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Angélica Gorodischer - Three Stories [Translated by Lorraine Elena Roses and Marian Womack]

The Resurrection of the Flesh [Tr by Roses]

These first two tales published in Secret Weavers: Stories of the Fantastic by Women Writers of Argentina and Chile, edited by Marjorie Agosin (White Pine Press, 1992):
She was thirty-two, her name was Aurelia, and she had been married eleven years. One Saturday afternoon, she looked through the kitchen window at the garden and saw the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Men of the world, those four horsemen of the Apocalypse. And good-looking. The first from the left was riding a sorrel horse with a dark mane. He was wearing white breeches, black boots, a crimson jacket, and a yellow fez with black pompoms. The second one had a sleeveless tunic overlaid with gold and violet and was barefoot. He was riding on the back of a plump dolphin. The third one had a respectable, black beard, trimmed at right angles. He had donned a gray Prince of Wales suit, white shirt, blue tie and carried a black leather portfolio. He was seated on a folding chair belted to the back of white-haired dromedary. The fourth one made Aurelia smile and realize that they were smiling at her. He was riding a black and gold Harley-Davidson 1200 and was wearing a white helmet and dark goggles and had long, straight, blond hair flying in the wind behind him. The four were riding in the garden without moving from the spot. They rode and smiled at her and she watched them through the kitchen window.
In that manner, she finished washing the two teacups, took off her apron, arranged her hair and went to the living room.
"I saw the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in the garden," she told her husband.
"I'll bet," he said without raising his eyes from his paper.
"What are you reading?" Aurelia asked.
"I said they were given a crown and a sword and a balance and power."
"Oh, right," said her husband.
And after that a week went by as all weeks do--very slowly at first and very quickly toward the end--and on Sunday morning, while she made the coffee, she again saw the four horsemen of the Apocalypse in the garden, but when she went back to the bedroom she didn't say anything to her husband.
The third time she saw them, one Wednesday, alone, in the afternoon, she stood looking at them for a half hour and finally, since she had always wanted to fly in a yellow and red dirigible; and since she had dreamed about being an opera singer, an emperor's lover, a co-pilot to Icarus; since she would have liked to scale black cliffs, laugh at cannibals, traverse the jungles on elephants with purple trappings, seize with her hands the diamonds that lay hidden in mines, preside in the nude over a parade of nocturnal monsters, live under water, domesticate spiders, torture the powerful of the earth, rob trains in the tunnels of the Alps, set palaces on fire, lie in the dark with beggars, climb on the bridges of all the ships in the world; finally--since it was sadly sterile to be a rational and healthy adult--finally, that Wednesday afternoon alone, she put on the long dress she had worn at the last New Year's party given by the company where her husband was assistant sales manager and went out to the garden. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse called her, the blond one on the Harley-Davidson gave her his hand and helped her up onto the seat behind him, and there they went, all five, raging into the storm and singing.
Two days later her husband gave in to family pressure and reported the disappearance of his wife.
"Moral: madness is a flower aflame," said the narrator. Or in other words, it's impossible to inflame the dead, cold, viscous, useless, and sinful ashes of common sense.

The Perfect Married Woman

If you meet her on the street, cross quickly to the other side and quicken your pace. She’s a dangerous lady. She’s about forty or forty-five, has one married daughter and a son working in San Nicolas; her husband’s a sheet-metal worker. She rises very early, sweeps the sidewalk, sees her husband off, cleans, does the wash, shops, cooks. After lunch she watches television, sews or knits, irons twice a week, and at night goes to bed late. On Saturdays she does a general cleaning and washes windows and waxes the floors. On Sunday mornings she washes the clothes her son brings home—his name is Nestor Eduardo—she kneads dough for noodles or ravioli, and in the afternoon either her sister-inlaw comes to visit or she goes to her daughter’s house. It’s been a long time since she’s been to the movies, but she reads TV Guide and the police report in the newspaper. Her eyes are dark and her hands are rough and her hair is starting to go gray. She catches cold frequently and keeps a photo album in a dresser drawer along with a black crepe dress with lace collar and cuffs.
Her mother never hit her. But when she was six, she got a spanking for coloring on a door, and she had to wash it off with a wet rag. While she was doing it, she thought about doors, all doors, and decided that they were very dumb because they always led to the same places. And the one she was cleaning was definitely the dumbest of all, the one that led to her parents’ bedroom. She opened the door and then it didn’t go to her parents’ bedroom but to the Gobi desert. She wasn’t surprised that she knew it was the Gobi desert even though they hadn’t even taught her in school where Mongolia was and neither she nor her mother nor her grandmother had ever heard of Nan Shan or Khangai Nuru.
She stepped through the door, bent over to scratch the yellowish grit and saw that there was no one, nothing, and the hot wind tousled her hair, so she went back through the open door, closed it and kept on cleaning. And when she finished, her mother grumbled a little more and told her to wash the rag and take the broom to sweep up that sand and clean her shoes. That day she modified her hasty judgment about doors, though not completely, at least not until she understood what was going on.
What had been going on all her life and up until today was that from time to time doors behaved satisfactorily, though in general they were still acting dumb and leading to dining rooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, bedrooms and offices even in the best of circumstances. But two months after the desert, for example, the door that every day led to the bath opened onto the workshop of a bearded man dressed in a long uniform, pointed shoes, and a cap that tilted on one side of his head. The old man’s back was turned as he took something out of a highboy with many small drawers behind a very strange, large wooden machine with a giant steering wheel and screw, in the midst of cold air and an acrid smell. When he turned around and saw her he began to shout at her in a language she didn’t understand.
She stuck out her tongue, dashed out the door, closed it, opened it again, went into the bathroom and washed her hands for lunch.
Again, after lunch, many years later, she opened the door of her room and walked into a battlefield. She dipped her hands in the blood of the wounded and dead and pulled from the neck of a cadaver a crucifix that she wore for a long time under high-necked blouses or dresses without plunging necklines. She now keeps it in a tin box underneath the nightgowns with a brooch, a pair of earrings and a broken wristwatch that used to belong to her mother-in-law. In the same way, involuntarily and by chance, she visited three monasteries, seven libraries, and the highest mountains in the world, and who knows how many theaters, cathedrals, jungles, refrigeration plants, dens of vice, universities, brothels, forests, stores, submarines, hotels, trenches, islands, factories, palaces, hovels, towers and hell.
She’s lost count and doesn’t care; any door could lead anywhere and that has the same value as the thickness of the ravioli dough, her mother’s death, and the life crises that she sees on TV and reads about in TV Guide.
Not long ago she took her daughter to the doctor, and seeing the closed door of a bathroom in the clinic, she smiled. She wasn’t sure because she can never be sure, but she got up and went to the bathroom. However, it was a bathroom; at least there was a nude man in a bathtub full of water. It was all very large, with a high ceiling, marble floor and decorations hanging from the closed windows. The man seemed to be asleep in his white bathtub, short but deep, and she saw a razor on a wrought iron table with feet decorated with iron flowers and leaves and ending in lion’s paws, a razor, a mirror, a curling iron, towels, a box of talcum powder and an earthen bowl with water. She approached on tiptoe, retrieved the razor, tiptoed over to the sleeping man in the tub and beheaded him. She threw the razor on the floor and rinsed her hands in the lukewarm bathtub water. She turned around when she reached the clinic corridor and spied a girl going into the bathroom through the other door. Her daughter looked at her.
“That was quick.”
“The toilet was broken,” she answered.
A few days afterward, she beheaded another man in a blue tent at night. That man and a woman were sleeping mostly uncovered by the blankets of a low, king-size bed, and the wind beat around the tent and slanted the flames of the oil lamps. Beyond it there would be another camp, soldiers, animals, sweat, manure, orders and weapons. But inside there was a sword by the leather and metal uniforms, and with it she cut off the head of the bearded man. The woman stirred and opened her eyes as she went out the door on her way back to the patio that she had been mopping.
On Monday and Thursday afternoons, when she irons shirt collars, she thinks of the slit necks and the blood, and she waits. If it’s summer she goes out to sweep a little after putting away the clothing and until her husband arrives. If it’s windy she sits in the kitchen and knits. But she doesn’t always find sleeping men or staring cadavers. One rainy morning, when she was twenty, she was at a prison, and she made fun of the chained prisoners; one night when the kids were kids and were all living at home, she saw in a square a disheveled woman looking at a gun but not daring to take it out of her open purse. She walked up to her, put the gun in the woman’s hand and stayed there until a car parked at the corner, until the woman saw a man in gray get out and look for his keys in his pocket, until the woman aimed and fired. And another night while she was doing her sixth grade geography homework, she went to look for crayons in her room and stood next to a man who was crying on a balcony. The balcony was so high, so far above the street, that she had an urge to push him to hear the thud down below, but she remembered the orographic map of South America and was about to leave. Anyhow, since the man hadn’t seen her, she did push him and saw him disappear and ran to color in the map so she didn’t hear the thud, only the scream. And in an empty theater, she made a fire underneath the velvet curtain; in a riot she opened the cover to a basement hatchway; in a house, sitting on top of a desk, she shredded a two-thousand-page manuscript; in a clearing of a forest she buried the weapons of the sleeping men; in a river she opened the floodgates of a dike.
Her daughter’s name is Laura Inés, her son has a fiancée in San Nicolás and he’s promised to bring her over on Sunday so she and her husband can meet her. She has to remind herself to ask her sister-in-law for the recipe for orange cake, and Friday on TV is the first episode of a new soap opera. Again, she runs the iron over the front of the shirt and remembers the other side of the doors that are always carefully closed in her house, that other side where the things that happen are much less abominable than the ones we experience on this side, as you can easily understand.

