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The story of a Swede, the outsiders' perspective.

I started writing this in October 2015 when the immigration was at its largest. Thought I'd might share.
I grew up with low socio-economical surroundings in Sweden and as such I grew up with an array of different cultures. I've been mostly influenced by south-east Asian and middle-eastern cultures. I don't think it's out of reach to claim that I haven't integrated into the Swedish culture. If it is abstract, I'll explain; I didn't experience midsummers' eve until I was 15. I still haven't been to a kräftskiva and don't think I will ever smell surströmming. If you'd ask any person who interacted with me during my early school years they would describe me as a child with multitude of problems. For 1.5 years I was tutored with my own teacher. I took the usual route of such a child. Alcohol, Cannabis, tobacco and earlier versions of spice mostly. I somehow managed to stay away from the harder drugs. Others were not so fortunate.
I grew up with a mentally wounded mother and an alcoholic father. They separated when I was six. My parents weren't intentionally bad, they had hearts of gold and I truly love them immensely. They were just dealing the hands they were given. They simply didn't know how to work with them. They both had wellpaying jobs but just laughable bad with money. They managed to land us with millions in debt just before I was born. This debt followed me through life and would remind itself at every corner. This would change when my father managed to get a job as a freelance engineer. He would spend most of his time abroad. He started making the big bucks. Life was grand. If I needed money, all I had to do was ask. I remember asking my father for 10.000:-, as I needed spare parts because my brother had utterly destroyed my 4 month new 30.000:- moped in a fit of rage. This was a source of great comedy in my neighbourhood I was told, as I talked to one of the drug addicts living next door. He too, was a source of comedy when the police arrived to arrest him. He had a very long knife with which he threatened the officers with. The police, somehow, managed to take him down with only pepperspray. Although one of the two arresting officers did pull a gun, I think she hesitated to use it as there were two dozen children surrounding this grand event. This individual also managed to almost kill one of my childhood friends, who had spent a cold winters' eve in his condo. I was with them, but decided to leave when the drug addict pulled a condom from his mouth out of his nose. I got a phonecall that evening from his mother. I was asked if I knew where he was, I told her no, as revealing his delicate position would seriously hinder our alcohol abuse. This did not soothe his mother, as she promptly arrived at my doorstep but one hour later demanding I tell her where he is. As I saw her torment I caved and told her where she would find him. And she did. In a mound of snow passed out, slowly decaying from alcohol poisoning. He survived after having his stomach pumped. I was barely even a teenager at the time. He later went to rehab for a few years, but due to housing shortage he had to stay with the administrator of the rehab center, an immigrant from Bosnia. Who also was a former drug addict. The administrator later relapsed and robbed a jewelry shop, but that's another story. The drug addict later hung himself and my friend is now sober and recently had his first child. My moped would later be stolen, despite the two locks that fastened it to a light pole. Anyway, Life was grand; I travelled, granted it was mostly tourist traps. But it didn't matter, in comparison to those around me, I was a globetrotter. I remember spending a month abroad, where my father worked at the time. It could not not be noticed that my father had a significant other in several different cities. This trip concluded with me also hooking up with a girl and my father paying for the accompanying hotel suite. I have since learned that she dug up the condom and went to work with it. My father wasn't very pleased but I haven't heard of her since. That was the day I learned that if you sleep with an economically deprived foreigner, always flush the condom, regardless of the hosting nations sewage system.
