0:40:50-A Beastmaster poster is next to the mirror.
At 0:40:50-A Star Trek:The Motion Picture poster is in the corner of the room above The Emulator II Keyboard (you need to turn brightness full up to see)
At 0:40:50-A copy Analog Computing magazine #10 is leaning against the crate below Wade’s feet.
At 0:40:50-above the mirror is a Mayor Goldie Wilson election poster from Back To The Future. A Wil Wheaton election poster is across from Wilson’s one (if you recall Wheaton was the Vice President of the OASIS in the novel)
At 0:40:50-In a blue crate below Wade’s feet is Run D.M.C’s 1986 album Tougher Than Lever.
At 0:40:50-A Wargames poster is on the wall besides the mirror.
At 0:40:50- the first issue for Nintendo Power featuring Super Mario Bros. is located on a stack of magazines in Aech’s hang-out
At 0:40:50-A Big Trouble In Little China poster is located behind a chair in Aech’s hang-out.
At 0:40:50-A cutout of Tom Selleck’s face from Magnum P.I. Is posted on the wall in Aech’s hang-out.
At 0:40:50-A Cookie Monster cookie jar from Sesame Street is on the the bench in the hang-out
At 0:40:50-A poster for Labyrinth is next to the Tom Selleck cutout
At 0:40:50-A Cap N’ Crunch cereal box is laying on the counter next to an overturned Fruit Loops cereal box.
At 0:40:50-at the very far back of the counter is The Peltzer Peeler Juicer from Gremlins
At 0:40:51-Wade selects Prince’s Purple Rain outfit for a possible outfit for his date.
At 0:40:54-In the reflection of the mirror a Breakfast Club poster is seen.
At 0:40:57-Wade switches his outfit to Michael Jackson’s Thriller costume and even does the dance (one of my favourite artists along Queen who are unfortunately not referenced in the film)
At 0:40:57-Next to the mirror is the original poster for Mad Max.
At 0:40:58 White decals for Space Invaders are scattered on the pillar next to Aech.
At 0:40:58 The Pink Mattel Hoverboard from Back To The Future Part II is leaning against the wall.
At 0:40:58-On the coffee table are retro cans for Coca-Cola Pepsi and Tab (along with some D20 from D&D)
At 0:40:58-Below the coffee table is a E.T. The Extra Terrestrial VHS tape
At 0:40:58-The sword of omens from Thundercats is leaning against the wall next to the couch.
At 0:40:58-on the table next to the hula-girl lamp is the Golden Idol from Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
At 0:41:00-A Mad Max 2 poster is behind Wade when trying out outfits.
At 0:41:00-A Legend Of Zelda:A Link To The Past mini-poster is behind Wade.
At 0:41:02-Hanging from the ceiling is a miniature Thunderfighter from Buck Rogers In The 25th Century.
At 0:41:02-A Banner for 1980 video game Missile Command is on the wall behind Aech.
At 0:41:04-On the back of Wade’s punk outfit is the logo for 80’s rock band The Dead Kennedy’s
At 0:41:05-Wade switches to a Nick Rhodes outfit from the band Duran Duran.
At 0:41:07-David’s computer speaker from WarGames is on top of the cocktail cabinet.
At 0:41:07-in a pile of VHS tapes is a VHS tape for Breakin’ (or Breakdance) is on the floor.
submitted by moviefan067 to readyplayerone [link] [comments]

[CONTEST] Hesitation (tl;dr in comments)

-UNSC Military Settlement Beta-Earth’s Moon-November 3rd 2551-
A flashbang grenade turned the bunks into a chamber of noise and harsh blinding light. The recruits all jolted up in unison, scrambling to get ready. Each recruit moved reasonably quickly, fumbling their hands over armour and equipment, all keeping their eyes firmly clenched shut in anticipation of the next flashbang. The smartest of them were savvy enough to locate their helmets first. They knew they wouldn’t be able to relax until they were all assembled outside the base fully armoured and equipped; only then would the continual devastation of their senses.
This exercise had become relatively common since the higher ranking soldiers had all been replaced over night several weeks previously. Bishop didn’t believe the excuses for the disappearances, nor did he trust the woman in white armour that had taken charge of their training, but what could he do? A 20 year old recruit had no business questioning such things, as he had been told several times, each time in a more intimidating fashion. He had finally surrendered to following his orders, knowing he had exceeded his warnings from the new officers. The woman in the white armour was by far the scariest, all the other recruits agreed, she would run exercises using live ammunition just irregularly enough that there was a constant level of pressure. There had even been talk among the recruits of trying to fight their way out early on, but the woman had quickly shown her combat superiority and crushed their hopes.
-UNSC Military Settlement Beta-Earth’s Moon-February 10th 2552-
“Cover Tims!” Henson shouted to Bishop.
“Got it!” Bish responded, standing and firing at the woman.
Tims took the opportunity to join smith in her flanking flanking position. They had the white armour clad woman beat for sure this time, on their fifth attempt at the exercise. All they had to do was beat the woman in a live ammunition combat scenario, but it seemed impossible, she could fight the four of them at once with ease. Bish felt that today would be different however, they could attack from both sides.
The way the woman moved was what the recruits found most intimidating, she could find her way to cover, or into an offensive position with only a step. Each move she made was calculated and efficient. Even when attacking from both sides, the recruits were having a very difficult time trying to force her from her tactically superior position.
Bish watched as Tims pulled the pin from a grenade. He quickly stood, readying his battle rifle to fire upon the woman and provide an opening. Time seemed to slow as the grenade soared through the air. Bish's breath caught in his throat. He froze, his finger hovering by the trigger, knowing that all he had to do was fire one burst to distract the woman. But he couldn't. The woman was ready, she snatched the grenade from the air. No sooner than the grenade had contacted her fingers, she had begun to pivot on the spot, expertly guiding the grenade towards a new target.
Time froze. The impending danger forced Bish's brain into overdrive, he saw every small movement, heard every minute sound. The grenade would be coming straight at him once she let go, she probably wouldn’t even see it until it was too late. Though the woman was not opposed to injuring the recruits, she had never tried to kill any of them. This was not intentional, this was a survival reflex. Bish knew that he was dead unless he could force himself to move. If he was lucky and the grenade exploded before it got close enough, he might not die, but he dreaded to think how much damage an explosion so close to his face would do, even with a helmet to protect him. Bish forced himself to move, squeezing his finger on the trigger.