The Unmistakable Smell of Wood Violets [Tr by Womack]

Translated for the first time in Ann and Jeff Vandermeer's Big Book of Science Fiction (Vintage, 2016):
The news spread fast. It would be correct to say that the news moved like a flaming trail of gunpowder, if it weren't for the fact that at this point in our civilization gunpowder was archaeology, ashes in time, the stuff of legend, nothingness. However, it was because of the magic of our new civilization that the news was known all over the world, practically instantaneously.
"Oooh!" the tsarina said.
You have to take into account that Her Gracious and Most Illustrious Virgin Majesty Ekaterina V, Empress of Holy Russia, had been carefully educated in the proper decorum befitting the throne, which meant that she would never have even raised an eyebrow or curved the corner of her lip, far less would she have made an interjection of that rude and vulgar kind. But not only did she say "Oooh!," she also got up and walked through the room until she reached the glass doors of the great balcony. She stopped there. Down below, covered by snow, Saint Leninburg was indifferent and unchanged, the city's eyes squinting under the weight of winter. At the palace, ministers and advisers were excited, on edge.
"And where is this place?" the tsarina asked.
And that is what happened in Russia, which is such a distant and atypical country. In the central states of the continent, there was real commotion. In Bolivia, in Paraguay, in Madagascar, in all the great powers, and in the countries that aspired to be great powers, such as High Peru, Iceland, or Morocco, hasty conversations took place at the highest possible level with knitted brows and hired experts. The strongest currencies became unstable: the guarani rose, the Bolivian peso went down half a point, the crown was discreetly removed from the exchange rates for two long hours, long queues formed in front of the exchanges in front of all the great capitals of the world. President Morillo spoke from the Oruro Palace and used the opportunity to make a concealed warning (some would call it a threat) to the two Peruvian republics and the Minas Gerais secessionist area. Morillo had handed over the presidency of Minas to his nephew, Pepe Morillo, who had proved to be a wet blanket whom everybody could manipulate, and now Morillo bitterly regretted his decision. Morocco and Iceland did little more than give their diplomats a gentle nudge in the ribs, anything to shake them into action, as they imagined them all to be sipping grenadine and mango juice in the deep south while servants in shiny black uniforms stood over them with fans.
The picturesque note came from the Independent States of North America. It could not have been otherwise. Nobody knew that all the states were now once again under the control of a single president, but that's how it was: some guy called Jack Jackson-Franklin, who had been a bit-part actor in videos, and who, aged eighty-seven, had discovered his extremely patriotic vocation of statesman. Aided by his singular and inexplicable charisma, and by his suspect family tree, according to which he was the descendent of two presidents who had ruled over the states during their glory days, he had managed to unify, at least for now, the seventy-nine northern states. Anyway, Mr. Jackson-Franklin said to the world that the Independent States would not permit such a thing to take place. No more, just that they would not permit such a thing to take place. The world laughed uproariously at this.
Over there, in the Saint Leninburg palace, ministers cleared their throats, advisers swallowed saliva, trying to find out if, by bobbing their Adam's apples up and down enough, they might be able to loosen their stiff official shirts.
"Ahem. Ahem. It's in the south. A long way to the south. In the west, Your Majesty."
"It is. Humph. Ahem. It is, Your Majesty, a tiny country in a tiny territory."
"It says that it is in Argentina," the tsarina said, still staring through the window but without paying any attention to the night as it fell over the snow-covered roofs and the frozen shores of the Baltic.
"Ah, yes, that's right, that's right, Your Majesty, a pocket republic."
Sergei Vasilievich Kustkarov, some kind of councilor and, what is more, an educated and sensible man, broke into the conversation.
"Several, Your Majesty, it is several."
And at last the tsarina turned around. Who cared a fig for the Baltic night, the snow-covered rooftops, the roofs themselves, and the city of which they were a part? Heavy silk crackled, starched petticoats, lace.
"Several of what, Councilor Kustkarov, several of what? Don't come to me with your ambiguities."
"I must say, Your Majesty, I had not the slightest intention--"
"Several of what?"
The tsarina looked directly at him, her lips held tightly together, her hands moving unceasingly, and Kustkarov panicked, as well he might.
"Rep-rep-republics, Your Majesty," he blurted out. "Several of them. Apparently, a long time ago, a very long time, it used to be a single territory, and now it is several, several republics, but their inhabitants, the people who live in all of them, all of the republics, are called, they call themselves, the people, that is, Argentinians."
The tsarina turned her gaze away. Kustkarov felt so relieved that he was encouraged to carry on speaking:
"There are seven of them, Your Majesty: Rosario, Entre dos Rios, Ladocta, Ona, Riachuelo, Yujujuy, and Labodegga."
The tsarina sat down.
"We must do something," she said.
Silence. Outside it was not snowing, but inside it appeared to be. The tsarina looked at the transport minister.
"This enters into your portfolio," she said.
Kustkarov sat down, magnificently. How lucky he was to be a councilor, a councilor with no specific duties. The transport minister, on the other hand, turned pale.
"I think, Your Majesty...," he dared to say.
"Don't think! Do something!"
"Yes, Your Majesty," the minister said, and, bowing, started to make his way to the door.
"Where do you think you're going?" the tsarina said, without moving her mouth or twitching an eyelid.
"I'm just, I'm going, I'm just going to see what can be done, Your Majesty."
There's nothing that can be done, Sergei Vasilievich thought in delight, nothing. He realized that he was not upset, but instead he felt happy. And on top of everything else a woman, he thought. Kustkarov was married to Irina Waldoska-Urtiansk, a real beauty, perhaps the most beautiful woman in all of Holy Russia. Perhaps he was being cuckolded; it would have been all too easy for him to find that out, but he did not want to. His thoughts turned in a circle: and on top of everything else a woman. He looked at the tsarina and was struck, not for the first time, by her beauty. She was not so beautiful as Irina, but she was magnificent.
In Rosario it was not snowing, not because it was summer, although it was, but because it never snowed in Rosario. And there weren't any palm trees: the Moroccans would have been extremely disappointed had they known, but their diplomats said nothing about the Rosario flora in their reports, partly because the flora of Rosario was now practically nonexistent, and partly because diplomats are supposed to be above that kind of thing.
Everyone who was not a diplomat, that is to say, everyone, the population of the entire republic that in the last ten years had multiplied vertiginously and had now reached almost two hundred thousand souls, was euphoric, happy, triumphant. They surrounded her house, watched over her as she slept, left expensive imported fruits outside her door, followed her down the street. Some potentate allowed her the use of a Ford 99, which was one of the five cars in the whole country, and a madman who lived in the Espinillos cemetery hauled water all the way up from the Pará lagoon and grew a flower for her which he then gave her.
"How nice," she said, then went on, dreamily, "Will there be flowers where I'm going?"
They assured her that there would be.
She trained every day. As they did not know exactly what it was she had to do to train herself, she got up at dawn, ran around the Independence crater, skipped, did some gymnastic exercises, ate little, learned how to hold her breath, and spent hours and hours sitting or curled into strange positions. She also danced the waltz. She was almost positive that the waltz was not likely to come in handy, but she enjoyed it very much.
Meanwhile, farther away, the trail of gunpowder had become a barrel of dynamite, although dynamite was also a legendary substance and didn't exist. The infoscreens in every country, whether poor or rich, central or peripheral, developed or not, blazed forth with extremely large headlines suggesting dates, inventing biographical details, trying to hide, without much success, their envy and confusion. No one was fooled:
"We have been wretchedly beaten," the citizens of Bolivia said.
"Who would have thought it," pondered the man on the Reykjavík omnibus.
The former transport minister of Holy Russia was off breaking stones in Siberia. Councilor Sergei Vasilievich Kustkarov was sleeping with the tsarina, but that was only a piece of low, yet spicy, gossip that has nothing to do with this story.
"We will not allow this to happen!" Mr. Jackson-Franklin blustered, tugging nervously at his hairpiece. "It is our own glorious history that has set aside for us this brilliant destiny! It is we, we and not this despicable banana republic, who are marked for this glory!"
Mr. Jackson-Franklin also did not know that there were no palm trees or bananas in Rosario, but this was due not to a lack of reports from his diplomats but rather a lack of diplomats. Diplomats are a luxury that a poor country cannot afford, and so poor countries often go to great pains to take offense and recall all the knights commanders and lawyers and doctors and even eventually the generals working overseas, in order to save money on rent and electricity and gas and salaries, not to mention the cost of the banquets and all the money in brown paper envelopes.
But the headlines kept on appearing on the infoscreens: "Argentinian Astronaut Claims She Will Reach Edge of Universe," "Sources Claim Ship Is Spaceworthy in Spite of or Because of Centuries-Long Interment," "Science or Catastrophe?," "Astronaut Not a Woman but a Transsexual" (this in the Imperialskaya Gazeta, the most puritan of the infoscreens, even more so than the Papal Piccolo Osservatore Lombardo), "Ship Launches," "First Intergalactic Journey in Centuries," "We Will Not Allow This to Happen!" (Portland Times).
She was dancing the waltz. She woke up with her heart thumping, tried out various practical hairstyles, ran, skipped, drank only filtered water, ate only olives, avoided spies and journalists, went to see the ship every day, just to touch it. The mechanics all adored her.
"It'll work, they'll see, it'll work," the chief engineer said defiantly.
Nobody contradicted him. No one dared say that it wouldn't.
It would make it, of course it would make it. Not without going through many incredible adventures on its lengthy journey. Lengthy? No one knew who Langevin was anymore, so no one was shocked to discover that his theory contradicted itself, ended up biting its own tail, and that however long the journey took, the observers would only perceive it as having lasted minutes. Someone called Cervantes, a very famous personage back in the early years of human civilization--it was still debated whether he had been a physicist, a poet, or a musician--had suggested a similar theory in one of his lost works.