I make jests but the truth is that the subculture now spreading through Sweden’s underclass is raw and incredibly hard in comparison to the one Sweden calls its own. You do not let your guard down, you cannot show weakness for there will always be someone there to take advantage for miniscule gain. You put up a fucking facade; you enter a state that can best be described as clinical depression. You do not take in emotions and you do not process them. You merely act in accordance to the expectations of those around you. And when it boils down to it, you enjoy spreading your vile morals to anyone who touches you. You enjoy having people bend to your will, even if its superficial, as it would be if you forced fear on someone. You will do it for fuck it. You will do it because everyone surrounding you do it. They will do it because fuck it. And do you know why they fuck it? Because they feel they are getting fucked. You might think this is unreasonable of them, and yes, we were unreasonable. But that does not matter when we in our minds were justified. An individual that demonstrates these values cannot be helped, because he does not know he needs it. He doesn't know he needs it because of the perception he has of life, his perception is narrow, and he will not let his guard down to absorb anything else because his surroundings does not allow it. Values as compassion and respect, if not borne out of fear, are dismissed as weakness. I must admit though, a lot of the anger coursing through the veins of our disenfranchised is not at all misplaced. Our immigrants are just as ignored as those who oppose this development, if not more.
I grew up with economically segregated multiculture. I came from a place in life not many get away from and whenever I look back I see a much more brutal reality then the one I left. And it is from my humble beginnings in life I cannot comprehend how Swedish politicians claim a multicultural society as their ideal when it is evident that they do not appreciate that which constitutes a culture. It would seem they think that all there's to it is food, beverages and a different color scheme. And a few oddities to go with that, like that Hispanic culture with the funny hat. But it is more akin to a third eye, in which another perspective is deeply ingrained. The process of converting this perspective is tiresome and harsh. If the individual does not wish to be integrated into the culture he now resides, lacks motivation or the tools to do so he will not be. He would find himself at the bottom without that which with to succeed and he will find scorn within himself for the society that only superficially accepts him. He will be lumped together with people already subdued by this reality and people of questionable morals and he will be influenced. They will form the mindset that defines the underclass of tomorrow, together with the insecurities and psychological wellness that always characterizes the lower strata, regardless of ethnicity. They will be broken by their very surroundings. It is this utter contempt shown to previous generations, who laid the foundation which now crumble without as much as a thought. There are truth to these words, even if those who claim them are labeled national socialists. If you grew up with poor socio-economic standards you can see the connections between generations, the psychological aspect. It follows from father to son, from mother to daughter in endless tirade of personal hell. Pestilence that plagues entire towns and even entire nations. This is the foundation that now crumbles, a psychological foundation on which our society has relied. And one that is incredibly hard to build. It takes centuries to craft; Renaissance, Classicism, Romanticism, Enlightenment and Post-modernism. These all defines us. But not the cultures that have not been exposed to them.
Human nature does not regard political correctness; it can only ever fuel misconception and as such can only further divide society. I'm not speaking of evolutionary difference in race; I'm talking about evolution of culture. And some parts of humanity are further along, this is the reason their accomplishments are greater than others, because their very cultural traits is what is needed to achieve them. This is the reason the Golden era of Islam accomplished far more then medieval Europe. The very same reason religion and ideology holds merit as a tool to unify people in order to achieve greatness. This evolution of culture, that which ultimately defines us, is also the reason empires fall. That progression is not a linear. A society rise and fall with its denizens. Society is defined by the very individuals within it; if they are unwell, psychologically ill, insecure, violent and incompassionate then those are the characteristics that will define us. Cultures, society and the well-being of the individuals within it are very fragile and that can be exceedingly inflicted by minor things. Everything that can will inflict itself onto cultures and the scars and its beauty can be seen for centuries. "Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness..." This was said by Martin Luther King some 50 years ago. He is right and it is a butterfly effect that will multiply exponentially with each generation.
And the truth is, yes, certain cultures have certain traits to them which hold true. Stereotyping them is valid, as is evident when you look at the sub-culture that I was part of. If I'd meet myself, as I was back then, I'd turn around and leave. I was waiting for an opportunity to wreak havoc, literally. I'd physically fight for the gratification of it, the mental push you give yourself in order to overcome any residual woes before you enter the fray. The feeling begins to form in your lower back, it spreads through your spine and reaches your chest where it pumps with every heartbeat till your whole body vibrates of energy. You welcome it, it empowers you. You push yourself over the edge and let it loose in arbitrary rage and adrenaline with no regard of consequence. And there truly are no consequences in that moment; the scars I've gathered were only felt the day after. This is the only time a truly damaged human feels and even this goes numb as time runs by. I was a person filled with anger, misplaced hate and a deep misconception of the world. That was not a person who could be reasoned with.
