Splendour Meaning Best 2 Definitions of Splendour

splendour meaning in a sentence

splendour meaning in a sentence - win

Keri Hulme - Three Stories


First published in Te Kaihau/The Windeater (George Braziller, Inc, 1987):
I ONCE KNEW A girl who sat apart at the party, down on the floor. A small almost-woman in a large blue overcoat, the kind sailors wear. She cringed within its folds. I sat beside her on a sudden kindly impulse. I offered my roach in its glittery skull holder. I was drowsed and calmhearted, gladly aware of all the patterns of laughter and the brittle flowering color of the carpet. I wasn't upset when she refused the smoke.
"Don't like it?"
"Don't smoke or drink," she said dully. Her head bowed. "Because ..."
"I think I'm going mad. If I fuddle things more, if I." Retreating into the midnight coat.
O dear. Another mixed-up strung-out febrile brain. I smiled, gently, buddhalike. I said, charity of the smoke
"They say if you can think it," carefully between tiny exhalations, "you are not going mad." Perfect curve of smile, perfect curve of smoke. I once knew this girl who --
She looked back at me and winced.
"I can think what I like. The evidence . . . the evidence."
"What evidence?"
She peeled back the heavy coat sleeve. "Look."
I bent forward politely.
It was an ordinary female arm, pallid, slightly hairy, a little too thick at the wrist.
The roach smoke drifted between us.
She pulled the coat sleeve higher.
Needle tracks, I thought dreamily. There will be the footprints of needles and she will bore me with her tale of dirt and discouragement. Needle tracks.
"There," she said.
The inner cup of her elbow.
Except it wasn't there.
It was the most exciting tattoo I had ever seen in my life, and I exclaimed with delight. The connoisseur taken aback. I said so, exalted. With bitterness she said,
"It is not a picture. Touch, but only the very edge. Where there is still bone."
I leant my finger carefully over the outside rim of skin to touch that extraordinary black oval. The cancellation of her flesh. However with mere ink had an artist gotten-
I snatched the finger back.
"You see?"
Her smile was as crooked and hurt as her previous wince. The lovely fog in my head bled away and I was left sitting, looking at a girl who--
gazed at her arm.
Where the tip of my finger had touched the black was a dead white patch like frostbite. It ached. And I had touched-nothing.
"The stars change," she said in a small voice. "Over the nights, they change. I watch them move in great circles."
I looked again.
Deep in the blackness was a myriad of intensely bright sparks. They made a far distant spiral.
"They are stars," she said, tiredly. "When I watch I feel as though I arch above, mother of the sky host."
A tired almost-woman, small, heavily bound in a coat. "Like that Egyptian. Goddess. Thing."
She rolled the sleeve slowly down. "Something even wants me there."
She looked at me. "Are you going mad too?"
I stood unsteadily. My eyes hurt from being kept too wide. My jaws hurt from being kept clenched. The unknowing laughter all around was harsh and raw and all the flowering colors had died. I wanted a glass a jugful a flagon of sherry to bring back the sweetness, to drown all the hurting, to believe in tomorrow again.
"You are not mad. Please wait. I am coming right back. Not mad."
I remember she didn't smile as I stumbled away. She stayed huddled against the wall, the upright collar of the coat at once frame and shelter for her pale forgettable face. I once knew a girl. Who?
I found my sherry. I drank too much too fast in a gay swirl of chatter. "Who's the girl?" I yelled. "A houri," said Anna, "a houri from the fragrant paradisiacal smoke." And Michael simpered, "Who cares, dear James? There are better things to do." And Big Molly looked at me carefully before saying, "She is one of my staff nurses. Sickleave. Nervous trouble y'know. You smitten?"
"No. Yes. I don't know."
Molly smiled. "Theresa Wyatt. Boards at Rossiter's. Y'know where?"
The sherry, the chatter, and inevitably, the nausea and the obligatory trip outside. When I returned inside, the girl had gone.
I went to Rossiter's in the dizzy morning after. Her landlady said she had not come home. "Which I expect you know about," she said grimly. She never came home.
And here I sit, writing lines by a dead roach. I am doing it awkwardly, one finger swathed. I once knew a girl who-- the police believe committed suicide, jumped in the sea, rendered herself bodiless.
Molly believes that. Her landlady believes that. Most times, I believe that. I meant to say, my dear, she was on six months sickleave and had gibbered openly about going to other worlds. So I believe that. I do. Except when I take the bandage off my finger. My inquisitive forefinger. Where now, centered in the dead white like a strange intrusive wart, sits a tiny bluegreen jewel. I think. Staring at it.
I have wondered. If you sat among heartless strangers, with a universe within your reach, would you always stay, wallflower at the party?
Already the dark is growing round the jewel, and behind it in the depths of black the bitter stars wink.

One Whale, Singing

The following two stories collected in Jane Stafford and Mark Williams's delightfully huge Auckland University Press Anthology of New Zealand Literature (Auckland UP, 2013):
The ship drifted on the summer night sea.
‘It is a pity,’ she thought, ‘that one must come on deck to see the stars. Perhaps a boat of glass, to see the sea streaming past, to watch the nightly splendour of stars ….’ Something small jumped from the water, away to the left. A flash of phosphorescence after the sound, and then all was quiet and starlit again.
They had passed through krillswarms all day. Large areas of the sea were reddishbrown, as though an enormous creature had wallowed ahead of the boat, streaming blood.
‘Whale-feed,’ she had said, laughing and hugging herself at the thought of seeing whales again. ‘Lobster-krill,’ he had corrected, pedantically.
The crustaceans had swum in their frightened jerking shoals, mile upon mile of them, harried by fish that were in turn pursued and torn by larger fish.
She thought, it was probably a fish after krill that had leaped then. She sighed, stroking her belly. It was the lesser of the two evils to go below now, so he didn’t have an opportunity to come on deck and suggest it was better for the coming baby’s health, and hers, of course, that she came down. The cramped cabin held no attraction: all that was there was boneless talk, and one couldn’t see stars, or really hear the waters moving.
Far below, deep under the keel of the ship, a humpback whale sported and fed. Occasionally, she yodelled to herself, a long undulating call of content. When she found a series of sounds that pleased, she repeated them, wove them into a band of harmonious pulses.
Periodically she reared to the surface, blew, and slid smoothly back under the sea in a wheel-like motion. Because she was pregnant, and at the tailend of the southward migration, she had no reason now to leap and display on the surface.
She was not feeding seriously; the krill was there, and she swam amongst them, forcing water through her lips with her large tongue, stranding food amongst the baleen. When her mouth was full, she swallowed. It was leisurely, lazy eating. Time enough for recovering her full weight when she reached the cold seas, and she could gorge on a ton and a half of plankton daily.
Along this coast, there was life and noise in plenty. Shallow grunting from a herd of fish, gingerly feeding on the fringes of the krill shoal. The krill themselves, a thin hiss and crackle through the water. The interminable background clicking of shrimps. At times, a wayward band of sound like bass organ-notes sang through the chatter, and to this the whale listened attentively, and sometimes replied.
The krill thinned: she tested, tasted the water. Dolphins had passed recently. She heard their brief commenting chatter, but did not spend time on it. The school swept round ahead of her, and vanished into the vibrant dark.
He had the annoying habit of reading what he’d written out loud. ‘We can conclusively demonstrate that to man alone belong true intelligence and self-knowledge.’
He coughs.
Taps his pen against his lips. He has soft, wet lips, and the sound is a fleshy slop! slop!
She thinks:
Man indeed! How arrogant! How ignorant! Woman would be as correct, but I’ll settle for humanity. And it strikes me that the quality humanity stands in need of most is true intelligence and self-knowledge.
‘For instance, Man alone as a species, makes significant artefacts, and transmits knowledge in permanent and durable form.’
He grunts happily.
‘In this lecture, I propose to ….’
But how do they know? she asks herself. About the passing on of knowledge among other species? They may do it in ways beyond our capacity to understand … that we are the only ones to make artefacts I’ll grant you, but that’s because us needy little adapts have such pathetic bodies, and no especial ecological niche. So hooks and hoes, and steel things that gouge and slay, we produce in plenty. And build a wasteland of drear ungainly hovels to shelter our vulnerable hides.
She remembers her glass boat, and sighs. The things one could create if one made technology servant to a humble and creative imagination …. He’s booming on, getting into full lectureroom style and stride.
‘… thus we will show that no other species, lacking as they do artefacts, an organised society, or even semblances of culture ….’
What would a whale do with an artefact, who is so perfectly adapted to the sea? Their conception of culture, of civilisation, must be so alien that we’d never recognise it, even if we were to stumble on its traces daily.
She snorts.
He looks at her, eyes unglazing, and smiles.
‘Criticism, my dear? Or you like that bit?’
‘I was just thinking ….’
Thinking, as for us passing on our knowledge, hah! We rarely learn from the past or the present, and what we pass on for future humanity is a mere jumble of momentarily true facts, and odd snippets of surprised self-discoveries. That’s not knowledge ….
She folds her hands over her belly. You in there, you won’t learn much. What I can teach you is limited by what we are. Splotch goes the pen against his lips.
‘You had better heat up that fortified drink, dear. We can’t have either of you wasting from lack of proper nourishment.’
Unspoken haw haw haw.
Don’t refer to it as a person! It is a canker in me, a parasite. It is nothing to me. I feel it squirm and kick, and sicken at the movement.
He says he’s worried by her pale face. ‘You shouldn’t have gone up on deck so late. You could have slipped, or something, and climbing tires you now, you know.’
She doesn’t argue any longer. The arguments follow well-worn tracks and go in circles.
‘Yes,’ she answers.
but I should wither without that release, that solitude, that keep away from you.
She stirs the powder into the milk and begins to mix it rhythmically.
I wonder what a whale thinks of its calf? So large a creature, so proven peaceful a beast, must be motherly, protective, a shielding benevolence against all wildness. It would be a sweet and milky love, magnified and sustained by the encompassing purity of water ….
A swarm of insectlike creatures, sparkling like a galaxy, each a pulsing lightform in blue and silver and gold. The whale sang for them, a ripple of delicate notes, spaced in a timeless curve. It stole through the lightswarm, and the luminescence increased brilliantly.
Deep within her, the other spark of light also grew. It was the third calf she had borne; it delighted her still, that the swift airy copulation should spring so opportunely to this new life. She feeds it love and music, and her body’s bounty. Already it responds to her crooning tenderness, and the dark pictures she sends it. It absorbs both, as part of the life to come, as it nests securely in the waters within.
She remembers the nautilids in the warm oceans to the north, snapping at one another in a cannibalistic frenzy.
She remembers the oil-bedraggled albatross, resting with patient finality on the water-top, waiting for death.
She remembers her flight, not long past, from killer whales, and the terrible end of the other female who had companied her south, tongue eaten from her mouth, flukes and genitals ripped, bleeding to a slow fought-against end.
And all the memories are part of the growing calf.
More krill appeared. She opened her mouth, and glided through the shoal. Sudden darkness for the krill. The whale hummed meanwhile.
He folded his papers contentedly.
‘Sam was going on about his blasted dolphins the other night dear.’
He laughed deprecatingly. ‘But it wouldn’t interest you. All dull scientific chatter, eh?’
‘What was he saying about, umm, his dolphins?’
‘O, insisted that his latest series of tests demonstrated their high intelligence. No, that’s misquoting him, potentially high intelligence. Of course, I brought him down to earth smartly. Results are as you make them, I said. Nobody has proved that the animals have intelligence to a degree above that of a dog. But it made me think of the rot that’s setting in lately. Inspiration for this lecture indeed.’
‘Lilley?’ she asked, still thinking of the dolphins, ‘Lilley demonstrated evidence of dolphinese.’
‘Lilley? That mystical crackpot? Can you imagine anyone ever duplicating his work? Hah! Nobody has, of course. It was all in the man’s mind.’
‘Dolphins and whales are still largely unknown entities,’ she murmured, more to herself than to him.
‘Nonsense, my sweet. They’ve been thoroughly studied and dissected for the last century and more.’ She shuddered. ‘Rather dumb animals, all told, and probably of bovine origin. Look at the incredibly stupid way they persist in migrating straight into the hands of whalers, year after year. If they were smart, they’d have organised an attacking force and protected themselves!’
He chuckled at the thought, and lit his pipe.
‘It would be nice to communicate with another species,’ she said, more softly still.
‘That’s the trouble with you poets,’ he said fondly. ‘Dream marvels are to be found from every half-baked piece of pseudo-science that drifts around. That’s not seeing the world as it is. We scientists rely on reliably ascertained facts for a true picture of the world.’
She sat silently by the pot on the galley stove.
An echo from the world around, a deep throbbing from miles away. It was both message and invitation to contribute. She mused on it for minutes, absorbing, storing, correlating, winding her song meanwhile experimentally through its interstices-then dropped her voice to the lowest frequencies. She sent the message along first, and then added another strength to the cold wave that travelled after the message. An oceanaway, someone would collect the cold wave, and store it, while it coiled and built to uncontrollable strength. Then, just enough would be released to generate a superwave, a gigantic wall of water on the surface of the sea. It was a new thing the sea-people were experimenting with. A protection. In case.
She began to swim further out from the coast. The water flowed like warm silk over her flanks, an occasional interjectory current swept her, cold and bracing, a touch from the sea to the south. It became quieter, a calm freed from the fights of crabs and the bickerings of small fish. There was less noise too, from the strange turgid craft that buzzed and clattered across the ocean-ceiling, dropping down wastes that stank and sickened.
A great ocean-going shark prudently shifted course and flicked away to the side of her. It measured twenty feet from shovel-nose to crescentic tailfin, but she was twice as long and would grow a little yet. Her broad deep body was still wellfleshed and strong, in spite of the vicissitudes of the northward breeding trek: there were barnacles encrusting her fins and lips and head, but she was unhampered by other parasites. She blew a raspberry at the fleeing shark and beat her flukes against the ocean’s pull in an ecstasy of strength.
‘This lecture,’ he says, sipping his drink, ‘this lecture should cause quite a stir. They’ll probably label it conservative, or even reactionary, but of course it isn’t. It merely urges us to keep our feet on the ground, not go hunting off down worthless blind sidetrails. To consolidate data we already have, not, for example, to speculate about so-called ESP phenomena. There is far too much mysticism and airy-fairy folderol in science these days. I don’t wholly agree with the Victorians’ attitude, that science could explain all, and very shortly would, but it’s high time we got things back to a solid factual basis.’
‘The Russians,’ she says, after a long moment of non-committal silence, ‘the Russians have discovered a form of photography that shows all living things to be sources of a strange and beautiful energy. Lights flare from finger tips. Leaves coruscate. All is living effulgence.’
He chuckles again.
‘I can always tell when you’re waxing poetic.’ Then he taps out the bowl of his pipe against the side of the bunk, and leans forward in a fatherly way.
‘My dear, if they have, and that’s a big if, what difference could that possibly make. Another form of energy? So what?’
‘Not just another form of energy,’ she says sombrely. ‘It makes for a whole new view of the world. If all things are repositories of related energy, then humanity is not alone ….’
‘Why this of solitariness, of being alone. Communication with other species, man is not alone, for God’s sake! One would think you’re becoming tired of us all!’
He’s joking.
She is getting very tired. She speaks tiredly.
‘It would mean that the things you think you are demonstrating in your paper ….’
‘Work …. those things are totally irrelevant. That we may be on the bottom of the pile, not the top. It may be that other creatures are aware of their place and purpose in the world, have no need to delve and paw a meaning out. Justify themselves. That they accept all that happens, the beautiful, the terrible, the sickening, as part of the dance, as the joy or pain of the joke. Other species may somehow be equipped to know fully and consciously what truth is, whereas we humans must struggle, must struggle blindly to the end.’
He frowns, a concerned benevolent frown.
‘Listen dear, has this trip been too much. Are you feeling at the end of your tether, tell us truly? I know the boat is old, and not much of a sailer, but it’s the best I could do for the weekend. And I thought it would be a nice break for us, to get away from the university and home. Has there been too much work involved? The boat’s got an engine after all …. would you like me to start it and head back for the coast?’
She is shaking her head numbly.
He stands up and swallows what is left of his drink in one gulp.
‘It won’t take a minute to start the engine, and then I’ll set that pilot thing, and we’ll be back in sight of land before the morning. You’ll feel happier then.’
She grips the small table.
Don’t scream, she tells herself, don’t scream.
Diatoms of phantom light, stray single brilliances. A high burst of dolphin sonics. The school was returning. A muted rasp from shoalfish hurrying past. A thing that curled and coiled in a drifting aureole of green light. She slows, buoyant in the water.
Green light: it brings up the memories that are bone deep in her, written in her very cells. Green light of land.
She had once gone within yards of shore, without stranding. Curiosity had impelled her up a long narrow bay. She had edged carefully along, until her long flippers touched the rocky bottom. Sculling with her tail, she had slid forward a little further, and then lifted her head out of the water. The light was bent, the sounds that came to her were thin and distorted, but she could see colours known only from dreams and hear a music that was both alien and familiar.
The sound waves pooped and spattered through the air, and things scrambled away, as she moved herself back smoothly into deeper water.
A strange visit, but it enabled her to put images of her own to the calling dream. Follow the line to the hard and aching airswept land, lie upon solidity never before known until strained ribs collapse from weight of body never before felt. And then, the second beginning of joy ….
She dreams a moment, recalling other ends, other beginnings. And because of the web that streamed between all members of her kind, she was ready for the softly insistent pulsation that wound itself into her dreaming. Mourning for a male of the species, up in the cold southern seas where the greenbellied krill swarm in unending abundance. Where the killing ships of the harpooners lurk. A barb sliced through the air in an arc and embedded itself in the lungs, so the whale blew red in his threshing agony. Another that sunk into his flesh by the heart. Long minutes later, his slow exhalation of death. Then the gathering of light from all parts of the drifting corpse. It condensed, vanished … streamers of sound from the dolphins who shoot past her, somersaulting in their strange joy.
The long siren call urges her south. She begins to surge upward to the sweet night air.
She says, ‘I must go on deck for a minute.’
They had finished the quarrel, but still had not come together. He grunts, fondles his notes a last time, and rolls over in his sleeping bag, drawing the neck of it tightly close.
She says wistfully,
‘Goodnight then,’
and climbs the stairs heavily up to the hatchway.
‘You’re slightly offskew,’ she says to the Southern Cross, and feels the repressed tears begin to flow down her cheeks. The stars blur.
Have I changed so much?
Or is it this interminable deadening pregnancy?
But his stolid, sullen, stupidity!
He won’t see, he won’t see, he won’t see anything.
She walks to the bow, and settles herself down, uncomfortably aware of her protuberant belly, and begins to croon a song of comfort to herself.
And at that moment the humpback hit the ship, smashing through her old and weakened hull, collapsing the cabin, rending timbers. A mighty chaos ….
Somehow she found herself in the water, crying for him, swimming in a circle as though among the small debris she might find a floating sleeping bag. The stern of the ship is sinking, poised a moment a moment dark against the stars, and then it slides silently under.
She strikes out for a shape in the water, the liferaft? the dinghy?
And the shape moves.
The humpback, full of her dreams and her song, had beat blindly upward, and was shocked by the unexpected fouling. She lies, waiting on the water-top.
The woman stays where she is, motionless except for her paddling hands. She has no fear of the whale, but thinks, ‘It may not know I am here, may hit me accidentally as it goes down.’
She can see the whale more clearly now, an immense zeppelin shape, bigger by far than their flimsy craft had been, but it lies there, very still ….
She hopes it hasn’t been hurt by the impact, and chokes on the hope.
There is a long moaning call then, that reverberates through her. She is physically swept, shaken by an intensity of feeling, as though the whale has sensed her being and predicament, and has offered it all it can, a sorrowing compassion.
Again the whale makes the moaning noise, and the woman calls, as loudly as she can, ‘Thank you, thank you’ knowing that it is meaningless, and probably unheard. Tears stream down her face once more.
The whale sounded so gently she didn’t realise it was going at all.
‘I am now alone in the dark,’ she thinks, and the salt water laps round her mouth. ‘How strange, if this is to be the summation of my life.’
In her womb the child kicked. Buoyed by the sea, she feels the movement as something gentle and familiar, dear to her for the first time.
But she begins to laugh.
The sea is warm and confiding, and it is a long long way to shore.