One autumn dawn the ship took off from the Independence crater, the most deserted part of the whole desert republic of Rosario, at five forty-five in the morning. The exact time is recorded because the inhabitants of the country had all pitched in together to buy a clock, which they thought the occasion deserved (there was one other clock, in the Enclosed Convent of the Servants of Santa Rita de Casino, but because the convent was home to an enclosed order nothing ever went in or out of it, no news, no requests, no answers, no nothing). Unfortunately, they had not had enough money. But then someone had had the brilliant idea which had brought in the money they needed, and Rosario had hired out its army for parades in friendly countries: there weren't that many of them and the ones there were weren't very rich, but they managed to get the cash together. Anyone who was inspired by patriotism and by the proximity of glory had to see those dashing officers, those disciplined soldiers dressed in gold and crimson, protected by shining breastplates, capped off with plumed helmets, their catapults and pouches of stones at their waists, goose-stepping through the capital of Entre Dos Rios or the Padrone Giol vineyards in Labodegga, at the foot of the majestic Andes.
The ship blasted off. It got lost against the sky. Before the inhabitants of Rosario, their hearts in their throats and their eyes clouded by emotion, had time to catch their breath, a little dot appeared up there, getting bigger and bigger, and it was the ship coming back down. It landed at 06:11 on the same morning of that same autumn day. The clock that recorded this is preserved in the Rosario Historical Museum. It no longer works, but anyone can go and see it in its display cabinet in Room A of the Museum. In Room B, in another display case, is the so-called Carballensis Indentic Axe, the fatal tool that cut down all the vegetation of Rosario and turned the whole country into a featureless plain. Good and evil, side by side, shoulder to shoulder.
Twenty-six minutes on Earth, many years on board the ship. Obviously, she did not have a watch or a calendar with her: the republic of Rosario would not have been able to afford either of them. But it was many years, she knew that much.
Leaving the galaxy was a piece of cake. You can do it in a couple of jumps, everyone knows that, following the instructions that Albert Einsteinstein, the multifaceted violin virtuoso, director of sci-fi movies, and student of space-time, gave us a few hundred years back. But the ship did not set sail to the very center of the universe, as its predecessors had done in the great era of colonization and discovery; no, the ship went right to the edge of the universe.
Everyone also knows that there is nothing in the universe, not even the universe itself, which does not grow weaker as you reach its edge. From pancakes to arteries, via love, rubbers, photographs, revenge, bridal gowns, and power. Everything tends to imperceptible changes at the beginning, rapid change afterward; everything at the edge is softer and more blurred, as the threads start to fray from the center to the outskirts.
In the time it took her to take a couple of breaths, a breath and a half, over the course of many years, she passed through habitable and uninhabitable places, worlds which had once been classified as existent, worlds which did not appear and had never appeared and probably would never appear in any cartographical survey. Planets of exiles, singing sands, minutes and seconds in tatters, whirlpools of nothingness, space junk, and that's without even mentioning those beings and things, all of which stood completely outside any possibility of description, so much so that we tend not to perceive them when we look at them; all of this, and shock, and fear more than anything else, and loneliness. The hair grew gray at her temples, her flesh lost its firmness, wrinkles appeared around her eyes and her mouth, her knees and ankles started to act up, she slept less than before and had to half close her eyes and lean backward in order to make out the numbers on the consoles. And she was so tired that it was almost unbearable. She did not waltz any longer: she put an old tape into an old machine and listened and moved her gray head in time with the orchestra.
She reached the edge of the universe. Here was where everything came to an end, so completely that even her tiredness disappeared and she felt once again as full of enthusiasm as she had when she was younger. There were hints, of course: salt storms, apparitions, little brushstrokes of white against the black of space, large gaps made of sound, echoes of long-dead voices that had died giving sinister orders, ash, drums; but when she reached the edge itself, these indications gave way to space signage: "End," "You Are Reaching the Universe Limits," "The Cosmos General Insurance Company, YOUR Company, Says: GO NO FURTHER," "End of Protected Cosmonaut Space," etc., as well as the scarlet polygon that the OMUU had adopted to use as a sign for that's it, abandon all hope, the end.
All right, so she was here. The next thing to do was go back. But the idea of going back never occurred to her. Women are capricious creatures, just like little boys: as soon as they get what they want, then they want something else. She carried on.
There was a violent judder as she crossed the limit. Then there was silence, peace, calm. All very alarming, to tell the truth. The needles did not move, the lights did not flash, the ventilation system did not hiss, her alveoli did not vibrate, her chair did not swivel, the screens were blank. She got up, went to the portholes, looked out, saw nothing. It was logical enough:
"Of course," she said to herself, "when the universe comes to an end, then there's nothing."
She looked out through the portholes a little more, just in case. She still could see nothing, but she had an idea.
"But I'm here," she said. "Me and the ship."
She put on a space suit and walked out into the nothing.
When the ship landed in the Independence crater in the republic of Rosario, twenty-six minutes after it had taken off, when the hatch opened and she appeared on the ramp, the spirit of Paul Langevin flew over the crater, laughing fit to burst. The only people who heard him were the madman who had grown the flower for her in the Espinillos cemetery and a woman who was to die that day. No one else had ears or fingers or tongue or feet, far less did they have eyes to see him.
It was the same woman who had left, the very same, and this calmed the crowds down at the same time as it disappointed them, all the inhabitants of the country, the diplomats, the spies, and the journalists. It was only when she came down the gangplank and they came closer to her that they saw the network of fine wrinkles around her eyes. All other signs of her old age had vanished, and had she wished, she could have waltzed tirelessly, for days and nights on end, from dusk till dawn till dusk.
The journalists all leaned forward; the diplomats made signals, which they thought were subtle and unseen, to the bearers of their sedan chairs to be ready to take them back to their residences as soon as they had heard what she had to say; the spies took photographs with the little cameras hidden away in their shirt buttons or their wisdom teeth; all the old people put their hands together; the men raised their fists to their heart; the little boys pranced; the young girls smiled.
And then she told them what she had seen:
"I took off my suit and my helmet," she said, "and walked along the invisible avenues that smelled of violets."
She did not know that the whole world was waiting to hear what she said; that Ekaterina V had made Sergei Vasilievich get up at five o'clock in the morning so that he could accompany her to the grand salon and wait there for the news; that one of the seventy-nine Northern States had declared its independence because the president had not stopped anything from happening or obtained any glory, and this had lit the spark of rebellion in the other seventy-eight states, and this had made Mr. Jackson-Franklin leave the White House without his wig, in pajamas, freezing and furious; that Bolivia, Paraguay, and Iceland had allowed the two Peruvian republics to join their new alliance and defense treaty set up against a possible attack from space; that the high command of the Paraguayan aeronautical engineers had promised to build a ship that could travel beyond the limits of the universe, always assuming that they could be granted legal immunity and a higher budget, a declaration that made the guarani fall back the two points that it had recently risen and then another one as well; that Don Schicchino Giol, the new padrone of the Republic of Labodegga at the foot of the majestic Andes had been woken from his most recent drinking bout to be told that he had now to sign a declaration of war against the Republic of Rosario, now that they knew the strength of the enemy's forces.
"Eh? What? Hunh?" Don Schicchino said.
"I saw the nothingness of everything," she said, "and it was all infused with the unmistakable smell of wood violets. The nothingness of the world is like the inside of a stomach throbbing above your head. The nothingness of people is like the back of a painting, black, with glasses and wires that release dreams of order and imperfect destinies. The nothingness of creatures with leathery wings is a crack in the air and the rustle of tiny feet. The nothingness of history is the massacre of the innocents. The nothingness of words, which is a throat and a hand that break whatever they touch on perforated paper; the nothingness of music, which is music. The nothingness of precincts, of crystal glasses, of seams, of hair, of liquids, of lights, of keys, of food."
When she had finished her list, the potentate who owned the Ford 99 said that he would give it to her, and that in the afternoon he would send one of his servants with a liter of naphtha so that she could take the car out for a spin.
"Thank you," she said. "You are very generous."
The madman went away, looking up to the skies; who knows what he was searching for. The woman who was going to die that day asked herself what she should eat on Sunday, when her sons and their wives came to lunch. The president of the Republic of Rosario gave a speech.
And everything in the world carried on the same, apart from the fact that Ekaterina V named Kustkarov her interior minister, which terrified the poor man but which was welcomed with open arms by Irina as an opportunity for her to refresh her wardrobe and her stock of lovers. And Jack Jackson-Franklin sold his memoirs to one of Paraguay's more sophisticated magazines for a stellar amount of money, which allowed him to retire to live in Imerina. And six spaceships from six major world powers set off to the edges of the universe and were never seen again.
She married a good man who had a house with a balcony, a white bicycle, and a radio which, on clear days, could pick up the radio plays that LLL1 Radio Magnum transmitted from Entre Dos Rios, and she waltzed in white satin shoes. The day that her first son was born a very pale green shoot grew out of the ground on the banks of the great lagoon.
submitted by MilkbottleF to shortstoryaday [link] [comments]

