San Antonio officials impose Thanksgiving weekend curfew ...

is there still a curfew in san antonio

is there still a curfew in san antonio - win

CaliBanging History:East Oakland

Oaklands gang History can fill a whole book but we’ll start with latino gangs in East Oakland since I know more about that. There is also a long history for Asian and Black gangs in Oak which I’ll probably post another time. With the background given here I can follow up with some crazy Oakland stories.
Background: My two previous posts on Hayward and Decoto mention how the Northern Cali gang transformation happened over time with an evolution /overlap from clubs to crews to gangs to colors. The same happened in Oakland but on a much larger scale with more violence due to the mixed demographics (racial tension) large area (less unity) and population density (bigger sets). Gangs in Oakland date back to the railroad days of the 1800’s with white anti-immigrant gangs, white minority gangs (Irish,Italian,Portuguese) and asian gangs. The Mexican community and their gangs were based in West Oakland in the late 1800’s but were soon pushed out into East Oaklands Fruitvale/ San Antonio area by the development of Oaklands Shipyards and transformation to an urban city (years before WW2 when blacks came to Oakland). Around the 1910’s to 1930’s was when the first modern sets in Oakland were founded. These early sets were mostly in the Fruitvale and San Antonio section of East Oakland since they were pushed into the lower number avenues (1st- 50th) while whites still lived in the 80-100 blocks of Oakland and San leandro. These OG sets would sell heroin, fight rivals and wear Zoot suits. Some sets died out but many are still around. People usually picture LA when Zoot Suit culture and riots are mentioned but in Oakland, Hayward and SF, Zoot suits were normal for Portuguese and latino gangsters. In November 1943 the Oakland 23rd Ave Locos were beefing with a white Alameda gang called The Okies. They got into a fight at a movie theatre and because the Okies were white and the Locos were wearing Zoot suits, some nearby white Sailors jumped in against the Locos also. The police showed up and arrested the Locos. Next day, police raided and arrested additional 23rd ave Locos in their homes. A couple months later on telegraph ave in downtown oakland, a bunch of sailors and zoot suiters fought but again only latinos were arrested. For a couple years police kept raiding latino neighborhoods, attacking zoot suiters and cutting off their hair. This pushed latino neighborhoods further into their own form of unity and culture. By the 1960’s only some of the early sets had survived but those that did had grown in numbers.
By then the beginning of the black/brown unity in the Bay Area got established with both the black panthers and the brown berets being active in Oakland. These organizations were a mix of college educated students and real street dudes. Many people know about how the FBI infiltrated, arrested and assassinated the black panthers but don’t know that the same was done to the brown berets and farmer rights activists. Some of these locked up people ended up being a small part of early Nuestra Familia and Black Guerrilla Family. Over time, locked up Latino gangsters would start to bring the Northerner identity back with them to their sets.
During this same time the Lowrider club culture had become another aspect of latino pride and a channel for gang culture. E14th and International had a couple of cruising spots where car clubs/sets would meet up and show off their rides or just chill. Just like the Zoot suit culture and activist culture, there was alot of racism/crime associated with lowriding. In response, police cracked down on peaceful lowriding with curfews, mandatory turn signs and anti-cruise laws. This disruption and rising costs of classic cars are helped introduce the early stages of the illegal sideshow and racing culture that continues today. Going into early 1970’s most sets still just repped small blocks and met up for ball games or fights(or both). There wasn’t alot of murder happening between latino, asian and black gangs unless some personal stuff happened.That changed dramatically when crack and prison gangs hit the scene in the 70’s/80’s. By the beginning of the 80’s most of the Oak latino hoods had their norte designations and would maybe tag XIV etc, but wouldnt really bang it on each other since it was more of a prison thing. So they repped their blocks and it continued to be XYZ Avenue locos vs ZYX Avenue Locos. At this time, nortenos still used words like “Ese” instead of “Ene” and naturally dressed more similar to surenos (Ben Davis pants originated in the Bay). Over time, surenos sets started to pop up in Northern CA prompting the NF orders to unify and stop red on red violence. This led to the increase of color banging that we saw in the 90’s and Early 2000’s and the change of norte style/slang.
By the early 90’s black gangs and sureno’s were giving deadly competition to the drying up drug trade. Politicians in CA were heavily focusing on drugs, guns and gangs. Feeling the pressure, Nortenos from one of the oldest Oakland sets called Jingletown decided to form the Oakland Border Brothers. The original Tijuana Border Brothers gang was Jingletown’s Mexican plug, which had some part in them wanting to split from NF. Some people frame it as they wanted to organize all oakland latino gangs into one strong army. Some people say they just got tired of Nuestra Familia interfering with their drug operations. Either way, Jingletown shotcallers ended up convincing some of the existing norte sets to switch from red, to black flags for BB. Ironically, the Jingletown set eventually went back to being Norte, but the damage was done. Other sets that had earlier switched kept BB going. They thrived due to the number of sets who switched and took advantage of the new mexican plugs. This distraction In the late 90’s helped the first sureno Oakland set South Side Locos get founded by LA transplants. They established themselves right in between Norte and BB territory in the 50th Avenue area of Oakland. By the 2000’s BB’s rapid growth ended up taking them to war with SSL, Oakland nortenos and Hayward’s Varrio South Garden sureños. SSL also grew and eventually spread to Richmond, Concord and other Bay Area cities. These days N’s still have control of the original Fruitvale 5th-60th Avenues, and BB’s have the 70th-100th avenues. SSL claims 57th Avenue and some other smaller areas. Gentrification and gangs injunctions continue to come in Oakland but bodies continue to drop.
There are currently hundreds of latino sets in Oakland, many which were founded after the 1980’s. I cant list them all so here are some of the still active ones.
Active sets founded in the 1930’s-1960’s:
East 7th Ave (N)
East 15th (N)
Mitchell Street (N, then BB, back to N)
Fruitvale Gangsters (N)
Jingletown (N, then BB, back to N)
23rd Ave (N)
36th Ave (N)
38th Ave (N)
UNT Untouchables/Varrio 60’s (N)
Wino Park Locos (N first, now BB) search this subreddit for “Miklo” to see a WPL member with norte tattoos, before the permanent change to BB.
Active Sets founded in 1970’s-Current:
81st Ave ( N first, Currently BB)
94th Ave(N first, currently BB)
RUN Raza United Nortenos (N)
96th Ave Locos(N then BB)
DFL Dont Fuck wit Latinos ( N then BB)
Arroyo Park (N then BB)
On-1 Boys (BB from start)
9800 boyz (BB from start)
Brookfield Jump Out boyz (BB from start)
NOR Nortenos on the Rise (N)
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COVID-19 Megathread #6

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COVID-19 has now infected more than 215,956 people. There have been 8,757 confirmed deaths and 84,080 confirmed recoveries attributed to the virus.
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Far off Anniversaries in Baseball: 1919