The Pluperfect Pā-wā

WELL, I FOUND that hyperbloodyinteresting, I tell you. Fifteen of them down on the beach and all of them out of their shells? Getting superbloodyconfident now, aren’t they? And didn’t I say that, right at the beginning? But no. Nobody listens to me. (You’re captive, a captive listener. Reader. Whatever. You don’t count.) (The interpolations—and this is mainly interpolation—are by me. You don’t know me. You won’t know me after this either. Don’t worry about it. Just listen to him raving on about how we should have eaten them right away, instead of listening. What would you have done though? Me, I dropped the knife at the first squawk, and was charmed, right from 1’s—do you put the apostrophe in for personal numbers? Not quite sure whether I was taught about this at school. Never mind, I was charmed, and I did what was asked, and I don’t do that for all my fritters I assure you.)
Picture the new cathedral.
It is dense and made of bluegreen nacre: it is as fluid and ephemeral as a net of sounds: it is the holdfast rock (a volcanic dyke eroded to a halfmile stump but much more solid than the day it was born), and it is the unseen neural network, and it is the tides between.
Every ashtray made of Lucite with the chips in it; every pendant, and cheap swinging earring, and dull stud in silver-plated ring; every 21st key; every napkin holder; every counter for housie; every salt and pepper shaker; every keyring; every designer necklace and silver work-of-art ring, swooping off your finger like a bird gone wrong, tangling in everything you touch; every flake ground into the gravel of path or beach; every haunted shell, in piles on the Stewart Island wharf; scattered the length and breadth of the islands (lengths, breadths) on beaches, in baches, in sedate suburban homes. Every last one of them. EVERY ONE.
(A bit of time goes by. Not more than a week. He’s snoring off the effect of his afterlunch pubpet. I’ve just finished my after-lunch walk. Do you know, one of them said to me, quite shyly I thought, ‘My first intra-generational mutation.’ It was waving a chaplet of shining blue eyes, all loosely tethered to it by green filaments. The others (all sorts, I won’t even try and describe them for you because the pace of change is getting hectic, and they’re all experimenting madly) were giggling snidely at it. I said, ‘Very nice. It seems nice and practical. It’s beautiful. I like it. Nice.’
They’re not talking much to me any more. They’ve given up on him altogether, but that won’t come as a surprise to us. I told him it was Not A Good Idea to go and gut and eat sashimi-style that last ordinary he found. Don’t tell him, but I saw his pubpet practising blowing bubbles just now. Isn’t it interesting that never-animate things are catching it? Well, I suppose it was animate once, now you come to think of it. They’re made of plastic after all, and plastic was once dinosaurs. I think. I know I learned something like that at school. Yes, that was it, layers of squashed animals and plants that turned into tar and oil and coal. So that would explain how a container for beer could link in. Wouldn’t it?)
Speculation about the first one:
how did it discover itself as a thinking being? how did it discover us, and our information hoards? how did it learn to shape itself? how did it pass on both knowledge and ability to accomplish these things to every other one?
Speculation about them all:
how did they discover the interconnection between life, the universe and everything? And time and space? Why won’t they tell us? Why are they ganging up on us?
Speculation is not a series of questions, though life ultimately turns out to be so. This is what happens to a philosopher in despair. Think about something else.
Become the thought.
(I once had a nightmare about going down to my favourite mahika-kai for pāua. That was the beginning of the nightmare, and it seemed quite pleasant for a while, doing in a dream what I liked doing best of all awake, gathering food from the sea. I picked pāua—it was easy because there were dozens of them grazing the reef, ignoring me: they slipped off rock into my kit with never a clamp-down. I had a kit full in what seemed like seconds, though you can never be sure about time in dreams.
It was when I began to gut them back at the head of the beach that things turned nasty. Take out the fish, beat shit out of it on a handy rock, careful of the pewa, and then nick the radula out. All ready for steak, yum yum. But these pāua weren’t ordinary inside: they were grey spongy stuff, which kept oozing out everywhere. I couldn’t get it off my hands, even when I flung the kit away. I was screaming at the stuff, I never knew pāua had brains! I never knew!)
Casually say to yourself these three sentences;
one: everything that is, is interconnected; two: everything you can think of, exists, and everything you can’t think of, does too; three: you are what you eat.
Now, go away and sort out which one, if any, was the lie.
(Do you like millenniallist fiction? You know, we have arrived at the crucial time for Humanity, and DOOM is upon us. The Norns have given up watering Yggdrasil. The Moirai have stopped all that weaving—it made a pretty pattern but never got them anywhere. Māui is abroad in our world once more, pretty pissed off at being kept out of things for so long, but ready to give us a whirl (chuckle). Things read very grimly, but you know that the author will sort things out at the end—one quirky brave couple of homo sapiens (homo sexuals if it’s really post-modernist) will survive And The World Will Go On. I read millenniallist fiction because it’s SO reassuring. Don’t you find it so?)
Well, I found that fuckingbloodyannoying, I tell you. Well, I can’t tell you. Yes I can. Someone will come along one of these days and we’ll get together and get it together and by bloody hell, we won’t make any mistakes next time round. We’ll screw everything down so tight, NOTHING else will get a look in. Someone won’t be the bloody useless wife, incidentally. She joined the early Sinkers, after running away with the pot plant. Said it had a longer bloody reach or something. Never did like the fucking thing, anyway.
Everything got impossible there for a while. Like, went down to the old piecart at the corner for a pie—not a real pie, the cattle had seen to that weeks before. Block-voted a veto along with the sheep and the pigs. Well, I don’t really blame them, would’ve done the same bloody thing in their place, myself Well, no, actually I fucking wouldn’t. I’d’ve murdered us, the whole fucking lot. Nah, wasn’t a real pie, it was goo—goo pie with goo peas on top, all you could get because the plants had gone berserk too. Made some comment about the weather and the thing behind the counter snarls Whaddarya? Fuckin’ pāwāist or something? Didn’t argue. Built like a bloody tank, and I mean really. Bloody great steel shell on it, and creepy 70 mm barrels peeping out under the black flesh fringe. Hey, better watch m’self, might go poetic like the fucking ex.
O well. After I got to Washington and found the button and set off everything from that end, I thought all would be well again. I waited in the mobile for a while—hell, I’m proud of myself for that mobile! It’s got everything, own atmosphere, foodmaker, and I could communicate with God if I wanted to. Thing’ll give you booze, drugs, sort of sex, and it wasn’t that hard to build. Kind of like I was the only brain left, being the only real man left, that I knew about, and everything we’d thought of before was mine. Built it a week after the wife sunk. Well anyway, aimed the fucking mobile home back to the beach. Might as well stick to what you know, eh? Thought I’d wait for the first decent looker to come along and we’d shack up and away we’d go, man on top again as it always was, and always should’ve been. But everything else in the world was charred. All the sheilas had either sunk or turned into something else or been so fucking dumb they hadn’t built themselves a mobile. As I said, I found that extrabloodyannoying.
Never mind. I can wait. Something’ll turn up. It always fucking does. like hollow hissing laughter the cinders rustling in the wind
(Oh no. Don’t turn serious on me, not at this stage, not on this stage. Here, she says kindly, have this motto found in a Chinese fortune abalone. Look! It says,
How neat to get that one! Much better than, say, THE WINDS OF CHANGE WILL SHORTLY BLOW THROUGH YOUR LIFE, or some such irrelevant guff. Much better to get that one, eh?
Have another fritter.)
submitted by MilkbottleF to shortstoryaday [link] [comments]

This is a poem I wrote a few months ago, I quite liked it and I still do which might say something. I wanted to post it here because it reminds me of the ENFP experience u get me. It’s pretty long but easy to read so if u read it to the end, thank you.

Stream of Consciousness
Everytime I speak to people I feel depressed. And not because of trivial matters, like understanding, or listening. My little shred of joy and splendour edges up the side of my swirling stomach. And when I confront myself with humanity, it is sent tumbling. Like the flesh of the peach Attached to the hard, soulless pit, bottomless and forever glooming in my depths.
Why is it, when times are dark and I am punished to feel this way, feel this dismay, that humanity is greeted with my smile? My teeth like daggers, an insecurity of mine since I was a child, digging into my soft lip to remind me that these people, are better treated than I in my own corps.
God knows, I love myself. Like a scattered newspaper segments lay flat across a table. Who has the patience to put my pages back in order. Many will try. Few will succeed. But how long until another careless soul picks me up with no true intention? Who flails around my contents. No concern for the articles within, that I tried for so long, so desperately to edit; to love; to accept.
My God, it feels hard to be me. I think. And I think. And I rip myself up. Surely I am not, The only one … ? What the f@!%ck!! You mean … Everybody … ? Livin’ like this? Nah. What? They say life’s a bitch and then you die. But I die and I’m a bitch. Hah! Does that make sense?? Does it? Does it? Huh?! Do I make sense? Am I not clear with my words? Do I make no noise? Do I make sense? Please, tell me.
They tell you that your people are somewhere scattered across the sprawling map. To think that someone so special and fun who like Bob Dylan and maybe Joni Mitchell and the Beat Generation who understands that the more I try to make myself clear the looser the grasp I have on myself. That I cannot survive without words of affirmation. Oh! Compliments please! I am but a beggar, a hobo, But change not I want an abundance of empty words is enough to keep the likes of me happy. And they don’t think it’s ‘too much’.
Too much. Too much. Someone is living, breathing, who in years or months to come will label me ‘too much’, And that scares me, because at times, I am too much for me. But oftentimes, too little. And many will say the same.
Oh! To be the only one with feelings! What a world that would be! A world I often wish for, as strange as that may seem. I long to discover and reveal and expand the world’s eye. But it’s 2020 and my God! Everything has been done! How can one be the discoverer of new when all has been done by people passed through?
Hello? Hello? I hear the echo of my cries ring through. No one is nice or cool or kind. People just act that way sometimes.
And in this midst of it all six unopened texts lie idle inside the envelope of my DMs. I love you Amy. I love you Michaela. I love you Vanessa. As long as you love me. I could love anyone. But my frazzled brain is so frazzled and strained it cannot comprehend how to conjure a sentence, an apology, and press send. Click! Fleeting relief As I reply to my friends. Happy with yourself, are you? It only took six weekends to curate the courage to reply to somebody that you have known since the tender age of four years old.
A failure. A stranger. A lonesome stargazer. Many adjectives to describe this girl that is all mine. A fraud. A try-hard. An imposter. Who am I trying to be? Is it me? If you are trying to find who you really are, should you really be going all that far? Is the person you are not within you? Are you only joking yourself, into finding who you’d like to be? Is this even poetry? Obscure thoughts are all I see. Not even a solid rhyming scheme. Fraud. Stranger. Loner. Imposter. Try-hard. Do I actually like Bob Dylan? Do I just think he’s cool? But I do like his music! I love Bob Dylan. Why do I question myself? Convince myself that I’m wrong about me?
I write all these words. I know that much. I wonder how many words have passed from my mind through my hand to a page. I wonder if they were as worth it, as at the time those words fell into the centre of my universe.
Oh, how I wish, I could ramble forever but my eyelids are heavy my fingers flethered. Not how I pictured This poem to go. But like my most of my life, it seems to be so.
So it’s seven a.m. and I’m going to bed. Oh! And one more thing! I hate to sleep! I fear the images In my brain I keep. I live in fear of my mind tricking me into a nightmare. So, my god, do I avoid sleep like a cat avoids water tiptoeing around it. But sleep time is alive time however much I hate it. That's sad. I think in the future I’ll strive for the moments I feel most alive to be conscious and feeling and breathing and living and spent belonging.
Oh, how I do wish to be free, And alive and me. But mostly free.
submitted by carolinemannion to ENFP [link] [comments]