Bish blinked. The flash of light pierced through his eyelids, allowing him a brief glimpse of pink translucent flesh with the occasional red blood vessel crisscrossing through it. The sound and heat of the explosion washed over him as his eyes began to open again. He saw a scorched, white-armoured figure fall through the air, propelled backwards by the ball of fire that had erupted at her fingertips. Her left arm missing from the elbow down, and with severe burns and shrapnel damage to her left leg, the woman's body hit the ground with a thud. Bish felt time return to its normal speed as he exhaled, a numbness spreading within him as adrenaline coursed through his bloodstream. Bish stood, his feet still rooted to the ground as he watched the other recruits creep cautiously out from cover and make their way towards the body. His vision blurred as motor control returned to his legs. He let himself fall into a sitting position.
-UNSC Arundel Base-Earth-June 20th 2552-
Bish had improved considerably since the incident during training. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, the intervention of the woman and her soldiers had fast tracked his skills to a considerable degree. He had done well with the UNSC so far, very well in fact. He felt the same calmness steady his aim whenever needed, the calm sensation he’d felt after he shot the grenade from that woman's hand. He felt there was something missing, there was some part of him that was never satisfied with his achievements, never happy, though he was surprised when his CO called him to her office.
When he walked into the CO's office to find a woman wearing familiar white CQB armour with a pair of prosthetic limbs on her left side, he was less surprised than he probably should have been. He didn’t even question the whereabouts of his absent Commanding Officer.
“Eliot Bishop.” The woman addressed him. “The project I work for is always on the look out for talented soldiers. They have shown an interest in you, at my recommendation.”
Bish stared in shock at the woman's face as she removed her helmet.
“Mother?” he almost whispered.
“You will refer to me only as Agent Brighton. Now, follow me.”
Bish followed Agent Brighton back to her pelican. He was sure that whether or not it was authorised, going with his mother was his only choice. Either his CO was dead, or had been otherwise convinced to let him leave.
-Apple of Discord-Space-June 23rd 2552-
Bish had been on the Apple for three days. He had already been given a new set of armour, his own set of black CQB armour, he assumed Agent Brighton had something to do with the choice. He had yet to be allowed to choose a name, or even simply assigned one. As such he had not been allowed to mingle too much with the other agents. He had however briefly met a very whiny agent who had been shot in the foot during a petty argument, though he hadn’t asked the man's name. He had been receiving basic medical examinations at the time and was a little too preoccupied to care for what the whinging agent was trying to say.
At the orders of the Administrator, he was to train with Agent Brighton each day until his skills were of a suitable standard. He had been chosen because of his potential, but he wasn’t freelancer material yet. Training with Brighton was difficult, she was just as fast as she’d been before, but now her left arm and leg were stronger and heavier. He got pummeled every time, though he was slowly improving.
-Apple of Discord-Orbiting Vera-June 27th 2552-
Bish was sitting alone in the locker room. He and the other agents had just returned from a mission to a covenant cruiser that had been dangerously close to the planet Vera. Though Bish had yet to be assigned his freelancer designation, he had been allowed to tag along on the mission by Agent California. During the mission he had been Brighton's shadow, sticking closely with her squad, helping where he could. He earned a friendly nod from Agent Houston after assisting him to dispatch an elite that he was having trouble with. Even after he got back, Bish still felt there was something absent. They had saved a planet, but he still couldn’t save himself from the emptiness he felt gnawing away at him.
”Hello, you are Eliot, right?” The white armoured hologram seemed to speak before it appeared.
“That's me... you're California's AI.”
”Correct.” The hologram replied, ”You can just call me Angel.”
Bish shifted in his seat to look at Angel, before replying, “So, what are you up to, Angel?”
”I came to congratulate you on California's behalf, you proved to be a great asset, you have less training than the others, but you showed excellent resourcefulness.”
“Oh... thanks.”
Angel then disappeared again, leaving Bish to think to himself alone.
-Apple of Discord-Space-July 22nd 2552-
Eliot Bishop was standing in the training room facing Andrea Knight. Agent Louisiana and the Administrator were watching from the observation room above. Bish and Knight had been asked to come before the Administrator, who had informed them that only one of them was needed. They now faced each other, preparing to fight for the right to be agent Brighton. She was top of the leader board, but Bish had a lot of practise fighting his mother, and he had beaten her before.
Once the fight was over, the newly appointed Agent Brighton went to the med bay to have his dislocated shoulder checked out. The former Agent Brighton made her way to the observation room to speak with the Administrator.
“Stand down, Agent.” The Administrator interrupted, “You aren’t injured are you?”
“I’m not an Agent anymore. And no, I am fine,” Andrea responded coldly.
“Interesting that the victor of your fight sustained multiple injuries, yet you appear to be fine.” The Administrator smiled.
Andrea wanted to look away, but she knew that if she did, her deception would be more transparent than glass. She looked the Administrator in the eye before replying, “He was capable of beating me. I wanted to at least push him to his limit.”
“Well we still have use for you. You won't be a freelancer, but you will still be an operative working for us. Your skill set befits solo operations.”
“When do I start?” She asked, genuinely curious.
“Tomorrow,” Interjected Louisiana, speaking up for the first time. “You won’t be based on the Apple, you’ll need to have packed your things within the hour.”
The Administrator nodded. “And of course, you are not to tell any of the other Agents about your reassignment.”
“Understood, Sir.”
-Paradise City-Vegas Quadrant-January 7th 2553-
Bish was sitting alone at a bar in a city he didn’t particularly like. He sipped at a particularly disgusting beer. It was cheap and tasteless for the most part, but left a foul aftertaste; nonetheless Bish drank, he much preferred the dingy, run-down bar to the flashier bars closer to the casinos. The night life in the city was deplorable. The casinos fulfilled their purpose of draining dry the poor souls that got hooked by the game, maintaining the hope of beating the odds so they could continue to relentlessly take from them. On the streets prostitutes and addicts skulked around, looking for any way to get money or escape their current pitiful situations. The gangs clashed all over the city, though there were too many, and in too few numbers for any of them to take any kind of hold on the city. The day time was almost worse, nothing happened, the streets were dry and empty, those who walked them squinted with overly sensitive eyes. The city was stagnant.