Welcome back to a resuscitated /baseball recurring series, (far off) Anniversaries in Baseball. The premise is simple: time, like baseball, is a flowing stream, that changes much less than we like to think it does. This series is about reflecting and remembering upon baseball events, or jerks, and real-world intrusions that made up a certain year exactly a few decades away. I attempt to convey this by merging primary and secondary sources through a variety of mediums to paint a portrait of the season in review. For the next few weeks, until the end of 2019, we will be drawing our thoughts back to ’19, ’29, ’39, ’49, ’59 to better understand our shared past and our sublimely important present- I ask you to join me on a quest through time to preserve a precious perspective and I hope you enjoy the series. Please include any feedback or thoughts in the comments section.
This particular issue is going to factor in a bit more "World History" than the others, simply because of the disastrous tone the year 1919 took was reflected on in the baseball season.
World Leaders: (There really wasn’t any population estimates because the war had ended two months prior, so here’s where the lines were drawn)
*England *:Prime Minister David L. George
United States of America: Woodrow Wilson
France: President of the Council of Ministers Georges Clemenceau
Italy: Prime Minister Francesco S. Nitti
Canada: Prime Minister Robert Borden
Cuba: Governor Mario G. Menocal
Russia: Supreme Ruler Alexander V. Kolchak
Weimar Republic: SDS Leader and President Friedrich Ebert
Ottoman Empire: Mehmed VI
China: President Xu Scichang, Beiyang government
Japan: Emperor Yoshihito
Mexico: President Venustiano C. Garza
Persia: Shah Qajar
January- March:
We have another New Year’s Day baby, when Sol and Marie Sallinger first met their infant, Jerome David on Manhattan Island. Later that week, former President Theodore Roosevelt died on the 6th. Future HoF’er James Henry “Orator Jim” O’ Rourke died two days later on the 8th in Bridgeport, CT of pneumonia contracted while walking home from a consultation appointment one week earlier. He played baseball for 23 years and is credited with the first NL hit while holding a law degree from Yale.. He started playing semi-pro ball only three years after the Civil War and by 1877 he was hitting .362 in the NL. On the 16th of that same month, The U.S. congress ratified prohibition which would take effect one year from that day. More importantly to the geo-political landscape of the world, on the 18th the Paris Peace Conference opened, tasked with sorting out the horrific formalities of The Great War, having been recently decided with the United States’ last-minute entrance. The date was symbolic, according to dispatch from the Guardian:
The great conference was formally opened at the Quai d’Orsay, yesterday on the 48th anniversary of that scene, so calamitous to Europe, when the German Empire was proclaimed at Versailles on the eve of the capitulation of Paris. If anyone had chanced to be present at both ceremonies, he would have been struck by a sense of contrast. The meeting in the Galerie des Glaces gave birth to a new order which has been a fatal burden to Europe. The meeting at the Quai d’Orsay is to give birth to a new order to which all mankind is looking for freedom and peace.
On the 20th, the group of representatives from more than two dozen countries began discussing punishments for the “warmongering” Kaiser, without Germany. The Conference was buzzing along through its second week on Jan. 31, when in Cairo, GA, sharecroppers Mallie and Jerry Robinson were honored with the birth of their fifth child, who they named after the recently deceased president: Jack Roosevelt Robinson. Six days later, on February 5th, four of the largest movie-picture stars in America: Douglas Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin, D.W. Griffin and Mary Pickford created and agreed to the United Artists Corporation, in an attempt to control their artwork and profits more directly. There was no block booking for the new movie studio, and the actors and directors themselves controlled much of the common stock. That same day, in the National League offices, the Cincinnati Reds were making a case of corruption against a former player, Hal Chase. He was accused all throughout baseball for throwing games to his gambler friends while leading the league in hitting with .339 in his first year in Cincinnati, 1916. What triggered this hearing? Several Reds reported to their manager, Christy Mathewson, that they had seen or overheard Chase discuss his bets on the team. The NL president decided the suit when Mathewson was still serving in France:
"The testimony shows that Chase acted in a careless manner, both on the field and among the players, and that the club was justified in bringing the charges, in view of the many rumors which arose from the loose talk of the first baseman. In substance, the player was charged with making wagers against his club in games in which he participated. In justice to Chase, I feel bound to state that both the evidence and the records of the games to which reference was made, fully refute this accusation."
On Feb. 19th, the Reds traded him to the Giants and he signed his contract the day his old manager Christy Mathewson was named their assistant manager. On Feb. 25th, the state of Oregon created the first gas tax in U.S. history of a penny. On that same day in Haleburg Alabama, 81 miles west of Cairo, Monford Merrill “Monte” Irvin awoke to his first day of life. Only a few hours later on the 26th, President Wilson signed Senate Bill 390 which designated the Grand Canyon as a national park. Almost a month later, on March 23rd, Benito Mussolini founded the Italian fascist movement as a direct response to post-WWI turmoil. At this point in the year, however, spring was busting open and baseball was beginning to unveil itself again. The only problem was- baseball had taken such a hit in 1918: the “work or fight” movement derailed the season and it prematurely concluded with an almost false-World Series. This year, the season would be cut to 140 games and every owner lost money in the process. Still, many teams traveled to the south per usual for spring training. The Yankees and Tigers to Macon, GA, the Indians to New Orleans, the Red Sox to Tampa. The Phillies to Charlotte, the Robins to Jacksonville, the Pirates to Birmingham, the Braves to Columbus, GA and the Giants to Gainesville. While the Cardinals and A’s stayed put in the home parks, most of the rest of the teams settled in Texas, which was once the hot spot for Spring Training but was now losing its popularity. Still, the Reds showed up to Waxahachie, the O’s to San Antonio and the White Sox to the fabled health center, Mineral Wells. Their offseason was turbulent:
No one was quite sure how Gleason’s team would fare in the pennant race. The White Sox’ lack of pitching depth behind Eddie Cicotte and Lefty Williams was cited as a major concern by Chicago Tribunereporter Irving Sanborn, who predicted on April 20, “Unless he has a lot of luck developing new pitchers … (Gleason) is going to have a hard time keeping his team in the first division of the American League.” Veteran Red Faber, who had won three games in the 1917 World Series, was hampered by arm and ankle injuries, and he had come down with the flu virus and could not shake it. A global influenza epidemic had killed more than 600,000 Americans in the winter of 1918-19 alone. Faber’s condition was noticeably weak during spring training and it took him all year to fully recover.
How could we get into this much of 1919 without commenting on the global pandemic gripping the world: the Spanish flu virus? The world’s first wide war had given humanity an unwanted gift: bird flu, the H1N1 virus. Why call it the Spanish flu virus? Because the pandemic arose during the war, any country fighting censored reports of the disease, leaving neutral countries like Spain to wonder what was going on. No one knows where it started, but some estimates say 3-5% of the world’s population died. 10-20% of humanity was infected, including 28% of the American population. The worst year was 1918, but with the political instability the Great War had caused, the chaos of human civilization was seeping into baseball. As we would see, the White Sox would be in the center of a troubled, shaky world. Before teams departed from Spring training, a man put in the ground work to his legend. Red Sox two-way player George H. Ruth was on the starting nine for the Boston club in an exhibition game in Tampa, where he hit an estimated 587 ft. home run. Ruth and dingers this year would be a common theme, but this homer resonated far after his career was over- and this was important because Ruth had just ended a hold out with the Boston front office.
Until the 19 of April, 1919, Sunday baseball in New York was illegal. Governor Al Smith signed a bill repealing the blue laws, which opened up a new wave of passion for the national pastime on Sundays, when workers have the day off and are able to attend games. The president of the NL, Mr. Heydler, said:
I feel sure that baseball will have one of the greatest revivals in the history of the sport during the coming season, and I expect to see 1919 prove to be one of our banner years. I make this prediction more as a lover of baseball than as a baseball official… I believe the public can look forward to one of the most interesting seasons it has ever known.
144 years to the day after the Lexington and Concord skirmishes that started the rebellion, the season got under way. The Robins completed a sweep of their twinbill against the Braves- the rest of the teams got underway on that Wednesday the 23rd. One week later, if you had awoke in America to inspect the standings, you would see the 6-1 White Sox at the top of the AL and the undefeated 6-0 Reds at the top of the NL. You would have seen another full slate of games for that day: the Robins and Phillies tied a wild 20 inning game, where both starters (HoF) Burleigh Grimes and Joe Oeschger went the distance. Oeschger yielded 24 hits and only got two punchouts. Both teams scored 3 runs in the 19th before home plate umpire (HoF) Bill Klem called the game. But over the past few days in America, anarchists sent sticks of dynamite to the residences of prominent anti-labor and conservative politicians, specifically designed to coincide with May Day. The governor of Mississippi, Theodore G. Bilbo, the Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson, the police commissioner and mayor of NYC, John D. Rockefeller, Chicago District Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis and Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, among others. The country was horrified --) would the violence and revolts that were racking Germany seep into America? Fear spread like air throughout the country and the government quickly rounded up suspects.
Only two days after May Day, a composer and his violinist wife welcomed their son, Peter Seeger, into the world in Manhattan. Three days later, on the 6th, the Yanks lineup featured leadoff hitter and 24-year old rookie George Halas in a game against the 3-7 A’s. Halas got 4 PA’s before being removed for a pinch hitter and got his first hit in the Yankee loss. Rambling through the days to the 11th, Halas was still in the leadoff spot for a matchup against the Senators. Walter Johnson and Jack Quinn each went 12 innings- and Halas collected 2 of Johnson’s 9 K’s that day. In fact, Johnson gave up a double in the first and put down the next 28 batters until surrendering a leadoff single in the 11th. The game ended locked at 0 because of a curfew, but at least they were able to play the game after the disappearance of the blue laws. Johnson’s masterpiece was not the most amazing pitching performance of the day. The Reds were sitting in second place when they took on the bottom-feeding Cardinals. The game went by uneventfully in the first inning just before player-manager Rogers Hornsby led off the second with a walk. He was thrown out trying to steal second, and Reds starter used that momentum to only give up two more walks the entire game, achieving a no hitter in the process. This was the first no hitter at Crosley Field and Eller used his shine ball to baffle the Cards, according to this thought provoking look back.. On May 20th, the 9-8 Red Sox ran out onto the field of Sportsman Park to play the Browns. In the second inning, the first three Sox hitters Harry Hooper, Jack Barry and Amos Strunk all reached base.. Their teammate, Babe Ruth, socked a ball over the fence for his first career grand slam, to put his club ahead 4-0, his second regular season dinger of 1919.
A month had passed, but the red scare was just beginning with more dynamite sticks flying into unsuspecting residences. The next wave of anarchist strikes occurred on the 2 with larger bombs arriving at judges and mayors’ doorsteps, as well as a second bomb directed at AG Palmer, each carrying this message:
War, Class war, and you were the first to wage it under the cover of the powerful institutions you call order, in the darkness of your laws. There will have to be bloodshed; we will not dodge; there will have to be murder: we will kill, because it is necessary; there will have to be destruction; we will destroy to rid the world of your tyrannical institutions.
Palmer was not home when the pipe bomb went off. His neighbors across the street, Franklin and Elenore Roosevelt, walked past his door moments before the explosion and were only feet away from serious injury. Roosevelt was the assistant secretary to the Navy, tasked by Palmer to root out “homosexual behaviors” in the navy. FDR did this by arresting and trying veterans for sodomy. Roosevelt began expanding the illegal investigation harshly and was rebuked by Palmer, who shut down the investigation.. The calls of violent mayhem were not just coming from inside the house. Mexican revolution leader Francisco “Pancho” Villa organized an attack on nationalist forces in Ciudad Juarez, which his godson carried out at his wishes on the evening of the 14th. As the bullets hit buildings in nearby El Paso, the United States army got nervous and invaded Juarez to calm down tensions. Two American citizens were killed and over 90 Mexican soldiers and civilians died. One day after the tensions subsided, on the 17th, the New York Giants (30-14) prepared to play the Chicago Cubs (25-21) at Weeghman Field. Cubs ace Pete Alexander notched a win after giving up two runs to the Giants in the second. Hal Chase was playing at first and got a hit but was removed for a pinch hitter in the late innings. This would be the major league debut of Frankie Frisch. Strikes, bombs and violence was not just the new normal in Mexico and America at this drawn out summer of 1919. Back in mid-May, the entire population of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, went on strike. The population wanted more worker protections and a better life. The strike surged until the leaders of it found themselves behind bars on the same day Frisch made his debut. On the 21st, Canadian soldiers began a silent parade on main street and were met by Mounties with pistols, who unloaded their ammunition into the crowd, wounding 30. These battles between common folk and police, revolutionary leaders and military soldiers were occurring all over the world as the general population waited for the countries to settle their differences in Paris. All throughout this year, this season, the grand leaders sat in rooms hashing out the new world order and as you can imagine, this was quite an exclusively elusive bunch. A former baker from a Boston hotel, born in French Indochina and living in London, co-wrote a letter to the assembly asking them to attend on behalf of their home nation. He was Vietnamese and argued for the creation of a country under the yoke of French occupation, one of several foreign entities that had invaded and tried to control their countryside. In fact, the man who called himself Nguyen Ai Quac showed up at the conference and demanded to speak to President Wilson!. This did not happen and Nguyen the Patriot would find different political idols in France- communists. On the 28th, the leaders emerged from their comfy halls of power to alert their subjects that they had agreed on terms and at the suggestion of Woodrow Wilson, established the “League of Nations”. Wilson embarked on a vigorous campaign to convince the isolationist country to join the world powers.