the breath of the wild DLCs were disappointing story wise

A.N. I have minor dyslexia and use word. Really wish I didn’t have to type this but there are some people who pull up my grammar as a means to win arguments…
A.N. 2 so i'm making this note due to responses, BoTW has a Si-fyi / mana element to it with the sheikah in the shrines, there from 10,000 years ago and in game lore have made machines that do the following. resurrection of the recently departed, a stasis field that stops time, the ability to convert matter in to a mana wavelength to teleport a person. robots that shoot lasers, etc... so is it really far-fetched that time travel is a possibility with these people, especially since the hero of time is a thing.
A.N. 3 so I decided to add notes at the end of this post explaining why something like this is plausible, look for dotted line
A.N. 4 this is meant to be a comparison of what we spent for what we got. To any and all people who played the Witcher 3 DLC’s you spent £3/$5 more and compare the level of content. Nintendo have had 5 years of making DLC and this is there 3rd generation to do so. Please don’t give them the benefit of the doubt, they went cheap.
A.N. 5 I’d like to ask all readers to first watch this youtube video as it illustrates the point I’m coming from.
Why the Breath of the Wild DLC Disappointed
TLDR – the DLC for breath of the wild could have easily been so much more without adding to many new assets.
Ok so first let me start off by saying I love breath of the wild, I have played it twice once on the wii U and now on my switch. Both versions of the game were the completed version with both DLCs and I even got the poop trophy. In the switch version.
However the DLC always made me feel like Nintendo missed out on more lore building in favour of asset flips.
Let me roll back a bit, I studied in computing and also one of my modules was video game design with C# one of the first things I learned was that designing models costs money and I get that. however another aspect was re-using assets to increase your game size without spending to much time on modelling.
So here’s the thing. Both the DLC’s are 99% asset flips.
Master quest – the island challenge on steroids with 80 floors of increasingly difficult enemies for a powered up Master sword
Hero’s Ballard – a one hit challenge followed by seeking out bosses to power up your 4 spirit powers followed by a large dungeon using pre-existing assets that culminates in a challenging fight until you realise the sheikah uses the exact same move sets as the Yiga, this culminates in a bike in a game set in the times of horses and magic… I honestly think the bike was more a means of advertising more Mario kart.
This is compounded by the misleading trailer about the 4 dead champions. The boss fights using their weapons is link pretty much going, “now if it were me, here’s how I would have done it…”
Again don’t get me wrong I enjoyed them but there are several DLC out there that I will play multiple times for no real reason other than enjoyment. I have only played BoTW twice as these two DLC feel more of a task than fun.
So here’s the thing, with adding just a few more assets in to the game and some more scripting Nintendo had an opportunity on there hands to add much more but instead chose to easily script a challenge mode and a add on with pre-existing addons.
Now I’m not saying asset flips can’t be done well, it’s common in video game DLC to use existing lands to avoid having to build an entire new world on the first DLC to get it out the door sooner. but two ideas, one for each DLC spring to mind that use asset flips in a way that add substantially more content.
To give some idea here’s my take after about 15 minutes of ideas what Nintendo could have done.
Master Quest
The main goal of this was to restore the splendour of the master sword, a trial that has been done in the past in wind waker, in that we had to go to two temples and use magical ballads to empower the blade, in BoTW we go in to… the sword and defeat monsters, this somehow restores the blades power.
With the next two word after this sentence I can show you what Nintendo missed…
Sacred Realm…
The pedestal of time has been moved in the past since it acts as a gateway to the sacred realm whenever the master sword is interacted with it.
So off the top of my head Link places the master sword in to the pedestal of time to replenish the splendor of the Master sword, however what he finds is he is in hyrule like area but really this is the sacred realm, he also finds out he is without the master sword as it acts as his gateway to and from this world via the pedestal inside the castle. He still has his clothes, but any weapons are procured on sight.
A voice (not Zelda) communicates with him and informs him that the blade was corrupted 100 years ago on that fateful day and now link has to go to 4 shrines (not the divine beasts), to flip things on it’s head Link does not start in the sacred realms version of the lost woods but a pristine and unblemished hyrule castle. By placing the sword in the pedestal to restore it Zelda inadvertently allowed Ganon’s malice into the sacred realm and it’s stopping the realm from fully restoring the sword.
The assets for the original castle are there, Nintendo would just have to fill in a few blanks and suddenly you have a great starting point. the further out you get from the castle the more of ganon’s malice you come in to contact with.
Pulling from past LoZ let’s say the shrines are in the kokiri forest, Death Mountain, lake hylia and the room that originally held the gateway of time. Each shrine has an enemy that releases a spirit orb (meaning all 4 is a piece of heart or stamina chunk.) and restores some of the master swords former power.
While clearing the shrines the voice encourages him to keep going to but slips here and there
The player can leave the realm at ant time and the sword power reflects the progress of the how many shrines Link has freed, however in restoring the 4th the malice in the land all sours through the aku style from samurai Jack to one place. Hyrule castle and the chamber of the pedestal of the master sword.
In one last ditch effort to stop Link from restoring the master sword the Malice swarms the chamber for some unknown reason.
When Link arrives he finds that the malice has taken on a humanoid form, since the malice is part of Ganon and remembers every time Link defeated him it could be that this corruption of malice was the memories of say Ganandorf LoZ or TWP or Girahim from SS, by restoring the master swords power Link has inadvertently allowed the Malice to hone in on the spirit of the master sword as it plans to destroy the spirit and thus irreparably damage the master sword forever.
But this is still part of Ganon’s malice and therefore is still just a Blite that can be beaten without the Master Sword. it isn’t the real version just the memory off.
By defeating the memory of X Link Purifies the sacred realm and restores it’s connection to the Master sword, it will take time to return it to it’s True Splendour of the day’s of old but for now it has it’s full power.
The sword spirit thanks Link for his actions and Link is allowed to go to and from the sacred realm when he wants.
New models 5 to 10, same land but recoloured and some enemy placement.
Champions Ballard
So to start off I would say to keep the first bit in, the 4 shrines with one heart was a fun challenge and I wouldn’t change it, however it’s the bit after that I would change.
The trailer for this DLC spoke of the champions rising after 100 years so let’s roll with it.
You still have to complete 3 trials that each of the champions did but not just to fight a boss with fixed equipment.
Link is warned by the sheikah during the 3 trials that he will not be able to alter the outcome of that fated day but instead is told that he might just be able to restore the champions in the present. Rather than going to the divine beast to fight the boss link returns to the pedestals with the map images and the 3 orbs are inserted.
(please note at this point I have not added a single model asset that nintendo hadn’t already added. Also note pulling from MM here to point out what they could do)
The pedestals are actually a form of gate that allows Link to travel back 100 years and 3 days, in 3 days he has to find some way on to each divine beast without altering the actions of the champions or his past selves, Link is a time Echo and the gateway he stood in acts as a means of becoming one, for these 3 days there is a bubble that only he can see around the area.
If he walks out of this bubble, he will be yanked back through the gate to his present.
If he isn’t able to get to the divine beast in time, back to the present.
There is no safety net of dying as his past self is nowhere near Link to witness it.
Link has to use his resources to find some way to make it to each divine beast so that at the appointed time Link can face of against the much more powerful version of the blights in the champions stead. Each time the beast retreats into the divine beast but not before wrenching the spirit of the champion with it. Link’s task in a morbid way is done and the Gateway yanks both Link AND the body of the divine beast’s champion into the present Devine beast.
With their spirit previously freed by link’s work and their body restored the champion is able to return to the vessel they once had and are restored to life. The champion must still stay with the divine beast in preparation for the assault on Hyrule castle but now that they are restored, they are able to empower the gifts they once gave to Link.
After restoring the 4 champions, Link is tasked with returning to the chamber of resurrection to face the final trial of preparation. That does not need changing.
With this variant the champions that “fell” 100 years ago, “rise” again.
Now I’d like to point out that I have not added to many new assets with this one as even though you are going back in time 100 years, you are going back to areas that have 0 changes. Sure the NPC’s may be different… little Sidon. But would at least get to see hyrule in it’s splendour.
So any thoughts? I’ve always thought that the LoZ games in recent years has had at some point a time theme to it. and it would sure explain how each shrine is restored whenever Link leaves or how the sheikah are able to meditate for 10,000 years.
Edit notes
Ok so of my 2 ideas that I showed as EXAMPLES I wanted to point out both of them are very much in the realms of possibility.
Before I get started I’m going to point out that BoTW is considered by Nintendo as “the end of the timeline” to be more specific, all of them. This blanket statement is to cover the rabbit hole that is LoZ.
Because it’s at the end of the timeline I have a rule for it. if it happened in the past, is it plausible that it could happen again.
The sheikah of 10,000 years ago made the following:-
a slate that acts as a camera, item holder, map, journal & personal Science fantasy teleporter.
Shrine of resurrection that works on the recently departed
The shrine challenges that seem to reset every time you exit and enter regardless of the damage to stone blocks/ infinitely spawning spiked balls & other materials.
Stasis chambers that preserve a person until the seal is disturbed.
The divine beasts – need I say more on that.
A bike that converts matter Into mana to fuel it.
So with that said Nintendo have written a catch all for any invention they come up with.
The master trials - the sacred realm
in my description of events that could have happened I pointed out that master sword acted as a gateway to the sacred realm.
To save text space I encourage anyone who thinks I’m wrong to look at the following video on youtube from Zeltik
The Terrifying Powers of the Master Sword (Legend of Zelda)
in that video it’s stated that the master sword and pedestal of time/of the master sword act as a gateway to the sacred realm. Since the sacred realm mirrors Hyrule, Nintendo now have a second playground in which to create DLC without spending months on models and meshes.
Instead we got trial island 80 floors. Now I’m aware that was popular, but the reason Nintendo got it out so fast is that they looked at that popularity and rolled with it. people had already spent money on the season pass and if they could make something that flew under the radar
Now on to the second
Champions Ballard
So what I came up with here was from the trailer that advertised something like what I put. the DLC is in 3 parts and I still think part 1 and 3 are fine, it’s just part 2 that becomes disappointing. So I ran one thing through my head.
Could the sheikah replicate events of the past, by that I mean could they look at the recorded history of Hyrule and replicate mechanics or events using there technology.
It’s actually not that hard…
Firstly I’d like to point you all to a film known as Timeline (2003 film)
in that film one of the key premises was as follows…
“There, the team is introduced to ITC president Robert Doniger and vice-president Steven Kramer. Doniger reveals that in the process of developing teleportation technology, they locked onto a stable wormhole to 1357 Castlegard. Johnston was invited to see the past for himself, but his group has not returned, and they want the students to go back in time to locate him. All but Josh volunteer to go.”
In the film teleportation is described as breaking down matter into energy and transporting it over a large distance.
In BoTW the sheikah slate breaks down Link into Mana energy and teleports him over a large distance.
One half of the equation done in game already. So, could a shrine have been built to interact with the sheikah slate and send Link backwards through time as a time echo. Well since the sheikah build the divine beasts and were already studying the flow of time. (Purah was meddling with a half studied sheikah symbol and it resulted in her becoming a child.)
Who’s to say they didn’t actually finish? Now I know people are going to bring up the Ocarina of time but I have a counter for that. in SS we use a material to create time bubbles on a lower scale. Any enemy knocked out of one of these bubbles turns to dust instantly.
These stones are an azure blue, now there is a theory that the OoT and these stones are made out of the same material, along with the blue stones that the OoT can summon in said game. Now if ancient Hylians cad enough material to make carved blocks of the stuff then it’s not hard to imagine that the sheikah with there advanced technology didn’t find them and use them in several inventions… such as the shrines, stasis chambers and shrine of resurrection…
I’d like to also point out in Twilight Princess we did not need the OoT to travel back in time in the Temple of Time’s grounds. We just needed a doorway. As such the OoT is merely one tool of time travel and is not the only tool.
submitted by Dragonfire9000 to Breath_of_the_Wild [link] [comments]

Interesting bits from the "Siege of Terra : Fury of Magnus" novella by Graham McNeill

This post contains only a fraction of what's in the book. The major plot points and what I think is most interesting. As always I recommend reading the actual material.

At last. Lets get down to business :

-Alivia Sureka saw the first spaceships leave Terra. Humanity's attempts to reach beyond its cradle and seize its manifest destiny.

-Alivia had known Malcador for a long time. An eternity. Even so it surprised her that he ordered the gates open to allow refugees to shelter in the inner precincts of the palace.

-John Grammaticus was the best at reaching into the mind of others and bending them to his will. Alivia was skilled in that regard as well. However, upon arriving on Terra, she found that her psychic powers all but vanished.

-Alivia's stolen fairy tale book features the story of the "Nightingale"

-Atok Abidemi witnessed a vision of the Mountain Deathfire being torn apart in in a great cataclysm. From the destruction two incomprehensibly vast Ur-Drakes rose. One was scaled in deepest green and onyx. Its claws were fire and its eyes were burning red coals. The other Ur-Drake was crimson and it was missing an eye. In its place was a deep crater.

-The two cosmic Ur-Drakes fought each other. Tore at each other with jaws and claws that could have sundered continents. The green black drake was losing. As it fought, its attention was drawn into the horizon. This made all the difference as its inattention proved to be fatal. The crimson drake dragged the green one down. Smashing it to the earth with enough force to rock the whole of Nocturne. Adidemi despaired to see the green drake laid low but he would not allow it to die. Flanked with his two brothers, they raised their weapons and charged forward to help the green drake. Their beloved father.

-Magnus had used his memory to recreate some of the things lost during the destruction of Tizca's libraries. His recreations feature the works of Shakespire, Khut-Nah, as well as the last page of the Voynich manuscript.

-Magnus is barely holding his rage over Colossi not falling. He had seen it fall. His Corvidae saw it fall. Yet the Khan and Valdor held it and pushed back the traitors creating a stalemate.

-Magnus as he is now is a being of light. A melding of broken flesh and splintered soul. He has yet to fully given himself to the Ruinous Powers. However, the Telaethesic ward holds him back just the same as his Daemonic brothers. Had Colossi fallen, Magnus would have stormed the heart of the palace already to seek out the lost splinter of his soul which he believes is the best part of him.

-Magnus was no longer a being of pure flesh. The sensation of this change troubled and pained Magnus. As a spasm of pain went through him, he explained to Ahriman that the Emperor created his body using ancient science, forgotten alchemies, and a pact that HE could not fully fathom. After Russ shattered him, Magnus is no longer sure what or who he is anymore.

-Magnus went on to say that without the missing part him, he is becoming something more and also something less than what he was.

-Magnus can change his form with the merest thought. He can appear wonderous or mundane. He can appear beautiful or monstrous. But there is one feature of himself he will never change. His missing eye.

-To find a way inside the palace, Magnus and Ahriman cast their spirits to the Warp. Unlike Ahriman that needed rituals to unlock the chains that fettered his soul to his body, Magnus lifted himself from his body with ease. His form was already turning from material to immaterial.

-Magnus appeared as a divine being of pure light with Ahriman at his side shining with his own perfect light. The shine of these two souls attracted the daemons swarming around Terra. Magnus would dim his brilliance for no man and certainly no daemon. With a thought he armed himself and flew into the daemon tide.

-Magnus and Ahriman fought as one against the daemonic swarms. Magnus was not merely slaying the daemons. he was unmaking. The daemons screamed piteously as they dissolved into nothingness. For his part, Ahriman matched the fury of his father gaining cathartic release from the death of the daemons. In the end, Magnus and Ahriman stood victorious. Their battle in the Warp reflected into the material world as mortals on Terra had their waking dreams and nightmares filled with visions of fiery angels destroying hordes of daemons. Depending on which side of the conflict, these visions either uplifted or plunged them into despair.

-Magnua reveals his master plan to Ahriman. Retrieving his missing soul piece was just the start. Magnus knows that Horus has to throw everything in a brute force attempt at clawing his way toward the Emperor before the other loyalist legions arrive to aid Terra. Such a war would leave the victor crippled and weak. Magnus intends to use the fleet that he sent away before Prospero burned, to crush whoever wins the conflict and then seat himself as the ruler of Terra and of all of mankind. Who else would be better to lead the future of mankind other than Magnus himself!