Bish hadn’t been in paradise all that long. It had been his first stop after leaving Freelancer, and to a certain extent, he was enjoying being free of all the drama. Joining Project Freelancer had been a good decision for him. Despite the fact it had seemed he had no choice at the time, he could have not tried when they were testing him, but instead he’d put every ounce of his effort into meeting every goal, every expectation, that they set for him. As Agent Brighton, he’d done well on the missions he’d been sent on, even become good friends with several of the other agents. However, after the intervention of the UNSC, and the arrest of the active agents, Bish had felt that Freelancer no longer held any purpose for him. He had requested transferred back into the regular UNSC forces, however it had not turned out quite so simply as he’d have wished. Despite his request being denied, he had found a good opportunity to slip away. The Project wasn’t all that interested in following up on a presumably dead trainee, and much to his benefit, he had been able to keep his equipment as it hadn’t been officially registered yet.
-Paradise City-Vegas Quadrant-August 8th 2557-
He couldn’t explain why he kept ending up back in Paradise, the name alone, a blatant fallacy; he couldn’t stand the city, but the mercenary work he could get there was his primary source of income. Over the years, the feeling of hollowness had grown. Each day he felt himself becoming more and more bitter, with no discernible reason in his mind; it was making him resentful of anything, everything, that he could convince himself was a factor. Each job he took was more dangerous than the last, his once selfless attitude now bordering on self destructive. The hardest part was that he was all too aware of the problems that seemed to be spreading like cracks on glass, slowly splintering his personality to reveal something lesser.
Bish was sitting at the bar as usual, drinking and thinking about the decisions he’d made, when he overheard something that genuinely captured his attention for the first time in months.
“Did you hear about this Nevada guy? Says he’s busy looking for dependable soldiers,” A shady guy drunkenly failed to whisper to his drinking buddy.
Bish abruptly stood up, put his helmet on, and walked to the man’s table. He didn’t need to say anything. It was clear what he wanted. The man looked at him, clearly intimidated, and immediately handed him a data pad before promptly trying to leave. Bish reached out with an arm to stop the man, who now looked mildly terrified. Bish handed back the data pad, having already transferred the coordinates of the supposed recruitment location to his HUD. As the man hurriedly exited the bar, Bish was left standing still for a moment. Something about the way the man had reacted to his presence made his heart sink, though he wasn’t entirely sure why, it had saved him a significant amount of time. After a moment he shook the feeling off, leaving the bar to investigate the intriguing rumour of a state named soldier.
-Blood Gulch Simulation Outpost 1-Unnamed Ring World-October 3rd 2557-
Bish sat in a falcon, readying his equipment. His enhanced thruster pack used up a considerable amount of energy to run, so it was usually best not to activate it until just before the start of an operation. Opposite him, sat Andrea Knight, still wearing that white CQB armour from all those years ago. She had arrived, much to Bish's surprise, a few weeks back; also joining up with Nevada's group, through she still refused to talk about what it was that she'd been doing since freelancer. Nevada had laughed at him, suggesting that he should call Bish “the shadow of Brighton” though he eventually settled on simply referring to them by their surnames. He seemed to enjoy the chess motif, and regularly referred to his regular troops as pawns when giving orders to Bish or Knight. Their current objective was to eradicate the inhabitants of an old simulation outpost that had become too self aware, and though two ex freelancer trainees weren’t necessary on such a simple operation, Nevada had wanted to see their skills on the field.
Bish looked at the small canyon as their falcon descended, it looked small, claustrophobic. The bases at each end were small, they looked almost too small to house the amount of simulation troops that were allegedly there, though it did appear that the residents had made a few additional structures. As they got closer a small network of trenches could be seen between the two bases, Bish was impressed by the attempt to fortify the canyon, it was apparently occupied by smarter minds than he had been led to believe. His mild feelings of admiration were immediately extinguished when he heard the guitar solo from thunderstruck coming faintly from a lone soldier with a guitar standing on the roof of the red base. He sighed, and saw an irritated Andrea clench a fist opposite him. He watched as she stood up and jumped from the falcon early, he heard the rather loud impact as she used her metal limbs break her fall to the roof of the base. The guitar immediately stopped. Gunshots had started to ring out across the canyon as the other falcons had begun dropping their troops. Bish felt the calm sensation wash over him, the same feeling he always got when in battle. He jumped down into the canyon.
Bish activated his thrusters just before hitting the ground, instead landing quite gently outside a small building surrounded by junk. From inside the building stepped a simulation trooper holding an energy sword. The man charged at him, taking a swing. Bish was almost surprised by the man's attack speed, though he easily dodged the swing by boosting backwards, giving him time to fire a burst of SMG rounds into the man’s shoulder. Bish was further impressed when the man continued on the attack, barely reacting to the bullet wounds. Bish didn’t bother dodging this time, activating the energy bayonet on his SMG, he parried the energy sword swing. He utilised the advantage of his opponent’s surprise to draw a knife from his armour and stab it into the man’s wrist, causing the man to drop his energy sword. The man instead grabbed at Bish's left wrist, effectively keeping Bish from shooting him. Bish instead pulled his knife from the man’s wrist and stabbed it up into the man’s chin. The man sputtered as blood filled his mouth. Another simulation trooper, with red and green armour and what appeared to be a customised rocket launcher, ran towards Bish. With the dying man still gripping his left wrist, Bish went to remove the knife from the dying man's head, but the man grabbed his other wrist, trying his hardest to keep Bish from attacking.
In a moment of near panic, Bish wrenched his left wrist free. Quickly twist his body, he launched his SMG, energy-blade-first, into the red armoured troop's face. The red guy collapsed mid run, his momentum carrying him a few feet closer to Bish and his fellow dying troop. Bish twisted the knife in the dying man's head and kicked him out of the way, he stepped towards the red armoured guy, grabbing the handle of the SMG still embedded in the red's face. Bish squeezed the trigger, allowing a few bullets to rip through the red guy's skull, before pulling his gun from the bloodied visor. Bish stepped into the small building, which was presumably some kind of workshop, but found no one inside and elected to move to the next structure. On his way there, a couple of plasma shots whizzed past his head. He turned in time to boost out of the way of the second volley of rounds. The large Sangheili seemed to be dual wielding a plasma rifle, and some kind of strange staff. Before it could fire again however, it was distracted by the several bullets fired into the back of its knees by Andrea. As the Sangheili turned to fight her, Bish continued to the nearby structure.