On the 28th of the former month, Brooklyn’s Ed Konetchy went 3-3 in his plate appearances. In fact, he got a hit every single plate appearance until the 1st, when hit his 10th straight baseball in 10 tries at the box, setting the major league record for consecutive hits. Four days later, on the fifth, was Halas’s last PA in baseball. A hip injury forced his retirement but he continued playing semi-pro baseball and football back home in Ohio. He got a day job at a starch manufacturer, A.E. Staley. He served in sales and ran the company football team, the Decatur Staleys and by 1922 coach George Halas was guiding the Chicago Bears through the infant seasons of the NFL. One day after Halas left the stage, Chicago Cubs president/manager Fred Mitchell gave up his job of controlling the business side of his roster to his VP, William Veeck Sr., a former sportswriter. Veeck would transform the team with shrewd moves, partnered with the infant radio industry and he brought his son, William Veeck Jr., along with him. The Chicago they lived and worked in was not cheerful or peaceful. As soldiers burst back into domestic life, black soldiers began questioning the Jim Crow system that terrorized them at home. Back in May, NAACP co-founder W.E.B. DuBois published an essay, “Returning Soldiers”--) and scolded the status quo which supported lynching and encouraged ignorance. He ended with a call to arms:
This is the fatherland for which we fought! But it is our fatherland. It was right for us to fight. The faults of our country are our faults. Under similar circumstances, we would fight again. But by God of Heaven, we are cowards and jackasses if now that the war is over, we do not marshal every ounce of our brain and brawn to fight a sterner, longer, more unbending battle against the forces of hell in our own land.
We return
We return from fighting
We return fighting
Make way for Democracy! We saved it in France, and by the Great Jehovah, we will save it in the United States of America, or know the reason why.
By 1919, the rest of the country was tightly segregated but Chicago, mostly, was not. Beaches along Lake Michigan were, and that’s where we go on the 27th. The White Sox were 6 games up in first place, the Cubs had Pete Alexander toeing the bump and a unknown white attacker on a beach in Chicago stoned a black swimmer to death. America’s common man poet, Carl Sandburg, wrote an essay about the race riots that ensued and ripped the city apart. A major societal trend was occurring- African Americans were leaving the Black Belt in the South, which they had clung to since Emancipation, for better job opportunities in the industrial north. Sandburg reported on what we call now the “Great Migration”, and predicted the chaos earlier in the year. For a week, gangs of Irish citizens and rabble rousing racists donned blackface and lit up immigrant neighborhoods to stoke tension among the races. The mayor and the governor haggled over the specifics of sending the national guard as 23 African American citizens were hunted down and murdered. Gangs, like the Hamburg Athletic Club continued escalating the violence because they occupied south side neighborhoods stuck in the middle. History will never know for sure if Hamburg Athletic Club gangster, 17-year-old future mayor Richard Daley, took part in busting skulls of protesting African Americans.
By the 4th, Chicago declared the riots had subsided. Now, the battle that occupied their time was in the National League Standings, where the Reds and Giants swung back and forth through the next few weeks. Twenty days later on the 24th, the 28-79 Athletics sent their abysmal hitters up to face the Cleveland Indians at League Park, against Ray Caldwell. The Indians scored twice in the fourth, around the time the foreboding sky started to emit rain and Caldwell waltzed out in the 5th and surrendered his only run. With two outs in the ninth, Caldwell needed one more out to end the game and bared down- when he was struck by lightning and knocked unconscious. A sportswriter described the scene:
“There was a blinding flash that seemed to set the diamond on fire and Caldwell was knocked flat from the shock of it.”
Caldwell came to, stood back up, and retired the last A’s hitter for the victory. This kept the Indians 8 games back of the White Sox, who were the first team to score over 500 runs. The next day, the 25th, in Clio, Alabama, George Corley Wallace Jr. entered the great stage of life.
Entering the 8th of this month, the defending pennant winning-Red Sox were squarely out of the race. Their bright young pitcher, Babe Ruth, was in his first year of a three-year pact and was slowly transitioning into an electrifying power hitter when he wasn’t pitching. He set the AL record in homers in July and on this day he set the major league record with his 26th homer, in the first game of a doubleheader against the Yankees in the Polo Grounds. Harry Hooper also hit his third home run. The 66-53 Yanks wouldn’t get much better luck later in the week, on Wednesday the tenth the red-hot Cleveland club came to town. Ray Caldwell, fresh after his run in with a bolt of electricity in the sky, got two quick supporting runs from his team in the top half of the first. He knocked in his second double of the season later in the game and was a walk away from a perfect game. Caldwell’s first no hitter occurred less than a month after being struck by lightning. Earlier back in the year, Giants manager John McGraw traveled to the Ohio farm of Harry F. “Slim” Sallee and offered him a contract. Sallee was focused on retirement but noted he would only play for a team close by, in this case, Cincinnati. McGraw walked away and watched as Sallee achieved great things as a control master lefty for the Reds. He even got his own day at the ballpark, for his start on the 21st. He threw 65 pitches in total and finished his complete game shutdown of the Giants in 55 minutes. Six days later on the 27th, the last Saturday of the regular season, Babe Ruth became the first AL hitter to homer in every park. The October matchup was already decided: White Sox vs. Reds.
The White Sox were the best team in baseball, but their success originated from their clique-driven clubhouse. Team captain and superstar Eddie Collins, his future Cooperstown buddy Ray Schalk and others were well-paid and good at their jobs. The second half of the clubhouse- Eddie Cicotte, Happy Felsch and 1B Buck Weaver were culturally on a different planet. Weaver was underpaid, and in his search for money contacted a Boston bookie to place a bet against his own team. “According to the grand-jury testimony of Eddie Cicotte, his faction first began to discuss the feasibility of throwing the upcoming World Series during a train trip late in the regular season”. There was still the persistent rumor that the Cubs threw the previous World Series to Ruth’s Sox, and Hal Chase had escaped hot water over his close ties to gamblers. Lefty Williams and Joe Jackson joined the fix during the off days before the Series. Every player demanded their 10k share but only Cicotte got his before the series, which began on the first. At this point, according to “Eight Myths Out” from SABR,, the Chicago owner Charles Comiskey knew about the fix, as did famously connected gambler Arnold Rothstein and Hal Chase. Cicotte hit the first batter in the back as a signal that the fix was on. Here’s the footage. The Reds scored a run in that inning but Chicago answered it. In the fourth, Cicotte made a throwing error and the Reds ended the inning with five runs, eventually winning 9-1. The Reds won again the next day on Sallee’s masterful performance, to go up 2-0 and rolled into the south side of Chicago, still smoldering from the race riots earlier. Not all the cheating players had received their share and the White Sox had a rookie pitcher who was not in on the fix for game 3, so the club got their first series win. Eddie Cicotte was scheduled to start the next day, and after Jackson and Cicotte made obvious errors, the Reds went up 3-1. For what its worth, Cicotte would later mention he tried to win that game. All the White Sox went cold in October, going 26 innings without plating a run during the series. After a rain delay gave the teams their first off day, the Reds lost the next game 5-0. Jackson finally got support from his teammates the next game which led to a 5-4 White Sox win. Cicotte pitched up to snuff in game seven to give White Sox fans hope. Lefty Williams started game eight and gave up a four spot in the first. The Reds won 10-5 and their first World Series. Some writers and fans had questioned the White Sox for their sloppy errors and their owner Comiskey led an investigation that confirmed the truth. He buried the news, ruled Gandil ineligible and hoped no one would find the skeleton in his closet. This scandal would rock baseball to its core for generations and was one of the most famous events from this year with the faulty myths.
In that first week of October, however, throwing the World Series was not the only thing occurring behind closed doors. Woodrow Wilson crisscrossed the country to campaign for his League of Nations to see its ratification in the Senate. In April, he contracted H1N1 and his sickly picture of health and asthma loomed ominously. For days, Wilson [ignored his health and felt painful headaches]( On the day of game two of the WS, he either got up from bed and collapsed or woke up to feel his left hand numb. It was a stroke- he was paralyzed on his left side. Partially blind in his right eye. Suffered a UTI infection three weeks later and another bout of influenza the next year. Just like the White Sox scandal, it would take months for the American public to get wind of just how serious it had been. Until then, his wife, Edith became the de-facto president, our first female executive. Her duties included, in her own words:
I studied every paper sent from the different Secretaries or Senators and tried to digest and present in tabloid form the things that, despite my vigilance, had to go to the President. I, myself, never made a single decision regarding the disposition of public affairs. The only decision that was mine was what was important and what was not, and the very important decision of when to present matters to my husband.
Would the chaos, the suffering, the pain of 1919 continue into the next decade? Was violence, corruption, disease and the lying be the new normal? Around this time, a young veteran in Germany, disillusioned with the ridiculous post-war society joined the German Workers Party. They convinced him to make his first public speech at the Hofbraukeller brewery in Munich on the 16th of October. According to Adolph Hitler, it was the Jews who were to blame for the 1919 post-war madness. Over one hundred brown shirts in the brewery latched on to Hitler’s ideas quickly and his public speaking scheduled increased as President Wilson attempted to regain his health after the stroke.
Historians would later call the summer of 1919 the “Red Scare”, where conservative forces in the government and its citizens lashed out against reformers, socialists, and African Americans with zeal as anarchists and foreign revolutions spread fear. AG Palmer had been a victim of the bombs earlier in the year. This August, he appointed 24-year-old J. Edgar Hoover to prosecute political threats from foreigners and leftists. Hoover forged a pact with local cops to conduct a raid on November 7th, as Wilson sat in bed. Many of the humans they arrested were later freed and Palmer drew condemnation for the raids that bear his name, if little of his actual handiwork. Jumping ahead to December 12, inching toward 1920, the major league owners met and decided to severely limit the use of the spitball, allowing two players on each roster to continue the practice. After the 1920 season, the number would go down to one, allowing several pitchers to be grandfathered in. Toward the end of the year world health officials celebrated the end of the Spanish Flu epidemic and as fans would learn in 1920, Red Sox owner Harry Frazee sent George H. “Babe” Ruth for a hundred thousand dollars and a 350-thousand-dollar loan for Frazee’s new Broadway play, tied to a mortgage on Fenway Park.
AL team W/L pythag record run diff
Chicago White Sox 88-52 84-56 1.0
Cleveland Indians 84-55 80-59 0.7
New York Yankees 80-59 78-61 0.5
Detroit Tigers 80-60 74-66 0.3
St. Louis Browns 67-72 66-73 -0.2
Boston Red Sox 66-71 70-67 0.1
Washington Senators 56-84 66-74 -0.3
Philadelphia A’s 36-104 41-99 -2.0
NL team W/L pythag record run diff
Cincinnati Reds 96-44 92-48 1.
New York Giants 87-53 86-54 1.0
Chicago Cubs 75-65 77-63 0.3
Pittsburg Pirates 71-68 70-69 0
Brooklyn Robbins 69-71 71-69 0.1
Boston Braves 57-82 70-67 -0.7
St. Louis Cardinals 54-83 58-79 -0.6
Philadelphia Phillies 47-90 48-88 -1.4
Player BA OPS+ wRC+
Cobb, Ty .384 166 161
Jackson, Joe .351 159 157
Ruth, Babe .322 217 203
Sisler, George .352 156 151
Veach, Bobby .355 158 152
Players Missing: Jack Tobin (.327 BA), "Baby Doll" Jacobson (.323) Henie Groh (157 wRC+).
Adams, Babe 263.1 0.896 1.98
Alexander, Pete 235 0.928 1.72
Cicotte, Eddie 306.2 0.995 1.82
Johnson, Walter 290.1 0.985 1.49
Vaughn, Hippo 306.2 1.063 1.79
Players Missing: Jim Shaw (306.2 IP), Dutch Reuther (1.82 ERA), Jesse Barnes (295.2 IP, 1.008 WHIP), Lefty Williams (297 IP)
submitted by FederalLeagueMVP to baseball [link] [comments]