They say the hardest thing to heal is a broken mind. The generations born from it must then be nigh impossible without extreme societal change. Society as a whole? Forever changed; not linear.
We will move towards factions within society. The factions so far removed from each other they will not be able to find common ground. One of them will be immigrants; they will be disenfranchised, culturally different, economically and linguistically segregated. These groups will have an abyssal void between themself, one they cannot bridge. And then they are forced to interact. This will be the cause of a violent future and all parties will blame the other, no one will be introspective and see that they too hold responsibility for the world they create. This is what is imminent, not the idealist multicultural nation you strive for, and we will be a society that claims values it cannot uphold. You have paved the way for the racism you claim to be so vehemently against. If you argue this development you're instantly demoralized, ridiculed and minusculed by the opposition. You're ostracized and excluded. What happens to that individual that is not allowed to discuss his opinions with people whose opinion differs from his? That person will not change, in any capacity. This person will confirm his beliefs in other manners. And he will be further removed from your values then he would have been, had you tried to talk to him, had you attempted understanding. Instead another route was chosen, you choose to make him a dissident at such a primordial level that the dissonance between you resonates through all of society. You are not allowed to gather opinion in the same manner as your opposition. This does not hold democratic values, in any way. It is dumbfounding ironic, that those who claim moral high ground, that those who claim to hold democratic values at their heart are the ones who seem blind to them. My personal favorite way they diminish their opposition is by claiming that they are lowly educated, as if that removes the experiences that concluded the opinion; as if that was a valid reason to thoroughly ignore someone. It leaves a bitter taste. They say that Sweden does not have an inherent culture, to the degree that all benevolent forces come from the outside. This is intellectual dishonesty you are preaching to each other. Sweden has taken in a lot of influences from the outside, yes. Sweden has integrated other ethnicities into their very genes, yes. All this from the very day the first proto-Germanics landed on the Scandinavian Peninsula. Since the very first day the Indo-Europeans reached the continent. We have absorbed others into our midst and we are greater from it, yes. We are what we are because of it, yes. But the argument is null because history also shows us that when cultures exchange values it is more often than not a violent process.
This paradox; the inconsistency that is somehow allowed to prevail in society. It shows something truly putrid within the backbone of our society. The cognitive dissonance and the selective perception of different societal forces that seems to become greater in stupidity with each passing moment. There is an established rule, so intricately woven over the past decades that it could ruin the whole nation. It does not matter who first starting weaving, the problem is that society lets it continue. We've all been woven into this intricate net, from the lowly welfare-recipient to the highest politician. The dissidents are right. Yes, the immigration is proper economic betrayal. Yes, it will change Sweden in dramatic ways. But is any of it rooted in ethnicity? Yes, but not from the concept itself but from fear of it. And the irony of the century is that the net I've described, the dissonance, is also the one that ultimately led to the holocaust. It is now orchestrating this madness under the guise of protecting the world from it. The dissident of previous decades does not share values with the dissident of today, yet both groups are bound by their respective authority. The implications of what was caused removed, it shares the same rotten essence. The very same noxious core you find in cults. The notion of low fertility rates and an ageing population is what started this and then the anti-racism sentiment caught hold, due to actual racism in previous decades. And then the net kept on weaving, until we were all stuck in it.
Below are quotes from Mona Sahlin and Fredrik Reinfeldt, in that order. I'm not going to cite sources nor name their context. Hopefully a commentator could shine light on that.
Jag har ofta fått den frågan men jag kan inte komma på vad svensk kultur är. Jag tror att det är lite det som gör många svenskar så avundsjuka på invandrargrupper. Ni har en kultur, en identitet, en historia, någonting som binder ihop er. Och vad har vi? Vi har midsommarafton och sådana ”töntiga” saker.