The structure seemed to be an additional Med Bay. Inside he found a woman he assumed to be a medic hiding. She tried to pull a gun on him, but Bish halted her attempt, shooting her in the stomach. As she doubled over in pain he watched for a moment. She wasn’t a fighter like the others that had died so far. Bish felt almost ashamed of himself, she had tried to shoot him, but it was only self defence. A sudden explosion snapped him back to reality. He looked around at all the medical equipment, it seemed this additional Med Bay had been outfitted as their primary one. He threw two grenades into either end of the room before stepping out of the door. Bish hears an audible gasp. Turning to look for the source, his gaze landed upon another sim trooper, wearing blue and green armour. He stammered something to himself, raising a DMR to aim at Bish. The sim trooper fired and missed far right. Bish stopped and looked at the man. The man fired twice more, missing both shots. Bish felt the twinge of guilt once again as he raised his SMG. He wanted to close his eyes but he knew that it would hurt more’s to admit to himself that he didn’t want to kill this man. He forced himself to watch the man die as he squeezed the trigger.
Bish was relieved when he got the call to fall back to one of the falcons. Most of the simulation troopers were dead, but they had put up a better fight than expected. Nevada would likely send a larger force of his regular soldiers in the morning to finish of the stragglers, all Bish knew for sure was that he and Andrea were apparently needed elsewhere. He met up with Andrea in the middle of the canyon and waited for their falcon to descend. A different Sangheili roared as it charged towards them. Bish stepped backward, onto the awaiting falcon, while firing a short burst from his SMG. One of the bullets caught the Sangheili in the eye, it stopped its charge, roaring once more as the falcon began to ascend from the canyon. Bish still couldn’t shake the awful feeling that everything he’d just done was wrong.
-Blood Gulch Simulation Outpost 1-Unnamed Ring World-October 18th 2557-
Bish stood in the middle of the canyon. It felt peaceful, but he knew that was only because everyone that should be making noise was dead. When he closed his eyes he could see the battle raging still. The simulation troopers hadn’t been all that great at fighting, but they had fought harder than anyone he had ever seen. Bish didn’t quite understand why, but he was starting to think that those simulation troopers had been fighting for more than just their lives. They had something that Bish certainly didn't. Bish blinked, looking at the ground. Bullet casings still littered the canyon dusty canyon floor. Whatever those troopers might have had was gone now.
“Eliot... are you okay?” Andrea asked, walking up from somewhere behind Bish.
Bish almost jumped. She had approached silently, or perhaps he had been too lost in thought to have noticed. He glanced over at her. She wasn’t wearing her helmet for once.
“I'm... fi-,” he tried to respond before she interrupted.
“You don’t want to work with Nevada anymore, do you?”
Bish paused for a moment, before responding, “No... I really don't... how did you know?”
“It's not like you to come back to a place like this. I just took an educated guess... listen... I’m going to be leaving soon, if you want, you can come with me.”
“Leaving? How come?” Bish almost shouted, out of surprise rather than anger.
“The mission they sent me on after I was dropped from the freelancer program. There are five ancient AI constructs that could have incredible potential, far greater than any smart AI that humans could create... or that’s what the higher ups at freelancer believed. There are records of contact with these AI’s in multiple ancient civilisations, but they haven’t been seen anytime recently. I was sent to find them, and my contact is still interested in getting them.”
Bish took a few second to catch up on everything she had just said, before frowning and asking, “so... how come you’ve been here with Nevada's group?”
“I had reason to believe one of the constructs had made contact with a simulation outpost called Blood Gulch. When I heard about Nevada's plan, it seemed a decent opportunity to find out... so, would you like to leave with me?”
Bish answered without hesitation, “Yes... but won’t Nevada want us back? I doubt he’d be above forcing us to work for him.”
“Just let me worry about that. If all goes to plan, we should be able to leave without being tracked,” She gave him a reassuring smile that looks a little out of place on her, usually frowning, face. “it'll be fine.”
-Paradise City-Vegas Quadrant-January 3rd 2559-
Bish had found himself in paradise once again. He and his mother had been using his old contacts from previous jobs to scour for information for a couple of months. All sorts of people came through places like this, most of them drunk. If something interesting happened, there would almost certainly be someone talking about it in one of the many bars in Paradise. Gathering information wasn’t as easy as Bish had hoped. Since he had last been in paradise, the gang situation had changed drastically. There were far fewer gangs these days, with more members and more power. The top four clashed over control of the city, though a couple of upstart gangs were threatening to join the big game between the top four. With some areas under gang control, the information flow was a little more disjointed than it had been. Both Bish and Andrea were growing impatient. Enough dead end leads would do that to anyone, but they also needed money to follow up on the few leads they got, which meant taking jobs. The cycle of mercenary work and pointless leads was soul crushing, but finally, Andrea had overheard something that could be of use. There were in fact multiple Blood Gulches, and it seemed that the second outpost was the one they had been looking for.
-Blood Gulch Simulation Outpost 2-Unnamed Ring World-January 5th 2559-
Bish and Andrea had arrived at the second Blood Gulch early in the morning. The simulation troopers at this canyon had made significantly less additions. The canyon bare but for the two bases and the alien pyramid structure crashed in the middle. The sim troopers had argued over who got to take custody of the visitors. Eventually, Bish had ended up with the reds, and Andrea with the blues, they decided to simply go along with things, knowing that fighting their way out was not only possible, but would be considerably easier than the fight at the first Blood Gulch.
*The CO of the red team had forbidden her teammates from speaking to Bish, she was smart enough to be wary of what information was leaked to the “prisoner.” She had confined him to her office where she had questioned him for a short time, he gave mostly truthful answers, purposely leaving out the truth of the nature of Blood Gulch, and the “war” she was fighting. There was something about her that Bish quite liked but he couldn’t seem to put his finger on it. In some small way, she reminded him of Agent Salt Lake from his freelancer days, which brought a few nostalgic memories to his mind, but it wasn't the reason.
-Blood Gulch Simulation Outpost 2-Unnamed Ring World-January 12th 2560-
In his week in the canyon, Bish had spent enough time talking with the reds for them to trust him a little. Their acting CO had answered some of his questions and answered most of the rest by repeatedly avoiding certain questions. It had come to the time when he needed to meet with Andrea again. After putting it to a vote, the Reds had decided to just let Bish leave. He went to the middle of the canyon and requested the blues let him see Andrea. Three blues escorted Andrea to meet Bish with orders to kill both of them if they tried anything. Once they reached the middle of the canyon, Andrea rendered all three of them unconscious in only a few seconds. Bish and Andrea walked to the cliffs by red base to discuss what they had learned.