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Preview 7/19-8/4 (early access 7/12 for cardholders)

Now open to all.
To avoid repeat posts regarding this sale, we will be considering this the mega post for the Nordstrom Anniversary sale. All others will be removed and redirected. This post is linked in the sidebar.
Early access begins here. Thank you u/superberger.
Album here.
Thank you to the awesome u/badboybravos for sharing!
This post in under construction until this evening (I have errands sorry). I'll populate with entire list/links & alphabetize later this evening.
7pm pst currently populating list... STILL WORKING 9PM
That's it for me for tonight folks. I did fix as many of Nordstrom's spelling mistakes as I could but I'm sure I missed quite a few :)

submitted by Kindapuffy to MUAontheCheap [link] [comments]


Hello Everyone!
So the Nitty Gritty Details first as always:
Sale Set Up
Going to go by timestamps for dibs, and will use the typical NIL system that most sales use. Please don’t ghost me, I really do not mind if you change your mind. And if you cannot commit to an item within 2 hours I will move to the next person- unless we have arrangements made via PM holding time wise.Don’t like my prices? Make me an offer, I am pretty flexible to a point, no lowballs, but a lot of the prices are a decent percent off retail already, so I may be firmer on some things price wise. REALLY THOUGH TRY ME YOU MAY BE SURPRISED :) Also it’s a lot of stuff to keep track of, so I apologize if it hasn’t been removed from the list right away if it’s been sold!
Shipping Starts at $3 and goes up by weight- depending how heavy or how much you buy we can probably come up with a bundle price for you. And I will try and get the shipping as cheap as possible- even if I have to send stuff separately or get creative lol.
Going to be shipping within the USA, but I have done a few Canada sales, and one to the Netherlands- so if you are International and really don’t mind the $$$ shipping let me know we can work something out. You would be responsible for any and all customs issues that arrive if they were to occur- so you are agreeing to that as well when you purchase internationally from me. Can also insure the package on request- you cover that too.
I take payments through Paypal only please. I prefer Friends and Family Payments, but if you would like Goods and Services Protection, then you would just cover the fees. If it is a lot of stuff you are buying and would like G&S I prefer to send you an invoice, you still cover fees. Please pay promptly so I can package up and get your goodies to you as fast as I can (unless we have agreed to other arrangements in PMs such as holding times and such)
I would more than likely mess it up completely so that will be 100% up to the purchaser.
Mods: Verification is tagged in sets of items- like I will tag the first thing out of a list of what the photo contains. Let me know if there are any no no’s in my post and I will fix it promptly.
ON TO THE GOODIES small wishlist on bottom
12/10 NEW!
*Drunk Elephant LaLa Retro Cream - BN $12
*Tata Harper Resurfacing Mask DS x2 BN $5 each
*Christophe Robin Cleansing Purifying Scrub DS x2 - BN $8 each
*Makeup Forever DS Shadow in 6RO1 (?) closed - BN $5
*FS UD 24/7 Glide on Velvet Eyeliner in Lush- BN $14
*Colourpop SSS in Posey and Cherries Jubilee - BN $5 each
*Colourpop Yes Please Palette BNIB- just came with powder stains on lid -$14
*Kat Von D Tattoo Brow in Light Brown BNIB- $12
*Bite mini Amuse Buche Lip in Fig and Meringue - $5 each
*Clinique Black Honey DS Lip- BN $6
*DS Grande Lips Lip Plumper - x2 BN $5 each
*Algenist Luminizing Drops in Rose- BN $20
*DS Benefit Watts Up - BN $7
*GlamGlow Glow Starter in Nude Glow - $5
*Milk Blur Stick DS - BN $4
*It cosmetics CC+ DS in Medium- BN $5
*Twirl Sample - usages shown: Fuller-$1.50 not so full- $1
*Chloe Sample - usage shown $0.50
*Betsey Johnson Too Too - usage shown $0.50
*DS Lady Gaga Born This Way - Brand new $4
*JLO Love Glow - usage shown, no cap $4
*BN Sample Size - $2 each
*Black Tulip - Nest Fine Fragrances x2
*California Clementine
*Tory Burch Love Relentlessly
Tools * Etude House LE Wonder Fun Park Face Brush Used a few times, in good shape- $4
*Forever 21 Heart Shaped Curlers - BN never used- $2
*Forever 21 Circle Shaped Curlers - BN never Used- $2
*Conair Mini On the Go Straightener - used only a few times, great condition -$6 close up of paddles
*Hair how-to Barette Roll - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $4 *Hair how-to Barette Perfect Bob - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $3
*E-Pony how to Barrette - Never used only opened- $4 backside
*French Twister Hair how to - probably tried 1x like new $4
*Hair Braider how to NO instructions - BN $2
*Herbal Essences Bio- essence Dry Shampoo - usage line estimated in picture- $3
*TGI Bed Head After Party -70-80% left $5
*DS Living Proof Dry Volume Blast BN -$4
*DS OUAI Treatment Mask BN $5
*Sally Hansen Color Therapy in Reflection Pool - used one time $3
*LE Wet n Wild Holiday 2016 Mega Last in R-U-FREE-2-DANCE - used 1x $5
*ORLY Color Blast in Fly like Flit (orange)- used 1x $2
*ORLY Color Blast in Follow Your Path (blue) - BN never used $3
12/3 New Stuff Added!
Cosmetics & Tools
*Colourpop Element of Surprise Eyeshadow Palette - used a few shades 2x- $14
*Colourpop Single Pan Eyeshadow in On the Fence- BN $4 (I buy to many doubles ahh!)
*ELF Prism Eyeshadow Palette in Naked- BNIB $6
*ELF Highlighting Holographic Duo in Siren’s Call- Swatched yellow side 2x- $6
*ELF Shining Facial Whip - BNIB $3
*ELF Lip Laquer in Natural- BNIB $3
*LaSplash Liquid Velvet Matte Lip in Red Velvet- BNIB box damaged- $7
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Limelight- swatched 3x $4
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Sorbet- has been repress, but now you have to really work at it to get color- FWP if interested
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Firefly- swatched 3x $4
*Smashbox Brush #9 - used, make an offer not sure what to price at
*Tarte DSTarteist Mascara BNIB $12
*Tarte DS Amazonian Clay Blush in Seduce- BNIB $14
11/26 New Stuff Added!
Kat Von D
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Lovecraft- swatched 1x $12
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Hellbent- BNIB $14
Tattoo junkie
*Happy Hour with Sparkle Lip Effect BN- $7
Kat Von D
*Shade and Light Eye Palette in Rust- BNIB $14
[Naked Cosmetics* Loose Pigment]( in: Mother Nature- Swatched 1x- $6
*Revlon Color Exactify Wheel Liquid Liner in black- tried one time on one eye- $5
wet n wild
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Liquid Shadows all BN $7 each
*Moonlight Majesty (purple)
*Mysterious Nights (dark, kinda greyish? Best to look up swatches)
*Lara’s Necklace (green)
Winky Lux
*Winky Lux Kitten Palette - Used only a few colors once, purchased swatched only on MUE open - $14
*Coty Air Spun Powder in Naturally Neutral- BN only opened for pictures- $5 *It Cosmetics Color Correcting Full Coverage & Anti Aging Hydrating Serum DS- BN $5
*Makeup Revolution strobing/highlighting duo chrome palette (I used as creme eyeshadows)- each shade at least swatched some lightly used- $10
*LA Girl Face Setting Powder- Used 1-2x $4
*L'oreal Lumi Cushion Foundation in W2 OPEN used lightly, no cushion puff included- $4
*Wet n Wild Paint Palette Limited Edition in Metallics- x2 BN $4 each
*Mac Brush #159 BN $18
Demeter’s Fragrance Library Watermelon Lollipop 15ml only sampled a bit $4
Kat Von D
*Sinner DS BNIB- $8
*Broadway Nails Press on Glow in the Dark Manicure- BN $3
*Dr. Brandt Pore Dermabrasion DS- $6
*Scary Pretty Face Mask BN $1 each
*Pumpkin Spice x2 *Sugar Cookie
Stratia Soft Touch AHA Decants| 5ml-$2
*Mini Liquid Lips Matte2: all BN $3.50 each
*More Better
*Times Square
*Love Bug
*Creeper x2
*Bad Habit
*Mini Liquid Satin Lips: all BN $3.50 each
*Mess Around
*Magic Wand
* Ultra Matte Lips FS
*Beeper- Swatched 1x $4
LE GWP Only Take Five x2- BN $6
*ILUVSARAHII X Colourpop “Mamacita”- BN $5
*Ultra Glossy Lips
All BN, LE, SOLD OUT - all BN $5 each
*Wishes x2
*Bash (old formula)
*RSVP x2
*Bash (new formula & box- color differr) - BN $5
*MISC Colourpop Lips
*Lippie Stix- LE GWP Only- Fab Five- BN $6
*Lippie Pencil in: Oversized - Swatched 1x $3
*Ultra Satin in Calypso- BNIB $6
Coloured Raine
*Matte Lip Paint in: Sugar x4 - BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Soul x2- BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Marshmallow x2- BN $6 each
Dose of Colors
*DOC in: Cotton Candy x2-BN $9
*DOC in: Attitude- BN $9
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Stain in:Pink Petal- swatched 1x - $2
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Super Gloss in: Sunrise - BN $3
*Elf Mini DS Lips- all BN $1 each
Pink *(how original)
*Funky Fuchsia
Gerard Cosmetics
*Berry Smoothie Lipstick x3- BN $7 each
*All Dolled Up Lipstick x3-BN $7 each
*Fire Engine Lipstick -BN $7
*Kimchi Doll Lipstick -BN $7
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Pink Tiara- BN $12
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Coral Craze- BN $12
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Butter Cream- BN $12
Hot Makeup
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Bubbly- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Casino Night- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunset- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Runway- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Like a Queen- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunkissed- BN $9
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Blown Away- BN $9
*Lipstick: Crystal’s Kiss- BN $9
*Lipstick: Take it Off- BN $9
*Lipstick : Voyage- BN $9
KIKO Cosmetics
*More Colour Lip Liner in: Billowing Peach x4- BN $4 each
*Studio Shine Lip in Jasmine- BN $7
*Studio Shine Lip in Dutchess- BN $7
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Saintly- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Bitter Berry- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Madly Mandarin- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Lip in: Samantha x3- BN $6 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: So Seductive x3- BN $7 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Get Lucky- BN $7
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Olympus- BN $7
*Burts Bee’s Mint Cocoa Chapstick BN $2
*Buxom DS in: Rose Juelp- BN $4
*Buxom FS Liquid Lip in: Moonlighter- BN $6
*Carmex Moisture Plus (tint)- swatched 1x $1
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte Lip in: Catoure - BN $3
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte in: Crimson Cat- BN $3
*Essence Matte Lip - swatched x2 $1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Jack Skellington- Pumpkin Spice Latte- BNIB- $5 x4
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Sally Peppermint Candy Corn- BNIB- $5 x2 *LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Ursula Wicked Grape- BNIB- $5 x2
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Cruella De Vill Cruel Red Velvet- BNIB- $5 x1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Maleficent Blackberry Magic- BNIB- $5 X1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Halloween Minnie Sour Trick or Treat Candy- BNIB- $5
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Vampire Mickey Spooky Ooky Smores- BNIB- $5 x3
Maybeline Baby Lips in: Purple Container and Pink Container- both swatched 1-2 times $1 each *(can’t find names on them)
*Nivea Shimmer Lip Care- opened but BN $2
*Palladio Herbal Lipstick in: Smokey Rose x4- one opened but all BN $3 each
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss in 113- used lightly x2 $2
*The Lip Bar in: Cosmo- BN $6
*Ulta DS Color Rush Lip Gloss in: Olivia - BN $2
*Ulta Matte Lip Crayon in: Soiree - BN $2
