python - Conjugate transpose operator ".H" in numpy ...

conjugate transpose vector python

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[code] Klibanov algorithm for one option and 10mn laps

Here is the implementation in python of the algorithm in this article:
#! /usbin/python #---------- # This unusual and intriguing algorithm was originally invented # by Michael V. Klibanov, Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, # University of North Carolina at Charlotte. It is published in the following # paper: # M.V. Klibanov, A.V. Kuzhuget and K.V. Golubnichiy, # "An ill-posed problem for the Black-Scholes equation # for a profitable forecast of prices of stock options on real market data", # Inverse Problems, 32 (2016) 015010. #---------- # Script assumes it's called by crontab, at the opening of the market #----- import numpy as np import pause, datetime from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests # Quadratic interpolation of the bid and ask option prices, and linear interpolation in between ( def funcQuadraticInterpolationCoef(values): # There is 'scipy.interpolate.interp1d' too y = np.array(values) A = np.array([[1,0,0],[1,-1,1],[1,-2,4]]) return np.linalg.solve(A,y) # def funcUab(t,coef): return coef[2]*t**2 + coef[1]*t + coef[0] def funcF(s, sa, sb, ua, ub): return (s-sb)*(ua-ub)/(sa-sb) + ub # Initialize the volatility and option lists of 3 values optionBid = [0] # dummy value to pop in the loop optionAsk = [0] # dummy value to pop in the loop volatility = [0] # dummy value to pop in the loop # Initalization for the loop Nt = 4 # even number greater than 2: 4, 6, ... Ns = 2 # even number greater than 0: 2, 4, ... twotau = 2 # not a parameter... alpha = 0.01 # not a parameter... dt = twotau / Nt # time grid step dimA = ( (Nt+1)*(Ns+1), (Nt+1)*(Ns+1) ) # Matrix A dimensions dimb = ( (Nt+1)*(Ns+1), 1 ) # Vector b dimensions A = np.zeros( dimA ) # Matrix A b = np.zeros( dimb ) # Vector b portfolio = 1000000 # Money 'available' securityMargin = 0.00083 # EMPIRICAL: needs to be adjusted when taking into account the transaction fees (should rise, see the article p.8) # Wait 10mn after the opening of the market datet = datet = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour, datet.minute + 10) pause.until(datet) # Record the stock and option values and wait 10mn more def funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility(): # Stock stock_data_url = "" stock_data_html = requests.get(data_url).content stock_content = BeautifulSoup(stock_data_html, "html.parser") stock_bid = content.find("td", {'class': 'Ta(end) Fw(600) Lh(14px)', 'data-test': "BID-value"}) print(stock_bid) stock_ask = content.find("td", {'class': 'Ta(end) Fw(600) Lh(14px)', 'data-test': "ASK-value"}) print(stock_ask) stockOptVol[0] = stock_bid.text.split()[0] stockOptVol[1] = stock_ask.text.split()[0] # Option option_data_url = "" option_data_html = requests.get(option_data_url).content option_content = BeautifulSoup(option_data_html, "html.parser") call_option_table = content.find("table", {'class': 'calls W(100%) Pos(r) Bd(0) Pt(0) list-options'}) calls = call_option_table.find_all("tr")[1:] it = 0 for call_option in calls: it+=1 print("it = ", it) if "in-the-money " in str(call_option): itm_calls.append(call_option) print("in the money") itm_put_data = [] for td in BeautifulSoup(str(itm_calls[-1]), "html.parser").find_all("td"): itm_put_data.append(td.text) print(itm_put_data) if itm_put_data[0] == 'MSFT210917C00220000': # One single option stockOptVol[2] = float(itm_put_data[4]) stockOptVol[3] = float(itm_put_data[5]) stockOptVol[4] = float(itm_put_data[-1].strip('%')) else: otm_calls.append(call_option) print("out the money") print("bid = ", option_bid, "\nask = ", option_ask, "\nvol = ",option_vol) return stockOptVol # Record option and volatility stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() optionBid.append(stockOptVol[2]) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) optionVol.append(stockOptVol[4]) # Wait another 10mn to record a second value for the quadratic interpolation datet = datet = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour, datet.minute + 10) pause.until(datet) stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() optionBid.append(stockOptVol[2]) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) optionVol.append(stockOptVol[4]) tradeAtTimeTau = False tradeAtTimeTwoTau = False # Run the loop until 30mn before closure datet = datetend = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour + 6, datet.minute + 10) while datet <= datetend: datet = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour, datet.minute + 10) optionBid.pop(0) optionAsk.pop(0) optionVol.pop(0) stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() stockBid = stockOptVol[0] stockAsk = stockOptVol[1] optionBid.append(stockOptVol[2]) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) optionVol.append(stockOptVol[5]) # Trade if required if tradeAtTimeTau == True or tradeAtTimeTwoTau == True: # sell if tradeAtTimeTau == True: portfolio += min(optionAsk[2],sellingPriceAtTimeTau) * 140 # sell 140 options bought 10mn ago tradeAtTimeTau = tradeAtTimeTwoTau sellingPriceAtTimeTau = sellingPriceAtTimeTwoTau sellingPriceAtTimeTwoTau = false else: # forecast the option when no trading # Interpolation coefa = funcQuadraticInterpolationCoef(optionAsk) # quadratic interpolation of the option ask price coefb = funcQuadraticInterpolationCoef(optionBid) # quadratic interpolation of the option bid price coefs = funcQuadraticInterpolationCoef(optionVol) # quadratic interpolation of the volatility sigma sa = stockAsk # stock ask price sb = stockBid # stock bid price ds = (sa - sb) / Ns # stock grid step for k in range (0, Ns+1): # fill the matrix and the vector for j in range (0, Nt+1): Atemp = np.zeros( dimA ) btemp = np.zeros( dimb ) print("k = {k}, j = {j}".format(k=k,j=j)) if k == 0: Atemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j, k*(Nt+1)+j ] = 1 btemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j ] = funcUab(j*dt,coefb) elif k == Ns: Atemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j, k*(Nt+1)+j ] = 1 btemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j ] = funcUab(j*dt,coefa) elif j == 0: Atemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j, k*(Nt+1)+j ] = 1 btemp[ k*(Nt+1)+j ] = funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab(j*dt,coefa), funcUab(j*dt,coefb) ) elif j == Nt: # do nothing pass else: # main case akj = 0.5*(255*13*3)* funcUab(j*dt, coefs)**2 * (k*ds + sb)**2 dts = (twotau-dt)/Nt * (sa-sb-ds)/Ns #---------- #----- Integral of the generator L #---------- #----- time derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = dts / dt**2 # k,j+1 ~ k,j+1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = dts / dt**2 # k,j-1 ~ k,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = - dts / dt**2 # k,j+1 ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = - dts / dt**2 # k,j-1 ~ k,j+1 #---------- #----- stock derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 4 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k-1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k,j ~ k+1,j #----- Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k,j ~ k-1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj**2 * dts / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k+1,j #---------- #----- time and stock derivatives #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j+1 ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k+1,j ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = - akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j-1 ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = - akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k+1,j ~ k,j-1 #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = -2 * akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j+1 ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = -2 * akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 2 * akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j-1 ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 2 * akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j ~ k,j-1 #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j+1 ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k-1,j ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = - akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k,j-1 ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = - akj * dts / (dt*ds**2) # k-1,j ~ k,j-1 #---------- #---------- #----- Regularisation term - using alpha = 0.01 #---------- #---------- #----- H2 norm: 0 derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha # k,j ~ k,j #----- coef = funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab(j*dt,coefa), funcUab(j*dt,coefb) ) btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha * 2 * coef #---------- #----- H2 norm: time derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / dt**2 # k,j+1 ~ k,j+1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / dt**2 # k,j-1 ~ k,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / dt**2 # k,j+1 ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / dt**2 # k,j-1 ~ k,j+1 #----- coef = ( funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefb) ) \ - funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefb) ) ) / dt btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += - alpha * 2 * coef #---------- #----- H2 norm: stock derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**2 # k+1,j ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**2 # k-1,j ~ k-1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -alpha / ds**2 # k+1,j ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -alpha / ds**2 # k-1,j ~ k+1,j #----- coef = ( funcUab(j*dt,coefa) - funcUab(j*dt,coefb) ) / (sa - sb) btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha * 2 * coef btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += - alpha * 2 * coef #---------- #----- H2 norm: stock and time derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j+1 ~ k+1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j+1 ~ k-1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j-1 ~ k-1,j-1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j-1 ~ k+1,j-1 #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j+1 ~ k-1,j+1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j+1 ~ k+1,j-1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j+1 ~ k-1,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j+1 ~ k+1,j+1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j-1 ~ k+1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j-1 ~ k+1,j+1 #---------- Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j+1 ~ k+1,j-1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j+1 ~ k-1,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j-1 ~ k-1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j-1 ~ k-1,j+1 #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k+1,j-1 ~ k-1,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -alpha / (ds*dt) # k-1,j-1 ~ k+1,j-1 #---------- coef = ( funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefa) - funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefb) \ - funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefa) + funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefb) ) / (dt * (sa - sb)) btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef / (ds*dt) btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += - alpha * 2 * coef / (ds*dt) btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += - alpha * 2 * coef / (ds*dt) btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef / (ds*dt) #---------- #----- H2 norm: stock second derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / dt**4 # k,j+1 ~ k,j+1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += 4 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / dt**4 # k,j-1 ~ k,j-1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j+1 ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += -2 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha / dt**4 # k,j+1 ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha / dt**4 # k,j-1 ~ k,j+1 #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += -2 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / dt**4 # k,j-1 ~ k,j #---------- #----- H2 norm: time second derivative #---------- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += 4 * alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k-1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / ds**4 # k+1,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k+1,j #----- Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k,j #----- Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / ds**4 # k,j ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += -2 * alpha / ds**4 # k-1,j ~ k,j #---------- coef = ( funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j+1)*dt,coefb) ) \ - 2 * funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j+0)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j+0)*dt,coefb) ) \ + funcF( k*ds+sb, sa, sb, funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefa), funcUab((j-1)*dt,coefb) ) ) / dt**2 btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef / dt**2 btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] += - alpha * 4 * coef / dt**2 btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] += alpha * 2 * coef / dt**2 #---------- #---------- #----- Boundary