“Red team's lieutenant told me that they have one of the AI's we're looking for, it seemed like she was trying to cover something, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they have more than one of them. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to see the AI for myself, that lieutenant was a smart one.”
Andrea nodded, pausing for a moment to think before speaking, “From what I gathered in my time with the blues, the AI's seem to permanently bond to a host body, even if the AI is taken some form of connection is retained. It seems the AI's want to be reunited.”
“So do we take the ones that these simulation troopers have?” Bish asked, almost hoping for an alternative.
“I think it would be better to simply wait. Both the sim troops and the constructs are trying to gather all of them, and they seem to have better means of locating them than anyone else ever has. If we wait for them to obtain all five, then we can just take them.”
Bish liked that idea, he hadn’t found anything particularly interesting about the red team, but he still felt that he’d rather not kill them.
-Paradise City-Vegas Quadrant—July 5th 2566-
Bish was sitting in the bar he’d been infrequently visiting over the years. The beer was still absolutely awful, but the prices were now considerably higher. Paradise had kept changing. While the city was still stagnant for the most part, the current state of the city allowed for a better tourist industry, making the bars and casinos even more rich than before. The constant gang clashes seemed to have finally settled with two main factions vying for power. The Azures, once a small group of upstarts, was now in control of almost half the city. Their greatest rivals, the Rojas had, up until recently, been a formidable presence in the city, however, lack of any strong leadership had left them vulnerable. The Rojas were no more, and most of their old members had immediately joined the Azures, or the Bunnies, Paradise's leading faction.
Bish and Andrea had been using a small apartment as a base of operations. They had managed to hack into the old freelancer surveillance system in the second Blood Gulch so that they could keep track of the residents. This task became harder once the inhabitants inevitably discovered the truth they were simply part of a simulated combat scenario for project freelancer. Many of the sim troops had wanted to leave, some however, had stayed. Quite conveniently for Bish, the AI's that were there had all remained, some staying with their human partners, while others stayed alone. It had been years, and only four of the five AI's had been found. Bish and Andrea had been taking turns to try to locate the fifth, always leaving one to monitor the canyon.
Bish sat down and flicked between the camera feeds of the Gulch. All was still aside from the slight movements of the remaining canyon folk that were just beginning to wake up. Just as Bish got up to go get some ice cream, there was a sudden flash of light that illuminated the screen for a second, before killing the feed. Bish jumped back into his seat and hurriedly flicked through the screens to find a camera that wasn't down. After a few moments of stressed clicking, he reached camera 17, it was still working but only had a partial view. What he could see was all he needed. Another, very similar, alien structure had fallen into the canyon from space. Bish knew there was no time to waste, he immediately started prepping to leave. He knew Andrea was still beyond communications range, so he simply left a recorded message for her and left.
-Blood Gulch Simulation Outpost 2-Unnamed Ring World-July 7th 2566-
Bish finally landed in Blood Gulch. When he disembarked the pelican he ran to the new structure to find two dead bodies and a man cowering under the corner of the structure.
“What happened?!” Bish shouted to the man, reaching down to check on one of the bodies.
“D-d-don’t bother... they're dead... they-they've been dead for two days...”
“Have you been hiding here for two days?” *Bish asked incredulously, still a little shocked by the whole scene, before deciding it wasn't important anyway. “Tell me what happened.”
“The n-new AI from in here chose me... Then they all said that we had to f-f-fight to determine who was worthy. I said I wanted n-n-no part of it.. and they said I wasn’t worthy.. and the other three...”
The man shivered, looking over at the dead bodies. Bish looked at them as well.
“They wouldn’t n-normally have done this... those things made them...”
Bish nodded slowly and turned back to the man, looking him in the eyes as he replied, “where did the victor go?”
“She headed off somewhere. I don’t know exactly... b-b-but I can kinda sense where the AI's went... my one anyway... it’s like I’m there with him... but also n-not.”
“Okay then, you’re coming with me, and you’re gonna tell me where to go!”
-Unknown Ancient Alien Structure-Space-July 7th 2566-
Bish landed his pelican on what appeared to be a landing platform on the giant space station. He exited the pelican and walked slowly across the platform. There was artificial gravity on the ancient space station, but it was quite weak. Bish made his way to an airlock, bouncing past a second pelican on the way, presumably left by his quarry. There were several droplets of blood floating close to the ground leading to the airlock. It seemed the victor of the mini battle royale in Blood Gulch had not gone unscathed.
Bish continued to follow the infrequent drops of Blood once he was inside the station, quite glad of the fact that the gravity was almost normal in the corridors. The structure was made of a weird metal that seemed to absorb impacts quite efficiently, his armoured footsteps making no noise. He could hear the blood rushing through the blood vessels in his ears. The whole experience put him on edge. As he came to a corner, he realised he could hear laboured breathing from somewhere up ahead. Being able to hear the shallow breaths from an unknown distance away from him was extremely unnerving. Bish drew his SMG and gingerly turned the corner. At the end of the adjoining corridor was a woman in purple armour, slumped against the door.
As Bish got closer to the woman, she raised her head to look at him. She took off her helmet to look at him through squinted eyes. Bish was extremely surprised to see his mother's face looking up at him. He was unable to say anything, he simply just stared at her, but the longer he looked, the less sense it made. The woman's expression was far from the stern one of Andrea Knight, she instead looked weak, almost pitiful.
“You're one of the simulation troopers from Blood Gulch?” Bish asked, noticing an involuntary tremble in his voice.
The woman nodded slowly in response.
“What are you, some kind of clone?”
“I... they wouldn't let me through...” The woman said weakly, in a voice that was also disturbingly close to that of Bish's mother.
“Through? Through where?”
The woman raised a trembling arm and tapped on the door she was slumped against, before mumbling, “They wanted... wanted to wait until you arrived..”
“Who's they? The AI's that came to Blood Gulch? Do you know where they went?” Bish asked quickly, worrying that the woman would die before she had told him what he needed to know.
”We are here, Eliot Bishop.”
Suddenly, five orbs of light appeared around the woman's head. Bish took a few startled steps back.
”We have been waiting for you for a long time. Now you are here, we can proceed.” all five of the AI’s flashed with each syllable they spoke, their voice had the strange sound of five people perfectly talking in unison.
The AI's floated up to the door, which immediately unlocked and opened. The 5 multi coloured orbs floated into the next room silently. Bish was too curious not to follow them. The room he stepped into was large and open, there were large screens all around the room that started to flicker to life as the AI's took position around the room.