I have often gotten that question but I cannot think of what Swedish culture is. I think that is a bit of what makes Swedes so jealous on immigration groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that binds you together. And what do we have? We have midsummers' eve and such "stupid" things. (My comment: "Töntig" is equal to stupid, with an emphasis on being somewhat nerdy and, in this instance, a slightly ridiculous notion.)
Sverige är det land i Europa som tar emot flest flyktingar. Det har vi gjort med högt huvud trots att problemen varit stora. Ska vi stänga gränsen och säga: ”Vi har haft lite svårt att integrera så därför kan ni inte komma hit och få skydd nu”?
Sweden is the country in Europe that takes in the most refugees. We have done this with our heads held high despite the problems being great. Should we close the border and say: "We have had a little trouble integrating so that is why you cannot come here and get protection now"?
Vet du vad som är den nya innebörden av ordet åsiktsutbyte? Det är att man går in till Göran Persson med en åsikt och går därifrån med hans.
Do you know what the new meaning of the term "exchange of views" is? It is that you walk in to Göran Persson (His office insinuated) with an opinion and walks out with his.
You are the very epitome of what has befallen our nation. You have no place in the corridor from which power stems because you do not think and you know it. Your very presence show that something is corrupted within the Social Democrats.
Ursvenskt är rena barbariet. Resten av utvecklingen har kommit utifrån.
Pure swedish is nothing but barbarian. All advancements came from the outside.
Jag är väl medveten om min europeiska läxa och historia – att nationalismen är det gift som mer än något annat har förgiftat den här kontinenten.
I am fully aware about my European homework and history - That nationalism is the poison that more then anything have poisoned this continent.
Detta land har just denna vår och sommar haft 200 år av fred. Jag har åkt runt i skolor i Sverige och frågat: Mot vem krigade Sverige för sista gången? Och så fnissar alla för dom kan knappt komma på det, och så säger man till dem att det är Norge. Då blir det såhär: Ameh, Norge, ibland är dom väl lite irriterande men alltså... Förstår ni hur underbart det är att leva i ett land där vi fnissar åt det krig vi senast utkämpade mot våra grannar. Hur många tror ni har det på det sättet i världen?
This nation has this spring and summer had 200 years of peace. I have travelled around schools in Sweden and asked: Against whom did Sweden war with the last time? And they all giggle cause they can barely think of it, and you tell them it is Norway. Then this happens: Oh, Norway, like sometimes they are a bit irritating but... Do you understand how wonderful it is to live in a country where we giggle at the last war we fought against our neighbors. How many do you think have it like this in the world?
Det är bara det att jag inte kan vinna den debatten – om han inte kommer full och börjar slåss i studion. Så länge som han säger någonting som är begripligt, har han ju överraskat. (Min kommentar: Överraskat det svenska folket.)
It is only that I cannot win that debate - Unless he arrives drunk and starts to fight in the studio. As long as he says something coherent, he will have surprised (My comment: Surprised the Swedish people.)
Sverigedemokraterna ska inte ha onödigt mycket medialt utrymme där de ständigt görs spelteoretiskt intressanta. Det riskerar att leda till att väljare agerar smart snarare än att de utgår ifrån regeringsalternativ.
The Swedish Democrats shall not have an unnecessary amount of space in media where they constantly made theoretically interesting. There is a risk it could lead to the voter acting smart rather than choosing from the already established parties.