Walgreens x DC comics Collab in “Combat” and “Bravery” -$1 each *(see notes for other info pertaining to these
Nonie Colour Prevails
Liquid Lip with Clear Matte Topper- all BN $4 each *COLORS
*Retro Pink
*Darkest Taupe
*Suede Matte Lip Liners- all BN $2 each
*Prune x2
*Stockholm x5
*Cannes x7
*Orange County
*Cherry Skies
*Tea & Cookies
*Run the World
*Subversive Socialite
*Club Hopper
*Foiled Again x7
*Life’s a Beach
*London x3
*Los Angeles x3
*Whipped Caviar x4
*Copenhagen x4
*Milan x2
*Respect the Pink x3
*Pink Lust x2
*Sao Paulo x5
*Kitten Heels x3
*Vintage Red x4
*Aria x4
*Alabama x2
*Nyx Lip Liner in: Dolly Pink- BN $2
Nyx Matte Lipstick- all BN $3 each (a couple are opened but still BN)
*Daydream x3
*Shy x2
*Bloody Mary x2
*Pure Red
*Indie Flick x4
*Pale Pink x2
*Couture x4
Nyx Macaron Matte Lip - all BN $3 each
*Blue Velvet
Nyx Butter Lipstick - all BN $3 each
*Big Cherry
*Sugar Wafer
*Nyx Lingerie in: Satin Ribbon x 5 - all BN $3 each
*Nyx Mega Shine Lipgloss in: Perfect Red x2- all BN $3 each
*Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Cherry Cheesecake
*Sugar Cookie
*Tiramisu x3
*Peaches and Cream x2
*Strawberry Parfait x2
*Red Velvet
*Creme Brulee x4
*Peach Cobbler x2
Nyx Intense Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Spice Cake x2
*Sorbet x2
*Funnel Delight x3
*Orangesicle x2
OCC Cosmetics
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tarin: Digitalis- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Anime- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Femme x2- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Queen- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
Tattoo Junkie
Matte Lip Paint with Effect Toppers- all swatched 1x $4 each
*Minx with Velvety Lip Effect
*Walgreens x DC comics Collab in: Riot with Sparkle Effect Lip topper
*Outcast with Chroma Effect Lip Topper
Too Faced
*Lip Insurance Glossy- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Pitch Perfect- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Maneater- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Bachelorette BN $9
*Melted Lip in: Melted Melon-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Marshmallow- BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Fuchsia-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Frozen Hot Chocolate- BN $8
Wet n Wild
Fall 2017 LE Catsuit Matte Lip - all BN $7 each *COLORS
*Sleepy Hollow x4
*Boo Blu x4
*Widow’s Peak
*Purple Panic
*Terrifying Tangerine
*Emerald City
*LE Midnight Mermaid Metallic Matte Catsuit -all BN $7 each
*Coral Crown
*Harbor a Crush
*Sea Seduction
*Lara’s Necklace
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in : Rebel Rose- swatched x2 $3
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Give Me Mocha- BN $5
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Coral Corruption used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in: Turn’t Orange- used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in” Shelly Shocked- used 1x-$2
*Wet n Wild Gel Lip Liner in: Never Petal Down- used 1x- $1 (or FWP)
*Cushion Matte Lip in: Melon Like it is - BN $5
*Lipstick in: Think Pink- BN $1
*Gel Lip Liner in: Red The Scene- BN $3
*World Famous Neutrals Palette (open) (closed) - might have swatched each color 1x if that (does not come with eyeshadow look cards)- $16
BH Cosmetics
*28 Color Neutral Eyes Palette(closed) (open) (details/usage notes) - used 5-6x - $6
Coastal Scents
*Hot Pots at Various uses - $1 each
*Fancy Pansy
*Venetian Red
*Volcanic Blast
*Pale Daffodil
*Light Yellow
*Blue Moon
*Gypsy Blue
*Elven Silver
*Snow Pea
*Mellow Yellow
*Sea Lily
*I Think I Love You pressed shadow palette- BNIB $18
Super Shock Shadows - BNIB
*Reversible x2- $4 * Supermodel x3- Discontinued-$6
*The One- Discontinued- $6 right side up
*One by One- SOLD OUT- $6 (pictured twice, or I may have two- see below)
*Shop- BNIB- $5
*Posey BN - $5
*Cherries Jubilee
*Pressed in: Say I Do- Discontinued- BNIB-$5
*Pressed in:Snake Eyes- swatched 1x $3
*Pressed in: Up & Up - swatched x2 $3
*Pressed in: Let’s Do It- used wet x2 for eyeliner- $3
I buy too many doubles...grr, here is what I have with those:
*Pressed in Running Late BNIB $4
*Pressed in On the Fence BN $4 (have box)
*Pressed in Blowfish BNIB $4
Kat Von D
*High Voltage Eye Primer x2- BN $10 each
*Lighting Liner in: Poe- BN $8 note:(had some color on tip when purchased)
*Shade and Light Eye in Smoke - BNIB $14
KIKO Cosmetics
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 05 Gold and Teal- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 04 Sky Blue and Indigo- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 03 Lilac and Plum- BN $5
*Sephora + Pantone Universe Color of the Year Palette (open) (closed) - RIS BNIB- did not use so BNIB- $30
*Vintage Single Shadow - swatched 1x $8
Too Faced
*Violet Femme Single Shadow - BN $10
*Cat Eyes Palette used $7
Wet n Wild * Unicorn Pigment Collection - BN $15 as a 3 set x2 or $5 each for singles
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: Demi Black x2 BN- $3 each
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: 616 Black x3 BN- $3 each
*Spooky Lashes by Ardell in: Goddess (top and bottom) x2- BN $4 each
*Kiss Lashes Flutterful & Fierce x5 BN $3 each
Want to try Colourpop’s Crystal Spray Primers, but don’t want to buy the bottle? DECANTS AVAILABLE! Great for foiling Eyeshadows!
5ml eye dropper- $1.50 10ml eye dropper- $2.50 10ml Spray Bottle- $3.50 (spray bottles are slightly pricey)
Available in the following:
*[Rose Quartz)[
Face Continued
*YSL Blur Primer DS- BNIB $15
Wet n Wild
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Higlighter - all BN $9 each
Sonia Kashuk Limited Edition SOLD OUT Brush Sets
*4 piece Pop Art Set x4- BNIB $12.50 each
*Saydee’s Work of Art Matching Brush Cup x2 $6 each
*Kate Spade Makeup Bag flaw opened - Used, Loved, Zipper is cracking other than that still in great shape- I’m thinking $25 but open to offers
*Crown Chisel Brush BN - $5
*Mac Pro Palette Insert - Never used for actual purpose, only to hold earrings in a draw- $0.75
*Soho The Little Mermaid Makeup Bag opened Used 1-2x Tops Brand New Looking- $6
*Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray By Home Basics -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $8
*Large Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $10
Not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but I have an old vintage perfume bottle for sale, opened closed
*Marc Anthony Hydrating Coconut and Shea Butter Travel Size- BN $6
*Briogeo Repair Don’t Despair Deep Conditioning Mask DS- BN $4
AB Makeup
Brand Name Shade Usage Price
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Mild Mandarin BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Pink Rabbit BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Real Peach BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Romantic Peach BN $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Honey Pink BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Momo BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pink Skirt BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pure Pink BN $7
Apieu LE Apieu x Rilakkuma Shimmer Eyeshadow GL 101 sealed- 2 Available $5 each
Beauty People Fast 10's Gel Liner Auto Pencil Diamond Brown swatched 2x $6
Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack Pure Pink BN $6
Brow Lash EX LE Minnie Brow Powder and Brow Liner Duo 24hr Waterproof Light Brown only swatched powder side 1x $12
Clio Kill Black Waterproof Eyeliner 01 Black see notes on photo $4
Clio Chic Matte Eyeliner Black swatched 2x $6
Dolly Wink Color Eyeliner Sugar Purple used 1x $7
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Little Bear Star used 2x $3
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Shooting Star sealed $4
Etude House Cookie Blusher "Strawberry Choux" used 2-3x No Puff $4
Etude House Dear Darling Lips Wonder Fun Park BL 601 used lightly 2x $3
Etude House Eyebrow Brush see photo notes $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 805 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 806 sealed-2 available $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest PP 505 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest GR 708 opened light usage $3
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 003 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 005 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 010 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BE 104 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes OR 205 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 303 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 304 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BR 405 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BK 802 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Jewel BE 103 sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 428 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 429 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BL 606 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection GR 709 Opened used 1-2x $3
Etude House LE Ice Cream Pink Makeup Pouch Sealed $5
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 01 White Tear Sealed $4
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 04 Pink Tear swatched 2x $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 05 (brown sparkle not sure on name) sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 06 Olive Peridot sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 07 Carat Diamond used 1x $3
Holika Holika [Jewel Under Eye Maker] Pink used liner end 3x swatched shadow end 1x $4
Holika Holika Magic Pole Liner 2x 01 Black Eyeliner swatched 1x $8
Holika Holika Shimmer Eye Shadow SPP 3 sealed $4
It's Skin Babyface Petit Gel Eyeliner 05 (dark blue-ish teal) used 1x $3
It's Skin Babyface Petit Blusher 04 used 3x no Puff $3
Koji Eye Talk Excellent Double Eyelid Maker Moisturizing BN $10
Koji Spring Heart False Lashes with glue BN $4
Ladykin Shadow Stick Yellow Green swatched 2x $4
Lioele Duo Eyeshadow No.1 Golden Godiva BN $8
Lioele Mix Concealer Palette closed/open Only Comes In This Shade Combo see closed photo caption notes $9
Missha Missha x Line Friends 4D Mascara front back Black Sealed $7
Missha Shimmer Eyeshadow GBE 03 Sealed $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow 5BL 01 see photo notes $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow SGR 01 see photo notes $3
Peripera Touch Pang Lip Brunch With Pink BNIB 2 available $8
Secret Key Chubby Jelly Lips Cherry Red BN $6
Secret Key Twinkle Waterproof Gel Liner Purple Sparkle )not sure of name BN $6
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips Joyful Red- Little Mermaid BN $10
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips can't read name- Snow White BN $10
The Saem Face Lightener CC SPF30 PA++ Green used 1x 90% left $5
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 06 see photo notes $2
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 01 swatched 1x $3
AB Nails US Shipping ONLY
Brand Product Shade Condition Price
Ladykin Gumho Nail Polish Cashmere Purple used 1x $2
The Saem Eco Soul UV Gel Nail see photo BN $4
ISO If the price is right I may buy ONLY the things listed, open to swaps for these items as well
*Demeter Fragrance Library Perfume: Sex on the Beach
*Limited Edition Japanese skincare bottles (empty prefered) with Disney Characters
*Anything Disney try me, excluding the MAC Disney Items
So that about wraps it up! I appreciate it if you made it all the way to the end, it’s a lot of stuff! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or if you want more usage detail on anything, or even more pictures!
Have a great day everyone!
More to come Stay Tuned :)
Also check out my ABX Post for loads of decants and everything AB!
submitted by ktlady0225 to makeupexchange [link] [comments]