“I'm... I'm here to take you all back with me.”
The AI's laughed at him.
”You are here because you wanted to know what we are, what our purpose is. You can continue to try to convince yourself that you still only want to find us to sell us to a member of a retired military project if you wish, but you should know by now, that is not the reason you are here.”
Bish paused for a moment before asking, “Fine, so what is your purpose? You told the simulation troopers you were going to save the universe, but then you betrayed them.”
”Correct, we are here to save the universe. And the “simulation troopers” as you called them, have already fulfilled their role, to unite us and deliver us here. Once we were all together, we needed a suitable host to get us to this point. Secundum's partner, Alice Knight, was determined to be a suitable host by means of combat.”
Suddenly each of the screens started playing video footage of different parts of his life across the last fifteen years. Bish looked around almost frantically. The thought that someone had been watching him without him knowing made him feel sick.
“How?... have you been filming me for my whole life?”
”Yes and no,” The AI's responded in unison, ”one of this facility’s functions is to record everything and locate errors.”
“So why me? Why is it showing me this? Why does it want me?” Bish asked, trembling.
”This facility doesn’t want anything. It is showing you because you are the focal point of a catastrophic error.”
All the screens suddenly switched to one small loop of footage: a young Eliot Bishop, shooting a grenade out of his mother's hand during training. Bish watched the footage as it looped over and over.
”What you see before you is wrong, it should never have happened, and everything that has happened since that point has been wrong. As the keys to this facility, we are only supposed to be notified to unite as we have, if there is a critical error.”
“An error....?”
”An error in time,” The AI's responded before Bish had even formulated the rest of his sentence in his head, ”We must open a gateway for you to go back and correct the error.”
Bish tried to think of what to ask next, there were so many questions.
“... so, by fix the error.. what do you mean for me to do?”
”You must not shoot the grenade.”
Bish felt his heart sink, he was silent for a moment, trying to regain composure, before asking, “You need me to die?”
”We can show you a glimpse of what should happen if you were to correct the error.”
The screens all changed to show various videos of Bish's life once again. However, this time none of the events were recognisable. Bish's eyes flitted across the different screens, watching the life of a happy looking man in his adventures in the very same blood gulch that he had attacked. He watched as the man grew and developed as a person with the help of his friends, and the obstacles of their enemies. He watched as the man continued his life in Paradise City, having fun, and making more friends along the way. Bish stepped back, looking from the screens from the left side of the room to the right. The man had what Bish didn’t have, what he’d sensed the simulation troopers of the first Blood Gulch had: Love, trust, friendship, but most of all, family. This man's friends were closer to him than Bish was with his own family. Bish felt tears rolling down his cheeks as he watched. The man was him.
”Now, you must go.”
All five of the AI's pulsed and glowed brightly, in the centre of the room, a swirling portal appeared. Bish didn’t stop to think. He stepped thought the portal.
-UNSC Military Settlement Beta-Earth’s Moon-February 10th 2552-
Time froze. The grenade would be coming straight at him once she let go, she probably wouldn’t even see it until it was too late. Bish knew that he was dead unless he could force himself to move. At that moment, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He was confused, nobody was behind him. He turned his head to glance at whoever it was. As soon as his head began to turn he felt a strange sensation, as if the air was bubbling around him, everything felt fuzzy for the briefest of moments. Bish looked over his shoulder. No one was there. He turned his head back round to see the grenade in mid air, a couple of feet from his face.
submitted by Ifeelleftout to vegasquadrantrp [link] [comments]


by retardfag69
Lights. Noises. Slot machines vomit chips into the cups of lost souls. These people gamble because the world forgot them. At least the slot machine let's them know where they stand. Maybe you'll win, and maybe you'll lose everything. Either is preferable to the apathetic neutrality so typical in our day and age. If you never ask questions, you'll never get any answers.
"Where do you think they keep the legal hookers?" says Randy, as he surveys the seemingly endless casino hall.
"I want to fuck a bi-lingual hooker. I want her to tell me my dick is small in English, and then tell me my dick is huge in her other language," says Brendon. He is wearing the same florescent visor-hat worn by all the card dealers. "Then, I want to fuck one that only speaks sign language and make her say things with her fingers in my butt."
"Oh my god, Brendon, that is really nasty stuff," says Melissa. Randy stops in the middle of a busy area of the floor and closes his eyes.
"OK guys, I think I need to see if I still have my Godmind powers from space. I'll use it to locate the legal hookers." Randy makes stiff fingers and pushes them against his temples. Blackness. Figures. Now he sees some shapes. The shapes are becoming firm, but still shaking like dark-matter Jello. Now he is leaking out of his body and towards the ceiling. He looks down and sees not people or slot machines or card tables, but something like heat signatures. "Yep. I see them, I see a legal hooker, she's...she's taking money legally from lots of guys she had sex with. It's awesome. She fucks them. They cum...oh, ok, I see them cumming on her. They're really glazing that ass. They're banging her like she's a hammock hung between two giant boners. Oh god, oh no, they're actually taking a nap on her like she's a hammock. She looks really uncomfortable."
"Holy shit," says Brendon, stroking his bearded chin. "I never even thought of using a girl like a hammock. I mean, I treated ladies like they were ham hocks, but never hammocks. I could really go for laying on a girl on a warm Sunday afternoon, sipping a strawberry lemonade, reading Yacht Magazine. Yeah, a guy could really get used to that."
"Hold on, I'm not ignoring what you are saying, Brendon. But, I think I've located the legal hookers. We have to find an elevator, and it's either the second floor or the third floor," says Randy, his eyes hammered shut, all attention on his visions.
"How many floors in total are there?" says Brendon.
"There are three floors."
"Including the floor we are on right now?"
A voice comes over the intercom. "Attention all horny men. The legal hookers will be ready to fuck in one half-hour. It's first come, first come, so come get in line now at the pink elevator. That is all. Enjoy the rest of your stay at the Harvey F. Penisboy Hotel and Casino."
submitted by retardfag69 to bonezonepodcast [link] [comments]

Top New Year's Eve Party Ideas For 2018

If You're you looking for the top themes for a New Year's party this year? Well look no further than PartyExpress.com. We have selected the top 15 themes with the best items to go with them. This should make your new year planning a breeze. Simply select one of the top themes and select the best product that has been pre-selected for you! So think about your event space with new year's eve decorations. Think about your guest with new year's eve hats and accessories. Think about saving money by purchasing your party favors from PartyExpress.com! We are the best and cheapest supplier of new year's eve party supplies on the web. So do all of your planning here, you won't be disappointed!