With the discovery of Canadian, TX teen Thomas Brown's remains, what's next for the investigation? Open question about discovery of deceased teen, missing since 2016.

Note: As much as I’d love to write up all this information in my own original words, I work insanely long hours, so I’ve chosen to include transcripts of articles on the case with credit to the respective authors and sources. If this violates any rules, do what you must. Sources are provided at the bottom.
I understand this has been posted about recently, given the finding of Thomas’s remains. I’d like to get into it some more. This case is so strange to me.
Introduction to case
From Casefile podcase episode 85, Writing by Milly Raso
Midnight approached on Thanksgiving Eve, November 23rd, 2016. Penny Meek was up waiting for her son Tom Brown, who was due home any moment. Hours earlier, Tom had gone out to meet up with friends. The 18-year-old had a strict midnight curfew and was rarely late. If he was, he always got in touch to let his mother know. So far, she’d heard nothing.
But midnight ticked by, and there was no sign of Tom.
At 12:03 am, Tucker sent his brother a text asking where he was.
Tom didn’t reply.
Tucker and Penny sent Tom several more text messages, trying to locate him. But still, they received no response. This was unusual – Tom always responded to texts.
At 12:23 am, Penny tried to call Tom. But her call went straight to voicemail – his phone was off. Penny’s concern grew. Though Tom could be a joker and a goofball, he wasn’t the type to pull a prank like this. He was a well-behaved son, far from rebellious or disrespectful.
Getting into separate cars to cover more ground, Penny and Tom’s older brother Tucker went searching for Tom’s red coloured 2009 Dodge Durango SUV.
Penny and Tucker combed the entire town – checking local haunts and hangouts. Yet, there was no sign of Tom or his car. Though Canadian had more wealth and bustle than other townships in the semi-arid Panhandle region of Texas; it was still incredibly small and close-knit. The layout of the land was deeply ingrained within the residents who lived there. There is no way Tom had gotten lost.
So where was he…
A summary and timeline of the case from NBC New, written by Bianca Hiller
The day before Thanksgiving in 2016, Penny Kendall Meek was enjoying having her sons together at their Canadian, Texas home. Penny tells Dateline she remembers her youngest son, high school senior Thomas Brown, spending time with his older brother, Tucker, who was home from college for the holiday.
Around 6:00 p.m. that night, Penny says Thomas said he was going to go hang out with friends. He asked for her debit card for gas money before driving away.
“Generally, the kids would meet at one of the schools and they’d park their cars there and get into one car and just ride around,” Penny told Dateline. “That night, they met at the middle school and rode around.”
Penny says she texted Thomas shortly after he left the house, but wasn’t surprised when he didn’t reply because she figured he was driving. Friends who were with Thomas that night would later tell Penny they all arrived back at the middle school parking lot around 11:20 p.m.
“Then, [Thomas] went to Fronc’s Oil and Gas. There are just gas pumps there -- no attendants, no convenience store,” Penny said, adding that surveillance footage would later show him pumping gas into his car. “My card was swiped at about 11:28 p.m.”
Thomas’s curfew was midnight, leaving him plenty of time to make it home. As soon as midnight came and went with no sign of Thomas, Penny grew concerned.
“Thomas never missed curfew. He would even come home well before curfew, and then he and his friends would play video games,” Penny said. A few minutes after midnight, Penny asked Thomas’s brother Tucker to text Thomas to see where he was. According to Penny, the text was delivered to Thomas’s phone, but it was not read.
When 12:10 a.m. came and Thomas still hadn’t replied to Tucker’s text, Penny says she texted Thomas herself. Once again, the message was delivered but not read. Just five minutes later, Penny texted Thomas again. This time, Penny says the message was unable to be delivered, meaning Thomas’s phone was likely off.
“Initially, I thought maybe he had an accident,” Penny told Dateline. She and Tucker took off from the house in separate cars to search the roads, while her husband stayed at the house in case Thomas returned.
“I headed to some of the places I knew Thomas would have driven around. I checked some of his friends’ houses. But his car was not there,” Penny said. Around 2:00 a.m., Penny says she called the homes of the friends Thomas had hung out with that night. One friend did not answer her call, but the others had each made it home that night and were surprised to hear Thomas had not.
“I didn’t call 911 because my husband is a volunteer fireman, so he just gave me a number for the [sheriff’s office] dispatch,” Penny told Dateline. “It took about 45 minutes for the deputy to respond. He went out to look for Thomas.”
By 3:30 a.m., Penny tells Dateline, both she and her son Tucker had returned home from their separate searches. Shortly thereafter, Penny says a deputy from the Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office arrived at their home. Since Tucker knew where Thomas’s girlfriend lived, he went in the patrol car with the deputy to search for a few hours. They arrived back home around 6:00 a.m. not having found Thomas or his car.
Unbeknownst to Penny, a couple of hours later -- after dawn -- one of Thomas’s friends went up in with her father in a helicopter to look for Thomas’s car. They spotted the car in a remote section of the Canadian, Texas suburbs, about four miles from Thomas’s home. But Thomas was nowhere to be seen.
The friend called the sheriff’s department who then notified Thomas’s parents of the update.
“It was found near where our sewage ponds are, which is not near anywhere he would have gone,” Penny told Dateline of the car’s location. Penny added that Thomas’s phone, laptop, backpack, and keys were all missing from the car, though the chargers were still there.
The Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office told Dateline that Thomas’s case was turned over to the Texas Attorney General Criminal Investigation Division in the beginning of 2018. The Texas Attorney General Criminal Investigation Division did not reply to Dateline’s repeated request for comment.
Shortly after Thomas’s disappearance, his family began working with private investigator Philip Klein. Penny says that in a search two months after Thomas disappeared, her son’s backpack was located about four miles from where his car had been found. About 10 months later, in a subsequent search, Thomas’s cellphone was also located. It was found five miles from where his backpack was, nine miles from the car. Unfortunately, finding Thomas’s belongings has not yet yielded any evidence of significance.
Thomas was in his senior year of high school when he disappeared.
“The first year Thomas was missing, we wanted to give a scholarship in his honor because he was not graduating with his class,” Penny told Dateline. “Our hope is to be able to raise enough money to be able to give the scholarship to a Canadian high school student every year, but also to be able to give scholarships throughout the [Texas] Panhandle.”
Penny added that while the scholarship is to honor Thomas, it’s also to give back to the people who have helped support her and her family throughout the past two years.
“I don’t have words to describe the support we have gotten throughout the panhandle,” she said. “I have received messages from people all over the world.”
Penny has also created a Facebook group called Moms 4 Tom, which is “a group of moms, friends, and community members dedicated to finding Thomas and bringing him home.”
“I just know there is no way that he would’ve left without telling me or his brother,” Penny said. “I think something happened, but I don’t know what it was. Not only do I deserve answers, but our community deserves answers because we don’t expect anything to happen in our rural community. I think that’s why the panhandle has been so supportive, because it’s bothersome.”
Thomas Brown is described as being 6’ tall and weighing 195 lbs., with brown hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing a black shirt, a black windbreaker with “OSU Cowboys” in orange letters on the left chest, blue jeans, and tennis shoes. If you have any information on Thomas’s case, please call the Texas Attorney General Criminal Investigation Division at 512-463-2100.
Regarding the release of information about the case, from acb 7 News
"Details have been few in the case of a missing Canadian teenager. Thomas Brown went missing 14 months ago on Thanksgiving 2016. Now his family's fight for answers may be leading to another dead end.
In October, Thomas Brown’s family filed a public records request with the Hemphill County Sheriff for information about the case. The request was sent to the attorney general for a decision about what could be released. The attorney general ruled the family could have the documents requested, but now the county is appealing that decision in a lawsuit, asking the attorney general to reconsider. Thomas' mom, Penny Meek, said she is not seeking sensitive information.
"I can't think there was really anything that would compromise the case,” said Meek.
Hemphill County Sheriff Nathan Lewis disagrees. He said the case is open and any information released could interfere with the investigation. He gave ABC 7 this statement:
“The Sheriff's Office foremost concern is maintaining the integrity of the case. We do understand the desire for knowledge and insight concerning this case, however; dissemination of certain facts and documents would only serve to impede the ongoing investigation and possible prosecution in the future.”
Meek’s requests include a log of volunteers that participated in searches, dates the Department of Public Service, the Texas Rangers and the FBI became involved in the investigation, any press releases about Thomas' case, names of deputies assigned to the case, disciplinary reports of personnel, the number of photographs and recordings made plus, most importantly, the classification of the case. She wants to know whether or not it is a criminal investigation.
"I know more about the Las Vegas shooter or the church shooter than I do my own son's case,” said Meek. “That is kind of frustrating because I am the mom."
She said the information would reveal what she most wants to know: If the investigation is progressing.
"It would be nice to have some assurances that they were getting leads or we're following up on things," said Meek.
The Hemphill County Attorney Kyle Miller said releasing any information could jeopardize justice. In a statement to ABC 7 he said:
"The entirety of the file contains information that, if made public, could compromise a criminal prosecution should one prove warranted. We have asked the Attorney General's Office for an opinion as to what, if anything, can be released to the public and what should remain confidential to ensure justice is served. This is simply the next step in the required process with the Attorney General's Office."
Thomas' mom said the lawsuit is another delay in getting the answers she wants.
"It's pretty disheartening and disappointing because at this point I just feel like we are playing political games and my son's life isn't a game,” said Meek.
There is no time table on when the attorney general will make a decision about if the documents will be released.
In January of 2018, Sheriff Lewis officially requested assistance from the Attorney General’s office. A copy of the letter can be found here:
From “The Canadian Record"
Hemphill County Sheriff Nathan Lewis has sent an appeal to the Texas Attorney General’s Office, requesting that it take over the investigation into the Thanksgiving 2016 disappearance of Thomas Brown, then a senior at Canadian High School.
Sheriff Lewis’ request, emailed to the AG’s Criminal Justice Division on Friday afternoon, is an apparent concession to a petition posted at by Tom’s mother, Penny Meek, and promoted by the advocacy group, Moms4Tom.
“To leave no stone unturned and to bring to bear every resource the State of Texas has to solve the case of Thomas Brown,” the petition reads, “we respectfully request Hemphill County Attorney Kyle Miller and/or Hemphill County Sheriff Nathan Lewis to turn the investigation and subsequent prosecution if warranted over to the Texas Attorney General offices and let’s use our tax dollars to find Thomas rather than be an adversary of his family.”
The petition is directed to Hemphill County Attorney Kyle Miller, and has gathered 6,316 signatures since Thursday afternoon when it first appeared online.
In response, Lewis asked that the AG’s office “formally assume the responsibility for the investigation and/or prosecution” into what it terms a “missing person case.” He cites the family’s growing dissatisfaction with the results of his investigation, thus far, writing, “To that end, so that justice may be served for all concerned parties and Hemphill County, we ask [that] your office formally take the reins as the lead investigating agency for this matter.”
The petition drive follows several open records requests filed on October 2017 by Elgin attorney Rosanna Abrea—who represents Tom’s mother, Penny Meek—demanding that Sheriff Lewis release ten items of information compiled during its investigation of Tom’s disappearance.
County Attorney Miller challenged Abrea’s request, and sought an attorney general opinion on what, if anything, could be released to the public, and what should remain confidential. In requesting the opinion, Miller noted, “The entirety of the file contains information that, if made public, could compromise a criminal prosecution, should one prove warranted.”
In another online appeal, Moms4Tom asked the public to call the Attorney General’s office, urging them to grant the Public Information Request, and to reject the county’s appeal to keep the information private.
In a Dec. 20 response, Assistant Attorney General Kelly McWethy concluded that the information requested should be released. McWethy cited Miller’s failure to submit a copy of the specific information requested, or representative samples, labeled to indicate which exceptions apply to which parts of the documents. Without that documentation, he wrote, the information requested “is presumed to be public and therefore must be released, unless there is compelling reason to withhold the information from disclosure.
Hemphill County officials believe they do have reason. Amarillo attorney Matt Mazner has been retained by the Texas Association of Counties (TAC) to represent Hemphill County in seeking a declaratory judgment against the attorney general. Release of the requested information will have an adverse impact on the investigation, Mazner wrote. He cited Sheriff Lewis’ claim that disclosure of the documents would reveal individuals involved in the investigation, law enforcement methods used to obtain information, the identity of individuals who have provided information, and the various methods utilized by law enforcement agencies in assisting with the investigation.
That request by Hemphill County for injunctive relief from the attorney general’s ruling will now go before the Travis County District Court.
Meanwhile, amid all of this legal wrangling, Thomas Brown has not been seen or heard from since 11:20 pm on the night of Nov. 23, 2016. Since then, the Texas Rangers and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have both assisted the Sheriff’s Office investigation into Brown’s disappearance. Shortly after Tom’s disappearance, his family retained the services of Klein Investigations & Consulting of Nederland, whose agents continue to investigate the case.

Summary of Documents Released to Family
Wednesday, 26 December, 2018
Hemphill County and the Texas Attorney General’s office have reached an Agreed Final Judgment in the Public Information Act lawsuit regarding the matter of Thomas Brown. The family of Thomas Brown had filed a public information request via attorney Rosanna L. Abreo with Hemphill County, requesting the following information:“1. Copies of all recordings, call sheets, incident reports, memorandums, text messages, and emails regarding Thomas Kelly Brown, a missing person from December 2, 2016 to present.2. Names or logs of all volunteers, employees, other agencies members, and professionals involved in the searches for missing person Thomas Kelly Brown from November 24, 2016 to the present.3. Dates of all contact with Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Ranger Division and Highway Patrol, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, specifically, all requests for assistance in the investigation of missing person, Thomas Kelly Brown. Please note identity of persons contacted, dates of contact and method of contact. 4. Use of force reports for Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office from January 1, 2016 to the present. 5. All training received by all Hemphill County Sheriff’s office personnel, currently and previously employed, since January 1, 2016 to present. Please list name of training class, where class was attended, and number of hours of training to TCOLE.6. Reports, memorandums, interoffice emails or other correspondences regarding commendations, and incidents of misconduct or disciplinary action of personnel currently or previously employed by the Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office from August 1, 2016 to the present. 7. Copy of all public service reports, press releases, flyers, or announcements from Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office regarding missing person, Thomas Kelly Brown from November 24, 2016 to the present. 8. Names of all officers/deputies, current or former, assigned or who have actively assisted in the Thomas Kelly Brown investigation. Please state what their primary assignments are in the investigation. 9. The number of photographs and/or other electronic recordings taken from the scene where missing person, Thomas Kelly Brown’s vehicle was located. A copy of all photographs and/or other electronic recordings taken from the scene where missing person, Thomas Kelly Brown’s vehicle was located. 10. The official characterization or type of case designation by the Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office regarding the disappearance of Thomas Kelly Brown.” Hemphill County provided the requested materials regarding training and personnel, and asserted that disclosure of what amounted to its entire investigative file on Thomas Brown would adversely affect the ongoing investigation and subsequent prosecution of any criminal acts associated with the case, citing the exceptions from disclosure under Texas Government Code §552.108. After review of the file by the Attorney General’s office during litigation, the investigative material was agreed to be exempt from disclosure. The Agreed Final Judgment is quoted as follows:“1. The County may withhold information at issue, which consists of videos, photographs, phone records, digital voice recordings, radio calls, emails, and documents relating to Texas Attorney General Criminal Justice Division’s Thomas Brown Investigation, under Texas Government Code §555.108(a)(1).2. All court costs and attorney fees are taxes against parties incurring same;3. All relief not expressly granted is denied; and4. This Order disposes of all claims between the parties and is a final judgment.” The Judgment reflects the parties’ agreement as to a compelling reason to withhold the information under Texas Government Code §552.302. The County proved that release of the information would interfere with the Texas Attorney General’s Criminal Justice Division’s investigation of the disappearance of Thomas Brown. The order was signed by Lora Livingston, Judge of the 261st District Court in Travis County, Texas. The entire investigative file was provided to the Attorney General’s office and reviewed by their Administrative Law Division, and the investigation remains ongoing with the Attorney General’s Criminal Investigative Division, who took over the case at the request of Hemphill County.
Discovery of Remains, January 2019
Remains found near Lake Marvin Road (located near Lake Marvin, Hemphilll County) have been identified as missing high school senior Thomas brown who went missing the night of November 23, 2016 under puzzling circumstances. His remains were positively identified via dental records. The name of the individual who located his remains has not been released.
From News Channel 10 KFDA
By Cassie Stafford | January 16, 2019 at 7:31 PM CST - Updated January 17 at 2:56 PM
CANADIAN, TX (KFDA) - We are learning more on the discovery of Thomas Brown’s remains in Hemphill County.
NewsChannel10 spoke with the lead private investigator on the case, Philip Klein, who was hired by Brown’s family.
He said on January 9, a man was walking down a path near Lake Marvin Road when he noticed something, and called authorities immediately.
The Texas Attorney General’s Office (OAG) and the Texas Rangers responded and later confirmed through forensic testing it was the missing Canadian teen.
Original report, November 2016: Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office still searching for missing teen
During what Klein calls a phase one search last year, he said they had roughly 18 miles to cover plus an acre on either side of the road.
He added that the area where Thomas was found wasn’t missed, but had not yet been searched.
NewsChannel10 spoke with the lead private investigator on the case, Philip Klein, who was hired by Brown’s family.
He said on January 9, a man was walking down a path near Lake Marvin Road when he noticed something, and called authorities immediately.
The Texas Attorney General’s Office (OAG) and the Texas Rangers responded and later confirmed through forensic testing it was the missing Canadian teen.
Original report, November 2016: Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office still searching for missing teen
During what Klein calls a phase one search last year, he said they had roughly 18 miles to cover plus an acre on either side of the road.
He added that the area where Thomas was found wasn’t missed, but had not yet been searched.
“That area had been flown by helicopters... the south part of that area had been run by our guys, by trace sergeant and her dog,” said Klein. “They had run to the south side of that area but he had not gotten to the north side yet. So it wasn’t a matter of a missing by law enforcement or us at all, it was just a matter of that area hadn’t been searched.”
Klein wouldn’t comment on the condition of the remains found, however he said there’s no doubt this is an active homicide investigation.
“What will happen now is that the OAG and the Texas Rangers will continue their investigation and will continue to interview people and build evidence,” he said.
He said their team is very well focused right now and that they knew a body was out there all along.
“We’re going back over the evidence of the car, the shell casing... the blood that was in the car,” said Klein. “The actual timeline between 11:38 and 12:05 I think is very, very, very, very important.”
They’ve received questions as to whether or not there’s a killer among in the community of Canadian.
To that he says:
“Everybody can sleep well at night, but if I was a dad and I had kids out there in the community, I’d be like anything else.” said Klein. “Maybe I’m just too cynical being a 29-year-old investigator, but I’d sleep with one eye open right now. I would, until this thing is solved.”
Klein said he does not believe it was a pre-meditated homicide. The reward that was in place for Thomas' whereabouts is now geared toward information surrounding his death.
Klein stresses that locals steer clear of Lake Marvin Road as it could impede their investigation.
“It’s still an active working crime scene and we just don’t need people out there tromping around,” he said. “We know everyone loved Tom, we know the town is hurting, hell we know Hemphill County and North Texas is hurting. And we know people want to go put roses and flowers and markers out there honoring Tom but now isn’t the time to do that.”
He said the whole area of Lake Marvin Road probably needs to be look over again and that there are some persons of interest floating around.
“Do I think there will be an arrest in this? Oh eventually one day there will be, yes absolutely,” he said. “When? I don’t know.”
Some Discussion Points:
Unfortunately, I can’t find a new source from this information, but it has become part of the narrative and can be found in podcasts about this case, including Casefile and Unfound.
Prior to Thomas’s disappearance, the high school student had an encounter with Sheriff Lewis. In an unpleasant exchange, Lewis, not yet Sheriff at the time, approached Thomas and a friend in a public area and accused them of being up to something nefarious. This confused the young men, and Lewis ultimately demanded that Thomas get into his car where he continued to berate and curse at the teen. Thomas’s parents were called, which added to the confusion. While Lewis knew the family, he was not exceptionally close to them and it was strange that Thomas would be targeted in such as way as he was rarely if ever in trouble of any kind.
The incident stands out as being, if nothing else, peculiar, especially in hindsight.
During the early investigation into Thomas’s disappearance, Sheriff Lewis openly stated that he believed Thomas was alive. Contrary to Thomas’s record of calling to check in, being on time for curfews, and staying out of trouble, the implication is that Thomas left voluntarily. Unfortunately, this outlook is further refuted by the shell casing and blood evidence found in Thomas’s car.