I once had a supervisor blatantly lie in my face about my salary and I was completely baffled when he asked "Why don't you trust me?", as if trust for random people is something inherent within us all. Granted, I'm young and he probably presumed I was naive. This is inconsistent with what I've gathered from life, yet it speaks volumes. Basic trust for one another is a cultural aspect of Sweden. When Fredrik Reinfeldt wrote the book "Det sovande folket" 1993, Translated: "The Sleeping Poeple", he wrote: "Svenskarna är mentalt handikappade och indoktrinerade att tro att politiker kan skapa och garantera välfärd". Which means: "The Swedish people are mentally handicapped and indoctrinated to believe that politicians can create and guarantee welfare. He is wrong, that inherent trust or mental retardness as he would describe it, within the Swedish culture is something immensely beautiful and could have been used as a catalyst for great things. But instead it was abused and will be forever lost. And I doubt we'll ever see something of its kind in all of human history. It took centuries of pacifism and social pressure to achieve. I'd argue that it is he which is mentally handicapped in an emotional capacity when he could not comprehend that. His mental state is further obvious when that which he was part of creating was far removed from empathy and understanding. He's an incredibly intelligent man, no doubt, yet so astonishingly stupid that he would allow himself to use the doctrine knowingly.
The working class is asking themselves why they fund this idiocracy. The immigrants bellow; "Suedi kon keff wallah, habibi maddafakker" thinking that Swedes are stupid and corrupt to allow unhindered immigration. And the political lefts are off fighting themselves in some absurd alternate reality. Do you think the Social Democrats will survive this? I do not; they have played into the hands of their political opponents at such a ridiculous level. Open your hearts? No, open your minds.
The ice is now thawing and the wall crumbles. The truth will seep out. I hope, for all our sakes, that they let it flood and finally let people make up their own minds. And to whoever who would call me racist, claim that I lack empathy; I see true human suffering at your very doorstep, the damage which your opinions cause. Whilst you come from sheltered backgrounds filled with love and compassion and you sit at your round conference table, where the man next to you shares your perspective. Do not claim that it is my opinion that stem from ignorance. It is yours who does. I come from the reality which you claim do not exist. I will not allow it any longer. This is not done with ill intent, but intentions are wholly insignificant when that which is caused inflicts agony on others. It should be regarded as such. These are scars that will be seen for generations. And the sheer magnitude of deceit rampant through society, still upheld by those soon restrained, will cause the pendulum of society to swing in the other direction with such incredible force only because you held onto it. And the cycle begins anew, far removed from those ideals that were. Even further removed from empathy and understanding then the last and society will keep running in this mouse wheel, until its very bearings give in. These are the reasons I am against immigration, not because of race, which is the reason you advocate it. You fucking racist.
Ni borde ha tillåtit min röst och dess sanning men ni valde att kväva det subglottala trycket. Istället sitter jag nu här med förståelse och hat; splittrad som vår hela jävla nation.
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TRADING ECONOMICS provides forecasts for major currency exchange rates, forex crosses and crypto currencies based on its analysts expectations and proprietary global macro models. The current forecasts were last revised on February 9 of 2021. PG objected and claimed the unpaid amount from Svenska. The High Court rejected all of Svenska’s arguments and gave judgment for PG, but gave permission to appeal as to whether a term could be implied into the contract such that payment in sterling for the product supplied should be subject to the fixed rate of exchange noted in the budget. (Product price x currency conversion rate) x (1 + currency conversion fee) ($10.00 USD x 0.867519) x (1 + .015) = €8.81. If you have rounding rules enabled, then the total is rounded up to €8.90. Manual exchange rate conversions Note Translation risk is the exchange rate risk associated with companies that deal in foreign currencies or list foreign assets on their balance sheets. Foreign exchange risk is also known as FX risk, currency risk and exchange-rate risk. Where have you heard about foreign exchange risk? While businesses that import and export goods, services and supplies face greater foreign exchange risk, all companies that operate in international markets can experience a loss. World currency exchange rates and currency exchange rate history. Up-to-the minute currency conversion, charts and more. Daily rates, exchange rates against the Swedish krona. The database presents the banks' fixing rates (note that certain rates are given in multiples of 100). All of the fixing rates are set in Swedish kronor. The currencies for which the banks calculate fixing rates against SEK every day can be found "Currency codes". Monthly average exchange rates Exchange rate risk is a common feature of cross-border commerce. Failing to document where that risk falls can have significant financial repercussions. Two recent cases illustrate this danger.

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