So what is the best theme for your new year's eve party? That is up to you! The era themed new year's eve party are always a big hit. So throw a gnarly 1980's party, or let the flappers run free with a 1920's party. If you want to throw a party that is a little more unique, think about throwing a Alice in Wonderland party and hand out our "Eat Me" and "Drink Me" tableware and decorations. Light up the night with the Glow in the Dark favors that you will find at Party Express. Or let your guests be someone else this December 31st by hosting a masquerade party. No matter what theme you select this new year, we are sure you will find all of the party supplies that you need right here at Party Express! Simply click the image of your favorite theme and start planning today.
Check out all of the themes here https://www.partyexpress.com/top-new-years-eve-party-ideas.aspx
1920's Party
1920's New Year’s Eve Party Ideas The first thing that you need to do when planning a New Year’s Eve party is to select the right party idea or theme. Your party idea will be a party of the food, drinks, costumes, and decorations, so be sure to choose an idea that fits your party style and that you will enjoy planning. These party ideas will make your New Year Party planning a breeze. You will be able to find all of the perfect party supplies for your ideas right here at PartyExpress.com.
1920's Theme Ideas Here are some of the top ideas for a 1920's Themed New Year's Eve Party Gangster Party Ideas: The 1920's were a time when notorious gangster ruled the streets. Take your guests back to the time of organized crime. Select some gangster hats and fedoras and put the women in black and white head dresses. Stick some peel and place bullets holes on the doors and windows to make it look like gang was just there. You could even turn a 1920's gangster party into a murder mystery.
Flapper Party Ideas: The 1920's was not all about the gangsters ruling the street. There was also a lot of glitz and glamour. When you think of a 1920's woman dressed up for a night on the town you can not help but think about the flapper girls. Select some flapper headbands for the ladies and maybe some pearl white beads or feather boas. The men will look great in one of the multiple styles of top hats available at all different price points.
Music Party Ideas: The 1920's were a time of big bands and leading performers. We have developed an entire hat style just to fit the big band style. Take a look at our Chairman New Year's Eve Party Kits for your next big band themed new year's eve party. You will also find music note decorations that will fit this idea perfectly.
Sherlock Holmes Party Ideas: If a gangster came to visit and a flapper girl went missing while the big band was playing, then you need someone to solve the crime. Have a 1920's murder mystery party featuring Sherlock Holmes as your leading detective. Grab Sherlock's Bowler hat and some white spats and let the investigating begin! You can also head on over to our Halloween Section and set the scene of the crime.
Speakeasy Party Ideas: The 1920's Speakeasy theme is the perfect idea for New Year's Eve. It incorporates drinks with partying which is what New Year's Eve is all about! Create some specialty cocktails that are reminiscent of a old time speak easy and grab some high class black and white party decorations that fit the theme perfectly. Your bartender will be slinging vintage drinks to a group of people right out of the history books.
Cigar Room Party Ideas: In the 1920's cigars and cigarettes were just a way of life. They were symbolic of the upper class. When you look back at old photographs you will see men and women smoking in their finest attire. We actually offer an New Year's Eve Party Kit that includes horns that look like cigars. Take a look at our Havana Assortment for 50 to see some of the nicest looking horns and hats that you will find. You can also select from fake cigars and cigarettes that look like they are actually lit.
1950's Party
1950's Theme Ideas Plan Your Next 1950's Era Party Jump back in time to the 1950's. When Soda Jerks served you pop at the local dinner and you took your main squeeze to the drive ins for a movie. Toss on a poodle skirt and style a pompadour for your next 1950's party. Party Express is your one stop shop when it comes to creating the perfect environment for your 1950's Party.
If you are looking for some great ideas for hosting a 1950's themed party, then you have come to the right place. PartyExpress.com has over 100 different items to fit your theme perfectly. A 1950's themed party is the perfect theme for a New Year's Eve Party. So select some pink and blue new year's eve party kits and then start to decorate and accessorize with the many different options and styles that are available from Party Express.
Ideas for Planning a 1950's Party If you are looking to turn your event space into a sock hop, soda shop, or drive in let Party Express be your guide to creating the perfect 1950's Party theme.
First comes the decorations. Grab some glittered banners and jukebox centerpieces to turn a your venue into an old soda shop. Then you can serve dessert with our tissue banana splits. They are perfect to set around the dessert table of buffet. There are tons of cutouts available to place on the walls like pink Cadillacs, 1950's sign cutouts, and musical notes and records. Your guests will have a blast remembering the gold old days and the simpler times of the 1950's.
But wait, you are not done yet. What will your guests be wearing at this beautifully decorated party? Take a look around, there are dozens of different party favor giveaways for your party. Maybe some inexpensive music note beads, or a greaser comb to keeps that pompadour in shape. If that is not your style, then certainly some record beads or horn rimmed glasses will do the trick. Your servers will look amazing in our pink poodle skirt costume accessory and chiffon scarf. You name it, we have the perfect party supplies and ideas for your 1950's Rock & Roll New Year's Eve party.
1960's Party
1960's Ideas
Ideas For a 1960's Theme Party It's time to get groovy and start planning for your 1960's themed party. Let your hippie side show and dig deep for that old tie dyed T-Shirt. If you don't have all of those goodies left from the 1960's do not fear, Party Express has you covered!
Let the party supplies and costume accessories that are offered at PartyExpress.com be your guide to planning a 1960's themed party. You will find all kinds of peace sign favors, tie-dyed decorations, and hippie costume accessories. Party Express has everything that you need to turn your event space into a psychedelic dream. You can start out by hanging tie-dyed banners over every entrance way. This will let your guests know that they are about to walk through a time warp to the 1960's. Once inside they will see peace sign whirls hanging from the ceiling and maybe even some hippie bus centerpieces on the table full of little snacks and goodies.
Look The Part in Tie-Dyed Hippie Costume Accessories Your guests have to look the part when they are dancing the night away at your special event. So hand out some groovy costume accessories to them as they walk in the door. Some great ideas include peace sign beads, tie-dyed bandanas, or mod tops. You could go really crazy and turn all of your guests into hippies with our hippie costume kit. Your hippies will have everything they need to look and dress the party for this one of a kind party.