and finally..... an article about investigators' perspectives early in the search
From a News Channel 10 KFDA Article:
May 5, 2017 at 2:40 AM CDT - Updated August 12 at 9:31 AM
Hemphill County Sheriff Nathan Lewis believes missing teen Thomas Brown is still alive.
But as we enter the sixth month since his disappearance, private investigators aren't so sure.
Klein Investigations, a private firm hired by brown's family, said based on their searches, there's a 70% chance that Brown is dead.
Lewis said there's no evidence to back that up.
Both groups are continuing their investigations, and have some updates in the case they can share.
A cadaver dog was brought out by Klein Investigations to search for signs of Brown, and alerted investigators to the Lake Marvin area.
That location is where a different body was found nearly 20 years ago, but because they were not able to search the entire Lake Marvin area, investigators are focusing their efforts there.
"We did put the dog onto Thomas's automobile," said Philip Klein, lead investigator. "The dog hit on the automobile and the dog hit in the automobile."
What the dog found was a small trace of blood that Lewis said was small and looked like the result of a minor cut.
Brown's backpack and laptop that were found months ago proved to have no information that would help out this case.
His Facebook profile was deleted by Facebook after being hacked, but both parties said that will not hinder the investigation,.
Klein investigators covered 19 areas in and around Canadian during their most recent search, and said they're looking into five of those areas, and believe something "nefarious" happened to brown.
Lewis thinks otherwise.
"Everything that was put out there by Klein Investigations was speculations and theories," said Lewis. "This could have happened, this might have happened, we think this happens. That's not what we do here. We go off of evidence or lack of evidence."
Some of those theories are that someone dumped Brown's car and walked into the neighborhood nearby, or that his body is buried somewhere in the county.
Lewis said there is not evidence to back these theories up.
Private investigators focus on the civil side of the investigation, while law enforcement takes a prosecutory standpoint.
But both groups are working together and sharing resources to solve this case.
"I really don't care who finds him," said Lewis. "We just need to bring him home, or figure out exactly what happened."
Lewis and Klein and his investigators are looking into every tip they receive.
Points of Speculation, Closing Thoughts
As of January 2019, it is known that Thomas Brown is no longer alive, and while the date of his death is unknown to the public, it appears extremely likely that the Canadian, Texas teen met his end on the night of his disappearance in November of 2016.
I’ll avoid injecting TOO much of my personal opinion here, but my own wariness of Sheriff Lewis is likely already apparent.
As of the date of this posting, Thomas’s case is open.

EDIT: had a title in the wrong spot
EDIT 2: This edit is referencing a comment below made by a user. I don't know how users feel about having their name called out, but you can find the comment below. The reference is a recent suicide of a teacher following the discovery of Thomas body.
The following is a short article from the Canadian news paper:
"BREAKING NEWS The Hemphill County Sheriff’s Office reported late yesterday afternoon that Canadian Elementary School teacher Jeff Caseltine had died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A witness in the vicinity of the Hemphill County RV Park reported having seen an individual alone at campsite in the park, and then hearing a gunshot. He contacted HCSO. Law enforcement officers responded, secured the scene, found Caseltine's body and recovered a note. The family was notified. The death has been ruled as a suicide, pending an autopsy, which will be performed today in Lubbock."
Below is an obituary for the deceased teacher:
Jeff’s Obituary Jeff Caseltine, 54, of Canadian passed away on Monday, January 21, 2019 in Canadian. Memorial services will be 10:00 AM Friday, January 25, 2019 at First Christian Church of Canadian with Matt Cook, pastor, officiating. Cremation and arrangements are under the direction of Carmichael-Whatley Funeral Directors of Canadian. Jeff was born September 24, 1964 and was reared primarily in the suburbs of Austin, Texas, Jeff was a born performer. Be it his high school theater class at Lago Vista High, or karaoke at Buffalo Wild Wings, he was most at home while making people smile or laugh with his talents. Jeff joined the Navy in 1984 where he served until 1986 on the U.S.S. Vincennes. Throughout the eight years he spent post-military, he held many exciting jobs, including being KTSA’s leading radio man as Jeff the Kool Breeze. In 1994, Jeff fell in love with and married his wife Shannon in small town Booker, Texas. Jeff, Shannon, and 13-year-old step-son TJ packed their things in 1995 and hauled off to Stillwater, Oklahoma where Shannon would eventually become pregnant and give birth to their first child in 1996, a daughter named Sarah. A few years would pass before Shannon would become pregnant again in 1998 and give birth to their son, Michael. The Caseltine’s would call Stillwater home for the next nine years, where Jeff worked as a caretaker for Stillwater Group Homes, Inc., caring for adults with mental disabilities. However, Jeff was called to work as an aid for an autistic child at the elementary school his children attended in 2003. During his time there, it became clear to him that he wanted nothing more than to teach. He attended Oklahoma State University from 2004 until his departure from Stillwater in 2007 when he and his family moved to Abilene, Texas. In Abilene, Jeff continued his work as a caretaker for a man with cerebral palsy, attended school at McMurry University, and taught a fourth grade Sunday school class at Beltway Baptist Church. In 2012, Jeff attained a Bachelor of Science degree from McMurry University, with the intention of teaching young children. For three years after attaining his degree, Jeff worked for Sylvan Learning Center as the Regional Director of Education, but always desired teaching in a classroom setting. In 2015, a job for a Pre-kindergarten special education teacher became available in his sister-in-law’s hometown, Canadian, Texas. The Caseltine’s mulled it over, and eventually came to the decision that the ideas of both being closer to family and Jeff getting the opportunity to do what he loved made it an obvious choice. Survivors include his wife, Shannon of the home; 2 sons, Thomas Judd Maness and wife Reba Collins of San Antonio and Michael Caseltine of Canyon; a daughter, Sarah Caseltine of Bryan; 3 sisters-in-law, Terri Long and husband Tim of Edmond, Oklahoma, Denise Janko and husband Chris of Beaver, Oklahoma, LeeAnn Monty and husband Tyler “Max” of Canadian; his father, Dale Gray and wife Martha of Happy, Florida; his mother-in-law, Della Lawson of Canadian; and numerous nieces and nephews. Extended family Brenda Maness of Beaver and Cody Maness of Abilene. Read More
Our most sincere sympathies to the family and friends of Jeff Caseltine September 24 1964 January 21 2019.
Source: Carmichael-Whatley Funeral Directors of Canadian – Canadian, Texas – Canadian
Death notice for the town of: Canadian, state: Texas"
Not from Canadian Texas, so I can't comment with any validity on what the local gossip is, or what's a local speculation is. I'll connect a couple of dots that might be obvious.
His death closely followed the discovery of Thomas body.
He was a theater teacher, maybe Thomas theater teacher, I can't confirm that.
He left a note, which has not been released to my knowledge.
Also, it would be interesting to know which RV park they're referring to and whether it is near the lake where Thomas's remains were found.
Early on, Sheriff Lewis pushed " if you see something say something," and if my memory is correct, he stated he believed that people, or students, at Thomas's High School knew something.
Please keep in mind that this is only speculative, and that there is no official information stating that this man is connected. At this point, it's another interesting layer to an unsolved case that very well may be unrelated.
And I'm on mobile, so forgive my errors.
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FMIL lost her shit on me at BF's Air Force graduation, but *I'm* the demon