de-computation #---------- if k+1 == Ns: Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 0 # k+1,j ~ k+1,j Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = 0 # k+1,j+1 ~ k+1,j+1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k+1,j-1 ~ k+1,j-1 btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 0 # k+1,j btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = 0 # k+1,j+1 btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k+1,j-1 if k-1 == 0: Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 0 # k-1,j ~ k-1,j Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = 0 # k-1,j+1 ~ k-1,j+1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k-1,j-1 ~ k-1,j-1 btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+0) ] = 0 # k-1,j btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j+1) ] = 0 # k-1,j+1 btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k-1,j-1 if j-1 == 0: Atemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k,j-1 ~ k,j-1 Atemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k+1,j-1 ~ k+1,j-1 Atemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1), (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k-1,j-1 ~ k-1,j-1 btemp[ (k+0)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k,j-1 btemp[ (k+1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k+1,j-1 btemp[ (k-1)*(Nt+1)+(j-1) ] = 0 # k-1,j-1 #---------- pass print("-----") print("Atemp = ") print(Atemp) print("-----") print("btemp = ") print(btemp) print("-----") print("-----") A = A + Atemp b = b + btemp print("-----") print("A = ") print(A) print("-----") print("b = ") print(b) print("-----") print("-----") input("Press Enter to continue...") # Conjugate gradient algorithm: x = np.zeros(N).reshape(N,1) r = b - np.matmul(A,x) p = r rsold =,r) for i in range(len(b)): Ap = np.matmul(A,p) alpha = rsold / np.matmul(p.transpose(),Ap) x = x + alpha * p r = r - alpha * Ap rsnew =,r) if np.sqrt(rsnew) < 1e-16: break p = r + (rsnew / rsold) * p rsold = rsnew print("it = ", i) print("rsold = ", rsold) # Trading strategy sm = (sa + sb)/2 if x[Ns/2*(Nt+1)+Nt/2] >= optionAsk[0] + securityMargin: tradeAtTimeTau = True sellingPriceAtTimeTau = x[Ns/2*(Nt+1)+Nt/2] portfolio -= 140 * optionAsk # buy 140 options if x[Ns/2*(Nt+1)+Nt] >= optionAsk[0] + securityMargin: tradeAtTimeTwoTau = True sellingPriceAtTimeTwoTau = x[Ns/2*(Nt+1)+Nt] portfolio -= 140 * optionAsk # buy 140 options pause.until(datet) # Wait 10mn before the next loop pause.until(datet) datet = # Time should be around 20mn before closure datet = datetime.datetime(datet.year, datet.month,, datet.hour, datet.minute + 10) if tradeAtTimeTau == True: # sell stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() optionAsk.pop(0) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) portfolio += min(optionAsk[2],sellingPriceAtTimeTau) * 140 # Wait 10mn more to sell the last options pause.until(datet) # it should be around 10mn before closure if tradeAtTimeTwoTau == True: # sell stockOptVol = funcRetrieveStockOptionVolatility() optionAsk.pop(0) optionAsk.append(stockOptVol[3]) portfolio += min(optionAsk[2],sellingPriceAtTimeTwoTau) * 140 # Market closure 
Don't put money on this as I'm still debugging (I bet you half a bitcoin I have mistaken a few indices in the H_2 norm)... Here is the discretisation formula I used, to copy-paste on latexbase:
\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \title{Klibanov algorithm} \author{Discretisation formula} \date{\today} \begin{document} \maketitle Let $$ a_{k,j} = \frac12\sigma(j\delta_\tau)^2\times(255\times13\times3)\times(k\delta_s+s_a)^2, $$ then \begin{alignat*}{3} J_\alpha(u) = & \sum_{k=1}^{N_s} \sum_{j=1}^{N_t} \left| \frac{u_{k,j+1} - u_{k,j-1}}{\delta_\tau} + a_{k,j} \frac{u_{k+1,j} - 2u_{k,j} + u_{k-1,j}}{\delta_s^2}\right|^2\frac{2\tau - \delta_\tau}{N_t}\frac{s_a - s_b - \delta_s}{N_s}\\ & + \alpha \sum_{k=1}^{N_s} \sum_{j=1}^{N_t} \left| u_{k,j} - F_{k,j}\right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{u_{k,j+1} - u_{k,j-1}}{\delta_t} - \frac{F_{k,j+1} - F_{k,j-1}}{\delta_t}\right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{u_{k+1,j} - u_{k-1,j}}{\delta_s} - \frac{u_{a,j} - u_{b,j}}{s_a - s_b}\right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{(u_{k+1,j+1} - u_{k-1,j+1}) - (u_{k+1,j-1} - u_{k-1,j-1})}{\delta_s\delta_t} \right. \\ & \qquad \qquad \left. - \frac{(u_{a,j+1} - u_{b,j+1}) - (u_{a,j-1} - u_{b,j-1})}{(s_a-s_b)\delta_t}\right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{u_{k,j+1} - 2u_{k,j} + u_{k,j-1}}{\delta_\tau^2} - \frac{F_{k,j+1} - 2F_{k,j} + F_{k,j-1}}{\delta_\tau^2} \right|^2 \\ & \qquad + \left| \frac{u_{k+1,j} - 2u_{k,j} + u_{k-1,j}}{\delta_s^2}\right|^2 \end{alignat*} %% \left| \right|^2 with $\tau = 1$ unit of time (for example 10mn). \end{document} 