Hello Everyone!
So the Nitty Gritty Details first as always:
Sale Set Up
Going to go by timestamps for dibs, and will use the typical NIL system that most sales use. Please don’t ghost me, I really do not mind if you change your mind. And if you cannot commit to an item within 2 hours I will move to the next person- unless we have arrangements made via PM holding time wise.Don’t like my prices? Make me an offer, I am pretty flexible to a point, no lowballs, but a lot of the prices are a decent percent off retail already, so I may be firmer on some things price wise. Also it’s a lot of stuff to keep track of, so I apologize if it hasn’t been removed from the list right away if it’s been sold!
Shipping Starts at $3 and goes up by weight- depending how heavy or how much you buy we can probably come up with a bundle price for you. And I will try and get the shipping as cheap as possible- even if I have to send stuff separately or get creative lol.
Going to be shipping within the USA, but I have done a few Canada sales, and one to the Netherlands- so if you are International and really don’t mind the $$$ shipping let me know we can work something out. You would be responsible for any and all customs issues that arrive if they were to occur- so you are agreeing to that as well when you purchase internationally from me. Can also insure the package on request- you cover that too.
I take payments through Paypal only please. I prefer Friends and Family Payments, but if you would like Goods and Services Protection, then you would just cover the fees. If it is a lot of stuff you are buying and would like G&S I prefer to send you an invoice, you still cover fees.
I would more than likely mess it up completely so that will be 100% up to the purchaser.
Mods: Verification is tagged in sets of items- like I will tag the first thing out of a list of what the photo contains. Let me know if there are any no no’s in my post and I will fix it promptly.
ON TO THE GOODIES small wishlist on bottom
bh Cosmetics
*Pride and Prejudice and Zombies LE Palette RIS other person used a few times and so did I $10 closed
Butter London
*Crown Jewels Gift Set- $26 value -BN $18
*Pressed Single in Double Date BN $4
Etude House
*Deluxe Any Cushion Set with Refill and Primer in the shade Petal $18
*Any Cushion Refill in Vanilla BN $10
*Any Cushion Cushion Foundation in (?) Petal (have me double check shade) BN $14
Japonesque Brushes All BN
*Angled Brow/Eye - $8
*Cut Crease- $10
*Blending Eye- $10
*Foundation Angled- $12
*Wonder Pencil in Deep BN x2 $2 each
Real Techniques
*Limited Edition Travel Size Mini Contour Brush with Full Size Head BN $8
*Limited Edition Travel Size Mini Expert Pro Brush with Full Size Head BN x2 $8 each
*Limited Edition Blurred Finish Gift Set BN $22
*Sculpting Sponge BN x2 (one package is ripped) $8 each
*Limited Edition Color Correcting Made Easy Brush & Sponge Gift Set BN $22
Too Faced
*DS Chocolate Soleil in medium/deep open Possibly swatched, more than likely not. $4
TZ Cosmetics
*Aurora Borealis Highlighting Palette may have been swatched $15 closed
Wet n Wild
*Limited Edition Geometric Highlighter BN $4
Tools *NYX Brush Cleanser BN x3 $8 each *Ecotools Brush Cleanser BN x2 $6 each
Hollywood Beauty Sweater Saver BN $6 *Brush Cleansing Mat BN $5 *Drugstore Makeup**
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Blues (don’t remember name) Used 2-3x $2
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Neons BN Sealed $3
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Nudes/Bronze BN Sealed $3
*LA Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Purples BN Sealed $3
*CoverGirl True Naked Jewels Eyeshadow Palette used 1-2x $4 Brush not included
*Covergirl Total Eye Look Palette in Blues (forgot name) BN Sealed $3 *Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Gilded Envy BN $3 *Nonie Colour Prevails Eye Shimmer Powder in Purple and in Silver both BN Discontinued $6 each *Coastal Scents Revealed Smokey Eye Sampler $1 or FWP BN *ELF Baked Trio Eyeshadow in Purples (man these names are hard to remember) BN Not Sealed $3
*Elf Eye Smudge Brush FWP or $1 *Revlon Photoready Eye Art in Peach Colors BN Sealed $3
*Walgreens x DC comic collab Catwoman Eyeshadow Palette closed BN $5
*JCat Baked Eyeshadow in Creme Brulee BN $5
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss Lipstick in 110 (I believe it is a matte lip) BN $3
12/24 NEW
ABH Glow Kit open BN $32 *has small slice on back of cardboard sleeve- doesn't affect palette
*ABH Lip Gloss in Punchy Red BN - $12
*ABH Lip Gloss in Socialite BN -$12
*ABH Lip Gloss in Petal BN -$12
*ABH Lip Gloss in Barbie Pink BN -$12
*ABH Liquid Lipstick in Soft Lilac BN- $12
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in 10k BN x2 -$8 each
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Topaz BN -$8
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Gem BN -$8
*ABH Eyeshadow Single in Day Rate BN -$8
*ABH Metallic Eyeliner in Liquid Silver BN - $14
BITE Beauty *Lush Fruit Lip Gloss in Spice BN - $12
*Lush Fruit Lip Gloss in Peach BN -$12
*Lip Pencil in 038 BN - $10
City Color
*Eyeshadow Single in All Eyes on Me BN - $4
*Tsum TsumAnna & Elsa HYALURONIC ACID Sheet Mask- x5 $2.50 each
*Tsum Tsum Winnie the Pooh & Piglet Honey Sheet Mask- x5 $2.50 each
*Modern Twist Kajal Liner in Grey TideBN - $10
*Modern Twist Kajal Liner in NightcastBN - $10
Marc Jacobs
*Enamored Nail Polish in 116 shocking BN - $14
*NYX Round Lipstick in Jupiter BN x2- $3 each
*NYX Round Lipstick in Summer Love BN x3- $3 each
Real Techniques
*Bold Metals Blush Brush 300 BN x2- $10 each
*DS Always On Gel Eyeliner in Fishnet BN - $8
*Lady Gaga Black Liquid FAME perfume - BN -$12
*DS Juicy Couture Roller Ball Charm usage shown - $3
*Bath and Body Works Breathe Perfume usage shown- Discontinued Scent/ Hard to find - $20
*Victoria’s Secret Very Sexy perfume BN- 2007 version Hard to Find Bottle Style- $25
*Britney Spears Curious perfume- usage line shown by arrow in picture - $8
*Hilary Duff With Love perfume- usage shown- $15
*Disney A Princess Wish perfume- sprayed 1-4 times Discontinued $12
*GAP Love Shack body spray- Discontinued- usage shown- $7
*Bath and Body Works Signature Vanillas: Coconut body spray- Discontinued Scent- usage shown- $12
*Got2B Kinkier Curl Mousse should be 70-80% full I will double check if interested (price will be adjusted if less) $5
*Tresemme Keratin Smooth Serum usage shown- $3
*Got2B Oil-licious Calm and Shine Styling Oil Discontinued- usage shown $5
*Got2B Smooth Operator Smoothing Luxury Mousse usage line $4
*Travel Size Big Sexy Hair Spritz and Stay BN - $3
Travel Size Pantene Sheer Volume Foam BN $3 *ETC.**
*Juice Beauty Luminous Lip Crayon in: 12 Malibu -BN $6
*Ipsy December Bag - BN $6
*Green Italy Towel BN -$2 each
*Lottie London Nail Polish in Riot! BN -$5
*Nail Inc Floral Decals nail polish- used 2-4 times- $2
*Kiss Gradation Polishes Kit BN - $3
*DS First Aid Beauty Facial Cleanser BN -$6
*DS Avene A - Oxitive BN $8
*DS Korres Rose Facial Sleeping Mask - $7
BITE Beauty
*Bite mini Amuse Buche Lip in Fig and Meringue - $5 each
*Mini Liquid Lips Matte2: all BN $3.50 each
*More Better
*Times Square
*Love Bug
*Creeper x2
*Bad Habit
*Mini Liquid Satin Lips: all BN $3.50 each
*Mess Around
*Magic Wand
* Ultra Matte Lips FS
*Beeper- Swatched 1x $4
LE GWP Only Take Five x2- BN $6
*ILUVSARAHII X Colourpop “Mamacita”- BN $5
*Ultra Glossy Lips
All BN, LE, SOLD OUT - all BN $5 each
*Wishes x2
*Bash (old formula)
*RSVP x2
*Bash (new formula & box- color differr) - BN $5
*MISC Colourpop Lips
*Lippie Stix- LE GWP Only- Fab Five- BN $6
*Lippie Pencil in: Oversized - Swatched 1x $3
*Ultra Satin in Calypso- BNIB $6
Coloured Raine
*Matte Lip Paint in: Sugar x4 - BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Soul x2- BN $6 each
*Matte Lip Paint in: Marshmallow x2- BN $6 each
Dose of Colors
*DOC in: Cotton Candy x2-BN $9
*DOC in: Attitude- BN $9
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Stain in:Pink Petal- swatched 1x - $2
*ELF x Disney Collab Ariel Lip Super Gloss in: Sunrise - BN $3
*Elf Mini DS Lips- all BN $1 each
*ELF Lip Laquer in Natural- BNIB $3
Pink *(how original)
*Funky Fuchsia
Gerard Cosmetics
*Berry Smoothie Lipstick x3- BN $6 each
*All Dolled Up Lipstick x3-BN $7 each
*Fire Engine Lipstick -BN $6
*Kimchi Doll Lipstick -BN $7
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Pink Tiara- BN $8
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Coral Craze- BN $8
*Color Your Smile Lip Gloss in: Butter Cream- BN $8
Hot Makeup
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Bubbly- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Casino Night- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunset- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Runway- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Like a Queen- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Sunkissed- BN $7
*Kiss Me More Lip Cream in: Blown Away- BN $7
*Lipstick: Crystal’s Kiss- BN $7
*Lipstick: Take it Off- BN $9
*Lipstick : Voyage- BN $9
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Lovecraft- swatched 1x $12
*Studded Kiss Lipstick in Hellbent- BNIB $14
KIKO Cosmetics
*More Colour Lip Liner in: Billowing Peach x4- BN $4 each
*Studio Shine Lip in Jasmine- BN $5
*Studio Shine Lip in Dutchess- BN $5
*LaSplash Liquid Velvet Matte Lip in Red Velvet- BNIB box damaged- $7
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Saintly- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Bitter Berry- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Crayon Lip in: Madly Mandarin- BN $5
*Lipland Matte Lip in: Samantha x3- BN $5 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: So Seductive x3- BN $5 each
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Get Lucky- BN $5
*Lipland Liquid Lipstick in: Olympus- BN $5
*Burts Bee’s Mint Cocoa Chapstick BN $2
*Buxom DS in: Rose Juelp- BN $4
*Buxom FS Liquid Lip in: Moonlighter- BN $6
*Carmex Moisture Plus (tint)- swatched 1x $1
*Clinique Black Honey DS Lip- BN $6
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte Lip in: Catoure - BN $3
*Covergirl Katy Kat Matte in: Crimson Cat- BN $3
*Essence Matte Lip - swatched x2 $1
*DS Grande Lips Lip Plumper - x2 BN $5 each
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Jack Skellington- Pumpkin Spice Latte- BNIB- $5 x4
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Sally Peppermint Candy Corn- BNIB- $5 x2 *LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Ursula Wicked Grape- BNIB- $5 x2
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Cruella De Vill Cruel Red Velvet- BNIB- $5 x1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Maleficent Blackberry Magic- BNIB- $5 X1
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Halloween Minnie Sour Trick or Treat Candy- BNIB- $5
*LipSmackers Tsum Tsum Stackable Lip Balm Vampire Mickey Spooky Ooky Smores- BNIB- $5 x3
Maybeline Baby Lips in: Purple Container and Pink Container- both swatched 1-2 times $1 each *(can’t find names on them)
*Nivea Shimmer Lip Care- opened but BN $2
*Palladio Herbal Lipstick in: Smokey Rose x4- one opened but all BN $3 each
*Rimmel London x Kate Moss in 113- used lightly x2 $2
*The Lip Bar in: Cosmo- BN $6
*Ulta DS Color Rush Lip Gloss in: Olivia - BN $2
*Ulta Matte Lip Crayon in: Soiree - BN $2
Walgreens x DC comics Collab in “Combat” and “Bravery” -$1 each *(see notes for other info pertaining to these
Nonie Colour Prevails
Liquid Lip with Clear Matte Topper- all BN $4 each *COLORS
*Retro Pink
*Darkest Taupe
*Suede Matte Lip Liners- all BN $2 each
*Prune x2
*Stockholm x5
*Cannes x7
*Orange County
*Cherry Skies
*Tea & Cookies
*Run the World
*Subversive Socialite
*Club Hopper
*Foiled Again x7
*Life’s a Beach
*London x3
*Los Angeles x3
*Whipped Caviar x4
*Copenhagen x4
*Milan x2
*Respect the Pink x3
*Pink Lust x2
*Sao Paulo x5
*Kitten Heels x3
*Vintage Red x4
*Aria x4
*Alabama x2
*Nyx Lip Liner in: Dolly Pink- BN $2
Nyx Matte Lipstick- all BN $3 each (a couple are opened but still BN)
*Daydream x3
*Shy x2
*Bloody Mary x2
*Pure Red
*Indie Flick x4
*Pale Pink x2
*Couture x4
Nyx Macaron Matte Lip - all BN $3 each
*Blue Velvet
Nyx Butter Lipstick - all BN $3 each
*Big Cherry
*Sugar Wafer
*Nyx Lingerie in: Satin Ribbon x 5 - all BN $3 each
*Nyx Mega Shine Lipgloss in: Perfect Red x2- all BN $3 each
*Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Cherry Cheesecake
*Sugar Cookie
*Tiramisu x3
*Peaches and Cream x2
*Strawberry Parfait x2
*Red Velvet
*Creme Brulee x4
*Peach Cobbler x2
Nyx Intense Butter Gloss- all BN $3 each
*Spice Cake x2
*Sorbet x2
*Funnel Delight x3
*Orangesicle x2
OCC Cosmetics
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tarin: Digitalis- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Anime- BN $8
*Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Femme x2- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Queen- BN $8
*RTW Liquid Lipstick Lip Tar in: Narcissus- BN $8
Tattoo Junkie
*Happy Hour with Sparkle Lip Effect BN- $7
Matte Lip Paint with Effect Toppers- all swatched 1x $4 each
*Minx with Velvety Lip Effect