I’m a longtime lurker but this weekend shit finally hit the fan so hard that I broke down and created this burner account to share. Because I’m sitting alone in an Airbnb in Texas right now, and I’m genuinely terrified my FMIL is going to attempt to break in overnight. I about shit myself earlier when the dryer came unbalanced, thinking she was banging on the door and I was about to die.
This story is long. Shit escalates hard partway through, though, so I promise it’s worth the read.
TL;DR: FMIL screams at me in front of BF’s entire Air Force squadron, doesn’t understand why I won’t prioritize her over my dying dog, later calls me “that fucking bitch”, threatens to dump BF’s dog and now I’m paranoid she’s going to show up at my Airbnb and murder me and my dog
This weekend, my BF graduated from Air Force basic training, and myself, FMIL, FFIL (they are divorced) and FBIL all traveled to Texas to celebrate with BF. I’ve known since day one that FMIL is a textbook manipulative narcissist who dedicates her life to playing the victim 24/7, so I went out of my way to be accommodating and kind. That did not matter in the end.
The first day (Thursday) was mostly BEC, some passive aggressive comments meant to make me feel guilty about things that had literally nothing to do with me, but tolerable. On Friday morning, however, shit started to go south, when FMIL screamed at me, at my partner's graduation from Air Force basic training. Literally screamed, in public, and in front of his entire squadron.
During the two days of ceremonies, they have what they call tapping out, where at the end of the ceremony, the airmen have to stay at attention until someone someone touches them to "tap them out". It happens twice, once each day, and it's super common that the parents do one tap out and the partner does the other.
On Thursday, I hung back and let EVERY member of his family hug him first. I did this intentionally so there wouldn't be a problem and they'd get their special time. Well, apparently FMIL let FFIL touch him first, so she decided she got to tap him out the second day....but then did not tell ANYONE this.
So Friday, the second tap out, I got there first. I purposefully even meandered over, in case there was someone wanting to get there first - even though i knew he wanted me to tap him out. When I got there, he was still at attention, so i hugged him. When she got over there—several minutes later—she started screaming while still at least 10 feet away.
I bounced to a Starbucks on base by myself, and proceeded to call my (incredible) mother to get mommy comfort. While I was there, my FBIL messaged me and said (and I quote), “Sorry about my mother. Please don’t take anything personally as she is basically a horrible person 99% of the time.”
I ended up meeting back up with them for lunch, because I knew it was important to BF that I be there and I didn’t want to forfeit any time with him over the short few days we have together. During the lunch, she was bitchy and passive aggressive, randomly bringing up truly stupid things she thought would make me look bad to FH (i.e. saying, “I was GOING to bring your tablet to you, [OP’s FH], but *I* couldn’t….”, because she knew he gave me his tablet for safekeeping while he was at BMT—despite ALSO knowing that I brought the tablet with me for him this weekend.
BF, however, was a complete doll the whole time, as were his dad and brother. When she made the shitty comment about the tablet, he literally *IMMEDIATELY* turned to his dad, without missing a beat, and said, “So Dad, OP and [DAD’s WIFE] have been talking a LOT on Facebook and OP is REALLY looking forward to meeting her soon!” The look on FMIL’s face was truly incredible, it was 10/10 level shade from BF, and a great example of why I am so in love with the man, lol.
After lunch, BF said he really wanted to just go take a shower and a nap and have some quiet secluded time, which everyone knew meant at my Airbnb. FBIL was a great wingman, immediately jumping in and saying, “Great! We’ll just go find something chill to do and you can text whenever you’re feeling rested up and we’ll figure out something to do!” I’m certain everyone knew that “nap” was at least 50% code (I mean, duh, it’s been EIGHT LONG WEEKS, y’all) but it went overall smooth.
We spent 4-ish hours together, and then he called his brother to coordinate meeting up for dinner. FMIL chose to skip it, saying it was late/she didn’t feel well/didn’t want to drive after dark/etc. While at dinner, the rest of us discussed plans for the next day, where I’d pick BF up from base and then we’d all meet at the Airbnb and make further plans there.
The next morning, I messaged FBIL on Facebook chat with the address and time to meet and asked that he pass the info along to FMIL (since I wasn’t exactly keen on calling her myself, having JUST been screamed at by her and knowing that she’d likely be pissed that I was the one picking BF up from base). I knew she already knew about the tentative Airbnb plans, as I had texted her about my idea 2 weeks ago when I first booked the place.
When FBIL/FFIL get to the Airbnb, FBIL says that FMIL said she wasn’t coming, because she “hadn’t been invited”. When he pointed out that he was LITERALLY inviting her right that moment, she said he “wasn’t the inviter” and said that “this is why no one in the family likes you, [FBIL], because you're such an asshole know-it-all”. She said this TO HER CHILD, y’all. She called him again while he was at the Airbnb, again insisted HE couldn’t invite her, and he told her, “you’re not a vampire, you don’t have to be officially invited in.” (lol) We all assumed that she was angling for BF to call her with a personal invite, but all agreed that was dumb as fuck, since he didn’t even have his own phone back yet, and she’d been invited by someone in the group with a phone.
The four of us (me/BF/FBIL/FFIL) proceed to spend the whole day together and it is THE BEST. So low-key, no-stress and super fun. Every time we go to a new place, FBIL texts FMIL to tell her where we were going and invite her, and she again refuses, rotating between “I wasn’t invited” and other excuses. All four of us notice and repeatedly comment on how nice the day is, specifically because she wasn’t there to make everyone miserable. After dinner, we say bye to FBIL/FFIL (as they were flying out early the next day) and BF and I have a date to a hockey game Airmen were given permission to go to past curfew, and then I take him back to base.
This morning, BF got an extra day of off-base liberty, thanks to his flight winning Commanders Excellence (which is a big deal). So I pick him up at 930 am, and we head to the Airbnb. We decide together that we’d play nice one more time and invite her to lunch. I told BF that I only had two conditions: 1. That whatever we did with her, it ended by 3 pm, so his last 3 hours until he had to be back at 6 would be mine to say goodbye and help him run any final errands, and 2. If she was shitty to me, he’d defend me (because if he didn’t, I would defend myself and it wouldn’t be pretty). Since he got back to the squadron after lights out last night, he hadn’t gotten to shower so wanted to use mine first, before calling her, and we also took another quick “nap” (*wink*).
At 11am-ish, he uses my phone to call her, and she doesn’t answer. A little bit later, she calls back, and proceeds to have the most drawn out, insane emotional meltdown I have EVER heard. He kept it on speakerphone the whole time, so I heard the whole thing. The synopsis of her meltdown was that “OP ruined the whole weekend!!!” but here are a few highlights from the call:
BF finally answered one of her calls (sigh) at 3:15, and she was crying and saying that she was just so sick and in so much pain and probably going to Urgent Care this afternoon and would he please have dinner with her? The manipulation was palpable. BF gave a very neutral “meh, maybe” (not great, but I think he panicked in the moment) and she said she’d call in 20 min when she got to town. When they hung up, BF and I immediately had a real come to Jesus moment, where I told him that if he chose to meet up with her, I wasn’t going, and that would mean he was forfeiting the last bit of time he had with me before shipping to his next base tonight, and that he’d also be sending a very clear message to both me and her about whether he was ok with her straight up disrespecting me and how much he really loved me and saw a future with me.
He was genuinely great in that moment, comforting me and saying there was no way he was meeting up with her, he was just so stressed about her potentially creating a scene on base and he panicked in the moment and that he absolutely was on my side and wanted a future with me and that he would 100% draw a line in the sand with her once the risk of her fucking up his shipping out from BMT has passed. He also told me that he thought I should look into getting a restraining order against her, because I expressed being scared that she knows both where my Airbnb (which I’m still at tonight) is as well as where I live, in a house owned by my best friend/roommate. I shot down the idea, explaining that preemptive restraining orders aren’t a thing and asked how that would impact our relationship, pointing out that an eventual wedding would be pretty difficult if the bride has a restraining order against the groom’s mom. He immediately just straight up said if this was how she was going to be, we just wouldn’t invite her to our wedding and that she wasn’t invited to his tech school graduation and he wouldn’t be seeing her at Christmas.
In the immediate, we decided the best solution today was for him to text her and say he had to run some final errands (which was true) and realized how late it already was (also true) so couldn’t meet up with her, but hoped her urgent care visit and trip back went well.
She immediately flipped out *again* (of course) and called/texted a bunch more (all of which we ignored). Her final messages were informing him that she’d “no longer be handling his stuff” and that she was taking his disabled dog (which is his other true love in life, other than me) back to the adoption place tomorrow, would be cancelling his phone and that he needed to let her know how to get rid of his stuff. (He had moved back in with her when she went on disability, to help her out, and she was previously ok with him leaving his stuff there and agreed to care for his dog until he got into his long term tech school next month.)
I’m genuinely very scared about her showing up at some point tonight and either trying to break in to my Airbnb or vandalizing my car…..or showing up back home later on. I’m not really sure what to do at this point. I’m also worried she genuinely will get rid of his dog (or hurt her). Luckily, BF will get his phone back tonight when he gets on the bus to his next base, so at least I can call him if anything goes down, but he’s still going to be 3 hours away and unable to travel to me if something happens. PLEASE HELP ME—any/all advice welcome!
submitted by flyfightwinMIL to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

Texarkana Moonlight Murders

Texarkana Moonlight Murders
It is a chilling, yet true, story made all the worse because nearly 73 years later, it remains unsolved. The killer was described by witnesses as wearing a white mask or sack with holes cut out for the eyes and was dubbed the Phantom Killer or Phantom Slayer. Authorities believe he killed five people in ten weeks. Three others, including his first two victims, survived.
List of Assaults
22 Feb 1946 - This first attack happened on a secluded road outside of town. The attacker came upon Jimmy Hollis and Mary Jeanne Larrey, a young couple parked in their car. Using his flashlight he blinded them while approaching and then held them at gunpoint and ordered them out of the car. Thinking he was being pranked, Hollis told him that he had the wrong person. The stranger responded with, "I don't want to kill you, fellow, so do what I say." The young couple were told to exit the driver side door. Jimmy Hollis was told to, "take off [his] goddamn britches", and was beaten severly, leaving him with a fractured skull. Next, the attacker told Mary Jeanne to run. As she ran towards a ditch, he tolder her to change course and run toward the road. As she did as instructed, she saw an old car parked off the road but found it empty, and was once again confronted with their attacker. He asked her why she was running and she told him she was doing it because he had told her to. The attacker called her a liar, knocked her down and sexually assaulted her with his pistol.
Afterwards, Mary Jeanne ran a half-mile to a house. A car passed her by but she tried to flag down, but she was passed by. She was able to awaken the owners and call police. In the meantime, Jimmy had regained consciousness and managed to flag down a passerby on Richmond Rd. The driver left Jimmy at the scene and went to a nearby funeral home where he called for police Within 30 minutes, Bowie County Sheriff W.H. "Bill" Presley and three other officers arrived. Hollis' pants were found 100 yards away from the car and there was no sign of the attacker.
Mary Jeanne spent the night at the hospital for a minor head wound, while Jimmy stayed for several days due to multiple skull fractures. They each gave conflicting accounts as to what their attacker looked like. She claimed that he was wearing a white bag over his head with the eyes and mouth cut out, and that she could see under the mask that he was apparently African-American. Jimmy Hollis said the man was white, around 30, but admitted he couldn't distinguish features as he had been blinded with a flashlight. They both agreed that he was approximately 6' tall. The law repeatedly challenged Mary Jeanne's account because they thought she and Jimmy knew the identity of their attacker, and were covering for an unknown reason.

24 Mar 1946 - Richard Griffin and Polly Ann Moore were found dead from fatal gunshot wounds to the back of the head in their parked car at the end of a secluded road. They had only been dating six weeks and had eaten with Richard's sister and her boyfriend earlier. The older Griffin, 29, was a veteran who made his living as a carpenter and painter. Polly Ann, at only 17, was living in a nearby boardinghouse with her cousin. They were found in Griffin's 1941 Oldsmobile between 8:30-9:00 a.m. by a passing motorist.
The passing motorist saw their car on a lover's lane named Rich Road (no South Robison) close to a railroad spur 100 yards south of US 67 West close to a nightspot called Club Dallas. At first the person thought that both were asleep. A closer looked showed that Griffin was found between the front seats on his knees with his hands resting on his crossed hands, and his pockets turned inside out. Moore was sprawled face-down in the back seat. Griffin had been shot twice inside the car, and both had been shot once in the back of the head. They were fully clothed. A patch of earth that was blood-soaked was found near the car suggested to police that they had been outside the car and placed back inside. There was congealed blood covering the running board, and had flowed through the bottom of the door. A .32 shell casing, maybe from a Colt, was found inside the blanket.
There are no reports to indicate that either were examined by a pathologist. Contemporary local rumor had it that a sexual assault had also happened, but modern reports refute this. Police launched a city-wide investigation along with the Texas and Arkansas city police, the Department of Public Safety, Miller and Cass County sheriffs' departments and the FBI. By 30 March, police posted a $500 reward but the only thing it produced was over 100 false leads.

13 Apr 1946 - The murders were continued with the deaths of another young couple, Paul Martin and Betty Jo Booker. She was the youngest of the victims, at the age of 15. Betty Joe and Paul started dating after being friends for a long time, since kindergarten. She played saxophone in a local band and was picked up by Martin after her set. Five hours later, Martin's body was found but Booker's wouldn't be for another six hours as she was found laying two miles away.
Martin arrived around 1:30 a.m. to pick up Booker. Around 6:30, the morning of the 14th. his body was found by Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Weaver and their son. Martin's body was lying on it's left side by the northern edge of North Park Road. Blood was found further down on the other side of the road by a fence. Paul Martin had been shot four times - once through the nose, a second shot went through the left fourth rib from behind, a third shot in the right hand, and lastly through the back of the neck.
Betty Jo Booker's body wasn't found until about 11:30 a.m., almost two miles away from Martin's body. She was found behind a tree by the Boyd family, along with their family friend Ted Schoeppey, who had joined the search party. She was found lying on her back, fully dressed, with the right hand in the pocket of her buttoned overcoat. She had been shot twice, once through the chest and once in the face. The weapon used was a .32 automatic Colt pistol.
Paul's 1946 Ford Club coupe was found about three miles away from Booker's body and 1.55 miles away from his body. It was parked outside the Spring Lake Park with the keys still in it. Authorities couldn't tell who had been shot first but Sheriff Presley and Texas Ranger Captain Manuel Gonazullas said that examinations of the bodies showed they had both struggled greatly. Martin's friend, Tom Albritton, said he didn't believe an argument had happened between the victims and that Martin had no known enemies. Booker's saxophone was found around six months later, on 24 October, still in its black imitation leather case in some underbrush near where her body was found.
The reward fund now exceeded $1,700 and rumors circulated with one even suggesting a local minister had turned in his own son as a suspect. On 18 April, police Captain Gonzuallas issued a statement assuring the public that the murderer had not been caught and that the rumors were "a hindrance to the investigation and harmful to innocent persons".