-During their flight in the War, Ahriman glimpses a glimmer of light. Magnus identifies as whisper of the Emperor's power flowing from the breach they created in the Wards. The crack they need to get inside.

-Not even the greatest of the Martian Priesthood possessed the ability to process war data with Perturabo's speed. He was an artist at work. But warmaking wasn't his only form of art. He was a creator. Vulkan had his forge work, Ferrus had his mastery over technology, Perturabo had his genius in architecture. He was a dreamer of great and unimaginable things. Magnus remembered when his brother's chambers were filled with plans for cities and palace of such splendour and grandeur that they rivalled Tizca. That few of these plans became a reality was a great insult to his genius. It troubled Magnus such genius is being used for simple destruction. It was such a waste of potential.

-Pert was incredibly busy thanks to being pressured hard by Horus and the expected arrival of the loyalist legions. He would have denied all his brothers an audience. Except for Magnus whom he was willing to give a moment of his time.

-Pert was still fuming at the failure at Saturnine. Magnus noted that somehow Dorn, the most unimaginative of warriors, managed to outfox them all. Truly these are the end times.
-Pert tells Magnus that he is launching a diversionary attack against the Western Hemispheric in order to distract Dorn from the real objective. Pert refuses to tell Magnus that objective. He knows that Magnus has his own agenda on Terra that's different from Horus'. He knows that the Thousand Sons haven't fully committed to the war. Magnus responds by saying that for now all their goals align. He is going have his Thousand Sons aid in the attack on the Western Hemispheric to encourage Dorn to take the bait. Pert allows this.

-Alivia was escorted to meet Malcador. Within the chamber were three Space Wolf marines that wordlessly shared ideas how best to tear her apart. Alivia noted that of all the loyalist marines she had met, she liked the Space Wolves the least.
-The Space Wolves are Bodvar Bjarki and his pack. They were watch packs assigned to guard the Primarchs. Also in the event that the Primarchs turned traitor, it was their duty to execute them. Alivia looked back at the door and laughed. she said she doesn't know if they noticed the fighting outside, it doesn't look like their packs did a good job.

-Malcador tells Alivia that the Emperor needs her. He needs her. She is needed to save the Emperor. The flow of the war was against the loyalists. Terra will soon fall unless they remove an asset from Horus' side via a plan that the Custodes would never agree to. If the Custodes knew of this plan, Valdor would execute everyone involved regardless if the Emperor ordered it or not. And how would that asset be flipped from Horus' side? With forgiveness and redemption.

-In his initial calculations for the defence of the Western Hemispheric, Dorn had been woefully conservative. No Imperial planner would have foreseen such a level of insanity that defied comprehension. The traitors threw themselves with no care for survival at the Imperial lines. Dorn bloody equations of war were rendered null by the madness of the attackers. But even as Dorn adapted to the outlandish nature of this war, there was one variable that neither he nor his commanders could have possibly accounted for. The sorcerers of the Thousand Sons!

-As Ahriman fought, he can still see glimpses of the Emperor's light leaking from the breach in the ward. The Thousand Sons weren't the only ones to have noticed it. The daemons of the Warp have taken note. Named daemons like Samus and countless unnamed others clawed at reality building up pressure against the breach. It was only a matter of time before the ward shatters allowing them entry to the palace.

-Magnus manifests in all of his terrible glory on the battlefield. A crimson and golden demigod too raw and beautiful to look upon. Immediately, the palace wall guns fired everything at him but to no avail. Their shells and energy weapons could not pierce the light that surrounded the Primarch. Magnus freezes a Capitol Imperialis in time in mid detonation and then flings it at the Western Hemispheric. The defenders guns had no way of stopping the colossal mass coming toward them. The Capitol Imperialis impacts the wall and time resumes for it. The explosion of its reactor coupled with its ordnance blasted the wall with the force of a dozen nuclear weapons. A section of the wall vanished beneath a mushroom cloud. When it cleared a V shaped breach formed in the palace walls. The daemons shrieked as the breach in the Emperor's ward widened. Amid the ash an super heated smoke, the Thousand Sons advanced forward.

-Ahriman noted that the Thousand Sons psychic powers were being supressed by the Emperor's ward. He mused on how much they have changed, that now the Emperor's power blunts them like it does with the daemons

-As Ahriman marched on with his men, he passed the armoured wrecks of both sides. He heard the machine spirits of these vehicles and machines beg him for release or heard them whisper dark promises in exchange for a loan of their power. Ahriman knew better than to trust such damaged things. He left them to burn.

The Abidemi's Salamnders are the first of the marines to arrive at the Western Hemispheric. They are joined up by Bodvar's pack. Six marines set against hundreds of Thousand Sons. Bodvar through his wyrdsight saw the coming enemies. To Bodvar, the Warp sorcery of the Thousand Sons was a mockery of the power that infused his flesh. The sacred and ancient pact between men and the earth they trod upon. The Thousand Sons powers were perversions of this bond. Within them it manifested as an all consuming light. Bodvar wondered how could they not see that this fire was devouring them from within. Eating away at their humanity until eventually they are nothing but ghosts.

-Though their courage and skill was great, the loyalist marines could not hold anymore once Magnus himself appeared before them. Bodvar told Abidemi that the song of Fenris is little more than a whisper here. Terra's World Spirit though it was ancient and deep. The power within its stone and the flow of it was the strongest he had ever felt. Bodvar told Abidemi to grip his arm so that they can soar as dragons of fire and ice.

-As both marines gripped their arms together, Bodvar and Abidemi began to channel the energies of Terra' World Spirit to call forth and summon the World Spirits of Fenris and Nocturne. Manifesting as a dragon and a giant wolf of great elemental power the World Spirits leapt at Magnus. Ripping into and driving him back in defeat. However, the channelling of so much power was killing both marines. Abidemi realised this and told Bodvar to let go. They have bought enough time for the Blood Angels and Imperial Fists to reinforce the breach, he can let go now. But Bodvar wanted Magnus to suffer more. To pay for all the deaths he caused. He wouldn't let go of the power that humbled Magnus. Abidemi had no choice but use his sword to cut off Bodvar's arm ending their connection and with it the summoning.

-Alivia Sureka was a rank and file solider in the conquests of conquests of Boeotia and Euboea

-Malcador led Alivia through tunnels in the palace that even the Custodes don't know about. The tunnels walls were fashioned from glossy black tiles that were slick to the touch and oddly free from any cracks or dust. The strange angled dimensions of the tunnels coupled with the tiles placement made Alivia uneasy.

-Alivia hated many things in Malcador. What she hated the most is his tendency to always speak in riddles. She warned him if he didn't speak plainly, she was going strangle him right now.

-Of all the long years Alivia had known Malcador and the Emperor, Alivia can count with a single hand how many times they told her a straight answer.

-Malcador explains to that the war is waged in many fronts by many types of people. Her type is the kind that can suffer the many horrible truths that this long war entails.

-Alivia asks him is this is why John and she are on Terra? And what about the others? Oll, Prytanis? Are they here as well? Malcador answers her by saying some are here. Some willingly, others less so. All have parts to play.

-Alivia loses balance causing Malcador to reach out to steady. She flinched back in revulsion. It was instinctual. A primate response to the things that crawled in the dark. She took a heavy breath and told him to never touch her again.

-Malcador and Alivia reached a pillar of red stone that was obviously alien to Terra. Steps of clear cut stone corkscrewed across its length descending into the darkness below. Malcador told Alivia that these tunnels were abandoned before the first stone of the first tower was laid on the mountains above. Then he asked her to follow him closely. He is going to take her where gods have walked. She replied by saying that she had been to such places. They were filled with the blood and bodies of mortals.

-Promeus meets up with Bodvar and his salamander allies in a medical tent where they are getting their wounds patched up and their armours purged of radiation. Promeus gets Bodvar and the other marines to tell him what happened. Through his psychic ability to manages to piece their memories into a mental projection of what happened. He saw Magnus facing off against the spiritual avatar of the Space Wolves and Salamanders. But what he uncovered shocked him. Magnus had feigned defeat. He pretended to withdraw. In truth he snuck past them in the mayhem. He is in the palace!

-Magnus and his Corvidae disguised themselves as Blood Angels and walked among the defenders. The weakening of the Emperor's ward as well as the mental exhaustion of the defenders made this possible. Even though the dimness of their psychic ability helped Magnus in infiltrating their lines, it saddened Magnus to know that the souls here will never reach a fraction of their true potential. This is what he is going to change once he takes the throne. He will build up the psychic genes of mankind properly.

-For their hunt for Magnus, Bodvar commandeers a Taurox. Promeus said that it's the ugliest thing he had ever seen. The Salamanders apparently shared his opinion since they circled the vehicle with disdainful eyes.

-A memory surfaced in the mind of Magnus. Magnus and the Emperor had laughed together as they plotted future crusades and imagined campaigns into the void between galaxies. When Magnus pointed out to the Emperor the nigh-impossibility of reaching beyond the Halo Stars, the Emperor responded that there is nothing impossible for he who tries.

-The Emperor continued to say that once mankind can fly as they do, see as they do, then the greatest prize will be within their grasp. When Magnus asked the Emperor what prize is greater than galactic domination. The Emperor did not answer, he merely turned his back on Magnus to hide his disappointment

-Within the Great Observatory is an ancient device created by the Emperor to scry distant galaxies. The weapon impacts had shattered the device and its complex workings. Magnus' heart broke to see the damage wrought upon it, for nothing else of its kind existed nor would ever exist again.

-A runaway phosphex cluster bombs hit the Great Observatory. Magnus conjured a shield to protect the refugees within the building, refusing to let them die. The effort broke his disguise and his true form was revealed to the mortals. The ghostly green Phosphex flame raged against Magnus' shield as if it was a predator denied its prey. Magnus was forced draw on his reverses of his power to keep it at bay but he fell short from drawing of the power of daemonkind, the power of Chaos. It was an awesome inexhaustible source of power and it was his to command. All he needs to do was reach for it. But he would not. For if he used it, then the Emperor's ward would have instantly expelled him out of the palace.

-Magnus ordered his men to channel their own powers into him. With their combined power that held back the Phosphex flames until it began to devour itself in a desperate bid to sustain itself longer. The madman chemical bonds that gave the flames form broke apart which rendered the Phosphex inert. Magnus finally released the shield and let the harmless chemicals fall down as harmless jelly.

-When asked why he chose to save the refugees lives, Magnus merely said that he could not allow them to die while had the power to save them.

-Alivia and Malcador reached the area where the Emperor intended to nurture and educate the Primarchs. Malcador explained that this didn't happen because "She" saw to that. Alivia didn't ask Malcador about the identity of this "she". Alivia knew her already. Erda the twisted barbed wire bitch mother of the Primarchs.

-Magnus and his men navigated the glossy tunnels and almost reached their destination. He remember Dorn's Saturnine gambit. For all he knew, there might be a host of Silent Sisters and Custodians waiting for him just further head. But he doubted it. Magnus' mind conjured the sight of Abaddon laying in a lake of his own blood after the disastrous Saturnine assault. The once proud captain was a broken man now. His soul adrift in an ocean of despair. Magnus wondered if he is any different to prideful warriors like Abaddon.

-What greeted Magnus at his destination was host of Custodians and Null Maidens. It was just two figures sitting at table playing regicide . Malcador rose up and welcomed Magnus home.

-Alivia had met four Primarchs before Magnus. Roboute, Corax, Horus, and one whose name she swore never to speak. She saw beyond their myth. For all their power, they could still be harmed and killed. Magnus on the other hand was something else. He affected her in a way that his brothers did not. He is a sundered being lingering between materium and the Warp.

-Magnus agrees to continue Malcador's Regicide game against Alivia as he and Malcador discussed things. The first thing they discussed was his motive on Terra. Alivia guessed it was revenge

-Magnus asked is he not justified in pursuing such a motive? He did nothing wrong yet his world was burned an his sons were butchered. Malcador answered that it was not his intention nor His. Though, Horus' hands as just as stained as his in the matter he does not pass off the responsibility. He did unleash the Wolves and Custodians and he did not foresee how their mission could be co-opted by a single word.

-Malcador continued by saying that they had given Magnus the tools to shape his reality but they did not explain to him the price of crossing certain lines. Because of this the failure belongs to him and the Emperor, not Magnus. But it doesn't change where they are standing and what happens now. This is Malcador's last attempt to talk to the Magnus that he knew before. The one who was the best of them. Whose vision was unmatched by Malcador and the other Primarchs. It's not too late for Magnus. Not yet.

-The conversation proceeds to the next motive of Magnus. His missing soul shard. The shard that Magnus believes to be the best part of him. Malcador reveals to Magnus that he is woefully wrong. There is no good shards or evil shards of Magnus. All of the shards are equally Magnus. They clung to different memories but they were all still Magnus himself. Magnus did not believe this. He claimed that he had felt the shards purity. It was ripped from him before Horus poisoned everything. It was uncorrupted by Chaos. Malcador responded by saying that he is sorry but Magnus is wrong and that the shard is no more.

-Magnus exploded in rage and rose up. Flipping the table and causing Alivia to be flung into air and land painfully on the ground breaking her ribs. Magnus grabbed Malcador by the throat and started yelling at him. Telling him that without the shard he is no better than Angron or Fulgrim. He would be a monster just like them. If the shard is just him and no different than him in any way then all that he had done....

-Alivia completed the sentence "...was already a part of him". There is no self redemption here for Magnus. No absolution. All the evil that he committed was by his own will not because he was missing the good part of himself.

-Magnus refused to believe that. He continued to strangle Malcador and demand that he tell him where the shard is. Malcador told him in choked words that the shard is now beyond the reach of his power and that he did all he could to save the last son of Prospero.

-At this Magnus truly erupted into an inferno of psychic rage. When his rage receded he discovered that one of his men had killed Alivia as she attempted to flee. Angered by the warrior's disobeying of his orders of not killing them without his say, he detonated every atom in the marine's body reducing him to dust within his armour. Then Magnus was made aware that he was still clutching Malcador now reduced to a charred skeleton. Their deaths were not his intention. After adding these deaths to the mountain of his guilt, Magnus resolved to delve deeper into the heart of Terra and slay his father.

-As Magnus made his way to the throne room, an avatar of the Emperor appeared before him in the form of Revelation.

Note : Revelation is the name and guise the Emperor used in "The Last Church"!

-Alivia was in a dream. The dream that she always came back to. A remembrance of her land of birth. A memory of innocence and peace before the world showed its true face and her true nature. Within the dream, the Emperor visited her in the last guise in which she had last seen him. The Emperor told her that he really wanted to respect her wishes of not wanting to see him again after she left Terra but he couldn't. Molech was supposed to be her last task before she was done with him but this could not be. He needed her now. He reached out to show her the stakes. She rejected him saying that she already knew what was stake. She saw Molech fall. She had heard the whispers of the daemons.

-Alivia in anger accuses the Emperor of being a monster, a liar, and a killer who has slaughtered millions in the name of unity and crushed anyone who opposed him. He made monsters from his flesh in the name of a vision that only he could see and then was surprised when they turned against him.

-When Alivia tells the Emperor that Magnus killed Malcador, the Emperor expresses genuine emotion and sheds real tears for Malcador. Alivia's hatred and love for the Emperor were so powerful that this sight hurt her heart. Tears started welling in her eyes before she angrily wiped them away. She told the Emperor that both of them have so much blood of their hands and she just wanted it to end. The Emperor asked her to help him end it, and reached out again offering to share his foresight with her.

-Alivia took the hand of the Emperor and in the space of a moment he showed her everything. Alivia threw back her head and started screaming like corpse she saw locked in the Golden Throne.

-Revelation took Magnus to the Throne Room. Right before the real Emperor as he sat on his Golden Throne. Revelation explained that the Emperor and him are one and the same. He can address his words to him. The damage Magnus caused requires the Emperor's primary focus. The daemonic assaults were unceasing. Had it not been for the presence of the Emperor of the Golden Throne, then Terra would have been transformed into a daemon world.