Let me know if you see something wrong... And if you want to contribute, feel free
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conjugate transpose vector python video

4C Properties of the Transpose Inverse of 3x3 matrix - YouTube How to calculate the singular values of a matrix - YouTube Imaginary Numbers Are Real [Part 1: Introduction] - YouTube Shortcut Method to Find A inverse of a 3x3 Matrix - YouTube Rank of a matrix: Example 1 - YouTube Finding Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors : 2 x 2 Matrix ... Multiplying Matrices - Example 1 - YouTube Mathematics: Conjugate of Matrix - YouTube

Conjugate transpose You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know. ConjugateTranspose [m] is equivalent to Conjugate [Transpose [m]]. » can be entered as ct or \[ConjugateTranspose]. ConjugateTranspose [m] can also be given as , where can be entered as hc or \[HermitianConjugate]. ConjugateTranspose [m, spec] gives Conjugate [Transpose [m, spec]]. numpy.transpose¶ numpy.transpose (a, axes=None) [source] ¶ Reverse or permute the axes of an array; returns the modified array. For an array a with two axes, transpose(a) gives the matrix transpose. Numpy transpose function reverses or permutes the axes of an array, and it returns the modified array. For an array, with two axes, transpose(a) gives the matrix transpose. The transpose of the 1D array is still a 1D array. Before we proceed further, let’s learn the difference between Numpy matrices and Numpy arrays. What np.transpose does is reverse the shape tuple, i.e. you feed it an array of shape (m, n), it returns an array of shape (n, m), you feed it an array of shape (n,)... and it returns you the same array with shape(n,).. What you are implicitly expecting is for numpy to take your 1D vector as a 2D array of shape (1, n), that will get transposed into a (n, 1) vector. A unitary matrix is a matrix whose inverse equals it conjugate transpose.Unitary matrices are the complex analog of real orthogonal matrices. If U is a square, complex matrix, then the following conditions are equivalent :. U is unitary.. The conjugate transpose U* of U is unitary.. U is invertible and U − 1 = U*.. The columns of U form an orthonormal basis with respect to the inner product ... Conjugate[z] or z\[Conjugate] gives the complex conjugate of the complex number z. numpy.matrix.H¶ matrix.H¶. Returns the (complex) conjugate transpose of self.. Equivalent to np.transpose(self) if self is real-valued. No matter you have a positive or negative answer to this question, hopefully, after reading this post and practicing a bit, you will be able to grasp most of the Linear Algebra you need to know for… It is very convenient in numpy to use the .T attribute to get a transposed version of an ndarray.However, there is no similar way to get the conjugate transpose. Numpy's matrix class has the .H operator, but not ndarray. Because I like readable code, and because I'm too lazy to always write .conj().T, I would like the .H property to always be available to me.

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4C Properties of the Transpose

Got to start from the beginning - See video #5, 6, 7 and 8Learn via an example rank of a matrix. F... Inverse of 3x3 matrix example. Visit to see all all video tutorials covering the inverse of a 3x3 matrix. For early access to new videos and other perks: to learn more or teach this series? Check out the Imaginary Numbers are... Thanks to all of you who support me on Patreon. You da real mvps! $1 per month helps!! :) !! Thanks to all of you who s... Online Course to Crack Exam with 100% Guarantee IIT JEE - Mains Online Classes : MHT CET Oniline Lectures: In this video you will learn how to calculate the singular values of a matrix by finding the eigenvalues of A transpose A. We will also do a worked example ... The properties of the transpose of a matrix. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Thanks to all of you who support me on Patreon. You da real mvps! $1 per month helps!! :) !! Thanks to all of you who s... Conjugate of Matrix and it's Properties. To ask your doubts on this topic and much more, click here:

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