3 May 1946 - In what are known as his last official victims, he attacked and killed Virgil Starks, a 37 year old farmer and welder, with two shots to the back of the head. His wife Katie survived despite being shot twice in the face and running down the street to a neighbor's house for help.
Sometime before 9 p.m., Virgil turned on a favorite radio show in their modest, yet modern ranch style home on his 500 acre farm off Hwy. 67 East, almost 10 miles northeast of Texarkana. Katie, age 36, gave him a heating pad for his back and he sat in his armchair in the sitting room, just off the kitchen and bedroom. Katie was in her bedroom lying on her bed, when she heard something from the backyard and asked Virgil to turn down the radio. Seconds later, two shots were fired into the back of his head from a closed double-window three feet away. Katie didn't hear the shots; instead, she heard what sounded like "the breaking of glass". As she entered the doorway to the living room, she saw Virgil standing up and then suddenly slump back into his chair. She saw blood then ran to him and lifted his head. She realized he was dead and ran to the phone.
She rang the wall-crank phone twice before being shot two times in the face from the same window. One bullet entered her right cheek and exited behind her left ear. The other went in her lower jaw just below the lip, breaking it and several teeth before lodging under her tongue. She ran for a pistol in the living room, but was blinded by her own blood. She could hear the killer tearing loose the rusted screen wire on the back porch. She stumbled for her bedroom near the front of the house to leave a note. The killer ran to the back of the house and made his way up the steps and into a side-screened porch through the back screen door. She heard him coming through the kitchen window, so she turned and ran through the dining room, through the bedroom, down a hallway, through another bedroom, and then into the living room and out the front door. She ran 50 yards to A.V. Prater's house and he answered her call for help. She told him, "Virgil's dead", then collapsed. Prater shot a rifle in the air summoning aid from neighbor, Elmer Taylor. Prater called to him to bring his car because the Starks' had been shot. Taylor, with Mr. & Mrs. Prater and their baby, rode with Mrs. Starks to Michael Meagher Hospital (now Miller County Health Unit) at 530 Walnut St. Katie gave Mr. Taylor, the driver, one her gold-filled teeth. She was semi-conscious and showing no signs of going into shock and her heart rate remained normal. Miller County Sheriff W.E. Davis, who became head of the investigation, questioned her in the operating room. Four days later, Sheriff Davis talked with her again at the hospital. She discounted a rumor that was going around about Virgil hearing a car outside his home several nights in a row, fear of being killed.
Arkansas State Police Officers Charley Boyd and Max Tackett got the call and were first on the scene. Some of the reports were contradictory. One said they found Starks still slumped in the chair. The chair had caught fire from the heating pad. "Smoke was filling the room and was coming up all around the man and between his legs." Yet Sheriff Davis, head of it all, said that when officers arrived, they found the chair on fire but Stark's body wasn't burned due it falling on the floor.
Immediately afterwards, blockades were set up several miles NE and SW on Hwy. 67 East. Davis called in officers from the entire area to help, including the FBI and Texas Rangers. In the house, was found a trail of blood with scattered teeth. On the dining room table was Katie's work for making a dress. Gonzaullas, stated that, "It is beyond me why she did not bleed to death." There were only two bullet holes in the window, leading to Davis believing an automatic rifle was used. It was later declared that after Virgil was shot, he waited patiently outside to shoot Katie.
Three clues were found at the scene. Firstly, the calibre of the bullets. The second was a flashlight found in the hedge underneath the window that Virgil was shot from. The last clue was of bloody prints around the house; shoe prints on the kitchen floor, and smudged fingerprints in other places. Davis stated that this could not be directly linked to the "Phantom" because the calibre was a .22, "it is possible that it is one and the same man." Early Saturday morning, bloodhounds were brought in from Hope by the AR State Police. They found two trails that led to the highway before the scent was lost. The flashlight was sent to Washington, D.C. for futher inspection by the FBI. Meanwhile, Katie Starks was showing improvement at the hospital. The unofficial theory for a motive amongst the 47 officers was that of "sex mania", because large amounts of money were not taken, nor was Katie's purse, and nothing was stolen from the house.
On Saturday, May 11, a teletype machine arrived from Austin, Texas in the afternoon and was installed in the Bowie County Sheriff's office. It was in operation later that night. Gonzaullas explained that the machine would aid in the investigation by allowing them to be connected with other law enforcement offices in Texas. Sheriff Presley and Sheriff Davis suggested raising a reward fund of $2,500 for information that would help them catch the killer of Virgil Starks. They mentioned that if the slayer of Mr. Starks was the same killer responsible for the other murders, then the Starks reward would be combined with the other rewards making it a sum of $10,000. Over a month later, on Monday, June 10, Virgil's father, Jack Starks, added a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of his son's killer. By November 1948, authorities no longer considered the Starks' murder connected with the other double murders.
Dr. Anthony Lapalla, a psychologist at the Federal Correctional Institution in Texarkana, believed the killer was planning to continue to make unexpected attacks such as that of Virgil Starks on the outskirts of town. He also believed that the same person committed the murders of Virgil Starks, Betty Jo Booker, Paul Martin, Polly Ann Moore, and Richard Griffin. He also believed the killer was between the ages of the middle 30s to 50 years old. He said that the killer was apparently motivated by a strong sex drive and that he was a sadist. He said that a person who would commit such crimes is intelligent, clever, shrewd and often not apprehended. According to Lapalla's theories, the killer knew at all times what was being done in the investigation and knew that the lonesome roads were being patrolled, which is why he chose the house on the farmland. He pointed out that his statements were surmised theories that were based on a large number of people who have committed similar crimes. He said in many cases the killer is never apprehended and in some instances, he will divert attention to other distant communities where it is believed the crimes are committed by a different individual or else he will overcome the desire to kill and assault women.
Lapalla said that the murderer is probably not a "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and that he could be leading a normal life, appearing to be a good citizen. He also said that he probably is not a veteran because if the man had served in the armed forces for even a year, the maniacal tendencies would be apparent. He said that the murderer was not necessarily a resident of the area, despite his knowledge of the area. He said that all of the attacks show evidence of cool and cunning planning and that the killer could be from another community and had acquainted himself with the area. He said that the strengthening of the police force would not scare him away but that he would willingly leave due to the difficulty of committing a crime. "This man is extremely dangerous. He works alone and no one knows what he is doing because he tells no one," Lapalla said, adding that the killer may have reasoned in past crimes that the only way to remain unidentified is to kill all persons at the scene. Lapalla did not believe the killer was a black man because "in general, negro criminals are not that clever.
People armed themselves and curfews were set for local businesses. The Texas Rangers were called in, yet there was no arrest. Theories and rumors took hold, with people believing that the killers was a "sex maniac". Almost 400 people were arrested in connection with the murders.

Max Tackett, a 33-year-old Arkansas State Police officer, a rookie at the time realized that a car had been stolen on the nights of the murders, and a previously stolen car was found abandoned. On Friday, June 28, 1946, Tackett found a car that had been reported stolen in a parking lot. He staked out the car until someone came back to it. He arrested a 21-year-old woman. She said she had just married her husband in Shreveport, but he was currently in Atlanta, Texas, trying to sell another stolen car. Homer Carter, chief of police in Atlanta, told Tackett that a man had tried selling a stolen car to one of his citizens. Tackett asked the citizen if he would recognize the suspect, but the man said that he would not. Tackett noticed that the citizen had a distinct look, which included a cowboy hat and boots. Tackett told the citizen, "You wouldn't recognize him, but he would recognize you." Max then asked the citizen if he would be willing to walk with him into several public places. Tackett had the idea that the suspect would not want to see the citizen and would try to avoid him. On a Saturday in July, Tackett walked into the Arkansas Motor Coach bus station on Front Street, near Union Station, with the citizen. Tackett saw a man run out the back of the building. He chased after him and caught him on the fire escape. The man, Youell Swinney, would not talk, but his wife Peggy confessed in great detail that he was the Phantom Killer and that he killed Betty Jo Booker and Paul Martin.
By law in 1946, Peggy could not be made to testify against her husband, and because she was considered an unreliable witness, Youell was not arrested for the murder. Instead, with only circumstantial evidence, Swinney was sent to prison for being a habitual offender for car theft.
Circumstantial Evidence
-The car Peggy Swinney was arrested for was the one reported stolen on the night of the Griffin/Moore murders.
-When Tackett caught Youell Swinney on the fire walk, Swinney said, "Please don't shoot me." Tackett replied, "I'm not going to shoot you for stealing cars." Swinney then replied, "Mister, don't play games with me. You want me for more than stealing cars."
-When Youell was in the police car, he asked Tillman Johnson, "Mr. Johnson, what do you think they'll do to me for this? Will they give me the chair?" Johnson responded with, "You won't get much. Maybe five or ten years. They don't give you the electric chair for stealing cars." Swinney then said, "Mr. Johnson, you got me for more than stealing cars."
-When a lawyer told Peggy that her husband was being held for murder, she exclaimed, "How did they find it out?"
-Peggy took officers near the spot where Paul Martin's car was found. She said she went into the woods there. The officers found a woman's heel prints in that area.
-Peggy's family and Youell's brother-in-law believed Youell was the Phantom.
-Police found a khaki work shirt in the suspect's room with a laundry mark of the word "S-T-A-R-K", which was read under a black light.
-In the front pocket of the work shirt, slag was found, which matched samples found in Virgil Starks' welding shop.
-Youell Swinney owned a .32 Colt automatic but had previously sold it at a crap game.
-While being accused of murder, Swinney remained silent instead of pleading his innocence.
-Peggy Swinney confessed to her husband's actions, revealing very detailed information, including things officers already knew and other things they did not.

-Youell's fingerprints did not match any of the latent prints at the BookeMartin crime scene.
-Peggy Swinney recanted her confession.
-The Texas Rangers and Sheriff Bill Presley were not convinced that Swinney was the Phantom.
-Swinney denied being the Phantom and never made a confession.
-Officers, including Bowie County Sheriff Presley, Miller County Sheriff Davis, Texas City Chief of Police Runnels, their officers and both State Police departments worked day and night for six months trying to validate Peggy Swinney's story of their whereabouts. They deduced that Peggy was not telling the truth and that, on the night of the murder of Booker and Martin, the couple was sleeping in their car under a bridge near San Antonio.[60]
-Unknown as either a sick prank or a true confession, an anonymous woman contacted family members of the victims, one in 1999 and another in 2000, apologizing for what her father had done. Youell Swinney was not known to have ever had a daughter.

Some of the other named suspects, Henry Booker "Doodie" Tennison from the University of Arkansas. He left a note stating that he did kill Betty Jo Booker and Paul Martin in the park, and killed Mr. Starks and tried to get Mrs. Starks. He also left a confusing note which they thought may contradict his other note, but were unsure when it was written.
James Freeman, a friend from Texarkana, came forward and told a deputy prosecutor that after hearing Tennison confessing, Freeman explained that on the night of Stark's death, he was with him at Tennison's house playing card/board games between 7:00 and midnight. They both heard the news. Tennison's brothers said the confession and suicide were induced by reading too many comic books. He was investigated thoroughly. Tennison had swallowed poison and died on 4 November 1948.
There were other suspects as well, including a German prisoner of war. There was also an Atoka County, OK suspect and a Los Angeles coma veteran and Police even arrested a black man and hypnotized him.
The police dealt with many false confessions. One investigator recalled that nine people tried to convince him they were the "Phantom". But in each case, their stories didn't match with what the law knew were detailed facts. He also stated that when it gets into the paper, the real criminals find out how much you know and the confessors will fit those facts into their confessions. How you should keep two or three pertinent facts to protect yourself from a crackpot. Unfortunately, to this very day, this case has never been solved. For a time in history it was truly, "The Town That Dreaded Sundown."

EDIT TO ADD: Thank you for the Gold anonymous!
submitted by nicholsresolution to RedditCrimeCommunity [link] [comments]