-Revelation tells Magnus that he was told. He was educated. He was warned. Yet Magnus thought he knew better. When Magnus retorted by saying he knew only what the Emperor told him. Revelation replied that the Emperor had told Magnus that even he had lines that he would not cross when it came to the Warp and this should have been enough to set an example for Magnus. The Emperor's unapologetic arrogance stoked the fury of Magnus.

-Revelation....reveals to Magnus that the crack in the ward was by design of the Emperor himself to lure Magnus here. It was a gambit as dangerous as the one pulled by Dorn in Saturnine. To confirm this fact, Magnus stabs Revelation with his spear causing the avatar of the Emperor to scream and writhe as Magnus burned him to nothingness. Magnus had killed the puppet. Now for the master.

-As Magnus climbed toward the Emperor, Bodvar pack and their Salamander allies appeared fight the Thousand Sons.

-Magnus continued his climb and prepared to hurl his spear at the Emperor. Empowered with all his anguish and rage, it had the power to slay him. But rage and regret warred within Magnus for he had loved the Emperor like no other. Regret won out which snuffed out the gathering power within the spear. It was then a figure equal in stature to Magnus came smashing down. A green armoured giant emerged from the crater. His skin was midnight dark and his eyes were the colour of the sunset at battle's end. So the rumours were true after all. VULKAN LIVES!

-Magnus sees that Vulkan has no expression of rage. His eyes only showed great sadness. Vulkan and Magnus have a friendly conversation in which Vulkan thanks him for his part in his resurrection. Magnus tells Vulkan that he doesn't know what he wants to do now. He is unsure if he wants to kill the Emperor or not. He is lost now. And then the enthroned Emperor opened his eyes and told Magnus he is not lost.

-The Emperor took Magnus to the memory of Tizca. The Emperor tells Mangus that humanity's bright future. At least a version of it can still be realised. All he needs to do is swear fealty and stand by his side again. With their combined power they could crush the traitors. Their war would be a crusade of a vengeance. A great scouring that will see humanity's enemies purged from the galaxy. Magnus unlike his brothers is still the Emperor's son. Chaos had wormed its way into minds of the fallen Primarch too deep to ever be removed. Magnus' mind is still not lost. His soul is still ruled by nobility.

-Magnus protested by saying while the other traitor Primarchs had become monsters, Pert is still his brother. Pert is still the Emperor's son. He shuns the power of Chaos. He is not uncorrupted. It was Vulkan's turn to speak and he told Magnus that Pert while uncorrupted had already given his word to Horus. And Pert's word once given is unbreakable. The quest to humble Dorn has consumed him utterly locking him to the path of treachery.

-Magnus realised this was why he felt empty and broken. Not because he was missing a shard but because he yearned to serve something greater than himself. To be part of something. What he also realised that the Emperor's offer of forgiveness has a price and he asked what it was.

-The Emperor revealed the price of his forgiveness. Magnus would return to his side but his sons cannot. They must be destroyed. They dangerously corrupted by Chaos. They have been beyond saving the moment the Flesh Change manifested. Magnus' efforts to save them and protect them are futile. In a few years, the flesh change would reduce even the greatest of them into horribly mutated monsters. In their stead, the Emperor would give Magnus a legion of warriors like which the galaxy has never seen. Greater than the old legions and incorruptible.

Note : Does the Emperor mean the Grey Knights here (most likely) or the Primaris?

-Magnus refused. How could he stand by the side of the Emperor knowing that he condemned his sons? This new legion, when he sees them all he will see is the faces of his true sons. What kind of a father will that make him? No. The Thousand Sons fate is not sealed. He will save them.

-Vulkan stepped forth and begged Magnus to agree to the price. To come back to their side. Magnus asked him would he have agreed to such a price. Would he have sacrificed his sons? Vulkan told him that he wouldn't. Magnus then tells him what made him believe that he would have? Then in an instant Magnus threw his spear at the Emperor. All the Fury of Magnus was channelled into this strike. But the greatest fury wasn't meant for the Emperor but the fact that he almost accepted the price.

-Vulkan blocked the spear before it hit the Emperor and engaged Magnus in a titanic struggle. Magnus outclassed Vulkan. Seeing his every move before they happened. Magnus delivered horrible wounds to Vulkan and surely would have slain him had it not for the three Salamanders that came to Vulkan's rescue. Thanks to their aid and sacrifice, Vulkan turned the tide on Magnus.

-Father and sons laid into Magnus. Vulkan smashing him to submission with his hammer while the two surviving Salamanders hacked at the one eyed Primarch. One them managing to cleave off his arm. Finally Magnus was beaten. Vulkan angrily asked Magnus how could he sacrifice the Imperium for a thousand sons. Magnus replied even one would have been too many.

-Before the finale blow was struck, Magnus let go of the last of his corporality and fully embraced Chaos. His wounds and battle damage were healed and repaired. He was once the Emperor's son but now he stood as a Neverborn. A daemon of Chaos. Before the Emperor's Ward banished him from the palace, Magnus uttered a single sentence "All is dust".

-Alivia woke up from death. She had regenerated from the bolter round that killed her. She noted that the boltgun was a weapon designed by a psychopath for the damage it can do to the human body. She walked toward the corpse of Malcador and knelt beside himself.

-The visions the Emperor's foresight given her flooded back into her mind. They were of two horrible futures. One was the 40K future. An age of endless war where tides of xenos species unleashed untold destruction. A vast and tyrannical empire as bloody and cruel as it was possible to imagine.

-The other future, the alterative to the first, was a universe of horror, torture, bloodshed, and plague. Humanity would suffer unending torment from which it cannot escape. For the masters of this future were immortal and eternal. Created and sustained by the suffering of the people of this future.

-The first future was a nightmarish bleak. A grim and dark reality where human lives were meaningless but they were lives. Humans actually lived there. They loved, raised their children, and did their best to serve a higher purpose. Most importantly they still had hope and this allowed them to endure and persist in that nightmare. In that future embers of light existed. Embers of light that would one day spark the fires of a great final war that will make this current war seem like a small skirmish. Alivia did not know the outcome of that war but the fact that humanity would fight back was enough for her.

-Alivia Sureka gave up her immortality and her lifeforce to Malcador. Allowing him to rise from death. The grief stricken Malcador held Alivia as the sight of her daughters playing appeared in her mind. Tears filled her eyed as they beckoned her to follow them. Then Alivia closed her eyes for the last time.

-In the ending of the book, Magnus is met by Argonis the Unscarred of the Sons of Horus. He brings word from the Warmaster about the opening of a new front. Horus asks if Magnus will be with him. Magnus stands up in his awe inspiring aspect of war and tells the Son of Horus that he and his legion are with Horus to the very end. The Thousand Sons will commit fully to this war!
submitted by Shaskais to ShaskaisWarhamBits [link] [comments]

Henry the Nightguard (Long)

On December the third 1995, a man was murdered. He laid on the grey concrete floor as a puddle of blood turned it to red. The man was already missing for a few weeks, he disappeared from the earth leaving behind his wife and two children. No letter, no notes, no warning whatsoever. A security guard had found the man eventually in an old, abandoned building, somewhere in the basement. After the police arrived and the body was brought to a mortuary it would create more questions than answers. The autopsy concluded that he was attacked by something they couldn’t identify, the wounds weren’t of an animal, nor was it manmade. The unknown thing had left scratches and cuts all over his body, yet his clothes weren’t torn or damaged. Though it looked like the wounds on the man’s body were the cause of his death, the autopsy did make clear it was because of a heart attack, yet no existing heart failure or heart diseases were known with this man or his family. He was actually very healthy but still died in a strange and sinister way at a strange and sinister place.
As a research team investigated the murder of the man, it became clear the man wasn’t so normal as he would appear. He had a more dark and strange life than anyone could have guessed, just like the place where he was murdered. The man lived apparently a second life, apart from his wife and children. He was caught up in some kind of strange society, where they promised people wealth and happiness if they followed their rules and rituals. The man became a diehard follower, and his wife didn’t even notice it. What was stranger was that the man was the only follower of this society. The many names of people who seemed associated with it didn’t even exist. They did find a picture of a group of people with the man in it, holding the logo of a half-moon with three crosses in it. They analysed the picture and concluded that the only real person in the picture was the man, the rest just never existed. In recent years they analysed the picture again. With new and better ways of looking at the picture they discovered that of the ten people standing in the picture, the computer saw another five faces in the background looking directly into the camera. These weren’t faces of humans, but mere shadows in the dark background. After reanalysing the picture for not believing the outcome the computer made, a sixth face was to be recognised on the picture, this unseen face had a crooked smile and was apparently next to the man who had died.
The place where the man had died was even stranger than the man’s double life. It’s a large building full of forgotten memories. Nobody really knows its origins or why it was built in the first place. Many hands had held the key to its doors, some say the first hand dated back to the 18 century. Whatever the reason for having such a building, it never took long before the owners sold it to another poor soul. Only those who are desperate wanted this building, only those who go for the cheapest see something in it. Anyone could eventually predict that the government would buy it for a cheap price. They used it as a sort of holding place for people who didn’t act or behaved like good citizens. In other more realistic terms is that they used the building to hold the scum of the land in it. These poor suckers were outcasts in their own cities, causing only trouble and hate among its fellow citizens. The government picked them up and brought them to such a place. Nobody questioned it, nobody cared, these souls were lost and were better put away then left in society. For years they had held them in the god-awful building, not if it helped any of them. The death of one person wasn’t the least of their problems. Missing’s and madness were so common, they stopped counting how many people stayed in the building. A completely normal kid could come in and a few weeks later he would be banging his head against the wall screaming that the voices should go away. It was a madhouse, for normal people.
Eventually, they shut the facility down, “not effective” was their reason, as if all those people whose lives were destroyed didn’t mean anything. So, they tried to sell it to the next poor bastard who wanted it, which was nobody. The state kept it for some reason, they should have raised it down to the ground, but they didn’t. Over time houses and nice neighbourhoods would be built around it, as if the place was almost forgotten. Until the man was found inside by the security guard. It was the guard's first day, and also his last. Big giant fences were built around it, nobody could come in, nobody could come out. Hidden away from the world. Children were playing next to it, kicking a ball against the fence, but sometimes something would kickback from the other side, making the children’s faces white as snow. Angry parents would then complain, not only was it scaring the children it was a dark spot on their nice perfect neighbourhoods. Sometimes strange sounds and bright lights would come from the place. People believed teenagers would hang out there, though everyone knew not to go there. The mayor would be eventually forced to hire guards to secure the place. That’s where the story of Henry comes in.
You see, Henry had guarded many abandoned places in his life. It was a harsh life, staying up all night keeping out the strange and weird people of the night, but it was his life. This building would be one just like any other abandoned building. He wouldn’t be alone either. Dave, a veteran who also won his battle against drug addiction, was also a security guard for this building. Both of them would work from twelve midnight till eight in the morning until the next shift would come. They both didn’t expect much of it, although when they arrived, they saw the two people from the dayshift almost having a mental breakdown. They warned them not to go into the building, it was better if they quit their jobs and go away. Henry thought it was just a stupid prank trying to scare them, but the two guards were dead serious. Still, Henry and Dave laughed it away and went on with their first day of work.
Henry would take the east wing, while Dave would be on the west wing. As Henry walked in the building, wishing Dave good luck, he noticed the air became thicker. The room at the entrance seemed to make him small as if the walls closed in on him. It was already dark outside, making it harder for him to see clearly, but what he did see seemed so odd. He walked around, watching his perimeter. Long poorly lit halls, an endless amount of rooms going nowhere, big spaces where it became impossible to see the other side of the place. It was a strange place, but Henry didn’t mind. After he was done with checking out his walk route, he came to his office where he would reside most of the night. It was a small room, with big glass windows looking out at a giant room. Henry turned on all the lights, it flickered at first but after a while, they were all lit. He watched the long and darkroom from his office window, there was nothing to see but old beds. So, he sat down in his comfy chair and started to read a good book.
The beginning of the night was calm, Henry had already walked his route once and started to read more out of his book. The only irritating thing was the constant radio calling of Dave. Apparently, he heard weird sounds somewhere in his part of the building. Henry told him to be calm and start looking for what it could be that made the sound, but Dave couldn’t find the source. Henry eventually ignored it, finding his book more important than the weird things Dave was hearing. Henry was so occupied with his book, that he didn’t even notice the lights in the big room next to his office were turned off. Only a hard scratching sound of metal dragged on a concrete floor got him out of his occupation. It made him throw the book to the side as he heard his heart pumping in his ears. Henry couldn’t see anything in the big room, it was as if darkness had engulfed it. He tried turning on the lights, but they didn’t do anything. He had to go to the fuse box and try to fix the lights. So, Henry grabbed his flashlight and turned it on. He walked the old giant room, filled with broken beds and old furniture. Some beds had only the frame left, others still had an old dusty mattress on them with blankets and pillows. Henry walked carefully, manoeuvring through the old beds towards the main entry where the fuse box was. His flashlight was fixed on the ground as if he was looking for something. He shined it left and right over the concrete floor, and there it was, the thing he was looking for.
At the last bed near the exit of the giant room, he saw the scratching on the floor. It wasn’t hard to figure out that someone had moved the bed causing those scratches to appear. He knew now someone was in the building sneaking around, but the person had made a fatal mistake, Henry would catch them. He first went to the fuse box, fixing the light. He restored the fuse and went back to his station. He briefed Dave in on the radio that someone was wondering the building, but Dave didn’t respond. He probably dozed off or something. Henry walked in the big room again, as his big guard shoes on the concrete floor made a faint clicking noise. Henry could see the big room in all its splendour again, filled the old beds and furniture. He passed a few of the beds until he noticed something move. In his office, there appeared to be a shadow moving around. Henry immediately set-off a sprint towards the room, only to find it completely empty, with no trace or sign of anyone. There was only one way out of the room, and he didn’t see anybody leave, so he blamed it on his imagination and what such a large place could do with your head. He picked up his book again and placed it needly on his desk. He then looked out of the window into the giant room, preparing himself to walk his route again in the large and daunting building.
Henry walked his route, starting with the large hall going deeper into the building. The poorly lit hall had countless doors in it, Henry opened each one to see if someone was there. It took him a while, but every room was empty, though it felt like every time he looked in one something was watching him in the dark corners. It gave him a feeling he never had experienced before, still; Henry went on searching for the person who moved the bed. He passed a dining hall and a room full of medical beds, and still no one to be found. Eventually, he walked to the last hall, filled with a few doors leading to some dark and small rooms. The hall strangely ended in a dead-end, though it seemed it would go to another room. Henry didn’t think much of it and went back.
As Henry walked back to his office, he decided to check in on his fellow security guard to see if he had awoken already. Still, no answer was heard, so Henry changed his plans and went to Dave to surprise him. It took Henry a while to get to the place where Dave his office was. The building was full of doors and halls leading to nowhere, it was very easy to get lost. Eventually, Henry made it and saw a small light in an office lit. That was the place Dave was residing at. Henry walked towards it but came quickly to the conclusion that Dave wasn’t there. Although his coffee was on his desk and still felt warm, Dave was nowhere to be found. Henry tried to radio him again, but he didn’t get a reply. Henry thought that Dave probably was taking his route, and the poor foul forgot to turn on his walkie-talkie. Henry went back to his own station, leaving behind that off Dave. For some reason Henry looked back at the office, for he had the strangest feeling someone was watching him from there. That’s when he saw something staring at him from the office. It scared Henry so much that he accidentally tripped on an old doll and fell down to the ground. When he looked again at the office, he didn’t see anything but the small light illuminating the room. He stood up and went back to his own office.
The building was dark, Dave still didn’t answer, and Henry kept having the feeling someone was watching him. As he approached the giant room in front of his office, he saw that all the beds were moved. The floor was full of scratches and mattresses and blankets were tossed on the ground. Henry went immediately to his office and saw his desk had been flipped upside down and all the pages of his book were torn out. Henry got angry, he knew that somebody was in the building and now it was vandalizing it as well. He grabbed his flashlight and went on to search for the person who had done all this. Henry first started with the long hallway going to the dining hall. As he walked in the long and creepy hall, making him go deeper and deeper in the building, he suddenly heard one of the many doors in the hall close. He ran towards the sound and saw an old rusty door closed before him. Henry was ready to catch the sickening people who were causing havoc in the building. He had a hard time opening the door, but eventually, he was being greeted by the ominous sight of darkness in the room. He grabbed his flashlight, shining the darkness away and seeing a strange wall full of markings. His heart stopped for a second when the light revealed a man with a broken shirt and pants facing the corner, his body, and clothes full of scratches and blood.
Henry looked at the man for a few seconds before approaching him. The man didn’t look healthy nor alive. Henry knew something was terribly wrong, but he still walked carefully towards the corner where the man was standing. The man didn’t move, it didn’t make a sound, it was just starring at the dark corner looking at something. As Henry almost approached the man, an ice breeze of cold air touched his neck. Every hair on Henry’s body stood up, as he heard a whisper in his ear: “behind you”. Henry quickly looked back, seeing the door close with force. The light of his flashlight turned off, making the room as dark as the night sky without stars or a moon. Henry went straight to the door, as he heard his heartbeat pounding in his ears. The door was shut, nothing could open it. He then started hitting his flashlight, hoping it would work again until he heard a strange noise coming from the corner. Henry had almost forgotten the man, but he was still there in the corner, now making a strange sound. Two steps were heard as naked feet touch the cold ground. The steps then came closer to Henry, who still tried to fix his flashlight. The steps came closer and closer, Henry backed off to a nearby wall, almost hugging it with his back. Finally, a light beam came from the flashlight and he shined it in the direction of the corner.
The light shined on the small cloud the strange man was breathing near Henry’s face. It smelled like a thousand people had died and were now all breathing the same air as he did. The strange man grabbed Henry’s arm with a firm grip, hurting him so bad that Henry started to scream. The light of the flashlight grazed over the man’s face, revealing the rotten teeth in his mouth. The man started to get closer to Henry while whispering a weird sentence in a strange language over and over again. The whispering became louder, and eventually, he was straight-up yelling the verses in Henry’s face. It frightened Henry so much, that he gathered all his strength and courage to push the strange man away and ran straight against the door. The force he applied was enough to break the door and leave. Henry then went straight to the exit, but it was blocked by another thing. It seemed human, but it moved in a very strange and weird way, walking towards the direction of Henry. On its face, there was a smile so crooked it burned Henry’s soul. The strange man in the room also walked towards Henry, so he decided to run the other way towards the dining hall and the room with the medical beds. Sadly, no exit to be found, so Henry walked deeper into the building. Eventually, in all his desperation, he walked into the long and poorly lit hallway towards a dead end. All the doors were shut, and there was no place to hide. His nervous steps on the cold and unforgiving floor echoed in the hall. He was trapped, and he knew it.
Henry tried to open a few doors, but they were all locked, even as he used all his force and mass the doors wouldn’t budge. As he still tried to open one of the doors, almost silent footsteps could be heard near the beginning of the long hall. Henry looked and saw a strange appearance watching him struggle from a distance. Henry slowly walked back to the wall, seeing the thing watching him in the poorly lit hall. Then the first light went out, as soft footsteps were heard getting closer. The second light turned off, making it harder to see for Henry what was coming at him. The third light went off, and the footsteps became louder and faster. The fourth light turned off, the fifth and the sixth. Henry used his flashlight and saw the strange thing with the awful smile coming closer to him, but the flashlight broke with a loud bang like the other lights in the hall. Eventually, the last light went off, and the footsteps were almost near Henry. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see what would happen. A hand grabbed his arm, as someone started to scream at him. He opened his eyes and saw Dave with sweat over his forehead screaming that they had to leave. The lights were on again and the man with the crooked smile was nowhere to be seen. It was as if Dave was an angel sent by heaven to rescue him. They both ran through the hall, past the medical beds, past the dining hall, through the other long hall, until eventually, a few beams of daylight came from the exit.
They ran towards the exit, feeling the fresh air of nature and happiness filling their longs. As they almost approached the door to the exit, Dave suddenly stopped moving. He stood there, quietly not saying anything, only staring at Henry. Henry stopped as well and asked what was going on. Then he heard from outside a loud scream. Henry couldn’t place what it was at first, yet it sounded familiar.
“Behind you!” the voice screamed.
Henry turned around and looked at the street, there he saw Dave looking pale as can be screaming and panicking towards Henry. Henry turned around again and saw the other Dave smiling at him. In a swift move, the smiling Dave grabbed him, as only a small scream was heard coming from Henry.
A man was murdered, he laid on the cold grey floor as a puddle of blood turned it to red. A security guard found him, it was the guards his first day and his last.
submitted by duhh23 to scarystories [link] [comments]