Make peace not war this New Year's Eve and throw an 1960's party that your guests will never forget. The 1960's might be a blur to them now, but your party is sure to stay fresh in their minds. They will be getting their groove on all night light as they are sporting tie-dyed colors and peace signs. So do not hesitate. Start planning your 1960's themed new year's eve party today!
1970's Party
1970's new year's eve party theme ideas image
Create Custom Invitations Create a custom invitation that matches the colors and theme of your 1970's Party. Party Express will customize our invitations to meet your event's needs. Invitations are the best way to let your prospective guests know that you are having a party and to fill the event space on December 31st. So intrigue your guests with one of our professionally designed custom new year's eve invitation.
Disco Decorations The decorations are the specialty for Party Express. We have hundreds of different 1970's themed new year's eve decorations. Whether you are looking for graffiti buses to put on the table as centerpieces or large 1970's paper cutouts to place on the walls you are sure to be able to turn your event space into a disco party that no one will ever forget! If you are serving food at your party we have the perfect disco ball tableware to serve all of those fancy little finger foods.
The 1970's were an era of bright colors, disco balls, and dance floors. PartyExpress.com has all of those great designs and more to decorate your bar or ballroom. Your guests will be filled with enthusiasm when they walk in and see all of the hard work that you did, that really was not all that difficult at all. Simply take your items out of the package and hang them up!
1970's Costume Accessories and Party Favors It would not be a party unless you were handing out hats, tiaras, and other celebratory aides to your guests. Party Express has developed some of the best and inexpensive Party Favors for you guests to utilize throughout the night. You will find New Year's Eve Party Kits in the theme of disco, along with hats, tiaras, horns, and beads that all compliment the design.
Give your bartenders an instant Afro with our Afro wig. This is one of the best quality and largest Afro wigs on the market and it will bring joy and laughter to all of your guests. You can even choose to give your guests some fancy 1970's era eyeglasses, or maybe even a disco ball bead.
Dress your guests this year in the theme of your 1970's disco party and watch the personalities shine!
1980's Party
TOTALLY RAD 80’S THEME PARTY IDEAS The 80's were a time like no other. Technology was booming and so were the speakers on that giant boombox radio. Our selection of 1980's themed party favors is full of the nostalgia that you would expect when walking into an old arcade, or watching a retro movie.
The 1980's was defined by loud music, extreme colors, and big hair. You will want to bring as many of these ideas together as possible as you are planning you 1980's themed New Year's Eve Party. The good news is that the Party Supplies and Decorations that you will find right here at PartyExpress.com will embody everything that was the 1980's. So lets get started planning your totally rad and every memorable 1980's themed party today.
Get Your Guests to Dress Funky Getting your guests to dress the party has never been more simple! Party Express has designed multiple party kits for the new year that completely embody what it meant to live in the 1980's. Simply select one of our 1980's themed party kits that include hats, horns, tiaras, and beads. Some of them even include glow accessories, which was huge in the 1980's. If you are more of a design your own party type of person, then we have dozen of different costume accessories that you can mix and match to create the perfect assortment of party favors for your event.
Some great items that will fit your 1980's party theme perfectly would include shutter shades, video game beads, retro button, and the instant nerd kit. No matter how small the freebie, your guests will be chomping at the bit to get whatever it is that you will be handing out on the New Year. So dress your nerds and your jocks how you think they should look with the great party favors and discounted costume accessories available from PartyExpress.com.
RETRO 80'S DECORATIONS Let's set the mood for the party with some retro 1980's party decoration. Make your guests step back a couple of decades in time when they walk into your event space. You can create different sections, usually in each corner of the room. Here are some ideas for each section.
Gamer Section Create a gamer section of your event space with some of our 8-bit retro game style party favors. Hang some decorations from the ceiling with decorations that resemble the age old arcade games of the eighties. You could even set up an old tube TV and gaming console to let your guests enjoy the nostalgia that they had lived decades ago. They will be leveling up your party as they play through the old games that they had enjoyed in their childhood.
80's Rock Music Decorations This is a good section to set up around the DJ booth. With this you can get some of our 1980's signs and inflatable boomboxes to set around the DJ. Not only will your guests be enjoying the sounds of the 1980's but they will also be enjoying the familiar sights of what was 1980's rock & roll. This is a great place to incorporate some of our graffiti props and cassette tape decorations. So get out that old 80's mix tape and start to ROCK!
Retro Movie Section The 80's were a time for some of the most memorable movies every created. So take a trip Back to The 1980's and relive the magic with some of our movie inspired party decorations. This would be a great area to play some of those flicks on an old tube TV. So hang some 80's signs and turn on that blurry tube TV. The nostalgia will be too much for your guests and they will have a great time at your 1980's themed NYE Party!
CASINO NIGHT casino themed new years eve party image
Casino Night Party Supplies and Decorations Casino theme parties are a great way to make your guests think that they are high rollers on The Vegas Strip. Take out the play money and let your gets start rolling the dice with our casino themed decorations, hats, tiaras, and beads.
Casino themed parties not only create a fun atmosphere, but they also give your guests exciting happenings throughout the evening that will fill their evening with lots of laughs and excitement. Hand out some fake poker chips and let your guests try their luck at the tables. Be sure to have some great prizes for your guests to win. The prizes should be something that you find useful and that your guests will hold on to for many years to come. This will create lasting impressions every time they go to use the give a way item that you provided to them for hitting the jackpot.
Place Your Bets with Our Casino Night Decorations Hit the jackpot with the casino themed decorations and party favors that you will find at PartyExpress.com. We have all of the traditional red and black card suit decorations that you would expect at a poker party, along with some that you might never have seen before.
Start the party out right by decorating your event space with the many decorations that we have available. Place some poker centerpieces on the tables and hang some card suit ceiling decorations up above. Then you can tie some poker themed balloons to all of the centerpieces and hang a Poker night banner over the doorway.
Do not forget to hand out some exquisite beads and necklaces to all of your guests. This will really get them into the gambling mood. In addition you could purchase some poker night hats and visors, or maybe even a playing card tiara.
If you look hard enough you might even find some large paper slot machines and blackjack party sets. These are a great way to set up your very own casino in your event space. You can scatter some playing card confetti around the tables to create a real poker night party atmosphere.
If handing out casino party favors are more your style we even have some chocolate favors bags that are themed specifically for your poker night party. So do not shop anywhere else. Party Express has everything that you need to have a successful and fun casino night party.
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news Black Sabbath bow out in Birmingham with final concert - BBC News BBC
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