Watch the News

There's a killer loose in New Braunfels.
News segments love to start a show with that tagline, as it draws the viewers in. Fear sells and ratings soar when people are sitting at home with their pants soaked in piss from the very thought that a killer could be in their house right now at that very moment.
Freedom of the press.
The problem is, it doesn't really encapsulate the entire story. What's the motivation for the killer to roam down the streets of an old German town, roving and raving on the corners of Schlitterbahn while the children play in the waters? What's the justification for someone to take the life of a woman who was waiting for her first date? Who were the victims--all saints or all sinners? I don't like the news very much in this regard. You never know the full story, and if someone makes a movie out of it, it always features the victims in some endearing role.
But don't take away any importance from the first line: there is a killer loose in New Braunfels, Texas.
This isn't one of those stories where I describe a situation and in a very predictable twist, I'm the killer or the cop or the dumb kid who investigates the spooky old house down the corner and wind up dead. No, I'm going to tell you upfront: I'm the one they're referring to. The newest hit in the newswaves for all of fifteen minutes.
This is a different way of doing things because you're going to understand me. You're going to listen to and read me, and you know deep down inside you have the option to walk away from my words and voice, but you can't stand the idea of laying awake at night. Wondering. Driven mad with curiosity, with fear, with the thought that you were too fucking weak to stomach me.
This is your choice. And it will get worse from here.
I wasn't bullied or tormented by abusive parents so don't try to victimize me. I was never a victim of any circumstance I couldn't control. I was entitled to circumstance. What I wanted, I received in normal doses: good schooling, good parents, good toys... but I'm entitled. I'm entitled to everything the world should offer and more. Why? I'm special. I'm lucky. I'm stronger than you, smarter than you, and more deceptive than you. I was born at a faster pace than everyone else and by law of Darwin, I should survive better than the rest of society.
She was just fourteen years old and she wouldn't throw herself at my feet, begging to give me an ounce of my worth to her. So I took her self-respect from her. She must be twenty-four now, still walking around and telling herself that it was all her fault, because it fucking was all her fault. I got into her little slow brain and I remain there for all of eternity.
There was once a science teacher who taught at New Braunfels High School who wouldn't give me the grade I wanted, the honors I deserved just for sitting in class and listening to his stupid drivel. He thought he was the next Stand and Deliver kind of guy with the patronizing passionate speeches and dispositions. No matter what I said or threatened, he didn't take me seriously. So I knew his kid was in sixth grade and I knew what websites he went to and I knew what stupid pictures he'd put up for the whole world to mock and grin and point at. I knew that kid had a bubble surrounding him since he exited the womb. After six months of incessant harassing and screaming and tears and threats of leaving him alone on his safe space and blasting his social media to a pile of ash, the kid killed himself with a gun. I made him livestream it so the whole world saw it and we could mock his half-blown off head and how the remaining stump slumped to the side on the floor, how stupid his half-mouth gap looked like. And then I made sure that the camera stayed running until the teacher burst into the room, screaming and crying and begging God. He probably still teaches. There's a light out inside of him now, like a robot. His dead son haunts his dreams and I puppeteer that like a Broadway show that never ends.
At this point, the movies and film and TV shows say I "escalate". I disagree. I just get better.
There's a lot of hookers buried behind Buc-ee's. At least, I think they're all dead hookers. Runaways and minors are not exempt from the clause. I like to go back there when it's that gray area between 2 A.M and 4 A.M and when the small group of employees are smoking and cleaning and leaving that back door unlocked.
I think I'll eventually go through that back door.
I went to the Alamo Drafthouse just the other day. I paid the bartender a visit but I didn't watch a movie. It's too expensive to watch movies but I do know that Drafthouse isn't very good with the security when they take out trash and my, there's just so many girls and boys that wait for the trash to compact and play on their phones and not pay attention. It's just so easy to take their employee like I have and keep her here until she stopped sweating and crying and shaking. That's my patronage to you, Drafthouse. Check your employee records.
There's the news again.
See, I remember that kid. He's a young lad about the age of five but his dad didn't take him. His dad was nowhere near him, like any deadbeat father with a grudge. I took him on an traditional New Braunfels run: tubing. Except I replaced his tube with a tire tied to his legs and he went into the Comal River with very little fight. The kid is what I like to call "sharpening the chops". You have to practice to keep strong. Weak games equal weak muscles.
So there's a killer loose in New Braunfels.
They caught on when I kidnapped a journalist from San Antonio, covering a puff piece of summer activities. She didn't want to put me in her piece, even though I lived in this city my whole life and knew every crevice of the town. That wasn't what her story was about, she tried to claim as she snapped photos of couples on kayaks. So into the night she sleeps at her hotel and I break into her car. She bolts, fleeing downstairs and seeing her broken window. In a moment, she's gone. Into the dark trunk. She tried to apologize. Multiple times. Begged for mercy, begged for death eventually. I won't say what did her in--I made sure to switch up the techniques to give the old coroner a headache. Sherlock Holmes is going to have to solve her cause of death at this point. But she was indeed done in. And she was found after two days, laying on the bank of the river far from home and far from help.
One murder found and the news crew goes crazy, as if they found Jack the Ripper himself. They didn't find anything but they sure love to report it. My fucking life right there. All my hard work overlooked for sensationalism.
I'm not in your house. The story doesn't end that predictably. But I am in your life. I'm the person you walk by when you don't realize it. I'm the monster who makes you afraid to watch the news. I'm the example why people want to ban guns and I'm the perfect reason why people get guns. I'm your stranger you warn your kids about. I'm the man who makes you worry for your daughter's safety when she goes out late at night and doesn't come back for her curfew. I don't have horns under my hat or hooves on my feet. There's nothing wrong with me physically. I'm the guy who wakes up and deserves the whole world as my vehicle for outlet and control.
And quite honestly, you ought to be afraid of that.
submitted by jfsindel to nosleep [link] [comments]

[CONFLICT] United States actions against Iran

US Air Force and Naval Aviation
The first step is to neutralize Iran's nuclear facilities. Bombers and strike fighters will begin hunting down Iranian nuclear facilities, uranium enrichment processing plants, as well as uranium stocks to hinder Iran's nuclear developments.
US forces will also begin launching SEAD missions over Iran, destroying Iranian SAM sites and radar sites around the coastal regions to keep Iran blind regarding our naval movements in the Persian Gulf and decrease the effectiveness of their surface anti ship missiles, power plants, airports, and oil fields and refineries. Drone swarms will be used to penetrate the most inland facilities to minimize casualties. The United States seeks to maintain air superiority over the Persian Gulf and will station around the clock air flights in the area. Navy fighter currently in the Red Sea will still complete combat missions from the Red Sea as the carrier task force prepares to fight in the Strait of Hormuz with Air Force refuellers permitting their flight distance over Saudi Arabia.
US Navy
The US Navy main task force stationed in the Red Sea [S] in case the Navy was required to seize the Suez Canal [S/] will begin returning back to the Persian Gulf and preparing for combat around the Strait of Hormuz. The Navy is not stressed about engaging Iran's surface fleet but more worried about Iran's missile boats and submarines as well as their surface anti ship missiles. ASW missions as well as air coverage over the Persian Gulf will be required. US littoral combat ships will be used to protect the flanks of the US fleet from missile boats.
The US will also begin reinforcing its Middle Eastern troop strength immediately, airlifting troops, equipment, and supplies. Additional Naval reinforcements from elements of the Third Fleet will be sent to the Middle East
Naval Support Activity Bahrain
Even with the increasing foreign influence, the Navy's economic clout is deeply felt. Since the suicide bomb attack on the 5th Fleet destroyer USS Cole in Yemen, the US Central Command began limiting the activities of its personnel in Bahrain. It also has curtailed ship port calls in Manama and other Gulf ports. The restrictions have ebbed and flowed. As of October 2001 all bars were off-limits, a midnight curfew had been imposed, and large gatherings were forbidden. So are certain hotels and restaurants, especially those frequented by Arabs or with uniquely American identities such as the Hard Rock Café. The Navy feared they might make plump targets for terrorists.
From here
Since I'm biased on letting my ships survive I'll let the battle mod decide whats in NSA Bahrain though the carrier, its task force, and amphibs are in the Red Sea and port calls in all facilities in the Middle East are here and there thus up to three combat ships are stationed there.

Current US Forces in the Middle East

Unit Type Number Notes
Professional Troops Ground Infantry 15,000
Main Battle Tanks
Unit Type Number Notes
M5 Schwarzkopf Fifth Gen MBT 100
Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Unit Type Number Notes
M8 Franks IFV 100
Archer AFV AFV 100
M4 Terrex ICV Amphibious AFV 50
M3A3 Bradley CFV 50
M2A3 Bradley IFV 100
Stryker AFV 100
LAV-25 Amphibious IFV 50
Unit Type Number Notes
Oshkosh M-ATV MRAP 200
International MaxxPro MRAP 400
Armored Car
Unit Type Number Notes
L-ATV Utility Vehicle 3,000
Humvee Utility Vehicle 7,000
Engineering Vehicle
Unit Type Number Notes
Caterpillar D7 Armored Bulldozer 20
M9 Armored Combat Earthmover Bulldozer 20
M88 Recovery Vehicle Recovery Vehicle 40
Self Propelled Artillery
Unit Type Number Notes
M109 Paladin Howitzer 50
Unit Type Number Notes
M777 Howitzer Howitzer 60
Self Propelled Anti-Aircraft weapons
Unit Type Number Notes
AN/TWQ-1 Avenger Short Range 20
MIM-104 Patriot (PAC-3) Long Range 40
Attack Helicopter
Unit Type Number Notes
AH-80A Stealth Attack Helicopter 40
AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopter 10
Utility helicopter
Unit Type Number Notes
CH-47 Chinook Cargo Helicopter 40
V-22 Osprey VTOL Transport Helicopter 60
UH-76A Pascau Stealth Utility Helicopter 100
UH-60 Blackhawk Utility Helicopter 150
UH-1Y Venom Utility Helicopter 20
UH-72 Lakota Utility Helicopter 30
OH-58 Kiowa Recon Helicopter 60
Fighter Jets
Unit Type Number Notes
F-22B 5.5 Gen Air Superiority 20
F-35A SEPv2 5.5 Gen Multirole 80
F-15F Eagle Stealthy 4.5 Gen Air Superiority 40
Ground Attack Jets
Unit Type Number Notes
A-10 Thunderbolt II CAS 40
F-15SE Silent Eagle Stealthy 4th Gen Strike 40
F-15E Strike Eagle 4th Gen Multirole Strike 60
Unit Type Number Notes
B-52H Stratofortress Strategic Bomber 10 32 x AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile per unit
B-2 Spirit Strategic Stealth Bomber 5 18 x AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile per unit
B-1R Lancer Supersonic Strategic Bomber 20 24 x AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile per unit
Airborne Tankers
Unit Type Number Notes
KC-46 Pegasus Tanker 30
KC-135 Stratotanker Tanker 40
Reconnaissance Aircraft
Unit Type Number Notes
RC-135 Surveillance Aircraft 2
Electronic Warfare
Unit Type Number Notes
E-3 Sentry AWACS 2
E-4 Nightwatch Airborne strategic command and control post 1
E-8 Joint STARS Airborne battle management 1
EC-130 Compass Call Electronic warfare (EW), Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD), offensive counter-information 2
EC-130 Commando Solo III Airborne Communications Jamming 1
Unit Type Number Notes
MQ-1 Predator UCAV 20
MQ-1C Gray Eagle UCAV 20
RQ-4 Global Hawk UAV 10
RQ-7 Shadow UAV 60
MQ-9 Reaper UCAV 40
RQ-11 Raven UAV 200
RQ-170 Sentinel Stealth UAV 10
MQ-10 Avenger Stealth UCAV 30
Aircraft Carrier
Unit Type Number Notes
Nimitz-class Supercarrier 1
Amphibious Assault Ship
Unit Type Number Notes
America-class Landing Helicopter Deck 1
Amphibious Transport Deck
Unit Type Number Notes
San Antonio-class Amphibious Transport Deck 3
Unit Type Number Notes
Guadalcanal-class Stealth Missile Guided Cruiser Stealth Railgun Equipped Guided Missile Cruiser 4
Ticonderoga-class Guided Missile Cruiser 8
Unit Type Number Notes
Jackson Arnold-class Stealth Guided Missile Destroyer Stealth Railgun Equipped Guided Missile Destroyer 4
Arleigh Burke-class Guided Missile Destroyer 10
Littoral Combat Ships
Unit Type Number Notes
Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship 3
Independence-class Stealth Littoral Combat Ship 4
Mine Countermeasure Ship
Unit Type Number Notes
Avenger-class Minesweeper 2
Attack Submarine
Unit Type Number Notes
Virginia-class Nuclear Attack Submarine 4
Unit Type Number Notes
F-35C 5th Gen Multirole 30
F/A-18E/F Super Hornet 4.5 Gen Multirole 30
E-18G Growler Electronic Warfare 15
EA-6B Prowler Electronic Warfare 5
E-2 Hawkeye Carrier based AWACS 2
F-35B 5th Gen Multirole 6
Unit Type Number Notes
SH-60 Seahawk Utility Helicopter 57
MH-53 Sea Dragon Heavy Transport 3
MV-22 Osprey VTOL Transport Helicopter 22
Unit Type Number Notes
KC-130J Super Hercules Aerial Refueller 20
P-8 Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft 10
P-3C Orion Maritime Patrol Aircraft 10
submitted by fulanka26 to GlobalPowers [link] [comments]

is there still a curfew in san antonio video

Train for Jobs SA San Antonio residents whose incomes have been affected by the pandemic can receive free training for jobs available now. SA: Ready to Work workforce initiative Learn more about our proposed training and education initiative designed to grow our local economy. El Paso recently imposed a curfew similar to the one Nirenberg and Wolff announced for San Antonio. Both measures were crafted to avoid running afoul of orders by Gov. Greg Abbott that have ... The curfew ends Monday, according to the amended emergency orders by San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg and Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff. Restaurants must close their indoor and outdoor dining ... The curfew specifically bans social gatherings, even in resident’s backyards but still allows for curbside delivery and excuses essential work. News of the curfew has seen mixed reactions from the general public but overnight Friday, several residents waving flags in support for President Donald Trump gathered at the Alamo to challenge this ... SAN ANTONIO - The bar and restaurant industry said the incoming curfew is one more hurdle for them to overcome in the COVID-19 pandemic. The reduced hours are also upsetting to their longtime ... During a December with new cases and hospital counts on their way to breaking July records, San Antonio won’t see new lockdowns, curfews, or new restrictions. Instead, it’s the same simple messages: Stay far apart from people who aren’t in your household. Wear a face covering. Wash your hands regularly. Nov 26, 2020. A curfew is being imposed in San Antonio and Bexar County as of tomorrow night. San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg and Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff announced they were taking the action in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19. SAN ANTONIO, Texas (KTRK) -- In efforts to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, the city of San Antonio issued a Thanksgiving weekend curfew. The curfew goes into effect Thursday, Nov. 26 through ... SAN ANTONIO — Dramatic changes appear to be coming to curfew rules for local kids. City leaders are proposing a new plan which is about progress, more than punishment. SAN ANTONIO - COVID-19 cases continue to rise in Bexar County, but city and county leaders both say they are keeping a close eye on them. Mayor Ron Nirenberg said the city confirmed another 194 ...

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