*Walgreens x DC comics Collab in: Riot with Sparkle Effect Lip topper
*Outcast with Chroma Effect Lip Topper
Too Faced
*Lip Insurance Glossy- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Pitch Perfect- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Maneater- BN $9
*Le Matte Lipstick in: Bachelorette BN $9
*Melted Lip in: Melted Melon-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Marshmallow- BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Fuchsia-BN $8
*Melted Lip in: Melted Frozen Hot Chocolate- BN $8
Wet n Wild
Fall 2017 LE Catsuit Matte Lip - all BN $7 each *COLORS
*Sleepy Hollow x4
*Boo Blu x4
*Widow’s Peak
*Purple Panic
*Terrifying Tangerine
*LE Midnight Mermaid Metallic Matte Catsuit -all BN $7 each
*Coral Crown
*Harbor a Crush
*Sea Seduction
*Lara’s Necklace
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in : Rebel Rose- swatched x2 $3
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Give Me Mocha- BN $5
*Mega Last Matte Catsuit in: Coral Corruption used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in: Turn’t Orange- used 1x- $2
*Wet n Wild Velvet Matte Lip Crayon in” Shelly Shocked- used 1x-$2
*Wet n Wild Gel Lip Liner in: Never Petal Down- used 1x- $1 (or FWP)
*Cushion Matte Lip in: Melon Like it is - BN $5
*Lipstick in: Think Pink- BN $1
*Gel Lip Liner in: Red The Scene- BN $3
*World Famous Neutrals Palette (open) (closed) - might have swatched each color 1x if that (does not come with eyeshadow look cards)- $16
BH Cosmetics
*28 Color Neutral Eyes Palette(closed) (open) (details/usage notes) - used 5-6x - $6
Coastal Scents
*Hot Pots at Various uses - $1 each
*Fancy Pansy
*Venetian Red
*Volcanic Blast
*Pale Daffodil
*Light Yellow
*Blue Moon
*Gypsy Blue
*Elven Silver
*Snow Pea
*Mellow Yellow
*Sea Lily
*Colourpop Element of Surprise Eyeshadow Palette - used a few shades 2x- $14
*I Think I Love You pressed shadow palette- BNIB $18
*Colourpop Yes Please Palette BNIB- just came with powder stains on lid -$14
Super Shock Shadows - BNIB
*Reversible x2- $5 * Supermodel x3- Discontinued-$6
*The One- Discontinued- $6 right side up
*One by One- SOLD OUT- $6 (pictured twice, or I may have two- see below)
*Shop- BNIB- $5
*Posey BN - $5
*Cherries Jubilee
*Pressed in:Snake Eyes- swatched 1x $3
*Pressed in: Let’s Do It- used wet x2 for eyeliner- $3
I buy too many doubles...grr, here is what I have with those:
*Pressed in Running Late BNIB $4
*Pressed in Blowfish BNIB $4
*ELF Prism Eyeshadow Palette in Naked- BNIB $6
Kat Von D
*Lighting Liner in: Poe- BN $8 note:(had some color on tip when purchased)
*Shade and Light Eye Palette in Rust- BNIB $14
KIKO Cosmetics
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 05 Gold and Teal- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 04 Sky Blue and Indigo- BN $5
*Double Dare Eyeshadow and Liner in: 03 Lilac and Plum- BN $5
Looxi Beauty
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Sorbet- has been repress, but now you have to really work at it to get color- FWP if interested
*Looxi Single Pan Eyeshadow in Firefly- swatched 3x $4
*Makeup Forever DS Shadow in 6RO1 (?) closed - BN $5
*FS UD 24/7 Glide on Velvet Eyeliner in Lush- BN $14
[Naked Cosmetics* Loose Pigment]( in: Mother Nature- Swatched 1x- $6
*Revlon Color Exactify Wheel Liquid Liner in black- tried one time on one eye- $5
*Sephora + Pantone Universe Color of the Year Palette (open) (closed) - RIS BNIB- did not use so BNIB- $30
*Vintage Single Shadow - swatched 1x $8
*Tarte DSTarteist Mascara BNIB $12
Too Faced
*Violet Femme Single Shadow - BN $10
*Cat Eyes Palette used $7
Wet n Wild * Unicorn Pigment Collection - BN $15 as a 3 set x2 or $5 each for singles
*Midnight Mermaid Collection Liquid Shadows all BN $7 each
*Moonlight Majesty (purple)
*Mysterious Nights (dark, kinda greyish? Best to look up swatches)
*Lara’s Necklace (green)
Winky Lux
*Winky Lux Kitten Palette - Used only a few colors once, purchased swatched only on MUE open - $14
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: Demi Black x2 BN- $3 each
*Bat Those Lashes by Ardell in: 616 Black x3 BN- $3 each
*Spooky Lashes by Ardell in: Goddess (top and bottom) x2- BN $4 each
*Kiss Lashes Flutterful & Fierce x5 BN $3 each
Want to try Colourpop’s Crystal Spray Primers, but don’t want to buy the bottle? DECANTS AVAILABLE! Great for foiling Eyeshadows!
5ml eye dropper- $1.50 10ml eye dropper- $2.50 10ml Spray Bottle- $3.50 (spray bottles are slightly pricey)
Available in the following:
*[Rose Quartz)[
Face Continued
*YSL Blur Primer DS- BNIB $15
*Coty Air Spun Powder in Naturally Neutral- BN only opened for pictures- $5
*It Cosmetics Color Correcting Full Coverage & Anti Aging Hydrating Serum DS- BN $5
*Makeup Revolution strobing/highlighting duo chrome palette (I used as creme eyeshadows)- each shade at least swatched some lightly used- $10
*LA Girl Face Setting Powder- Used 1-2x $4
*L'oreal Lumi Cushion Foundation in W2 OPEN used lightly, no cushion puff included- $4 . *Tarte DS Amazonian Clay Blush in Seduce- BNIB $14
*ELF Highlighting Holographic Duo in Siren’s Call- Swatched yellow side 2x- $6
*ELF Shining Facial Whip - BNIB $3
*Wet n Wild Paint Palette Limited Edition in Metallics- x2 BN $4 each
*Algenist Luminizing Drops in Rose- BN $20
*DS Benefit Watts Up - BN $7
*GlamGlow Glow Starter in Nude Glow - $5
*Milk Blur Stick DS - BN $4
*It cosmetics CC+ DS in Medium- BN $5
Sonia Kashuk Limited Edition SOLD OUT Brush Sets
*4 piece Pop Art Set x4- BNIB $12.50 each
*Saydee’s Work of Art Matching Brush Cup x2 $6 each
*Smashbox Brush #9 - used, make an offer not sure what to price at
*Kate Spade Makeup Bag flaw opened - Used, Loved, Zipper is cracking other than that still in great shape- I’m thinking $25 but open to offers
*Crown Chisel Brush BN - $5
*Soho The Little Mermaid Makeup Bag opened Used 1-2x Tops Brand New Looking- $6
*Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray By Home Basics -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $8
*Large Acrylic Makeup Organizer Tray -BN never used (heavier to ship but we can work something out) - $10
*Mac Brush #159 BN $18
Not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but I have an old vintage perfume bottle for sale, opened closed
*Dr. Brandt Pore Dermabrasion DS- $6
*Scary Pretty Face Mask BN $1 each *Pumpkin Spice x2 *Sugar Cookie
*Stratia Soft Touch AHA Decants| 5ml-$2
Demeter’s Fragrance Library Watermelon Lollipop 15ml only sampled a bit $4
Kat Von D
*Sinner DS BNIB- $8
*Twirl Sample - usages shown: Fuller-$1.50 not so full- $1
*Chloe Sample - usage shown $0.50
*Betsey Johnson Too Too - usage shown $0.50
*JLO Love Glow - usage shown, no cap $4
*BN Sample Size - $2 each
*Black Tulip - Nest Fine Fragrances x2
*California Clementine
*Tory Burch Love Relentlessly
*Marc Anthony Hydrating Coconut and Shea Butter Travel Size- BN $6
*Briogeo Repair Don’t Despair Deep Conditioning Mask DS- BN $4
*Forever 21 Heart Shaped Curlers - BN never used- $2
*Forever 21 Circle Shaped Curlers - BN never Used- $2
*Hair how-to Barette Roll - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $4 *Hair how-to Barette Perfect Bob - Probably tried 1x like new comes with instructions $3
*E-Pony how to Barrette - Never used only opened- $4 backside
*French Twister Hair how to - probably tried 1x like new $4
*Hair Braider how to NO instructions - BN $2
*Herbal Essences Bio- essence Dry Shampoo - usage line estimated in picture- $3
*TGI Bed Head After Party -70-80% left $5
*DS OUAI Treatment Mask BN $5
*Broadway Nails Press on Glow in the Dark Manicure- BN $3
*ORLY Color Blast in Fly like Flit (orange)- used 1x $2
*ORLY Color Blast in Follow Your Path (blue) - BN never used $3
*Sally Hansen Color Therapy in Reflection Pool - used one time $3
*LE Wet n Wild Holiday 2016 Mega Last in R-U-FREE-2-DANCE - used 1x $5
AB Makeup
Brand Name Shade Usage Price
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Mild Mandarin BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Pink Rabbit BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Real Peach BN $7
3CE Liquid Paint Gloss Romantic Peach BN $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Honey Pink BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Momo BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pink Skirt BN x2 $7
3CE Matte Lipstick Pure Pink BN $7
Apieu LE Apieu x Rilakkuma Shimmer Eyeshadow GL 101 sealed- 2 Available $5 each
Beauty People Fast 10's Gel Liner Auto Pencil Diamond Brown swatched 2x $6
Berrisom My Lip Tint Pack Pure Pink BN $6
Brow Lash EX LE Minnie Brow Powder and Brow Liner Duo 24hr Waterproof Light Brown only swatched powder side 1x $12
Clio Kill Black Waterproof Eyeliner 01 Black see notes on photo $4
Clio Chic Matte Eyeliner Black swatched 2x $6
Dolly Wink Color Eyeliner Sugar Purple used 1x $7
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Little Bear Star used 2x $3
Etude House Bling Bling Eye Stick Shooting Star sealed $4
Etude House Cookie Blusher "Strawberry Choux" used 2-3x No Puff $4
Etude House Dear Darling Lips Wonder Fun Park BL 601 used lightly 2x $3
Etude House Eyebrow Brush see photo notes $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 805 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest BK 806 sealed-2 available $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest PP 505 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Budapest GR 708 opened light usage $3
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 003 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 005 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes PK 010 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BE 104 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes OR 205 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 303 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes RD 304 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BR 405 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes BK 802 sealed $4
Etude House Look at My Eyes Jewel BE 103 sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 428 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BR 429 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection BL 606 Sealed $4
Etude House LE Look at My Eyes Cosmic Collection GR 709 Opened used 1-2x $3
Etude House LE Ice Cream Pink Makeup Pouch Sealed $5
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 01 White Tear Sealed $4
Etude House Tear Drop Eye Liner 04 Pink Tear swatched 2x $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 05 (brown sparkle not sure on name) sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 06 Olive Peridot sealed $4
Holika Holika Jewel Light Waterproof Liner 07 Carat Diamond used 1x $3
Holika Holika [Jewel Under Eye Maker] Pink used liner end 3x swatched shadow end 1x $4
Holika Holika Magic Pole Liner 2x 01 Black Eyeliner swatched 1x $8
Holika Holika Shimmer Eye Shadow SPP 3 sealed $4
It's Skin Babyface Petit Gel Eyeliner 05 (dark blue-ish teal) used 1x $3
It's Skin Babyface Petit Blusher 04 used 3x no Puff $3
Koji Eye Talk Excellent Double Eyelid Maker Moisturizing BN $10
Koji Spring Heart False Lashes with glue BN $4
Ladykin Shadow Stick Yellow Green swatched 2x $4
Lioele Duo Eyeshadow No.1 Golden Godiva BN $8
Lioele Mix Concealer Palette closed/open Only Comes In This Shade Combo see closed photo caption notes $9
Missha Missha x Line Friends 4D Mascara front back Black Sealed $7
Missha Shimmer Eyeshadow GBE 03 Sealed $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow 5BL 01 see photo notes $4
Missha Matte Eyeshadow SGR 01 see photo notes $3
Peripera Touch Pang Lip Brunch With Pink BNIB 2 available $8
Secret Key Chubby Jelly Lips Cherry Red BN $6
Secret Key Twinkle Waterproof Gel Liner Purple Sparkle )not sure of name BN $6
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips Joyful Red- Little Mermaid BN $10
The Face Shop Tint Glass Lips can't read name- Snow White BN $10
The Saem Face Lightener CC SPF30 PA++ Green used 1x 90% left $5
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 06 see photo notes $2
Witch's Pouch Silk Glow Art Shadow Stick 01 swatched 1x $3
AB Nails US Shipping ONLY
Brand Product Shade Condition Price
Ladykin Gumho Nail Polish Cashmere Purple used 1x $2
The Saem Eco Soul UV Gel Nail see photo BN $4
ISO If the price is right I may buy ONLY the things listed, open to swaps for these items as well
*Demeter Fragrance Library Perfume: Sex on the Beach
*Limited Edition Japanese skincare bottles (empty prefered) with Disney Characters
*Anything Disney try me, excluding the MAC Disney Items
*Stila Magnificent Metals Duo Chrome Shades- Sunset Cove, Sea Siren, and Into the Blue
So that about wraps it up! I appreciate it if you made it all the way to the end, it’s a lot of stuff! Feel free to ask any questions you may have, or if you want more usage detail on anything, or even more pictures!
Have a great day everyone!
More to come Stay Tuned :)
Also if you are looking for A LOT of skincare check out my SCX post and my ABX post for everything Asian Beauty :)
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diamond jacks casino liquidation sale video