Henry the Nightguard (Long)

On December the third 1995, a man was murdered. He laid on the grey concrete floor as a puddle of blood turned it to red. The man was already missing for a few weeks, he disappeared from the earth leaving behind his wife and two children. No letter, no notes, no warning whatsoever. A security guard had found the man eventually in an old, abandoned building, somewhere in the basement. After the police arrived and the body was brought to a mortuary it would create more questions than answers. The autopsy concluded that he was attacked by something they couldn’t identify, the wounds weren’t of an animal, nor was it manmade. The unknown thing had left scratches and cuts all over his body, yet his clothes weren’t torn or damaged. Though it looked like the wounds on the man’s body were the cause of his death, the autopsy did make clear it was because of a heart attack, yet no existing heart failure or heart diseases were known with this man or his family. He was actually very healthy but still died in a strange and sinister way at a strange and sinister place.
As a research team investigated the murder of the man, it became clear the man wasn’t so normal as he would appear. He had a more dark and strange life than anyone could have guessed, just like the place where he was murdered. The man lived apparently a second life, apart from his wife and children. He was caught up in some kind of strange society, where they promised people wealth and happiness if they followed their rules and rituals. The man became a diehard follower, and his wife didn’t even notice it. What was stranger was that the man was the only follower of this society. The many names of people who seemed associated with it didn’t even exist. They did find a picture of a group of people with the man in it, holding the logo of a half-moon with three crosses in it. They analysed the picture and concluded that the only real person in the picture was the man, the rest just never existed. In recent years they analysed the picture again. With new and better ways of looking at the picture they discovered that of the ten people standing in the picture, the computer saw another five faces in the background looking directly into the camera. These weren’t faces of humans, but mere shadows in the dark background. After reanalysing the picture for not believing the outcome the computer made, a sixth face was to be recognised on the picture, this unseen face had a crooked smile and was apparently next to the man who had died.
The place where the man had died was even stranger than the man’s double life. It’s a large building full of forgotten memories. Nobody really knows its origins or why it was built in the first place. Many hands had held the key to its doors, some say the first hand dated back to the 18 century. Whatever the reason for having such a building, it never took long before the owners sold it to another poor soul. Only those who are desperate wanted this building, only those who go for the cheapest see something in it. Anyone could eventually predict that the government would buy it for a cheap price. They used it as a sort of holding place for people who didn’t act or behaved like good citizens. In other more realistic terms is that they used the building to hold the scum of the land in it. These poor suckers were outcasts in their own cities, causing only trouble and hate among its fellow citizens. The government picked them up and brought them to such a place. Nobody questioned it, nobody cared, these souls were lost and were better put away then left in society. For years they had held them in the god-awful building, not if it helped any of them. The death of one person wasn’t the least of their problems. Missing’s and madness were so common, they stopped counting how many people stayed in the building. A completely normal kid could come in and a few weeks later he would be banging his head against the wall screaming that the voices should go away. It was a madhouse, for normal people.
Eventually, they shut the facility down, “not effective” was their reason, as if all those people whose lives were destroyed didn’t mean anything. So, they tried to sell it to the next poor bastard who wanted it, which was nobody. The state kept it for some reason, they should have raised it down to the ground, but they didn’t. Over time houses and nice neighbourhoods would be built around it, as if the place was almost forgotten. Until the man was found inside by the security guard. It was the guard's first day, and also his last. Big giant fences were built around it, nobody could come in, nobody could come out. Hidden away from the world. Children were playing next to it, kicking a ball against the fence, but sometimes something would kickback from the other side, making the children’s faces white as snow. Angry parents would then complain, not only was it scaring the children it was a dark spot on their nice perfect neighbourhoods. Sometimes strange sounds and bright lights would come from the place. People believed teenagers would hang out there, though everyone knew not to go there. The mayor would be eventually forced to hire guards to secure the place. That’s where the story of Henry comes in.
You see, Henry had guarded many abandoned places in his life. It was a harsh life, staying up all night keeping out the strange and weird people of the night, but it was his life. This building would be one just like any other abandoned building. He wouldn’t be alone either. Dave, a veteran who also won his battle against drug addiction, was also a security guard for this building. Both of them would work from twelve midnight till eight in the morning until the next shift would come. They both didn’t expect much of it, although when they arrived, they saw the two people from the dayshift almost having a mental breakdown. They warned them not to go into the building, it was better if they quit their jobs and go away. Henry thought it was just a stupid prank trying to scare them, but the two guards were dead serious. Still, Henry and Dave laughed it away and went on with their first day of work.
Henry would take the east wing, while Dave would be on the west wing. As Henry walked in the building, wishing Dave good luck, he noticed the air became thicker. The room at the entrance seemed to make him small as if the walls closed in on him. It was already dark outside, making it harder for him to see clearly, but what he did see seemed so odd. He walked around, watching his perimeter. Long poorly lit halls, an endless amount of rooms going nowhere, big spaces where it became impossible to see the other side of the place. It was a strange place, but Henry didn’t mind. After he was done with checking out his walk route, he came to his office where he would reside most of the night. It was a small room, with big glass windows looking out at a giant room. Henry turned on all the lights, it flickered at first but after a while, they were all lit. He watched the long and darkroom from his office window, there was nothing to see but old beds. So, he sat down in his comfy chair and started to read a good book.
The beginning of the night was calm, Henry had already walked his route once and started to read more out of his book. The only irritating thing was the constant radio calling of Dave. Apparently, he heard weird sounds somewhere in his part of the building. Henry told him to be calm and start looking for what it could be that made the sound, but Dave couldn’t find the source. Henry eventually ignored it, finding his book more important than the weird things Dave was hearing. Henry was so occupied with his book, that he didn’t even notice the lights in the big room next to his office were turned off. Only a hard scratching sound of metal dragged on a concrete floor got him out of his occupation. It made him throw the book to the side as he heard his heart pumping in his ears. Henry couldn’t see anything in the big room, it was as if darkness had engulfed it. He tried turning on the lights, but they didn’t do anything. He had to go to the fuse box and try to fix the lights. So, Henry grabbed his flashlight and turned it on. He walked the old giant room, filled with broken beds and old furniture. Some beds had only the frame left, others still had an old dusty mattress on them with blankets and pillows. Henry walked carefully, manoeuvring through the old beds towards the main entry where the fuse box was. His flashlight was fixed on the ground as if he was looking for something. He shined it left and right over the concrete floor, and there it was, the thing he was looking for.
At the last bed near the exit of the giant room, he saw the scratching on the floor. It wasn’t hard to figure out that someone had moved the bed causing those scratches to appear. He knew now someone was in the building sneaking around, but the person had made a fatal mistake, Henry would catch them. He first went to the fuse box, fixing the light. He restored the fuse and went back to his station. He briefed Dave in on the radio that someone was wondering the building, but Dave didn’t respond. He probably dozed off or something. Henry walked in the big room again, as his big guard shoes on the concrete floor made a faint clicking noise. Henry could see the big room in all its splendour again, filled the old beds and furniture. He passed a few of the beds until he noticed something move. In his office, there appeared to be a shadow moving around. Henry immediately set-off a sprint towards the room, only to find it completely empty, with no trace or sign of anyone. There was only one way out of the room, and he didn’t see anybody leave, so he blamed it on his imagination and what such a large place could do with your head. He picked up his book again and placed it needly on his desk. He then looked out of the window into the giant room, preparing himself to walk his route again in the large and daunting building.
Henry walked his route, starting with the large hall going deeper into the building. The poorly lit hall had countless doors in it, Henry opened each one to see if someone was there. It took him a while, but every room was empty, though it felt like every time he looked in one something was watching him in the dark corners. It gave him a feeling he never had experienced before, still; Henry went on searching for the person who moved the bed. He passed a dining hall and a room full of medical beds, and still no one to be found. Eventually, he walked to the last hall, filled with a few doors leading to some dark and small rooms. The hall strangely ended in a dead-end, though it seemed it would go to another room. Henry didn’t think much of it and went back.
As Henry walked back to his office, he decided to check in on his fellow security guard to see if he had awoken already. Still, no answer was heard, so Henry changed his plans and went to Dave to surprise him. It took Henry a while to get to the place where Dave his office was. The building was full of doors and halls leading to nowhere, it was very easy to get lost. Eventually, Henry made it and saw a small light in an office lit. That was the place Dave was residing at. Henry walked towards it but came quickly to the conclusion that Dave wasn’t there. Although his coffee was on his desk and still felt warm, Dave was nowhere to be found. Henry tried to radio him again, but he didn’t get a reply. Henry thought that Dave probably was taking his route, and the poor foul forgot to turn on his walkie-talkie. Henry went back to his own station, leaving behind that off Dave. For some reason Henry looked back at the office, for he had the strangest feeling someone was watching him from there. That’s when he saw something staring at him from the office. It scared Henry so much that he accidentally tripped on an old doll and fell down to the ground. When he looked again at the office, he didn’t see anything but the small light illuminating the room. He stood up and went back to his own office.
The building was dark, Dave still didn’t answer, and Henry kept having the feeling someone was watching him. As he approached the giant room in front of his office, he saw that all the beds were moved. The floor was full of scratches and mattresses and blankets were tossed on the ground. Henry went immediately to his office and saw his desk had been flipped upside down and all the pages of his book were torn out. Henry got angry, he knew that somebody was in the building and now it was vandalizing it as well. He grabbed his flashlight and went on to search for the person who had done all this. Henry first started with the long hallway going to the dining hall. As he walked in the long and creepy hall, making him go deeper and deeper in the building, he suddenly heard one of the many doors in the hall close. He ran towards the sound and saw an old rusty door closed before him. Henry was ready to catch the sickening people who were causing havoc in the building. He had a hard time opening the door, but eventually, he was being greeted by the ominous sight of darkness in the room. He grabbed his flashlight, shining the darkness away and seeing a strange wall full of markings. His heart stopped for a second when the light revealed a man with a broken shirt and pants facing the corner, his body, and clothes full of scratches and blood.
Henry looked at the man for a few seconds before approaching him. The man didn’t look healthy nor alive. Henry knew something was terribly wrong, but he still walked carefully towards the corner where the man was standing. The man didn’t move, it didn’t make a sound, it was just starring at the dark corner looking at something. As Henry almost approached the man, an ice breeze of cold air touched his neck. Every hair on Henry’s body stood up, as he heard a whisper in his ear: “behind you”. Henry quickly looked back, seeing the door close with force. The light of his flashlight turned off, making the room as dark as the night sky without stars or a moon. Henry went straight to the door, as he heard his heartbeat pounding in his ears. The door was shut, nothing could open it. He then started hitting his flashlight, hoping it would work again until he heard a strange noise coming from the corner. Henry had almost forgotten the man, but he was still there in the corner, now making a strange sound. Two steps were heard as naked feet touch the cold ground. The steps then came closer to Henry, who still tried to fix his flashlight. The steps came closer and closer, Henry backed off to a nearby wall, almost hugging it with his back. Finally, a light beam came from the flashlight and he shined it in the direction of the corner.
The light shined on the small cloud the strange man was breathing near Henry’s face. It smelled like a thousand people had died and were now all breathing the same air as he did. The strange man grabbed Henry’s arm with a firm grip, hurting him so bad that Henry started to scream. The light of the flashlight grazed over the man’s face, revealing the rotten teeth in his mouth. The man started to get closer to Henry while whispering a weird sentence in a strange language over and over again. The whispering became louder, and eventually, he was straight-up yelling the verses in Henry’s face. It frightened Henry so much, that he gathered all his strength and courage to push the strange man away and ran straight against the door. The force he applied was enough to break the door and leave. Henry then went straight to the exit, but it was blocked by another thing. It seemed human, but it moved in a very strange and weird way, walking towards the direction of Henry. On its face, there was a smile so crooked it burned Henry’s soul. The strange man in the room also walked towards Henry, so he decided to run the other way towards the dining hall and the room with the medical beds. Sadly, no exit to be found, so Henry walked deeper into the building. Eventually, in all his desperation, he walked into the long and poorly lit hallway towards a dead end. All the doors were shut, and there was no place to hide. His nervous steps on the cold and unforgiving floor echoed in the hall. He was trapped, and he knew it.
Henry tried to open a few doors, but they were all locked, even as he used all his force and mass the doors wouldn’t budge. As he still tried to open one of the doors, almost silent footsteps could be heard near the beginning of the long hall. Henry looked and saw a strange appearance watching him struggle from a distance. Henry slowly walked back to the wall, seeing the thing watching him in the poorly lit hall. Then the first light went out, as soft footsteps were heard getting closer. The second light turned off, making it harder to see for Henry what was coming at him. The third light went off, and the footsteps became louder and faster. The fourth light turned off, the fifth and the sixth. Henry used his flashlight and saw the strange thing with the awful smile coming closer to him, but the flashlight broke with a loud bang like the other lights in the hall. Eventually, the last light went off, and the footsteps were almost near Henry. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see what would happen. A hand grabbed his arm, as someone started to scream at him. He opened his eyes and saw Dave with sweat over his forehead screaming that they had to leave. The lights were on again and the man with the crooked smile was nowhere to be seen. It was as if Dave was an angel sent by heaven to rescue him. They both ran through the hall, past the medical beds, past the dining hall, through the other long hall, until eventually, a few beams of daylight came from the exit.
They ran towards the exit, feeling the fresh air of nature and happiness filling their longs. As they almost approached the door to the exit, Dave suddenly stopped moving. He stood there, quietly not saying anything, only staring at Henry. Henry stopped as well and asked what was going on. Then he heard from outside a loud scream. Henry couldn’t place what it was at first, yet it sounded familiar.
“Behind you!” the voice screamed.
Henry turned around and looked at the street, there he saw Dave looking pale as can be screaming and panicking towards Henry. Henry turned around again and saw the other Dave smiling at him. In a swift move, the smiling Dave grabbed him, as only a small scream was heard coming from Henry.
A man was murdered, he laid on the cold grey floor as a puddle of blood turned it to red. A security guard found him, it was the guards his first day and his last.
submitted by duhh23 to creepypasta [link] [comments]