Resurrected at $5 Slot★Double 4x Wild Cherry, Double ... - YouTube Unbelievable !! Rare HANDPAY JACKPOT On Jackpot Streak ... SHE FOUND 300 GIFT CARDS- HOW MUCH MONEY DID SHE ... - YouTube 13 Valuable Things Found In Abandoned Places - YouTube BUFFALO GOLD FINALLY LOVES ME AGAIN 💜BIG WIN ON ... I put Over $1000 into the High Limit Coin Pusher! Was it ... FOUND MONEY IN SAFE I Bought Abandoned Storage ... - YouTube This Guy Scammed The Pawn Stars Out Of $10,000 - YouTube 25 Secrets Casinos REALLY Don’t Want You To Know - YouTube

BOSSIER CITY, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – Diamond Jacks in Bossier City is having a liquidation sale starting Thursday and everything must go, according to the company contracted to sell off everything from commercial kitchen and laundry equipment to flat screen TVs and stage lights. The casino and hotel announced in May... Diamond Jacks in Bossier City is having a liquidation sale starting Thursday and everything must go, according to the company contracted to sell off everything from commercial kitchen and laundry The Foundation Gaming Group will purchase Vicksburg’s DiamondJacks casino located on the Mississippi River, which the Gulfport-based company has operated since the casino emerged from bankruptcy in 2013, according to an announcement made by Foundation on Monday.. The Mississippi Gaming Commission is scheduled to vote on Thursday to approve the sale of the former Isle of Capri which opened in Diamond Jacks Casino & Hotel Liquidation Sale 711 Diamond Jacks Blvd- Bossier City, Louisiana, 71111 The sale is now over. Thanks to all who attended! FEATURING 560 GUESTROOM AND SUITE FURNISHINGS: It's very sad that Diamond Jack's isn't open right now due to Covid 19 but some of the Casino in the same town are open. I was very unhappy when I came into Shreveport Louisiana and my favorite Bargain hunters hit liquidation sale at former Diamond Jacks Hotel BOSSIER CITY, La. -- Bargain hunters are rolling the dice on hundreds of rooms full of items… Facebook Diamond Jacks - Legends Buffet, Bossier City: See 64 unbiased reviews of Diamond Jacks - Legends Buffet, rated 3 of 5, and one of Bossier City restaurants on Tripadvisor. Diamond Jacks in Bossier City is having a liquidation sale starting Thursday and everything must go, according to the company contracted to sell off everything from commercial kitchen and laundry. In a news release on Friday from Peninsula Pacific, DiamondJacks Hotel & Casino owner, said they are considering redeveloping an existing gaming license. The plan is to either expand at its current location in Bossier City or move to a new location in Tangipahoa Parish along the Tangipahoa River. Successful Transitions. We recognize that every property has it’s own traditions. The experience of our people, our knowledge of the business, our integrity and work ethic – combine to assure that the transformation of your property, large or small, is in keeping with it’s rich tradition.. NCL is not one to rest on past laurels, but they are our tradition. It's the liquidation sale at the closed Diamond Jacks Hotel. Items from the hotel's 560 rooms, plus its offices, kitchens and restaurants all have price tags. "Today is the first day of a 70 day sale.

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Resurrected at $5 Slot★Double 4x Wild Cherry, Double ...

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diamond jacks casino liquidation sale

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