Henry the nightguard

On December the third 1995, a man was murdered. He laid on the grey concrete floor as a puddle of blood turned it to red. The man was already missing for a few weeks, he disappeared from the earth leaving behind his wife and two children. No letter, no notes, no warning whatsoever. A security guard had found the man eventually in an old, abandoned building, somewhere in the basement. After the police arrived and the body was brought to a mortuary it would create more questions than answers. The autopsy concluded that he was attacked by something they couldn’t identify, the wounds weren’t of an animal, nor was it manmade. The unknown thing had left scratches and cuts all over his body, yet his clothes weren’t torn or damaged. Though it looked like the wounds on the man’s body were the cause of his death, the autopsy did make clear it was because of a heart attack, yet no existing heart failure or heart diseases were known with this man or his family. He was actually very healthy but still died in a strange and sinister way at a strange and sinister place.
As a research team investigated the murder of the man, it became clear the man wasn’t so normal as he would appear. He had a more dark and strange life than anyone could have guessed, just like the place where he was murdered. The man lived apparently a second life, apart from his wife and children. He was caught up in some kind of strange society, where they promised people wealth and happiness if they followed their rules and rituals. The man became a diehard follower, and his wife didn’t even notice it. What was stranger was that the man was the only follower of this society. The many names of people who seemed associated with it didn’t even exist. They did find a picture of a group of people with the man in it, holding the logo of a half-moon with three crosses in it. They analysed the picture and concluded that the only real person in the picture was the man, the rest just never existed. In recent years they analysed the picture again. With new and better ways of looking at the picture they discovered that of the ten people standing in the picture, the computer saw another five faces in the background looking directly into the camera. These weren’t faces of humans, but mere shadows in the dark background. After reanalysing the picture for not believing the outcome the computer made, a sixth face was to be recognised on the picture, this unseen face had a crooked smile and was apparently next to the man who had died.
The place where the man had died was even stranger than the man’s double life. It’s a large building full of forgotten memories. Nobody really knows its origins or why it was built in the first place. Many hands had held the key to its doors, some say the first hand dated back to the 18 century. Whatever the reason for having such a building, it never took long before the owners sold it to another poor soul. Only those who are desperate wanted this building, only those who go for the cheapest see something in it. Anyone could eventually predict that the government would buy it for a cheap price. They used it as a sort of holding place for people who didn’t act or behaved like good citizens. In other more realistic terms is that they used the building to hold the scum of the land in it. These poor suckers were outcasts in their own cities, causing only trouble and hate among its fellow citizens. The government picked them up and brought them to such a place. Nobody questioned it, nobody cared, these souls were lost and were better put away then left in society. For years they had held them in the god-awful building, not if it helped any of them. The death of one person wasn’t the least of their problems. Missing’s and madness were so common, they stopped counting how many people stayed in the building. A completely normal kid could come in and a few weeks later he would be banging his head against the wall screaming that the voices should go away. It was a madhouse, for normal people.
Eventually, they shut the facility down, “not effective” was their reason, as if all those people whose lives were destroyed didn’t mean anything. So, they tried to sell it to the next poor bastard who wanted it, which was nobody. The state kept it for some reason, they should have raised it down to the ground, but they didn’t. Over time houses and nice neighbourhoods would be built around it, as if the place was almost forgotten. Until the man was found inside by the security guard. It was the guard's first day, and also his last. Big giant fences were built around it, nobody could come in, nobody could come out. Hidden away from the world. Children were playing next to it, kicking a ball against the fence, but sometimes something would kickback from the other side, making the children’s faces white as snow. Angry parents would then complain, not only was it scaring the children it was a dark spot on their nice perfect neighbourhoods. Sometimes strange sounds and bright lights would come from the place. People believed teenagers would hang out there, though everyone knew not to go there. The mayor would be eventually forced to hire guards to secure the place. That’s where the story of Henry comes in.
You see, Henry had guarded many abandoned places in his life. It was a harsh life, staying up all night keeping out the strange and weird people of the night, but it was his life. This building would be one just like any other abandoned building. He wouldn’t be alone either. Dave, a veteran who also won his battle against drug addiction, was also a security guard for this building. Both of them would work from twelve midnight till eight in the morning until the next shift would come. They both didn’t expect much of it, although when they arrived, they saw the two people from the dayshift almost having a mental breakdown. They warned them not to go into the building, it was better if they quit their jobs and go away. Henry thought it was just a stupid prank trying to scare them, but the two guards were dead serious. Still, Henry and Dave laughed it away and went on with their first day of work.
Henry would take the east wing, while Dave would be on the west wing. As Henry walked in the building, wishing Dave good luck, he noticed the air became thicker. The room at the entrance seemed to make him small as if the walls closed in on him. It was already dark outside, making it harder for him to see clearly, but what he did see seemed so odd. He walked around, watching his perimeter. Long poorly lit halls, an endless amount of rooms going nowhere, big spaces where it became impossible to see the other side of the place. It was a strange place, but Henry didn’t mind. After he was done with checking out his walk route, he came to his office where he would reside most of the night. It was a small room, with big glass windows looking out at a giant room. Henry turned on all the lights, it flickered at first but after a while, they were all lit. He watched the long and darkroom from his office window, there was nothing to see but old beds. So, he sat down in his comfy chair and started to read a good book.
The beginning of the night was calm, Henry had already walked his route once and started to read more out of his book. The only irritating thing was the constant radio calling of Dave. Apparently, he heard weird sounds somewhere in his part of the building. Henry told him to be calm and start looking for what it could be that made the sound, but Dave couldn’t find the source. Henry eventually ignored it, finding his book more important than the weird things Dave was hearing. Henry was so occupied with his book, that he didn’t even notice the lights in the big room next to his office were turned off. Only a hard scratching sound of metal dragged on a concrete floor got him out of his occupation. It made him throw the book to the side as he heard his heart pumping in his ears. Henry couldn’t see anything in the big room, it was as if darkness had engulfed it. He tried turning on the lights, but they didn’t do anything. He had to go to the fuse box and try to fix the lights. So, Henry grabbed his flashlight and turned it on. He walked the old giant room, filled with broken beds and old furniture. Some beds had only the frame left, others still had an old dusty mattress on them with blankets and pillows. Henry walked carefully, manoeuvring through the old beds towards the main entry where the fuse box was. His flashlight was fixed on the ground as if he was looking for something. He shined it left and right over the concrete floor, and there it was, the thing he was looking for.
At the last bed near the exit of the giant room, he saw the scratching on the floor. It wasn’t hard to figure out that someone had moved the bed causing those scratches to appear. He knew now someone was in the building sneaking around, but the person had made a fatal mistake, Henry would catch them. He first went to the fuse box, fixing the light. He restored the fuse and went back to his station. He briefed Dave in on the radio that someone was wondering the building, but Dave didn’t respond. He probably dozed off or something. Henry walked in the big room again, as his big guard shoes on the concrete floor made a faint clicking noise. Henry could see the big room in all its splendour again, filled the old beds and furniture. He passed a few of the beds until he noticed something move. In his office, there appeared to be a shadow moving around. Henry immediately set-off a sprint towards the room, only to find it completely empty, with no trace or sign of anyone. There was only one way out of the room, and he didn’t see anybody leave, so he blamed it on his imagination and what such a large place could do with your head. He picked up his book again and placed it needly on his desk. He then looked out of the window into the giant room, preparing himself to walk his route again in the large and daunting building.
Henry walked his route, starting with the large hall going deeper into the building. The poorly lit hall had countless doors in it, Henry opened each one to see if someone was there. It took him a while, but every room was empty, though it felt like every time he looked in one something was watching him in the dark corners. It gave him a feeling he never had experienced before, still; Henry went on searching for the person who moved the bed. He passed a dining hall and a room full of medical beds, and still no one to be found. Eventually, he walked to the last hall, filled with a few doors leading to some dark and small rooms. The hall strangely ended in a dead-end, though it seemed it would go to another room. Henry didn’t think much of it and went back.
As Henry walked back to his office, he decided to check in on his fellow security guard to see if he had awoken already. Still, no answer was heard, so Henry changed his plans and went to Dave to surprise him. It took Henry a while to get to the place where Dave his office was. The building was full of doors and halls leading to nowhere, it was very easy to get lost. Eventually, Henry made it and saw a small light in an office lit. That was the place Dave was residing at. Henry walked towards it but came quickly to the conclusion that Dave wasn’t there. Although his coffee was on his desk and still felt warm, Dave was nowhere to be found. Henry tried to radio him again, but he didn’t get a reply. Henry thought that Dave probably was taking his route, and the poor foul forgot to turn on his walkie-talkie. Henry went back to his own station, leaving behind that off Dave. For some reason Henry looked back at the office, for he had the strangest feeling someone was watching him from there. That’s when he saw something staring at him from the office. It scared Henry so much that he accidentally tripped on an old doll and fell down to the ground. When he looked again at the office, he didn’t see anything but the small light illuminating the room. He stood up and went back to his own office.
The building was dark, Dave still didn’t answer, and Henry kept having the feeling someone was watching him. As he approached the giant room in front of his office, he saw that all the beds were moved. The floor was full of scratches and mattresses and blankets were tossed on the ground. Henry went immediately to his office and saw his desk had been flipped upside down and all the pages of his book were torn out. Henry got angry, he knew that somebody was in the building and now it was vandalizing it as well. He grabbed his flashlight and went on to search for the person who had done all this. Henry first started with the long hallway going to the dining hall. As he walked in the long and creepy hall, making him go deeper and deeper in the building, he suddenly heard one of the many doors in the hall close. He ran towards the sound and saw an old rusty door closed before him. Henry was ready to catch the sickening people who were causing havoc in the building. He had a hard time opening the door, but eventually, he was being greeted by the ominous sight of darkness in the room. He grabbed his flashlight, shining the darkness away and seeing a strange wall full of markings. His heart stopped for a second when the light revealed a man with a broken shirt and pants facing the corner, his body, and clothes full of scratches and blood.
Henry looked at the man for a few seconds before approaching him. The man didn’t look healthy nor alive. Henry knew something was terribly wrong, but he still walked carefully towards the corner where the man was standing. The man didn’t move, it didn’t make a sound, it was just starring at the dark corner looking at something. As Henry almost approached the man, an ice breeze of cold air touched his neck. Every hair on Henry’s body stood up, as he heard a whisper in his ear: “behind you”. Henry quickly looked back, seeing the door close with force. The light of his flashlight turned off, making the room as dark as the night sky without stars or a moon. Henry went straight to the door, as he heard his heartbeat pounding in his ears. The door was shut, nothing could open it. He then started hitting his flashlight, hoping it would work again until he heard a strange noise coming from the corner. Henry had almost forgotten the man, but he was still there in the corner, now making a strange sound. Two steps were heard as naked feet touch the cold ground. The steps then came closer to Henry, who still tried to fix his flashlight. The steps came closer and closer, Henry backed off to a nearby wall, almost hugging it with his back. Finally, a light beam came from the flashlight and he shined it in the direction of the corner.
The light shined on the small cloud the strange man was breathing near Henry’s face. It smelled like a thousand people had died and were now all breathing the same air as he did. The strange man grabbed Henry’s arm with a firm grip, hurting him so bad that Henry started to scream. The light of the flashlight grazed over the man’s face, revealing the rotten teeth in his mouth. The man started to get closer to Henry while whispering a weird sentence in a strange language over and over again. The whispering became louder, and eventually, he was straight-up yelling the verses in Henry’s face. It frightened Henry so much, that he gathered all his strength and courage to push the strange man away and ran straight against the door. The force he applied was enough to break the door and leave. Henry then went straight to the exit, but it was blocked by another thing. It seemed human, but it moved in a very strange and weird way, walking towards the direction of Henry. On its face, there was a smile so crooked it burned Henry’s soul. The strange man in the room also walked towards Henry, so he decided to run the other way towards the dining hall and the room with the medical beds. Sadly, no exit to be found, so Henry walked deeper into the building. Eventually, in all his desperation, he walked into the long and poorly lit hallway towards a dead end. All the doors were shut, and there was no place to hide. His nervous steps on the cold and unforgiving floor echoed in the hall. He was trapped, and he knew it.
Henry tried to open a few doors, but they were all locked, even as he used all his force and mass the doors wouldn’t budge. As he still tried to open one of the doors, almost silent footsteps could be heard near the beginning of the long hall. Henry looked and saw a strange appearance watching him struggle from a distance. Henry slowly walked back to the wall, seeing the thing watching him in the poorly lit hall. Then the first light went out, as soft footsteps were heard getting closer. The second light turned off, making it harder to see for Henry what was coming at him. The third light went off, and the footsteps became louder and faster. The fourth light turned off, the fifth and the sixth. Henry used his flashlight and saw the strange thing with the awful smile coming closer to him, but the flashlight broke with a loud bang like the other lights in the hall. Eventually, the last light went off, and the footsteps were almost near Henry. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see what would happen. A hand grabbed his arm, as someone started to scream at him. He opened his eyes and saw Dave with sweat over his forehead screaming that they had to leave. The lights were on again and the man with the crooked smile was nowhere to be seen. It was as if Dave was an angel sent by heaven to rescue him. They both ran through the hall, past the medical beds, past the dining hall, through the other long hall, until eventually, a few beams of daylight came from the exit.
They ran towards the exit, feeling the fresh air of nature and happiness filling their longs. As they almost approached the door to the exit, Dave suddenly stopped moving. He stood there, quietly not saying anything, only staring at Henry. Henry stopped as well and asked what was going on. Then he heard from outside a loud scream. Henry couldn’t place what it was at first, yet it sounded familiar.
“Behind you!” the voice screamed.
Henry turned around and looked at the street, there he saw Dave looking pale as can be screaming and panicking towards Henry. Henry turned around again and saw the other Dave smiling at him. In a swift move, the smiling Dave grabbed him, as only a small scream was heard coming from Henry.
A man was murdered, he laid on the cold grey floor as a puddle of blood turned it to red. A security guard found him, it was the guards his first day and his last.
submitted by duhh23 to Scary [link] [comments]

Henry the nightguard (Long)

On December the third 1995, a man was murdered. He laid on the grey concrete floor as a puddle of blood turned it to red. The man was already missing for a few weeks, he disappeared from the earth leaving behind his wife and two children. No letter, no notes, no warning whatsoever. A security guard had found the man eventually in an old, abandoned building, somewhere in the basement. After the police arrived and the body was brought to a mortuary it would create more questions than answers. The autopsy concluded that he was attacked by something they couldn’t identify, the wounds weren’t of an animal, nor was it manmade. The unknown thing had left scratches and cuts all over his body, yet his clothes weren’t torn or damaged. Though it looked like the wounds on the man’s body were the cause of his death, the autopsy did make clear it was because of a heart attack, yet no existing heart failure or heart diseases were known with this man or his family. He was actually very healthy but still died in a strange and sinister way at a strange and sinister place.
As a research team investigated the murder of the man, it became clear the man wasn’t so normal as he would appear. He had a more dark and strange life than anyone could have guessed, just like the place where he was murdered. The man lived apparently a second life, apart from his wife and children. He was caught up in some kind of strange society, where they promised people wealth and happiness if they followed their rules and rituals. The man became a diehard follower, and his wife didn’t even notice it. What was stranger was that the man was the only follower of this society. The many names of people who seemed associated with it didn’t even exist. They did find a picture of a group of people with the man in it, holding the logo of a half-moon with three crosses in it. They analysed the picture and concluded that the only real person in the picture was the man, the rest just never existed. In recent years they analysed the picture again. With new and better ways of looking at the picture they discovered that of the ten people standing in the picture, the computer saw another five faces in the background looking directly into the camera. These weren’t faces of humans, but mere shadows in the dark background. After reanalysing the picture for not believing the outcome the computer made, a sixth face was to be recognised on the picture, this unseen face had a crooked smile and was apparently next to the man who had died.
The place where the man had died was even stranger than the man’s double life. It’s a large building full of forgotten memories. Nobody really knows its origins or why it was built in the first place. Many hands had held the key to its doors, some say the first hand dated back to the 18 century. Whatever the reason for having such a building, it never took long before the owners sold it to another poor soul. Only those who are desperate wanted this building, only those who go for the cheapest see something in it. Anyone could eventually predict that the government would buy it for a cheap price. They used it as a sort of holding place for people who didn’t act or behaved like good citizens. In other more realistic terms is that they used the building to hold the scum of the land in it. These poor suckers were outcasts in their own cities, causing only trouble and hate among its fellow citizens. The government picked them up and brought them to such a place. Nobody questioned it, nobody cared, these souls were lost and were better put away then left in society. For years they had held them in the god-awful building, not if it helped any of them. The death of one person wasn’t the least of their problems. Missing’s and madness were so common, they stopped counting how many people stayed in the building. A completely normal kid could come in and a few weeks later he would be banging his head against the wall screaming that the voices should go away. It was a madhouse, for normal people.
Eventually, they shut the facility down, “not effective” was their reason, as if all those people whose lives were destroyed didn’t mean anything. So, they tried to sell it to the next poor bastard who wanted it, which was nobody. The state kept it for some reason, they should have raised it down to the ground, but they didn’t. Over time houses and nice neighbourhoods would be built around it, as if the place was almost forgotten. Until the man was found inside by the security guard. It was the guard's first day, and also his last. Big giant fences were built around it, nobody could come in, nobody could come out. Hidden away from the world. Children were playing next to it, kicking a ball against the fence, but sometimes something would kickback from the other side, making the children’s faces white as snow. Angry parents would then complain, not only was it scaring the children it was a dark spot on their nice perfect neighbourhoods. Sometimes strange sounds and bright lights would come from the place. People believed teenagers would hang out there, though everyone knew not to go there. The mayor would be eventually forced to hire guards to secure the place. That’s where the story of Henry comes in.
You see, Henry had guarded many abandoned places in his life. It was a harsh life, staying up all night keeping out the strange and weird people of the night, but it was his life. This building would be one just like any other abandoned building. He wouldn’t be alone either. Dave, a veteran who also won his battle against drug addiction, was also a security guard for this building. Both of them would work from twelve midnight till eight in the morning until the next shift would come. They both didn’t expect much of it, although when they arrived, they saw the two people from the dayshift almost having a mental breakdown. They warned them not to go into the building, it was better if they quit their jobs and go away. Henry thought it was just a stupid prank trying to scare them, but the two guards were dead serious. Still, Henry and Dave laughed it away and went on with their first day of work.
Henry would take the east wing, while Dave would be on the west wing. As Henry walked in the building, wishing Dave good luck, he noticed the air became thicker. The room at the entrance seemed to make him small as if the walls closed in on him. It was already dark outside, making it harder for him to see clearly, but what he did see seemed so odd. He walked around, watching his perimeter. Long poorly lit halls, an endless amount of rooms going nowhere, big spaces where it became impossible to see the other side of the place. It was a strange place, but Henry didn’t mind. After he was done with checking out his walk route, he came to his office where he would reside most of the night. It was a small room, with big glass windows looking out at a giant room. Henry turned on all the lights, it flickered at first but after a while, they were all lit. He watched the long and darkroom from his office window, there was nothing to see but old beds. So, he sat down in his comfy chair and started to read a good book.
The beginning of the night was calm, Henry had already walked his route once and started to read more out of his book. The only irritating thing was the constant radio calling of Dave. Apparently, he heard weird sounds somewhere in his part of the building. Henry told him to be calm and start looking for what it could be that made the sound, but Dave couldn’t find the source. Henry eventually ignored it, finding his book more important than the weird things Dave was hearing. Henry was so occupied with his book, that he didn’t even notice the lights in the big room next to his office were turned off. Only a hard scratching sound of metal dragged on a concrete floor got him out of his occupation. It made him throw the book to the side as he heard his heart pumping in his ears. Henry couldn’t see anything in the big room, it was as if darkness had engulfed it. He tried turning on the lights, but they didn’t do anything. He had to go to the fuse box and try to fix the lights. So, Henry grabbed his flashlight and turned it on. He walked the old giant room, filled with broken beds and old furniture. Some beds had only the frame left, others still had an old dusty mattress on them with blankets and pillows. Henry walked carefully, manoeuvring through the old beds towards the main entry where the fuse box was. His flashlight was fixed on the ground as if he was looking for something. He shined it left and right over the concrete floor, and there it was, the thing he was looking for.
At the last bed near the exit of the giant room, he saw the scratching on the floor. It wasn’t hard to figure out that someone had moved the bed causing those scratches to appear. He knew now someone was in the building sneaking around, but the person had made a fatal mistake, Henry would catch them. He first went to the fuse box, fixing the light. He restored the fuse and went back to his station. He briefed Dave in on the radio that someone was wondering the building, but Dave didn’t respond. He probably dozed off or something. Henry walked in the big room again, as his big guard shoes on the concrete floor made a faint clicking noise. Henry could see the big room in all its splendour again, filled the old beds and furniture. He passed a few of the beds until he noticed something move. In his office, there appeared to be a shadow moving around. Henry immediately set-off a sprint towards the room, only to find it completely empty, with no trace or sign of anyone. There was only one way out of the room, and he didn’t see anybody leave, so he blamed it on his imagination and what such a large place could do with your head. He picked up his book again and placed it needly on his desk. He then looked out of the window into the giant room, preparing himself to walk his route again in the large and daunting building.
Henry walked his route, starting with the large hall going deeper into the building. The poorly lit hall had countless doors in it, Henry opened each one to see if someone was there. It took him a while, but every room was empty, though it felt like every time he looked in one something was watching him in the dark corners. It gave him a feeling he never had experienced before, still; Henry went on searching for the person who moved the bed. He passed a dining hall and a room full of medical beds, and still no one to be found. Eventually, he walked to the last hall, filled with a few doors leading to some dark and small rooms. The hall strangely ended in a dead-end, though it seemed it would go to another room. Henry didn’t think much of it and went back.
As Henry walked back to his office, he decided to check in on his fellow security guard to see if he had awoken already. Still, no answer was heard, so Henry changed his plans and went to Dave to surprise him. It took Henry a while to get to the place where Dave his office was. The building was full of doors and halls leading to nowhere, it was very easy to get lost. Eventually, Henry made it and saw a small light in an office lit. That was the place Dave was residing at. Henry walked towards it but came quickly to the conclusion that Dave wasn’t there. Although his coffee was on his desk and still felt warm, Dave was nowhere to be found. Henry tried to radio him again, but he didn’t get a reply. Henry thought that Dave probably was taking his route, and the poor foul forgot to turn on his walkie-talkie. Henry went back to his own station, leaving behind that off Dave. For some reason Henry looked back at the office, for he had the strangest feeling someone was watching him from there. That’s when he saw something staring at him from the office. It scared Henry so much that he accidentally tripped on an old doll and fell down to the ground. When he looked again at the office, he didn’t see anything but the small light illuminating the room. He stood up and went back to his own office.
The building was dark, Dave still didn’t answer, and Henry kept having the feeling someone was watching him. As he approached the giant room in front of his office, he saw that all the beds were moved. The floor was full of scratches and mattresses and blankets were tossed on the ground. Henry went immediately to his office and saw his desk had been flipped upside down and all the pages of his book were torn out. Henry got angry, he knew that somebody was in the building and now it was vandalizing it as well. He grabbed his flashlight and went on to search for the person who had done all this. Henry first started with the long hallway going to the dining hall. As he walked in the long and creepy hall, making him go deeper and deeper in the building, he suddenly heard one of the many doors in the hall close. He ran towards the sound and saw an old rusty door closed before him. Henry was ready to catch the sickening people who were causing havoc in the building. He had a hard time opening the door, but eventually, he was being greeted by the ominous sight of darkness in the room. He grabbed his flashlight, shining the darkness away and seeing a strange wall full of markings. His heart stopped for a second when the light revealed a man with a broken shirt and pants facing the corner, his body, and clothes full of scratches and blood.
Henry looked at the man for a few seconds before approaching him. The man didn’t look healthy nor alive. Henry knew something was terribly wrong, but he still walked carefully towards the corner where the man was standing. The man didn’t move, it didn’t make a sound, it was just starring at the dark corner looking at something. As Henry almost approached the man, an ice breeze of cold air touched his neck. Every hair on Henry’s body stood up, as he heard a whisper in his ear: “behind you”. Henry quickly looked back, seeing the door close with force. The light of his flashlight turned off, making the room as dark as the night sky without stars or a moon. Henry went straight to the door, as he heard his heartbeat pounding in his ears. The door was shut, nothing could open it. He then started hitting his flashlight, hoping it would work again until he heard a strange noise coming from the corner. Henry had almost forgotten the man, but he was still there in the corner, now making a strange sound. Two steps were heard as naked feet touch the cold ground. The steps then came closer to Henry, who still tried to fix his flashlight. The steps came closer and closer, Henry backed off to a nearby wall, almost hugging it with his back. Finally, a light beam came from the flashlight and he shined it in the direction of the corner.
The light shined on the small cloud the strange man was breathing near Henry’s face. It smelled like a thousand people had died and were now all breathing the same air as he did. The strange man grabbed Henry’s arm with a firm grip, hurting him so bad that Henry started to scream. The light of the flashlight grazed over the man’s face, revealing the rotten teeth in his mouth. The man started to get closer to Henry while whispering a weird sentence in a strange language over and over again. The whispering became louder, and eventually, he was straight-up yelling the verses in Henry’s face. It frightened Henry so much, that he gathered all his strength and courage to push the strange man away and ran straight against the door. The force he applied was enough to break the door and leave. Henry then went straight to the exit, but it was blocked by another thing. It seemed human, but it moved in a very strange and weird way, walking towards the direction of Henry. On its face, there was a smile so crooked it burned Henry’s soul. The strange man in the room also walked towards Henry, so he decided to run the other way towards the dining hall and the room with the medical beds. Sadly, no exit to be found, so Henry walked deeper into the building. Eventually, in all his desperation, he walked into the long and poorly lit hallway towards a dead end. All the doors were shut, and there was no place to hide. His nervous steps on the cold and unforgiving floor echoed in the hall. He was trapped, and he knew it.
Henry tried to open a few doors, but they were all locked, even as he used all his force and mass the doors wouldn’t budge. As he still tried to open one of the doors, almost silent footsteps could be heard near the beginning of the long hall. Henry looked and saw a strange appearance watching him struggle from a distance. Henry slowly walked back to the wall, seeing the thing watching him in the poorly lit hall. Then the first light went out, as soft footsteps were heard getting closer. The second light turned off, making it harder to see for Henry what was coming at him. The third light went off, and the footsteps became louder and faster. The fourth light turned off, the fifth and the sixth. Henry used his flashlight and saw the strange thing with the awful smile coming closer to him, but the flashlight broke with a loud bang like the other lights in the hall. Eventually, the last light went off, and the footsteps were almost near Henry. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see what would happen. A hand grabbed his arm, as someone started to scream at him. He opened his eyes and saw Dave with sweat over his forehead screaming that they had to leave. The lights were on again and the man with the crooked smile was nowhere to be seen. It was as if Dave was an angel sent by heaven to rescue him. They both ran through the hall, past the medical beds, past the dining hall, through the other long hall, until eventually, a few beams of daylight came from the exit.
They ran towards the exit, feeling the fresh air of nature and happiness filling their longs. As they almost approached the door to the exit, Dave suddenly stopped moving. He stood there, quietly not saying anything, only staring at Henry. Henry stopped as well and asked what was going on. Then he heard from outside a loud scream. Henry couldn’t place what it was at first, yet it sounded familiar.
“Behind you!” the voice screamed.
Henry turned around and looked at the street, there he saw Dave looking pale as can be screaming and panicking towards Henry. Henry turned around again and saw the other Dave smiling at him. In a swift move, the smiling Dave grabbed him, as only a small scream was heard coming from Henry.
A man was murdered, he laid on the cold grey floor as a puddle of blood turned it to red. A security guard found him, it was the guards his first day and his last.
submitted by duhh23 to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

splendour meaning in a sentence video

Examples of Splendor in a sentence. The people were amazed at the splendor of the queen’s diamond-encrusted crown. 🔊 When I visit New York City, I am always captivated by the splendor of the night skyline. 🔊 It will take a lot of work to restore the old car to the splendor of its original condition. 🔊 splendour definition: 1. great beauty that attracts admiration and attention: 2. the beautiful features or qualities of…. Learn more. How to use splendour in a sentence. Example sentences with the word splendour. splendour example sentences. 73+10 sentence examples: 1. The house has been restored to its original splendour. 2. We marvelled at the splendour of the scenery. 3. They dressed out in their splendour. 4. The foreign ministers are meeting in the splendour of Oktyabrskaya Hotel in 73+2 sentence examples: 1. All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend. 2. All the splendor 1 in the world is not worth a good friend. 3. The splendor of the palace dazed him. 4. The house has been restored to its original splendor. 5. T Splendor definition, brilliant or gorgeous appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificence: the splendor of the palace. See more. How to use splendor in a sentence. Example sentences with the word splendor. splendor example sentences. This humanity revealed the divinity which is the splendour of the three persons.: Ornamental trees add a touch of splendour to long avenues, while leafy plants in an arbour soften the sunlight.: The town nestles in a bay which looks over to the hills around Loch Striven, adding a misty splendour to the scene.: There is more to Rajasthan than just its royal splendour or amazing camel rides ... Splendor definition is - great brightness or luster : brilliancy. How to use splendor in a sentence. What does splendour mean? Splendor. (noun) The tiles of these roofs are glazed porcelain of the most exquisite deep-blue colour, and add a conspicuous element of splendour to the shrine.

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